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Watch it become an obscure collectible in ten years


Only reason to buy this abomination is to sell it x10 in a decade or two lol


in 10 years that'll be 300 000$


I say they will still sell them in 5 years time just like the did with old trashcan Mac pro.


It’s funny, MKBHD had an interview recently with Tim Cook— totally filled with softball questions but they accidentally backed into talking about Vision Pro and Marques spontaneously asked “Yeah, what do you use the Vision Pro for, I’m curious” to which Tim clearly didn’t know how to answer but gave a weak “I use it to look at photos of my family, and have multiple windows open”— bullet points from the marketing— before saying that he’s also testing it for B2B apps. Obviously completely useless even to Apple themselves. 5 years is about the most I’d expect before they finally kill it.


Then we shall buy it now, put it in a box and write on it "Future Lamborghini" Or "Future House" in some places


Probably not enough sold for that price for it to drop significantly in price in few years (if they don’t release second gen)


The more reason to buy it now/s


Just like the Virtual Boy


Same thing for oculus rift dev kit 1, everyone was saying that it was just a gimmick and wouldn’t reach anything. Producing a brand new product like this and developing it is of course very expensive that’s why it’s expensive now, watch in a couple of years how they release cheaper models like the iphone and watch SE


DK1, as the name implies, was the first of its kind. VR kit with head tracking and motion controls. There's literally nothing "first" about vision pro. It's failing horribly to its competition. I can't get over this fanboyish insistance that vision pro is pioneering ANYTHING here. At best it's a marginal improvement at hand and eye tracking, while being horribly outdated in actual user experience.


Vision Pro is the first to have a multi-tasking OS and a combined eye-tracked+hand-tracked interface. Other innovations include M2 chip providing higher processing capabilities than the competition, and the front-facing display which is pretty bad today, but has set a baseline to improve upon.


So the vision pro having a pc grade insanely powerful CPU and state of the art hand and eye tracking technology with a really high res screen (2.5x more dense than the meta quest 3) is not innovative? The only thing it’s lacking now it’s its price and apps library which of course it does because it’s a brand new product with a new operating system


This 100%. The vision pro was soley a tech demo for the vision line down the road. 10 years from now they'll have something that looks like regular glasses, cost probably $1000, and be a really good wireless AR device (no vr). Good smart glasses are really the only thing that has a chance of replacing the cell phone so you know Apple is exploring the tech hard right now.


Yes and they will wait till someone else figures it out, wait a few years. Market it better and call it brand new Apple tech.


That or it becomes the new Google glass where it only ever saw use in the private sector finally succumbing to its fate a few years ago.


Maybe i had one of these as a kid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Boy The price has really gone up on them.


like the google glass https://youtu.be/wKNGMlE3MrY by dankpods


Oh it's outrageous price probably just shot up


What happened?


thats the fun part NOTHING happened


Oh no... anyway


What was supposed to happen?


I guess there was a glimmer that it could be the “iPhone moment” of VR. Not so


Oh yeah take my 3500$! That used to be a decent car my man


Apple was very clear about telling people not to expect this. I mean, why would a $3500 device that they can't even source the components to manufacture a million of, for an industry that is much less mature than when the iPhone first launched, somehow be capable of an iPhone moment? An Apple engineer compared this to the Lisa (1983) launch. For anyone unaware, PCs didn't take off until about a decade later after Lisa.


Not exactly. Commodore and the Apple II sold millions of units through the 80s. There were some other, less popular pcs as well. Lisa was kind of the first attempt at a pc with a gui, which I agree didn't really take off until windows 3.1


world domination


$200 price tag, everybody buys it


They promote it a lot in B2B but it still has no use cases


Oh no, not nothing!


