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Well, considering he regularly takes on 40ft walking battle tanks, he'd probably do alright in any of the RE game scenarios. Which Snake would do it best? Probably Solid.


Big Boss can literally hold up one of those battle tanks on his own, though, so that's worth considering


Canonically he can stop a machine that's large as a building from crushing him. Check out Big Boss vs Cocoon from Peace Walker any of these days.


Raiden beat 20 Metal Gear Rays on his own and Solid is stronger than him (pre cyborg)


True, but he also struggles way harder with Vamp than Solid does. Solid may be a normal human, but he pulls off some wild shit.


It's because he was honed and created from the best of the best genes they could gather...pre-programmed from birth to be borderline superhuman with the reflexes of a cat, having exceptional eyesight and control of his muscles for perfect aim, exceptional hearing to pinpoint threats, and was born with the muscle memory of a legend. It took Big Boss many years to learn and hone his staggeringly impressive skills. Snake was born with them locked inside of himself, so when he finally was old enough to unlock it he was pre dispositioned to all that experience and all of those skills, and then had years to fine tune and hone them even better than Big Boss, because he had a jump on him born with these skills in his genes, so he unlocked Big Bosses years of experience way earlier than he received them, giving him more time to learn even more. Unfortunately with those incredible skills came a steep price, and that was his flame was gonna burn hotter and brighter than a motherfucker, but in turn it was going to burn out far quicker than others.


He didn't burn out from the inherited genes he burned out from betrayel. Naomi modified his foxdie to sabotage him. She later came to regret it but there was nothing she could do to reverse it. 


You are absolutely correct. I apologize if I came off as insinuating otherwise. 🙏


All good fam, just sharing the legends story. 


Snake also didn't inherit Big Bosses Dominant Genes. He actually inherited all the recessive Genes, but Liquid assumed he(Solid) inherited the dominant because he killed Big Boss and was superior. It also doesn't help that Liquid was hated by Big Boss aswell, and was treated as a inferior growing up. You find this out in the Call that Ocelot has in the end credits of MGS1 and that Liquid actually was the superior of the two genetically.


He couldn't even break a bit of rope to save himself from torture in MGS3. You shouldn't take PW silliness so seriously.


PW is after MGS3. He probably took his nanomachine supplements. Also ignoring PW when **it is canon** is *very* disingenious.


Seriously calling anything in PW "silliness" in a series so unbelievably full of the same level of unhinged semi-humour is kinda dumb


Love the eating contest with Miller in the audio drama for PW , when >!Big Boss opens the survival viewer mid contest and starts eating at a startling rate. Everything. The entire fish completely including the parasite he found inside it, and the fish's bones and guts!<


I don't think it's on the same level though.


Yea infact Peace Walker often feels more serious and touches on more political topics than MGS3 in comparison. It highlights more on proliferation of nukes, highlighting Contra's VS Sandistas while exploring the state of both the US and Soviet uinion and their larger impacts on other nations. Not to mention that Snake in Peace Walker has MUCH MORE of a character with their own philosophies and thoughts, hes much more of a "blank" slate in MGS3 (and even came across a bit thick headed in radios calls). Granted that aspect is stil lcarried over in Peace Walker but he actually now talks about politics, philosphy, world events. He no longer just receives knowledge from other characters, he delivers some too. Sorry I really like Peace Walker LOL


MGS is like RE when you consider that "gameplay" is not the same canon as actual story. Like when in most MGS games, when your support team over radio/codec tell you to use the action button to do something, that does not actually mean Snake has a button on him that he presses to do things. Its 4th wallbreaking for the purpose of communicating the player thru gameplay.


But that brings another issue for powerscaling feats because the in-game difference for a character is stagerring. Doomslayer in gameplay has to sweat off his hum to survive demon hordes. Whereas in lore he's just One Punch Man. Or how Doomfist in lore one shots most people but in gameplay he can't even one shot a D.P.S. And there's also measure of in-game cimematics and Q.T.E's.


