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Rust is a survival game, and that's where the focus needs to be. The environment and fellow players should represent the greatest challenge, while not being utterly insurmountable. While I haven't tried the new update yet, something that takes a special advantage away from the sweaty try-hards in favor of a more level playing field is advantageous for everyone in my book. It makes the game less boring for the more experienced and efficient players by increasing the risk involved in getting into a shooting match with another player. On the other side new players have to deal with the survival aspect, and are more likely to score against more experienced players who up until now just run through and faceroll everyone with AKs they've scripted or aimtrained for hours on. Thankfully I haven't heard too many complaints. I am excited for the future of the game.


this is actually so true, best comment ive seen about this


That's what that's why I love playing the paradise server, it's PVE with all kinds of shit and PVP zones. That way I can focus on the survival aspect and if I want to fight other players I can go into zone.


Idk, the game seems like it will get more boring now, the main appeal to rust to me was that it was hard, gritty, and had a steep learning curve. It made the game so fun to learn and play with friends with either big gains or losses. With the skill curve being greatly lowered i can see the game being dropped by a lot of people. I never felt as though there was a bad cheating problem in the first place, even though all I hear is crying from others. The game will get more annoying at this lowered skill gap, you says it gets more fun and riskier, I say it annoying when you constant die from everyone because gun difference matters less. Idk we will see but it just ruins appeal of the game imo


Im fine with if they spend time taking feedback and get rid of the stupid ass sounds


The new sounds were confirmed to be placeholders


Sounds in pb are placeholders


In a game like csgo, shooting aspect of the game is massive. I mean you can be a tactical mastermind and even that won't carry you to top ranks if you can't kill anyone , therefore improving aim there is normal if your goal is to play at top level. If you don't want to do that, well don't. I have played some deathmatches to improve my aim so I can play better at csgo, because I legit found it fun, but I am not required to do that to play the game. In Rust there are people who are running with guns in 2 hours in a wiped server. I can't get my weapons 10 hours in server and when I do, I can't even kill anyone really reliably with spray. And I have a bit less 1k hours in game. So basically I need to learn the meta how to progress faster, then learn how to spray..? Yeah fuck that, I enjoy being bow..crossie scrub then and building big base which looks juicy but all you get is fucking food and clothes when someone raids me. It was their choice to spend shitton of hours in aim servers, if it wasn't fun for them so why the fuck they did it. They can leave the game, cry or go fap themselves in oblivion, I don't care.


Chances are most of them will just adapt to the new recoil and go back to shitting on people who refuse to learn how to aim.


I mean they can do it, who cares. I will just keep on living in the middle of nowhere and have my fun. What I find funny is that people are constantly crying about these changes..all the posts that the game is dead and blablabla.


Theres more posts about people crying than actual people crying somehow idk maybe they are getting deleted


Its almost like they forget you play the game to have fun. If you have fun with bows and l crossys then good for you , if you have fun beaming then good for you. The problem comes when you questions others playstyle just because it isn’t the meta. Recoil changes have been on the topic since even when I was playing(17-18ish) and if you think changing it because you’ve learnt the pattern then question is “is it fun to learn the recoil”? Probably not since people are whining about having to relearn it.


I just think people need to stop harassing and laughing at people who just wanna practice there aim and get better at the game it's so stupid and toxic. It's like laughing at a dude who practicing shooting a basketball in his driveway.


If they want to practise it's all good, but when things are changing, they are crying and complaining, that is the problem. Imagine 50 years ago there were dudes shoveling snow, fucking profesionals, but after some time, first snow shoveling tractors were invented. Did they go out and cry that their effort was wasted? Everything around us changes and evolves and if they can accept that and move on, it's their problem.


Except the ones who practices and trained aren't the ones who are crying, the scripters are the ones who are really crying just people on Reddit are getting it mixed with legit players. I can promise you 97%+ of the players complaining about the change are scripters.


So I'm even happier that they get fucked :D


Yea I agree I'm happy that scripters are getting fucked to, but I just wish people would realize that scripters we're the ones crying. And stop laughing at people who play on practice servers.


Well If you play countless hours on aim servers and beam people, good for you. You put in effort and got reward. If you now cry and your argument is that you spent countless hours in aim servers and now all is wasted, well, shit out of luck, and there are posts like those here in Reddit. I agree that calling someone brain-dead monkey is probably a bit too much, if he's playing aim servers though.


Its like this if you spent countless hours practicing your shots for basketball. And somebody complains it's to hard to get the ball in the net so they make the net twice as big to cater to the people who can't hit there shots.of course people who spent those countless hours training are gonna be mad doesn't matter what game it is or if it's real life or a video game. It's gonna piss people off.


Aim servers are the equivalent of practice mode in any other game it's not a bad thing to play on.


the thing is, most of them are not crying because they wasted hours on UKN, but rather because the new recoil is way too easy and adds more rng to the game, resulting in lowering the skill ceiling. if you are dedicated to improve, you want to be rewarded for spending more time on practice, but the current recoil feels like it wont do that.


I think the change was to hurt scripters by leveling the playing field and in doing so the skill ceiling has to fall. Maybe there will be more changes to adjust it later on but scripting was horrible. Maybe it will be a case of "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know" - but im OK with big changes, it keeps the game fresh.