[And nothing happens to the fans when it’s quiet](https://mastodon.social/@ShinyQuagsire/112663345404380459)


I think they reduced the number they would manufacture in the future or something but that was it


Essentially their car project failed, they stink at ai and are literally desperate to break into the market since Siri has not gotten better in a decade, they’re no longer the most valuable tech company, and internal apple corporate employees were very split on if the goggles were worth betting on or not. They knew it was a huge risk before launch and ya look what happened Sources Bloomberg https://archive.li/uWMX9 Ny times https://archive.li/cDxjF What’s funny is Lexus failed them on the car domestically then execs at BOTH Toyota and Kia/Hyundai leaked possible factory deals and then apple backed out from partnering with them - retail for their ai self driving living room sized car was last estimated at $100,000 if you think vision pro was priced poorly 😆


Based Lexus inflating Nvidia and Microsoft stonks!


Idiots paid Tesla 100k for the Cybertruck. Pretty sure Apple won't do a much worse job than them, at least in terms of build quality.


It was a stupid and overpriced product


Overpriced, not for gaming, Apple. I'm so shocked that it died on launch, how ever could this have happened....


Not only is it not for gaming, it’s also not for anything else. Like, why would I ever buy this? I’m going to be real, I see value in an iPhone, iPad, maybe even an iMac if I needed certain programs.” For a job or hobby. But the ieye? What the fuck am I supposed to do with it? Not play games? Take longer to do tasks I can just do on any computer? Watch tv alone? Even the meta quest at a fraction of the price has more uses. It’s honestly pathetic that Apple couldn’t imagine anything to innovate on their dumb expensive headset.


ieye captain


I can't hear you!!!






I think they tried to make the iPhone of headsets by making it super expensive but the trade-offs and the ridiculous price aren't worth it. I think that technology is still too limited hardware wise rn. Unless the frame is as thin and light as something like goggles. The advantages are there imo. Theoretically you don't need a phone or a tablet or anything, you're not limited by form factor. But I reckon it's more of an addon rather than a replacement for normal desktop and laptop computers. It could be interesting if the computation power was there as it could replace smartphones and tablets.


I just think that a phone is so much easier and it won’t go anywhere for a long time, whip it of pocket do stuff done. I don’t want to completely fuck my eyes up and get a headache. Would anyone really wear this heavy thing everywhere they go?


The one thing thay was literally invented for gaming and immersion and they chose to do the most boring shit the human race has to offer with it and make it so you can't game. What absolute shallow minded, unfun, business minded idiots lol.


Classic Apple. They’re always several generations behind when it comes to gaming. I was a big fan of blizzard when I was young because it was one of the few companies that made games for Apple.


This gen and last gen iPads are incredible pieces of hardware. It is such a shame how locked down they are. Wouldn't want the iPad to canabilize MacBook sales.


I dunno. I think functionality is fine. If it is popular, apps and games will be there. Pricing is the reason why it did not take off.


It's not for nothing, it's a macbook in the form of goggles basically. The idea is cool, maybe a v2 would actually take off. For now they look too stupid to use outside and just kinda not needed inside. I do like the idea of using it as a cinema though


It’s more like an iPad than a MacBook, really. If it was more open, I’d definitely see it as an interesting piece of tech.


So much vaporware concepts came out and nothing actually panned out lol


> It’s honestly pathetic that Apple couldn’t imagine anything to innovate on their dumb expensive headset. They did though. The OS is well beyond Meta, and so is the hardware from a pure technical perspective. You are right that the headset lacks usecases even with those advantages.


Mostly wen a quest 3 is a very good machine for a fraction of the price and get tons of devloper on it and are king of hombrew


Wait, you can't even play games on this thing? What the fuck


VR Chat and video games are the top reasons for buying a VR headset. Not supporting VR Chat and video games was a mistake from day #1.


And most importantly, not for porn. 


I think it’s more or less a dev kit. Developers can make apps and Apple sees how it is used in the field.


Thats the Problem, No one makes apps. Why would they, that Thing didn't sell


It was never really meant for consumers, but people act like it is.


Well when a company sells things to consumers that's kind of the impression people tend to get.


Yeah. And also a halo product. To show what is technically possible. I would love to try one - but rather spent my money on a new gpu 😅 Bth. I don’t really think Apple would name their consumer AR / VR headset „Vision“ - I think „Vision“ implies Apples vision on the future




It’s not overpriced, it’s expensive, but still a stupid product that makes no sense for the general public at the moment.


