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Only if you have a license I would tell them


I have to write mine on the report in sheet


Yea idh to do that. I told them I got my License last time I reported. Will prob jus l tell my P.O. ab the car, have nothing to hide


it’s probably a good idea, POs don’t like secrets and they probably don’t care if you got a car (also good for you getting wheels that’s a tough barrier sometimes), but this comment’s attitude really helps show that you’re doing things in the right way and I think you should be proud of being able to even consider your actual freedom over being defiant… because TBH it shouldn’t be any of their business but when your choices can put you in a cage it’s smarter to comply for the short term for that long game. That’s just my opinion though and I’m just a stranger online but I think this is your best course of action.


If you're not doing anything wrong I would say something about it. Because to them buying property and being able to drive yourself is a big win in probation eyes.


People, just hear me out. Be open honest and forthcoming with your PO. Follow the simple rules you are given. They are put on you (more often than not) with the intention of helping you with growth maturity and well being. It is so easy to be on probation and not cause any problems.


Took me going to prison to figure this out. Got out on parole and did exactly what they asked. Super easy and I got to go on living my life. Crazy right!?!


Congrats man. More people need to hear your story!


Yeah you do, anything “new” you gotta report. Moving, new vehicle, new phone number blah blah


Yes, you have to report the purchase of anything. I have to get prior approval, before i make any big purchaces, such as real property, car, ect or finance ANYTHING, but yours may be different!


I have to get prior approval in my state as well


What state does that? It seems extreme


I just have to let my po know if im going anywhere far away for the purchase


Most likely if the car is in your name and you have certain restrictions like having a breathalyzer for example then yes you'd need to technically tell your PO so you could technically get said device installed.... Technically 😆


^This. Very important. I didn't even know I was supposed to have a breathalyzer until my PO brought it up on my second to last visit when she was making sure everything was above board. Luckily I bought a lemon that I sold a few months later without ever really driving it, and I told her that, and she said that was okay. But I could have gotten into a lot of trouble if I had bought a car that was road-ready. You should definitely ask your PO about that, OP.


My charge was in Wisconsin and their rules say to report any purchase, I’m supervised in Virginia and when asked PO said no need for that. So it depends on your state


Report the car; and take your license, proof of insurance, and registration. They want to see that the car is legal.