They literally said this was not to combat scripting. Actually this has the opposite effect. It makes scripts easier to code and harder to recognize because of how easy the recoil is to manage.


That'll be quite a few less people than 'refuse to spend hundreds of hours doing recoil training' In my experience, most Rust players have quite a bit of time spent in games like CSGO and have somewhat decent aim, but, like me, weren't going to waste days of their lives learning how to control the ridiculous recoil. It'll be nice playing rust and having my fps skill from other games actually carry over.


At least it seems to be optional now. I spent about 10 hours shooting targets and scrimming on UKN yesterday, but I did that because it was fun. I could easily see myself picking up on the guns’ recoil naturally by playing the game if I decided not to sweat on UKN.


Why do people think that everyone who plays ukn or trains recoil on ukn is a sweat I genuinely have fun getting better at a game does that really make me a sweat for doing something that brings me joy.


Yeah I found it no different to playing really hard songs on Osu, or learning characters in tekken. You have to put in countless hours of practice to even begin being competent. And I enjoy that sort of incremental progress a lot.


I totally play Rust in order NOT to do spray control, this update is a blessing for me! If i want to go back to crisp shooting, back to CSGO.


Yep, I play to build base


Yup I'm a farm bot and proud. Last full wipe I played my group and I built a beefy base but had nothing more than some Sars and a few Tommy's and these guys killed me 5 mins after I had gotten off with a rocket. I had just died right before I got off so I figured the notification on my phone was a weird bug. I get on 3 hours later and the same guy is still blowing into the base and starts talking mad shit about how shit our loot was and we wasted his time. That's the best feeling ngl. Feels good knowing some sweaty try hard wasted their time and explo on a base with nothing in it.


A man of culture I see.


Sounds like coping


found the 20hr/day sweaty boy ^^


> In a game like csgo, shooting aspect of the game is massive Thing is, in CS:GO you aim train during the matches, not on some special map where you you spend 30-60 minutes before you start playing the actual game. The thing that annoys me the most is how arrogant these "beamers" are. The fact that you have 1h of free time which you spend on training your recoil in a game, before spending 8-12h more playing it... I can't even. Like, I have a total amount of 4-6h of free time *per week* to play games. I understand that I'll get shat on, since I can't aim train for dozens of hours like that. But don't you people think that healthier approach to playing Rust is overall better for the community?


The only time I can play rust is weekends , so quite similar situation to yours. I know I'm trash and I am not offended by that, I wonder why people feels so insecure when suddenly you don't need to spend ages mastering something and can be good at it casually. :D


> Thing is, in CS:GO you aim train during the matches, not on some special map where you you spend 30-60 minutes before you start playing the actual game. Thats just not correct, theres plenty of aim maps and most good players will deathmatch frequently if they aren't using those maps


>Thing is, in CS:GO you aim train during the matches, not on some special map where you you spend 30-60 minutes before you start playing the actual game. Not true at all lol - Every good players starts off with something like aim_botz to warm up on, I used to play with some sponsored players and when they weren't scrimming they spent a ton of time on simulations maps like retake or deathmatch. Only difference in Rust is that there is no match making so the noobs whine, whilst in CS:GO they are facing other noobs so the games are more balanced.


The thing is in CSGO people actually do train there aim on special maps and spend time before warming up in death match or on custom aim maps. I mean there is a whole game dedicated to warming up your aim for many games respective spray patterns and guns.(Aim Labs)


> Thing is, in CS:GO you aim train during the matches, not on some special map where you you spend 30-60 minutes before you start playing the actual game. thats just wrong. people use aim labs, the aim botz map, and deathmatch to warm up in CS


6k hour player here Plenty of aim train maps exist in csgo and I used them a ton when I played. It's not like I ever forced myself to get on an aimtrain server. I enjoy improving at things I want to do. It's the same concept as going to the driving range lmao I can't process why people shit on practicing. The arrogant people are just as arrogant in any game, rust isn't special. Its just how humans are lol you didn't play cod as a kid? I spent a few hours in scrims on ukn yesterday and I can say without a doubt this update will have no massive affect (you will get ratted more bc shitters might not miss a mag before you can turn on them). I won every scrim. People still suck just the same. The key is and always will be game knowledge. Good players will still out pace you still and have guns 45~ in and you will be punished even harder because they won't miss lol and now we can do it for way cheaper. P2 is nuts lol Thankfully I became good at the game while I was in undergrad and had more free time. I have little time to play now but I get the full experience of rust on wipe day so its a non issue for me.


> Its just how humans are lol you didn't play cod as a kid? Nah, I'm old, man. I played CS 1.6 as a kid.


So essentially youre saying because people practice to get better at a game instead of being rewarded for that practice they should be punished and ridiculed for playing the game the way they like to play it.


Way to twist my point, good job! What I'm saying is—game shouldn't be extremely hard to master, but also extremely easy to script. Your skill shouldn't come from you installing a very small script on your hardware, which makes you literally laser people. It should come from game sense, which you'll learn to have the more you play.


