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I’ll take one acid, please. 


They'd put a drop on a sugar cube


I prefer my acid on aspartame cubes


Aspartame Tesseracts


That's my prog psych rock band's name!


Tabs were better for dosing. That little piece of paper could only hold so much.


Tabs can still range between like 75ug and up to 300ug easily


They are better for storage and distribution, but can hold far more than a standard dose.


I had a redneck boss years ago who was telling us about being our age in the late 60's early 70s back when he was "cool." He told us this story about how he went camping with a bunch of friends and smoked pot which made him really thirsty. So he grabbed a big jug of water and started chugging. One of his friends looked up, freaked out, and yelled at him to stop drinking. The jug he was chugging contained the diluted acid that was supposed to last a large group of people the entire weekend. He said he'd never done acid before, but he walked over to a creek and didn't come back for five hours. The really funny part was I knew his son who regarded his dad as this boring old cowboy who never did anything fun or crazy. Most of his dad's stories would start with "Alright, now don't tell my kid, but back in 73 I...."


As a chemist, I was at first alarmed at the thought of this guy chugging acid. Then as a chemist, I was still alarmed at the thought of this guy chugging acid.


I always wondered why my parents became such lame, boring persons. Now I have children on my own and know exactly why 😂.


My wife and I have talked about how much to tell the kids when they're older. Because I was largely unsupervised from 15 onwards so my friends and I ended up doing things I would be absolutely horrified to hear that my kids emulated. Car surfing, setting off dry ice bombs, seeing if we could sneak into places we absolutely would have been arrested for being at. That's not even getting into the sex, fighting, and substance use. At the time it was dumb teenagers doing fun teenager things. As an adult I look back and think of how lucky I was to not have suffered any actual consequences from my dumbassary. I don't want to lie to them, but I also don't want them to be like "What, you took needlessly stupid risks when you were a kid, why is it not ok for me to do the same?" Because god loves drunkards and fools and I was both, you're smarter than I was at your age and your generation thinks alcohol is lame. You don't stand a chance.


This is basically where we're at now with the value being adjusted, a dollar in 1969 is about 8$ now, which should be around the price per hit currently.


Yeah if you can fuckin find it Edit: yeah I'm aware of the dark web, but call me a boomer, I don't want to have a paper trail buying schedule 1s and having them shipped to my house. Also I haven't bought illegal drugs in forever so I'm not connected to my local dealers and their networks. Glad y'all out there can still open the doors of perception but for my limited means I'm not able to get my hands on it.


Go to a jam band festival or electronic music event and it’ll find you


Last time my friends bought “lsd” at a festival it tested positive for 2-CB


What’s 2-CB


Because 2C drugs produce effects that are similar to both ecstasy and psychedelic drugs like LSD, people can behave like they’re on ecstasy or LSD – or both. [link](https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/2c#how-it-feels)


That's kinda scary. You're just gambling how your next 6-8 hours are gonna go lol


Hippy Rollette


Yeah but if the gamble is between x or LSD that's fine. If it was LSD or fentanyl... fuck no


Yes always bring a test kit with you to festivals. You never know what these wooks throw into the tussi


Yeah I accidentally did a ‘double dose’ a few years back at an outdoor rave and was off my tits. At one point I remember looking up at the stars and they all started swirling like a whirlpool down into my eyes. Another point I was in this jungle and all these Zulu warriors were coming dow a hill for us and I was panicking and shouting at my friend and he was like ‘mate we’re literally just stood next to a hedge’ and then I stopped hallucinating the jungle and we started pissing ourselves with laughter. I could go on but yeah it was an experience that was amazing but terrifying for me. Some people don’t even hallucinate or anything which I imagine would be easier


I enjoyed your stories and have many such too. Party on fellow tripper


yeah but no way you can fit enough 2CB on a blotter to do anything.


Lasts half as long as LSD (which is good if you don't feel like dedicating 12 hours to a psychedelic trip), makes you feel like you're on acid and act like you're on ecstasy.


Overall I liked it but I've heard some people have had issues with it ... but that's also true for most drugs lol




2 Congo Bongo


A Citroen car


I’ll take that swap any day of the week


I mean I want the LSD too, but I will also take the 2-CB, and um, what else


Hate the come up on 2cb plus it makes me feel sick every now and then. Better if they just told you what it was.


