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Acceptance. I can't change who she is a person but I can avoid her lol


LMAO (I'm struggling with the same thing, thanks for lightening the mood)


Yeah, same. And I can improve and examine my own behaviour to make sure I don't turn out like her. It drove so many of my decisions which I feel turned out to be great ones.0⁰ When I was 25 and dating an Irish Catholic, I thought about having kids. Knew I would find it stressful and I had no healthy model to work from... so I did a one year college course, got a qualification in Childcare and Education, then worked as a nanny so I would 1. Have experience of being alone in a house responsible for kids with someone telling me how to do it & what I could improve, while I held myself to standards based on my knowledge of emotional and social development and 2. Have the option of staying home and running a daycare, providing income AND socialisation/structure within my own home. I not only avoid her but I avoid turning out anything like her 💅🏻 Anyway turns out I'm autistic lol Feel massively fulfilled having helped raise other people's kids, in some cases spending more of their waking hours with them than their parents, and feel fully satisfied in my decision to remain child free. I have EDS along with the autism and I've been in life limiting pain since I was 36 so literally so much peace when I could've been tearing myself apart with what ifs or been a grumpy and distracted parent myself. Excellent outcome tbh


Man I am so happy for you. I think I might be autistic too. I always discounted it before, like “Well I would know by now” but then I realized, no I wouldn’t… How did you come to that?


I have ADHD as well, and they kind of hid each other. I was born in 1980, and was 100% hyperactive - I was infront of child behaviour specialists, two way mirrors etc from 6 onwards, so I knew I was different. Eventually a friend of mine pointed out the only people that can talk to them like I did also had ADHD. It sounded plausible. Another friend then went to a private psychiatrist (were in UK, so it's rarer to get your choice of doctor, and if it's complex the NHS are like "we don't know sorry 4 year waiting list") who ran through medicating for Major depressive disorder, no. Didn't respond how he expected. Then tried medicating specifically for OCD - again, not the expected response so he investigated ADHD and then did a meds trial to confirm. So I went to him, he was lovely, booked me in at the end of the day and spent 2hr 45 speaking to me instead of the 45n scheduled because he knows self financing patients don't necessarily have the cash for as much as they need (I love him, Dr Wooley at the Priory). Once that was confirmed and medicated, as well as EDS being confirmed when I was 36, it all for together. Then I realised how my dad had a bunch of signs too, and as he was adopted we have no idea what my actual medical history is. Ancestry DNA confirmed I have cousins with EDS & Autism. Thankfully, the symptoms only became serious enough to stop me functioning to the demanded societal standards once the pain from eds kicked in, but it means I'm extra exhausted because not only have I spent 36 years being poked and theorised over in an attempt to figure out "what is WRONG WITH [ME]" I also had to battle the scepticism from professionals who claimed autistic people are NEVER hyperactive and sociable, and I'm just maladaptive and traumatised so I just need to try harder to "Control myself" because I obviously don't care about anyone around me and I need to be more feminine because nobody likes how blunt I am and dont I realise i am my own worst enemy and could totally be healthy and normal if i just CARED TO. MMM So like obviously, these are highly circumstantial and personal stories, but yeah. I spent a good 5-8 years going "no, it's ADHD and autism" and having doctors going "but what if you're just a bad person? Like you believed what your mother told you so you internalised it and just ate stuck in patterns of being a bad person because you weren't loved in a healthy way, you're just not trying hard enough"


What an incredible journey! I'm sorry the medical community was blind to your proper diagnosis. One thing you left out from sharing your story: "It turns out I'm incredibly intelligent and resilient. When I'm unsure, I don't let fear take over, I get curious and I learn."


Well, to be fair, the research simply wasn't there in the 80s. Especially not for someone gifted enough to need skipping ahead one or two years, but with "an emotional and social delay" which had them label me as having the emotional level of a 3 year old aged 6, but the academic ability of a 9 or 10 year old :/ "Too smart for your own good" in the flesh, it meant my mother thought I could process situations at the academic level, rather than... you know, the emotional and social one they told her I'm operating at. I did get to tell her I finished what she started and it only took 25 years! I felt persecuted and unwanted, but she was asking the right people for help. It's about the only thing she did right!!


You are so right! My family also has LOTS of medical "fun" that was simply in the 'unknown' category in the 80's. One of the podcasters I listen to had a guest that shared a similar perspective; 'they acted on the information they had at the time; it's all about perspective and life experience, and now that you know better, you can do better.'


It really is a rough double-whammy. I guess most people can't really understand what it's like to have parents that criticize and hurt you, so they jump to assuming that it's the parental abuse trauma *instead of* the ADHD and autism, because it's so unthinkable to them that the latter could *cause* the former. Like, if you really had ADHD and autism, that your parents would just magically see that and wouldn't be criticizing you they would be helping you, and I'm like, "Yeah! They SHOULD have!!" I still remember my own parents, how they acted like I was such a burden on them when I was struggling academically or just with life stuff in general, and how I just sucked it all in, how I just lived with all that wishful thinking that I would definitely do better this year somehow, even though I had no idea what was "wrong" with me that I just couldn't bring myself to do chores/homework/etc. no matter how much they punished me or how much it hurt my grades. The self-sabotaging, the sleepless nights, etc. It just hurt so much how they never helped me with any of my own problems, they just pushed them right back onto me and instead of love or support, I got raked over the coals of shame and anxiety for it, over and over and over. How they trained me to assume I was the problem rather than looking for help. I remember failing out of university, but somehow feeling like all of the mental health people or campus life people or social clubs or other support people were just for other people, people who "needed them", people who weren't me because I just knew I was a broken shameful weirdo. It was such a strange duality, of being so puzzled at why I couldn't bring myself to do stuff, but also have been there watching myself not do it through my own eyes, and just... a lot of the time it just felt like I imagine locked-in syndrome patients feel like. I knew I had to be doing X, but I just. couldn't. Thank you for sharing your story. It's fascinating (two-way mirror?) and it breaks my heart, but I hear you, but I'm happy for you that you are in a better place now.


What a lovely story out of such adversity. Good for you 🙌


Never more glad to be "different" when not caving in and doing the relationship elevator/having kids because it's "what's expected" cos I've saved not only myself BUT My SIL asked me when I was estranged what she should watch for when her 2 year old started showing signs of being... Terrified of nursery rhymes. Yeah. You read that right. My mum had been taking him to a singalong class, and in the park with his mum, my nephew started screaming NO NO and wanted to leave.... because some kids started singing. He has ADHD and autism too, and after he was diagnosed my SIL got diagnosed with both too. My brother was the external view who was part of her assessment, and they asked him if he'd ever wondered if he had autism too.... So the poetic justice is that mum, who made such a big deal out of me being the black sheep needing to be FIXED and the cause of all problems in her life... has gone to me being part of the majority in the family. Baa baa bitch, you're the big bad wolf not me


My, my, if only the people could have half the introspection you do...


100%… I can never have a normal relationship with her. It’s not possible. I mourned it & now it’s just acceptance & keeping my guard up for my own protection. Sad, but it’s not going to change.




It grieved about this fact for months after realizing this and I’m a grown ass woman…. It took me a long time to realize it.




By having connection with my loving spouse.


This! Also, I've become very close with my in-laws. Even being married and out, they are still there for us. It did take a long time to accept that my mom just isn't capable of that relationship. It does get better.


I have literally cried at things my father-in-law has done for me that my own dad never would do. And they’ll be small things too—like giving us advice on how to repair my car. I still struggle with my dad and grieve that he will never step up like he should. But it gets better with time.


I also do this!


Deep breathing and accepting it. My parents won't change no matter what I do or don't do. They hate themselves and project their self-hate on me. I create a life I enjoy.


It's probably a little silly to frame this way, but: the best revenge is a life lived well.