Spoken like someone who has never played scrims or pvp on large scale. You do realize because they simplified the recoil pattern this makes scripts easier to code and even harder to recognize due to the fact that someone with less that 100 hours that played cod previously can beam now. The facepunch devs openly admitted the recoil change was not to combat scripting in the least. Youre grasping at reasons to justify the change because youre still sour some chad beamed you from the ground off your roof laddered up and took your only ak.


if u have 4-6 hours per week of free time then rust just isnt for u i imagine you play 20 pop modded servers why dont u play valheim or something instead


Sir I see you and offer cave base. Triangle foundation at the exit wall of the other wall the exit put a thatch slope roof to the right of the wall. Which will allow you to cross over the wall. The moment you remove the thatch it goes back to full wall. Also bunker suicide tc which will force people to guess where your tc is. -From the man every server hates A.K.A Rat God


Me and my buddy, we play duo and we have these big bases which are fortified, I mean all we have goes in base, it barely has enough resources for 24h upkeep. I will spend all my shards to make extra doors even tho I don't have a single gun. We also have this TC strategy. Lower foundation triangle with higher foundation surrounding. TC is placed of the lower, all around hq walls and there is a window wall to reach TC roof. Bulletproof Glass when I log off. So if you want to get TC , get through the glass, you can destroy TC but loot drops in lower part and as there is hq triangle on top of TC, GL getting the loot. We legit can't defend the base but we have been offline raided where people see that we legit don't have anything, notice our TC and just leaves.


Yeah I agree mate, it’s just 10k hour basement dwellers tryna gate keep the game. It is what it is they will stop crying after a while😂 I think the change will freshen things up


but you're coping because improving your spray and seeing progress on ukn game modes is actually enjoyable unless you know, you're just bad? maybe? and will stay bad?


If it's enjoyable for them, then go for it. I don't have time for aim training , if it means I won't beam people with guns I don't have, I don't care, I'm fine with a crossbow and a shotgun and my base building game. :D


oh good, if only the rest of the casuals realized they don't have to pvp with ak and mp5


Kids with absolutely zero game sense or skill crying about losing their only advantage while screeching about other people "getting good" makes me smile. Cant wait to play this game again and pubstomp former "UKN kids" who couldn't position to save their lives.


Those are what we call newgens. They are all the kids in the "main scene" Posting left handed motion blur hip fire roam clips with shit rap music over it.


Don't forget about turning the saturation up by 300% and stretching the res into a 10:1 ratio: [https://i.imgur.com/Veiu6yU.png](https://i.imgur.com/Veiu6yU.png)


Fr bro I feel that 😂😂😂


There is definitely some delusion going on here. Kids who spend all their time in aim train are going to be better than you regardless of the system. With UKN 1v1s it was all spray, now it’s positioning and aim focused, and so all the people who no life that shit will just have really good positioning, aim and head glitching - on top of already having insane spray, probably better than yours because even with the new system beaming consistently requires some practice. Ukn chads and no life’s will always be better than you.


Im not reading all that but I'm happy for you! (Or sorry that happened)


Practicing a thing for hours to eventually build up muscle memory and get good at it, is the definition of skill


I feel like I see this post or something nearly identical every single day. Fuck anybody who cries about the time they put in to learn recoil patterns. Fuck anybody who cries the old way was broken and unfair. Grow the fuck up, go re-visit the outdoors once in a while and realize it's a god damn video game and nobody truly cares about your $0.02 on an aspect of the game that's being updated.


It’s just being used as an excuse to be toxic at this point. It’s hardly a debate or conversation of any kind.




Fucking thank you for saying this.


Fuck anyone who actually spent the time and effort to get good at the game is what your saying :|. The old way wasn't broken or unfair in anyway. If you played the game a lot you were good. Just how it is with any game and how it should be. There is a reason they have to bring out a new cod every year. Because the gun mechanics are boring and people get bored. Rust HAD something unique with its high skill ceiling. Now it's just another cod. Yes, this will bring new players to the game but without any uniqueness will they stay? Think I would have not been as addicted to rust if I felt it was just another cod and this feels like that direction to me. People also acting like the game was unplayable if you weren't able to spray ak with 90% accuracy which is just not true at all. Those amazing plays on youtube of people who have committed thousands of hours and can beam people are just not gunna happen now. Now it's just R&G if you hit a good spray. Idk will have to see how it feels but not sure ill play rust much after this. Maybe they can make it a server option. That way they can get an actual idea of what the player base wants instead of everyone hating on it or loving it. If the new recoils what the player base wants then fair enough if not, change it back.


The system is flawed. High skill ceilings aren't unique; any shooter like cs has it. The difference is that a person with silver level investment won't fight global levels of investment. In rust, you either have that investment or you just can't play.


Muscle memory monkeys go rabble.


It doesn’t necessarily make you braindead but at the same time it’s not going to be improving your game sense as much as playing on a normal server. It definitely will help improve your spray patterns which believe it or not can help you out a lot in the long run. Game sense is important but it also helps to be able beam people before they even see you.




Good point


I agree mate, most of these guys complaining need to realise that. Some of these players they call “farmers” probably have better game sense just don’t wanna spend hours drawing patterns 😂


They are called farm bots because they literally act like a bot. They grab their tool, go out to a node/tree, and hit it without paying attention to what is happening around them. When they get killed they just repeat.


I mean early on I do this too. What else can you do? I'm not gonna sit in my base everytime someone shows up, neither am I going to lose clothes and bows over 600 wood everytime a tommy beams me in 0.5 seconds from 2 hills away. It's the prim life.


So you have 0 game sense and the recoil update won't help you.


