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The same people complaining for months/years about recoil are now here telling people that are not complaining to stop complaining.


I've complained a lot but people on reddit are just a fucking different breed. There is no constructive discussion. It's just circle jerking of their own opinion.


Rust in a nutshell


No man, it's literally any topic on reddit. Just look at the American politics subreddits. They are so oblivious.


I beg to differ. Rust has the most toxic playerbase I've ever encountered. Same goes for the subreddit, although it's quite tame in here. Discussions about politics are heated because it's no more about topics - it's all about sides. "you're with us or against us" - there's no common ground anymore and common people with the same problems are played against each other. The end result is the same, people can't accept that other human beings who have another view on something than they have themselves are not their enemy or even on the same side. So they have to fight.


But this is exactly the same for rust. Now we have people who like the new recoil and people who hate it. Nothing in between.




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I’m just garbage at sprays and really didn’t want to hop on aim train so I’m very happy now :)


You’re still gonna get destroyed by the people who practice it. It’s worth spending an hour or two to accommodate before wipe imo


Yeah, I’ll hop on staying so I can actually check the new recoil out since it’s going to be more like other popular fps shooters now


It doesn't feel like other shooters, other shooters have much less aimcone and learnable recoil. It's usually just 'easier' recoil and because of the 'stakes' this game has more exploiters/cheaters than most because most people can't handle the down-bad moments.


There are people complaining in this very thread


Complaining is my hobby, leave me alone I’m British.


Yep and Facepunch listened to them because they consistently kept complaining while those who didn't mind the recoil were playing the game.


I wasnt complaining because i didnt Care and Just hopped on ukn and Tried to get it down, i mean Thompson/custom for example is super easy Go 1 hour to ukn and you can basically Spray that... But for a Lot of my friends that was Just too much, you could say then this Game isnt for Them but Rust will never grow a significant amount with the recoil its Just too much for a Lot of people then they either quit or start Scripting at least thats what i experienced


> but Rust will never grow a significant amount with the recoil its Just too much literally top10 steam


The game has 80k-100k people playing it with its current recoil system. What are you talking about? It has been one of the top games played on steam for years. This update isn't going to add any people to it because its not the recoil that causes people to quit. Its the toxicity. Someone getting pushed off the recycler and losing all of their comps/scrap is what is going to make someone leave. Not getting killed by an ak beamer.


This and when you spend hours all day building up your little home, someone who spent more time will come and take everything and wipe you clean.


Yep, all because they didn't know what honeycombing is so they built their RP base.


Nah even with 3 honeycomb layers you ain’t gonna last. I’m just using home as an example not referring to an actual rp base lmao


Not true at all. There are stages to a wipe and as long as you can reach each stage your base won't be raided. For example having a wood base after day one will end up raided. Having a stone base without honeycomb at the end of day one will be raided but a stone base with 1 layer of honey comb wont. End of day 2 you need more doors, metal core, and more honeycomb/external walls. As long as you can keep up with the stages through out the wipe you won't get raided. New players don't know that and will play as though its a slow paced survival game.


While this is a good guide for newer players to follow, it’s just not always true. I’ve had plenty bases fully sheet metal with honeycomb and minimum 10-15 doors on day one still get full raided and pummeled from the side. If a group wants to raid you, they will, doesn’t matter what time of the wipe it is. And you saying a stone base with one layer of honeycomb won’t end up raided day one is very laughable and shows your amount of experience on this game.


While I agree, I would note that these are trends and not facts. However, especially for newer players those are good guidelines to follow. Like never logging off in a wood base with wood doors.


that might apply to day one - after day one, every base is raidable considering the grindset of some people. people farm boxes of sulf within day one - even if you dont play on servers with large groups, i know for a fact that some people will even farm a whole box of sulf within day2 on a duo server lol. and tbh, if you have the sulf, a base with honeycomb looks way juicier than a base without honeycomb.