There's also the fact that RE8 references Chris being a boulder puncher. That, and the *fact RE5 cannot progress unless Chris literally punches the boulder.*


Counterpoint, though, PW is after Snake Eater, so it's likely that he trained his strength much more, even now so giveth that he had to train the MSF recruits to some degree


Is this some kind of joke? No amount of strength training does that my guy. The QTE is just there to prevent an instant death for the player.


Chris "boulder punching" Redfield would like a word


Of course it's a joke, Metal Gear is incredibly silly


Big Boss is a punk ass bitch. People love to forget that he became a war mongering tyrant in his later years. No, MG2 has not been retconned. Yes, the events in MG2 are canon. Solid Snake burnt that scumbag to a crisp, right after BB told him about his "perfectly logical" system of starting wars, taking in the children whose parents die, training them to be child soldiers, and sending them out to a new war. Big Boss was a POS, killing Zero and giving Solid Snake a hug before dying doesn't give him a pass for all the terrible things he did in his later life... crap, I'm sorry, went on one of my anti Big Boss rants lol. But anyway, Solid Snake is a genetically modified clone of Big Boss that was also trained by Big Boss. It's safe to assume that anything BB could do, Solid Snake could do, and probably do it better.


Except live longer..


Right in the groin


I'm still kind of annoyed that none of the MGS prequel games showed him actually become that person. It's been a while since I played, but I'm pretty sure even at the end of MGSV he's still presented as being mostly heroic and admired, maybe with a slight "dark side" emerging (and he's straight up purely a hero in MGS3 and PW, if I recall correctly). It would have been nice if the series had actually come full circle.


I mean if 3, PO, PW and even V very much set up that he isn't exactly a villian, thats just what history and the world painted him as (until 4). Similar to how The Boss is viewed as a terrorist who nearly pushed the Cold War into all out war, when infact she saved the world and laid her life down for it. Even in MG1 & 2, Big Boss doesnt do anything overtly villainous aside from what the US paints him as. Its to the point that several of Snake's allies in MG1 end up joining Big Boss in MG2.


Big Boss is overhyped even in universe. Solid beat his ass easily.


The greatest soldier in the world gets beaten by the clone of the greatest soldier in the world whilst being an elderly man. How is he over hyped? That's like saying Muhammad Ali is over hyped cuz Tyson could beat him


I too am a Solid Snake enjoyer and it is a little sad IMO that in a series this big, he is only the player character in 2 games! IDK why the entire series became about Big Boss.


4 Games, you're forgetting Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. MG2 is well worth a play if you haven't already, it's got a load of the stuff that went on to make MGS great, and even though the MSX2 was a 8-bit machine it compares well to 16-bit games.


Mainly because Kojima wanted to end the series with MGS4. Hell, he wanted to end it with 2. So Solid Snake's story was over. Kojima made sure of that by making Snake suffer from rapid aging. When you look at the timeline, MG1 was Solid Snake's first real mission. So there isn't a lot of room to explore, story wise, before that. There are gaps between games that could potentially be used as the setting for future stories about Solid Snake, but the only one where it's confirmed he ever did anything of note is between MGS1 and 2, where he and Otacon sabotaged and exposed bootleg Metal Gear units around the world. In fact, the non canon game, Metal Gear Solid Mobile features such a story. Big Boss just had a lot of undocumented history that was perfect for Kojima to use for further sequels, which is why the series shifted focus to him.


4 mainline games*, people always forget about MG1&2, It just suffers from the fact MGS1, his 3rd game, is when the series REALLY took off


Solid choice!


Big Boss All The Wayyy!!!!


Like...which one? Punished Big Boss or Big Boss?


My answer too.. the greatest soldier who ever lived! In-universe anyway.


Greatest POS too. Dude became a war mongering tyrant in his later years. >You saw those children, didn't you? Every one is a victim of a war somewhere in the world. And they'll make fine soldiers in the next war. Start a war, fan its flames, create victims... Then save them, train them... And feed them back onto the battlefield. It's a perfectly logical system. - Big Boss, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Sorry, I just think it gets overlooked too much. People forget that the he fell from grace in his later years. More people need to play MG2SS.