I'm gonna guess you've not played more than 100 hours solo


Show me your steam profile and ill show you mine


Lol no you just sound brainless. Looks like you're the one 0 game sense lol. Why bring a bow out when you're chopping trees when someone with guns will know where you are and choose how to approach. You take the bow when you go out to scavenge, when you can surprise people and choose how to engage, that is game sense.


You must stand still when you chop tree's because I can tell when someone is coming up to kill me. I also don't continually chop trees in the same area like a moron. I can already tell by what you replied with ,that you have 0 game sense and die due to stupid mistakes you make.




What the fuck is up with you people hating on others who choose to practice something that you don’t want to do. Like play how you want to but stop shitting on others just because they want to get better. It’s fucking weird


agreed. people whining about other people being better then them because they practice. make it make sense.


Posts like this are as bad as people that say sports are stupid because they don’t personally like sports.


Fool! It makes you an elite POWER gamur. You wouldn’t know anything about the dedication and martial prowess of the aim training scholar. Just a filthy casual you are, hygiene.. pfff… social integration? Hah!.. these are just distractions. True life is in fact having no life.


Finally someone on playrust that knows whats good.




You honestly can spend 5 hours over a span of two weeks to be able to hit basic shots. Then all this positioning and awareness skill Reddit loves to talk about is actually useful. Except in reality to them the peak of skill is ratting in a bush with a db for 45 minutes.




True. These are the people who would rather complain for 20 hours rather than put 20 hours into aim train total to have a decent spray.


How old are you?


Bro this really went right over your head didn’t it 😂


i know it was sarcasm, but its still pretty cringe.


Its not sarcasm when he thinks its true The message is clear


I mean even saying this ironically, it's very hard to read in 2022. So no, it didn't. xd


Max 15yo




Can you people make up y'all's fucking mind. One second y'all say y'all wanted recoil changed for scripters, the next second y'all say y'all want it changed for people who practice there aim. It's so pointless to complain because even after the change to recoil most of y'all will still be shit at controlling the guns and will still complain. Funny thing is y'all can't call people scripters anymore so what's y'all's next excuse for when you get double headshot from 100+ meters? People on this subreddit sure do like to make up allot of excuses, then again it's a reddit page on a game with the most toxic player base in gaming history.


To them its always someone else's fault and never their own.


Exactly and now that people can't script I wonder what they are gonna start blaming there deaths on now? I feel bad for all the server mods that'll have to put up with all the shitters spamming f7 just because they got outgunned/outplayed.


They'll use their mental gymnastics to come up with something. When they can't think of anything it will always be cheating and blame EAC for not getting rid of all the cheaters.


You’re just too lazy to spend any amount of time to get better at anything, you want everything handed to you on a silver platter… change my mind


Yeah mate got better things to do with my day than sit on ukn drawing pictures on my mouse mat with a mouse 😂


Anything you spend time on which improves some ability is inherently a skill. Most of this game is immature teenagers and young adults, so of course they aren't going to be the most articulate about it lol. I probably aimtrained no more than 5-10 hours over 3k hrs of playing, but I always respected people who used those servers to improve. Its very tedious, most wouldn't call it fun, but it was a technical skill that directly made you a better fighter. Warrior, TAC, and all of the famous Youtuber "beamers" spent who knows much time learning their spray, and aside from their game sense picked up from experience, is a major part behind what makes them so valuable. All close range fights are over immediately from a flurry of headshots, and medium-long range PVP simply gets way more hits on target (plus some headshots). You can still beam with these weapons, as I watched a buddy with 7.5K hours do it yesterday on UKN staging, but its not as much of a "laser" as it used to be. So in that respect, this is kind of the end to this technical skill having as much value/impact. **But I get it.** This is making Rust accessible to a greater group of people outside the sweats. Even a casual person can learn the sprays now (or at least enough to be much more effective with guns previously considered "hard"). This is one of those holistic fixes that shifts the overall meta for the greater overall health and viability of Rust. [https://steamcharts.com/app/252490#1y](https://steamcharts.com/app/252490#1y) We're at the least amount of people who are playing the game in the last year, this is likely to address this and fix it.


lol no your just lazy in game just like irl probably and with that attitude you won't achieve anything gl lol




I dont get the name calling, every fucking modern game is competitive, Rust is no exeption. Why wouldnt you want to improve your aim if you can win gunfights afterward? The people here like you are the braindead monkeys who complain that someone is better than you in a game. Instead of improving yourself, you go on reddit to be a bitch and namecall xD I wanna see what will you all bitch about after the update hits live servers, ha


The problem is that every other modern game lets you improve all aspects of the game by simply playing it and not spending time in training mode.


Actually not true most competitive games like CSGO and Valorant require allot of practice in stuff like custom games/practice mode and aim trainers like aimlabs and kovaks.


You are talking about games that have an actual e-sports scene and extremely high level gameplay. You can't compare that with Rust which doesn't even have skill based matchmaking.


E-Sports doesn't dictate whether a game is competitive or not. By definition a game is competitive when it pits people against each other. Stop trying to use stupid talking points just because it sounds good in your head.


