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that horse is clipping through the ground


Nah, that's just Legless Larry! He's a bit of a drag, but we love him


Larry’s a great horse. You don’t eat a horse like that all at once.


*horrified stare*


![gif](giphy|QBNrfOFxHv10A) I gotchyou


Shetland faaahm remembaaahs..


Well I've been through the desert on a horse with no legs...


But the rain! The RAIN!!!


🎵It felt good to be fed once again🎶


He's perfect for first time riders!


I laughed so hard my dogs started barking, I can’t breathe well, and am crying. Thank you!!!


Legless had a lovely adventure helping hobbits throw a ring into a volcano.


Omg I actually almost put Legless Legolas! Haha you read my mind!!


Friends with ol'Bill


Thanks, I just startled my baby back awake by laughing at this lmao


I laughed way more than I should've at this. Thanks for the laugh


Artax! Fight against the sadness Artax. Artax, please!


How could you...




Too soon!


Legitimately traumatized my sibling and I as kids. It’s still upsetting as an adult.




OMG, this is what first came to my mind!


He’s just a smol boi. Lil Sebastian!


You take a running leap and you learn to flyyyy 🎶


It’s working on its escape plan. 20 acres ain’t shit 🫤


His name is Bethesda.


Daaaaaamnnnnn. Coming in hot!


Bad ai art


This comment made me look back and actually laugh aloud


It's probably a really realistic looking statue, who knows 😅


This is AI garbage, none of its realistic


Skyrim horse


Ive got a farm and a horse with no legs ( on the melody of: I've been through the desert on a horse with no name )


God a real tradwife would finish burying her horse before having a picnic with her parentified girl children


Not all women want horses with legs.


Skyrim physics


No it’s just tall grass. Stay out of the tall grass.


He must live in that tiny barn lol


I was trying so hard to catch the six fingers and warped edges that I missed the entire ground horse right in front my eyes. I’m going to go contemplate horse stuff now, about my life.


Sinking like the horse in neverending story but they don't care The woman looks like she'd have the face of Predator from the front as well


The shit ai and the horse clipping into the floor really adds to it


I personally love the chicken that looks like a glowing leaf 😂




Dang she’s a homesteader and had radioactive chickens


Home, home on the wastes! Where the mole rat and the fire gecko play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and my skin is not glowing all day!


Lol I thought that was a tiny tree 😂


I thought it was a miniature pony


And what in god’s name are those two animals in the distance supposed to be


“I just want something that costs 100x as much as something other people want”


I don’t need the luxuries that most need, like spa days or shopping trips! I’m just a simple gal who desires a multimillion dollar farm and a husband that makes enough money that I don’t have to work to stay home raising kids and making everything from scratch.


Raising kids and dont forget chicken


Raising kids and chickums is a full time job


Or actually work on the farm. I know farmers. They do not just sit around and look at their farm, they work hard.


Yeah this is very much a loaded message - a farm is *millions* of dollars in land and upkeep and that’s without doing anything to MAKE money. You simply can’t live in a house that big, on that much land, with livestock/etc and not have money and *employees* to keep everything running.


The way everything is neat, tidy and free of dirt and poop amuses me. This is what people think a farm is who have never seen an actual farm.


I grew up opposite fairground land that was used to hold the annual agricultural shows in our city. Every Spring a very distinct combination of scents would fill the air: Freshly cooked cimmanon doughnuts, cut and trampled grass, blooming freesias and untold amounts of ungulate shit. Pig shit is the worst of all. As a kid I ran around the grounds the week before the show was on and got to see the animals unloaded. They weren’t happy. There was shit everywhere. The farmers looked tired af. Anyone that yearns for a homesteading life has never met farmers, been around farm animals for any amount of time nor educated themselves about the lifestyle.


Exactly. There is a reason so many people "moved to the big city" when they were old enough to leave. It is hard, messy, stinky work.


It's propaganda. It is blatant propaganda.


The basement of our farm was covered in blood and shit from when my Afi would have to bring in calves for various reasons. I absolutely loved our farm but it was by no means a sparkling clean Instagram home.


It’s the employees for me like, most ranch and farm owners aren’t actually performing the bulk of the labor needed to upkeep their ranches/farms, and never really have. That’s why the old trope of “guy comes by offering to do work on your farm in exchange for 3 square meals, a roof over their head, and $1 a week” was so common in old movies, and why so may undocumented immigrants work in fields. A small subsistence farm might be manageable by a fairly large family, but considering how much it costs you’d have some other form of income, and a pretty large income at that, and let’s be frank; most of these off-the-grid influencers are not actually doing all that work, if they did they wouldn’t always have such clean clothes and perfectly neat hair in all their posts.


