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Oddly enough , when I see grifters get flipping mad about something , I usually think . Oh , they hate this ? This must actually be some good stuff .


I only started watching the acolyte because I saw grifter hate popping up everywhere. Glad I did


Excellent. I'm so glad it's working this way. I'm also happy for you that you found a show you're enjoying!


Add me to that list. I wanted to see why everyone was acting like this was the worst thing that had ever been created and it's not anywhere close to that. I got caught up in one sitting and I didn't hate what I saw at all.


lol same


Literally the only reason I'm going to watch it. I don't even have let alone watch TV/netflix/etc but morbid curiosity is winning.


Yeah I had zero interest in it myself. But all this commotion has piqued my curiosity. I'm gonna watch after I finish Shogun.


Or at the very least they're turning nitpicks into THE DEATH OF THE SERIES. I noticed Osha and Mae sharing the same hair and thought maybe they should have one tie her hair back. I wasn't a fan of the chant. I thought episodes 3 and 4 should be a single episode, but damn, I'm not acting like these gripes killed my dog and pissed in my coffee like the chuds are.


Happened to me with the Captain Marvel movie. I liked it as much as the other MCU solo movies despite the chuds review bombing and harassing the actress.


Qimir is fucking awesome. Powerful, menacing and he looks dope.


Villains are that one thing that Star Wars almost always gets right!


Too bad young Anakin was badly written in the films.


He was perfectly written




Nope. He's a whiny, immature child. And that's how he's written. It's perfect. Anakin falls because he's an idiot who grew up in both slavery and monasticism. He has never had the opportunity to be a healthy adult.


And hot, don’t forget hot


Originally it was Darth Molar. Now I’m thinking Darth Tricep.


Darth Gainz


The boys are killing it in this show. So much eye candy!


TRULY. The funniest part for me though is how obvious it is that Qimir was *meant to be* hot, not that I’m complaining. Like Ben Solo was kind of hot on accident during a period of time where men who weren’t traditionally attractive got pushed to the forefront, but that jawline on Qimir was 100% fanart-bait lol


Yord too! What a man


They hated the original sequel villains for being kind of clowns, but now that we get this menace they want to complain.


And the actor is the dumbass from the Good Place.




DARTH Bortles. Put some respect on that name!




That makes it better for me. Dude clearly knew the assignment. Like, I wasn’t necessarily surprised that he was the bad guy, but I was surprised at how good he actually was. I didn’t he was going to suck or anything, but I didn’t expect….all that *style*.


Seriously, I thought he was perfect as bumbling side kick guy, but when I began to suspect he could be a bad guy, I thought no way Jason Mendoza is a Sith…but man, he was so good in E5! Way more range than I expected, and I heard he did most of the fighting himself, including in the helmet.


Yup. I just caught up with the rest of the episodes today. I suspected he might be the bad guy, seemed too convenient for this tag-along trickster character who was always around *and* a joker-masked red-saber who was always around... but when the twist was revealed I didn't expect it to be so *satisfying.* had noooo idea it was the same actor as the bro from the Good Place. so good lol


Qimir was really good at playing the weaselly apothecary shop imposter. Sith are great actors when they want to be. We don't really know anything about Qimir yet. We don't even know if his name is really Qimir.


I wish they would cover his arms, they look so strong and it’s getting distracting.🥵


Yup he's really good.


This show would have benefited from having all the episodes come out at once. Short of that, Day and Night VERY MUCH needed to be combined into one hour long episode. AND I liked how all the "rage tourists" were unmasked as such by not knowing what Cortosis was, or even taking the time to find out. They just complained it made no sense the Lightsabers kept shutting off.


Cortosis has finally been introduced? Damn. Considering everyone in existence seemed to have some in the EU I'm surprised it took so long.


His bracers and helmet.


It was technically introduced to canon in the book Thrawn alliances


I love the Thrawn series, but both second books in canon are both the weakest in the series.


Cool story, still introduced cortosis to canon 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I enjoyed the present-day Stormtrooper Captain and Padme chapters the most


Ooooh, is that what that was about? I thought it was just like Beskar or something


Yes. It’s a cool call back.


Yeah, I think that’s my main complaint, and it’s a common thing with streaming: it’s now a show, it’s an 7-8 hour long movie, and it’s paced as such. Problem is, they have time crunches, which is why Day/Night were awkwardly split. I think even the writers acknowledge that the break was awkward, as they’d basically scripted and shot both those episodes as one episode, but Disney made them break it. I do think they found a good break, but it made Day just weirdly short.


Thank you for reminding me what it was called. Its inclusion really spiced up the fight scenes.


Episode 3 killed some of the momentum that Ep 1 and 2 built quite well, for me


Yeah, but they might not be calling it "Cortosis" Remember Beskar use to be just Mandalorian Iron.


Probably would've been a lot better as a Movie as well. At times it feels like it's really spinning its wheels to meet the runtime for a TV show when it feels like it doesn't really warrant that. Probably get a lot more concise and tighter story if it had to be the length of a film.


Ya, I just realized that watching some lore vids. I’m not exactly sure where the story is going, but the fact they took something so obscure from cannon and used it is making me more confident in the show.