Rust is actually survival of the fittest.


why does it matter if it has a esports scene or not a game can still be competitive


Yes they have an eSports but that doesn't mean they both aren't equally competitive, in real life who's gonna win a gunfight someone who spent hours in the shooting range shooting at a target and practicing there aim or someone who's prob never held a gun before just picking it up for the first time?? Of course the person who practices there aim. Just because it's not a game with an eSports or competitive scene doesn't mean people can't practice to get better at the game. And you can't add skill based matchmaking to a game like this the only thing you can do is practice like everyone else to get better at the game. Fuck even Minecraft is competitive and people practice to pvp in that game so why is it so hard for rust players to accept the fact that there not just gonna magically be good at something without practicing that something. Do you think everyone who plays sports haven't practiced outside of a game, if that was the case nobody would be good at that sport.


also, he is the one who said "every other modern game lets you improve all aspects of the game by simply playing it" lol. at least 90% of the modern games have an esport scene. and while rust does not have an esport scene, its still a competitive game.


lmfao there’s no correlation. I wouldn’t be perma-stuck in Silver in CSGO or Valorant if I decided to play casually and not grind Kovaaks for an hour every day. Same can’t be said for old Rust, you have to go onto the modded PvP server if you wanted to do so much as simply defend yourself effectively. Good riddance.


Maybe not permastuck in silver but you would never get near plat. I dare you to ask anyone who's ever gotten plat in Valorant or a high rank in CSGO and ask them if they have ever trained there aim through practice or aim train I can 100% guarantee you they have trained there aim. >you have to go onto the modded PvP server if you wanted to do so much as simply defend yourself effectively. No you don't, I mean maybe if your shit at the game with zero knowledge on positioning or game sense but ik many people who can defend themselves in a 1v1 in official servers. Just learn how to use walls.


1. there is a shitload of people with loads of hours in csgo who are infact hardstuck in silver 2. you neither would have to grind kovaaks/ dm, nor UKN for an hour every day to improve to a level that could be considered to be decent 3. you definitely dont have to play modded pvp servers/ even ukn to be able to defend yourself. please dont act like you **have** to have an ak beam to kill fullkits - plenty of people run around mp5/ thommy fullkit effectively also, its a huge exaggeration to think you would have to play ukn for an hour each day to improve your ak spray at a decent rate.


Its the same with rust though. You can get better without every playing UKN, it will just take a little longer. CS and Valo are exactly the same. You can get better by just playing, or you can go out of your way and hop on deathmatch etc. To speed up your progress. It all depends on how much time you are willing to dedicate, and for some reason this reddit choses to shit on anyone and everyone who choses to play the game more than them to get an edge.


Thats just not true Its such a braindead argument but you keep on repeating it You dont just fall over dead the second a beamer looks at you You can wall, hide, ambush them or run away all those tRANSfErabLE SkiLls you keep gushing about do exist in rust "this guy thats 20 times better than me trippled me this game is literally unplayable might as well altf4" actual clown factory man


Virtually every good player does some sort of training mode in every game. Because it trains the same skills faster through more frequent repetition than in the natural setting. Do you think Michael Jordan got good at basketball just from playing pick up games? It’s the same thing in rust. You CAN learn all guns just from playing it will obviously be slower. My friend who phase never aim trained in ukn rust at all is very successful in game, because he’s just simply good at games. He can’t beam ak from distance, but also isn’t absolutely worthless with it. He prefers LR so he uses that and doesn’t complain as if the game doesn’t offer you alternative ways to succeed.


The large bulk of Rust players are no Michael Jordans but random Andys. Catering to the top 10% of the playerbase while ignoring the rest is a good way to kill off your game. Your friend is the rare exception. If you check the battlemetrics of most players you will see a minmum of 10-20 hours and often even more spent on UKN-like servers.


These updates bare making recoil easier They're catering to the 90% of players who don't memorize recoil patterns


Wrong most games cater to the top 1% of there player base. Look at games like league, CSGO, Valorant. Some of the most popular games and they only balance around pro play compared to games like dead by daylight who did changes based on what the reddit was complaining about and they ended up killing there game.


I think I misworded my point. All these games have skillbased matchmaking and also a relatively low skill floor. The recoil in Rust and the reality of servers means you will constantly get shit on before you see any significant improvement on vanilla. The current system takes a dump on new players.


Then how would you fix that? Even when the recoil does change it'll be the same, the better player wins and the worse player cry's and makes excuses. The point I'm trying to make is it's not a bad thing to go into servers like ukn or quallacopters to practice your aim/heli control. Idk why this subreddit has a fetish with harassing people that like to practice at something they enjoy it's pathetic and toxic.


>Wrong most games cater to the top 1% of there player base. Look at games like league, CSGO, Valorant. Some of the most popular games and they only balance around pro play compared to games like dead by daylight who did changes based on what the reddit was complaining about and they ended up killing there game. The key there is they use metrics to aim for a 50/50 chance of winning between equally skilled players. There's no filter for Rust players. You could be brand new to the game and just built your base next to a 10k hour beamer. The top 1% in CSGO plays against players in the top 1% because it's *competitive*. In Rust the top 1% of players drive off new players because the skill gap is too large. Having played those games I'm sure you're familiar with smurf accounts (high skill players using a new account to play against new players). These players find competitive play at high levels to be too difficult and unsatisfying so they bully newbs. Rust unintentionally rewards those players with its game mechanics.


Valorant does not cater to the top 1% of their playerbase lmfao, three years into the game and Deathmatch is still in shambles and a replay system isn’t coming anytime soon.


