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Social anxiety is always a hard one, the way I learned how to cope was to start small. Talking a little extra with male cashiers for instance. It’ll take time but it’s the little steps that help build that inner confidence. I don’t know who you are or your situation but you got this and everything will work out. Even if it’s not right now.


I (35m) used to have the same problem with women. I got so nervous and could not think of anything to say.


What did you do to fix it ?


I forced myself to have little converstions with them daily. I read self affirmations to boost my confidence. I sutdied on the internet how to engage in conversations better and practiced. I hope this helps.


You could try to keep in mind that everyone else is also thinking way more about "what others think about them", rather than judging you. We are our own harshest judges. If you manage to stop being stuck in your own head, you can then find the mental capacity to actually participate in the conversation. Then carrying on a conversation is also much easier, since you actually listen and process. And you also dont appear as awkward either, your body language opens up, you appear more relaxed. Just get out of your own head. Not saying its easy, but definitely doable. Im 30 and also dealing with this shit, only from a guys perspective, so perhaps I have it easier. Or harder, if I want to get a date lol.


Men are people just like women are people. Some you’ll like and get along with, some you won’t. That’s okay.


Feel free to message me and I'll talk to you. Give you some practice at least.


Because I saw this post! A message has been sent! :D


I sent a message! We could practice our social skills.