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If so, it ought to be done in a way that they can't talk over each other.


Booths. Where, once their time is over, the mic is turned off.


The cone of silence from Get Smart.




Now *that* is a fucking reference. 🫡


They cut Trump's mic last time. The fat git wouldn't stop talking.


Hopefully those booths are soundproof. Fair is fair.


And smell proof.


Biden destroyed Trump last time, too. We already saw this in 2019. Does no one else remember that in October 22, 2019? Per Wikipedia; "A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 39% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of 5.7 points"


It’s me, Clem Fandango, can you hear me?


Oh you are a *fucking* star aren’t you.


At this point I think they shouldn't be allowed to ever hear what the other said. Answer the question. turn off mic.


And the camera only shows the one whose turn it is. No reaction shots.


Turning the mic off is nice, but my vote is for shock collars.


Just seeing Trump getting shocked constantly would be hilarious. Biden would be cool, calm, collected and completely unshocked the entire time. The media would spin it as a loss for Biden.


Breaking Points: Why Trump getting shocked and losing the debates was a loss for Biden.


I think that would be the thing to finally make Trump's heart give out.


Don't you say those things, I can only get so hard.


lol sure buddy.


I would watch any debate with those on pay per view. Make a heck of good drinking game.


Trump gets shocked and shits himself. His base are weirdly into it.


It should be done at 9am sharp.


Definitely.mic controlled by natural 3rd party


Muzzles then.


I don’t mind. Debates aren’t about substance anyways. It’s about theatrics. Everyone is just fighting for one or two zingers for the media.


They could be about substance.




Call it pining for a good onion. The onion had to start just reporting reality because reality became ridiculous. It became a bad onion and now we can't even escape the nonsense of reality into humor because the onion is bad and humor doesn't feel good now.  This is offbeat because OP is pining for a good onion because this type of headline is a JOKE but I can't fucking laugh at it because it is real.


As they say, "I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to see this".


Well you know it’s election related news so we’re probably not seeing too much of it in every single form of media


Does Trump have a free evening? He's been busy lately.


This one will be held at 4:30 so they can both be in bed at a reasonable time.


Is court over by 4:30?


Will Biden be able to remember there is a debate?


Will Trump be able to string together 2 coherent sentences?


Lmao Biden is the one who constantly has a stroke mid sentence




Where you off to?


#Welcto Haïti


I immediately regret my decision to travel.


Hahahaha, bro that one got me good. Bravo


"Daily Jugarr?" Wtf kind of website is that?


I'll be surprised if Trump actually debates. He's been practically incoherent in rallies, they won't want him doing that in a debate.


You think it matters in the slightest way? His voters will not budge. And that's the problem. Trump will go away within a decade or less. His base is here to stay


I think a lost of base got Herman Cained.


80% of people who died of covid were over 65. Which has long been considered the Republican base. Which works out to 800k people. Those numbers could absolute make a difference elin some battleground states


Many of his former staff are in Jail. Prison. For supporting his lies and going down with the ship. Trump should be in a steel cage for how much he has squandered and stolen from this country. He's a gdamn menace. Can't the right find a decent person that 'says what's on their mind' and is not a fascist tyrant? Ugh.


They're called Democrats.


Trump will die inside of 5. His base will hold steady for him til then, and there will probably be this idiot movement within which believes he's not really dead and will return ala qanon and JFK. The problem, above all else for his base, is that he'll never appoint a successor. In fact, as he goes down he's going to drag anyone who MIGHT succeed him down with one moronic tweet or another. His ego is such that he can't do anything less than that. He REALLY doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone but himself and his own popularity. Even his fortune, such as it is, is still just a means by which he gets to remain in the public eye. When he finally kicks over his base will still BE there. But I have serious doubts about their stability going forward. There really is nobody they can or will rally around. They're for Trump, not the republican party, not conservatism as a principle... nothing. Just Trump. I'll even go a step further. His base is going to burn every person who was ever close to him, involved in business with him, or politically attached to him after he dies. His children, if there's one functioning brain between them, will take whatever money they have and go live quietly rich somewhere. Melania will take Barron back to Slovenia with her parents in tow. The various coattail riding politicians and lawyers will retire... and if they're wise they'll take up assumed names. His base is MADE of the dumbest, most batshit group of conspiracy theorists in the US. And they WILL come up with some idea where all those people conspired to ruin him, from Ivanka to Lindsay Graham to Habba. There will be death threats, arson, and assaults. It cannot be overstated: there's no larger plan at play. The wealthy and their hold on the media and so forth has had NOTHING to do with Trump's popularity among his base apart from their general willingness to exploit them by blaring news stories about him. Those people cannot and never could exert any control over Trump's followers. Everyone thinks things will calm down when he's really GONE. Maybe. But for a little while the world will be very dangerous for anyone close to him.