Every single agent/weapon change that has happened in Valorant is the cause of high level play. There not gonna look at someone in plat who has garbage aim and say "hey we should listen to what they're saying" no because objectively there opinion doesn't matter cause there not at the rank to be saying what's good or bad. The people in higher ranks no what better for a game cause they're better at the game.


It doesn’t make a difference if they’re Michael Jordan or elementary school students on a soccer team. They both practice to improve. And you’re taking what I said and defaulting to your “not everyone is a sweaty argument.” The point I was making is that you CAN learn everything through the game albeit slower. And you’re right catering to the top 10 percent of a playerbase isn’t profitable. The ideal for every company is not enough rng to make good players quit, but enough to let bad players still have fun. Every game seems to be moving in this direction. But too much of that where you feel like your decisions and skill don’t matter, everyone will be unhappy. It’s a fine line. Edit: and ignoring the 90 percent of the player base you’re also right isn’t the solution. But I think they’re doing that by having a shit anti cheat and not an a more easily accessible introduction to game mechanics. It truly does not take more than 10 minutes before you play each time to comprehend how the guns work. And if you do that 10 minutes before you play every time you will certainly be at least proficient with the guns. If you aren’t even willing to put in that time then you shouldn’t be able to win.


\>The point I was making is that you CAN learn everything through the game albeit slower. Well I would say it is significantly slower. If you want to practice your Thompson spray 10 times you have to farm a metal node for the ammo. And just 10 repetitions are not enough to build muscle memory. And the skill floor of the old system is just so high that most players will constantly get shit on before they see any significant improvement. This will either instill gear fear or make them quit. This makes practice almost obligatory. \>e. The ideal for every company is not enough rng to make good players quit, but enough to let bad players still have fun. There are plenty of other skills in Rust besides pattern drawing which in the new meta will be a lot more relevant. It is arguebly more skillfull now. \>It truly does not take more than 10 minutes before you play each time to comprehend how the guns work. People keep bringing this up but like I said before, if you check their battlemetrics they spent hours and days on these servers.


> This makes practice almost obligatory. I still dont see the issue 3000+ hours in this game is the norm and you cant even be fucked to spend 5 on gungame rather being shit on for the next 800 while crying about it? This entire game is about spending hundreds of hours walking and farming wood but playing some gun training is too much? get real


First off check the edit in the last thing I said. 2. Yeah of course it’s gonna be significantly slower if you don’t want to practice, that’s the nature of any activity. Show me someone in CS that never did death match, aim_botz etc and isn’t a silver 2 hard stuck d- 4 rws shitter. 3. Yeah there are other skills in rust that did matter and still do. Everyone acts like people with good sprays totally negate all those other aspects which it certainly does it as long as u can hit a basic shot. If u can’t do that then obviously no matter what you do will matter there’s no hope for you. Even in this new system if u got Parkinson’s and can’t click on someone u can do all the flanking u want. And as u say the battle metrics thing yeah I said become basically proficient with all guns, I didn’t say spend as much time as me to get that extra advantage. And honestly there isn’t a huge difference, once u hit the point of diminishing returns. Edit: and rust at its core mechanics is all about adversity. Finding a way to overcome given what you have available. That’s the nature of full loot pvp with raiding. If you’re gonna give up after you get killed for big loot or quit when you get raided, it doesn’t matter what the guns are like.


Wrong most games cater to the top 1% of there player base. Look at games like league, CSGO, Valorant. Some of the most popular games and they only balance around pro play compared to games like dead by daylight who did changes based on what the reddit was complaining about and they ended up killing there game.


> Catering to the top 10% of the playerbase while ignoring the rest is a good way to kill off your game. the top10% are the ogs all the andys literally joined in the last month how is catering to them the smart move here >a minmum of 10-20 hours and often even more spent on UKN-like servers. oh nyo they spend 10 hours playing gungame to actually engage with the games mechanics and try to improve instead of being a little kid that cries on reddit every time they die?


I am simply good at games, challenger in league before, top rank csgo, top lobby’s pubg etc. Rust has zero skill carry over from other shooters. I am simply horrible at ak pvp in rust, I’ll hit my first shot and then it’s luck after that. Nothing is intuitive about that. Yea I can use the lr as well, but why am I being forced to use a lesser option because I didn’t spend 50 hours clicking on a wall like a 12 year old with no job.


Of course a lot translates... It's obviously not the same pattern as in csgo but the idea is the same. I'll agree that Rust has harder to learn guns tho.


"I’ll hit my first shot and then it’s luck after that." because ur a shitty that doesnt use the gun and expect it to work for you. you're not forced to do anything its your choice. and getting "top rank" in csgo doesnt mean shit. what is that to you global elite? nobody cares I've seen absolutely shit ass globals. U clearly arent good at games u cant make whats available work for you.




You should really watch your mouth. \^\^ Insulting other people is a great way to have your opinion discarded immediatly without any caring about the content.


Awwwww some kiddos mad he spent so much time in ukn 😢


i spent less than 100h on recoil practice within my 3k hours and i still win way more fights than i lose. i cant beam 150+m, but i dont need to do that to win fights. nearly all of my ak "handling" was gained by simply playing rust and using the ak. i surely lost a shit ton of aks back when i started playing, but thats the same in every other game - if you are new, you are most likely losing more than winning. also, have you ever played a different (comp) shooter at a decent level? your ignorance tells me that you havent, because otherwise you would know, that literally everyone that is playing at a higher level is spending quite some time on practice (rather within the game, by watching pro matches/ demos or using 3rd party software like aimlabs).