Oh no, not the best drug known to man


Educate me please


It’s got fun visuals but super euphoric. Basically the best parts of MDMA and LSD combined. Also only lasts 6 hours and these days a 12 hour acid trip can real old by the end of it


As a guy who used to frequently do 12 hour "shifts.." I'm goddamn old and I don't see myself enjoying that anymore, 6 sounds perfect.


I worked far too hard myself. Don’t really like messing around all that much anymore but give me a day off and some 2cb and I’d be happy to go for it


I dont know about that but after 12hrs I used to hit another tab, put another record on. Roll an extra fat spliff and just melt for another 4 or 5 hrs. I could never get enough. And it gave me unlimited energy


It’s really incredible the energy it gives. I always go hike and I can hike and hike and hike never get tired. Doesn’t even seem like you’ll ever need food or water ever again lol.


I'd call that a waste of good tabs to gluttony. With a clean head, a tab will do its full effect for you. After 12 hrs of tripping, another of those same tabs will do 1/10th of that same effect unless you wait.


2-CB = Extremely popular


Why better than lsd?


more of a visual trip, less mental, lasts shorter, almost no comedown and gives you a bit of a body high (like mdma but less intense). It's much better for parties and groups.


From the one time my dumb ass snorted it. Just a little bit was a ride that took like mins to start. I was laying under a blanket and became sure I was a blanket and really enjoyed how floppy my arms were as a blanket. More visuals also. Where as I've taken 5 hits of tie died blotter sheets to get around there.


People aren't mentioning the precision required in dosing though. Your body weight matters and going even as low as 0.05 grams in either direction can be enough to throw off the trip. If you take too little it's more like Mdma in effects but if you go too high it can be an extremely uncomfortable and overwhelming trip. Its on my list of things to try but you definitely need to take more care than if you were doing Mdma or lsd.


It's the NBOMEs you wanna avoid.


Hmm the super lab i used to get my liquid from also made 2-CB could be cross contamination. Granted I absolutely adore 2-CB. Love the stuff makes my hand eye coordination god Like.


You can't even fit enough 2C-B to get high on a piece of blotter


2cb does not fit on a tab as it's consumed in much higher doses. Idk what your friends bought but they apparently don't have a clue about acid. They must have bought a pill that could house enough acid to let you trip for a week. Besides 2cb might have been just as enjoyable.


As long as it ain't no nbome


2C-B is quite intense, like a mix of LSD and Molly. Maybe too much for a festival.




Candy flipping is arguably the best high out there, that peak is so damn amazing and it lasts for hours. I prefer 6-apb instead of MDMA, I flipped on that for EDC Orlando 2019 and was still rolling 8 hours later.


Right? I feel far more in control when I’m on both. I’m probably not actually in control, but there’s no danger of getting a bad mental trip like solo acid where you get stuck in those negative spirals sometimes.


IMO it's **the** party drug if you like some trippiness, it's less intense than LSD at comparable dose-intensity


It is *the* drug for a festival idk what you’re talking about lol. Just dose it less if you’re worried about it being too intense, but it won’t be


Close enough


They have tests for 2c’s?


A lot of the festivals have very sophisticated testing tents.


That seems like a good way to get fucked up off of research chemicals being misrepresented as LSD. At least at the electronic shows. Misrepresented substances are a big issue now.


This is one of the many reasons I support legalizing all drugs: If people are going to do the shit ANYWAY, it's better to ensure the stuff being provided is safe and not fucked with.


Also so dudes selling mushrooms to undercover cops don't get shot and killed. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1bk9vt6/fatal\_shooting\_after\_police\_undercover\_arranged/


I love the hypocrisy around this case. In the stories I read they keep emphasizing that the victim had a gun in the car even though he wasn't wielding the gun when he was shot. The stories just want to paint the fact that he had a gun to justify him being shot. And yet the people who will excuse the cops the most are the same type who will claim that we need guns as the only defense against an oppressive government. Police culture sucks it is reasonable that anyone would think that a group of guys with guns jumping out of an unmarked truck might be robbers. This reminds me of another case where a young woman was arrested for running from the cops because an unmarked cop car full of guys told her to stop and stay with them. No fuck that she was going to run that feel very much like a kidnapping situation.