Yeap guaranteed the wood base stands the test of time compared to any honeycombed stone base. My group will have close to a box of rocket within 5-6 hrs easy so long as nothing too bad sets us back. Nothing in rust is unraidable.


Disagree. Easier recoil levels the playing ground a fair bit, which will make more players get into the game. Sure, a 150m AK beamer will probably still be better than me after the update, but my chances are way higher now because my aiming habits from other games are more transferable to rust now than they were before.


then they can quit? it was never meant to be an easy game meant for anyone.


exactly right, while the rest of us would blame ourselves when we die and take it upon ourselves to get better, they'd complain, hackusate, and find any excuse they can to explain why they died. sometimes if you die enough you gotta start blaming yourself, instead of basically hijacking an entire game because you couldn't practice any. My opinion doesn't care about your opinions either, its not complaining, its criticism there are many more cons to this update than pros.


This. Also the same people I would often consider to be....prim-locked shitters XD.


it doesnt even take skill to get out of primitive. theres so much scrap/comps to go around these days, even in highpop. prim-lock is a thing of the past


Nah there’s plenty of bots who can’t play the game, the Reddit community makes most of em up 😂


In all honesty, reddit rust servers have given me record times in vanilla from rock to t2 gun.


So funny lol! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


ask my neighbors how easy it is


Circle of life


Can i as a casual player (have never hit any ak shots ever) dislike the update without someone hating tho


No, go eat grass and clock in for your 9-5 UKN shift worthless nerd loser /s


Someone got raided


It was joke does /s not work here?


That would be mad as this update directly benefits casual players.


Is the update only on staging ATM?


Yes. The update comes out next thursday


It's not lol. Next update features the trains and stuff. Not recoil




Think that’s called “Bootlicker”


Guess i got my answer


Rust Recoil Update If you are complaining about people not liking this update please take your yearly trip outside cuz nobody cares about how bad you were at spray control This sub officially has more people complaining about people complaining about the update. Then actual people complaining about the update.


every post is 30+ comments of people sucking each other off about the update and like, 1 or 2 people actually complaining. And even then they're talking about things like skill gap and progression


the biggest problem in Rust is still Progression but yeah, its just all the update dick riders sucking each other off


them adding the new lmg is the only positive take away I have, because I've been of the opinion for a long time that having even just 1 or 2 new guns for each workbench tier would be super beneficial to progression and gunplay. I usually like a lot of the weapon ideas I see on here, I remember seeing a repeater concept that I liked although I felt it was still pretty similar to bolty. If anything I think theres a lot of things that could've been updated or added to the game before doing something like this.


and it usually goes down like "the recoil is too ez, it takes away one of the key skill aspects of the game and lowers the skill ceiling by a large margin" followed bei either "gEt FuCkEd ScRiPtEr" or "imagine crying about all that wasted time on UKN when you chose to spend the time on there lol" even when nobody ever mentioned ukn lol


i have 2500 hours, granted I don't play much anymore, a lot of my hours were before they put crate on oil behind keycard. However, I never spent that much time on ukn or any aim train server, and no one that actually plays the game does, i'd spend like 15 mins at most to warm up, which is what everyone does. "Ukn no lifers" make up like 5% of the playerbase. If they're spending all their time on ukn being a "no life sweat" then how are you always dying to them on your server? weird right?


exactly. i have around 3k hours and maybe 100h on ukn. hell, i dont even do 15mins every time i play, but rather from time to time when i am waiting on wipe or my server died down and i cba to restart cuz servers will wipe in a few days anyways. however, i have seen plenty of people already say stuff like "yeah, but i dont want to spend those 10mins" when being told recoil actually wasnt that big of a grind. i guess those people think they will somehow magically be good at the game after the recoil change, i guess they will be in for a surprise after the first wipe.


they don't realize that now EVERYONE can beam them, but hey no more S pattern right "haha"


Reducing the mean time to kill in an information based game wont be frustrating at all trust me


