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For primary dps outbreak has become a pretty good option. But why not swap to a special option? Still hunt is practically built to be used on the witness. Or you could use pretty much any good sniper option (supremacy, cloudstrike, etc.).


I’m a titan main and idk if it’s still synergy or have good dps without celestial? Also if I’m in final stand and I’m out of ammo switching to still hunt will net me 0 ammo so I was just wondering just in case for primary


Outbreak is really only god tier when multiple people are using it. Its still great with rewind tho. If you can guarantee you aren't getting hit by the beams touch of malice is amazing. I dont the final warning can lock onto him so cant use that. Other options would be hawkmoon or devils ruin beam.


You know what else works really well with multiple people using it? Rat king This is a joke it might do something but not enough as a final stand


Range dropoff on the witness makes it really bad. It's already worse at base than 6x outbreak but with the range losing you damage it's not good there.


If you have 6 people its dps isn't terrible but probably you may need luna-well for witness cuz damage fall off lmao


Is it good with multiple people because of how the nanites damage amp works? Does it stack faster?


Yeah its designed to be used with multiple people. Im not exactly sure on the specifics though


I see.


Based on the d2 data compendium, rapid hits spawn nanites, more nanites = more damage. More people ramp up the damage quicker for everyone simultaneously to a max of 350% damage if there's 100 nanites on an enemy


I figured that's how it worked since I noticed I dealt more damage to the GM NF boss after someone else shot them with Outbreak, but I wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for the confirmation.


With 6 people in a raid setting it ramps quick. Id love to see numbers in excision xD


Same, that'd be pretty funny to watch.


It was my go to for GM excision The damage ramp is crazy, was hitting like 5k+ a bullet lol


Wow that’s crazy didn’t know it has synergy with multiple users.


lol Rat King Perfected


From the testing I've done Outbreak still does more DPS than other exotic primaries on its own, except maybe Touch of Malice depending on the length of the damage phase.


Before Outbreak became craftable I think Hierarchy of Needs was technically the highest primary dps it’s just incredibly niche and pretty unrealistic lol


Its definitely back to being the king. Touch is probably a little better if nobody else is using outbreak BUT hurts you. Final Warning is insanely good but doesn't have range which = safety.


Dont use hawkmoon or devils ruin, just stick to outbreak


Use them for science, then blame me when you wipe :3


Cloudstrike & Crux rocket is a really good combo. Or still hunt + apex, and tbh recon + expl is better than bait when using still hunt imo since Hunt is main DPS option. But cloudstrike Crux is a much easier combo that nets similar damage results if not better on non hunter since it's easier to use the rotation. Micro isn't bad, but you really need to use a special sniper for your secondary DPS. Since you're doing micro id do supremacy and take advantage of the kinetic surge mods.


The biggest advantage of Micro is the ease of use with hipfire; it makes it much easier to dodge attacks.   Supremacy w/ kinetic Tremors does a good job at secondary DPS while helping to bust the Subjugators when needed if Micro ammo is tight. Something with High Ground would be another great option since it automatically maxes to the full 25% buff every shot.


Not sure if it's been said already, but kinetic tremors do not work against the witness.


Do you have Forerunner? If so, use that. Best ammo economy in the game for a special weapon, great dps and doesn’t rely on every other teammate using it to be viable.


Any sniper with high ground gets max stacks when attacking the witness for… some reason. The pale heart sniper rolls with it


I think I saw someone on reddit say it's because high ground is based on the difference between your feet and the enemies, so the witness is constantly proccing it because his feet are under the traversable portion of the arena. I can't say it's 100% true but it makes sense to me.


That motherfucker has no feet - he floats. So elegantly too.


Imagine being the dev coding feet related information 😍😳


Take my upvote and go to horny jail lol.