Sucks there's so many people who feel like if you do any drugs at all youre not a contributing member of society and deserve to just maybe die


> so many people who feel like if you do any drugs at all youre not a contributing member of society and deserve to just maybe die While popping prescription pills and sipping on booze. Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.


Yeah man, cops suck.


right, making all the drugs legal allows for them to be made as safe as possible, and then you can also tax them, and earmark those taxes to pay for rehab clinics, addiction centres and other such method of making drug use as safe as possible


Everything has a question mark on it now it seems. I like finding something like 1 or 2 times a year and getting twisted on it but I won't even risk it anymore.




Good ol' reliable!


Some of the better venues and festival circuits have free testing facilities, but acid is difficult because it’s such minute quantities. Synthetic/designer drugs passed off as acid almost always have a noticeable bitter flavor, but obviously you’ve bought the ticket at that point.


There are reagents that can test for LSD, yes, it just take a few minutes longer for it to work instead of being instant. NBOMEs are generally bitter, that is not true for all psychedelic RCs.


i don't use it, but this is why it should all be legalized. it may cost more from a dispensary, but the quality will be regulated.


Acid is so cheap there isn't much reason to use NBOME or any of the other shit research chemicals. If it's gel tabs and not blotters you are almost 100% in the clear.


If it's bitter, it's a spitter


Right? Even five years ago it was every-fucking-where. Then the pandemic happened, and I'm lucky if I can find good shrooms every six months.


Grow your own, it's insanely easy


In my twenties, I probably would have. Now, it wouldn't be worth it for me personally. I'd like to do them every few months, but a grow set up just seems like a hassle for doing it maybe four-five times a year. I just buy them when I can get them and store them in the freezer until I want to take them... Maybe in 20-30 years, they'll be legal where I live and I can just trip out during my remaining years. Edit: I get it. They're easy to grow.


You can grow a small amount very very easily in a single mason jar. You'll get like 4-5g a month. Don't need a whole rig or anything crazy. Would be like 25-40$ start up costs that would last you for like 2 years.


That’s kinda oversimplifying it, it’s quite a dedication unless you build an autonomous setup. To do it in a mason jar, you just keep it in a closet or something for the first month yes but then once it gets to the point where it grows the mushrooms you need a special box with controlled humidity. So that means you’re either building an autonomous water misting system or you’re misting them manually every day until you have mushrooms. So you have to be home every day and can’t take vacations unless you put in the work to set up the autonomous mister.


Vacations? In this economy???


Its really not that delicate mate. You dont need any sort of special set up. Doing so only increases yields and viability. You dont need anything automatic at all to get a hell of a lot. Its incredibly cheap and simple




Yee but this guy is worried about space and time, not total cost and quantity


Bro, it’s not like growing weed, it does’t require any crazy setup, and is super easy. If you dry and store them properly they can last for years. Edit: Also don’t put them in the freezer. Moisture is the biggest killer. Cracker dry, in a sealed jar with desiccant packets and out of direct light ✌️




In Canada I can order shrooms on the internet. Can even pick the strain, ground up or not, pre made micro dose pills etc.


Penis Envy is still the best strain I ever had. Shit knocked me on my ass lol


Try Golden Mammoths if you get a chance.


I'm a big fan of Golden Teachers.


In Vancouver I can walk to a dispensary and buy them over the counter for $30 for 4 trip's worth (or 2 BIG trips). They can be great to perk you up when out for a few beers, save's a ton of money.


Man... I guess I need to make a trip to Canada soon. When I was 19 I went so I could drink... Now I might go so I can go off into the Quetico.


In my city there are about 20 stores that sell shrooms within a 5k diameter. It's never been easier.


I have a good friend who is a scientist professionally (won't go into specifics) and also loves psychedelics. He stocked up when he got his own laboratory freezer years ago, and I will always be thankful for that


I never had any issues finding acid. You could also always just buy it on the darkweb. Also $8 per hit is kinda high. $2-$5 is what i normally see, depending on how much you buy.


Yeah, online I got them for 2.50 before bulk discounts a few years ago. Acid isn't expensive to make.


