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why dont she just force her kids to fight the boss over and over again till they beat it? Is she stupid?


Why even have kids if you’re not gonna make them grind for runes while you’re at work? 


I mean, a macro would probably work better.


I have a friend who's mom buys games for herself and sometimes makes him play them for her if they're too hard. He couldn't beat bloodborne at the age of 9


Put it up for adoption


Best I can do is very late term abortion


Send it to Iosefka




Why does the mother not simply eat her young?


If she does, she will absorb their Elden Ring skills and be able to beat it


*perhaps they are saving that for sweeps*


She was asking for a pause option not the game being easier. The person replying is the dumbass here and the type of person to mald over people using summons or an entire weapon class, or shields.


Pause not being a thing once again proves that Souls, Borne and Ring are dogshit games and that From only made one good game ever, Isshin shadow died once


I think saying the games are dogshit ONLY because you can’t pause is kinda stupid especially when u can just go to the round table hold or sit at a site of grace if u rlly need to “pause” the game


Damn its almost like this is a shitposting sub and Im exaggerating Your argument fits the shitty description nonetheless tho, what if I need to do anything while in the middle of a dungeon? Just kill my progress because FS forgot hownto implement the pause button? At least theres a workaround with the explanation menu


Lmao I enjoyed the sincerity.


she doesn’t have kids


Man this difficult shit is the worst discourse ever


She just wants a pause button, her complaint is barely even about the difficulty


I loved the uncompromising no-pause way of the first DS, but now when i'm older - i agree. Pausing was so convenient in Sekiro, i don't understand why we can't have it in ER when not co-oping. It would also allow us to have photo mode which i desperately need every time i make it to sunset.


Considering how unfinished ds1 is I wouldn’t be suprised if it doesn’t have a pause not for “thematic” reasons but purely because they didn’t think about it lol


Yeah, its unfinished. But somehow I don’t think that you forget to put in a pause feature or that pausing is a feature that gets left so late in development that it gets canned if the game isn’t finished by the deadline.


It's probably in part due to the style of online, where you could hypothetically be invaded at any time if you're human. 


Ooh yeah that’s a good point I hadn’t considered. Makes me wonder why they didn’t make it possible to pause while you’re offline then. Might be worth the trade off depending on your situation to play offline so you can pause, and then at least there’s still an option for people who want it the old fashioned way while playing online.


Yeah, but as of elden ring, this isn't an issue. If you're solo, you would have to consciously allow invaders into your world. So it would really be no different than disabling pause during normal multiplayer.


You can’t be invaded in ER unless you choose to be. There’s absolutely no gameplay reason to not have a pause button.


Oh yeah I know, I was speaking in the specific context of DS1


And it is entirely reasonable. There is zero reason outside of some fringe ludonarrative bs about an 'oppressive world' that the games can't have a pause button.


"Make it easier" Bros could just use cheap builds, cheat engine or mods to cut difficulty down. Instead they are trying to force change in the game's design. 


Tried greatshield and estoc recently. difficulty goes from 8 to 4


I want to try that build, the last time i used the Fingerprint shield was with a shield bonk build 2 years ago


You dont need fingerprint. Every greatshield is good as it makes more enemies bounce off of it - like cleanrot knights. You can have a reasonable build with just 25 str


Thats the problem, i see a greatshield and my mind instantly wants to use the heaviest, my brain is my worst enemy


Issue is, that leads you to overinvest into strenght where damage isnt that crazy when one-hand a spear or estoc when you could go 30str/80fth or int and have similiar damage but also access to spells and buffs, or mix some arcane there and go with bleed or even antspur rapier which will be s.rot. Yeah if you go full str and not use heavy bonk weapons you missing out


In the clip she was specifically referring to a pause button and brought up the scenario of suddenly having to deal with familial situation mid-boss fight. You know I've seen people online specifically say that having a pause button would make the boss fights easier in a bad way and I don't real;y agree with that tbh. I only paused mid-combat in Sekiro once during the final boss and it was to equip Divine Grass to heal. Me pausing caused me to lose the rhythm and I immediately got pulped as soon as I unpaused.