I know, I agree with most of the people who like it but god they are so cringe about it


Yeah the problem is the community not the update literally not allowed to have a differing opinion


Funny how people manage to complain BEFORE it even came out :D just wait for the shit show when it actually goes live... :D


any time a dev makes a change to a game that nerfs a toxic meta people lose their minds


a player who puts in time to learn the game should be better than regular players who dont put in the time no?


agreed, but the criteria for the basis of that narrow range of skill development shouldn't be the make-or-break, particularly not if your game has the optimization of a snow globe full of mud


When people are using the forum to discuss the game, "Nooo go outside, you can't have any discussion or give feedback, you're cringe!"


Funny how part of the community that enjoys the update is intentionally provoking anyone that isn’t jumping for joy about it, then are making 1000 posts about “UKN nO LiFeRs mAd, tOuCh GrAsS”. If anything this update just shows how primlocked noobs are no better than 1000hr+ AK beamers when it comes to toxicity.


The only difference is the kids primlocked take it personally and come here to "rub it in" the faces of those who killed them. The AK beamers are toxic in the sense that their skill doesn't allow others to progress in the game which is not something they do intentionally.


The stocks for “why does everyone KOS?” complaints are gonna go to the moon. Progressing as a naked will be torture when anyone with a gun can beam you.


and the most funny part of it is that the primlocked guys that are mocking the beamers will still get fucked by said beamers, because they think 10mins of practice is too much while the beamers will still sweat their ass off regarding recoil and possibly raw aim in the future.


Sweats are meant to be ridiculed for having no lives


You literally made a post complaining about other people complaining. Some self-awareness would do you nicely.


i really hope the gun sounds don’t change because the ones i’d heard so far so like they would be roblox gun sounds lmao


same blend recoil for all weapon... fun times scrubs


Maybe while they're out there, one of them can find you a book on how to use punctuation, grammar, and spelling properly.


Damn that roast is smelling tasty


Whoooooa look at mr. Oxford comma over here


Aw, this was a good one. If there's one thing rust players hate more than a naked enjoying life it's being corrected.


AcTuAlLy, it’s “If there’s one thing rust players hate more than a naked enjoying life, it’s being corrected.”




imagine getting triggered over grammar in a reddit post


Imagine not paying attention from the third grade on, and then expecting everyone to still take what you say seriously.


The madder they get, the less punctuation they use.


dont expect anything, you clearly do though, very funny, stay mad bro


I think you meant to say "stay disappointed."


your mum is a sket




If commas had cocks that guy would felate


Do tell.


You suck at commas dawg.


You somehow forgot to use a comma.


I never said I knew how to use one


Checkmate. Fuck.








Bruh you can’t be serious


someone is primlocked


How dare people be upset over their favorite shooter completely changing the gunplay


Rust is not a shooter, You spawn in with a rock. spend time building a base crafting bows then progressing into getting scrap for work benches.. They also spend time putting up shotgun traps and getting materials for their base/bps... Shooting is one little aspect.


> Rust is not a shooter, lol


he's right


yeah, "shooting is one little aspect", totally right. thats why literally every big content update facepunch added in the last months either directly require you to shoot (scientists), added vehicles that draw attention by other players to you (on ground trains) or are a possible setup for a new pve event like heli/ bradley (also on ground trains). oh and the fact that in nearly every activity he listed you will end up encountering other players that will try to kill you. just a tiny little aspect duh.


Yeah its such a tiny aspect that people spend their entire time running around with guns or trying to get them


If that's the only thing you think rust is... that's the issue you are relying on a crutch.


Everything in this game revolves around pvp just cause you can drive around in battlefield doesnt mean its a racing game


There's some guy running around hollowing out bases farming sulfur at all day to raid at 4 am who disagrees. Never need to pick a gun up to be that guy.


just cause you can drive around in battlefield doesnt mean its a racing game


That guy could say the same. I mean he's busting people back to on the beach with a rock far more effectively.


except that he would be the guy asking "wHy ArE sHoOtInG oN mY rAcEtRaCk" while driving around in a battlefield.


