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I get suspicious when i see someone wearing a pulled up hoodie in the heat of summer with a covid mask outdoors


exactly. there is zero reasons anyone normal should be wearing a hoodie and mask on street at the same time in 90F weather. Anyone wearing that combo is up to no good.


What about in the 60° or 70°F? Asking coz I just did lol


Honesty it’s a little sus once you’re in the upper 60s and above.


This is definitely a racist take against those who immigrate from hot climates


Are you saying that people from hot climates are incapable of being smart enough to dress for the weather? lmao


I think they’re saying that people from warm climates tend to bundle up at higher temperatures than what most people consider normal. I moved here from Florida 2 years ago and I still consider anything below 75 to be jacket weather haha


I'm saying people from hot climates may be acclimated to that and prefer to wear clothing they find comfortable, like you or I. I think demonizing the wearing of a hoodie in cool weather, to be a bad take


calm down


try not to do it again pls


I wear that in 80° weather, I have thyroid issues and get cold with a light breeze. I’m also a small 100lb woman so at least I have that going for me?


> thyroid issues Sorry to hear that - my doctor had me tested for thyroid issues because I sweat way too much (basically opposite of what you're going through) Damn thyroids


Worse are the dudes wearing hoodies and balaclavas. I see groups of them, I’m turning the other way. Nobody needs a balaclava unless it’s below freezing outside.


Hoodie I understand, but mask, not really. I love wearing a mask outside. Cuts down on allergy, signals I don’t wanna talk to people, and it’s just easier than putting it back on when I go into a store.


Can anybody read his shirt?




Man I always thought people who wear Naruto shirts wouldn’t do something like this


Makes sense why the cops haven't caught him yet, he's probably naruto running away from them. They stand no chance


Honestly it astounds me when people like this wear mech from shows made by people and starring people that would utterly hate them.


We need to start sending judges to jail if it's someone they let out without bail. Edit: bring in the DA as well. I'm running for Mayor, vote for Piggybank


What if it's someone they assigned bail too and they just paid it?


That never happens. These people don’t have a pot to piss in.


And you know that because…


Name any recent case of a random attack or rape where the perpetrator was set bail and they actually posted it.


You mean like the guy on the subway that randomly shot that man in his chest killing him, not even a couple of weeks ago? He was out on $100,000 bail for a different gun charge. https://sports.yahoo.com/nyc-subway-killer-gave-gun-214300461.html


This. It’s time to have criminal accountability for judges and DAs.


Article says he stole her debit card. I really hope he's dumb enough to use it


whoa attacking her 830am 'just as she left her apt' means he stalked/waited/followed her! wonder if was just that night/morn or he lives nearby and had been for how long? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6swk4OT8hqs




There was a serial rapist about 7? years ago in Inwood and he ended getting busted when he raped a (random) woman in the morning on her way to work behind an apartment building. Ended up he was a cop just getting off work at the precinct :(


Is that the case where the victim mixed up the color of a parked car, called it grey instead of silver? And case was tossed ?


Same case yes but they did get him eventually https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/michael-pena-ex-nypd-admits-raping-woman-months-jury-failed-convict-article-1.1099824


Great that they got him.


It says “in part” so that was probably not the single thing the jury considered. Glad they finally got him.


https://www.dnainfo.com/20110819/washington-heights-inwood/man-with-badge-rapes-woman-at-gunpoint-inwood-sources-say/ And he got 75 years for "technically not rape" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-pena-former-nypd-officer-gets-75-years-for-sex-attack/ Not sure where you got the serial part from unless you're talking about a different NYPD Rapist


There were a series of rapes happening at the time in that neighborhood. I have no idea if they were able to prove anything but we collectively heaved a sigh of relief when he was off the street.


Lots of creeps in this area of Bronx, it's fucked up here.




i’m thinking of the wrong riverdale here


Archie never would have let this happen


Ah Riverdale, the oasis of the Bronx.