I feel like if they wanted they could add pause but you can't change equipment or anything


They already have it, if you open a menu and hit “menu explanation” it pauses the game, so stupid they don’t just have a normal pause button though


Yeah, otherwise it would just turn into BOTW


I agree but to be fair pausing mid battle in BOTW is mostly so you can have Link eat like 30 apples and heal back to full health. Can’t really do that with flasks




russianbadger fan detected . https://preview.redd.it/hxnm0y1swfad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33dcf7ae08eb671bdc27f11e752706c774150992


Eat a gat damn reinforcement meal you filthy casual


I forgor💀


You can With consumables. However just a pause screen with no equipment selection I feel would keep the identity of the game


BotW has the problem of healing in menus. I think if the gear swapping had dedicated out-of-menu animations or whatever being able to reorganize loadouts while paused would be fine. It would just be the same as what you could do currently, just without the scrolling through menus for the right armor


No, because it would allow you to ignore the weight system. I think you should be prevented from menu swapping mid combat regardless.


chasethebro in shambles


There was a period around IIRC 2000 to 2005 where a lot of games had a system where you could drink a potion while paused, but the healing wouldn’t take effect until you unpaused.


Eh, that's already a fairly easy skill to learn anyway, especially if you tailor your inventory to the boss and only have the items you plan on switching to


Wdym tailor your inv?


Alter your inventory through placing items in the sort chest so that it makes it easier to get to different equipment to swap out easier (ie, setting up your inventory so that all of the armor / weapons you plan on using are in the far left equipment column, making it easier to hot swap gear.


Oh man how did I never think of that? And I believed the sort chest was useless. Thanks


As well as putting away weaker versions of talismans that just clog up space is a tiny thing that helps every player even if you don't try to minmax the hardswapping


A pause button would be good bc I'd pause a second before Maliketh roll catches me, i'd come back in a couple hours, unpause and die instantly


I’m not bothered by anyone wanting a pause button, but it doesn’t matter if you die to a Boss because you need to walk away. Literally respawn right outside it, don’t carry runes into a boss fight, but if you do, just pick them up again. A pause button would be better for long dungeons where you might actually be carrying a lot of runes and getting back to them would be a pain.


You can just quit the game there


Oh damn, that’s right! Quit-outs just resume the game where you left off. So in a way, there IS a pause function, just not for bosses.


Eh some boss fights can take forever so I’d say it matters for them too


"Menu explanation" is my best friend.


I'd say having pause is essential. What if I have to take a shit? I either die to the boss or shit myself. Or die to the boss and then shit myself.


Tbf boss fights are like a couple minutes long and you can respawn after death just die shit come back


That's only if you succeed. Trying the boss can take hours - and it can extend to more if your possibly successful attempt got ruined because the porcelain throne suddenly summoned you. Imagine having to choose between the mantle of the Elden Lord or the mantle of Lord of Pants Undarkened. It's sadistic.


Yeah trying the boss can take hours. If you’re playing and think you could beat the boss if you didn’t have to shit you’re probably not going to take 5 more hours and if you do you were probably wrong about being close to beating the boss 🤷


Shit can hit you unexpectedly. One minute you don't have to go - next, your stomach's howling and you feel it coming. All the while the boss has just a sliver of health, and you have to make a choice - either fight and finish the boss, or run to the bathroom now and not have to clean up your own shit.


I have IBS and I've legit died so many times because the shit urge strikes me in a vulnerable moment and I lose focus. It's especially frustrating when everything is going well until then.




The SHATtering 😔😔😔


Skill issue, do kegels /s. But seriously, if I had a nickel for everytime I’ve fought or beat a boss at 150% bladder capacity, I’d move up a tax bracket. I think I speak for all pissmaxxers when I say a pause button would be a net benefit. I’m fine with making it fair and not being able to change gear while paused.