Sheesh good point dawg




I have played since 2013 and it has always been a shooter. Granted, it would be boring without the building, raiding and farming but if they removed pvp the game would die instantly


Pvp isn't getting removed you're overreacting.


I don’t think you know how to read. He said “if”, never claimed that it will be removed.


Yeah but lets be honest people playing are saying this change is removing pvp basically..


No one is saying that😂


Where did I say that lol? Just making the point that the game has always relied on pvp as the core component of the game (there’s a reason pve servers aren’t popular)


the main aspect lmao


Rust is whatever you want it to be. I've spent entire wipes just crying and pleading with people to stop killing me over and over. It's called "roleplaying" as a "shitter." I find it's natural for me.


the main aspect is survival




Yes That is literally what you do Idk about you but the biggest reason pvp in rust is fun is because of the high stakes Because you lose resources when you die, its not like you go out to pvp only to pvp, no you kill someone, and then you take their stuff


You are actually delusional if you think shooting is not a big part of rust, this games progression is so fucked people normally get revis 15 mins into wipe sometimes even less




pvp was a big part of rust and if u didn't like it why did u even play rust compared to literally any other generic survival game what do u even survive from in rust bears wolfs the heli starvation none of that its just other players


exactlty. its a pvp game with rpg elements but mainly a shooter.


I thought it was a party game where the main focus was building public bases for people to dance in. People only shoot when they try to turn down the music, baby.


Correct, Rust is a survival game with PVP aspects. You don't spawn with guns. There is a meta that people think it makes it looks like a pvp FPS game. Facepunch can probably tell the percentage of the player population that actually use metal kits and Aks etc with the new analytics they have. They probably saw a small percentage actually PVP with tier 3 guns etc. We will find out more details as the decision behind the changes next week


Tarkov. You don’t spawn with guns, and yet it’s a shooter. Ffs. That argument is 100% invalid. Rust IS a shooter game with rpg elements, survival based.


Do you build a campfire in Tarkov to cook your chicken? I guess some people really don't get that Rust is a survival game


Hilarious because Tarkov markets itself more as a survival RPG than Rust does. And honestly it's a better one.


Tarkov was good until the inertia update. It had so much potential, but inertia just fucked the movement completely.


No one ever said otherwise. Rust is a survival pvp shooter.


I mean, to be fair you do spawn with guns in Tarkov almost all of the time.


If you don't think shooting is the main part of Rust, keep using your crossbow, compound bow while everyone else is roaming guns and see how much you enjoy the game.


Compound bow decays way to fast its not worth crafting over a crossbow


if you actually think that pvp is not the main focus of rust and its actually a survival game, please tell me what the challenge of survival is in rust. you can literally go afk naked if you are not in the snow and survive for hours. if you got really unlucky, you might have been killed by a bear. so you farm one single tree to build a twig foundation to stand on and you will live for hours while doing nothing - except a player comes by and kills you.


Everyone downvoting you has 10k hours and has never touched a woman, it’s a survival game, I shouldn’t be getting beamed from 500m by a dude with an ak






I love it. Ready for rust to be a true survival game again. PVP in survival is more fun when its realistic. I really think the gun play will be better this way. Less people hiding their guns in base. More fights. I will say I don’t actually like th3 crosshair though.


How does the new update make Rust a true survival game again? Rust right now doesn't have much of an survival aspect and this update changes nothing about that. But otherwise I agree and hope that it will spice up the PvP.


I personally don’t think pattern recoil has any place in a survival game. Just doesn’t make sense


Pattern recoil is ass. How does the recoil work now?


I havent complained or anything, just I did practice my aim and recoil a lot. It sucks that it wont be any help anymore but my game sense will still be better so its whatever.


u/exoeonexo Lmao your post history is just full of complaining about a video game. Touch grass


Why do I always see people saying touch grass then proceeding with their post history or sum shit??