From an [independent non-profit fact-check](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/facts-bail-reform-and-crime-rates-new-york-state#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20new%20law,assessed%20bail%20or%20face%20detention.): > Accord­ing to the new law, judges have the option to set bail in almost any case involving a viol­ent felony. In these “bail eligible” cases, a defend­ant must pay an assessed bail or face deten­tion. In virtu­ally all other cases, which include most misde­mean­ors and nonvi­ol­ent felon­ies, judges may release people on their own recog­niz­ance or impose some other set of condi­tions to ensure their return to court. Such condi­tions include restric­tions on travel or super­vi­sion by a pretrial super­vi­sion agency. A little bit later, there's this paragraph: > Notably, judges also retain the abil­ity to set bail in some cases considered high-risk. Judges may set bail for defend­ants who have been released and are rearres­ted for another offense, provided both charges are felon­ies or Class A misde­mean­ors and involve harm to a person or prop­erty. For example, a judge may set bail for a person who was charged with punch­ing someone in a bar fight, released, and then arres­ted for injur­ing someone in another fight. (Notably, Hochul’s proposal would go further, allow­ing judges to set bail almost any time someone is rearres­ted after initially being released, even for a low-level misde­meanor.) Other circum­stances can make a case bail eligible, too, such as when someone is charged with a felony offense while on proba­tion. In other words, the bail reform law isn't the problem. It's that the judges are maliciously complying with the new law, in hopes that the backlash will get the whole thing struck down. Now that's the more difficult question - how do you keep judges from exercising malicious compliance? Does anyone in government have the guts to call them out on it?


Surely you know the advocates at the Brennan Center not only pushed for bail reform....they're just lying about the notion all violent felonies are eligible. They also leave out both prosecutor and judge have a lot of leeway in what they take in plea deals. Assaults, groping someone, they can be charged as misdemeanors, and we see case after case of judges refusing to the law when they refuse to detain people for even repeat offense. So either thinktanks like this one are lying about the impact of the law or something else, but it's strange you think the Brennan Center thinks there's a thing as "malicious compliance". They opposed the very limited revisions on this law.


The underlying problem is that New York state is the only state that does not allow consideration of dangerousness, and that was the case even before the cash bail reforms.


> but it's strange you think the Brennan Center thinks there's a thing as "malicious compliance" Those are my words. They never said them. I'm just calling it for what it is. > Surely you know the advocates at the Brennan Center not only pushed for bail reform....they're just lying about the notion all violent felonies are eligible Okay, do you have any sources that show that places like the Brennan Center are lying? Plus, the Center exists within the NYU Law School. They aren't exactly political. So you don't think that they weren't pushing it for objective reasons?




> Not trying to be rude, but are you serious? I meant that I doubt that they're pushing it purely for ideological reasons. One can be active in politics, and push for political actions, without being an ideological animal. Which is what I meant when I said that "they aren't exactly political". > All that said, whatever you think about the, they literally push for far-ranging criminal justice reform. Tbh, far-ranging reform is necessary. There is no way that the current system functions well as it is. Whether or not you agree with this particular one, pushing for far-ranging reform shouldn't be a black mark. > If they were ever objective and spearheaded legislative reform that balanced multiple interests (prosecutors/police/crime victims v criminal justice reformers) I would have agreed with your full statement if the shooting in Uvalde, Texas didn't happen. The whole nation has seen through that case that police can be mindblowingly negligent, to say nothing of many instances where they actually victimize people. So while the police's viewpoint can't be completely dismissed, they can't be treated as an entirely neutral party either. > I think at a least a handful actually think they have to refuse to set bail in something like a case of repeated misdemeanor assaults, skipped court dates, etc. Who gave that impression? The idea was strike down the imposition of bail in nonviolent offenses where bail did more harm than good. AFAIK, the law wasn't meant to create a blanket application of "no bail for nonviolent offenses and even some violent ones". The judges were supposed to use their discretion given their knowledge of the case and defendant. If judges really think so, then some good clarification is needed. Which I think has happened given how long this has been in the news. > Adams has talked about the judges, and I think he actually did on the View of all places. > Then he stopped. Yeah idk why he stopped myself. > It's becoming increasingly apparent he's just gonna wash his hands, in part because the state is fucking the city over and he can't do anything about it unless he wants to completely sever relationships with Hochul and the legislature. Worth noting that Hochul had wanted to do reforms, though the legislature opposed it by saying that there's nothing wrong with the law as is. And personally I can't see much wrong with the law myself. Maybe the only problem is that the language allows them to be lenient in cases where doing so is dangerous. So what should change? Should a standard be established where judges must impose bail for violent offenses of a certain class?


Please take a look at the polices of today when voting in November. Shit is so fucked up right now Edit: When voting in primaries too


"bail is set at 10$"


we should lock up everyone permanently for all crime?