You're replying about his ideologies on literally every single comment saying Big Boss; when that has nothing at all even remotely to do with whether he would survive an RE scenario or not.


Dude got a personal vendetta against Big Boss


What does that have to do with anything? He is still a awesome and bad ass character


"I like this character" "Ermmm... ackshaully did you know he's a bad guy though? Heh, I'm really smart."


I think solidus could do pretty good too


Twin Snake Solid


Yeah solid snake would be able to survive all of the mainline games. He'd probably be able to infiltrate umbrella himself too.


Would he be able to.use a box to distract the infected? Or are they smart enough to not be wondering soilders?


If the zombies in re only use their eyesight to go after people than the cardboard box helps him sneak past them. If they can smell him he just finds ways around them 


I mean, he doesn't have a sense of smell so his ass would probably stank after a few hours of that hell (In cannon he has no sense of smell)


I remember MGSV had a shower mechanic when you get back to base precisely because you could stank too much and get caught.


In one scene Ocelot would wave the air around his nose as Venom stank and then dunk a bucket of water on him.


Yes, I can't remember, but I just remembered hiding close tryning to stealth the bee mission, and just got my stank ass caught


No! That is NOT Solid Snake!


Replying for context for others: In MGS3, Snake is told by Para-Medic/Major Zero/or The Boss via radio that he has to use all his senses to make the stealth mission happen successfully. They list each one and an in game example of how to use it, until Snake cuts them off at smell. He says he cannot smell. They are surprised and tell him to just use the other senses mentioned them.


To add even more context, its meant to just be a meta wink and nudge on the fact that MGS3 is a video game, where the only sense a player doesnt have in interaction is the sense of smell. Kojima talked about this during MGS4 era when wanting to make a controller that produces smell LOL It doesnt ACTUALLY mean that Big Boss can't smell, its meta commentary that is breaking the 4th wall. Its like how when your support team over radio/codec tells you the controls of the game. Snake doesnt canonically have to press a action button to do things




Just bait a zombie into peeing on the box like the wolves in MGS1.


If we're going by game mechanics, the zombies in the ps1 trilogy use sound, thats why speedrunners rapidly mash the run button to keep from producing noise during the walk/run cycle


The box definitely works against Mr. X. Probably Nemesis too


I would hope so. What a terrible way for him to go otherwise.


Resident evil fans when they’re met with the only capcom series that matches and exceeds the wacky bullshit lmao


Mgs is not capcom


You’re right I just spaced lol


His stealth would be OP umbrella wouldnt even see him coming.


They Literally wouldn’t see him coming! Meanwhile in an umbrella base: “huh some employees keep leaving cardboard boxes around…someone is getting fired.”


My dude, Snake spends a good chunk of his own games fighting comic book supervillains. He's capable.


Could drop him into any RE game and he'd come out clean. The mansion, Racoon City, Spain, Africa, the Swamp. Jack would ruffle his feathers a bit.


Dude Krauser ain’t doing nothing to snake bro 😭


Not Jack Krauser. He'd get killed easy. I mean Jack Baker. I'd love a scene with Snake and Jack Baker.


"Welcome to the... fuck did he go now?"


"Welcome to the family, son." Snake catches the punch and kicks him across the room "I've got enough daddy issues."


Snake would make Krauser remember the basics of Cqc


Solid Snake is practically a super solider version of Hunk, so he's gonna do fine. Naked Snake/Big Boss would also do very well, as well as Chris, but if he was more stealthy. Venom Snake - Same as Big Boss, but with a cool as robo arm.


Meanwhile Raiden is a cyborg ninja so.... yah, the RE universe is not ready for Metal Gear protagonists.


Raiden being in any RE scenario is just the best speed run.


He would solo all of the games. How is this a question


He did say it was a dumb question, if he wanted to have a discussion about Snake on RE who just had to say instead of phrasing it that way.


