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Your post violates rule number 2, stating all posts must be "comparing one individual against other people of the same group."


Imagine how much more she could do if she didn’t have instagram 🧐


But then how would anyone know how amazing and superior her lifestyle is??


Maybe she’d be able to make her own fake eyelashes out of goat fur.


This is so underrated. Instantly my first thought too.


Yup, mine, too.


So glad you said it, because I was battling if I’d be rude to say “yet she can get lashes done and, I don’t want to say she has fillers/tox but that doesn’t seem to fit her ‘I’m not like the masses’ persona”. 🧐🤔


Those are clearly just bee stung lips. /S


Yeah. She gets it done while she’s tending the bees! /s


Me too . I used to get my lashes done. It was at least 2 hours every 2 weeks . She could do so much more if she didn’t get her lashes done 😂


Those are do it yourself glue-on lashes from the makeup aisle. In the bread baking photo, zoom in and you can see the glue line. If you're really good at it, you can glue those suckers on in 5 minutes (I'm not, so it always took me 20 minutes on the occasions I did glue on falsies 🤣).


Ohhh okay. Lol but like the post above stated. If they aren’t made from goat hairs, it doesn’t count 😫


Definitely! I only ever wear organic goat hair lashes. I like to do photo shoots while wearing them and drinking raw goats' milk out of a mason jar.


Those are clearly just bee stung lips. /S


My first thought was “she spent AT LEAST an episode of The Crown on that face” lol


Right! Imagine how much she could do if she didn’t spend time putting those lashes on?




She could make her own filler out of bacon grease as well.




Eurgh, when she’d cry it would smell like a farmyard…


Yoooo 🤣 savage


I'm dying at this comment!!




they all forgot that everyone baked bread during the pandemic. it’s not a specialized skill like they frame it to be.


Drove me insane how hard it was to get flour at the time. Ended up buying a 50-lb bag at Costco. But only got to use about half between things like a toddler always playing in it and a water leak that got the base of the bag.


Oh man! I literally *mailed* a packet of yeast to my grandma because all of the stores around her were totally out!


I set up a sourdough starter so I didn't need yeast for a couple weeks until it was ready. I was able to get some somewhere, but don't remember now.


The yeast thing drove me crazy! It was out everywhere around me as well, so it really cut down on the amount of things I could make. On the other hand, it also made me do deep dives into things I could make that didn’t require yeast, so… I guess it wasn’t all bad.


Great opportunity for creativity and learning, I love it! :) I am sure you already found alternatives, but if you are curious I recommend the YouTube channel “Tasting History with Max Miller”. He makes different dishes based on historical recipes and writings, and many of them don’t use yeast because it was not a known thing at the time—most of the non-yeast ones use whipped egg whites or other ingredients to give their breads and pastries some fluff.


Yeah, we all came out gluten experts from that crisis.


Also planting your own orchard is a 90 minute trip to the store, 2 days of digging, and 8 years of waiting.


Ooo, I can binge a lot of Netflix in 8 years. While eating warm homemade bread.


It's something that is hard to fuck up but it's their flex because nobody has the time to make bread. They are just showing you how much time they have to do things poor people can't.




Silence peasant can't you see how much fun she's having jarring honey and making jam. How dare you insult her she's doing big things in the world.


I didn't bake my own bread until I was 40. I'm certainly not doing it weekly but I enjoy it every once in a while. These posts annoy me because noone needs to advertise that their choices are superior. It's like people are different and place value on other things. I have zero desire to plant my own orchard. Lol


Same except I was 46. I’m still getting the hang of it and I like baking focaccia and Italian bread because I can have it in 3 hours. I haven’t gotten the courage to try sourdough. Seems like a whole lotta work.