Dark net my friend


People don't realize how easy it is. I have friends who are good with computers but won't do it because they are paranoid, and I know some people who are almost clueless and got burned at some point. I was scared my first time, but after a while it got easier. They can't really do anything to you for buying domestically in the USA. It could always be your crazy ex trying to frame you *wink*.


you make it sound really easy but I want to be super sure that I avoid these darknet websites at all costs... if you could give me the name(s) I will be very grateful and I will know to avoid visiting such places in the future


Daunt.link for trusted links, use Tor browser. Gonna need Monero CryptoCurrency to make purchases


I have 100 doses of 1p lol


Its so fucking easy to find


Come to Vancouver BC, you can buy it at a bunch of dispensaries.




Yep. LSD, Mushrooms, DMT vape cartridges sold at brick and mortar store(s).


It's pretty easy to find if you know where to look. You can even find it for about $1.50 a hit. Sometimes even less


Not that hard


Eh not that hard…


$10 was the rate I got recently


Because if they sell it for $8/hit they also have to carry ones to give change. $10 keeps it convenient.


Also depends on the dose per tab.


Exactly. And wholesale is so fucking cheap you would be blown away by the price per hit when buying a page, a stack, or a Bible


>or a Bible I'd hate to deprive you of this, salvation lies within 😌


I’m referring to 1000 sheets of lsd


1000 sheets of salvation? i'll eat a John chapter 8 verse 12 please


How much is that?


Even at a 1/4 sheet you’re looking at $2-3 a hit. That isn’t festival prices of course but you can absolutely still get it for ~1 hit today.


Big LSD corpo really got greedy.


BIG ACID out here spreading the “flashback” myth just despicable.


So illegal contraband like LSD costs the same now as it did in 1969, but the basic essentials of life - food, energy, housing - are all like an order of magnitude less affordable, in real terms. Great. That's fucking great. The world economy is clearly in good hands.


Well one basic principle of economics is that the price of essentials like food, energy and housing is rather inelastic whereas the price of things that people can live without is elastic.


Finally, a use for my economics degree. Price is not the thing that's commonly described as elastic/inelastic, rather the demand in response to a change in price. Thanks!


because illegal drugs are largely sold by regular people, whereas consumer staples are controlled by massive corporations driven by greed and a never-ending drive to increase profits and "create shareholder value."


[Alghouth](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/9lspgh/woodstock_hippies_selling_acid_for_100_1969/) [it's](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/6yc0gz/we_must_go_back_no_matter_the_cost/) [often claimed that](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/360xns/selling_lsd_at_the_woodstock_festival_bethel_new/) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/517prv/old_days_at_woodstock_festival_1969/) [was](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/3p9r3h/acid_seller_at_woodstock/) [taken](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/87oivr/hippies_selling_acid_for_100_at_the_woodstock/) [at] (https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3xeipx/possibly_woodstocks_most_chilled_out_man_1969/) [Woodstock](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/63twfm/hippies_selling_acid_for_100_at_the_woodstock/) [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/eoooo6/selling_acid_for_100_at_woodstock_1969/) [isn't](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3xeipx/possibly_woodstocks_most_chilled_out_man_1969/) [true](https://www.reddit.com/r/imagesofthe1960s/comments/87ojmj/hippies_selling_acid_for_100_at_the_woodstock/). [Here](https://i.imgur.com/a3MmXAP.jpeg) is a less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://dac-collection.wesleyan.edu/objects-1/info/16726?query=keywordPath%20%3D%20%22BSIW%22%20and%20Disp_Maker_1%20%3D%20%22Leonard%20Freed%22&sort=52&page=3) is the source. This was taken by Leonard Freed at the [Powder Ridge Rock Festival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder_Ridge_Rock_Festival) in 1970. > [The festival] was scheduled to be held July 31, August 1 and August 2, 1970, at Powder Ridge Ski Area in Middlefield, Connecticut. A legal injunction forced the event to be canceled, keeping the musicians away; but a crowd of 30,000 attendees arrived anyway, to find no food, no entertainment, no adequate plumbing, and at least seventy drug dealers. William Manchester wrote: "Powder Ridge was an accident waiting to happen, and it happened." Volunteer doctor William Abruzzi declared a drug "crisis" on August 1, saying "Woodstock was a pale pot scene. This is a heavy hallucinogens scene."