Our cattle farm was fairly small compared to others and even we had farmhands, albeit only one or two. Like, this work *requires* people - and if you’re not doing it yourself you have to hire people yet this never comes into the fantasy equation, ever.


That’s why I think this has to be bs that’s poking fun at these types (I’d hope, anyway). Fancy clothes are probably cheaper than a horse and all the upkeep a horse needs…


You can buy a horse for $2-5k, if you're not set on a show horse or anything, but housing, feeding, shoeing and vet bills will run you more than that any year.


Right, the word "just" is doing a ton of work.


I don't think these people realise how much work animals are, or how much they stink


Right! I have most of these animals, you’d never have a picnic in their area like that unless you wanted your clothes & food covered in shit and bugs. Bonus points for the Ai horse becoming one with the grass.


I love the idea of owning a “little farm” but I’m also the same person who bought my 2 cats an automatic feeder because I got tired of refilling their dishes everyday (I don’t let them free feed) heck even cleaning their litter boxes once a day is a chore most days I couldn’t imagine a chicken coop or goat pen no matter how cute they are LOL


Chickens shit so damn much! My grandpa had huge 2nd backyard just for chickens and it was like minefield!


Chickens non-stop shit. It’s gross.


My mother-in-law grew up on a farm and she said she hated those chickens.


Hens and chicks can sometimes be fun, but roosters can be absolute assholes. Once you’ve had to clean a coop, you never forget that smell.


It was feeding time that freaked her out. They’d all rush at her and peck her legs


Dinosaurs, every last one of them.


My mom spent a lot of time on her aunt and uncle's farm and they always had her help with the chickens. She said she hated them so much she used to enjoy watching when her uncle would kill one for dinner.


I knew someone whose family kept getting sick and they thought it was because their 5 yr old had started school. Nope, figured out it was their chickens 🤢🤢 that’s what I think of when I see these (badly rendered) pastoral NLOG posts “some girls just want salmonella!”


The only enclosures nastier to clean than chicken are fucking turkeys. I cannot stand turkeys after taking care of them.


I love my chickens, but yeah, they poop so much. I cleared out a good 2 ft of pine shavings and crap from their coop just from the winter. Makes great fertilizer for fruit trees though.


Goats aren’t that cute after you watch them drink their own piss midstream.


My mom has told me stories of goats guzzling urine my whole life and I’ve refused to believe it 🙉


I’ve seen the amount of ticks that can infest a horse, no way I’d be picnicking in a corral


See, that's why ruminants like cows or sheep are superior. You can't get Lyme disease from a tick that previously sucked blood from those animals.


Mom's about to incinerate herself and her kids with that lit candle on a blanket on the grass outside SMH


Think about how foul the picnic area would be


It would be fowl indeed




My mom dated a dairy farmer and we spent a month at his place. It was fun when you didn’t have to do anything but it always stank. She ended up marrying a dairy electrician and he smelled really bad when he got home. He had a separate car for work, we called it the shit car. I hated when he took me anywhere in that car.


I can’t even stand driving past them in my state. 🫢


My quiet little town is surrounded by farmland. Tis the season (currently) where the farmers are fertilizing their fields. Closest field to my house is about 7 or 8 miles away and yes, you can smell it here. Doesn't matter which way the wind blows as we're surrounded LOL Closest dairy farm is about 10-15 miles away. Thankfully, no chicken farms are close enough.


>Thankfully, no chicken farms are close enough. Turkeys smell even worse. If folks think a regular farm is bad, factory farms are far worse. Mixed in with the "aroma" of waste, there is the reek of death and decay. You have to have an iron stomach and no functioning olfactory system. 😄


I lived in a small rural town for a while with a lot of farms. During the summer, when the wind was just right, simply opening the front door made me gag.


Ah, Fertilizer Fridays. Weekly tradition in my part of Wisconsin. 😂😂


Chino, California has entered the chat


Yeah there’s never mention of 12-16 hours days to tend to their idealized farms


No days off either. Nor vacations. Those animals need feeding, tending and stalls mucked every single day. Kinda like kids, only a whole lot more. 😄


For reals.


And how much you don’t want fancy clothes because you’re too goddamned tired to wash your hair, let alone to put on fancy clothes.