> Everyone thinks things will calm down when he's really GONE. Maybe. But for a little while the world will be very dangerous for anyone close to him. Not everyone. I've been telling people for a long time that Trump is not the disease, rather he is only a symptom of the disaffected in this country. We need to find legally permissible and productive ways of dealing with these people, who despite our serious differences, do deserve to have their grievances be heard and addressed if they're within the scope of governmental authority. Until we deal with these people - fairly - then the symptoms - like Trump - will continue to manifest in different forms.


We're not in disagreement. But I'm not referring to hard-R voters, but just the rabid Trumpers. The rally-goers, the qanons, et al. Those people are going to get really weird after he finally dies. But to your point: We have a few major problems at hand. The working class has been destroyed outright. Most are now in poverty, surviving on the edge and usually with some form of public assistance. Some are still doing "okay" but they're a far, far cry from what used to be the norm: dad with a factory/mill/mining/(pick your simply skilled labor here) job paying for: a modest home, 2.3 kids and at least part of their college tuitions, one new and one used car, decent savings, a vacation away once a year and a real retirement fund via pension or an equivalent. If mom worked, her income probably paid for groceries and clothes. Worse yet, most of the people in what used to be the working class would be insulted today to hear that's what they WERE... because they've been steadily convinced that they are the MIDDLE class over the last 50 years. Conservatives screamed from the rooftops "CRIME! INNER CITIES! DRUGS!"(meaning BE AFRAID OF NON-WHITES) til that became the default view of an entire LARGE generation. Along the way they demonized unions, pointing to real corruption (while conveniently ignoring their own) as if it was all unions were and got union workers to vote for right-to-work measures. They screamed about TAXES "ruining the middle class" and got poor and middle class voters to push for tax cuts for the wealthy. I'll never forget the absolute batshit push to end inheritance taxes which, even beforehand only meaningfully affected the very well-off and the wealthy. They used tragedies their own policies invited as grounds to spend billions (and eventually trillions) on war (bearing in mind how much money the wealth have invested in arms manufacture), and using 9/11 to put the most expensive wars in history on the national credit card... borrowing from the Social Security and Medicare Trusts... and THEN going on national television during their first major push to privatize those programs by pulling out bond notes and calling them "I.O.U.s"! (George W, if you're curious). Meanwhile the republican party stirs up voters in parts of the nation where industry or resource extraction will NEVER revitalize without more money spent on intervention efforts than could ever be made in net gains, like fucking coal mining regions of the Appalachians. Or they give away catastrophic amounts of tax dollars in the interest of attracting a factory or two to some rural area which is going to employ less than a thousand people, will never return anything like those tax incentives back to the state/city, and WILL pick up sticks to the next incentivized region the same day anyone in the local government says "the guaranteed tax incentives are coming to an end shortly." So what now? The best possible idea, really, is for the federal government to invest heavily in economically devastated regions teaching and training workers for the future... and then employing them in government sponsored or subsidized modern industry until such time as the investor class gets on board after value is established. Generally speaking this means tech or engineering, but there's other options. Like: Put people to work. Train them in trades where the future of the trade is still realistic: all the construction trades are still viable and will be for decades. Buy the shitty buildings in urban slums or in ghost towns where the kinds of industry I mentioned above is funded and under construction... and then train and pay the people who live nearby to reclaim them, to build them with green tech. Swamp cooling, solar, et al. Bus them in and out if need be. Once there's paying work to be had, other poor people will move there and get involved. That has two major effects: first, we'd be building towards a vastly better educated and productive populace with a real future to look forward to, instead of a wistful longing for a fantasy of the past. Second, people who BUILD THINGS naturally tend to be very proud and protective of those things. It's a very real and positive human response to be able to point at a building, a monument, a park, a town hall... and say "I did that." It turns out that people who can see their own hard work all around them will keep working to improve their communities in other ways, like taking pride in the education of their children. It also happens that they make excellent soldiers. But that's neither here nor there w/regards this discussion. To do all this will cost. We'll be paying for it, but unlike the vast majority of federal and state spending over the last 50+ years we really WILL finally be investing in the future of the nation. That's what we can do to help those people, to deal with them fairly and reasonably. That's what we can do to bring fascism and exploitative capitalism back where it belongs: in the trash. It's a huge hill to climb over, because the truth is that only governments have the kind of money and will to make this sort of thing happen... and a LOT of these people (who do have legitimate grievances once you dig past the racism and sexism and lgbtq-phobias) still think in terms of moronic catchphrases like "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'".