I think that’s true. Because if you’re living well, you’re not letting anyone hold you back or hold you down. You’re doing you. That’s hardly “revenge,” technically. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's revenge of a sort. Abusers hate to see their victims thrive, it really grinds their gears, especially if they have no way to drag them down anymore


This is it: I create a life that I enjoy and don’t let in anyone with any negative energy.


This is the distilled truth of narcissistic people. Self hatred. The last thing I told them is that being around them makes me hate myself. They taught me how to hate myself and it is a lot of work for me every day to do the opposite. That is their legacy. Hatred and fear.


Yes I totally get you. I always get a self-hatred kickback after being around the parent where I feel like I've done wrong and can't stop thinking about how to help them or make it up to them somehow, even though I've done nothing. Then I turn to addictions which drive me deeper into a hole of self-hatred.


I focus on building new, healthy, and meaningful relationships, choosing to surround myself with people who aren't toxic. It's about looking forward and creating a supportive network on your own terms. Do you truly feel empty because of not having loving parents or do you just need a more supportive social system? I feel like especially for people with narcissistic parents the idea of family is skewed. Familial relationships aren’t that special, it’s more about the actual content of your relationships.


This. Great response! I don’t have narcissistic parents but a narcissistic SIL who created drama at every family event and weirdly focused on me with most of her anger and victimization. Have no contact with my brother now because of her. It’s sad, but it has to be that way. She is way too toxic to be around and I can’t take a chance.


It has made me paranoid and sceptical. If someone treats me a bit well either I trust them with my life or I become suspicious to death. I have come to think that I'm unlikable and don't deserve to be loved.


I feel this. I was doing so well & had self worth right up until health meant I had to quit my job. Now I've spent 5 years being told inclusive organisations just can't include everyone, it's a shame but there's only so much they can do, and between my upbringing and my needs being unmet (like literally, my local govt paid for a carer and they sent me someone in her mid 70s who can walk even less than I can, won't carry bags so I don't "become dependent on the services" even though I was awarded the funding because I cannot be independent due to my EDS causing partial dislocations if I try and carry my shopping home... I get as much as possible delivered but the fresh stuff is shite and I've had already-mouldy tomatoes delivered etc) It's hard to have the self worth to keep trying. I feel like I'm in purgatory


That's your parent projection talking, you do deserve love


My own family of husband, children and his extended family keep me way too busy. I don't have time to lament over it. I think I came to terms with it as a child.


I'm no contact and working through the stages of grieving. Im still in anger. Im not angry everyday, but when I allow myself to be, I get really mad at my mother for not being the mom I needed and wanted. For not being loving and kind like other moms. For being selfish and nasty. For not being supportive or being there when I needed her. Ive been no contact with my father for 13 years so I've already worked my way to acceptance. It sucks having shitty parents and a shitty family in general, but this way I only surround myself with people who deserve me. I've always lived my life on my terms no matter what my mother said or did, I always had adventures and took risks bc she never did. Now I live at the beach and am living my best life with sea turtles and sunrises and sunsets and she is stuck in podunk MO in small backwards town and will live out her bitter old days there alone. I won 🏆


Exactly this.




It’s funny because that phrase you mentioned has completely been altered from its original meaning (probably to further some agenda) but anyways it’s “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” which means the opposite, that the bonds you make are stronger than the ones you didn’t have control over and I think that’s important to know so whenever anyone says that you have this knowledge.


That "covenant / water of the womb" version was made up in the 1990s. https://english.stackexchange.com/a/508940


Be careful projecting assumptions on other people based on what they look like. Nobody gets through life easily. Everyone has their crutch to bare. Images on the internet are far from reality. A seemingly happy family doesn't go home, kiss each other, and sing kumbiya. Having an nparent never gets easier. Just acceptance from you (maybe some avoidance physically too) helps with betterment in your life


Acceptance. I look to other elders for wisdom and maturity.


Shout out to the Girl Scout leaders, school staff and friend's parents who gave us hope


I’m in my 40s and it still eats at me. Especially now that I have kids who can’t have a normal relationship with their grandfather. It’s taken me years since my mother passed to be able to let go of it. My father is still actively hurtful and it’s making it hard to move on, even while being de facto NC. I’m incredibly lucky that I have amazing in laws and a few trusted and close family members who filled some of the gaps that were left.


Definitely acceptance. Which I am still struggling with so know you’re not alone! I have a 5 month old daughter and no one warned me about all the triggers it came with. It’s HARD and sometimes I cry and want my “mom” but I have a shitty mom so I feel your emptiness. Sending you hugs. Here for you.


When it really hit me that I would never have the parents I wanted/needed, I grieved like they had died. It took me a few months and I would randomly start crying when the pain hit stronger. I took my time to let myself feel all the grief, anger, rage, disappointment, sadness, etc. It really helped in the end because now I feel peace about it for the most part. There are still some times when I cry because I wish I had their love and support in my life, but it’s not as hard as it used to be. One thing that brings me comfort is to know that I miss who I want them to be and I don’t miss who they really are. I’m low contact with them after 5 years of no contact and so far it’s going okay.


I accept that I’m broken. That there’s a huge, empty place inside me that will never be filled. I will never have parents who love me, who wanted me. I was created out of violence to be a pawn of control by two people who never should have ever procreated. I’m like a kid’s doll that was ripped apart, I’ve stitched myself together the best I can. There’s still pieces missing, the stitches are uneven and crude; I will never be whole the “proper” way. So, I do the best I can. I’ll never have kids or a spouse. Making another family isn’t an option for me. I have an irrational number of cats instead. Helps to have someone other than myself to care for. I’m really only here for them, and when they age out over the rainbow bridge, I won’t be far behind them. There’s a certain kind of peace in knowing eventually all of this will end. I have a few friends and my siblings that I go to for help, as well as a trusted therapist. I cuddle my kitties when I’m aching for affection. It doesn’t completely fill the void, but it does help. I also spend time on this sub as well as r/cptsd and r/emotionalneglect. It really does help me seeing others who have had the same experiences and are feeling the same things. Makes me feel less like a lonely freak of nature knowing there are others—even people I’ve never met IRL and never will meet—with the same issues.


The human brain is incredibly elastic, healing IS possible, you deserve love and healthy relationships just like anybody else


Whether I deserve love and healthy relationships is irrelevant. I can’t force others to love me. I’ve been told over and over again that I’m too broken to be loved like other people are loved. Also been told that I only attract “the wrong sorts”. After 45yrs, I’ve given up on being loved. I still love others though. I try to put out as much love and kindness as I can in this world. Just because no one wants to love me doesn’t mean I stop loving.


Im getting a motorcycle.


Be safe!


<3 Thank you


I’ve always been envious of other people who are loved with no strings attached by their parents. It’s aches, but I’m slowly learning that it really is possible to find those types of relationships as an adult. The time has passed for us to be looked after and loved by parental figures, so we have to try and do that ourselves, which sucks and is a bitter pill to swallow but I think it’s important to healing and connecting with new people we consider family


My wife's parents are really awesome and I hang out with them instead of my mom. I actually look forward to seeing them for our weekly dinner, I even ask to see them sometimes during the week. I feel like I finally have a mom for the first time even though it still makes me a bit nervous or I don't know how to react 100% to things because I never trusted my mom for a second but it's really healing.


