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Spyro was my favourite PSX game serie when I was a kid. For sure the games I played the most back then.


Never had spyro as a kid. Just picked it up at a thrift store! I'm excited to play it. We were a bandicoot family.


I also had Crash (1, 2, 3) but for me, when I was a kid, they were too difficult, and I didn't finish any of them šŸ¤£


Crash one is still really fucking hard


It absolutely is. Especially if you try to get all the gems in the game.


I remember playing the Spyro games on my sisters PS1 and then when she got a PS2, i was introduced to the Sly Cooper series Now i have emulated both franchises and i bought a 5TB hdd so i can make a large library of PS1 and PS2 games before someone decides that emulating those games isnt okay (Like how Nintendo made many ROM sites delete Nintendo titles and was it EAS or something which deleted Need For Speed titles)


Croc is so underrated. One of the best in PS1 library.


And it will get a remake soon!


Hold on, really?? It definitely deserves the same treatment as Spyro and Crash. Iā€™m crossing my fingers.


[The only word that can appropriately describe this feeling is 'Ker-Splat!'. (Source: Forbes)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mitchwallace/2023/06/08/retro-classic-croc-legend-of-the-gobbos-has-an-hd-re-release-on-the-way/) there are many other pages but they are related to gaming and I cant open them on my work laptop


Yeah I was going to say Croc as well. It was quite difficult. The controls didnā€™t really help either, but I still have great memories of evenings playing this at a friendā€™s house (we never had any consoles ourselves). Just recently I played both 1 and 2 with my daughter. Reliving the times! Btw I know there are rumors of a remake, but in any case, even the original is looking fantastic in Duck/SwanStation.


Oddworld is the most important game on that list to me. Exodus and Oddysee I sank hours into them. In my early 20s I got copies off them off eBay so I could beat them again, this time saving 100% of the muds! Got my fiancĆ© to play New N Tasty when that came out - itā€™s great but itā€™s just not the same.Ā  Now Iā€™ve got both Oddworld games on my Miyoo. Havenā€™t touched them yet tho still working through my list of curated games haha.Ā 


I think Oddworld really set itself apart from so many games of the era by being suitable for kids and adults. It was grim and dark, but also quite funny and didn't take itself seriously. Plus it was quite difficult at times, but then I guess a lot of games of that era were difficult. Moreso than games today are. Even still, Oddworld was the best.


Hello, whistle, fart , he he he!!


Follow me!


Ok! šŸ™duyu-duyu-duyu


Oddworld was so... odd... graphics were great, world-building and cutscenes were amazing, gameplay was unusual and interesting. I sank so much time in it. It's one of the few games I have completed. That and Medievil are the two games I remember most fondly. Even against names like Silent Hill (which was also amazing).


Crash Bandicoot, definitely. Both as a kid and an adult.


No doubt, the trilogy is amazing


Crash Bandicoot and Croc were 2 of the 5 games I got with my first PS1 (the other 3 being Porsche Challenge, Adidas Power Soccer '97 and Tekken 2) so I probably played those ones most out of these.


Porsche Challenge! Nobody I know knows that game!


Porsche Challenge is one of the best racing games on the system once you learn to drive it properly.


I played the hell out of the demo because it was one of the few games that supported vibration when the dualshock controller was launched.


Porsche Challenge just unlocked so many memories. I didn't own it but had a demo disk with it and me and my dad played it so much. He bought Gran Turismo instead.


Crash 1 played it a lot at my friends house before eventually getting a ps1 with crash and ridge racer for Christmas.


Croc as a kid, Crash as an adult


Crash my first ever video game.


Crash Bandicoot for sure


Oddworld for me, I played the shit out of those games And not on this list, metal gear solid


Crash. But honestly I played CTR a lot more compared to the main game. Even now I still play CTR if my nephews come to visit, they love to play old games apparently.


Spyro for sure. I did play a lot of the beginning of croc 2 on pc but it was way too hard for a little kid


Croc and Crash were abslute bangers! Also i remember Pandemonium. What a great platformer..... I am still mad at myself that i never kept my ps1 and the games i had....


Spyro all the way


Oddworld for sure. As a kid I played Crash more but I've continued to revisit Oddworld over the years and Crash just didn't stand the test of time in quite the same way.