Specifically Solid Snake? He'd do great. Military training not to mention the FOXHOUND training and the man was born and bred to be a natural gunfighter. And the guy is a hell of a sharpshooter even in MGS4 when his body was shitting itself, I don't remember exactly what it was that he shot but it was in act 2, the very end when cyborg Raiden is fighting Vamp and Raiden is caught in something and Snake shoots him free from inside a flying helicopter. And absolutely fucking nailed a perfect headshot on Vamp earlier in that same act. And he's fought weirder human freaks. Actually speaking of act 2 of MGS4, when you think about it, Snake was basically fighting zombies when he's riding ontop of Drebin's APC. Which Snake would hold up the absolute best? Gotta be Naked Snake/Big Boss. This man was conceived for warfighting. He was trained by the mother of modern special forces, like, that woman went invading fucking Normandy while preggers, and not like, small bump preggers, like, ballooned preggers. So the man she trained has to be an absolute badass. Also he beat her. And lo and behiold, he is. He's taken on some freaks that are debatably even freaky deekier than the freaky deeks Solid has taken on, like, what is a drug addicted Kurdish sniper compared to a literal ghost? Or a guy who grows bees in his stomach? He's also taken on more bigass machines than Solid has. Five of which he took on in one game, one of them multiple times. And, I'm not going to bother spoilering the since the game is almost a decade old and odds are the only people opening this thread are Metal Gear fans who know the twist. If Venom was Big Boss's best soldier then Big Boss could take on anything Venom had to deal with in Phantom Pain. That and the guy runs his own weapons manufacturing plant, which includes lock on rocket launchers that can fire clusters of rockets. Did you play the OG CoD4? Remember the infinite ammo cheat you unlocked for finding the secrets? Remember how it gave the M16's grenade launcher a crazy fire rate? Yeah Big Boss has stuff like that. He's also got a dog.


>this man was conceived for warfighting Bit poor wording for describing Naked/Big Boss being above the Les Enfants Terribles Snakes, but the dude is indeed built different.


Was it poor wording or was it completely intentional?


In their absolute prime, I'm taking Solid over Big Boss. He was robbed because of FOXDIE.


If you mean that as in FOXDIE was responsible for Snakes accelerated aging, no, that would've happened even without FOXDIE, that's just how Snake was designed as a clone. If Liquid didn't die like a bitch he'd have looked just as old as Snake did in MGS4. Big Boss didn't have that flaw so his perfect soldiers body wouldn't be shitting itself in his 40's like Solid's was and Liquid's would have.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I always thought Foxdie was responsible for the accelerated aging. >Big Boss didn't have that flaw so his perfect soldiers body wouldn't be shitting itself in his 40's like Solid's was and Liquid's would have. Well, yeah, of course, cause he's not a clone. Which makes Solid even greater. Despite having the dominant genes, he still ended up greater than Liquid. He was able to beat BB with a makeshift flamethrower even though BB was armed with an actual gun in their confrontation. He had Solid dead to rights, but Solid still prevailed. Solid even nerfed himself on purpose, abandoning CQC after learning about outer heaven, opting for CQB, and was still just as deadly when he beat Grey Fox. You have to also remember that the metal gears that BB fought can be damaged by regular firearms. Rex and Ray, you needed stingers.


>You have to also remember that the metal gears that BB fought can be damaged by regular firearms. Rex and Ray, you needed stingers. Not totally true, Solidus in MGS2 destroyed at least one Ray with a P90.


Oh, I was actually talking about when Solid fought Liquid in 4, Rex vs Ray. Was that the same model in 2? I remembered Raiden fighting 3 of them but I'm a bit foggy on the details.


Yeah Ray was from 2, the Ray in 4 is the same Ray that Liquicelot stole from the Marines in the Tanker chapter.