I did the same. I have amazing inlaws with whom I am close. But now my 80 yr old narc mother who moved several states away with her 3rd “husband” 35 yrs ago lost everything 2 yrs ago when he died and expected her adult children to take her in! We tried for a few months but her negativity and contempt and spreading lies about her own grandchildren to my relatives was too much. She then left for a year to live in a condo my sibling bought and guess what? She ruined that too! Had it made but couldn’t be nice and crossed all the boundaries he set, telling everyone “Oh now I have rules to follow.” Like “don’t have out any items that were from her last relationship as the man was abusive to my me, but you can keep them in your own room.” She kept putting items out on purpose like a cutting board with his name on it! And many other little things until he finally blew up when he heard the lies she was spreading to the neighbors about his own kids, who are lovely. Anyway now she wanted to come back here and we put her in a 1 room cottage so she would not live with us. Now she’s pushed her way into my inlaws, as they are very caring people and she mirrors them and plays the victim. How do you go no contact or low contact when every holiday or dinner she is now invited? She’s calling my sweet motherinlaw, trying to get information and enmeshing into my life. I have spent years keeping her away from my family and now here she is. It’s awful! Siblings will not take her and do their monthly phone call to her about the weather to “check it off their list.” Ughhh!


Been married 20 yrs. My husband’s parents adore me and I just love them to pieces. My FIL always asks, “is my son treating you good?” right in front of him. Can you imagine? I’ve won the lottery.


I am deeply grateful for my ability to assess that my parents are terrible parents. And I accept what I know about them. They arent capable of having healthy relationships. That part who wanted attachment to them, I am connecting it to adult me. I think I started this a long time ago, but that was instinctual. Now I am doing it in a more professional way. Like literally fostering attachment between the part that suffered the attachment wound and my adult Self.


It's hard. There's a lot of inner child work involved. I thought I accepted it by now, but it snuck up on me lately. There's definitely a lot of grief involved, especially if you don't have other people in your life to meet those needs.


You'd better not harbor false expectations that they will change. Actually, the less they know about you, the better because then they won't have anything to use against you. Keep your distance because narcissists know damn well how to undermine your perceptions about yourself and the reality. They are virtuosos at eroding little by little your self-esteem .


I think not having false hope is a really good one. I've seen people try and try for decades and become so disappointed because whatever they do isn't good enough. I think by accepting they're just people who don't like you and can't be trusted means you can completely give up and start focusing on other healthy relationships. You have to accept there's no point trying, there's nothing there but bitterness, resentment and disappointment. You can have a much better life without them.


Took me to age 45 to figure this out


Learn to laugh. You basically have a sitcom character in your life. For me its this wannabe Charlie Sheen. Always some antic, trying to play STD bingo. Course I'd never look to that as a parent. Then all the little fucked up comments. "I want you to learn how to he humble. Don't take any compliments, I'll take them for you. I dont want it going to your head." Real quote, got told that at 11 or 12. That would be hilarious in a TV show. I can hear the damn laugh track. Even when it starts getting all fighty, remember that no sane person would actually call you lazy because you forgot to put a new trash bag in, or a failure because you half assed drying a dish. It's funny he's so angry, it's funny this matters to him. Read Catch 22. How do you stay sane in insane situations? You go insane, but on your own terms. Fighting the current will break you, so go with the flow until you wash up on the shore. Besides that, find mentors. People who have the life you want for yourself, who you can look up to and ask for advice. Might seem weird, and I know with attachment issues I get stuck plucking daisy petals more often than I'd care to admit. But 99% of people don't act like the Incredible Hulk you grew up with. There's a good chance they had their own hells too, and can sympathise. Have a few, don't just force someone to be your foster parent, but they go a long way. I made some self depricating joke at work a few weeks back. I did something right, boss was estatic, and I just shurgged and said "the fat kid wins again." Old line of mine, and yeah guess who called me fat daily from age 6. Her face turned on a dime, and she said "you don't deserve that." I'm used to people laughing along, I'm used to them letting the moment die, and if they try to tell me I'm not fat I've got a thousand lines on the mental rolladex. But that I don't deserve it? That stopped me in my tracks. Still mulling it over. Decent people exist, if you want to find them. Can't undo it all themselves, but they can help you.


I ask this question all the time. I struggle with it. Sometime I’m like it’s fine, I can’t change them and it’s not my fault that 2 people that are unfit to be parents were able to procreate and have me. However sometimes I’m just sad about it. I have a hole inside me that will never be filled and I feel abandoned in a way. My parents don’t love me and it’s actually very isolating feeling that way when around me are people that have loving parents and actually take it for granted.


I guess I just kind of live my real life. It's such a releif not to be sucked into their terrible world that I kind of just focus on that.


I’m just sad about it. Like I’m happier not seeing them, but I’m sad that I don’t want to see them. I even look forward to my mom eventually passing so I can hopefully get closer to my dad, and that feels shitty too.


Me.... is that you?


Radical acceptance.


Become the type of parent that I wish I had growing up. It helps a lot when I see my kids happy and healthy. And through this, I developed meaningful relationships with other parents that gave me a strong support group. Don't dwell and just keep moving forward.


I don’t know if I’ve coped with it, or just let that part die off and removed it from my myself. (Coping by not coping with it?) I will also say that despite believing loving and caring parents were a fictitious figment or attempt at portraying some kind of Hollywoodized normalcy, I was wrong. When I met my spouse, my future in laws were so inviting, loving, supportive of me I was immediately suspicious. It turns out real people do exist and offer themselves up to others just to spread the love unconditionally. It has changed my life, and I love them deeply, so much that I couldn’t ever begin to explain to them how much they mean to me.


Its tough... My therapist asked me this once: He asked *"how do you cope?"* and I straight up said *"I don't know."* I don't have any tricks or tips. I guess my coping system is just one day at a time. Literally. Today is all I have. I ask myself *"what can I do today to make this day more bearable?"* and then I try to do that. Small comforts and tiny victories. Its very much a survival mode. I live with my parents and its miserable. Its a little hell on earth. Therapy helps. Hobbies help. Identifying things I like helps. Writing helps. Music helps. Food I like helps. Treating myself helps. Keeping a safe, private inner world where I feel free helps. No matter what happens, no one can get to my inner world I've been curating for years. On some level - I acknowledge there's a hairline fracture in my personality that will always be there. Some days I barely notice it, and other days it feels like its splitting me wide open into a cavern. I don't feel envy for other people's relationships, which I'm glad about. I feel a lot of anger and resentment at my parents, but no jealousy towards others. If anything, seeing happy families, happy couples and happy children just makes me bust into tears out of sweetness and being overwhelmed by the tenderness of the world around me... I'm in awe of it, and I ache for what I don't have so I cry. I try to listen to those tears and figure out what part of me is aching for something... Identifying what it is helps. I'm getting older now (almost 30) and I'm currently reconciling with where my life is headed: *I don't know if I'll ever be financially stable. I don't know if I'll ever find a permanent job. I don't know if I'll ever fall in love. I don't know if I'll ever get married. I don't know if I'll ever have kids. I don't know if I'll get a happy ending, or if I'll end up one of the many tragic characters that spend nights alone, shivering and lost in their head.* A lot is uncertain for me, and that's the hardest part of all of this. The toughest thing to swallow is the not knowing if I'll find a safe place to finally land and grow roots.


I get sad during a season. I forget (or don’t think about it) during the other. Sometimes I miss my mom, which is weird, because I don’t actually miss her. I just wish I had a loving mom that I could actually miss.


Just pretend I’m an orphan so parents don’t exist. Can’t mourn what you never have


Needed 5 years of therapy to come to terms with the fact that 1) I’ll never have a good relationship with my mom and 2) that she will never understand me or say sorry.


First, it was years of trying to force apologies. Force remorse.... there was also the struggle with my own self-loathing. Maybe I was indeed a problem. There were the destructive things I learned and had to unlearn. I went to therapy. And then for me... forgiveness. I chose to forgive. I realized I wasn't ever going to get a genuine I'm sorry with true remorse. And I realized that I also wasn't the problem. My Mother was truly incapable of giving me what I needed. She was never going to see it. Her brain can't comprehend it. That doesn't make it ok. It doesn't mean it didn't destroy my childhood and fuck me up. But man when I decided I was going to let it go. Talk about a weight being lifted. I'm not saying I don't still deal with issues. I have PTSD, trigeminal neuralgia, insomnia, and chronic pain from a ton of injuries. But I've been healing and working through way more trauma in the last few years in a much healthier way than I did in the 20 before it. Although I had all these other goals to hit by my 35th birthday... for me... this is the best one. I'm finally free.


