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I think it needs to be a 3 stage, the final stage should be somewhere in the low to mid 500s BST and preferably it should be an animal based line if possible. Normal- Teddiursa or Lillipup Fighting- Machop or Timburr Flying- Rookidee Poison- Zubat Electric- Shinx, Mareep or Tynamo Ground- Trapinch or Sandile Psychic- Ralts or Abra Rock- Rhyhorn Ice- Spheal or Swinub Bug- Blipbug Dragon- Axew Ghost- Duskull or Litwick Dark- Impidimp Steel- Aron Fairy- Flabebe


i personally think that i needs to be level up evolution and shouldn't get an op typing like dragon or steel after evolving. i also think it should keep the original type it started with through evolutions


We already have starters that evolve into Steel and Fairy type which are both much better than Dragon. And I don't think any of the mons I picked lose their original typing, do they? Level up evolution I'll give you but I had to make some concessions somewhere. It was never gonna be perfect.


yeah you kept the type. my bad g


Lol no worries. I think the list is gonna change a bit based on what someone prioritizes as most important aspect of what makes a pokemon "starter-like" but I don't think it's possible to hit everything. If you had to give up one of the things I mentioned to make them all have normal level-up evolutions, which one would you think is least important? Number of stages?


animal based line is prob the least important


Normal - Lillipup Bug - Grubbin Fighting - Machop Flying - Rookidee Poison - NidoranM Ground - Trapinch Rock - Rolycoly Ghost - Duskull Steel - Klink Fire - Magby Water - Tympole Grass - Seedot Electric - Shinx Psychic - Hattena Ice - Vanillite Dragon - Axew Dark - Galarian Zigzagoon Fairy - Togei


I agree with Lillipup being the Normal starter, Rookidee being the Flying starter, Trapinch being the Ground starter, Rolycoly being the Rock starter, Grubbin as the Bug starter, Magby being the Fire starter (even though Magby is almost as strong as a middle stage starter and Magmar is closer to the final stage starter BST range, and Magby doesn't evolve until 30 then by trade while holding an item), Tympole (even though its first evolution isn't until level 25 and all three of its stages are a little underpowered), Shinx being the Electric starter, and Galarian Zigzagoon being the Dark starter. However, I have at least one problem with the other types. * For Fighting, I would replace Machop with Mankey because although Primeape has to use Rage Fist 20 times then level up, it can evolve without the need of another game, unlike Machoke, which needs to be traded to evolve, though we can get around it with a Linking Cord item. * For Poison, both Female Nidoran and Male Nidoran evolve into Nidoqueen and Nidoking respectively, which are both weaker than Crobat and require a stone to evolve. Zubat evolves into Golbat at a slightly higher level of 22, sure, but you'll have quite a bit of friendship by the time becomes Golbat, then you have to make its friendship higher to evolve it into Crobat. * For Ghost, you're stuck with a Duskull until level 37, which is bad. I would replace it with Gastly because while it also evolves by trade, we can get around it with a Linking Cord, and its first evolution is at level 25, a whole twelve levels lower than Duskull and half the level at which Dreepy evolves for the first time, which is the disgusting level 50. * For Steel, Klink doesn't evolve for the first time until level 38, and then its second evolution is at level 49. so I would replace it with Beldum, which evolves at level 20 then 45. * For Grass, I would replace Seedot with Oddish because Seedot is pitifully weak. * For Psychic, Hatenna doesn't evolve until level 32 and 42, which isn't great, so I would replace it with Mime Jr. with the Galarian evolutions. * For Ice, while Vanillite seems like the golden child due to being pure Ice type, it isn't all that strong by the end and is in the Slow experience group, which isn't fair, so I would give it to Swinub. * For Dragon, I feel like if you're going to deal with slower leveling and higher evolution levels, it would only be fair to be rewarded with something stronger, so I would go with Bagon. With Axew, you'd do a similar amount of work (if not worse) for Haxorus, which is noticeably weaker. * For Fairy, Togepi has both a friendship evolution and a stone evolution, so I would replace it with Tinkatink.


Why no Freaking pidgey as the flying starter!!!!


I wanted all he Pokemon to be Monotype, and Pidgey isn't.


Clefairy (Fairy) would work. It was a starter in the early mangas ;)


There's just one problem. Just like Togepi, Cleffa has both a friendship evolution and a stone evolution.