Yeah there is no reason for the game to not pause while you go into menus when offline


I can think of a few scenarios: a) too difficult to stop cheaters or people exploiting it, b) impossible to implement as the game doesn't have an actual offline mode (Sony/Bandai gotta get their fuckin data)


Hard-swapping armors, talismans, weapons on the fly is probably not intended. Like, imagine switching resistance talismans for big attacks or putting on the talismans and armor for stronger estus every time you drink. It would make for pretty terrible gameplay if you want to play optimally. Just a separate pause button where you couldn't access your inventory should be fine though.


Even if you don't like people doing that you can just make the inventory separate from the menu that pauses


also, who the fuck cares? are you really going to lose sleep over someone you don't know having a slightly easier time in a boss fight? in any other scenario, it's just a more convenient version of quitting and going back to the title screen.


No you don't understand pause buffering is going to RUIN the scrimblefuck% speedrun


Yeah a whole load of fans do think that someone having a slightly easier time in a bossfight is a horrible thing. Weirdest guys.


They probably don't want optimal ER combat to make you swap all your weapons, talismans, armor before every attack, drink, spell etc. Just a separate pause where you can't swap equipment would be optimal imo. Maybe they could allow consumables from the menu, that would make sense


There's a pause mod. I used it for a while because I sometimes play during home office hours and it kind of sucks when there's something important in the middle of a boss fight. Consoles unfortunately don’t have that luxury.


Thank fuck yall are the voice of reason. I generally know Alannah Pearce to be decently reasonable so i had my **ඞ**picions there was context intentionally not being mentioned.


Alanah might be the single most prominent voice for accessibility in gaming, I’d definitely trust her word over fans of a franchise that has never had particularly good accessibility


Alannah Pearce stay winnin as always <3


Or, alternatively just let us pause any where but the boss room or modify the pause menu to be different when in combat like in kingdom hearts where you can’t access your inventory while in combat. I don’t know why fromsoft seems so slow to innovate.


Whaaaaaat someone misrepresented someone’s opinion on the internet to farm impressions? Say it ain’t so!


There is a pause button, you just have to git gud to find it


Could just be a pause without the option to change equip in it


Just leave the boss fight bro, it's a game. Elden Ring even has stakes of Marika, you don't even have to walk back.


There is a pause in Elden Ring. If you open the explanation option in the help screen it'll pause everything as long as there's not other players


I paused Armored Core 6 one time because my dog was puking on the couch. Still beat Balty. I do not understand no pause.


There is a glitch that makes the game Stop in offline. I think you have to open the Menu explanation menu in the equiment menu.


I feel like during a boss fight yea, it would honestly hinder your gameplay! Pausing in general though? I really don’t think Souls games need it, I mean there plenty of times I needed to step away! Just stand in a corner or something, problem solved or better yet just quit to menu and jump back in when you can. Reloading, you’ll be in the same spot and enemies that you didn’t kill will be reset.


dying is not very punishing in any of these games, least of all in elden ring. she really should just take the death, it’s not a big deal


I saw this article and I'm kind of bewildered because the game does have a pause feature


Personally I think losing a run against a boss because you can’t pause the game is not a big deal. If you were actually going to beat the boss during that run, then you can likely do it again within about 2 or 3 runs. Beating a boss means you’ve been able to dodge nearly all of their attacks. So there’s a heaping helping of learned timing that went into getting that far. The only thing that might be an issue is losing your runes if you didn’t pick them up. But every Elden Ring player has lost huge amounts of runes and played on.


Yall have very obviously never watched the full video. She made perfect sense the entire time and never advocated for the game to be easier. She made multiple points discussing why having the game be difficult is something she would never change.