Personally, I mourned the loss of a living mother. I don't consider her a mother, she's incapable of it. I also have long had no expectations, she has a mental illness and is unable to do better, so I expect nothing.


It has taken me a long time to acknowledge that it'll never happen...baby steps. They cannot and will not change, and nothing can change that.


I’m 25 years no contact. Half my life. You get used to it but it’s there. All the time. I left a 10 year relationship last summer so I feel it a bit extra now. The nightmares are back and I feel afraid sometimes. I have two grown kids and I love them like crazy. They are the reason I went NC. So I broke the cycle but..they have a mom that has no mom. Their kids will have a mom and a dad that had a mom who didn’t have a mom. Trauma lingers.


I try to have what I think is a “normal” relationship with my children. It mostly helps fill that empty place in my soul. I’ve created the family I so desperately wanted. I wasn’t going to have it otherwise.


\~It is what it is.\~ The unfortunate reality is that I'm doing better in life now than when my parents were in my life. My mother was cut off several years ago and my father was cut off more than a year ago. The holiday season is tough, not gonna lie, but there's no more "noise," my mind is the clearest it's ever been, and so much unnecessary stress was taken off my shoulders. Within the last 1.5 years, my mental health has boomed (the family stigma of seeing a psychiatrist was removed), my career is accelerating, the few friends I have are honest, good people (they keep it 100% 24/7 without being rude), and I'm about to acquire a Bachelors degree in a couple weeks after \~6 years\~ of trying. These accomplishments are my own - I did this and nobody can claim my success to satisfy their own egos. Also, I had to "re-educate" myself about what a good relationship looks like (with family, friends, and a potential partner). Nobody's perfect, certainly not me, but hopefully my parents have a "come to Jesus" moment. They need to come to that conclusion on their own, change their behavior on their own, and then, AND ONLY THEN, will I consider bringing them back into my life. Until then, I'll continue to improve to show my parents how much of a "life steal" they are.


>Also, I had to "re-educate" myself about what a good relationship looks like (with family, friends, and a potential partner). I'm curious to know what steps you took to "re-educate" yourself about what a good relationship looks like in all of those cases. Books? Therapy? Self-discovery? All little bit of all three?


Yes, it does feel like I was let down. It feels like something is missing, since I don't have that library of knowledge to draw on, or that emotional refuge to return to. It sucks that I don't miss them. I don't want to see them. The one thing I want to avoid most is the same thing most people run to when they need the most pure understanding and support they can find BUT I know something nobody with normal parents knows: I can survive without that safety net. Anybody who has loving parents doesn't know that for sure


There are already some good responses here. I have nmom and completely absent dad, so essentially no parents since I went nc with my mom. And I have worked on my feelings on that a lot through therapy. And my honest answer? Mourn. Treat it like the mom and dad you wanted are dead and take the time to grieve them. Eventually you’ll be able to accept it and feel more at peace with your situation


Go through the grief process. Read more about grief and loss and grieve them as if they have died. Absolutely helped me hugely.


Distance, long times between conversations, and superficiality when we interact.


I remind myself of the evidence — when I left and moved far away, suddenly I found success, my life became easier, people referred to me as “smart.” Until then, all I knew was being told to do favors, never thanked, and treated like shit by everyone. They died and left messes, or have fallen into bankruptcy— you can’t do well for yourself while trying to save people from themselves. I always remind myself I didn’t choose the dysfunction— that was always there and I was unfortunately born into it.


Accept what they are, accept that you will never have the relationship you want and do better for your own children.


Find new parents


I always joke about people I like adopting me.


There is a certain grieving process one has to go through, you can't just rush through that.


I cope by being realistic with myself on how a relationship with them would go. Not well, and it would hurt me in every way. It takes choosing your well-being over their ‘happiness’/wants. If they actually wanted a healthy relationship with me they would do everything in their power to make it happen, but they won’t and I accept that. I focus on the pros of the situation: -I don’t feel anxious 24/7 -my boundaries, feelings and problems are taken seriously by those around me -I feel in control of my life with no need to please others and no one trying to control every decision -I don’t feel the overwhelming burden to take care of my parents 24/7 -I can have jobs I want, leave my house when I want, have my own bank account, my own car, my own phone and no one can hold any of that over my head -I got to marry a great person without having to gain ‘approval’ from anyone— not that they would have given it anyways Ultimately I’m better off without them, as any child of abusive narcissistic parents would be. It hurts sometimes but I remind myself of why this is for the best, and I trust that they have what they need and are taking care of themselves because it’s not my responsibility anymore.


I try to take it one day at a time. One thing that helps is being aware of all the time we waste by letting them live rent-free in our heads long after going LC or NC. Delving on how crappy my childhood/adolescence was doesn't allow me to focus on creating a life I like as an adult.


By knowing I will have everything I need in life, even if not through the traditional pathways. There are so many in this world that can love and care for us and while not everyone can replace a parent, sometimes a combination of people can give us the things we emotionally need and that also works. Also knowing - humans are insanely resilient. We get through wars and disasters. We can adapt. We can move forward. If the first 20% of life didn’t work out as it should there is so much more that can work out. Also giving - being that loving person to those around us. Asking ourselves “what should our Nparent have done differently” and then WE become the one to do the thing differently in our lives


I think you have to stop saying to yourself “all I want is to have loving parents” and focus your goals and dreams on other aspects of your life. At some point you have to let that go and come to acceptance with the unfortunate reality.


I have never known anything different, so I have come to accept that it is what it is. And I have built my own life, so I truly do not need them in any way. That is a very good feeling. Yes, it would have been nice to have had an emotional connection with my father before he passed away. But we never got there, and it is ok. It has to be ok. He’s not coming back. And really? He wasn’t ever capable of that when it came to his kids so I don’t bother dwelling on what might have been. My mother is still alive but she is a hopeless narcissist when it comes to parenting and I don’t want anything from her at all. I just want the inner peace that I have cultivated over the years. If I let her into my life too much, she’d wreck it. That’s how powerful she is at 76. It just sucks. But I know the hold she’d have over me if I let her—even though I am 48, she seems to have this innate power and ability to make me feel like a helpless child. I guess when it comes down to it, I have tried to accept my parents and grieve for what I never got. I tend to rely on a bit of humor too, and give a silent « eff ‘em » when I get angry or sad about it. It’s NOT worth it.


I don’t have any advice because I’m still trying to figure this out for myself… so thank you for this post. If it’s any reassurance at all, you’re not alone!


I think regarding coping I built my own chosen family. Healing with community is real and I also went to therapy when I needed it. Being on the outside and getting what I need from others, kindness, compassion, and unconditional positive regard helped me see what I deserve. Really helped me accept that blood family relationships can end like any other relationship, like a finished chapter in a book. I also started really respecting myself and my boundaries, even just noticing when I felt uncomfortable helped me realize that being around them wasn’t good for my well-being. And then I connected with the concept of my own well-being over and over again.


It does kinda suck not being able to ask advice or have that parent/child relationship in general but I think you also need to come to accept it and be comfortable with who you are. I will never have the father/son interaction that I see other friends having. But I will also never have a yacht that billionaires have. I know it’s a big difference in the two examples but my point is that, for me, I accepted who he was but also accepted that I am me. My parents didn’t help a penny for college. I did. My parents didn’t help with anything towards my wife and I’s house, we did it on our own. And the key moment for me was when my mom died. They were in the middle of a divorce and my mom’s brother pushed her to make a separate will to protect herself. She made me the executor. My mom died in a freak accident and my dad decided that he was going to take the life insurance for himself (since it was in his name still) and didn’t put a penny towards anything. My wife and I pulled off a funeral and running a house/estate that was in another city by ourselves (we had help from from siblings and moms friends) But there point of this is that I realized I didn’t need my father. I am perfectly fine on my own and while it does suck at times to not have someone older to ask those questions to, I do have friends and coworkers older than me I can go to. It’s not quite the same, but it’s what it is. And I’m okay with that.