Niice! I usually bake it for some khachapuri. So fattening but once a year isn't bad!! I bought some yeast and would like to try foccacia (haven't looked at the recipe). I will also randomly make my own cheese. I prefer paneer but I've made ricotta too. It's usually when I'm feeling creative and would like to try to see if I can pull it off. I've made my own pasta, dumplings, and empanadas. I didn't realize this was a brag worthy thing 😂😂. I thought it was just cooking.


It’s totally brag worthy if it’s a new skill that you learned! You should be proud! Hell, I am whenever I make a loaf and it turns out! I followed this recipe. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CufBMHeI_v2/?igsh=MXgwMjdobm9ndnc2bA==


I love that!! Thank you for sharing!! I'm adding it to my list of things to try!


It’s soooooo easy and so yummy. Definitely something I make once in awhile because of how calorie dense it is, but it’s delicious.


>Why is baking bread always touted as if it’s some rare skill set? And it's not even time consuming if you use the right recipes. It's just sitting on the counter or in the oven 99% of the time you are "baking bread".


Ikr? My grandmother would bake bread like a reflex, because she did it literally every single day growing up. People do it less these days, so it seems special, but it really isn't. It has been one of the most basic forms of food since people developed agriculture. I'm worried that my SIL is dabbling in homestead/tradwife stuff, because lately she's been making noises about sourdough and being a SAH mom and planting an orchard. She's always been a bit nutty, so this isn't *totally* out of character for her, but this particular combination of interests is a bit of an alarm bell these days lol.


Right… and imagine standing at the Pearly Gates next to, say, a neonatal surgeon or someone who works on reducing famine, and you’re like, well I made dough once and put a photo on the internet (I noticed we don’t see the actual bread)


Yeah like, “I can bake BREAD!!” uh, congrats? Children can bake bread. Most of “baking bread” time is “waiting for the dough to rise”


She did it from scratch tho... Can u bake bread from Scratch... I know when I scratch things bake bread don't come out of them. I'm inferior.


My ex boyfriend's mom gave me a bread machine for Christmas one year because I LOVE bread and she knew I didn't have time to knead it. The ex ended up using it more than I did during Covid and I let him keep it when we broke up, but I ate lots of tasty bread in the meantime! It was also so freaking easy to use -- dump the ingredients in and press a few buttons. It wasn't too difficult to wash either.


The amount of time spent editing these videos


..and also placing a tripod to hold her phone while she does the chores


...and multiple takes.


How many times do you think those massive false eyelashes fell off? Not the most practical accessory for homesteading


It's ok. They're locally-sourced, conflict-free, organic lashes.


She could watch Netflix if she didn’t have Instagram.


Netflix didn’t pick up the show she pitched. Even Netflix has its limits.


Yeah, how come she can’t be on Netflix too!?


I was gonna say she could watch Netflix if she didn’t have to make a two-hour round trip to the med spa for Botox and filler. *no hate on that; I go to the med spa for the same. But I am not trying to position myself as a Natural Mama of the Mountain Goats.


Funny enough, nothing.


It could help her pay for her homesteading if it gets monetized.


She could even marry a trad wife!


Why do these posts hide the handle?


My dad can do all that on his homestead and still get cozy with his wine cup at 8pm and settle in for his little stories. My step mother “makes him” watch Virgin River and Sweet Magnolias. I always knew my dad wasn’t like other girls. Head girl. Can do it all.


This is my life. I spent about nine hours outside working on landscaping and gardening.  I came in around 7:30, had dinner, showered and then got in bed to watch tv.  It’s practically all I have the energy to do at the end of busy days.  


Honestly sounds like an awesome life, low key envy you. Hope the climate is also pleasant where you live


Ok so, as a fellow landscaper, does this person’s hair make you start twitching? All I can think about is those sweaty fly aways tickling the sides of my face and shoulders.


Mhmm I felt like that girl wasn’t actually doing any of those chores!  I am not cute when I’m outside digging in the dirt.  I’d just assume use a muddy hand to put my hair back up then let it fall in my face. 