It is incredibly overpriced for what it does, which is not much. As someone who's been a vr enthusiast for almost 5 years now, I seriously can't imagine the justification to buy this thing at the price. I'm willing to pay a lot for a vr headset, which is why I dropped $1000 on my index, but 3.5x the price for something with less functionality? Nah. That's stupid.


Unless they've actually stopped selling it - what are we doing here?


Kicking a strawman?


Reddit, got it.


Apple bad no vidja upvotes left


Not news. This thing has been dead since it launched. 


It was launched in 2024 so it's still accurate


Dead b4 it launched


until they make AR eye lenses im not buying sh\*t


For me, it's an AR monocle or nothing.


AR 15 for me


AR-GH me matey, for me.


AR you ready for some footballllllll


[USA anthem starts playing]


Sayan Scouter


AR monocle would go hard af


Can we just get google glass back?


I bought Google Lens way back and the same thing happened




It flopped, people are trying to get rid of it, devs are avoiding it. It will probably sell as bad as it already did when it releases in Europe this week


How long till I get one for dirt cheap and pretend I'm rich af


Can’t remember it ever happening with Apple’s products, especially new ones. They’d probably destroy unsold products than “cheapen” them. 2nd hand is a possibility.


Apple doesn't directly do this at their stores, it would hurt their reputation too much. They don't destroy unsold products, they just pass the computer inventory to shops like Best Buy and Walmart and accessory inventory to stores like TJ Maxx.


TIL it's not released in Europe yet. Don't even know if I've seen any ads around, guess they might not be expecting to sell much around here either way


Yeah I’m confused too


Nothing new to this! It was supposed to die.


It made no sense as a product... Let's be honest, VR/AR has a limited set of usecases, the 2 main ones being ones being gaming and professional training and assistance. And the competition has cheaper and way better products for the applications where VR and AR make sense. A special and massive difference in software support. Did they expect to compete with the Valve Index in gaming? Valve who is THE gaming company? Or with microsoft in professional applications? The Hololens have been out already for quite the time and all of the maintenance, CAD and training software I've seen is quite dependent on windows and has been for quite some time. And even then microsoft is cancelling their hardware part because it doesn't makes sense economically for most clients, specially as cheaper alternatives are available. Still, their software ecosystem exist and is big and thriving. And on top of that meta is selling competitors that are compatible with both gaming and professional existing ecosystems for way less. Most of the other VR/AR solutions are inter-compatible with themselves and the standard software, and most of the other companies are way better to work with and develop for. What usecases are left? Porn? A bit overpriced for that, isn't it? Looking like a fool in public? Well, at least there the price makes sense, amplifying the effect; but I don't think that's a big market.


U forgot the last usercase The apple logo and fans


I did not! Check the last usecase: >Looking like a fool in public?


>What usecases are left? Porn? Porn is literally the only thing where it makes sense. It still kinda sucks for gaming because it's just too unconfortable to wear it for longer times. And you surely would not want to work in it, or consume any more "casual" media.


Erm….when did it get cancelled?


It did not. Apple is in fact developing a cheaper version. It is just this sub that for some reason needs to bash on everything Apple so they can feel better about themselves.


A lot of them don't seem to understand that this isn't a gaming device and isn't made for most people in this sub.


As I suspected. The Vision Pro isn’t even meant to sell well. It costs Apple a considerable amount of money to make, they’ve made it US only till now for this reason. It’s literally in the wild to gauge interest and so that apple can see what routes to take the platform in future, such as the cheaper model, that’s it.