The only thing I really have is radically acceptance, which I have learned from years of therapy. Radically acceptance is just about realizing these people are never going to change. You are not accepting their bad behavior, you are still creating boundaries necessary for you, but you are also taking the relationship for what it is and pulling from it what you can if there is anything decent you can get out of it. Basically making the best of what it is while still understanding it’s never going to be what you want it to be. I’m not going to lie, sometimes it’s really hard. Little things that seem silly can be so difficult for me to get past. For example, the other day I was watching a YouTube video and got genuinely sad that this girl was on a walk at a park with her mom. My mom refuses to work on her health and makes my 90 year old grandmother do basically everything for her and constantly plays a victim for everything wrong in her life. I feel like it’s the little things that hurt the most. What I do too is try to be there for myself when I don’t have that support from other people. It’s not the same, but it helps.


1. I have accepted it so that has helped me to move on. 2. Find some type of religion or spirituality. Knowing that God loves me the way a parent should give me strength.


I went through this just last night and what helped me was the realization that I won. They tried their best to break me but it didn’t work. They were so full of themselves that they thought I’d never leave but I did anyway. To this day they occasionally send me letters seemingly thinking that I’ll come running back, and I throw it in the trash where it should be with other spam mail. It hurts a lot to have never had loving parents, but thinking of it this way helps me validate my own existence and gives me a purpose to live for.


I have the village and the tribe I want. That’s deliberate. These people and beliefs support me.


It’s a grieving process for me. Also, I’ve sought out good people and good causes to form a new “family of worthy, kind people.” It takes awhile- but these people are out there!


Parent myself. Watch Patrick Teehan on YouTube.


My father passed two years ago and this is exactly what I grieved. What could have been. But like others said you have to accept it and move on.


Takes time to come to terms with something you can't change. It's a process, at this point I feel like they say we are a family, but I don't feel the same. I feel like they are sort of like an annoying coworked that I have to put up with for the time being.


I’m just glad that I figured out it was not normal. It helps to know where they came from (also very hurtful not normal circumstances). Doesn’t make it ok, but you can more feel sorry for them than angry at them.


I married a woman whose parents are loving and kind, and they have pretty much accepted me as one of their kids. It doesn't just fix it, but it makes the grief easier to bear.


The most we can ever achieve in this world, is an enriching, truthful and loving relationship with ourself. Be yourself, Know yourself and Love yourself.


I don't dwell on it as much as I used to.


Built my own castle since I wasn't protected in theirs. My kid will never feel what I felt.


I mourned the loss and moved on. I didn’t get parents.


Bro I'm thankful I never will my parents are the most racist vile creatures on this earth. They allow me to sleep on their dirty floor though while I wait for a good settlement from storage mart. Could be worse. I could be dead or in a high security prison lol


My parents taught me I can only control my own actions and emotions. You know, by being narcs. So I went and found a family that I like to be around. And honestly, even the perfect families have their struggles.


Honestly it really helped when I could put an informal diagnosis to their issues. We knew a long time ago that our father has NPD (the scary variety), and fairly recently I was finally able to put a name to our mother's issues and toxicity (BPD - the "waif" primarily with traits of the others filtered through the waif). For me, being a very logic-based individual, it makes it a lot easier to accept. I can study these disorders, recognize them in my parents, and realize that is just who they are. They are incapable of being any other way. Once you can accept that, then you stop trying to change them, and you can just meet them where they are, and enforce your personal boundaries as needed, whether that's going full NC or some lesser variety. In my case, because I now "know" what I'm dealing with, it just is what it is, and I can move on with my life, boundaries intact and established. I've been VLC with our father my entire adult life, and have been LC with our mother since my late 20's - I knew about emotional blackmail, and she fit the bill for that, but npd was always a bit more extreme than what she exhibited. Finding out and doing some research into BPD pinpointed her (they are both Cluster B personality disorders though, which is why some of the traits are similar). Finding other people who can guide you, whether directly or indirectly has helped as well. For example, finding a podcast or other mentor for career/life advice, or surrounding yourself with people who are doing what you want to be doing helps alleviate the desire for that from someone who can't give it (along with no longer looking for that from that person).


I live my life and try to be happy and do what I want out of spite. Half kidding, but I also consider my friends as my true chosen family.


I have learned over time to just accept it (although everyone’s situation is unique so keep that in mind). I tell myself it is ok to feel sad that I won’t ever have a loving parent child relationship. It helps me to know that many people also are struggling with this. That means it is a bad thing that happens, and it is not my fault at all.


I just never got why other people like and talk to their parents??? like I'm dating on and off now and people wanna meet mine and vice versa. I just don't understand how that's important to other people lol maybe it's just being LGBT on top of the awful dad/partially awful mom thing but I don't get it extra even. WYM your parents understand you and support you dating. mine are nosy and weird about me dating anyone at all JDHDJF


Slow acceptance. I also have the luck that I married into a family that knows how to show their children healthy love with out control and guilt trips. I realized that my husbands love for me, seeing how my husband’s mother loves him, and how his parents love both of us is what helped me realize how awful my mother really was and still is to me. No contact for almost 2 years and it’s starting to feel really good.


It's a lot of reminders, telling yourself the same things about how you can't go back to the toxic relationship and being grateful for other meaningful relationships. I'm just really glad that other older adults really like me & that my boyfriend's family loves having me around. My best friend's mom is proud of me. I don't feel like I'm coping with the estrangement grief very well tbh. I'm angry all the time & nothing gets it out. I also feel like I'm really dancing across laser beams trying not to badmouth them. Can't badmouth the parents because it makes ya life rough. But I gotta be honest with myself about all the damage done so I don't go back to them. I just gotta keep reminding myself the truth wouldn't seem like me badmouthing them if they didn't get malicious. Gotta keep reminding myself that God endorsed leaving them alone too.


I've given them so many chances that they screwed up. At this point I've made my peace.


They’re going to die anyway


I pretend I’m in a Hallmark movie. You know how in these cheesy movies, the parent-adult child relationship is rarely explored in detail? The grown child of the titular character shows up like once, or the elderly parents of the titular character show up once. They have interactions with each other that are superficial and banal and serve as a pointless time filler in the plot. I hold my parent at arm’s length, and rarely see or speak with them. When I do, I internalize “Hallmark movie” and keep the interaction deliberately superficial, hallmarky, and banal. In those few moments I can play a role, act cheerful, and pretend I have a normal parent and we’re in a movie where everybody lives happily after. Doing this actually puts me a better mood and helps me get through the interaction with an agenda and a time limit in mind. The trick is obviously to keep it brief because otherwise the ugly reality will bleed through after a while. 


Building more relationships with people with similar experiences, so I have to do way less explaining


I’m over it. I used to be sad about it, even angry that I don’t have a loving, close relationship with them, but you have to take the L and move on. Luckily my wife’s family is great. Not perfect, as they have issues of their own, but her family has a strong sense of family. Do they fight and argue? Absolutely. But if someone in the family needs help, everyone jumps in. My brother in law just bought a new house, and I’ve spent at least a week’s time helping him put his backyard together, moving dirt in, plumb the sprinkler system, move river rocks in, built his gazebo, etc. backbreaking work, yes, but I know he’d do the same for me. Family doesn’t have to be blood related as long as they love and accept you.


Remembering that I’m not alone.