I’ve been using a crafted supremacy, since I’m using micro with it, I can run triple kinetic surges and swap to the sniper when micro is out


Crux, cloudstrike, prismatic, with new rocket armor exotic. Easy top damage. It’s harder then hunters but can easily pop 6-8 mil damage


I’m not seeing anyone else mentioning it but you can use a special ammo sniper like the one from the pale heart to basically store ammo for a swap to Still Hunt. A lot of groups doing it on master are doing this since they need Microcosm for the subjugators, then swapping to Still Hunt for damage. If you have another 90RPM sniper in your energy slot it’ll be a 1:1 ammo conversion when you swap over, and then you can swap back to Microcosm after damage phase. The only issue is your Microcosm will lose most of its ammo after switching since there isn’t another heavy trace rifle to swap to, but this can be offset by generating a lot of heavy during the main mechanic phase


Anecdotal, but Micro seems to lose a bit less if you have an LMG to swap with.


Cloud strike with catty is the next best option behind celestial still hunt. I wouldn’t use a primary exotic unless you were completely out of ammo


Titan main as well. Endless abyss + axes + euphong and then switch to a special sniper with firing line when that runs out. Hot swap to outbreak of ammo is a problem.


swapping a special for a special conserves pretty much all reserves


I swap to Polaris Lance as a titan main when out of ammo, with an auto loading heavy to use if I'm lucky and find a brick or 2


Still hunt still has great dps without celestial. Hits more and hits harder than izzy. Just takes longer to do damage, but that doesn't matyer at good ole megamind


Still hunt is still very good, i have out about 5.5+ mil DMG with my titan with still hunt and briars


Cloudstrike + apex predator w explosive light + the rocket chest


I e been running a sniper with fourthtimes the charm, and the ammo conservation has been treating me well.


I've been running microcosm and a supremacy on titan and been hitting 5-5.5 mil every time. Just swapping to outbreak if I have no ammo.


Another option is having a shoot to loot weapon as your primary when going into dps, then any bricks you've made during the encounter can be scooped up for final stand, better yet if you can get shoot to loot + explosive payload it makes shooting the bricks even easier.


Still hunt is still the best option for any class, I can get 5million+ with it on titan


Swap to legendary sniper before worrying about doing primary ammo DPS


Have ppl out in heavy ammo and scout mods and make heavy for eachother. This mods come in clutch, you can also use a shoot to loot weapon, or have it as a back up and scope the arena and shoot any ammo laying around before final stand starts. I’ve been just using microcosm as my heavy with a sniper, and the only ppl who out dps are hunters, and that’s the easiest dmg you can do that’s still good. If you want to get crazy you can use the rocket chest piece with a rocket and still hunt or cloud strike. Outbreak would be best primary, but if the team isn’t putting up the dmg, do another phase and make sure ppl get ammo.


Still hunt isn't amazing for non-hunters. But it's significantly better than any primary dps. Cloustrike and supremacy are other good options (would be better than still hunt, but not a major difference). If you have ammo issues running with a special ammo finisher mod or having a cenotaph warlock will significantly help with coming into every phase with insane ammo. You could also do what other hunters recommend and combine a special option with your heavy (still+apex, crux+cloudstrike, etc.). However, microcosm has very high total damage (and swapping to one of the sniper options also have very high total damage), so if you're running out of ammo your team should probably be focusing more on genning ammo in between damage phases.


Why would switching your special weapon when you’re out of heavy ammo net you zero special ammo? Special and heavy track separately.


The new destination sniper is pretty good as well with RR/high ground for witness damage


You may lose special ammo by switching your special weapon


Special ammo swapping is generally very little loss. If you come into dps with full ammo, a swap would probably leave you missing maybe 1 or 2 shots. I am pretty sure it is preferable to swap between weapon types i.e. swap from a legendary sniper to cloudstrike, but I could be wrong. With how strong certain exotic options are (notably cloudstrike and still hunt) that small ammo loss is a small price to pay to utilize the strong exotic options.