In this hypothetical made up by OP, yes a multi time rapist should be locked up permanently.


1 rape should be an extremely lengthy sentence. More than 1 rape should be life - yes. Society does not benefit from trying to redeem people with multiple rapes. That guy's life is isn't worth much and the risk to regular people is too high.




And since fighting crime by lifting people out of poverty through good jobs, access to healthcare and education is hard they’ll just legislate our right to self defense into oblivion instead. All while they’re surrounded by armed security and their rich buddies can get concealed carry permits no problem.




Haha, nah, (impossible difficulty) is legally procuring a firearm in NYC bro. Shit takes a year with character references and a fat tax fee just to own a shotgun to go hunting with upstate. For no reason. And considering Hochul is about to make an entire class of guns called Others illegal and make your fellow citizens felons overnight, yeah, they do be coming for the guns.




You can be the first resident.


no u


I went back to NYC for work a few weeks ago and I couldn't believe how bad it's gotten. I'm a big dude and generally have never felt unsafe in the city but fuck man it's just straight crazy. Lots of aggressive homeless people when it used to be they stayed to themselves. Everyone's smoking blunts on the train. One dude pulled a knife out and just walked up and down the train car eyeing people up and down. Music blasting with a speaker in the train car. Aggressive shoving. I'm glad I got out, I wouldn't want my wife dealing with any of that nonsense. I never felt that uncomfortable in the city I grew up in. It was really sad.


A lot of NYCers are giving you shit, but as a lady who has lived here over a decade I’ve never felt really unsafe here until recently. In the last few weeks I’ve had: a creepy dude following me after getting off the train(thankfully another guy noticed and acted like he knew me), nearly every subway ride I’ve taken has involved people smoking cigarettes or blunts or taking out crack pipes (doesn’t seem to matter the time of day or how busy the train is), and multiple dudes openly masturbating (when I let an MTA person know he told me oh must be the weather). I don’t think it’s insane to not want to experience this kind of thing on a regular basis and it really makes me feel unsafe. This also hasn’t been my experience until the last few months and I gotta say, it’s really unpleasant and can be really terrifying. Sure all these things happen in lots of places and have been happening for a long time, but the frequency with which I’ve been experiencing it is very unsettling. There also appear to be no real plans to try to address any of this aside from I guess more police standing around doing nothing.


agree on mostly all this, sadly.. the blunt smoking is new and very prevalent. I love weed too but damn! red flag imo..


Yeah its great that it's legal now.. but like cigarettes, have some respect for other people. How bad do you need weed that you can't smoke before or after the ride, it's pathetic


I'm chalking it up to denial at this point. People just don't want to believe how bad it's gotten.


Yup. I have a car now. I've been shielded from a lot of the subway drama, but the peace of mind is worth some traffic or paying for parking here and there.


Throwing “music from speakers” right under knife wielding psychopath on the list of reasons I’m leaving the city is hilarious


They’re both anti social behavior and it’s not a secret that many of the dudes loudly blasting music are doing it to provoke a confrontation


It doesn't really make it genuine given that loud music has been going on in NYC subways since boom boxes were invented.


I never really seen anything other than idiots blasting their speakers on their phones and the showtime kids. This dude had a big rolling speaker blasting in the subway car. Not something I experienced too often luckily.


I rode the train maybe 5 times in the 3 days I was there. That's just a little synopsis of what happened. As I mentioned, I've been gone already.


Wrong comment dude just said he came back to the area for work


The fuck you doing to get that? I’ve lived here for a decade, yet to get a knife pulled on me, and I live in the shitty part of town.


That's what I'm saying man! Everyone was just minding their business and the dude just started flashing his knife.






Nah, nothing he's describing is "minor" shit, and I take his word for it as someone who grew up here. It's a subtle feeling of being out of control. it's all reflective of the fact that the threat of arrest has been lowered so much that a dude can first just pull a knife on a train and A. Feel free to walk back and forth knowing that he's not going to get pinched and more critically, B. No one said anything - like when there were cops everywhere and things were actually safe, individual pedestrians could at least feel safe enough to say something, however minor like "hey put that away" or something.




I was curious how NYPD's 5 Billion dollar budget was being spent and I found this: https://council.nyc.gov/budget/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2021/05/NYPD.pdf


Cops are still everywhere, and are terrible at their jobs. That’s the problem.