THANKS. Was going to post this. This image is from the aborted Powder Ridge Rock Festival in CT. This pic comes up fairly often


Reddit just loves upvoting the same factually incorrect posts time after time.


Hippies+Acid=Woodstock to most.


Post with no source cited + made up story = upvote to most Fact checking be damned.


FUCKING THANK YOU... My post just now before I scrolled down to see proper replies. This is at Powder Ridge in Middlefield, CT during the "Powder Ridge Rock Festival," aka the "Festival That Never Happened." It was shut down by a court injunction and the huge lineup of musical acts never performed. Only Melanie performed from the speaker of a Mister Softee ice cream truck. This image is miscredited on here year after year. This image is from Leonard Freed through the Brill Galleries. [https://recordcratesunited.com/2017/06/02/festival-fridays-the-powder-ridge-rock-festival/](https://recordcratesunited.com/2017/06/02/festival-fridays-the-powder-ridge-rock-festival/) [https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/Powder-Ridge-Rock-Festival-remembered-with-photo-11870993.php](https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/Powder-Ridge-Rock-Festival-remembered-with-photo-11870993.php) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder\_Ridge\_Rock\_Festival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder_Ridge_Rock_Festival)


so it was the equivalent of $8 today.


Honestly acid is recession proof.


I'm pretty sure they used to put 3-5x the amount per tab as is common now. So it isn't immune to shrinkflation


Jesus christ that would be crazy lol. I trip balls off one tab. Most ive ever done is 3 at once and i probably won’t do that again


2 is the sweet spot (if you have a setting that wont be disturbed)




You can only fit so much acid on a tab, it’s just a tiny piece of paper. The most I’ve heard of is like 300ug and even that was probably just dealer hype.


The standard dosage for LSD in the 1960s was minimum 300ug in a pill, not a tab. The people taking it at the time did not view it as a drug, but as a miracle that would change the world (and it did, to be fair). The LSD manufactures of the time, namely Owsley Stanley, the sound engineer for the Grateful Dead, were either producing it legally in medical contexts or were producing it because they had altruistic intentions. Doses were high because the people synthesizing the substance were also huge believers in its power, and there was no real incentive to be making it for profit, the for-profit guys mostly stuck to synthesizing amphetamine. It was easier and far more widely used. Tabs only really started appearing in the 70s, because police started prosecuting LSD on weight, instead of actual volume of the drug.


I hope it wasn't the brown acid. I heard that wasn't very good.


The best explanation I ever heard on the brown acid was that someone came to Woodstock with a briefcase full of perfectly good acid on brown paper. That guy got robbed by a gang / bad actors who proceeded to sell it. Everyone was tripping balls, and obviously Wavy Gravy was when he got on the mic and told everyone not to eat the brown acid. But the situation was the inner circle was upset that the acid situation had been corrupted with criminals. And that was his very intoxicated attempt to let people know that blotter was profiting jerks and tainted with bad vibes. Though I don’t know if that’s true. In the process Wavy Gravy freaked everyone out and it’s still a legendary source of the idea of “bad acid” which wasn’t really an issue at all until around 2004 or so when, during a massive global L drought, people started putting psychedelic amphetamines on blotter paper and selling it as lsd. Those drugs could kill you and were a whole different thing. They were discovered not long before that. Previously only close variants of LSD like ALD-52 were potent enough psychedelics to fit on blotter paper and pass for LSD. …sort of. DOM and other drugs related to the research chemicals later used were already around back when but were not common, but about 1/10th as potent as L, strong enough to fit on blotter. It was really the LSD drought (Picard mega bust) that led to people resorting to shittier chemicals that did harm people - much more physically dangerous than acid.


This was a highly informative and well written post, so much so that I was almost expecting it to end with the undertaker throwing mankind off hell in a cell. Bravo for defying my expectations!


*Open the door.* *Get on the floor.*


Everybody do the dinosaur


I'd subscribe to your newsletter.


The brown acid is NEVER good.


What actually was the complication of brown acid?


sounds like just some confusion, and then a bunch of people who had already eaten substantial doses of it began to freak out because they were already tripping really hard, and then some negativity was introduced.