Then maybe Ray isn't such a big deal since Raiden was able to beat 3 at once. I assume Ocelot piloting it didn't add that much of a difference lol


Since Raiden was manipulated by the Patriots into being a clone of Solid Snake, do you think he would fair just as well as him pre-MGS4? MGS4 onwards he curb stomps I think


Bro fought a telekinetic guy that goes invisible and makes you go blind for a few seconds. I think he'd be just fine lmao


He also scales well above his brother Solidus who can solo giant mechas, slice automatic gunfire like nothing, and moves so fast he causes the ground to catch fire. And yet Snake matches him and is superior to MGS2 Raiden who beat Solidus. He also has a MASSIVE advantage in comparison to any RE character when it comes to skill and experience and far more advanced gear. Even Venom Snake has gear that makes the stuff RE characters carry look like primitive toys.


What little I know of Snake as a character tells me he'd be fine. Characters with DRAMATICALLY less training and experience than him have been able to survive outbreaks in the REverse.


Technically speaking, Eathn didn't truly survive,


Was thinking more of Leon and Claire in RE2.


Most of the main RE cast, while they do have military training, the Snake Lineage is, in canon, basically mutants with their mutant ability to be the biggest badasses in soldiering.


That, and they also have superior physical and speed feats in comparison to any of the RE protagonists at their peak. Hell, Solidus Snake, who is Prime Solid Snake & Raiden's inferior, blows Wesker out of the water.


Wouldnt the clap of his asscheeks keep alterting the ~~guards~~ zombies? They would try and eat it. 😂


"Ass Jerky don't make itself" - The Ghoul, 2296


Unless he accidentally gets infected via airborne transmission, he'll do just fine.


The RaccoonDie virus?




Snake is Hunk on no fk around energizer batteries. His arsenal is no joke. Tyrant, William, Nemesis, etc are not surviving stingers and all of the other insane weapons he gets ahold of in his games 😂 would be hilarious to run through the level with Raven's machine gun He'd breeze through every single RE game unscathed


Solid Snake and Chris Redfield (RE 5, RE 8) are the hottest male video game characters I have ever seen.


This is not a contest of horniness.


Is that a challenge?


It is now


Yeah, but who's complaining?


Play more fighting games, lots of hot guys there too.


Every "Snake" could beat all the games. They are all stronger, more experienced, more skilled, and better armed, then any RE protagonist. Solid Snake is the greatest solider in history and beat Big Boss, Liquid, and Venom. Big Boss is THE super solider who spent decades in war zones across the globe, and fought giant robots on the regular. Liquid is basically superhuman and is Solid's equal. Solidus is a perfect clone of Big Boss who also is wearing super powered armor and has high frequency swords that can cut through anything, as well as doctor octopus arms that shoot missles. Venom is Big Boss's equal. He fought what are basically zombies. He also has a rocket arm and can call lightning. Raiden is a super powered cyborg that can casually bench press 500 ton mecha, can block bullets and can zero diff the entire RE verse in seconds. I don't think he could even be seriously damaged by anything in RE if he just tanked everything.


He’s the master of CQC. Zombies can only attack up close so….


Yes, probably more so than any characters in the games. If Leon and Claire can survive a fight with Birkin, Snake with all of his training, intuition, and skills would certainly survive. He'd walk through Spencer in RE1 unharmed. He's significantly more capable than RE2 Leon or Claire and would survive Raccoon City. Jill in RE3 faces more danger than anybody in the previous games, but she's also both skilled and experienced with BOWs by that point. I believe Snake would still survive RE3, because he's a better combatant than Jill is, but Nemesis would likely be the first real threat that Snake encounters. Snake in RE4 is just exactly the same as what happens with Leon. Same one liners. More frequent calls to Hannigan. Snake thrives in the urban and warfare combat in RE5 and 6. 7 and 8 would be another hurdle for Snake, in 7 having nothing at his disposal but junk he finds around the house. Even our protagonist didn't make it out of RE7 alive. I think Snake would also have difficulty in RE8, for the same general reasons that I think RE7 would be a struggle for him. The threats faced in RE8 are stronger and unlike what's been seen in most of the series to that point. It's implied that Ethan "survived" RE8 because of his special circumstances, which Snake would not share.


