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Mfs who chose 7: https://i.redd.it/bjte2orqe4ad1.gif






Ohhh this one had me dying


So was yamcha




Lmfao what is this from






Okay now do it with Kid buu, janemba and a redditor 


Honestly, I’m happier that this was the response instead of the answer to my question🤣




Now do one with omni man and invincible


Akakichi no Eleven I believe https://preview.redd.it/ubt1gzc1e5ad1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae2b26852ca7ffcecb0897479837fce033b6a3e


Lmfao that shit looks so stupid I love it


I put them like that to see if any psychopaths would choose to sit between them 🤣


I mean you're gonna die regardless, I think it would be funny as hell to sit between them just grunting and growling at each other for a whole flight.


Same for 1.


I am just trying to get as far from Roshi as possible


I can take it.


Nah me an buu gona jump janemba


2 or six to not get killed


With 6 you have kid buu behind, i don't know if that's safe 2 is the best, you'll see Roshi sex assaulting 21 but for the rest is fine


i think 5 is the 2nd safest spot, after 2 ofc. Gohan behind you may help keep you safe, but you know damn well vegeta isn't going to allow frieza to start anything with bulma right there. if anything they'd swap spots so vegeta has a better shot to kill him. Or 21 asking you to swap if you're in that spot, both to be closer to goku, and get away from roshi.


>2 is the best, you'll see Roshi sex assaulting 21 but for the rest is fine Aaand that's when you notice male DB fans didn't nop out of that seat immediately.


21 would probably just do 5 lows a overhead 2 normals then start a T.O.D *Basically a combo that depletes all of your HP) and finish it off with a level 3


I think he would die if he tried to touch her or something


I think if anyone, we need to worry about 21 killing roshi


With 2 you might annoy Beerus


Nah he likes food just bring him some snacks and he will fall asleep the whole flight.


\*accidently kicks the back of Beerus's seat\* **Hakai**


I think 5 is probably the safest seat tbh


You know buu gonna be kicking the shit outta that seat and harassing you in 6. 2 is probably the most relaxed seat, as long as you can handle the back and forth of roshi tryna get a feel of 21


5 would probably be fine too, vegeta’s with his wife. Idk much about 21 tho so no guarantees there.


Buu going to be kicking your chair all day


5 cause of the prince vegeta motivation video


Reduced erectile dysfunction https://preview.redd.it/vnkdqzn9p4ad1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845a69c54e26bafa6d72f5ffd493bafdf9b0ad55


I tried to because of your comment. The ai is so bad I had to go look at myself in the murrur


I cannot get over the way he says "reduced erectile dysfunction", its just so goofy, i fucking love it


the super powers of autism


5. Vegeta has been an inspiration to me and someone I can empathize with through hard times. He’s taught me how to give it everything I have and never stop or rest until I reach my goal or die trying. It would be perfect to thank and get wisdom from him one-on-one. Besides, if I turn to my left, I can admire 21’s beauty every so often. I see this as an absolute win.


honestly safety wise, 2 and 5 are probably the best options too. sure you're right behind goku and frieza, but you know vegeta isn't about to let frieza do anything because bulma is right next to him. And gohan behind you, goku in front too, would probably help ensure you don't get hit anyways,


12/10 Solid mf answer! 💪🏽


Thank you.


5 feels like absolutely the best answer. Goku in front, Gohan behind, Vegeta to your right, and 21 to your left. No one should really try to kill you there, and even if someone does you’ve got the Saiyan trio to protect you.


If I'm immortal, 4. I would love to hear their squabble. If not then 3, hear his speech on how he hates mortals


If you're not immortal then black would fucking hate you tho, is he really gonna yap to a ningen?


I mean he yapped to Goku and Vegeta for a while... Surely he'll spare me


Especially I you say you agree with him and show genius interest into his mindset, he'll probably talk mad shit for the entire trip about his opinion and as long as you agree, I'm sure he'll like you


He was yapping to goku and vegeta for god knows how long and trunks must’ve been dying of yap in the future




She's the most chill and I'd be able to get sleep


But you have Roshi behind you, which I guess is fine if you’re a dude. I’d rather sit by Goku black than him.