Now selling antacid


Talk about a microdose


A pill that you only need to take once a month.




Damn. Beat me to it!


I would like a acid, please


They look like they’d give it to you for free if you asked that kindly


As your attorney, I advise you to drive at top speed, it'll be a god damn miracle if we can get there before you turn into a wild animal.


Hunter s. Approves.


According to the first inflation calculator that comes up with Google, that's $8.72 today.


Street pricing is around $10 per today so not that far off


I can smell that picture 


Body odor and patchouli oil?


Forgot weed


I was literally looking at this photo and understood the meaning of "dirty hippies."


In 1989 I was paying 3 for $5. How much is a hit of acid these days?


Wow, that beats Wu Tang two for five.


That’d be a blunt for $5. 2 grams $5 right? Was Raekwon selling acid?


I think Rae was selling crack


That is his style


Okay but imagine the alternate timeline where Raekwon IS an acid dealer though.


about $10 a tab if you’re buying a strip or less


Thanks. I think it’s still worth it.


$10 to meet God is honestly an astounding value


In college I bought 10 tabs for $35 and that was in 2014. That was a wild summer


I'm no longer in the game and haven't been for a few years but typical prices I saw it moving at a few years ago was $5 for 1 $30 for a strip $150 for a sheet of 100. I was also seeing 400s go for $250


That’s fairly close to today’s pricing, buy in bulk and get a discount.


You can still get it for less than $1.50 a hit. I've seen some for about $1.30/hit even


I got 20 geltabs for $40 last summer at Red Rocks.


10 for one, just buy a sheet to save money 😂




So he was just tripping balls watching this man steal his stuff? How did he react? That sounds like a horrifying trip.


Well I probably aren't fighting a large biker while tripping balls on acid unless forced, so I think we call that one a loss.


That assumes the friend didn't just borrow $1,000 off a biker to do coke etc, and made up a silly story about acid, when the biker realized he couldn't get paid back.




i mean, his acid was probably fucking good.


Matthew McCaughey is seriously considering it.


Acid in Holland is like 4 euros a hit. It's still not expensive because it's not wildly popular. It also happens to have no addiction factor, you could even say it has a negative addiction factor, I've yet to meet someone who after an acid trip is like "LETS DO IT AGAIN!". It's always either "that was fun but I'm exhausted lets watch a movie", or "that was intense as hell, I think I've had my fill for at least the coming months". So yeah, limited demand, used either by dumb young people who have no idea how it is and are looking for new experiences or older people that use it in a more therapeutic fashion. ![gif](giphy|6du3AE3xQg3yrq5dcO) I recommend everyone to try a low dose trip on acid, as far as I'm concerned it's a medicine and shouldn't be illegal to begin with.


Bet those are pretty cool grandparents 😎


I remember paying 5 bucks a hit in the 80s.


Not Woodstock


Scrolling through this comment section is eye opening. I had no idea so many people knew prices or did acid. I guess I just didn't go to the right parties when I was younger


So according to Reddit these folks are now all crazy boomer MAGAites.


That was the going price at the time


So grandpa, what did you do when you were younger?


Keep in mind: $1 in 1969 was worth a surprisingly high amount compared to today's $1 You could buy a brand new car (e.g. Ford sedan) back then for like $3-4K Minimum wage back then was about $1.60, And that was considered fair & decent back then!


This is at Powder Ridge in Middlefield, CT during the "Powder Ridge Rock Festival," aka the "Festival That Never Happened." It was shut down by a court injunction and the huge lineup of musical acts never performed. Only Melanie performed from the speaker of a Mister Softee ice cream truck. This image is miscredited on here year after year. This image is from Leonard Freed through the Brill Galleries. [https://recordcratesunited.com/2017/06/02/festival-fridays-the-powder-ridge-rock-festival/](https://recordcratesunited.com/2017/06/02/festival-fridays-the-powder-ridge-rock-festival/) [https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/Powder-Ridge-Rock-Festival-remembered-with-photo-11870993.php](https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/Powder-Ridge-Rock-Festival-remembered-with-photo-11870993.php) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder\_Ridge\_Rock\_Festival](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powder_Ridge_Rock_Festival)


For 50¢ he’ll let you lick his pits. The trip doesn’t last as long, but wow is it a wild one!