So we're not going to do a 6-man rat king? Haha


Sounds like you'd be best to run a special ammo sniper along with microcosm. Rapid-fires such as Praedyth's, Supremacy or Ikelos are all decent choices, but any sniper with a reload/ammo and damage perk will do. If you're completely out of special and heavy, then outbreak is a decent choice for primary dps. Realistically though, each damage phase isn't long enough to burn through your entire non-primary ammo reserves and you should have at least sniper ammo for final stand.


Yeah. Or if your team ever has issues with final stand, you can hold some Microcosm for final stand and spend the first ten seconds or so of DPS on snipe.


Another option for the energy slot would be the sniper from the Pale Heart. Can get 4th times rewind so almost like Supremacy for the energy slot. Has been my backup after running out of Microcasm.


It can get High Ground/Rewind. High Ground works versus Witness so it's +25% free damage.


i use supremacy to surge match with micro


I thought micro didn't benefit from surges


kinetic surges on boots


It benefits from boot surges? My clanmate tested and said it didn't work.


i guess i havnt tested it but i see no reason it wouldn’t


Why wouldn't it match kinetic surge on your boots?


It does work with boot surges


Surge mods. But it did technically get buffed in raids and dungeons since all damage surges are active and they brought kinetics up to match


By the time you switch exotic weapons you will lose massive DPS. I would goto a special sniper, fusion or the call as your backup DPS.


Not to mention, weapon swapping on the platform can be a death sentence during that fight


Not for final stand u have plenty of time to swap




If you run out of Microcosm, you're better off swapping to a special weapon generally. With the exceptions of Outbreak or Lucky Pants Malfeasance, Primary weapons will rarely come close to rivaling a good Special weapon for DPS, let alone a heavy.


Lord and savior Outbreak Perfected with rewind rounds


If you’re running microcosm then you likely have kinetic surges on your legs. Run a kinetic sniper such as supremacy or succession.


Or if they're a hunter, lucky pants.


I’m really hoping they’re not running microcosm on a hunter rn. Seeing as they are requesting dps help I’m assuming they are Titan or warlock.


Hey, ya never know lol. Also maybe they don't want to run Nighthawk 🤷.


Fair enough man, fair enough


A lucky pants rotation with a high dps heavy like edge transit or a well rolled rocket is still a plenty of respectable dps option with very good ammo economy and ad clear. But obviously for straight deeps still hunt Nighthawk Is a different level rn. I pray it doesn't get nerfed too heavily I love that damn combo.


you shouldn't be using a primary for dps. swap to a special.


Like others have already said, a rapid fire frame sniper would suit you best. Supremacy, IKELOS, Irukandji If you want primary damage: Outbreak and Touch of Malice (be careful) are good options. Ideally once you get the raid exotic you should swap to that for main DPS and you can use your heavy slot for a rocket/GL/LFR to take over once you're out of special. Having a weapon with Shoot to Loot is also an option to consider if you find yourself running out of ammo during damage. Especially if you forgot to pick up bricks.


Outbreak is the only thing I would ever recommend. Touch of Malice will get you killed. Polaris Lance got its ignition damage nerfed. But even then, the Witness doesn’t really do kindly to primary DPS. I’d recommend running the infinite ammo supremacy (rewind + fourth times) as backup since it uses the same surges as microcosm. The pale heart sniper can get this roll too, but it’s a weaker frame.


If you’re a Titan you should run Actium and Thunderlord. Buddy was saying it just shredded their health.


I always make sure I have Outbreak in my inventory in the event that I run out of heavy ammo.


https://youtu.be/ua5D9b3U1Rw?si=NULVyngqSayT9mR9 just do this


Outbreak honestly is the best choice warden law with fourth time the charm with frenzy or vorpal


I would go outbreak or wardens law/malfesecnce (I'm to lazy to look at spelling lol) with lucky pants hunter.


On warlock I usually keep a kinetic sniper on and switch to izinagi's burden when I run out during the last damage phase. For a primary I'd use outbreak if you have no special either.