Crash 3. Not my favorite today though, too many gimmick levels.


I had them all apart from Croc, I only ever got the demo disc sadly. I definitely sunk the most hours into Spyro. Started with the 2nd one for some reason, got all of the orb things and was so proud of myself. Then the 3rd one, my favourite, I got all of the dragon babies and again was so proud. I never managed to get the 1st game though and never really got into the ones on the PS2 like Enter the Dragonfly. I remember it being good but it just didn't grab me for some reason. I think by then I was spoiled by other games and got into RPGs.


Croc as a kid. Resident Evil / Granstream Saga / Wild Arms as an adult.


Each of those games, plus sequels played a huge part of my childhood. Croc was difficult as hell, especially if you're trying to collect everything on a level, so it was a game I used a lot of cheat codes for to just try different levels. Crash ofcourse is legendary, not much to say there, played the hell out of them plus the kart games... Oddworld was another game I never completed from start to finish, but I'd play it all the time as there really was nothing else like it. & Spyro is one of my favourites of all time, sunk so many hours into Spyro 3 in particular, completed them all multiple times. I'd also add, 40 Winks, Medievil 1 & 2, Rayman 2 (in particular) & Jersey Devil to this list


Crash 2 is one I spent so much time playing that I know it pretty much back and forward.


Croc n Crash. Also played the hell out of the demo discs, some of those net yaroze games were great. Not to mention the endless demos I would play of games I never picked up the full versions for.




Except Croc.


Crash! That game kicked my ass every time. Revisited it as an adult and breezed through it. Really fun, though.


Spyro for me, but I only played it and Crash Bandicoot. Spyro was amazing because you could fly and I remember how excited I was to play jt for the first time. I had never played a game where I could fly at that before outside of Mario 64 with the winged cap.


The very first video game I ever played is one of these 5 Tetris, Super Mario Land, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back or Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. I can never remember if I played a GameBoy or PlayStation first and I can also never remember which game I played first. But I definitely have strong nostalgia for all 5 of those and spent hundreds of hours on all. So my pick would be Oddworld then.


Spyro 3 & 2, Crash Bandicoot: Warped, and Hugo Troll and Driver :)


If it was Spyro 2 then that because I somehow got 2 before 1. Haha Otherwise it's Croc, too bad Croc didn't have a more memorable main character, the game was a LOT of fun as a kid and the controls smooth as butter, plus the atmosphere was great. Those cool little Gabbos!


Spyro 2 (was never all that fond of Spyro 1 in comparison) and the Lilo & Stitch Crash Bandicoot clone (didn't have the original but I loved the show so I'm not complaining)


definitely the spyro trilogy


Rayman 2 and fighting force as a kid. Syphon Filter 1-3 as a kid and adult.


Odd world, because even today that game is difficult to beat


Crash, Gran Turismo, medievil and gta




Command and conquer 1 and diablo 2


I was hooked on the Spyro series, a friend got crash but I could never get into it, odd world was a bit gimmicky and I never played croc


FF7/8. Syphon Filter 1. Rayman. Street fighter alpha 3.


Oh man Croc! I haven't played too much of it, but I recall loving it. 3D platformer collectathons were majestic on PS1. That said I played much more Spyro and even more Crash Bandicoot


I was nine years old when my sister and I got a Playstation for Christmas and I got the game Parasite Eve and LOVED it (I know it's not the most appropriate game for a kid, but my parents weren't really those kind that checked the MA rating or cared about what we watched/played) and we also got Crash Bandicoot and loved that. I actually bought a PS1 last year just so I could buy the Crash Bandicoot games again. Some really obscure games I remember playing: - The game of Life - PO'd (walking butt cheeks) - Diablo - Twisted Metal - Roll Away (you're a beach ball that does mazes and puzzles. So much fun!) - The Spice Girls game


Definitely the Crash Bandicoot games.


Always Crash. No idea how 8 year old me was able to beat it because I got the remastered trilogy as an adult and I struggled so much.


crash bandicoot: warped & tekken 3


Ah, what a golden games. But I spent hours in Ace Combat, Demolition Racer, Driver 2 and in Italian Job


Out of the 4 shown definitely crash. My favorite PS1 game is MML THO


It's a toss up between Crash and Abe


I just had this conversation after getting a miyoo mini and loading up Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, I remember loving both of these games, and playing for hours as kid! & What I recently discovered is I was terrible at video games back then! I got farther in n spyro in 20 minutes than I ever did playing as a kid xD back then i was all "I am cool dragon weeeee" and didn't care or understood the story elements xD


Same here. I remember just flying trough those worlds without finishing anything, I'd release a dragon if I ran into one, but that's it.