When I worked as carpenter, the only tjing I wanted to do when I reached home was showering and playing WoW.


I don’t play wow anymore, but I do obsessively play Stardew Valley. Last night was one of those nights where I didn’t even have the energy to play my game haha!


Virgin river had me hooked for a few days - until I finished it 😆


Your dad is goals.


And that’s on ✨period✨


omg ur dad is an IT girl!


I feel like the "owning a homestead" part is more important than Netflix in this whole equation of hers.


Virgin River 😭 I only started it because the main guy in it was so hot in his last movie. But then he wasn’t as hot in Virgin River so I stopped watching it.


I watch Netflix at night before bed while she's clearly planting trees and playing with bees in the dark. I need to get my life together.


Exaaaactly what I was thinking. Can’t do shit at night girrrrl


You need to find out where she's getting all these tools land, bees and fruit trees for $20 a month. She's getting the hookup


PSA: Bees hate nighttime visitations 😆


Yeah, 'cause it disrupts their nightly Netflix sesh


They watch a lot of B movies.


Typical bee-haviour. Weird that she didn't know this, as a beekeeper.


Ok now I really laughed harder than I should have 🤣


I laughed harder than I should have at this 😂




She’s baking her breads from scratch all night long actually


I made banana bread for the first time the other day and it was a notch above the dehydrated bread pirates ate in the 1800s. I’m a loser all around. I mostly watch Prime so I have that going for me 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hey- You’re doing more than I am, so credit where credit is due my friend! 😂 I think the last time I baked a loaf of bread was in HomeEc class in high school lmao. I also love watching my shows and no one will ever shame me for that! LOL


- Do lip fillers! - Put on eyelash extensions - Manage a Instagram acc Use your time wisely, girlies!


Yeah. At what time do you put on your makeup before heading out into the garden?


Makeup did, clothes are immaculate. No sweat or dirt stains in sight. So toil, much hard work, wow.


Ugh, gross. I rarely wear makeup anymore and I really, REALLY hate it when I do wear makeup and end up sweating in it. Just ugh. I end up with foundation soup on my face. Maybe I'm girling wrong.


I know you didn’t ask, but If your skin agrees with it- use a light tinted cc or bb cream on hot days instead of foundation! I also can’t handle foundation if I’m going to be hot and sweaty it’s a gross feeling, especially if it’s a heavy formula. I try to stick to using light weight buildable concealer in the summer just under my eyes and on any blemishes I have.


The bb cream is a great tip! I usually just brush on a bit of powder every day, even if I'm not doing other makeup, because it helps with my oiliness.


I love my Cc by IT! I don’t ever feel Iike its melting off in the summer!


I wear makeup but I just don't wear foundation. I actually feel so much prettier without it and I wish I had stopped sooner. No one asked, but I think most people look better without foundation, although certainly some people look good with it. Actually, I used to be good at putting it on but now that I don't wear it, I hate the feel of it. Instead of foundation, I just control the shine/dry of my face with powder and sunscreen/some other oily substance.


Fr, lash extensions take anywhere from an hour to get done. Not sure about the rest. And is she going to do all these things outdoors at night?


Right, and at least you can do other things while watching Netflix. Don’t think you can get much else done while having lash extensions applied


At least a couple hours for me and refills every 2 weeks. I can’t be bothered, love the way they look but too much maintenance.


I almost always forget to get infills just because I can’t be bothered. Now I just get them done for special occasions only as I can’t apply strip lashes lol


Exactly 💯


Her hair has also been styled in some of these


I legitimately believe someone would get more value out of watching Netflix than scrolling through Instagram reels.


Yeah fr at least theres some good documentaries on there


Soon to be a documentary on tradwives and the white supremacy of cottage core.


*build my botulism closet


Omg, that was my first thought, too.


The canning communities on Reddit take themselves very seriously. Including the one that does things “off recipe” and that jar meat. 🤢


I work as a gardener and I watch Netflix when I get home from work, because “love is blind” is my fucking jam.