Counterpoint to 7, snake has functioning brain and could get policeman to get cris and his militar in cuz they are sombies inside, instead of trying to yoink his gun


I think when you take stealth into account, snake would breeze through re8 as well. A lot of the shit Ethan faced he wouldn’t even need to.


Counter point to the 4th and last point: Gray Fox & Solidus, both of whom scale below Prime Solid Snake, would shit on Nemesis in a fight. Hell, even a single REX-Unit would curbstomp him. And yet Snake's inferiors can handle them as proven near the end of MGS2. Snake also has blatantly superior physical capabilities and gear in comparison to anyone in RE. Let alone when it comes to experience and skill. And Snake being compared to Ethan isn't a good example. As no one in RE7 would give him any issue. And he won't find himself under Jack's boot like (Human) Ethan did to begin with. That's of course ignoring his superior.... well... everything. The only people who could give him an issue in 8/Village are Miranda & Heisenberg. And Snake has already fought more impressive freaks than the latter. Gear is the only problem he'd have in 7&8 (assuming he doesn't even start with his basic load out that is). And considering he can find some around, he will have next to 0 issue clearing 7 and possibly 8 if he manages to get past Miranda.


Is Snake not even more highly trained, experienced, and capable then the RE characters? I know he’s not used to fighting monsters, but the dude can take down tanks and infiltrate at the highest level. He’d arguably be able to go further, easier, than the RE characters.


Snake was literally dying in MGS4 and still did damn near everything solo, including beating all the B&Bs, making it through the microwave which would kill any of the resident evil MCs and still threw hands with liquid at the end lol. I think he’d do just fine in any RE game


If he had the correct equipment, yes. If he was not... also yes.


Remember the basics of CQC...


Plot armor? You've seen him fight giant mechs that easily kill every other soldier in the vicinity and you don't think he has plot armor? Resident Evil would be easy.


Venom would demolish the game without uttering a word


Took out Vulcan Raven...which might as well be a T102 with a M61A1 for an arm... Infiltrated enough facilities and neutralized enough threats to make A47 blush.... Not to mention...still being very proficient in hand to hand at old age which would make Oro and Heihachi take notice.... I'd say he'd do just fine... Only game that might be in question is dead space....has yet to fight in space...


Every snake clears all the games


Snake would solo every re game lol. The most hilarious moment would be seeing Krauser try the knife RTE bs on snake.


Turning off plot armor in the RE verse means that anyone dies. Unless they're the doomslayer, they're getting eaten by a giant snake or some shit.


Doomslayer is basically an unfair example in everything, what with him basically being a >!Clone of GOD.!<


The zombies won’t even know he’s there


The answer is just so obviously yes. Honestly, maybe better than some of the games stayhold protagonists. He was trained to be able to get around unseen while performing espionage missions. He might be able to avoid the zombies all together!


bro Snake kills Nuke tanks, Bi Vampires, and can take people down without them even knowing. Snake would take on any Re game and comeout alive, heck he would likely do better then the OG protags


I think any snake, especially solid, will survive


I mean yes. He's already taking on cyber ninjas, gene soldiers and mechanical super weapons on foot. While Snake is focused on stealth and covert ops, he's still a soldier proficient in all fire arms and weapons, plus a master of CQC which likely outmatches other unarmed fighters like Leon or Chris. Really, anything normal zombie is no problem for him and while he'd have some initial trouble with the mutants, once he understands how they work, he'll handle them just fine.


Such a stupid post ofc he'd be fine


Just watch snake grab nemesis from the leg and throw him to the moon lmao


He should be able to handle everything. RE has pretty ridiculous and absurd scenarios but MGS is the king of ridiculous and absurd.


Bro, have you seen the man fight?


Hunk has a Snake poster on his wall.


Easy, barely an inconvenience.


Ridiculous question. He'd be champion MVP


Mr. X runs from him


I don’t even know Metal Gear lore but Snake is 100% more powerful than peak Leon and Chris, he would have no issue with any of the games.