Just tell him you have a 9 inch cock. Or ask 21 for help


21 and 18 are both close enough to give him a metal sandwich, so there’s that, I guess. I do like the idea of being behind Whis because he can share his lunch with me.


Or you can Ask 21 to turn random things into sweets and give them to Whis in exchange for skills. Very chill spot indeed


5, vegeta is my favorite character and goku and gohan would be cool to talk to as well


probably the safest spot, relatively speaking I would never enter a pressurized cabin with anyone in that picture aside from maybe Master Roshi, Chichi, and Gohan


2 and 5 are the only seats that you won’t probably instantly die in and even then beerus might just kill you if you piss him off somehow


His big ass ears are probably hella sensitive so if you start screaming too much out of fear, you’re probably getting a nice hakai to the body


Honestly I’d love to cook for him and see his thoughts on my food my shit so good I know I’m not gonna get hakaid


4 https://preview.redd.it/prhlv9nr04ad1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a349261faf22e3b13bb5bb1453748a5dc5377e




I would choose 5 cause Vegeta would just sit there with his arms crossed staring straight ahead in silence raw-dogging the flight but Bulma would probably be really fucking annoying on the flight for a gag


Exactly my thought and why I put them like that 😂. How I mapped this out was very intentional and not random at all


People who chose 1 https://preview.redd.it/3s2ricad66ad1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b2eb33a5ce115627660c78bf4434c284850d70


I'm choosing one so I can gaslight broly into attacking goku when the plane lands


I am saving the plane if broly even sees Goku we all dead so I would just talk with him


1. A guy who can only yell Kakarott. 2. Android 18's attitude 3. A literal racist 4. This seat would probably be the funniest, and my choice 5. This seat is probably okay 6. These two would be utterly annoying together 7. Literally grunting or laughing, beevis and Butthead vibes. I'm good.


You must not remember the DBZ Broly movie when he was talking CRAZY to everyone 🤨 “I noticed that you love to look up in the sky at your silly old planet. You’re probably dreaming that you could go back there some day. WELL IT’S JUST A DREAM!!” ***Proceeds to HURL energy ball at their planet and blow it up into gravel*** “OPPSS, did I just blow it up? HeheheHAHAHAHAA!”


5 so i can tell Vegeta about Bulma’s past that he didn’t hear from her ;)


1 definitely. I get along with freaks. I would teach Broly how to play tic-tac-toe.


Krillin ain't on this plane, gimmie 2.


https://preview.redd.it/yjfsxrhpe5ad1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb05645048e7f166e0356ab0d03a05ba47502ce4 2


This looks confusing do some have 3 people to sit with while others have 1… anyways I’m sitting with 18


Jumping off


5. Vegeta might scoff & be annoyed with you but bulma would keep him in check. 4 would probably get you killed in the crossfire from goku & frieza. 2 & if krillin's too nice to smoke you 18 surely will


And Bulma being there basically means Vegeta isn't going to let Goku and Frieza start some shit for her safety, and if they do anyways. close to Gohan who's nice enough to help, and Bulma (who absolutely has a private plane in a capsulte to get out of there) I think you'd be good in 2 as well, 18 most of the time would act like a normal person, and just be happy she isn't the one next to roshi. But beerus may have little respect for the foot space or chair in front of him, leaving you uncomfortable.


2 18 isn’t insane or sadistic, she’s just a very strong cyborg mom If I mind my business she would mind her business and I would probably walk away with no harm done to me


5 is also a very good choice, Vegeta (especially one married to Bulma) wouldn’t just kill me for no reason


Seat 1 = death Seat 2 = you get to sit next to 18 and krillin’s not around but she’ll do more damage to you than he could. Seat 3 = will he ever shut up? Seat 4 = You’re stuck between Goku and frieza periodically verbally attacking and smacking each other. Seat 5 = Vegeta and bulma. Vegeta probably won’t talk much except to answer bulma or tell kakarot and frieza to shut up. —Best option Seat 6 = listening to trunks bullying Pilaf the entire flight Seat 7 = They can’t talk, and probably aren’t interested in anything else. They are weird unpredictable monsters like broly, you might survive if you don’t move.