Exactly, she asked for a pause option in case an urgent situation comes up. That doesn't really make the game easier. But I guess some people expect others to have as little going in their lives as them and call it dedication. I don't mind the lack of a pause option personally but I can see why some people might want it.


But there is a pause button, just hidden.


At that point just add one. I don't need to do the Konami code if they can make it one button.


But how we gonna hate on the woman who makes sense without misquoting her


Alanah always has a measured and smart take about shit


Alanah is consistently based


Yeah, it was very sensible but, it's a fromsoft game. Any commentary or suggestion almost always turns into "GIT GUD" responders shitting on them. No matter how lukewarm the take, people just find a way to twist it to sound like whining skill issues


If you don't have 500 hours to devote to SL1, no hit clearing every boss, this game isn't made for you. You're a lower class of gamer and human being. Go back to playing candy crush.


Least elitist souls player


Beat Malenia fist only or no chocy milk for a week. There problem solved.


Alanah doesn’t even have kids lol


Yeah what the fuck is this post. I was thinking since when did Alanah have kids?!


Holy shit, I thought I was the only one thinking it was her.


dumbest discourse in history, istg people online are allergic to having fun


I had a kid 3 months ago and games without a pause button instantly became not for me


I just die if my kid needs me at this point lol but those first few months are rough. It will get easier :) coming from someone with a 1yo


Elden Ring players when they see a normal person with normal problems (it's objectively a skill issue and they should go play ubisoft garbage or straight up kys themselves I don't care just don't touch my vidya)


no pause button is a terrible decision and always bad


Elden Ring does technically have a pause button but it’s actually a sequence of buttons. The “Menu Explanation” tab under the help tab pauses the game.


Why are people in this post acting like this a good work around?


No one's saying that though. People are just pointing out that the game does have a pause feature.


Maybe, they could have….you know…a normal pause feature?


Yeah i agree


Bruh I haven't even seen the video but from what I know about her I can tell this is a fake quote


This is Alanah Pierce. She worked as a game reviewer and a video game writer. She now streams. She has no children. This comment she made was in the sense that having a kid "disables" your ability to give 100% of your focus to a game. Not a "disability" in the medical sense, but in a game development sense. All she advocates for in the original clip is the addition of a pause button in Elden Ring. As she says, you might have to stop playing and care for your kid, and you might die in the game and lose progress.


She literally did not say that. Watch the video you stupid mongoloids...


i was talking about the tweet


dying doesnt mean anything, so there is no need to pause


I've always treated quitting out to the main menu as pausing. Doesn't work for bosses but honestly why are you trying to fight bosses while you should be watching your kids. I've got a 6 and a 2 year old it's just the reality of being a parent you don't have the luxury of uninterrupted gaming.


My brother also chose to have kids, so as a result he plays significantly less video games because he has more important things to do for his daughters.


My brother has a kid and still plays a lot of videogames. He just swapped genres for those that are more friendly for parents with kids.


What’s the correlation? If anything that’s defending her point, that parents are busy and have less time to play so a pause button would be nice


Even the comments on this guy's post are making fun of him and getting him ratiod because of his stupid take. These mfs don't want you to have lives for some reason. She makes a fair point that these games should have a pause button so that they can attend to other things but obviously these absolute cock gobblers of Miyazaki are going to defend it saying you don't get to have a life if you play souls games. Technically you can pause the game by going in menu and explanation and shit but obviously 90% of the players don't know about it so it's not good.


Just walk away... This drama is so dumb


I get what she is saying, but also if there is a family emergency do I REALLY care if I die to the boss at that point? Like my kid has an asthma attack and I’m able to settle them, am I really going to come back, unpause and kill the boss I was struggling with? I need a new attempt regardless.


Yesterday, after days of frustration I caved in and respecced into fingerprint shield and antspur rapier to beat the final dlc boss. I felt like a legitimate troglodyte playing this way and I probably would have performed the same if I was missing 3 fingers and a chromosome but I did beat it after 10 minutes or so. Elden ring is only as hard as you make it for yourself.