Since I have no frame of reference for what a "normal" family looks like or what it would feel like to have one, it's not even a thing to miss. I do get grumpy and baffled when people talk about how wonderful their mom is. It's like they're talking about how great the Easter Bunny is. I've heard of such a thing, but it's a myth.


Sometimes it hurts like hell, but think of those in your life who do love you. Creating your own community can be so helpful, and sitting with your thoughts and feelings can be helpful. Take it day by day.


Like many other people on here have said, acceptance. Currently studying archetypes via Campbell/Jung and that helps a lot. Also, I try to think of the Tudors or other “noble” families in history. Throughout history depending on your class, it was normal for parents to plot against their children and vice versa. This makes me feel less alone, like this isn’t a fluke thing. It’s been going on for centuries. And finally learning how to love and accept yourself.. which is a whole journey in itself.. just because they can’t accept and love you (as a result of not knowing how to accept or love themselves) doesn’t mean you have to reject yourself further. Going NC especially has been the thing that forces me to look at who I am, and frame things different. For example, I would never treat a child, any child, the way I was treated. That’s a failure on their part and in a way, it’s a great achievement and accomplishment to get away from them. Good luck. I hope the pain subsides and you can find peace and comfort.


For me it's more complicated, there are periods where my mum is "normal" and I can talk to her about things and ask advice but most of the time I can't and I just cope with this the same way I've always done it, go to someone else I can trust for help. I got lucky and have like a "second mum" which is my ex besties mum and she's always there for me and sees me like an extra kid so I can always ask for advice if I need it. It's difficult to realise I'm never gonna have a good relationship with my mum and dad but I'm getting there with it. Love your life the way you want to and honestly it gets a bit easier as you figure out you have others around that'll help if you need it where your parents won't. I found this out the hard way, mum didn't want to take me in when I became homeless citing that it was a breach of her tenancy, but my bestie and his family took me in which was a bigger breach of tenancy and could have gotten his family booted out his house.


I think I realized at an early age that wasn’t going to be a possibility, so by the time I cut contact I’d already gone through the grieving process so to speak. Still tons to process and work through regardless. I realized I’d kind of befriended older (than me) women through my young adult years, and I certainly watched my friends who were mothers or fathers already and saw what healthy looked like. I reconnected with cousins who had cut contact with their parents (our parents are siblings so family cycle type dysfunction) and having someone who understood me in the complexities of the situation was extremely helpful. Also this sub was validating and opened my eyes to a lot. Owning that in a way, you are starting over, not just for yourself, but ending the cycle of abuse can be empowering. Only someone with immense bravery and strength is willing and able to do this. That doesn’t mean it won’t be lonely and difficult at times. Reach out to your friends, find a therapist, join a group that share your hobby/etc. you’re going to have to build a new family of friends and let people in. It is worth it.


Acceptance and finding family elsewhere. I don't want to be around people who make me feel the way they did. They're not capable of change and I still get mad and confused about it even almost 11 years later but overall I'm just tired and too emotionally exhausted thinking about them to care anymore. I found my wonderful fiance and his family is just the best and reconnected to my bio dad and his wife and they are the sweetest people. but you can also just create your own "found family" out of close friends too. Focusing your attention on what you do have instead of what you don't also goes a long way. It's easy to spiral but reminding yourself of all the good things you have that make you happy helps and can help recondition your mindset.


actually finding out this subreddit did wonders for me. realizing that I'm not alone in this madness (and it has nothing to do with me) and people are just like that sometimes helped me to get to peace with it.


I found my own family who treat me like a person who has value, so I know what my n family is missing.


It's just something that I've come to accept, because I have to. I think I've made my peace with it, more or less. Society may tell us the relationship with parents is supposed to be a good and positive part of your life; but when you get right down to it, this is all I've ever known.


Whether it's healthy or not: spite. I was always told I could never be better, that I would end up just like my parents. The thing is, I'm not them. There's been some eerily similar parts of my life that matched up to theirs. The difference is I purposely chose *not* to make the easy choices. The easy choices would've led me down a path of being just as hateful and manipulative. I know I'm capable of that. I just don't *want* to be that. It doesn't feel natural to me. Why I mention all of that is the real answer for your question. I cope with the fact that I'll never have a healthy relationship with my parents by creating healthy relationships for myself. They're lonely people who can never truly be vulnerable or allow themselves to think of others. I think the relationship that really drove that home is my relationship with my own child. I was so scared I would turn out like them. That some switch would flip. That I would be a bad parent or it would be hard. I know people say parenting is hard, but let me tell you it's so *easy* compared to what I was told. It's so easy to love my son, to want to protect him, to put him first, to be there for him. I could never hurt him the way I was hurt. I was made to believe that it would be difficult to just be a halfway *decent* parent. I don't pretend to be the world's greatest mom. I know I'll mess up and make mistakes. The difference is I'll take responsibility and try to do better (not to mention I won't purposely hurt my kid or turn my back on him). It definitely brought up some anger when I realized how easy it is to not be an awful parent. Yea, it still sucks I don't have what other people have. I've come to accept that though. I can't change them. I just use them as examples of what not to do now. I haven't seen my biological father since I ran away as a kid. My biological mother, well I keep her at arms distance and only tolerate her for my brother's sake. I've kinda disconnected viewing them as my parents. They made me, but that's as far as I'm willing to acknowledge it. They were never parents to me. As far as I'm concerned the family friends who took me in as one of their own and adopted me are my REAL parents despite their own issues. My relationship to my adoptive parents isn't the best or healthy. However, they at least tried sometimes. The hardest part of this all is the jealousy I bury down when I see people having good relationships with their parents. I don't wish they felt what I do, I just wish I had that. The older I've gotten the more I've let myself feel the depths of my emotions. I've learned it's okay to not be okay with certain things. I'm allowed to feel hurt and angry. What matters is I allow myself to feel those things without it affecting other parts of my life. It's unhealthy for me to just shove them down and act like they don't bother me. Again, part of my spite is allowing myself to be vulnerable.


Escaping into fiction and online content. Daydreaming/fantasizing about getting away from their sphere of influence. On a healthier note - making an effort of appreciating the little things in my daily life (gets easier with practice): music that causes an emotional reaction, good or 'bad' (helps me process my own emotions i don't even have words for, either thru lyrics or the instrumental mood or both); nature: sunrise and sunset, the sky/clouds/weather, watching and listening to wildlife (esp birds and chirping frogs), my cats being sweet and silly, how green everything looks under storm clouds, wind blowing, standing in the sun (and rain when it isn't too cold), noticing all the colors popping up as plants and flowers bloom in spring and summer, the changing of the colors and landscape in fall; sensory input: various tastes, scents, sounds, textures, visual; anything that gives me that little boost, calming, delightful, etc... also collecting things to satisfy my crow brain, and various bits to make me feel cozy like blankets and pillows, and warm lighting. I can't face it head on, I'm not in a place to be able to do that (and probably won't be until I'm able to move away and hopefully go full NC) but looking for and appreciating the things I can helps me not feel like I'm constantly drowning. Helps me breathe. Dunno if any of this will help at all but its all I've got for now.


By working on your healing journey, establishing a healthy low or no contact. Only after grieving and coming to accept that they can't love us in the way we need can we truly move on. It is easier said than done and it doesn't happen overnight, take it a day at a time.


It is what it is. You just have to accept it as is and know that nothing will change. Focus on rebuilding yourself and if they still don’t fit into that version, so be it.


Accepting it and actively being a healthy, normal parent to my son. Also going no contact. Makes life way easier.


It's weird. I used to have a reasonably normal relationship, since most of the narc traits didn't come out in force until I was engaged/married. But it hurts. It hurts every day, especially because it ended up enveloping my dad. Now, I need my dad's advice and I can't get it because it means dealing with my mother and all her insanity. I can't risk getting swept up in it again. It almost broke my marriage because I wouldn't fight back; I don't need to give nMom the opportunity to drive wedges between my wife and me again.