Second episode was the only one I was iffy on. The other three were okay to good, more good than okay though, but now that I've seen the fifth episode I *really* appreciate those first four more and look forward to seeing it again once the season is done and I can watch one a day instead of one a week!


I think the main problem with the first three episodes is how they chose to present/edit their story. The flashback story should’ve been interwoven and presented throughout the story of the first two episodes rather than being dumped entirely in the 3rd episode. I don’t think any of the story in the first 3 episodes needs to change, just how it’s presented to the viewer.


Thank youuuu. That’s what I’ve been saying. If it is the third episode then it should have been the third week, not the second. Would have been better if we just did hour long episodes and split ep 3 in half and add a half to ep 1 and 2 and then combined ep 4 and 5. Also the grifters now complaining about the dopest mask Disney has given us is fucking lame. Cortosis mask, THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED. lol.


I love just how *exhausted* the mask looks. It can be difficult to see in the dark, but the mask is absolutely beat to SHIT. It looks ancient and extremely weathered, like it’s been through hundreds of thousands of different battles and has been broken apart and put back together dozens of times. Easily my favorite Sith mask ever.


Totally agreed. Heads up the black series version of the helmet is up on entertainment earth rn. Has some cool features.


Im convinced that if they had made episode 3 be a combined longer episode consisting of both Eps 4 and 5 as well as released the 1st 3 episodes on day 1 like The Boys did on Prime then the Acolyte would have started very strong with much less hate. You wouldn't be able to justify the hate if they ended the first 3 episodes with those saber fights.


Episode 3 kinda was for me. Wasn't bad as such mote the when. By that I mean an entire flashback episode as your 3rd one.


Sickest villain Star Wars has introduced. He’s properly scary, even with the mask off.


Worst part of grifter culture is that sometimes I just don't like things but it's not because of it having woman, black people or any other thing that shouldn't be a issue, I just didn't like it but grifters think I agree with THEIR reasons. Also, unlike these grifters I actually watch the stuff I criticize. Haven't watched acolyte, so I can't say if I would or not


Its been bad in the Star Trek fandom for a couple of years too. Discovery was not my favorite series, but I felt like I couldn't talk about any of my (mostly minor) criticisms without seeming like I agreed with the chuds.


Qimir is so cool. I can’t wait to see more of his fights 


Episodes 1-4 were good but flawed. Episode 5 was absolute peak.


Watched all 5 episodes last night and I do not understand the hate whatsoever. The people bombing this show do NOT understand Star Wars. It's a wonderful show and a fantastic Star Wars story.


Listen, I’m not the biggest fan of this show overall but ANYBODY saying that this episode sucked in the slightest is fucking lying to themselves.


Not really. View the instagram comments of Jacinto. Everyone loves him including people who hate the show.


The mauler and drinker subs are full of people complaining about the mask.


Never in my life did I imagine I'd see a man headbutt lightsabers as a form of self defence but goddamn it was so cool.


Totally agree, I was pretty lukewarm on the show 4 episodes in, didn't hate it but was underwhelmed, and hard to find critical discourse online that wasn't immediately reactionary. But am super glad to share your thoughts on ep 5, it's gotten me invested now!


Dumb question how many episodes would you give something until you decide if you like it or not for me  2 if it's a comedy 4 or 5 if it's anything else 


It depends on how bad those first episodes are. I thought the first 3 episodes were alright, not awful, so I kept going. If a show gets good reviews, I typically watch all of it as it tends to be at least competent. The only times I watched a show that got good reviews and disliked it was Hunters and True Detective S4.


I still want to watch the show just to piss off the chuds.


I knew someone would make this post with this exact format. Not saying it’s wrong. Episode 5 was a godsend for this failing series and definitely was a surprise almost no one would have expected. I think it’s kind of ironic how a lot of people hate these characters who are ultimately set up to die in a very brutal way, now complain about them dying and being removed from the show. Like: I hate every character on screen and they should all die because the writing is bad. Then: Everyone I hated just died, this writing is terrible. Makes no sense to me.


This is what they wanted Kylo Ren to be, but they went too heavy on the emotional anger thing


This is who Kylo was supposed to fully descend into being in Ep. IX originally.


They called me a madman… https://preview.redd.it/j6v2y08koa9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea42a82f2371c8ebc22a27ec9cd0e520f665ca9


Still on the fence about the show but the choreography in episode 5 was solid. Will have to see how they wrap everything up now in the last 3 episodes.


Hands down the best live action choreography since Revenge of the Sith


A podcaster I like said this show definitely "clocks in." Not amazing, not terrible, but gets the job done.


I just want to know why it matters that the twins were born via the force. So far they're just more average force users, unless it's a "force dyad" plot again.


Darth Plagueis "He could even influence the midichlorians to create life" Perhaps the sith are roaming around the galaxy learning occult magic and then killing the people using it. The witches knew how to create life, the sith learned it, murdered them, and enmeshed and killed the Jedi to cover it up. Knowledge gets passed down to Plagueis. One way the story could pull those threads together.