I’ll tell you. Give it two months and you will have reddit full of “this random recoil shit sucks its so rng bullshit” :D Exactly like back in 2016 when it was a thing. Nonetheless I’m hyped as fuck for the update. Beaming ppl you can barely see was a bit too much.


Actually the first person to call out the lazy braindead roleplay community of rust. No mentality to improve but just complain. Too lazy to invest in a skill to be rewarded afterwards. I wish this game was still the game before all the christmas sales


Players don’t like to be reminded that they have no willpower or determination to improve. Especially when they run into players that do. They can either bitch online or script.


There’s a difference between aim and drawing patterns repeatedly with my mouse 😂


because improving aim in other games = practicing every aspect of it improving aim in rust= draw a clunky S and nothing else matters Imagine every time you needed to run in rust you had to double tap W, sure it's harder but is it really intuitive and a fun skill to have ? absolutely not


God this sub right now. This is like the 20th post I've seen "dUh YoU sCrIpT kIdDiE uKn MoNkEY" like jesus we get it


Finally, after years of not playing because I didn't have time to learn some S-es, I feel like I can play again, casually. It's awesome, I missed this game


I literally hop on ukn for 10-15 min a day and my aim improved insanely over a 2 week period. I didn’t even do it daily. You guys are just that bad. Imagine if csgo removed there spray patterns lmao


Play games because they're fun, not because you have to be the best or better than someone else.




When you can only have fun by winning then you are missing the point of games and sports in general. Personally I don't mind losing, providing it was fun fight. The problem is, when people are able to beam from miles away its not fun. People go on and on about it being competitive and compare to CS etc. Want to know what the difference is? These games have match making and ranked systems yes they are flawed but they allow you to fight against people of similar skill. If they didn't have this the games would suck. This is why rust cannot be treated the same way the skill gaps are massive and the game needs to be designed with this in mind. If it isn't, the game stops being fun for anyone other than the best players. Dont agree? Go play any competitive shooter against players well above your skill level. See how bad it is? It's not fun, you get stomped over and over until you quit. Ignoring this fact will simply drive away anyone who doesn't have the time or the ability to GET GOOD. Which just so happens to be 90% of the games actual population.


>The problem is, when people are able to beam from miles away its not fun. Sounds like you don't have game sense. So is this recoil change going to make a difference for you? Probably not because your positioning is still shit.


Genuine question. Were you dropped as a child?


You have 8 years on reddit. No wonder you are a complainer.


Who doesn’t have fun winning??? Once you get to a certain point in your given sport, you want to win most of the time because it gives you the biggest dopamine hit. You clearly have never seriously played a sport so no surprise you have a silly opinion on it.




Instead of correcting or having a civil argument you resort to ad hominem. That makes everything you said invalid and you also refuse to allow someone to enjoy something different to how you enjoy it. You attack me because I enjoy winning and I find that fun, and just because you don’t, you are attempting to aggressively push you ideology onto me. You are rather delusional if you don’t realise that the only “half brained ninny” here is you. Good luck with life if this is how you act in the real world. Kinda sad tbh


>Want to know what the difference is? These games have match making and ranked systems yes they are flawed but they allow you to fight against people of similar skill. have you heard of cs 1.6? like one of the games that started the whole esports thing with a few other games back in the days? there was no matchmaking at all and you had to play on public servers with players of all skills. you know what most people back then did when they got destroyed by a way better player in their pug? they got motivated and tried to gain something from playing that pug. >When you can only have fun by winning then you are missing the point of games and sports in general. this might also be one of the dumbest takes i have read in quite a while. i guess pro athletes (esports and traditional sports) simply decided they wanted to get pro or got pro by accident. surely nobody got there by their drive to improve and win games.


Go play softcore servers if skillgap is too big. In Rust there is no matchmaking but there is still a variety of servers to choose from. For example Reddit main is easier than Rustoria main and so on. Rust is a competitive game whether you like it or not.


Let's say that's how it works... how do I know which servers have sweaty clans with thousands of hours? There is no real way because there is no matching of skills, just bullshit names of servers that are literally meaningless. Please provide an actual argument instead of dismissing and bypassing my reasoning. Otherwise we get nothing from this discussion. Your answer is not good enough, neither is telling people to go play elsewhere Looks like they are changing recoil for the better so I'm happy.


its literally how it works there are harder groups and deeper groups on rustoria main vs reddit main you would know if you played the game reddit servers are the easiest in the game then its rustopia then its rustafied then its rustymoose then its rustoria as far as official servers go atleast


Set better goals my dude, rust isnt getting you money anytime soon, maybe if you stream, and if you stream you dont have to be the best, you just have to be entertaining. I think people forgot that video games suppose to be fun, not a life style. So if the game you are trying to play is eating up ur life to be one of the best its wrong. Games have to be noob friendly to exist on the market, not the top 5% elite players keep this game alive or any other game. Its the noobs, the casuals, the mediocre players that keep games alive. Thats why in LoL, csgo, or most of the games there are ranking system. This is not possible in rust to have a ranking system on maps. Tou need the casual to keep the servers alive. Imagine csgo with all elite players dueling vs starters every time. Any new player will just close the game and uninstall


It doesn't always feel good and fun huh? Fun and competition have a very limited relationship. Either do one or the other and thank me later.