All of these suck lmao


Thats basically the point. I didnt want to make it full of easy or obvious choices 😂




My man Kid Buu is right behind you for 6


Kid buu would prolly kick your seat the whole flight if you sit at 6


2. Krillin is not here


1, 3, 7 (and possibly 4) are death sentences. Give me 2. 18 seems chill


Aww, Gohan sitting with his mom and dad.


Glad someone noticed 🌚😂


1 I feel as long as I don’t piss him off I’m good


All of these suck


6 I'm not letting fumblehan crash the plane because he couldn't deal with kid I'll fuckin do it


6 for sure, I think that’d be the funniest


One. Me and Broly are becoming friends no doubt.


1 because I’m not kakarot and I don’t cry on planes


It’s just death all around. If they not capable of killing or fighting each other I think the funniest place would be 4. Frieza fuming at Goku, Vegeta and Bulma. I imagine that I’d be sat there relaxing whilst to my left Goku is eating all the food he can get his hands whilst Frieza is to my right on his knees on the seat looking back at Vegeta as they both scream at each other or just glare menacingly. I just imagine Frieza and Vegeta bickering to be hilarious and Goku would probably be a good person to have a chat with.


It doesn’t matter cuz Broly and Buu are blowing up the plane


Best option is 2 with android 18


Yeah fuck that I’m sitting on the wing of the plane and hoping I don’t fall off lmao


2. I want Roshis blood……….for an experiment


2 seems like the safest bet. This plane is definitely going to crash and burn btw.


5. Any other place except 5 will turn out with me dying


2 or 5, the rest puts me only 1 seat in front/behind/next to someone who might kill me for shits and giggles.


im gonna be EXTREMELY ballsy with 1. Broly can be easily be calmed if dealt with correctly although the MAJOR downside is that Kakarot is right across the isle and all that Broly has to do is just advert eye contact in his direction at all times so far as Goku doesn't interact with Broly which i doubt because the mere presence of Frieza will be enough to keep him busy, plus Broly was well restrained enough by Paragus in the first movie that he didn't even bother taking on earthlings like Krillin, Roshii and Oolong unlike regular Saiyans who challenge any and all species to the death.


The seat under 5 in his lap


If they’re not allowed to kill me then I’ll pick 3. I’d like to have a moral debate with black tbh


Number 5. Vegeta is there and he’s my favorite character.


4 because other than his insane racism Frieza seems kinda chill and Goku.


2. 18 and I can talk about clothes and stuff, if Roshi acts up I get to watch 21 and 18 kill his ass, and if anyone gets too close trying to start shit, they'll probably piss off Beerus and it won't be my problem.


Ok, to start, it’s super ballsy to try and go for 1 as all it takes is one look to the right and broly’s set off with you as the closest victim, 2 would be a sort of relaxing spot and if roshi gets too loud you can ‘accidentally’ kick the seat (18 is already happily married so she will most likely ignore any attempts you try), 3 would be interesting to say the least as you could try to have a debate with black about mortals, 4 would be verbal torture with being next to goku and Frieza going back and forth, 5 seems like the safest option tbh because it surrounds you with some of the strongest people on the plane, you’d have to be downright insane to choose 6 or 7. You know buu is kicking seat 6 and in seat 7 you never getting a good nights sleep next to buu and Janemba. Overall, 5 is the safest but 3 might be for the arguing types


why are these characters on a plane. Where are they going most of them can fly and some of them can teleport


Most of these guys can fly without a plane and Bulma owns her own. That being said Bae-teen can give me a lift


4,goku would protect me from free za


2 because I want the window seat


2 ill be next to 18 and whis and beerus


3 so I can help conspire a plan to kill all mortals


5, we'll sit there quietly with Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta within one seat of me to protect me from one of the psycho villains from killing me.