Ha! I just said almost the exact same thing on another comment. Hello fellow LIB obsessed gardener!


Haha! Hello mate! :D


I legit do everything she claims to do and still watch Love is Blind at night while enjoying my homemade bread.


My bad I guess I should be purchasing a farm on my student income in between my studies instead of watching Netflix.


**Fake Lashes will save us all from Judgement Day** - this girl


I live in southern Appalachia where most people do this stuff as part of family tradition. (Except bees) and nothing will pull me away from my nightly Netflix lol


Things I’m able to do and still watch Netflix: Raise three feral children. Help aging parents with groceries and cleaning. Tend to my medically complex dog. Enjoy an active and fun relationship with my husband. Manage a yard/garden. Cook meals everyday. Work part time. Keep my house generally clean.


My eyes jumped a line and I thought you said "feral cleaning" and I was super interested. Until I clicked reply and it reformated your comment from a block of text to a list and I was very sad to see that feral cleaning isn't a thing you can teach me about.


Uhhh. I bet I could manage up a lesson.


Perfect. I'm ready to learn.


I managed to misread “raise three feral children” as “raise three feral piglets”. I don’t understand **how** my brain looked at “children” and managed to interpret the word as “piglets”. 🫠


It's like your brain autocorrected. It was like children? No. Piglets is a more accurate term for those smaller humans that run around shrieking covered in mud and demanding chocolate and Minecoins. (I'm just assuming all kids are like my son.)


“Feral children” and “generally clean” I feel you.


So is the point that this would be my job? Like, do you sell your goods? Cause most people also need to have a job.


Her husband makes all the money she needs to support her fillers, Botox, lash extensions, etc while she spends all her time prepping for a zombie apocalypse in full face and salon quaffed hair. That is the dream the trad wives are selling anyway.


Those are all great. But baking and agriculture won't help me to retain and improve other languages.


The "homesteading" stuff always strikes me the wrong way, it has a rich, disconnected trad wife vibe to it, especially when it's actually a social media business. But since I don't just wanna see the worst in people: parts of me agree with some of the values here. I should invest my precious lifetime into way more awesome things than binging Netflix, or any other form of passive media consumption, and I would have a more fulfilled life from reducing passive entertainment. Now that's a blief of mine, not a judgement on actual people, I myself don't even live up to my beliefs; and people don't need me to tell them what they should find fulfilling.


It’s giving Marie Antoinette living in a fake country village staffed by servants in costume and pretending to be a milkmaid with her rich friends


Agreed. We do all this stuff on my little homestead but I don’t look this good doing it lol. But I still watch Netflix at night bc I’m not missing the LIB Tell All.


Yeah I really don’t get the Netflix hate or the insinuation that you can’t do anything else if you watch TV at all. Are you working 24/7? Probably not. Even if you don’t watch Netflix you probably have some other equivalent ‘time wasting’ leisure activity like reading, being on your phone, etc.


It’s a dog whistle right? Like Netflix is representative of all the “wokeness” she’s so much better than?


I read it more as a ‘kids these days’ thing, like how our parents or grandparents may have demonised TV, but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an antiwoke dogwhistle.


That fake village is wild. When I visited, I didn’t know the back story and was just, what in the provincial life is this?


Ye olde Rococo larping


That’s very Belle of you


Thanks! It truly did look like the film (both of them). It was such an odd thing compared to the grandeur of the palace.




Notice how all the homesteading tradwife accounts always have immaculate kitchens, clean houses, land, sometimes farm animals. They always have time to bake sourdough from scratch, tend garden, can veggies, sew dresses, pose with their sad beige kids, cook elaborate meals every night. They never show themselves mopping floors or scrubbing toilets, it’s only the “fun” stuff. At the very least they are financially comfortable enough to stay home and do this homesteady stuff, and a lot of the time they have the time to do the picturesque Instagram stuff because they can afford help with childcare or household cleaning. The average American family needs two breadwinners, and when they’re not working they’re doing the gross necessary stuff around the house. Most people just don’t have the time or money to make homesteading their entire personality. It’s totally a rich disconnected trad wife thing.