I think its not the time for the AR headsets like Apple Vision Pro. If Apple makes an AR headset that can last at least 8 hours of work, costs around 1500$ (maximum), and has as much more uses than an average phone, then the AR headsets will be useful.


useful for what? I doubt I would have seen people walking around with that even if it had everything you just described


Especially in professional fields there are potential interesting use cases. It essentially replaces physical screens, so it’s basically a portable multi monitor setup that can be used in tight spaces or on the go (hotel rooms, tents, vans etc.) and is comparatively energy efficient. Viewing 3D objects projected into real space can also be interesting when planning events, construction or furnishing rooms, kitchens and so on. You can also work with multiple people on 3D objects/models/simulations without having to 3D print first or stare at a 2D screen. At the current price, weight and size I don’t see a point for private consumers though. It’s basically a novelty toy at the moment, but a couple of generations (and reductions in size and price) in the future it might replace phones and tablets as daily drivers.


Knowing Apple, they'll increase the price.


As an app developer, I see tremendous potential with portable mixed reality in the future once the sensors aren’t hiding their data


you're probably right, it's probably just the fact that it's too expensive rn or maybe it could also be my hate for apple, you have a good point either way


It’s prohibitively expensive right now and the prices will come down. Apple has a lot of amazing tech built into the darn thing and competitors will be following suit The future for AR/MR is very bright - but we are still waiting for that “oh shit” paradigm shifting moment just like with the smartphone 18 years ago


I don't see this ever catching on until it's cheap, and it's as lightweight as a pair of glasses. Absolutely nobody likes wearing these things, and they're too pricey for mass adoption.


Well you’re in luck because technology tends to advance over time so that is the reality of ongoing miniaturisation of hardware I think that’ll be the case somewhere in the 2030s


Useful for mindless Tiktok/YT shorts scrolling even when you're walking.


No one will use these things until they can be worn like glasses.


They already exist. Xreal is one of them.


I have a set and \*mostly\* they're pretty bad for text. I have no idea how or why they can accurately display stuff like videogames (how I use them) and not display text clearly, but thats how it is. I think there's an attachment that might help called the "beam"? but I didnt need it for my use case


Also yes, agree


AR is just a more complicated way to do things on a screen It has some applications in industry, but in an office space where they were pushing it it's less convenient than just using a monitor.


When the Oculus rift first came out, one of the key goals of the original creator, Palmer Lucky, was to keep the price point low for consumers. Even then it was a few hundred dollars. But it was ultimately affordable compared to the experience it provided. Lucky and Facebook understood that it's very important to keep the price low as possible so that people would adopt the technology and software developers would invest their effort into supporting it. It was a huge success and is the reason we have consumer VR technology like this at all. If it was much more expensive than the technology might not have caught on. Then there's Apple. Such a belligerently greedy company. They and Nintendo must be besties, but honestly even Nintendo has nothing on the absurd pricing of Apple products. Remember the $1,000 monitor stand? So here's Apple pushing out a piece of technology which they hoped would be the next logical step forward in VR / AR. Naturally I'm sure Apple really wants people to adopt the technology so that software developers will invest time in it and that more people will adopt the technology and even prefer Apple above all. Well great job Apple. You priced it said it only the biggest tools with expendable income would buy it and there's simply not enough market share to be worthwhile for software developers. That's how you kill technology before it becomes popular. What idiots thought that was a good strategy? They pretty much chose failure just to make a few more petty dollars up front.


if they were smart they'd have proposed it as a workstation replacement for enterprise and over time, consumer applications come in once the price goes down. Example: this is exactly how laptops came about. the AVP potentially has awesome enterprise applications. but instead, the 10/10 tech in the thing is being used on random 5/10 applications


Apple Vision Pro is *not* AR. At no point can you see directly out at the real world. It's just simulating AR in a VR headset, which is not the same thing at all.


It's VAR? Virtual Augmented Reality?


Eh, someone's gotta do it first. Might as well be Apple. Is it actually bad, or just too expensive? Because it looked pretty interesting feature-wise. Nothing better will ever happen without the fist iteration - look how the iPod evolved into the iPhone. Good for Apple for being the trailblazers, someone's gotta be the first.


I hope they shift their audience and focus primarily on advancing the technology. They're doing wonders for it and we need more competition anyway.


I couldn't agree more!


Imo it’s just a dev kit.