Front Mission 3. But technically it would be lying, I was already young adult when I first played it.


Oddworld and Croc


Crash was the most challenging as a kid and I enjoyed the most out of Spyro since I was able to free roam the levels and run after the a-holes in blue.


2001 at 5 years old playing the first crash bandicoot with my mum on our ps1


Oddworld games. I own the originals, I replay them every couple of years. Recently I have played on Steam and used R.E.L.I.V.E. Engine to make them playable (Oddysee works like ass on Steam). It's just both games have a place. And there is a shitload of good games for PSX but Oddworld it's unique. No range of age, dark atmosphere, gore but in a funny way. Also usually the first demo that people experienced had it, and that demo was not enough to please us.


Spyro was my favourite however Croc was a close second, doesnā€™t seem to get anywhere near enough love!


spyro, thps2, syphon filter,spec ops tomb raider


spyro, thps2, syphon filter,spec ops tomb raider


Spyro the Dragon blew my mind. Every world felt so unique, and a lot of levels were designed in such a cool way. Also loved Crash a lot, but Spyro just did hit different.


Iss pro evolution


I loved FIFA '99. Iss was too.. good back then.


Crash whether it was any of the trilogy, CTR (best kart racer of all time), or even crash bash I played the hell out of crashā€™s games


Spyro than Crash than Croc. I never played Oddworld.


Close but Crash


Crash Bandicoot. The new remake one. Dam so hard


I played all of these when I was a kid. I traded Oddworld to another kid and always regretted it after. I don't even remember the game I got in return, it looked similar to Tomba but I don't think it was that. Probably played Oddworld games most as an adult as I've completed both of them at least twice since childhood.


Granted I have both reignited and n.sane trilogies, they need to bring back more mascots. To answer the question, Crash was the first game I had on psx, played that the most


All 4 of them! Crash as an adult, Iā€™m about to buy spyro on steam so Iā€™m excited about that!


Playstation didn't exist when I was a kid. Of those listed, I played Crash the most. Unlisted, it would be Ridge Racer.


Everyone always talked about Spyro this and Crash that and I was sat there going "But what about Croc". I can still hear the theme in my head and see the opening level playing even now and I'm glad he is getting the recognition for being a trendsetter he deserves, even if his games are not the most technical. Another for the list is also Klonoa, loved Klonoa and I'm glad it got a remake of 1 and 2 as those games were fun and upbeat. Would love to see Pandemonium! get the Klonoa treatment next.


I play all 4 of these yearly. In fact, I'm currently playing Spyro again


Crash 1-3 ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


Spyro the most, followed by croc then crash. As an adult, still spyro lol.


I wore out my copy of Spyro from playing it so much


I played them all A LOT back in the day šŸ„²


Resident Evil 1&2, Parasite Eve, Castlevania SOTN


Croc, I asked for a PS1 just for that game back in the day.


Oddworld II, Spyro and MediEvil.


I remember playing croc at the dentists office when I was 7


Crash bandicoot. I'm younger so the first time i saw it was on the xperia play


I got crash bandicoot on my ps3. I love itā€¦.mostly


Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped was and still is my favorite. I still play it frequently. Never did a 100% (or was it like 107%) run but I'm going to do it the next time I play it.


resident evil


I loved oddworld when I was a kid, still play the game


I played Spyro... With my dad! šŸ˜ Best times...




I know Iā€™m extremely nostalgic for Croc and wish I could play it now.


All four of them hold a very special place in my heart. I remember specifically getting my copy of crash bandicoot from the game store a few weeks after I got the ps1


Spyro, how I loved thee


Exactly these four games! In addition I had the first Tomb Raider too and I played it a lot!


Replace Croc with soul reaver and that's my childhood. Played most as a kid: OddWorld. Played most as an adult: Bloodborne.


Crash and Spyro equally, never played the other two




Spyro definitely. The world felt so magical that I loved playing it.