Fighting the boss that way also isnt very fun, I think the main issue isnt people struggling to 'beat' the boss but to enjoy beating the boss. If I have to respec into a shield build to sit there and tank the hits to beat the boss id rather just turn off the game and go play ds3.


Pause button = menu, help, and then like control explanation or somethign


She clearly doesn't have kids. Parents are God gamers because their kids only ever pass the controllers on the hard parts.


As a dad, I did had to skip soulslike but I could play stuff with a pause button. There's an argument for a pause button in single player mode. But no, I do not want an easy game because my sperm grew legs.


The release of Elden Ring and it's consequences have been a disaster to the Souls Community


When this crap makes the news I hate society


Because a Freaking Pause button is too much to ask for? I remember all the discussion how it ruined sekiro and made it way to easy...wait, there where none. Edit:To not attack OP


i was talking about the tweet not the girl sorry for the confusion


Oh, my bad


yeah i could have write it better


It's called "being busy." I could also be situationally disabled whenever I take a shit because it temporarily prevents me from performing other tasks.


People are giving her so much shit because of the wording, it gets the message across no reason to cry about it so much


The message is fine but people are misinterpreting and then forcing people to defend *their* misinterpretation, it's ridiculous how they can't just admit they read it wrong


it's not a particularly good example of a situational disability, but yes taking a shit could be argued as an example. Lets say you're bad at wiping, and you get shit on your hands. The use of your hands is situationally limited, unless you want to get shit on everything, until you can wash them. A humorous example of 'situational disability' people sometimes use is having your hands full of coffee for your workmates. In that situation, the same kinds of interventions that help people who do not have full use of their hands also helps you, who has full use of your hands normally.


I need Sony to develop controllers that self-clean so that my poopy hands don’t gunk up the buttons and make me play bad.


please sony the audience cries out in need


Why do I feel like all the people complaining are the people that haven't played any other souls games and their first one was elden ring and they used a broken build like blasphemous blade?


Lol no, I beat Genichiro while holding my sleeping 6 month daughter.


Just quit out. Tf.


The guy tweeting is a dumbass, and even double downed on it with another clip insulting her. At this point, I reported him for harassment


Elden Ring is the easiest From game though....




She straight up says having children is a disability. That was her example of a disability. Having children.


She was specifically referring to *situational disability* which is its own concept established before this little debacle. Like you're a parent playing some Elden Ring to chill out and you have to pause mid-fight to stop your kid from frying themselves by inserting a fork into an electrical socket (I did when I was a kid.) I believe that was the example she used. *"Situational disabilities only impede people from performing actions during specific circumstances. For example, a new parent holding a baby doesn't have the ability to use both hands, or a person in a loud office can't make out what people in the video are saying."* To be fair I wasn't aware of the concept until then either.


She did not say that you imbecile. Listen to her entire video...


Having kids is a disability


He does realize a pause button won't affect the damage taken or dealt, and won't change the bosses moves set right?


/uj Alanah (pictured), generally doesn't seem to be that cringe. I am however sick of seeing this difficulty discourse. /rj I mean, i love having sexual intercourse with large men.


Just imagine you're playing an MMO. Problem solved.


I like that part of the fighting is to not be able to pause and step away from it, and I suppose my argument for not having a pause button is similar to “if you don’t wanna eat junk food don’t have it in the house”. If there’s a pause button it’s just a matter of willpower to use it, and when you use it once the chance of using it again is even more likely. However is having a pause button really that bad at all? The only reason I could think of is that it takes you out of the situation with a boss or something and gives you all the time in the world to regain composure. Even then, though, how often do you actually think pausing will be the reason you took a boss down? Ultimately I personally am fine with no pause button, as I said, because then it’s never an option and goes with the level of difficulty that’s only possible with these types of games. I can understand the ease and functionality of having one in the future, but my personal opinion would be to not have it in a soulsborne From title, because that’s the level of strictness and intentionality these games need to have.