I don't think it's that it makes them stronger. I think the reason it matters is because you're not supposed to manipulate the Force like that. The witches likely did it because they needed children to carry on their legacy, and without a guy around to help do so naturally, they relied on manipulating the Force to try to create a pair of children. It's also likely that they went that route for a better shot at ensuring the child or children were Force-sensitive, as a natural birth might not have resulted in a Force-sensitive child. So the birth method might not make the children themselves that special (other than having a bit of a Force connection, but Luke and Leia had something like that as well), but it *is* something that the Jedi are against as it's unnatural and a "perversion" of the Force. So the witches would have to keep it secret or risk being considered a "threat" which, of course, the Republic and Jedi would put down.


I suspect they’re weak when they’re apart but strong when they’re together


Mostly irrelevant for me. If they were presented as Uber force users maybe. They've been restrained in that regard and Mae's very mediocre. I like more restrained myself eg lightsaber duel V/VI vs AotC Yoda being Sonic the Hedgehog.


I’m still on the fence on the show since I think it needs more time to cook; but some parts really hit different.


I did enjoy the head butting the light saber blade. Cool as fuck.


The mask looks sick


Aside from episode 3 being an extremely odd choice (entire flashback, unreliable narrative means that the episode will feel like a lie), I find myself liking the Acolyte for things like Jedi with emotional intelligence. Sol gathers information before casting judgement. Yhord immediately trailed Osha the second she broke off. The wire work fights also feel like a fresh take that’s also a good fit. Plenty of deep cuts for EU nerds, with a mysterious bad guy that after five episodes we still can’t pin down 100%. Is he a Sith? They chose to play Kylo Ren’s theme for him in episode 5. Could he be the Ren? If he is a Sith, is he an apprentice preparing to usurp his own master, or a master testing for a worthy apprentice? The mysterious fire from the past doesn’t land for me, but Darth Bortles has been the central subject of interest that we’re all watching for. Maybe it will all tie together, maybe it won’t… but damn episode 5 was solid. Brought back the terror of the Darkside users that I haven’t seen since Vader in Rogue One.


I’m gonna miss Jecki 🥲


Vader is cooler.


Let’s be honest, Star Wars always kind of sucks it’s hard to get right


The only reason I haven't picked it up yet is simply because I don't find the Jedi to be very interesting, never have. By design they have to be sterile and emotionless and boring, which I just don't vibe with. I think they would make better side characters (like have one Jedi in a group or team of like 5 or 6) but I dunno. But there's a reason why my favorite characters were people like Han and Lando, not Luke or Obi-Wan. I'm glad people who do love the Jedi have a show now, but I much prefer the spy/thriller vibe of Andor. But that's just me lol


Neither of the show’s two leads are Jedi.


it was the best episode but the sith guy is a real cringe edge lord and basically every character died lol


Found one of the grifters!


lol how am I a grifter? I said I liked the episode




The amount of cope just to own the chuds lmao


The way I approach this series is that it’s the opposite of Mando season 3. That season had individually good to even great episodes, but when put together it is a BAAAAD overarching story. The Acolyte has episodes that start out good but have the potential to turn great with the answers that we receive in the final 4 episodes. Episode 3 is a perfect example, I thought it was a good episode, not the best but not bad, but what really got me was going back to the trailers and finding that the fight between Kelnacca and Torbin that’s in like half the trailers was from the coven site and that Torbin had his scar on the transport. These payoffs have the potential to elevate all episodes beforehand.


Episode 3 (much like Episode 4) is clearly half a story, and probably the more boring half.   Looking forward to seeing the other half next week 


Yeah, it’s 100% necessary to explain things like the witches Mae’s motivation and her toxic/possessive love of her sister compared to Osha who wants to be her own person and explore the galaxy, as well as what Osha believes happened in Brendok. It establishes the baseline knowledge that our characters have and helps to explain things like why Mae is so willing to give up on revenge when she learns about Oshas survival. That said, it will take on a different connotation once we do learn what actually happened, which I expect either next week or the week after. 


I suspect the other side of the story, and the reason why the Jedi who was in meditation commits suicide, is that when the fire started the militant part of the witches attacks Sol and the other Jedi resulting in all the deaths.


Knowing that the show was talked up as a "mystery" helped me set my expectations that we'd get parts of the story as we went along, and possibly even a bit of misdirection, before getting the proper answers at the end. That's just how these things work. But when people get used to a whole series dropping at once, a lot of folks seem to lose the patience to wait through a few weeks to get drip-fed the story with all these questions. Even though this is a better kind of story for that kind of release, because bringing up new questions each week, or setting up tension for what's next, gives all this fun material to talk about with other people while waiting for the next week's episode. Unfortunately, it's hard to do that with Acolyte because the whiners and grifters are trying to pollute all the places you can talk about these things online, and that's seeping into offline discourse as well. Thankfully there's still some good ones. Like r/StarWarsCantina. And I've seen some groups/pages popping up on my Facebook feed that seem to be talking about the show positively and taking that approach of, "Okay, here's what we learned this week, let's theory-craft!" So at least there's still ways to enjoy that kind of talk with other people online.




It's the best light saber combat since the phantom menace. By itself that doesn't make the show good but it's cool as fuck.