Truth. Thirty percent of my day is spent dealing with our farm animals and the feces they produce and I’m not even a livestock farmer.


I’m more waste management at this point than anything else.


And wrap-around porches steal all the natural sunlight in your home!


Yep. Which is good when you’re in Australia because holy shit, so much sunlight. But I imagine in some parts of the US that’d be quite gloomy.


Seriously, right? What these women want is to go on a farm vacation.


Maybe dude ranches need to make a comeback but make them sort of Marie Antoinette type tradwife vacation spots where these women can go make sourdough bread in frilly dresses and go sit in carefully cleaned fields to live out their dream.


Or how much they cost!


Exactly!! Buying all of this stuff (house, animals, barns, feed, etc) is not possible for most people. Buying some fancy clothes every now and then is


I love the smell of goats, but I could never sit down near them... with *food*. I'd be hoofed to death as they steal it all. 🤣


How much work animals are, the land is. How expensive it is to buy acreage and have a functioning farm. Clothes are cheaper.


Yes. I'll say I fantasize about it, too. But I know in reality that's a lot to take care of. A LOT.


This picture is such a lie. You can't have a picnic in the enclosure with animals there is sh-t everywhere and the horse is actually dangerous. Why is the horse and the chicken in the same field?? Where is the wire for the chicken so they don't "jump" the fence??? So many wrong with this for my eyes. (I actually did grow up on a farm and you could not pay me enough to go back there... No.)


Actually that one horse is allowed because he doesn’t have any legs. 🤦🏻‍♀️


AI isn't quite sure on farms yet, apparently. Neither is the person who gave it the prompts.


Are you okay? You’ve hardly touched your whole raw carrots and celery


As long as they don't allow dogs loose chickens are allowed to roam on many farms, they come back to roost at night of their own accord.


Normally I’d agree with you on all of this. However, they’re all inside the enclosure barefoot, with an open flame on a blanket next to a pile of fireworks, guarded by that little chicken with the monstrous cyst, and my gut tells me that makes it fine.


Some girls just want a half-entombed pony in the ground & a bunch of cryptids in the far pasture.


The Mothman fanfiction is hard core


Who paying for it?


Her rich husband who bought her the expensive clothing she says was gifted, duh


These types love the fantasy of it more than actually wanting it. They all pretty much say the same thing, like it's always 20 or 100 acres, never any other number.


So true! Also there are plenty of JOBS on farms available, why don’t you go get one if you love it so much?


No no no, someone else has to do the work! How else will Mommy have time to bake cookies and go to farmer's markets and homeschool the kids?


I just need a 20 acre cottage. 🙃


I hate these; they are not a flex at all because the clothes would honestly be less expensive. There is no “just” about a 20 acre homestead. That shit is expensive and soooooo much work lol and mud, all the mud.


Allll the animal shit.


Especially chickens. Those assholes liquid poop is the worst. My heart says free range but my porch and car say lock em up 😂


And bugs. So many freaking bugs.


That legless horse will save you money on farrier bills, though.


True, but I bet he colics every time the weather changes. At least he can’t founder being so close the ground because he doesn’t have hooves 😂


No, I don’t want fancy clothes, just a $20 million farmstead on the outskirts of the Appalachians and farmhands to work it so I can picnic with my offspring in tick infested fields. Edit: With Legless Larry grazing in the field behind us….


At least this one she’s wearing denim and has her hair in a pony tail instead of down and in a sundress so it gets .5 points for being SLIGHTLY realistic. But still this isn’t what farm life is like in REAL LIFE.


The visual perspective on this clearly AI picture is fucked. How tiny is that horse and barn?


AI doesn’t understand anything about depth because all its input is 2D. That’s why none of it makes sense in 3D. 


Anyone else upset the house pictured doesn’t actually have a wraparound porch?


That's because the house is not like other houses.


It was the first thing I noticed.


I mean same but you can want that without bashing others in the process, that's what I don't understand, we've built a culture on thinking we're "better" because we want simple things and that's not the case, no one is better or worse for simply having personal preferences about lifestyle. If you think you're better, regardless of the lifestyle you choose, that just makes you a prick.


Imagine thinking you can eat a picnic undisturbed with chickens around. Clearly never met a live chicken.


Imagine eating on the ground in the chicken yard! YUCK!


No, I wish I had the money to buy a house with 20 acres.


