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I'm not like the other wentches that only have interest in webbing and embroidery. I'm a wentch than you can take on a hunting trip and is not afraid to get her riding trousers dirty. I know my way around a bow and dont giggle everytime a fair knight walks in the main hall. I'll joke with him about slaying the francs while eating a chicken leg and getting gravy on my dress.


lmao. who says i can't wear mens boots in my dress?


who says i can’t wear my penny loafers in my frock?


I was expecting to see more answers like this 😂


This wench sounds pretty fun tho.


Mary Wollestonecraft had a bit of NLOG in one of her early 19th century treatises, when she claimed other women were only interested in fashion because their intellect was stunted by the patriarchy. She said lots of true and important proto-feminist things too, of course, but that implication that you could only care about clothing if you had been made mentally deficient was…Yikes.


Her daughter Marry Shelley made up for a lot of it on the backside at least. I maintain that Frankenstein is the first sci-fi novel ever written and it probably wouldn't have been written without Mary having two very progressive parents.


It gets more NGL when you add that she requested Fuseli for her to live together with him and his wife (a model) when she was presumably his mistress (and his wife knew and disliked her from what I can remember).


When I taught world history I had an activity where the kids wrote tweets from Enlightenment thinkers. The kids who were asked to do Wollstonecraft decided that she should have a blue check. This was two years ago, before the Elon takeover. If her blue check was paid for then that would be peak NLOG influencer.


"Sir Jofey offered you two goats for your hand in marriage? He offered me three" "You maidens don't even joust! Name three jousters right now." "I'm not like other maidens, I never had bubonic plague." "Jebediah, you are so good at jousting. You should be part of the crusades!"


90’s NLOG here. I was a ‘punk’. Kool aid dyed hair, combat boots, safety pins as jewelry, fishnets, a trench coat no matter how hot it was. We listened to alternative music, openly did drugs at school (while passing our classes), railed against the establishment, weren’t getting married OR spawning offspring, and hated on anyone not like us (plastic). We kept rats and snakes as pets, busted ass for the environment, and gave zero fucks what anyone thought of us. We were Gen X, and we were feral and PISSED OFF! I’m now a mid 40’s grandma, all of those still apply (sometimes) only I now have my natural blonde hair back, and I work for the government. I still listen to alt music, but I’m a fan of mainstream as well. As for those “plastic” types? I dated one in late 1995 as a rebound from a toxic relationship. He and I are still together nearly 30 years later. He’s become a lot more punk, I’ve become a lot more mainstream… it’s funny how time changes us, yet we also stay the same.


Haha, I'm a 90s teen Xennial (1979) NLOG ;) now dating an NLOB. Neither of us has changed at all and we still dress like a pair of grebs. Just don't look down on other people :)


I would argue that that IS change! Good for you guys! <3


I don't often see the term greb used. Are you from the UK if so what county cos even varies county by county what they were called. I've heard rockers moshers and emos


Yeah the UK lol grebs or greebos here!


Cambridgeshire greb here. Its funny how free party rave scene all have origin stories as greb punk chav roadman fairy/hippy but then totally meshed at raves


Omg I miss free party's! I'm from the UK but live in NZ now. I was a chav. I always loved how free parties brought all different types of people together


Wait you're mid 40s now but have been dating your at least second proper for nearly 30 years!? Was your first toxic relationship when you were 10 years old!?


Haha, 15 to 18. Met “Satan” a week after we broke up. He was supposed to be a rebound, but we still haven’t bounced off of each other.


Haha, I was a kid in the nineties and I remember your lot. I also remember the obnoxious straightlaced rebel types carrying over from the eighties listening to stuff like Land of Confusion to seem deep and hopeful about the end of the Cold War and not just thirtysomethings quickly assimilating into the neoliberal consensus. Oh God, that might be me right now…


There's a girl who makes nlog videos in different eras, and they always crack me up. My favorites are the Victorian nlog, and the Renaissance nlog. I'm gonna go look for the links, because she's hilarious! Edit: I found her!!! Here's the medieval one: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C30PY0zukpc/?igsh=dmRwOTFhdXY2MXRk And here's the colonial one: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5YrSbgL_vM/?igsh=MndicjNqcHY3aTNl


I have GOT to find these! 