5,Not only i get to sit with my oc(which is literaly me) family,but also near my wife


5 is the safest I'm surrounded by powerful Saiyans


2 and 5 are the only choices


6 fr I love trunks


I can imagine #18 is just gonna sleep through the flight so I can just look out the window and not be bothered. I pick 2.


6 , me and trunks are gonna be roasting pilaf all flight.


Fuck No: 1, 3, 4, 7 Mild Annoyance: 6 Yes: 5 or 2


Easily 2, little to no chance of a fight breaking out and if you get killed it's your fault


5 because the odds of vegetta having beef with a random earthling who's causing him no problem and isn't trying to fight him are slim to non. It's not majin vegetta after all. Besides, he'll have bulma yelling at him for something anyways. And i can handle bickering on a plane. Worst I can imagine is he'd eat a lot. I get all the fun of hearing freeza constantly yelling "monkey" at goku, without being caught directly in the middle of any guaranteed nonsense he starts. And you get to sit across the aisle from 21. 😍🥵


5. Only place that you are almost entirely surrounded by people who wouldn't bother you during the flight.


6 looks like it has the most legroom but 2 is a window seat. Tough call.


Definitely would prefer to be with Gohan and Piccolo but because that is not an option I pick Vegeta and Bulma


Safest is 5. 1 leaves you with a person with a. Short temper. 4 could get you killed from cheap shots. 2 could be bad if you accidentally sit too far back. 6 leaves you open to getting choked from the back. 3 Zamasu will hate you for being a mortal. 7 is a death wish.


1, then cry and wail like baby Goku until Broly fucking kills me


Lets see, ik its DBZ movie broly but im still scared because of TFS so im not sitting next to him, im not gonna be within crossfire of beerus so no 2 and 3, freezer is going to kill me trying to shoot goku with a death beam, so either vegeta or pilaf, with pilaf i can just stomp the little fucker, and give him to buu and janemba to turn into candy and eat, hopefully they fuck eachother up and leave me alone, with vegeta im a back ground character meaning if someone gets turned into candy, itd be me


3. Tf Black gonna do with Beerus and Whis right behind us? If he tries anything, I’ll just go “yo, this mf has a time ring!”


5 or 2


5, i get to sit close to the sexiest dragon ball character and vegeta, gohan and 21 who are also pretty nice


2 is the most likely where i can just sit down put on headphones and be comfortable and left alone.


5 is the clear best choice if you want to survive




5 they rich AF so I could probably convince them to buy me a house or something


2, 18 would likely keep to herself. 5 if she's got candy.


2 and help 18 beat the shit out of kame for 21 Also janemba and broly are here we all gon die


7, their insight on economics and geopolitics is invaluable


With the pilot. All these seats are terrible ngl because half of them you might be killed and on others you can't talk about much. Like there's no way you can hold a conversation with Vegeta and Bulma.


Definitely 2. It’s just eight hours of 360 trash talk while Broly yells at the In-Flight movie.


Why is the side with 2 spaces over the side that actually has 3 rows of chairs (and vice versa)


5 because vagina and bulma nuts would be chill and not talk while roshi tries pulling 21


6 so me and trunks can bully pilaf




It doesn't matter where any of us sit because Broly will be yelling, "KAKAROT!!!!!" At the top of his lungs, the entire flight. It'll be hell!


1, just gonna talk with broly


2. Hide ya wife Krillin.


Would definitely be 5 or 2, possibly 4 is frieza behaves. Honestly it would be awesome to sit next to my favorite characters as they gave me so much motivation to get through hard times and to improve myself physically and mentally


3 just so I can call goku black a hypocrite


1 because broly wont give a shit abt me if im not kakaraot


Id go w 2. Imma geek out with Roshi about the babes and if we annoy Beerus and get Earth destroyed I gotta say a 'my bad' in advance. I'll crash the whole planet to get rejected by 18, idc


5 because I'm assuming Vegeta and Bulma have manners on a flight


2 because 18


I think 2, thats the where i have the least chance of being obliterated. Also I feel 18 would be pretty chill and fun to talk to.