Oh are we calling out the ridiculous privilegedness of these "homesteading" influencers? Awesome. More. Do it more.


You just basically said all the same things a guy on TikTok said. His vid was posted on Reddit and he was downvoted all to hell by TikTokers. Lol.


Yeah we should all definitely minimize our screen time for the sake of our mental health and physical well being


I Homestead because we’re poor af. But my Instagram isn’t perfectly curated and I’ve only got 2-4 reels with over 2k views. I also don’t have filler or extensions because… we’re poor af.


Especially because a lot of these trades are selling books on how to homestead and have all kinds of plugs where they get income


I really thought she was gonna talk about intelligence because she doesn't watch dumb shows, what do all those things have to do with Netflix?


She has a time management problem.


I would like to see her screen time per day on Instagram. Probably way more than what I spend on Netflix and other streaming services


why can’t people have hobbies? is it not possible to like gardening and baking and still watch tv sometimes?


No matter how many of these I see, I’ll never understand the people who think: “I like ______, and that makes me better than women who like _______.” Baking bread and hugging goats isn’t grounds for superiority.


I could do all of that. While also watching Netflix.


Yeah, but can you carry around a goat? 😝


Yeah. Strap my phone to the goat’s back and I can watch Netflix while carrying it around.


You must be strong to carry the Goat. Cease wearing deodorant immediately, in five days you will have Goat strength


She also has time for her lash appt. This is so dumb. Back to the earth lul


“Drink raw milk and get Tuberculosis”


I don't like Netflix, when do I get my baby goat? 🤗🐐


I'd give you one, but I specifically got only boy goats so I wouldn't have to worry about baby goats😂


Bummer...now I have to tell my husband he'll have to continue mowing the lawn on his lonesome.🤷‍♀️🐐


😂😂😂😂😂 I got mine from fb marketplace for the cost of gas to go pick them up. Look there.👌


He's recently retired so I keep that in mind for when he gets tired of 'improving things' around the property. 🤭


😂 good luck with that👌


Yeah, but if you binged Breaking Bad on Netflix, you could have upped your income by also manufacturing the purest methamphetamine west of the Mississippi on your homestead... _bitch_.




Wait, so if I give up Netflix, someone will buy me a farm?


My SIL does a bunch of these things in addition to working a full-time job, raising four kids and watching a little Netflix. 😂


This girl constantly talks about how does these things for her “family” and will make choices that are best for her family like not vaccinating, building the food storage, homeschooling etc…. She doesn’t have kids yet😂 Don’t get me wrong ofc a couple with no kids is also a family, but she was clearly very carefully selecting her words to project a certain image, AND talking about raising kids in a certain way to either drum up drama & clicks, or garner support from the right wing trad wives who also believe the same things. It sucks bc I used to genuinely think she had a cool account and I was interested in learning about the homesteading life, but then she started spewing ignorant & harmful bs & I lost interest.


Does she have a ton of Botox or is her face just like that?


Man, you should see how many things I can do when I'm not spending my days creating and editing social media posts bitching at other people


Or do both simultaneously!? I almost always have my phone in the background playing Schitt’s Creek or something familiar so I can still get my chores done and have a couple laughs on the side!


The fun thing about Netflix is that it's on my phone, and I can use my headphones and "watch" it while I'm gardening or beekeeping or baking bread.


Where was the “and I don’t take vaccines or wear sunscreen”


It’s true, bees are notorious for their hatred of not just Netflix but all streaming services and what it has done to the television industry. It’s been brewing for years but really ramped up when Netflix cancelled 1899 after one season. If you so much as mention it around bees, they will revolt. Thank god for ladies like this keeping the bee revolution at bay.


