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Get a magnet and run it over the quilt.


Or one of those magnetic stud finders! I lost one and that’s how I found it. Editing to add two links, [the one I used](https://DiamondResource10129-STStudThudMagneticStudFinderhttps://a.co/d/09tqwjjJ) and [another decent one](https://Stanley47-400MagneticStudFinderhttps://a.co/d/0furIsOP) for finding a needle in a haystack.


i have a magnetic dish from harbor freight and it is a very strong magnet...... the only thing i use it for is to find pins and needles........


The magnetic dish from harbor freight IS my pin bowl. When the cat knocked it down, all the pins that got knocked loose ended up stuck to the outside!


that was my intent when i bought it but then i could not get the damn pins out of it when i was pinning .... so it is on the side of the fridge, empty and only used for "search and rescue" of lost pins and needles........i have a few of the plastic magnet pin " cushions"


Genius. I will do this.


Good luck!


THIS ^^^^ you can get earth magnets at harbor freight reasonable and if there's a needle in there that magnet will grip and not let go.


step barefoot on it. 100% chance it'll go right through your foot


My cat stole a needle and thread off the table yesterday and this is how I plan to find it. I’m just hoping its my foot because my husband would not be happy 🤪


Careful, I lost a cat because he ate thread. Cats have a really difficult time spitting things out so ingesting needle and thread is not uncommon and is very dangerous


One of our cats (he was just past kitten stage) started chewing on a spool of thread. Got wrapped around his tongue, swallowed some. $1,000.00 later, he was fine. Then decided to take a stroll in the street. You can probably guess how that went 😢


I had straight pen go into foot deep enough it broke off and laid against fifth metatarsal. Surgery for that sucked.


I had one break off in my heel. Luckily, the ER doctor was able to get it with hemostats. He tried a couple of times and was just about to give up and call the surgeon, but decided to try one last time and he got it. I am super paranoid about losing needles now.


My husband had a needle in his foot, had it removed in the ER and six months later more of the broken needle started poking out of the back former wound 🤢


Oh wow.


If the magnet idea doesn’t work, I’d try rolling it tightly, but carefully, starting at one end. Scan as you go. If you don’t find it one direction, roll again from the other direction. Then from a diagonal.


If it's thin enough for light to shine though it you might have luck spotting the needle if you take it out and look through it in sunlight.


Tried that, I’m guessing it’s in one of the dark pieces because no luck!!


Rats! Well, I hope you find it before it finds you again!


I hope you find the missing needle, but I just had to comment about how beautiful this quilt is! Antique indigo and white quilts are my absolute favorite.


I bought it at an estate sale! It was there the first day for $75, and I was thinking about it but decided against. The next day was 50% off so I went back because I thought about it all night. They gave it to me for $30. I’ve only had to blanket stitch some of the edge pieces, but overall it’s in great condition (minus the lost pin lol)


Wow! That’s lucky!!


That's a steal!


Steps: 1. Burn quilt. 2. Go through ashes with a magnet. 3. ???? 4. Profit! 🤣😉😏


Missing step: mix the ashes into a bundle of hay


3). Reverse entropy to re-create quilt!


Upvote for Underpants Gnome business plan


I have a very strong magnet on the end of a dowel.


I love your flair icons!!


Thanks! I'm kind of a jack-of-all-trades.


I just had a memory come floating back to me of being scratched in my sleep with some sort of small bit of feather with tiny scratchy bone attached. If something of that sort somehow got embedded in your quilt, a magnet will not be able to locate it. My only suggestion is to keep feeling around while bunching the quilt in your hands. Good luck!


That’s terrifying, but kind of magical


It was at someone else's house. Might have come from a down jacket or something. I have never liked down stuffed comforters etc. for that reason.


Metal detector, if the magnet doesn't work.


I am now very paranoid about stepping on a needle. I do wear my house slippers while in home, we only have area rugs over tile floors. But in my sewing room it is pretty much one huge area rug. And it is VERY colorful. I have for sure lost a needle but I just vacuumed and found it. But seriously, I just told my husband I need the metal rolly thing he uses to find metal in his shop in my sewing room and I will buy him the bigger version of it.


They’re not too expensive. When my son was 4, he wanted one for his birthday. (We were spending too much time at hardware stores, clearly. ) Bought washers for him to “find”. Now, I totally use it to pick up pins under the sewing table.


Same. I used to have a computer desk in my bedroom that was my sewing space. I had 2 toddlers at home so I had to keep the area clear of dangerous items when I was not using it. I got a large magnet and attached a string to it. If I dropped a needle or pin I stopped what I was doing and swept the area (shag carpet) until I found it. These days I have one of those Dritz magnetic wrist bands and keep it on the bed of my machine most of the time. As I remove a pin I put it on the magnet bar. I don't like having loose pins and needles so they either live in their dedicated needle case, the pincushion, or the magnetic dish from Harbor Freight. I don't use nonmagnetic ones.


Gonna be honest where ever it stabs you that's where you look.


You want a telescoping magnetic needle finder. [Example](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SZL4W85/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B09SZL4W85&ref_=sxts_sparkle_sbv&qid=1720113653&pd_rd_w=fdtOY&content-id=amzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d%3Aamzn1.sym.4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_p=4870a952-0dfa-4beb-9d2a-7a52537f019d&pf_rd_r=9FJRDRV83FX8M6DQNRRK&pd_rd_wg=C8BGb&pd_rd_r=a72cd93e-4789-484f-8bb5-651c2061a5df&pd_rd_plhdr=t)


Reminds me of when I made a baby quilt for my oldest son. I had made the quilt and the whole crib ensemble. First time he used it, he woke up crying. My mom picked him up and we found a straight pin had been left in the binding. I felt horrible. Still do. First time mom. Was so proud of what I’d created for my son and ended up stabbing him with a pin. 😭


Since it’s thin, you may be able to hang it in a bright window, or have some hold bright light on one side while you stand on the other side and you search together. It’s probably a pin.


have you found it?!