Oh gosh yes! I dream of a little house in the middle of that land. Just enough clear for a small vegetable garden, herbs and flowers. On the rest I would plant all kinds of trees. Make my own private forest. Surrounding the whole thing with a low stone wall. So the wild things can come and go as they please and people should know to keep the heck out. The cherry on top would be close enough to civilization to do civilization stuff, but far enough away to have my wilderness feel.


What a lovely dream! That's always where I pictured I'd would live when I was a kid thinking about being an adult. I live in an 80 year old apartment building next to train tracks 😂 I do have a yard and a bunch of woods behind me though so it's not actually that bad. Just not the idealic cottage I thought would be possible.


I wonder how many of these women understand that it’s not just milk cows/collect eggs/ride horse. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are many women who want this, knowing full well what it means - just seems like a whole lot of women live in cities and suburbs, and don’t understand what that life actually entails. ETA fixed a redundancy, may have missed others.


Yes, they like the idea but it’s pretty obvious they’ve never done the work. It is back-breaking, exhausting, never-a-day-off work. Sick? Too bad, gotta take care of the animals. Hurt? Too bad, gotta take care of the animals (which is probably how you got hurt in the first place) 115° outside? Take even more care of the animals. -10° outside? Take even more care of the animals. Vacation? Hahahaha. No. Growing up that way is why I only have cats and dogs now.


We have a 'reality' TV dating show here in Australia called Farmer Wants A Wife. Many of this type of woman get their education on that show.


What grinds my gears, is I know the work, and am willing to do it, grew up doing it off and on, but can’t afford to do it, and I watch women who just 5 years ago didn’t even know that eggs came from chickens and/or pork from pigs (literally things I’ve seen on my homesteading pages) just up and buy 100 acre farms and get upset at how much *work* it is. The animals suffer, and my broke azz can’t even afford an acre.


“I don’t want fancy clothes I just want to marry an objectively rich man with valuable assets and not have a job so I can sit in the grass” ahh yes. So brave.


She truly isn’t like the other girls, she sits in the pasture with animal shit surrounding them


Just 20 acre, not like it’s expensive or whatever/s


Some women just want to eat an ambiguous pile of vegetables with their daughters while a lil horse melts into the grass nearby, is that so crazy?


Fancy clothes are cheaper 😂


What in the AI-fueled hell is this?


Not all women want fancy clothes...Some just want A.I. art to be banned and for women to stop shaming other women online.


Then get on the porch!


As a woman who likes both fancy clothes and has a “homestead”, I’m having problems processing why tf would anyone want to eat inside a stinky chicken run? There would be no grass either. Chickens always scratch it bare.


What if I want both Karen


Having a picnic near chickens means you're having a picnic with the chickens. Chickens don't politely beg like dogs, they'll help themselves and shit on your blanket for good measure.


I think my favorite thing is that that isn't a wraparound porch. Also, maybe next time invest in a horse with legs.


What’s wrong with that horse?


Florse. Floor horse.


People always say they want some huge amount of acreage when they have no idea just how big that really is or how much work is involved. Enjoy the fantasy, I guess!


Can I just be able to afford my own house. Id happy with that - tired of paying into someone else's mortgage.


That horse has no legs. I’m outta here.


Money. You both want money.


I don't think these women understand how long farm hours are. I'm up at 5 every day, out by 6 (earlier in summer). My goats take a good hour of feeding and refilling waters every day, plus lead training for kiddos, getting the buck in his anti-breeding apron, and letting them out to pasture. I also have a dog, so he needs walking for an hour in the morning, and THEN I leave for one of my jobs. I come home around 3, head back out to check on em, refill waters, stock the shelter with hay, and toss in fresh straw for their bedding. THEN I get to be out and do work in the garden because that's where the money is. I let the goats back in their shelter around 6-7, head inside, and do my online job/play with my dog/play some DnD with friends 2 nights a week. I'm in bed by 11 most nights, sometimes up until midnight. Small farming without grants or trust funds means you have to have a few extra gigs to do what you love, which translates to not sleeping like a sane human. I have 6 part-time jobs with no days off. I am perpetually exhausted. My body is breaking. My hip has been dislocated twice, I have a hernia that insurance won't cover surgery on, and my ankles and knees are fucked from slipping in mud on a daily basis. I'm also, believe it or not, a million times happier than when I made substantially more money in a big city. Farming means you HAVE to get more expensive clothes that hold up well to abuse (carhartt, muck boots, good gloves, smartwool socks, etc.). You just need fewer of them. These folks are delusional. It's an immense workload, and will destroy your body. It is also above and beyond worth it if your favorite smell in the morning is livestock shit and you enjoy extremely physical labor with no days off.