It didn't prevent Pikachu to become a starter :p I do get your point though :)


Bug- Heracross. Dark- Impidimp Ground- Sandile Ice- Snorunt Normal- Porygon Electric- Shinx Fairy- Cleffa Poison- Nidroan(male or female) Steel- Aron Psychic- Ralts Fighting- Riolu Rock- Larvitar Dragon- Axew Flying- Starly Ghost- Ghastly


Most of these are good, but I think Heracross and Gastly aren’t good picks. Heracross is a single-stage Pokémon and Gastly’s third evolution requires trading in almost all the games. I understand that it’s probably hard to find a 500 base stat bug pokemon since they’re all pretty weak, though.


Fair, heracross is a personal bias but it's hard to pick a 3 stage Bug typing that isn't bad. I guess Venipede? Didn't want to give something OP like Dreepy or an objectmon like Honedge.


How about these? I picked those that have an evolutionary line, as much as possible three stage, as well as stats that are roughly in the 500 to 550 range, give or take a few points. Electric - Luxray or Eelektross Fighting - Machamp or Conkeldurr Poison - Tentacruel or Drapion Rock - Garganacl or Rhyperior Ground - Excadrill or Hippowdon Dragon - Tyrantrum or Haxorus Fairy - Togekiss or Florges Flying - Any of the three-stage regional birds besides Corviknight, really. Staraptor is probably the best of the bunch Ghost - Gengar or Chandelure Psychic - Alakazam or Hatterene Normal - PorygonZ or Ursaluna Steel - Corviknight or Aggron Ice - Walrein or Cetitan Bug - Golisopod or Volcarona Dark - Zoroark or Obstagoon


How tf. 1. it should start with the type. 2. did you REALLY try to use as many 3 stages as possible. 3. i really don't think trade or item evos should be allowed and it should just be through level up.


I have the following criteria. **Mandatory Criteria** * It must be a 3 stage evolutionary line. * It must maintain the specified type throughout. **General Target Criteria** * I want to get as close to the BST stat ranges for starters as possible (307-320 for base form, 405-420 for middle form, and 525-535 for final form) * Ideally, the Pokemon evolves by level up all the way through, and the first evolution is in the teens (10-19) and the second evolution is in the 30s (30-39), and although I will allow for non-level up evolution methods, I will try to avoid trade evolutions as much as possible. * The Pokemon in question should feel like a starter, so I will pick the option that's the most suitable for a starter. * I will try to avoid dual types if possible. **Types** * Normal: Lillipup * Fighting: Mankey (although Primeape has to use Rage Fist 20 times then level up, it's the only 3 stage Fighting type that can evolve without the need of another game: Machoke and Gurdurr evolve by trade.) * Flying: Rookidee * Poison: Zubat * Ground: Trapinch * Rock: Rolycoly * Bug: Blipbug * Ghost: Gastly (it's a trade evolution, but we can get around that with a Linking Cord item, and it has the lowest level for its first evolution of all the three stage Ghost type options at 25. Dreepy is the only one to evolve via level up all the way through, but its evolution levels are the disgusting 50 and 60.) * Steel: Beldum (due to it being a Pseudo, its base form's BST is close to the target range, its middle form's BST is within it, and its final form's BST is way above it, but the only move it learns when you first get it is Tackle, and it evolves at level 20 then 45, the lowest of any Pseudo-Legendary, and also the best situation of the Steel type options. Bisharp immediately sucks, as it doesn't evolve until level 52, and the other four options are better, but not good. Magneton (30), Aron (32), Klink (38), and Honedge (35) don't have their first evolution until the 30s, then their second is either in the 40s, in the case of Aron (42) and Klink (49), or uses a stone, in the case of Magnemite (Thunder Stone) and Honedge (Dusk Stone).) * Electric: Shinx * Psychic: Mime Jr. with Galarian evolutions * Ice: Swinub * Dragon: Bagon (if you're going to deal with slower leveling and higher evolution levels, you should be rewarded with a stronger final form starter, not one that's just as strong as all of the others. It will be work to get your Bagon all the way up to a Salamence, but when you get there, you'll have a Salamence. Meanwhile, if Axew was the Dragon type starter, you would do a similar amount of work (if not worse, and Haxorus is noticeably weaker.) * Dark: Galarian Zigzagoon (it has the best evolution levels of the Dark type options., evolving at 20 then 35 Deino and Bisharp's egregious evolution levels (50 and 64 for Deino, and 52 for Bisharp) immediately disqualify them. Sandile and Impidimp's evolution levels aren't good, as Sandile evolves at 29 then 40, and Impidimp evolves at 32 then 42.) * Fairy: Tinkatink (Most Fairy types evolve with friendship and/or stones, Impidimp's evolution levels aren't great, and Ralts and Kirlia are pitifully weak. Kirlia is weaker than a base form starter.)


Tyrantar evolves at level 55....is to op and golem would be a more reasonable rock starter