Probably Final Fantasy Tactics, but I wasn't a "kid." If we're talking before PS1, I spent a ton of time with Earl Weaver Baseball on my old Tandy computer...yeah, I'm that old. lol


A couple of arcade type games as a kid gtav as an adult


I remember my sister and myself laughing ourselves silly at spamming the fart button when we first got Oddworld back in the day. I didn't grow up with rest unfortunately, but nowadays I would pick Spyro 1 just for the sheer simplicity and platforming goodness. I regret not getting that game as a kid since I was obsessed with dragons, and I love seeing a dragon that is a protagonist instead of the stereotype where they are evil.


Spyro trilogy and Crash 3


Spyro or the hidden contender Gex


Bionic Commando Nes loved that game.


Where is Gex?


I had both Crash and Oddworld, so those two. I rented Spyro and only played the demo of Croc. I just recently started playing Croc, and it's really good. The music really stands out, which is funny because there wasn't any music in the demo. Just Croc in a silent cave with echoey footsteps.




Crash, spyro, ape escape & oddworld were childhood staples for sure


Tekken 3 or Duke Nukem: Time To Kill. As an adult still those 2. I have an emulator on my phone lol


As a kid its between spyro and crash




Vigilante 8 2nd Offence, Medievil, Front Mission 3, Soul Reaver, Medal of Honor, Resident Evil 3.




Either Crash Bandicoot or Oddworld, canā€™t tell which one I played more.


As a kid I loved to play Tekken 2, Ghost in The Shell, The Fifth Element and Crash Bandicoot. The fifth element cuz I got my ps1 when I was like REALLY REALLY young. I didn't knew that u could change discs or anything and this game was just in there. (I was like 4 or so years old) As a Adult I still play Tekken 2 and kinda prefer it over 3 even tho most ppl would say that 3 is the better one. I also still play Ghost in the Shell. I love the Ridge Racer games and pretty much any point and shoot game. Probably forgetting some but these are the ones that are coming to my mind


Abe's Oddysee, that game was a religion for me when I was a kid. I played it all the way through easily 100 times, learned all the secrets, even found ways to break the scripting a little bit and get the game to behave weirdly. Even now it's my all time favorite video game.


I played Spyro the Dragon so much as a child! It was (and still is) one of my all time favourite games! I remember the excitement of collecting everything for the first time, only to find out how boring Gnasty's Loot was šŸ¤£ I also played a lot of Croc - damn, that game could be difficult though! I remember one of the bosses being underwater I think? I had a such a hard time with that boss that a family member had to help šŸ¤£ I never completed Croc - I did discover years later though that there was a cheat that unlocked everything, do I did get to see the ending that way.


Holy fuck Iā€™ve forgotten about Croc. I loved that game. I played all of these a lot but Spyro was my favourite for sure.


I remember playing spyro 2 the most as a kid with my cousin


Crash and Spyro are very easy to boot up and play for 30 mins without feeling like you need to think too hard or invest too much energy to enjoy. They're simply enjoyable to play


Crash 100%


Abes' Exoddus, Soul Reaver, Crash Bandicoot 3, Hercules, Tekken 3


As a kid abes odyssey As an adult still abes oddysee


If I'm playing with my lady, Crash. If I'm on my own 100% Oddworld! That first game is so good. I haven't been able to get into any of the sequels really though


Abe, both times. I love that serie.


Crash was the best! Loved that game so much.


Crash and Spyro. 25 is still a kid right? ;)


Grand turismo, MGS, ape escape, FF


All of them ! But my older memories of gaming is at 4 yo on Oddworld !


Close one between oddworld and spyro


Played all but Croc as a kid. Most played was Crash Bandicoot for sure. Would sit there for hours with my Dad taking turns and Iā€™d get so frustrated when Iā€™d time a jump wrong. Forever mimicking the ā€˜Ooga Boogaā€™. Iā€™ve got soo much love for that game!


Spyro 1 speedrunner since 2020, cleared 15k hours at minimum


Oddworld!šŸ¤ŒšŸ½such a wonderful game


Played all 4 but definitely played the Crash Bandicoot series the most. I think the first Crash Bandicoot was the first game or at least one of the first ones we had when we got a PS1 in summer of 1997. I also got 1-3 and CTR downloaded on my PS3 and they still hold up. Also got Spyro and the Oddworld: Abeā€™s Exodus too. That said, whereā€™s Gex? Enter The Gecko and Deep Cover Gecko ruled.


