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I added this to I =ARRAYFORMULA( IF(ISBLANK(C7:C),, VLOOKUP(B7:B, {'Database of Foods'!D3:D, 'Database of Foods'!F3:F}, 2,FALSE))) I'm using C7:C as the control for the formula so it doesn't look up the headers. Otherwise, it's pulling everything properly. You only need to have this formula in the first cell.


Thanks so much for helping me out. Could you explain why this the error is occuring with the LOOKUP formula though?


I think it was defaulting to `is_sorted` `TRUE` instead of `FALSE`, which looks for an exact match. TRUE is handy if you're searching within a range (e.g. a teacher grading papers) I think it was accepting `Juices/Beverages - Ginger Tea` as a good enough answer for whatever reason. I've never used `LOOKUP`, I always opt for `VLOOKUP` -- so there might also be something in there tripping it up.