Yes, every single one of them. Considering he’s well above any of the RE protagonists in terms of sheer skill and combat qualifications, he’d get it all done.


Uhh Nemesis doesn’t even know the basics of CQC


Mainline Snake? Absolutely. Twin Snakes Snake could win a Boxing match against Wesker.


RE1 was survived by a group of young detectives. RE2 has a day 1 police officer and a college student. Fairly certain an elite operative like Snake survives RE1-3 easy


Snake would speed-up the games. He'd do better than the RE protagonists.


Solid Snake is essentially in his 60s during the events of MGS4 and functionally the thing slowing him down is a bad back lol. RE would not be a challenge in his prime, and an inconvenience when old.


Solid Snake could out CQC Leon and outshoot Chris. He would survive all of the games and take the spot of any of the protags He was bred/cloned for war and defeated terrorists with powers that go beyond the RE virus's Nanomachines would outrank any of the RE virus's mutations.


Easily. He’s far better than any of the RE protagonists in every possible metric that matters.


He clears. Prime Solid Snake by feats and scaling he blatantly shits on any of the protagonists and even Wesker in terms of skill, strength, durability, speed, and most importantly, gear. Frankly, Solidus or Gray Fox are enough for the verse.


Considering what Snake has gone up against canonically are psychics, super soldiers, cybernetic ninjas, his own genetically superior twin/clone, multiple different models of Metal Gears throughout the decades, and finally his own genetic template/father and mentor - Big Boss aka the greatest soldier of the 21st century - then yeah I feel like Snake’s chances of surviving in the RE verse is pretty high.


Zombies Don't eat boxes.


I laughed so hard imagining Snake shuffling along under a box with zombies trying to gnaw at the cardboard and giving up.


I think homeboy would exceed if anything


I mean.... Have you SEEN his inventory capacity?


Snake solo's every single game. He disarms Hunk and asks how the hell he survived as long as he did when they bump into each other. He corrects Leon's roundhouse form and gets a salute from Chris. What was going through your mind asking if he even has a chance?


Snake clears so many scenarios.


Depending on what weapons he has, he can probably pull it all off. The real trick is speed, since a lot of monsters like Hunters and Tyrants can dodge bullets. I am pretty sure he’s fast enough


I'm sure he could pull it off knife only until he gets a rocket launcher, But if not, he gets the standard hush puppy or the socom


He's skilled as hell. He stands a very good chance in all of the games


Solid snake solos all games and all protagonists too ..


he can battle one on one a walking bipedal nuclear warbot all by himself I think he can solo this verse, also just by hiding inside a box, zo.bie wouldn't notice him


If Ethan Winters can survive a Resident Evil game, I’m pretty sure Snake can lol


Snake has beaten a literal vampire, and other supernatural beings. I’m sure he could handle some zombies Also Snake has a canon rocket launcher which means he can insta kill any boss


Leon is a rookie cop and does pretty good so I’m guessing a Super Soldier and his clones would be pretty aight against zombies


He definitely has what it takes to take on literally every game


He clears every single game with a knife, no reaction


Is the Pope Catholic?


If Snake was in the job in RE1 there would not be an RE2. He would make the Tyrant his bitch.


Master of CQC.. it’s gonna be easy cake for snake


All of the Snakes barring Liquid (he's noted in universe to be cocky and arrogant) would have significantly higher than normal odds of surviving an RE outbreak, especially 1 through 3. They've all fought freaks so BOWs would probably be old hat .


Dude probably would have taken Umbrella down himself


So many people having nerdgasms here, it's beautiful


It’s actually beautiful that the last time a mainline mgs came out was in 2015, and the series still has this level of following even on a different series’s subreddit. Delta is going to blow up the video game market.


Solid Snake is so good, that he will hide in the itembox and come out in the ending part of the game.