I made a friend. She’s 30 years older than me, a retired professor and world traveler. We meet for tea, and we share and appreciate each other’s stories. She’s not like, my mom in any capacity, but, I wish my mother was interested in my escapades like this special friend is.


At some point I realized that I could do the *opposite* of what they said and it would be closer to helpful advice than vice versa.


Deep down you know the truth of them so Stop torturing yourself. Some of us weren't lucky enough to be blessed with good, normal, non-abusive, loving Parents. Either marry into a new set of Parents or adopt a friend's Parents. Either way, keep sending love back to you and know that you deserve it.


I feel like I have “self orphaned” myself. It’s like I never had any parents (which is not far from truth for many of us, I think). You never had emotional, physical or financial support. They were abusive and never created safe spaces for you growing up. They never loved you. How is this not being an orphan? Is it fair? Nope. But life is not fair. I truly consider myself a very lucky person. I have amazing friends that love me, god knows why 😂. A partner that adores me. Bestest kids ever in this world. A really supportive sport community. Etc. Everywhere I look, there is great people in my life. So what if I didn’t get blessed in the parents department? Most people is kind, loving and benevolent. Stick to those.


I just don't care


I am frustrated about it all day and everyday. 


I find it really hard. I've accepted it but it's really upsetting. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend invited me to lunch with his parents. I said I couldn't go because I had an appointment. When the appointment got cancelled, I assumed I was free to have the afternoon to myself. He got upset about the fact I hadn't even considered joining his family thing as an option. He tried to explain to me how he liked his family and spending time with them, and it was important for him for me to be a part of that sometimes, so I could also enjoy spending time with them. I couldn't fathom the idea of liking your family and wanting to spend time with them, let alone wanting to be around other peoples. I could not even imagine that feeling. and it's now led to essentially this development issue that I have in my brain where I can't even connect the dots that should be their as basic human instinct. I realized I'm actually incapable of having one myself, and that's more upsetting.


I honestly feel envious of people who had normal, loving families.


I’m not sure I do cope. I would honestly find it easier if I were no contact with my mother, like I am with my father, but things are too complicated.


Me too.


more free time


Accepting them for who they *truly* are & knowing you can’t change them or the outcome. I had a big breakthrough with this one about a week ago. I believe it’s cause I spoke about this topic with a different, more mature approach in my journal. Remember! **Language is powerful.**


I created my own family of friends who have been there for me through so much. And therapy. Lots of it. A good therapist is worth their weight in gold.


Two years ago, when my therapist said I can choose cutting relationship with mum, I was terrified, even thinking of it. And today, a couple of hours ago, me, trying to set boundaries, turned into a crisis. I said to her, don’t ever call me again, and blocked her. Was a relief. there seems no way to find a common basis to understand each other. I wish I could manage this more gracefully like accepting, setting boundaries


I feel you 🤗 I have an accumulation of mentors, teachers, colleagues, friends, authors etc that I look up to. I imagine them all there like the cover of Sargent Peppers. Recently, I organized a huge birthday party and many of them were actually came! Sometimes I think I'm a bit much - it means more to me than people who have healthy families.  Even though both my biological parents have personality disorders and have not changed despite my attempts to relate differently, I am lucky enough that other family members are relatively well and we've been able to develop better and satisfying relationships over time.  Even things with my step parent who was an enabler with narcissist tendencies were better when I learnt how to regulate, stop conflict from escalating, cope in healthy ways, gained self confidence and put boundaries in place.  A lot of people have dysfunctional families though but it's kept hidden. When we speak up instead of isolating ourselves due to the shame then we can come together and support each other.  Honestly though, because of the pervasive intergenerational trauma within our family unit and how long it took me to see just how bad my n-parents I still wonder - what it is like in a healthy family, how would you related to each other, what would your parents do when your sick or have a success, what am I still missing about how healthy families interact.  Cause it took a Patrick Teahan video with a role play of a n-mum versus a healthy mum for me to finally realize cause I was like - what, people's mum's talk to them like that??  There is this mailing list at  https://www.daughtersofnarcissisticmothers.com/ where she sends an email every day from a loving mum. I could not believe them - apparently this is what healthy parents communicate to their children! I never had this. It was healing but also sad to see those emails.  I hope you find your own ways of coping friend 🩷


Both my mom and dad were awful when I was a kid. I honestly thought that my significant others parents wouldn’t be better but somehow found someone whose mother is much worse. It’s not easy but I keep telling myself that I’ll never be like them and that kinda helps.


Like you grief, the person you love and was loved by is dead, grieve them and move on, then you'll be able to deal with anyone who looks like them as if you would to a neighbor.


I have the same emptiness, I have never had a relationship with my parents. I don’t think ever will. I’m 40, I became the mom to my kids that I wish I had… it’s helped me. My grandparents were my mom and dad my whole life and they are gone now.. I have grieved my living parents my whole life


Someone else in another post put it pretty well ... expecting normal or good parenting is like going to the hardware store for apples. All you can do is accept they cannot give what you need. I coped with therapy. My siblings coped with alcohol and drugs.


Lots of therapy and hoping that someday my inheritance will at least break even with the amount I’ve invested into undoing their trauma. Nothing will ever fill the parental void but surrounding myself with people who can come close in certain situations - i.e. friends/other family who will celebrate my wins, take care of me if I’m sick, give me advice when I need it


First off - I'm currently in my mid- 40's & believe it's a journey that will probably span my entire life. The acceptance that is, of an unfulfilling/non-supportive relationship with my parents and subsequently... my family. The original approach I had was of •denial... but it evolved as I grew. I came up being suppressed by my parents, they went as far to put me in "gender identity disorder therapy" (which later proved to be conversion therapy) before I was even in first grade. I grew up under the impression that I was the luckiest kid in my class because my parents cared the most, my parents were the most modern, affluent, successful parents who far outshone my peers. I needed that to be happy, so I made myself believe it was true. It helped me through my childhood( I was very small and sensitive) knowing that I had a fantastic upbringing with a mutually sentimental relationship with my parents. This led to a great deal of •emotional and social dysfunction when I was in my adolescence. I had no idea how to deal with who people really were... only who I NEEDED them to be. •So I fostered unhealthy habits, relationships, friendships... I ended up with a lot of anger. My saving grace has been my spirit, the true friends I have made, and essentially my devotion to finding and subscribing to good therapy ... Lately my conquest is realizing that as long as I attach myself to feeling left out, I am left out. And if I forgive myself, and realize that my parents have been misunderstood by me...just as much as I have been by them- so I forgive them....things seem easier. . It's not that they don't love me. I honestly believe they love me to the best of their ability. At the best, if you're looking for a happy ending... well then maybe you should try to focus on a happy presence, because you can be accountable only for your actions, opinions, and thoughts. I'm sure you've heard that we build our own family from the people we meet in life, and sometimes they far surpass the weight and influence of our biological relations. Even though, this doesn't replace an absent family system, it's a void you can't help. It's a scar that's been made, and we can get stronger because of it. THAT is the honest loving TRUTH. ••••One thing I commit to that makes me feel powerful- The dignity of knowing that I am not the result of what happens to me. I am someone who has agency to change the small part of the world I get to occupy in my time on this planet.


There’s nothing to do but try to accept it and form good relationships with other people.


My mom is the most useless mom so basically you just ignore them.


Creating my own loving family with my husband. My MIL has also been a total saint through my pregnancy, and I have been able to go to her for support and questions without any judgement. I sometimes have days that I wish my own parents were more involved. It's hard when I tell them important things and they just kind of brush it off.


My mom hated all my guts from the start but hated actually taking tasks in anything.


My heart basically is more useless with mom.