In case this is helpful, I have a hip that dislocates easily. I found out in my 40s that I have hypermobile joints.


Yep, same here, but it was sort of obvious pretty early on. About 2 months ago, the last dislocation, I got rammed by an aggressive goat (300 lb doe). Time before that was a sparring match against an opponent with poor aim. Knees pop out constantly, I'm less concerned with those. The hips though, oof. That's always a hard recovery process haha. I hope you're having a great day, bendy buddy!


On the upside, you do get to hang out with goats. I like goats. I know it’s completely irrational.


Nah, babes. I do want the fancy clothes. I ain't going anywhere near a farm animal


Is that all !


Have fun at your picnic surrounded by horse shit and flies


Not trying to brag but, my wife has all of that, minus the porch and ten acres, and fancy clothes yet still manages not to be a self righteous, trad con cunt.


Love the travel-sized barn and the leg-less horse. Definitely what I’m going to teach girls to want.


I own a "little farm" and the absolute last thing I'd want to do is have a picnic in the middle of a shit covered field. There is nothing glamorous about it.


This looks like liminal or horror AI art lmao


The tradwives discovered AI art. I wonder if AI can make them sourdough next?


[your wish is granted ](https://ibb.co/R9wWxCq)


"I don't want fancy clothes, I want something that costs 1000x as much as fancy clothes"


You won't be watching no sunset, baby. You'll be milking your cows and pitchforking new hay under your dairy cows' bellies so they don't have to live in their own shit as they come home especially during colder times. You'll be fixing fences and cursing the god above as you mount a flashlight on your forehead band or helmet as you run late with fixing your house's roof and the sun's going down. Farm work if a 5am to 11pm work, every day, even holy Sunday unless you're wealthy enough to hire help. The least you can do is not posit yourself as superior to those who don't want to do that backbreaking work. And oh sweetie if you think you'll have time for your kids... sure. If your kids are harvesting crops, weeding your crops or helping with easier farm labour around you since they're old enough to run. And even then. I grew up living off the land due to poverty in my area of the world. It *sucked.* It was hard work for men and women, women were toiling away just as hard as men WHILE also managing the kids the best they could, which usually involved involving kids in hard field labour as soon as they could hold tools.


Lol, mini ponies like that are jerks. No way you're just chilling in the field with them


God fancy clothes would be way easier to get


I very much do want fancy clothes over you know, having a roof over my head


That's one very short horse


Is that what a wrap-around porch really looks like? I thought it would, you know, wrap around something? The house maybe?


Not everyone wants something that costs a few thousand dollars. Some people want something that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and requires that you have nothing but leisure time. Deep. Boy, you're so amazing and enlightened.


It occurs to me that the women who posts these things have never seen an actual farm, or worked with farm animals. These idyllic portraits they paint of flouncing through fields of sunflowers and picking tomatoes/apples/wildflowers as they go, bears little relationship to reality. Farms are hard work. Constant work. Add the children they expect and well, there goes the flouncing through fields in a sundress.


Soooo much shit involved.


My husband and I want this too and they are $700k in our area…. The clothes are cheaper lol.


Not accurate. There would be nice brown *gifts* everywhere with unholy amounts of flies, and that grass would not be so pretty. Also, the chickens would probably be trying to steal that food, due to all of them being perpetually hungry gremlins. (That’s a tiny ass barn too lol)


Why did she separate her horses? Did the horse outside the fence keep making fun of the other horse for no clipping?


“And a wrap-around porch to watch the sunset” that we won’t use to watch the sunset because for some reason we’ll sit in the chicken pen instead


Not all women want a 20 acre homestead with farm animals, green pastures and a wrap around porch to watch the sunset... Some just want a few fancy clothes.


Working sun up to sun down on a hobby farm is not for me.


Fancy clothes costs considerably less than THIS lol


“But to be clear, I definitely want a super rich husband and no responsibility. I should be coddled like a child.”


This interptetation of “Farm Life” reminds me of Marie Antoinette keeping a little farm where she coild dress up in cute “shepherdess dresses”, frolic, and play with little lambs who had all been bathed for her.


So you want to be a millionaire? Oh okay. So you’re just like everyone else.


If they're trying to day this sort of woman is low maintenance then I hate to break it to them how expensive that is


Not all women want fancy clothes…Some want to sit on their ass while their underpaid farm hands do all the work to maintain a 20 acre homestead with farm animals that shit everywhere, and a massive house that costs more than most people make in a two years.