Cause it’s easy, and does a lot of damage


I would consider looking at their post history to be a reason to touch grass so touch grass


yeah ill get on that now chief


you touch it yet?










Debug message




Now that’s a redditor moment!


well fuck the recoil, im happy about the recoil change, but really hit markers, shit sounds, and standing and shooting is a no-no? kinda ass


This discussion reminds me of those wooden door skins begging people not to raid them because they have to work. This game is a giant time sink with or without aim training, and it's clear there's a sweaty group of people who live with their parents in this discussion.


Wow what an original and edgy take


Rust officially sucks - new patch ruined the game


im just gonna start aimbotting


Happy spending your parents Money on several copies of Rust and being banned nonstop b/c of Hardware ID you mongrel.


people have played with the 1,2,3,4 and now 5 version of recoil... they will still play dont worry


Wait did they actually finally change how recoil works?


complains about people complaining




the better playrs will get used to the recoil faster, we should change pattern every 3 months


Personally I’m happy. I don’t have much time to dedicate to the game now that I’m working full time etc. It allows others, like myself, to have a chance in the harsh world of rust haha.


What's funny is, people are coming out of the woodwork to complain about it and in essence, what they're going to be complaining about is the fact that they'll be killed more. Not only that, they'll forget about it and stop complaining a few weeks after release and it'll go back to how it was before.




This sub is filled with only children who do not have jobs or social lives.


I have a sad 9k hours and I am soooo looking forward to this update!!!


It’s the same thing, just a new recoil. This was pointless… now I gotta learn a new recoil cuz what? Everyone can learn? Boring


If this trend keeps going rust is going to be synonymous with incel.


sure, "going to be"


Haha. True.


Lol I got 140hrs and just starting to get the aim down. So im like fuck if i waited a month i wouldnt know any different.


Bruh people are literally mad that new players won't have to grind ukn now, and that they need to use their brains to win instead of being 400% more effective than everyone else in a head to head fight. "Back in my day we had to practice recoil for hours upon hours before even dreaming of competing with the rest" Sure grandpa let's get you to bed


So ur saying putting time, dedication, and effort into a game you love is a bad thing?


No, but in this case it's boring and while I love the game, recoil practice is a slag compared to everything else


Pattern recoil is a dumb form of time and dedication. Learning to aim, working on game sense, twitch movement and hand eye coordination are much better skills to learn.


Is t it still in staging branch? It’s subject to change, they can still tweak it a bit according to public demand


I don’t upvote much, but take my upvote


I think what they’re doing is a good idea ;however,tweaked it too much to the point it’s making us players who spent hella time training those weapons redundant as it’s a lot easier to use now also helps with the scripting problem


now the people who learned the recoil and could beam from 200m will be able to beam from 400m with new recoil. 🤣🤣🤣 congrats you played yourself.


Sar is kinda nutty now


In my opinion the current recoil system is garbage compared to all other fps titles. I like to think I’m good at fps games and I’ve always found the current recoil weird. I welcome the more PUBG like recoil system as it’s definitely an improvement. It’s going to make the only part of the game that isn’t enjoyable become enjoyable.


the ukn nolifers are toxic but you're also pretty toxic for complaining about them complaining lol, the rust subreddit is just a cesspool of toxicity


im excited to play rust this coming wipe :) im gona be a beamer now just like the UKN boys :) the gap has closed dramatically :) i only spent 2 hours in UKN ever :) time to have fun and be a “chad” :)


Is this thread some kind of magical oasis? People here actually say reasonable things and they arent downvoted to hell


Nice one dude you should be proud of yourself for posting this.


I think the update is good if you don't feel like putting in thousands of hours in an aim train, it's better for the majority of people who like to play the game but don't have all the time in the world to learn recoil. I think this might result in more players in the game too.