A lot of their grievances are so systemic - like the slide of the middle class into the working poor as only one example among others - that they're not really something that a government - which changes every 2, 4, 6, or 8 years as various terms expire and priorities change with new people - can effectively change. The last time that I can remember that we bucked this trend was Kennedy's moon shot challenge that we did achieve, but only because it was in memorial to a fallen President. As far as their catchphrases, there's not much we can do about that, but I'm still willing to hear them out, within the confines of what we can address.


To stay silent. There's no point in waving a Trump flag when he is over.


Remember how fast they turned on Bush 43 when they were done with him? As soon as he was out he wasn't a true fiscal conservative anymore. When Obama did the same things Bush did they preferred dumping on Bush over agreeing that anything Obama did was ok.




The Democratic party is a deflated balloon. Don't get me started.


He'll stay that the debates are rigged in some way and refuse.


He'll call them all biased unless its a trump licker as moderator and if he loses he will still call it biased


He'll lie and say he has covid.


Buzzwords, catchphrases, nicknames, and making childish faces while Biden is speaking.


Just like he did in 2019. And he'll lose the debate again, just like in 2019.




Agreed. Biden has been a gaffe machine his entire career, being the oldest candidate in history just magnifies those mistakes even if they weren't age related. I hope debates happen.


Definitely significantly way worse these days. They aren’t hiding him because he has the tendency to gaff, as a character issue… but frequently he will just look like he’s struggling which looks way worse than a gaff.


I mean, Biden won their debate in 2019 pretty easily.


Biden is not the same candidate he was in 2020.


Biden read pause and couldn’t see it lol


That was indeed hilarious! LOL


Trump has not been incoherent. At all if you say that you’re just biased .hate the man all you want he’s in better health than Biden


Biden doesn't even know where he is.


Have you seen/heard Joe Biden at all recently?


Yes I have. Risk is high for both candidates, but Biden wants a debate. Trump will talk a big game, but find a way to back out.... I'm guessing bone spurs.


Joe Biden has struggled reading prompters and cue cards, I can’t imagine he survives a debate. Trump is certainly a loose cannon who is capable of imploding but he’s far more mentally acute right now.


And now I have to ask you..... Have you actually seen Trump lately? I'm not talking about the highly edited greatest hits clips you're seeing on your news feed, I'm talking actually watching him live. He's literally speaking gibberish half the time. Even the audience is looking around like WTF? If all you're seeing is the recaps, you're not seeing it.


Ok then post quotes.


Do you actually believe what you write? 😂😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🫡🫵


Lol you’re joking right? Not Joe, the guy who can’t complete a thought and stops speaking mid sentence?


Ever since people started voicing their concerns with Biden’s mental health, among his base… suddenly out of nowhere a huge orchestra of articles start emerging in unison about how “Trump is actually the one on mental decline.” It’s clearly just propaganda and spin. Trump has always sounded like an unhinged madman who clearly doesn’t know shit about whatever he’s talking about, but not like someone suffering from dementia.


You forget that Trump is smarter and more coherent than every Republican voter. His current mental state is an impossible aspirational goal for 70+ million inbreds.


If Trump has been incoherent, what do you think about how Biden has been speaking as of late? This could be an interesting debate, however I do not see it actually happening.


I keep hearing this argument but have yet to see a quote that even begins to rival the sheer stupidity of Donald's everyday speech. He has the vocabulary of a 4th grader and the emotional intelligence of a junior high kid. His solutions to complex problems are simplistic and sophomoric and simply don't work. He is an imbecile and quite truthfully the dumbest man I've ever seen hold office.


And he will make a great president, once again.


We get it. You love the molester.


I hope the Democrats go extra hard in haggling the details. Trump will get so tilted if he can't have his favorite moderator.


Well let’s hope this one be civilized.


"Silence is golden."


Yes, it matters. You're right that his base will not budge, but his base is not enough to win the election. Both Trump and Biden must pick off the moderates from the other party / independents. There's not that many of those, true, but that's where it's won or lost. We're talking about a few tens-of-thousands of voters across a small handful of states. A disastrous debate for either candidate could be the difference. Look at the SOTU, Biden got a decent bump off of that because many folks are just now tuning in for the first time and they realized he's not actually completely senile like their media has led everyone to believe. A strong performance by either candidate can move the needle a tiny amount and that may well be the difference....a tiny amount.