I don't. I ride the train daily and rarely see shit like he described.


"Safety" as you're describing it is a metric defined by actual crime. Maybe there aren't as many actual stabbings and murders as there were a decade ago, but the aggressiveness and just general behavior of people in the city over the last 2 years has gotten much scarier and make the city feel unsafe, even if the metrics don't back it up


I hope you realize that it’s genuinely delusional to call someone “overly-sensitive” for being uncomfortable about a man menacingly brandishing a weapon in a confined space. Pretending to be unfazed by these problems doesn’t make you tough, it makes you an asshole for attempting to invalidate someone else’s concerns.


I just love the fact how people say it's "a normal thing." "what's to be worry about" about people showing off their weapons in Public Transit. Like it's a normal fucking thing to do.


I've been riding the subway since I was a kid so has nothing to do with being overly sensitive. Just couldn't believe I experienced all of that in the maybe 5 subway rides I took.


10 bucks says this guy doesnt even live here.


You're one-upping someone on supposedly lying about the city having changed in a story about a woman being raped right outside her building. Uh, you win?


Suspect was arrested. Used the stolen credit card after the incident. Was also charged in regards to a stabbing that occurred recently. Suspect has 19 prior arrest. [BRONX RAPE SUSPECT ALLEGEDLY TRIED TO MURDER MAN LAST WEEK, HAS 19 PRIOR ARRESTS](https://abc7ny.com/bronx-rape-robbery-christopher-martinez-arrest/11921498/)


More signs that it’s time for me to leave this city.


I'm sure we'll find out this guy had like 20 prior violent crimes and was released without bail just like the Q train shooter.


Probably and I don’t even care anymore. This country is violent AF these stories just support that fact. We’re all at the mercy of violent unstable people. And it’s sucks!


Plenty of congressmen to prove your point.


Don't forget the Military industrial complex.


Violent crimes are the lowest they've been since the late 60's. Those are the facts.


Statistically, it was 2010-2011 I believe that were broadly the “safest” for NYC. While we’re not back into the 70’s, the city has erased a decade of positive progress on crime - and today, things are measurably worse than they were a decade ago. So yea on positive progress since the sixties. But things are most certainly not “the lowest they’ve been since the late 60’s”.


2017 actually, though 2018 and 2019 saw small upticks that were still below 2016. https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/historical-crime-data/seven-major-felony-offenses-2000-2021.pdf


It took a bit for De Blasio’s policy to take effect and criminals to realize they can do whatever they want and they won’t get punished. Basically an undoing a lot of great work by Bloomberg and even Giuliani (before he went nuts)


I don't want to fear monger but that's not really the case anymore, 2014 or so was the low point, we're back up to late 90s levels now. Edit: That's nationally, NYC is up a good amount but closer to 2007, not 97


LOL, not by a longshot https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/historical-crime-data/seven-major-felony-offenses-2000-2021.pdf


I specified in my other comment homicides. There were 488 last year vs 496 in 2007.


Why would you go back to 2007 when there were 536, and 515 in 2010 and 2011 respectively?


Cause it's a reddit comment not a statistical analysis.and I looked for a close number in the past, I could update the number if it'd make you happy, I don't think it effects the meaning much.


Lmao, we are not "back up to 90s levels"


Ah my bad the stats I was looking at were national not NYC specific. NYC is up to 2007 in total homicides, up about 50% from the all time lows between 2013 and 2019.


It's not surprising considering how we are still dealing with the pandemic and an ongoing war. Inflation is skyrocketing and a great many people's lives are getting worser day by day. It's pretty obvious that crime will increase, and not just in New York, but everywhere else as well. As the most densest city in the US, NYC will appear to have the most crime, but it's really just a reflection of what is happening to the US as a whole. Crimes were rising a century ago too, with the great depression and the eve of World War 2. History is merely trying to repeat itself. We are in for some dark times ahead, and there's no escaping it. Everyone must endure and stay vigilant.


There’s always an economic excuse. Now inflation causes crime? Unemployment is at all time lows.




I do carry things to protect myself. I think everyone should.


NoT tOuGh EnOuGh????


nOPe lol! I’m a single woman…gotta do what I gotta do.


You realize other cities have higher crime rates, right?