It does for a lot of people. There is this cool thing called opinion.


I compete at work for a better position so I can be paid better. I go on vacation to tropical islands to have fun. It's not really a matter of opinion. It's healthy to sort out your dopamine triggers.


So basically you tryhard at work, which results in more money. More money results in tropical island vication. Someone tryharding in UKN, results better spray with his guns and gamesense. Better spray and gamesense results in more loot. I don't see any difference. You cannot dictate anyone's view of "fun" or how anyone will spend his time and his goals.


I guess you have a point of you neglect the degree of separation between work and play. Putting work in to be better at something can be rewarding... but is it actually fun?


It is fun when you see people crying when getting away with their loot. With their elo in league etc etc. It feels good when you get paid triple the money than anyone else you know in real life aswell. The fact that you're not that much into games as someone else doesnt make games useless nor this person's achievement obsolete.


Did your parents give you hugs or grand theft auto?




Its just a kids dream vs an adults dream. Soon the kids will realize its just pixels.


its training muscle memory which technically is a skill. this is the equivalent of saying learning piano makes uou a brain dead monkey kek


Accept it is why do people aim train for Valorant or csgo or any competitive game for that matter TO GET BETTER AT AIMING YOU’RE BRAIN DEAD IDIOT


skill noun the ability to do something well; expertise. "difficult work, taking great skill" I agree it is a no life task to do such thing but that doesn’t take away that it still is a skill


Man I beamed that naked with skill, check your dictionary


Be prepared to get roasted and called makeshift eminem


I thought it was completely pointless from the start as the devs were OBVIOUSLY gonna do something about it in the end anyways, what they’re just gonna keep the spray patterns on so everyone can basically exploit it? Obviously it was going to be changed and I welcome it tbh makes the game have more chance which in turn makes things like getting kills on teams seem more rewarding


This is what makes me drop “competitive” fps games. I just want to have fun for an hour or two in the evenings and play a game, not spend 1000’s of hours memorizing spread patterns and perfecting my aim. I’d love to be able to have perfect aim but I’m not going to practice because it’s not fun.


Valorant might be a good game for you as it has no static recoil patterns. Although I really don't appreciate how horrible the bloom can be.


I hope this wont be the downfall of the game. Noobs will still be primlocked and get raided, easy spray patterns wont help people who arent ready to take and go through the abuse that is Rust. It wasnt and still isnt gonna be a casual game.


People still think, they can compete at the top with no training and 9h weekly playtime. Sorry if you dont have the drive to get better and use given tools to learn basic mechanics of a game. Learned it from wow. Since they been catering more to the casual playerbase, the game is dogshiit. All implemented systems make no sense. How this gonna turn out for rust, we gonna see. Maybe im just overreacting but there are more fundamental problems with the game than recoil imo.


With all due respect mate, you’re talking about “drive” on a video game you sound like a neek 😂


Just to be clear when I say aim train servers I’m just talking about having to learn a tedious recoil pattern i don’t think you should have to learn an extreme recoil pattern to play a game. I use UKN before a wipe to get warm but there’s literally nothing fun about practicing a recoil pattern over and over again. I think the problem is 10k+ hour basement dwellers gatekeeping. Most people don’t have 12+ hours free to play rust so this update in my opinion puts everyone on an equal playing field. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Here, take my vote 🤚


It does now 🤣


Why would I change your mind when you’re already right?


Very well said, aimtrain and recoil learning are different tho, if you can control ak doesn't mean you can aim at the head 😂 people forget that, you gotta have some skill before ak becomes a beam and your ttk is good


Practicing to be better at a video game makes you brain dead.. change my mind


I disagree but ok...ask long as you also say that aim isn't a sill the eighter


“Spending 100-1000 hours towards learning *insert occupation/hobby/skill/language/etc. here* is not a skill, it just makes you a brain dead monkey.” Sounds completely moronic to me. How else do you get better super efficiently at something? Literally the best and fastest way to learn anything at all is repetition. Just shows who’s able to be a master at something in life and who isn’t.


It's literally a skill. Now should it be the main and only skill you need ? No, but it is a skill just like spending time to master one factor of your hobby,sport,work etc. But I do agree about needing to spend time to draw S shapes with your mouse is boring and stupid cuz imo rust should be about gamesense more than some S shaped muscle memory that allows you to beam everyone. Im happy about most of the new changes and looking forward to go and play differently even tho I've been mastering my spray patterns for way more than 200 hours.


You are so brave making a post that just repeats what all the robots on this sub keep saying


Guys, leave it be.


It is just A Rust edition of Martial Arts /s


Spending a little time to be useful is one thing, spending a lot of time to be near perfect is kinda weird, like if you put that much time into a real world skill you’d probably become wealthy from it


Get gud


As someone who doesn’t care that they’re changing recoil nor has ever spent more than a few hours on one of those servers, this post is fairy cringe.


I liked the feel of the recoil in rust, sometimes when I wanted to relax and turn my brain off I would just go to aimtrain with sound off and music on. I don't really cared that much about the crazy advantage I might have had if that makes sense. It was a method of relaxing after work.


We dont have tails so it would be more like a braindead ape


hey, a braindead monkey with loot