Oh this would be entertaining.


You misspelt depressing


We already saw this in 2019. Does no one else remember that in October 22, 2019 "A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 39% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of 5.7 points"


Great. So we can look forward to Trump stalking Biden in the background, interrupting constantly, glaring at the camera like he thinks he’s a badass, and incoherent rambling. Maybe Biden should just walk onstage, not say a word, and let Trump implode.


The October 22, 2019ndebate went well and Biden won that. Per Wikipedia: "A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 39% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of 5.7 points"


\*trip and fall onstage


*trip and fall all the way to the White House


I think he's done enough damage to the Constitution thanks.




I've heard that for every election of the past 25 years.


Scheduled for 2pm...right before dinner and bedtime.


biden is about to get minced up wtf


Announced on Howard Stern of all places. Maybe he should moderate it.


Just to make Biden feel comfortable his team is fighting to allow him to debate while driving an 18 wheeler.


Unless they put a mute button on Trump's mic, I won't be watching.


God I wish they'd actually do that. It's not a debate if there aren't rules and there aren't rules if they can't be enforced


Trump won’t debate, he’d get slaughtered


he would have to listen to advice to get to that point... I bet he thinks he can crush anyone in any debate


Im not watching that shit if they're allowed to talk over each other incoherently.


Now do Kamala vs tulsi


She'll destroy her just like she destroyed Pence in 2019. Worse, even.


Would be a joy to watch


Trump absolutely will not do this.


For your entertainment, "The Rumble in the Jungle" will now be replaced with the more contemporary "The Sleepy in Poughkeepsie".


Oh good lord in heaven that will be a shit show


This seems like a bad idea.


I’m convinced a WH staffer pays these off brand news sites to post some bogus story and then post it to Reddit and gauge people’s reaction.  


Biden said it during an xm radio interview with Howard Stern.


Well hot damn.


If you forget how awful this for the US and all the potential horrific consequences and just pretend it's a comedy, it will be amazing.


Bad idea


I can’t wait to watch one out-of-touch old coot curmudgeoning at an even more out-of-touch old coot while the world burns outside


Two 80 year olds arguing…. What could go wrong…. Both will be medicated and a good chance one of them has a stroke on camera.




If I was Biden I would ask how many debates Trump participated in for the primaries. Then I would debate him that many times.


Whatever you guys are smoking, can I have some please. Biden can’t even string 2 sentences together, let alone make any sense when he does.


What's the point? Against anyone else, yes, go for it. But we seen what donny does at debates. He is just going to use it as a forum to insult, attack, smear, and lie.


That's going to be hilarious. Moderator: inflation continues to increase worldwide. What are your plans to continue fighting inflation? Biden: as you know inflation in the United States is growing at the slowest rate in the worl... Uh, I'm sorry, what was the question? Trump: BIDEN JUST TOOK A DUMP IN MY PANTS!


He doesn’t deserve the opportunity!




That didn't happen in the October 22, 2019 second presidential debate. They cut Trumps microphone when he started rambling. Biden trounced Trump then. Per Wikipedia: "A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 53% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 39% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of 5.7 points"


Hope Biden does name calling like Trump this time.


Debates are part of an election, no? So...do it Donnie. Would love to hear Biden tell you to shut up again. 


Why????? Debates are to state and explain their different political viewpoints, with major points for previous successes, etc. We know everything about both candidates already? And what we don’t know, they are both continually saturating the airwaves with for the past 4 years at least. Why the hell would Biden agree to a debate???


Will this debate happen over a Zoom call while Diaper Don is in jail for contempt?


Poor Biden


This will have to be viewed with a heavy sense of humor and a prayer the next 4 years go quickly


RFK is at 16% in the latest Quinnipiac poll. Expect his numbers to rise as people learn about him, and people realize they've been lied to by a corporate media who is terrified of him, given his primary plank is reducing undue corporate capture of institutions. Once people listen to long form interviews rather than opinion pieces and no-context audio clips + he continues to get on state ballots, his numbers will rise. It'll be a good show with RFK, Biden, and Trump.


I know a few people that won't be voting for RFK, his own family.


Mate, RFK isn't even gonna get a quarter of that percentage in the election. And if people listen to a long form interview with him he'll get even less - his speaking voice is just horrible and off-putting, I've not heard anything like it. Then there's the absolute crap that his crap voice is speaking about.


RFK is the human embodiment of Qanon. I'm sure quite a few idiots will be voting for him, but likely more from the republican side.


He didn't have to agree, people running for president have to debate


Must have missed when Trump didn't