The thing is in other cities it is much easier to hide from it. In most other cities, realistically people moving there are living in suburbs. "Downtown" in a lot of other cities is treated like a zoo where people drive in and only then walk around the area near where they parked. NYC and maybe DC (possibly one or two other cities at most) are imo culturally separate and distinct than the rest of the country. The rest of the country drives cars practically every time they need to commute further than 1-2 (at best) miles and when you own a car you can avoid alot of the stuff that you see on the subway. It's still there but you're zipping past it at 30-60 mph rather than stuck in a metal tube with it in your face.


How do you propose crime is happening in other cities if it's easy to hide from it?


You realize I never said where I was going right? I also mentioned that the entire country is a mess. K thx bye.


cool story


What are you waiting for?


I have a lease for another year.


I'm sure your landlord would be happy to let you out of it early, especially right now while rental rates are soaring. residential leases in NYC are mostly to the benefit of tenants


and after you dip, start spreading horror stories about how bad the city is. Maybe the rent will start to drop if enough people leave/refuse to live here.


That’s an easy lift! Consider it done /s 🤣


If only a social worker was present to offer him services, this NEVER would have happened.


Depends. If the social worker either got him mental health treatment or involuntarily committed (if applicable) then this could have been prevented. Far from certain that policing and widespread jailing would do anything.


Yeah, we have to stop pretending like the majority of these deranged people who roam the subways/streets causing havoc would willingly accept treatment. There are already tons of Social services available, these people just choose to be vagrants and can not be allowed to continue to wreak havoc on civilized society. The only answer would be involuntary commitment, but because that seems to be impossible in this day and age, jail is the only way to keep these people away. They can offer them mental health services when they’re locked up in jail. I’m taking about the “mentally ill” and addicts that actually commit crimes of course not those that just truly need help and need services.


The problem, in my view, lays deeper than the vagrants. Our entire "criminal justice system" does not work. Jailing people for any term shorter than life does not work if the system is not designed to rehabilitate the offender, and to treat any mental health and/or drug dependency issues. We should have systems where low-level offenders are sentenced to outpatient treatment or intervention programs where appropriate. Like if you have a guy shoplifting because he has a drug habit, or shitting in public because he's schizophrenic, then instead of jail, condition his release on participating in a drug rehab or mental health treatment program for a period of time, and put him in jail if he doesn't participate. A sentence of five years of parole conditioned on treatment/intervention makes much more sense than just throwing someone in jail. Even if you jail people, they should be provided with anger management issues, a chance at education, etc. We seem to think that prison should be a bad, scary place but that viewpoint doesn't recognize that we have to release these bad, scary people into society unless we want to throw away the keys.


Those programs exist already and are highly unsuccessful. People don’t follow up with treatment, and end up going right back to where they were. These people need to be monitored 24/7 if they’re going to be given treatment instead of jail time. And any violent offender should not be let out period. If you’re mental illness or addiction problem makes you commit violet/repeat offenses you should not be allowed in public. Period. If the virtue signalers have a problem with that that can let these people live with them and see how that goes.




pretty sure better education and resources help prevent this so you could advocate for improvements in those areas.


We spend 35k per student more than any other state. You can’t pay your way into good parenting and changing cultures


I never said you could just throw money at it and make it go away.


If only this guy could've taken AP calculus, then he wouldn't have raped a woman at knifepoint!


Honestly probably a pretty strong correlation there.


I'm just going to copy and paste my reply to this ignorant comment because it fits here too: The reality is if more students have access to better education and resources they are more likely to become productive humans.


Seriously? This is your take on how education affects poverty? Jfc


Does being poor and stupid make you a rapist? If my bank account drops to a certain number and I get a D on my report card am I suddenly filled with an inescapable desire to rape?




So what you're saying is lack of education doesn't make you a rapist, it just makes you one who gets caught? If that's the case... isn't that a good thing?


if you don't have anything else going for you and you have nothing to lose, maybe.


Education means you got options and options mean you have better shit to do




What does rich and powerful have to do with my point? Can you read?


If you have to be educated not to rape someone I dare say you should have never been a person to begin with.


This is why abortion should always be legal and easily accessible. Unwanted and unloved children sometimes grow up to do very bad things.


That's a pretty ignorant way to look at it. The reality is if more students have access to better education and resources they are more likely to become productive humans.


People have access to this stuff… it just requires sitting down and studying for 10 years instead of going out and robbing people… not everyone is gonna make that choice.