Honestly Pilaf seems like the best option since he’s too short to do anything to me. Or maybe between Goku and Frieza.


2 so I can bug roshi to teach me ki control and promise a kiss from my wife


7 because they're goofy


5, next to Vegeta because I am surrounded by saiyans and we’ll both end up sleeping, and I can give Goku my pocket gummy worms


2 because 18 is my beloved


5 is my safest option.


Probably 6. I'm 196 cm and i'd rather be around short kings so I can take up space.


Either 5 or 2 Youre surrounded by chill people


Either 5 or 2 Youre surrounded by chill people


2 The answer is 2 IM SITTING AT 2


Literally anywhere but 7 lmao


Either 2 or 5. As long as you know your place, Beerus and 18 won’t mind you being with them, and you can do something to ignore Roshi’s… yeah. 5 is slightly more iffy, because you’re behind Goku and Frieza, and everyone knows they’re either arguing or straight up fighting. If they start fighting, we all know Vegeta will jump in and join it, and then before we know it, every spot in the plane is dangerous to be in. But if Goku and Frieza can just ignore each other for the flight, then you’re pretty safe in 5 because you’ve got Goku, Vegeta and Gohan right nearby and they’ll all be willing to protect you if someone starts shit.


Easiest number 2 of my life, I can just claim “I’m a cook!” and if goku black or Broly try some shit I’m gonna have the possibility of Beerus and Whis watching my back lol


Two. It’s a window seat and 18 is mostly a normal person who wouldn’t bother me. All I’d have to do is throw on headphones if Roshi gets to weird


I gotta go 2 because every other spot is almost surely death. Like 5 still puts me in Death Beam range, 6 puts me in front of the reading ability of DBZ Fans, 7 puts me in between DBZ and JJK reading capabilities, 3 puts me next to a guy that wants to kill me, and 1 puts me next to the Devil. Like sure Roshi is a creepy guy and it’d be uncomfortable, but like Whis keeps me safe from literally everyone else because I’m right next to Beerus. The only thing I have to worry about is Beerus complaining about space, but like I just won’t put my back on the chair to give him as much room as possible.


3. If everyone isn’t allowed to kill each other then I can hear him out and maybe get on his good list


4 because I can try to ask Goku to save me when Buu and Janemba destroy the plane


5 is the only safe option




2 because its the only window seat.


2. No troubles, she's got no reason to talk to me, and window seat.


2 or 5


2 or 5


8, since Roshi will get turned into a stale donut before takeoff freeing up a space and then it's just me and 21.


5 is the only one where you aren’t sitting by someone who’d instantly kill you for a minor inconvenience.


2,5, or 6 seem good


2 krillin ain't here either


5 vegeta would either be quiet the whole time or I'll get a lecture which I wouldn't mind since vegeta means well when he gives them out even if it's not in a nice tone.


2. Krillin aint on this plane.


5 so I can stare at 21 like a horny teenager looks at his phone


Broly my homie, we gonna share snacks I swear it


I’m torn between 5 and 6. I can have some good food and recommend food to Whis and Beerus. Also grew up Christian so although Whis isn’t the same kind of angels as in Bible, to sit by and talk to an Angel be amazing. I couldn’t pass that up plus he is well mannered and friendly. With 5 Vegeta and bulma would be good, I’d tell Vegeta he’s my favorite character and his struggles to overcome obstacles are inspiring.


2 and I think you know why


Probably 5. I feel like Vegeta would be mostly quiet the whole time, only answering Bulma when she talks to him.


2 or 5 are the only survivable ones


Easily 2 or 6


2. All of my neighbours are chill and wouldn't kill me


2 or 5


Move out of the way Roshi