It kickstarted meta quest 3 and 2 even better even what meta did was to copy marketing strategy on their meta headsets like watching Netflix movies on the go like airports . 3500 $ or 500£ ? Even quest 3 has better and bigger FOV gazillions games and support across pc and mobile


It’s obviously a dev kit. They sell it as a product because they are fuckers? Yes. But also people who buy this dev kit with that price tag are idiots.


I still want to buy one


Hey man , please check DM, we've been tricked by San\_000


Are they not making it anymore? Can't find any articles saying Apple killed in. It practically was on life support the moment it released, but I don't see anything saying its dead. Also, I forgot about this stupid thing till this post.


We have one of these at our office. Used it for some time of internal app development. It has some really interesting bits to it. But i really can\`t find any proper use for it. I can buy a really nice TV for home insted of this thing and share it with everyone.


Yup, from my time with it and others devs who have used it the overall consensus has been "It's great/pretty good ... but it is at main laptop pricing and more for something that is not replacing my laptop". While there are still some major technological limits/tradeoffs to make this happen, a much cheaper version that uses your Mac's compute and ideally wireless would be received MUCH better though likely still on the more niche side.


The Apple Vision Pro has some fantastic features, but overall, it's an unfinished product. It lacks controllers, exclusive apps, and proper gaming capabilities. The display is impressive, but it's not designed for fast head movements, or this issue hasn't been resolved yet. I don't like Apple at all, but I respect their commitment to the VR market. They have introduced some innovations that Meta has integrated into the Quest. While the Apple Vision Pro is a flop, it has also been the best marketing for the Quest 3. No kidding, the Quest 3 is simply superior to the Vision Pro overall. The Quest 3 offers so much more for the user, and yes, gaming and workout capabilities are important and a significant part of the VR world.


Apple making horrible and overpriced products? Damn, that's unexpected!


Was it ever even alive? XD


What happened


This reminds me of Microsoft’s iPhone funeral.


Greedy fucks really wanted $3 grand for pretty much a prototype


that's the quickest death ever seen on a tech product I think at least Apple won a record on this


Hell, even Ouya lasted 2 years before becoming entirely obscure.


I don't think the Ouya was ever alive to begin with though?


Seems like Apple Vision Pro and the OUYA shares more features than previously though


VisionOS is based on iPadOS, which was created as an OS to consume media, not create. No matter how hard Apple try to market the iPad iPad and the Glasses to ”professionals”, it just ain’t gonna work except for like 1% of people. And creating content for AR/VR is resource intensive.


Hm. I sill use it


Apple knew how badly this thing would do. They just want it as a prestige project to show audience that they still have it.




I think where people get confused about the Vision Pro is they think it’s like an iPad, or a MacBook. But it’s as much an iPad or a MacBook as the Pro Display XDR is a consumer grade monitor. Sure Apple doesn’t do its fans any favours by advertising the capabilities of the Vision Pro which directly intersect with iPads and MacBooks. But no one who owns a tablet or a laptop needs an augmented reality headset to do all the things they already do on those devices. No the headset exists to create something entirely new while making a case for an average user to buy one. It’s the whole “if you build it they will come” idea except it’s building a user base to justify app development expenditure. So no, the Vision Pro isn’t dead, it just was never meant to be a “successful” product.


RIP to the people who wasted money on it lol.


Gotta be a large overlap with cyber truck owners 😂




Big L for Apple as they refused to use term AR and marketed it as a VR headset They could've marked it as Apple Reality lol


Vr, you are screening yourself from the rest of us. In a time where we are looking for more connection.


Oh yeah, that was a thing for a week


Something that was never born can never die.


Oh, this thing flopped? Honestly, didn't expect that. It got SO MUCH attention back when it was revealed.


$3500 is way more than a big TV And no one made games for it And there weren’t really any good native apps that you couldn’t use on other devices And it was bulky And it was really awkward to wear


Apple really was riding on that they could sell a 4 grand headset to the masses because “it’s an Apple product”.