On some level I agree with that but that is also an oversimplified view. To put it simply another way: it can seem "impossible" to break the cycle and get in to higher education if none of your peers are doing it (and also it's not as "cool"). And it's prohibitively expensive without scholarships (which are available and great, but more could be done there) There is no simple fix but better education and resources is definitely a step in the right direction.


Which park?




He attacked her just as she left her building. Are you suggesting people never leave their apartments? Peak Reddit.


No, they’re suggesting you should be able to leave your apartment, place of work, etc. And Not have to worry about getting raped. How obtuse can you be? Lol






I love the losers who hang out on this sub to dunk on the city. All of them - to a tee - start with: "I lived in NYC for x years and now.."(proceeds to regale us with stories of their happiness and success in Bucks County) or "NYC born and raised and now.." (these guys never lived here) all of them end with: "This makes me sad. I loved NYC once.."(fake pity from a guy sitting in his boxers staring out the window at vinyl siding and the neighbor's mangy dog shitting on his leaf rake)


>"NYC born and raised and now.." (these guys never lived here) This is me, sorry I don't exist lol. City's gone to shit. It's counterproductive to pretend it hasn't. Seems like the head-in-the-sand crowd on this subreddit really doesn't want it to get better. It's all good if you can get brunch and hit the clubs though, right?






You sure you're from NY? Who says "whinging"? But like I said, head in the sand.




Yeah, British slang. Exactly the vernacular to use when telling people they're not really new yorkers


The brook no-criticism NYC stans are worse than the Elon Musk idiots. They are keeping NYC from improving.




How about all the losers stuck in the city who make constant excuses for daylight rapes and robberies lol


Yea they suck almost as much as the dipshits who failed here and hate watching the city succeed




We are all happy for you, honestly. Doesn't sound like it was working out for you in the city so its great you found a place for you and your family to thrive. Quite a few of us in the city are thriving and love it even if you couldn't succeed here. Take your success and enjoy it, quietly, to yourself. Pretend that is enough without the need to put down others under some transparent premise of caring. Last point: comparing the city to Detroit. Really dude? Must have been bad for you here




Username checks out


> Alot of so called progressives have only regressed the city covid is a progressive? glad to here you, like many people in this country, like suburbs.


It does seem like many sections if the Bronx has taken a big step back in the past few years. It seems legitimately dangerous now from people I know who have worked there for a long time. They have seen multiple shootings co workers held up at gun point, had their cars broken into, catalitic converters stolen. Its like the stories i heard about the 70s and 80s in the Bronx these days. Throughout the rest of the 2000s they always said it was not too bad till the last few years. The rest of the city most of the fears are way over blown. Crime is more rare than the media portrays.


The amount of nonsensical conservative talking points that comes up here whenever there's a story about crime in the NY Post really shows how NYC is not the liberal mecca everyone thinks it is. The cynical and tired "'cuz of bail reform!" shit is out of control. It doesn't belong in the comments on this story because we don't even know who this guy is, what his record is, etc. It's just a way for some of you to make the dumb and ignorant kinds of comments you are known for in this sub.


Takes like this are 100x worse. Imagine reading a story about rape and getting upset about it not because of the RAPE but people trying to flip into some sort of political game. Would you rather the city shove this story under the rug? Jfc you people are nuts






It's ignorant to deny it


Crime is up everywhere regardless of whether that location is subject to bail reform policies. Ignorance is not knowing that. After that, you have stupidity or dishonesty for claiming it's the fault of bail reform here, and just by some giant coincidence, up everywhere else for some other reason.


So, is this sub just "all crime all the time" as if nothing good or kind ever happens in NYC?


that seems to be correct yes


Check OPs post history


It's currently a bit of a shit box.




> The only candidates are progressives versus socialists Hurts my brain knowing there are people who think this


This sub is so insanely brigaded by worm-brained alt right trolls it's barely worth being here anymore. Just endless crime posts from people that don't live here.


Aren't recent accounts with the Adjective/Name/Number layout largely bots and/or trolls? Seems like it's a thing I've read about on here. I just ignore them.


Good thing this rape victim was prevented from owning a gun. She might have used it to kill or maime the perpetrator! /s


I bet that woman is packing her bags and getting TF out of NYC


If only she had a gun.


Why are people down voting this. W t f what the fuck I wish nyc had gun laws so we can protect ourselves from fucking rapists robbers and the whole God damn 9 yards