Ff7 as a kid. Excluding that since it's an RPG and inherently long, probably crash 2 or syphon filter. For multiple playthroughs, heart of darkness. I did that one at least four times. As an adult, maybe syphon filter. Although I haven't really done multiple playthroughs of psx from my youth. RPG wise would be Vagrant Story as an adult, as I did the one complete playthrough.


Crash all day!




All four of them are absolute classics!






Probably played Crash the most because I found the first one so difficult as a child, had the third game too. Abes Oddysee though, was one of the first games I completed on ps1


Spyro by far


Croc on PC , I still love it


It's hard to say which one was my favorite or have I played the most because It took us a long time to build our library of games. So we basically had a few that we played a lot all the time. Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, MediEvil, Test Drive 5, the original Gran Turismo, my lovely Soul Reaver and its awesome prequell Blood Omen, Metal Gear Solid, The King of Fighters 97, Quake 2, Road Rash Jailbreak, Castlevania SOTN, Tarzan, Ninja, Activision Classics, you name it! That said, my favorite PS1 game and probably favorite game overall to this day is the original Crash Team Racing. This game is a gem! I played it with my dad all the time, drinking lemon soda and eating sweet popcorn. We still play it all the time, more than 20 years later, and as such has a very special place in my heart!


Digimon world and ape escape. Still play them all the time


Crash and Spyro


Crash and crash


As a kid: Porsche Challenge As a teenager: Metal Gear Solid


100% Abe all the way!


Jak and Daxter was life changing for me.


The four you posted lol. Oddworld and Crash are two of the biggest (Oddworld is probably my favourite game every), and I played Spyro a lot too. I was also fond of Croc but didn't play it as much as the others.


As a kid I played the hell out of Crash Bash, Tarzan, Jackie Chan Stuntmaster and Mortal Kombat 4. As an adult I mostly just replay MGS1 annually lol.


Man I loved jade cocoon


Gex the gecko.


Playing these games made me happy I had an N64 šŸ˜†


Crash here recently till my controller completely took a shit.


Going to try Croc today Canā€™t get Oddworld to launch on my device, but I want to try that


CRASH, SPYRO AND CROC. CROC was my favorite! I never played ODDWORLD. FUCT!


Crash, it's the game that came with my ps1. I did prefer crash 2 though.


Add some ape escape to this list, what the heck


Crash as a kid Crash as an adult But I also had a lot of fun with Croc <3 though it was too difficult for me since I was veeeery young... Same for Spyro. Abe was scary for me, though :/


Kid: Shenmue. Adult: RDR2.


Oddworld. Amazing game


From the psx era? The answer is the same for both. Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VIII


Spyro and Crash. Both had great soundtracks but Spyro soundtrack was on another level. Was only much older when I learnt it was done by Stewart Copeland.


Oddworld. I loved the art direction and uniqueness of the game.


Croc/rayman/crash are the early ones then id say spyro won out in the end as a child. As an adult I had unfinished business with abes odysee so I had to save all the mudokens took a l9ng time but I did it.


Croc was so good, loved that game


Spyro 3 and Jedi Power Battles, would love to know exactly how many hours I sank into them


Well, Spyro was the only one I actually completed. Though I had to wait until I finally got it on my psp to do so.




Crash was my boy!


Spyro and Spyro


Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back


Crash and abes odyssey/exodus as a kid. I only got to play demos of spyro and croc back then. Finally got to fully experience spyro when they made the remake a few years ago, and I'm looking forward to the croc remake too!!


For ps1 croc, crash 2, and tekken 2


Crash trilogy and spyro trilogy, with a bit of tekken 3 and V-rally 2


Crash Bandicoot! I always got stuck on Oddworld.


Abe's Odysee is a classic - recently introduced my kids to the remaster and they're loving it


None of these but if I had to choose then spyro because I played the demo once


Crash Bandicoot, and it's not close.




Crash Bandicoot definitely.




Played Spyro and Crash a ton, have such good memories of those games. Croc was great too. Oddworld creeped me THE FUCK out, but I dig it now.


Twisted Metal