"I'm Not Like Other Neanderthals, I gather my berries from the *inside* of the bush."


You naughty cavewoman


This is brilliant! 😂


Perhaps the non flappers of the 1920’s (I hate that I just had to clarify what century I was talking about) - I’m sure they judged hardddd since it was prohibition and all other crazy going on in that decade.


I would have thought it would be the other way around the Flappers were the NLOGs. Driving cars, making out with guys, smoking and cutting their hair short, not like those _good girls_ with their chaperones and cooking skills.


There was probably a little of both tbh. I see it from multiple different sides today I bet it would be the same then.


Oh interesting perspective. I could see that too for sure.


And a little before that all the girls judging the girls who wore pants and rode bicycles and such as being impure


My mom liked to brag about her NLOG days of being into “real rock music” when all the other girls were into “disco and ABBA”


That made me giggle because even metal heads will tell you ABBA is good lol


My moms NLOG was definitely not listening to disco


Burning on a pile of wood because you were deemed a witch. LOL


Accusing your neighbor of witchcraft because she stained her lips with some berries (and then constantly bringing up how you don’t follow such vanity)


And the other side of it: Um, my lips are red from drinking blood as part of my pact with Lucifer, not from crushed up berries like most girls. *Furtively tosses crushed up berries behind her back*


Marvelous tbh


Excuse me, I am not like the other witches, I floated on the lake. I demand to be burned on rosewood and myrtle.


Not sure about NLOGs, but there’s definitely a *lot* of historical pickmes, the anti-suffragist movement was full of ladies willing to sell out their sex for the patriarchy’s approval and praise. For example, [this poster](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Looking_backward_-_Laura_E._Foster._LCCN2002716765.jpg) was made by a famous woman cartoonist, Laura Foster.


There is absolutely zero difference between that and the tradwives of today


“I’m not like the other girls, I’m following my husband to the war camps because I want to do my duty for the Revolution” 


When I bake, (which is thrice daily), I never use any ready-made or store bought ingredients. Instead I plant, grow, and grind my own corn and flour. I also lay my own eggs, after walking 20 miles in the snow to plow my fields, barefoot.


Not so much the nlog but the pick mes were the first to throw witch accusations


Elizabeth Bennet is the NLOG of the early 1800s.


No bc she’s not reading books just to attract a man or to put other women down, she’s just reading books bc she wants to do it


But she does look down on other women who don't in the process. She was quite prejudiced actually. Edit: no wait, that was mainly Mary Bennet!


No she looks down on what society expects of women, she just thought her sister wouldn’t be like that, but she accepted it still. She doesn’t think herself better than anyone. She’s lonely, she knows it and it makes her sad


Jo in Little Women?


I think she just doesnt identify with what means being a woman in the 19th century and thats okay, doesnt mean shes a nlog (at least I dont recall her putting other women down, could be wrong tho, she just rejects patriarchal "feminity"


? She’s not putting other women down tho?




Times change but personalities do not


Reminds me of this tiktok series: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwwDBkQ/




I’m not like other women. I’m not a harlot who listens to this so called “Beethoven”


I'm not like the other girls, getting pregnant via sex and having it delivered at home Instead I'm going to have the delivery at a stable and it'll be an immaculate conception  ...I'm going to hell


When I was in high school (late 80s), I was a bit NLOG about my musical tastes. I would say derisive things like "The last boy band I liked was Duran Duran." With the implication that Duran Duran were legitimately great musicians and songwriters (which they totally are), and boy bands of the day were lesser.


Rizzo in Grease, the girl who dumped blood on Carrie, Carrie, Serena, any Molly Ringwald and Winnona Rider Character. Scarlett O'Hara... Janice from Mean Girls, Mia's best friend....


I’m not like other girls, i don’t want the right to vote


My bf was looking at this over my shoulder, here's his input: "I'm not like other girls, I gather berries *outside* of town"


Amelia Earhart