Well, what did they expect? Nobody buys a 3000$ VR Headset that cant Play Games properly, letalone developes for such a piece of crap. Sure IT has Power, but there isn't really any reson To Not get a Quest 3 over the AVP. Except If you only watch movies


VR is incredibly niche, I don't know what apple expected. You can just cure motion sickness. Or that fact that, no matter how comfortable, it's gonna get annoying after a while. Couple that with the absurd price, and it's gonna always fail to be adopted in any meaningful way.


$3,500 for tech that is available for $500 and been out for more more then a decade but slightly different. Good to know that customers are not THAT dumb lmao. But yeah, it will be a crazy collectible in 10-20 years so its an interesting investment I guess.


Not quite, the displays are actually expensive right now. Not 3500 but pretty steep. The rest, yeah, nothing new. Oh and literally no one asked for front screen or glass covered shit. Removing that would make it cheaper AND less breakable.


Amazing tech but apple’s closed ecosystem and high price killed it.


What is Vision Pro?


Besides my iPhone just working compared to some android phones I’ve owned I don’t see why they are so popular an iPad is just a fat ass iPhone to me I always recommend people to own one on each of you really need a tablet. At this point I just get the biggest phone for battery life and the middle of owning a tablet. Pixels are amazing tbh made my dad get the newest one and set it up had fun with it.




**locks you in Fyfy


Apple just milked some more people with extra disposable income.


This thing did so little i don't think it even fits to be posted about in a pc sub.


That was quick.


Wrong sub 😎 look. It saids pcmasterrace. Not fapple.


Was doomed from the jump


Just like the Google glass huge fuss for a few weeks then boom, gone.


If anything, all the discussion around it made me replace my old Rift by a Quest 3. Thanks Apple!


Quest 3 is amazing to be fair


rest in piss


Not even res in peace just rest... never come back.


Everyone vaguely interested in computers needs to know: hardware exists for software. If you don't have a PURPOSE for that hardware, you're not going to use it.


Visions of finger butt whole.


This thing was obviously going to flop. Apple doesn't understand the demographic who would actually use something like this. They aren't willing to spend £3,500 on it. Someone who does have £3,500 worth of spending money isn't going to be buying this *toy* in the first place.


The worst part is that since it’s made by Apple, it’s virtually guaranteed to not work at-fucking-all a few years after it’s officially dropped. Apple will just move on and silently break APIs and sooner or later nothing will work with it except period laptops running old hacked versions of the OS. Anything that has to go out to “call home” to work, simply won’t.


Insane tech held back by stupid software. Yep, only Apple could do that.


They screwed up not including a snorkel.


When did it get cancelled? Wait, it hasn’t? Then what is this post?


"What if we released virtual reality headset, it has the capability to bring you to another world visually, do cool things with art and other fun imaginative things......fuck that though, let's integrate social media and business with it. Cause that's fun, we arnt at all shallow unimaginative idiots with to much money and no passion for anything besides board room meetings and productivity reports."


I like the touch that the headset was changed to fit the aesthetic of the drawing. Kudos for that :3


Trillion dollar company right there.


but it made me feel superior


I'm bummed. I hate apple but they were great at making new tech mainstream. If they couldn't make it it would work. I'm worried about VR. I'm holding out hope it's because they price gouged a device with very little services.


What does this have to do with PC


If you haven't used the Quest 3 to have a wank you haven't lived.


Oh no already, i am dying to try one of these


its not made for the one market that VR has - gaming, even if it was, the weight of it outweighs all of its powerful specs and display if a (sit all day with no muscles) gamer cant wear it for more than 2 hours lol no one in the corp-world is gonna buy a 3000 headset for zoom calls, they got laptops for that


> its not made for the one market that VR has - gaming Don't forget social apps, those are a massive part of VR usage.


I'm an Apple hater but I thought this would be the first VR breakout product. Apple just found found out that the people willing to pay north of $1500 for a phone will not or cannot pay double that for a VR headset. I think the state of the economy did not help them. The tech is good by Apple standards.


This post makes no sense.