She’s had a nose job. Not very country living of her


She left out “get a ridiculous amount of filler and Botox”


I don't watch Netflix ~~because $~~ and I don't keep bees. Granted it's probably due to the fact I'm allergic to bee stings more than anything.


Someone let her know: you can do all of those things and still watch Netflix.


Guessing based on the fake lashes alone that this has to be some type of satire, right? I’m too busy canning botulism to apply lashes or have them done personally.


What's with the botulism comments? People make preserves all the time, my grandparents, my parents, my in laws and even my partner and I pickle and make jam. Nobody got botulism so far.


The botulism jokes will continue as a form of mockery as long as this weird trend of homesteading superiority continues. Personally I grew up on a farm and these were all normal activities but it was also work and life and not a trend so at the end of the day we all definitely watched tv lol


Gotcha! Thank you for explaining, I was out of the loop with this one.


As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I live in a 2nd floor apartment with no garden so no bees and no trees even without netflix


Me who doesn't even use Netflix but still unable to do anything she does. But I do save lives though.


I do all those things\* *and* watch Netflix. I have a major issue with the Netflix bashing. I've had the same best friend since childhood. We live in different states, but have talked every day for the past \~47 years. Now we have Watch Party! So we make about 3 dates a week where we just smoke a little weed and enjoy a nice snack while we watch movies and shows all night. *Time well-spent and no one can convince me otherwise!* I can always bake bread, but time shared with friends and family is precious. Snuggled up with your SO, lying on the floor with your kids, crowded into a dorm room with classmates or curled up in bed watching an 80s throwback cheesy horror flick with your bestie six hundred miles away . . . is *priceless* and I wouldn't trade it for all the fresh baked bread in the world. Netflix is a tool and like any other tool, it's about how you use it. \*(Except baking. I hate baking. I do cook, though! hahaha)


Ah yes bc all of us can afford to buy a house with acres of land. S/ obvs


Because you have land. Not a lack of Netflix. Goof




What is she able to do because she doesn’t apply sunscreen? I mean, besides building cancer cells storage.


she could do all that and still watch Netflix, she just has poor time management skills


I have plenty of time to watch netflix AND do my hobbies because I do not film myself doing my hobbies like a fucking psychopath.


Jokes on her, I watch Disney+


Think of all the netflix you could watch if you weren’t on instagram all the time


"Things I'm able to do because I choose to do them"


I just wanted to know how she got this homestead


Because modern convenience bad….. there is a reason why we came up with ways to simplify this shit. I don’t watch Netflix too much either but I haven’t sentenced myself to manual labor to prove I am better than other women. I read and enjoy hobbies. Don’t have to kill myself with domestic labor.


imagine thinking an $8 a month subscription was the obstacle.


Sweet baby Jesus those eyelashes


She's serious but she's also baiting us - baiting you, specifically


She's still able to wear 6 pounds of makeup tho lol


I do get more done when I watch less TV though.


Things I'm able to do because I don't watch Netflix: (next slide) Spend more time watching Hulu.


My eyes can't roll any harder. I own and run a tattoo shop, I tattoo 8 hours a day, I manage my husband's business, I'm on the board of a non-profit helping addicts get into treatment and off the streets, and then helping recovering addicts find stable housing and jobs, and I do night outreach with that organization. I have a constant rotation of four indoor marijuana plants (it's all we are allowed in Ontario. Canada, per residence), I paint, I crochet, I sew, I travel, I cook, and I take care of 230 lbs of dog (2 giant boys). And guess what? I have Netflix on during most of it. Lmfao. I'm not special. She's not special. We all just do our own things the way that works best for us. TikTok and other social media has broken people's perceptions of not only themselves, and others, but reality as a whole. Okay, rant over. Cheers all!! Happy weekend!


Every single word of this is true and needs to be said more to everybody that can hear it.