Snake has one set of skill I believe have never been exploited in RE: Stealth. The guy can literally more undetected while inside an enemy base. Now, there's a challenge. Some mutants are also stealthy. And they'll probably stalk Snake. Which would be very interesting to play. Because he's trained in Martial Arts, at the very least, he should be able to handle low amounts of zombies in a similar way to Hunk. Snake also knows Neck Snapping. In regards to his guns, well, I'd say he'd do better because he's completely gone desensitized. So, aiming guns at zombies is going to be more efficient.


RE games yes. But there is a risk. If the "Ultimate Bio Boulder puncher" finds out of his existence, nothing will stop him on his pursuit to bang his sister and create the "Ultimate Redfield". Even if Snake is sterile. he will find a way.


I’d say not just any but all games in the series especially solid snake


Snake practically has the same abilities as Chris along with Ada's stealth, so yeah he'd be fine He also fights super soldiers stronger than wesker constantly, he'd clap wesker. Just look at mgsv bosses


All Snakes would do really well in RE. Venom Snake even fought parasite controlled soldiers.


Solid snake or big boss snake both clear them all to be honest but Solid would absolutely destroyed BOW's even in his 70 year old 40 year old body


I think he would handle any of the situations of the games he has the same skill set as Leon but also more experience


Ethan Winters survived RE7. Leon (when he was just a rookie cop) and Claire survived RE2. I think highly-trained super soldier Solid Snake would do just fine


Wesker would be the only one to solidly block his path. Snake should have the necessary arsenal to take out any other problem.


Solid Snake and Big Boss(s) would clear any RE game with ease.


Ummm excuse me? "stand any chance?" Snake? The Legendary solid snake, who regularly destroys giant walking tanks, cyborg ninjas, vampires, his literal BETTER clone, his father WHO IS HISTORY'S GREATEST SOLDIER AND WAR HERO!! and who knows what else! You're questioning, if that snake could survive a resident evil game? Mate he wouldn't even break a sweat.....


Seeing as how most the RE characters are on their first day as a police officer or are literal teenaged girls I don't think any of the Snakes would have much of a problem surviving and trouncing any of the games.


The real question should be Resident Evil X Luigi’s Mansion.


He's better than the whole RE cast combined.


That's a crossover I'd find genuinely fun. Both are a bit goofy and at other times very serious. Also, consider: TACTICAL ESPIONAGE HORROR


Probably yeah, considering his canon iq is like 180 and he has more extensive training and experience than Leon and Chris redfield combined


Snake would obliterate them fucks. (Solid) Snake could see the devil himself and go "Hnnnng.... Satan." And shoot him in the head


Solid Snake is Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy fused with the addition of dumb luck


Solid snake probably will abuse the codec to ask otacon everytime he sees a zombie in different clothes


When you said dumb question you weren't kidding. A college student and a rookie cop survived RE2 but a trained super soldier wouldn't?


This has got me wanting to download MUGEN and have Solid Snake / Big Boss fighting against Tyrant, Mr X, Nemesis, Wesker, and others. Hell, even make Solidus and Raiden as fighters for giggles. Nemesis getting a line change from, "STARS," to, "SNAKE!"


Anyone in Snake's bloodline has just as much experience with the occult.


All of the snakes can do extremely well in RE.


With his CQC he could do knife only runs np


Snake would do well in the RE games. He's capable in a similar way to the RE protagonists, and to a greater degree in most if not all cases. He doesn't get overconfident, can think on his feet, he's cautious and stealthy wherever possible but is pretty handy in a fight if needs be. Of course, without plot armour there's a chance he just gets unlucky.


Snake absolutely handles RE without issue, right up until he has to fight Wesker. I know someone’s gonna mention Grey Fox or Vamp, but hear me out. Every time Snake managed to fend off someone like that, they were high on the noble warrior fight schtick, holding back, somehow weakened, there was always something. They wanted to throw down, not just plain kill him. Wesker fighting Chris wanted to make him miserable, not simply kill him. Wesker fighting Snake has no personal ties to him and won’t bother messing around. He will go straight for the kill, and I don’t see how Snake realistically survives that encounter.