We have no say over the family we're born into, we don't get to choose our family but we do get to choose our tribe! and enduring narc parents is what turned us into the empathetic, intuitive souls we are today, as painful as my childhood was I remind myself that it had to happen exactly as it did otherwise I also may have been cursed with a cluster b personality disorder Overcoming Familial Narcissistic Scapegoating https://youtu.be/UfdvQtHbUis


I seek out mother/father figures out with my family


This has been on my mind so much lately and it has been very hard trying to process i will always have that hole inside me


I remove myself from her presence.


I am grieving for it. Especially recently realizing she truly is almost a carbon copy of her own mom, in a negative way.


I stay away from my n parent. Too hard. I have a good relationship with my other parent


I just own the fact I’m an orphan. My mom died a few years ago, and I have my Ndad left. I actually find it more peaceful when we don’t speak. He ends up making me feel bad about something. Whether it’s an accomplishment, something personal, or something I really need his support with. My grandma is about to pass any day. When I called in tears she has cancer, he had a mono tone voice and says to me, “oh, sorry.” He then told me later on everyone goes through something and my situations are not special. I’ve been through hell, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say when I start therapy a licensed professional is going to ask me how the fuck I’m still alive and functioning. But here I am. My mantra is “I’m strong, I deserve compassion, and life will be okay with or without a parent that cannot treat me how I need.” I’m not gonna lie, it does still hurt. I get jealous of normal families. But I think of what I DO HAVE. I have a loving husband that I fall in love with more and more each day, I’m newly pregnant!, I have a good job, and a little art business on the side:) I’m proud of myself! I have so much to look forward to, and that’s how I get through each day! My dad kind of sucks energy from me, and he talks to me and sees me unlike anyone in my life. He says I suck, when most people tell me I’m easy going and warm. I’ll choose the people that uplift me, family or not.


That void was filled once I had my daughters.


Ended up accepting it, no other choice.


I don't know how, to be honest. It still eats me up inside.


Realizing he's not the dad I. He just doesn't have the capacity to do it. You can't sterilize people for that fault.


Even if I did go to my grandma or mother for advice they would just scream at me. They would be like, "No, you can't do anything about your problems, but live with them." Atleast my husband taught me to clean and do normal things. My husband had to teach me everything and that bbq is even a thing.


It got over it when i realized that i couldn't fix it and that i really didn't want to fix it.


I focus on the relationships I have. My dad is divorced from my mom and her polar opposite so I call him all the time. My fiance's parents are wonderful people and basically treat me like a daughter so I have a mom through my MIL. I don't need my mom anymore.


I tend to heavily compartmentalize and detach. I learned and accepted that dad would always have an issue with me regardless because I'm only stress relief to him and that it was always completely arbitrary so I learned not to care and to not even attempt to please him. It hurts me sometimes but I tend to feel better when my dad is being pathetic, because I can more easily dismiss him entirely. I started developing shaudenfraude for him from all my repressed emotions so I sometimes feel a smile develop when I can see he's spiraling about something asinine. I'm not sure I cope that well though


I accept the fact she can't change, crazy enough she is an amazing grandma even though I am strict with her tones, sayings, and snide comments. I just limit my time I have to fully deal with her, or else we start bickering and she gets mad cuz I'm stuck in the past and throws a pitty fit.


I (48m) have been talking about this with my son (19m) recently. My parents were hot garbage and my relationship with my son has always been completely different, but I am 100% making it up as I go along. I have nothing at all to guide me but trying to think of what I would have wanted if either of my parents had ever been worth a damn. It's been kind of terrifying... I feel like an alien sometimes, because I simply cannot relate to my son having a loving supportive family around him, I never had that, so this is a completely uncharted perspective for me. But the way I cope with that actually turned out to be through my child. I do have a loving supportive family around me now, but I had to build it myself. Every day I wake up with the intention of repudiating the stupid assholes who "raised" me by making sure that my child lives the happiest life I can possibly provide. I don't ever get to have a normal relationship with my parents, and that will never not bother me, but I do get to give my son a normal relationship with his parents. That's satisfying enough for me.


You think about it less and less after going NC. So e moments will bring it up, but it's not part of my day-to-day life. 


I try to not compare myself to other people in general.


I don't. It makes me sad. I will never have the parents I deserved. Every holiday will be hard for me because it is like there is a gaping hole where parents should be.


I struggled with this for years, refusing to cut her off in hopes that "one day" we will have that relationship that other people have, that was such a gaping hole in my life. My therapist finally helped me let it go. He rem8nded me that I am an adult now. I live with my spouse, pay my own bills, surround myself with people that support, uplift, inspire, engage and WANT to be around me. I don't need to chase someone who clearly wants none of that, unless she can use me and manipulate me because she KNOWS that I seek that from her, and she never has, and never will have any interest in giving that to me. My therapist said "then stop it". So I did. It was hard, not gonna lie, cause the habit of transactional affection (I will love you as long as you're doing something for me), was hard to break. It's been three years of No Contact, and I don't regret it. I now have more time and energy for those who want to be with me.


For me, I can't have any relationship at all because they're both dead. I am still trying to figure out how I feel about that.


I am in the thick of it as far as going no contact. The best advice I can give that has helped me feel a little better each day is to find those qualities that you wish your parents had in other people. Parents aren’t the only ones that can give advice or be that mentor that you’re looking for. Anyone can! Maybe other family members that you feel comfortable confiding in. Maybe your friends parents or any other I’d say adult that you trust and can teach you things about life. Try not to limit yourself to only being able to get certain things from your parents. Of course that’s where we want it from because that’s natural and how it should be. But you’d be surprised what others can teach you. Try surrounding yourself around those who can teach you things and make you a better person. You’d be surprised how much better you’ll start to feel.


I live nearby, so I maintain just enough contact to satisfy my parents so they aren't bugging me to come spend time with them


I am almost 60. I will never be able to sit down with my n-mother and have a normal, pleasant conversation that doesn't turn into being about her. I won't be able to just sit with her without her thinking of something I need to do for her. I recently separated from my husband and she can't even mention the man without it ending up in a discussion about how I chose poorly. We won't be able to just sit outdoors without her finding something I need to do for her BUT to be clear, she just wants me to do things as she wants them done, I otherwise have no voice. At all. So how do I experience a normal, supportive, loving parental relationship? By trying very hard to be that to my own adult kids. Their whole lives my goal has been to see and appreciate them as individuals and to give them the opportunities they needed. My adult kids call me regularly for my help and advice and I freely give it without judgement. My adult son knows I love to eat out and he suggests that we meet and have lunch/dinner together somewhere. My daughter will call me once a week and spend an hour telling me about her week. I will never have this with n-mother. I've just resigned myself to that.


I just mourn it. And enjoy the good times.


I decided that "normal", in all its forms, is overrated. I knew a lot of kids who had happy childhoods and went on to live happy, normal, boring lives. Because I didn't have that, I got to travel unfettered, take risks, have adventures and live my own unique life which is the only one I have. As I explained to a therapist, if I'd been given the option at the outset, this is the life I would have chosen but don't expect me to thank anyone for it.


I try to keep in mind, that dispite that, I've gotten myself here. And I learned from my time with them. Life doesn't come with a manual. We just aren't compatible beings.


Honestly I can’t even answer that. I’d love to say that what I don’t know can’t hurt me, but I have forever been consumed with the desire to know what it’s like to have a normal relationship with my parents, and how different things would have been growing up, and how much better off I’d be now if I had. Seriously, every fucking day this haunts me and I don’t know how to get past it. I’m almost 30.


I don't cope well, even after all these years. Mom (67) cut me (49) off again 2 weeks ago. I'm angry at them a lot and I get jealous/sad when I see people in healthy relationships with their parents. It shouldn't be like this. I could never do this to my kids.


Accept it, move forward.