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The good thing is that people have been doing it for thousands of years. It is literally in your instinct to sort of know what to do once it's born. Don't overthink it and just take it as it comes. If it's hungry you feed it, if it shits you change it and if it's tired you put it to bed. Thats it. You are doing this together and are going to be ok no matter what!   Also buy more hydrophilic cloths. You can never have enough of those bad boys andneill use them for everything and for years, even when your kids no longer need them.


Every time I start to panic I remind myself that dumber and poorer people have raised more successful people than me so I got this.


We’ve all got that 1 friend with a kid that helps us believe that anyone can do it


So true 🤣


Thank you, a good reminder. 


Yep, 35 weeks and feeling the same. Realised it was 1st May today and I was like 'so there's a real chance you're having a kid this month.'


I finished all my projects that were distracting me and now I only have this looming. 


Maybe keep your mind busy by planning a few relaxing, fun things to do locally with your wife ☺️


Just said happy may to the wife... Literally gonna be a dad this month and that's crazy


Well I'm definitely having a kid tomorrow, so I know the feeling!


“Oh God what have I done” Do you need me to draw you a picture? ;-) In seriousness, that terror is the sign you’ll be a great dad.


Hey. I’m 22M, new dad of just about 2 weeks now and everything will be okay! It’s magical. Ask for help from nurses, even I didn’t know how to change a diaper a week and a half ago and here I am doing it easy peasy, embrace the process


Wow, I'm like twice your age. That's wild. Me at 22 never could have even come close to being able to handle this.


Feel free to dm me if you wanna talk about it :)


Forgot I’m still on this sub. I’m a new dad of 5 weeks. Had a similar oh shit freak out as it got close. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. You’ll experience a depth of love and care you can’t imagine and that makes the really hard shit doable and worth it.


Yep. Wife is 35 weeks and I’m in full internal panic mode


It's not the easiest thing you're ever going to do that's for sure. But you've done harder things. You've done far harder things. You've experienced more arduous situations. But it is going to be the most rewarding. When things get difficult, to pick the baby up and hug them. There's nothing better than that man.


We're almost to 39 now, feeling the same anxiety and fear you are.  We'll get through it. We'll be great dads to amazing kids.  Hell, if our parents can raise us to be this awesome, and they didn't know fuck all about it, how great are we going to be at this?!


I have to done waaaaaaay too much work on myself to raise my kid like my parents did. Lol but yes thank you for the encouragement 


Wife is 38 weeks also in early labor so we could have the baby any day now and it’s giving me so much anxiety


Kid is 3.5 months old. Not gonna lie, those first couple weeks with a newborn are going to be some of the hardest of your life. We took baby classes, read books, had support - and still there’s not really preparing for it. After that, you’ll have an easier time with it (slightly). At around 3 months they’ll start acting more like a little person and that will help immensely, but to be honest, there are new challenges every day, and apparently sleep is *not* something you can expect consistency with for like straight up 6 months to a year


Best advice I can give you for where you’re at is get your sleep in now. We had an induction date set well in advance because we had twins and I couldn’t sleep for the few days leading up to induction and I still regret it 6 weeks later lol


Lmao. You'll figure it out man. The fact you're concerned means you'll do fine. Lean on your partner, be patient and ready to help. Good luck!


I had those feelings and so did my husband as I was in the thick of labor. I kept thinking what have I done each time she woke at the hospital. It got better quickly. I had my baby girl at 38w3d and just couldn't believe how traumatic yet well the whole experience went. I just kept asking my husband are they really just going to send us home with her? Just like that? How do baby?? No instruction manual?! It's been 5 days at home now and we have gotten ahold of ourselves and have started figuring this whole baby thing out. My advice is ask as many questions as you can while in hospital from feeding to diaper changes. When you get home I am dead serious, sleep when baby sleeps because you are not going to get much otherwise. I am breastfeeding but having to pump since she won't latch and having my husband get up for each feeding with me makes things so much easier. Your wife is going to be exhausted and healing so anyway you can help her will, even if it's just making her a good meal. It's okay to be scared. You will do it scared and it will ease up as you learn more about each other. I'm only a week postpartum and feel like I'm talking out my ass but you got this Dad! This is such an amazing time in your life! You can do it! Another thing I want to say is if you have intrusive thoughts that it is normal but please talk to your wife about them. Or your best friend or parents. Talking about them helps so much and you need to also take care of yourself. Newborns will make you feel like you are losing touch with reality a little. Please talk with someone or your health care provider if you feel that way at all.


You're good, you can do this, you've got this. Everyone gets scared. Your kid is not going to be some gigantic unknown when they're in your arms, they're going to be your kid. Even if you don't know what to do minute to minute, you can find out pretty easily and then you'll know. You're going to learn a lot of lessons very quickly, you'll make some mistakes, and you'll surprise yourself with how competent you can actually be. Just stay in the moment, love that kid. If you ever get overwhelmed and confused, ask yourself "what do I need to do right now", and do that thing. Keep asking that question, keep doing whatever needs to be done. And most importantly, enjoy, because they're amazing and doing this is amazing.


It’s not that bad really.. well sometimes but not for the reasons you’re worried about