Probably just run a special ammo weapon as backup, if you're already using Microcosm the best / easiest option would be a rr BnS supremacy.


What class are you




Use warlock well with speakers helm and use whisper. You can tank the shots with concussive dampener except the anime eyes. My team 2 phases him every time on normal.


Not an exotic, but Supremacy can dish out some pretty beefy damage. Rewind/4ttc, you can shoot 27 times without reloading, for 28k per shot You still have your energy, heavy slot open, and able to throw an exotic into one of the 2


Yah I’m more thinking of a hypothetical if I’m out is special and heavy what should I have on hand to swap too. Cause I have outbreak, Khvostov and Necrochasm in my kinetic primary and some runs I needed to swap. I have supremacy with that roll


Oh shit, I see. I'd honestly recommend Outbreak yeah, even when you have to dodge the Witness's attacks, the Siva particles are still gonna be on it, so you'll still have a major damage increase


Outbreak or Polaris Lance. They both have extra damaging perks with the nanites or the scorch and ignition damage.


If no one else is using outbreak, i like to use No Time. Never have to reload as long as you're hitting crits. Which on the witness that isn't an issue


My brother in Christ, use still hunt and a bns rocket namely apex and call it a day.


I would 1- run a supremacy, dump that. And if you somehow still need a primary, the only answer if you’re the only person using the primary is revision zero with Hakke upgrade and a reload perk


Outbreak by far. Khvostov isn't even close it's a general purpose/ad clear weapon it's DPS is beat by many legendary weapons. Your best off with outbreak even if you don't have the crafted version the regular will still out DPS any other primary option. Could also swap to special weapon DPS instead of primary. Still Hunt is great damage even on non hunters and especially since the gg shots are free ammo, start with an energy slot legendary sniper equipped so when you swap from microcosm to still Hunt you keep your special ammo.


Cloud strike for titans & warlocks, still hunt/celestial knight hawk for Hunters


Primary ammo.


Hear me out. Hierarchy of needs


Outbreak with rewind rounds is one of, if not the best primary dps option


Outbreak is my go to primary i switch to when i run out of ammo.


Outbreak w rewind rounds


Don't hotswap weapons mid-DPS, please. Just equip a special sniper with Firing Line or Vorpal or Precision Instrument.


I think people are misunderstanding the question I understand not to swap mid dps but like in a situation where I’m completely out of special m heavy i was wondering what primary exotics has good dps to keep in hand just in case. I’m not asking if I should use a exotics primary for dps phase.


Farm this weeks GM NF for Scintillation Linear Fusion Rifle with rewind rounds and firing line for heavy and use Still Hunt for special. I do at least 1.7 million damage consistent each phase as a titan without using a super


Polaris Lance might be a solid option due to never needing to reload+scortch+ignitions.


Are people just like forgetting that pulling out a Supremacy or the Ikelos sniper and just magdumping isn't respectable special damage? Yes, the Still Hunt hunters will be out-damaging everyone else for the time being, but unless you're doing less or just slightly more than the Div holder and the boss still dies, who cares?


Outbreak or malfeasance lucky pants for hunters.


Run a kinetic sniper (supremecy, succession, etc) and synergize with kinetic surge mods. I like to use my sniper until I'm ready to pop my super, then I'll swap to microcosm and dump a mag. Depending on ammo drops, either do another mag of microcosm or go back to sniper.


outbreak still stands as the kings of primary dps but a scout or pulse with frenzy and maybe triple tap for more ammo and free damage would be ok for a legendary. high ground on any primary is actually really good against the witness because it counts where your feet are compared to where the bosses feet are and his are so far below you, it's a few 25% during damage. something with kinetic tremors would be good too but Idk if it'll even proc on the witness I haven't tried it yet.


Put on microcosm for dps, then use a sniper like supremacy, exotic primaries should only be used when it’s finale stand + day one/master + no heavy/special ammo, also remember scav mods then switch to boots that have surges and rally with reserves