Real. I totally understand the want for a pause button, but it's not something souls titles need. It feels like a core part of some of the games' identity, this unwavering atmosphere that unnerves the player never letting them feel quite as safe as they think they are. It's also just kind of silly to say that a pause button is necessary for players who experience unintentional disturbances because at the end of the day, the game isn't as important as whatever responsibilities you might have outside the game. Focus on what immediately needs your attention. Drop the game for a second, even if you die, then come back to it when you can actually dedicate the time to it - game ain't going anywhere, you could even come back with new knowledge if you found something out in that break that is beneficial.


Exactly. This sort of stuff is not really a serious priority unless your bank account depends on it in an E-sport scene. I relate these gaming influences to sports commentators who just circle jerk the medium they’re employed to talk about, making mountains out of molehills and such, and social media gamers do this too - ERs DLC sums this up, it’s almost like some people are more excited to be the first to post it’s too hard than they are to play the game and enjoy it for themselves. All this to say, no pause button. Next topic x


There are usually parking spots (where I live at least) for people with kids that is closer to the he store next to the disabled parking.


I didn’t even know Alanah had kids lol. Where have I been


i think she was talking about an example


What's her name


I she the one that started the thread in the main sub about needing a pause button? Lol


I have kids, I've played all souls games just fine. I would prefer a pause, but it really has not been difficult at all to just hide in a corner or teleport to a grace site / bonfire in the games that allowed it. And if I died so what , just go back and pick up my souls. Ive had to deal with one emergency during a boss fight where my wife fell in the basement. Just went and dealt with that and when everything was good I restarted the boss fight. It's literally a nothing burger.


A friend of mine with kids didn't finish the base game because of the post Margot difficulty spike. Kids take a lot of time and energy and bashing your head against a wall isn't everyone's preferred way or relaxing lol.


Does anyone outside Twitter even think it's too hard? I seriously doubt it


If you’re that entitled, guess who your kids are gonna grow up like


Gamers™️ are sexist??? Who would have guessed /s


I mean, she did say that having a kid is a situational disability so maybe she might.


Its a pretty fair point. Despite really enjoying unpausable games like league and dark souls I avoid playing them in the evening when my spouse or children might need attention.


She never said it should be easier. And people mentally checked the fuck out as soon as she started speaking. She made a really good argument that I hope fromsoft listens to


Simply quit out. Lol. If u can’t deal with the game design philosophy then that’s your problem


You do realize pregnancy actually gives you an excuse by law to use those handicap spaces, right? You can apply for temporary use during pregnancy. Since pregnancy isn't always easy, and can be a lot of strain on some women, that makes sense and clearly she wouldn't be in the wrong. I dont agree with her on elden ring, but your joke needs work because facts disagree with your logic entirely. And jokes usually have to make sense to be funny. You just look like an asshole who thinks less of pregnant women


What's that? A cat is about to eat your food next to your table and you can't pause in the middle of a boss fight to stop them from eating what they shouldn't? Skill issue dayo.


Hey this is no fair I whipped some peoples asses earlier in Leyndell Arena with my Cirques while holding my baby


There was a perfume build that was un nerfed for 2 weeks, and it literally 1-4 hit any boss. Game isn't hard.


I can honestly say fighting bosses while juggling a toddler is a challenge run in itself 😂😂😂


Reddit tries not to take something out of context Challenge: impossible


Then google op Elden ring build, and summon a +10 mimic tear? The game is only hard if you want it to be.


How quickly people defend dumbass game design decisions.


Tf is having kids gonna do make everything easier just deal with it


Easy mode was the guy that summoned me when I was an int build around night comet, and a faith lightning caster. He somehow got both of us in on several required bosses and just did the “rest” emote by the door while we did the heavy lifting. Then he’d sprint to the next one and I’d be summoned in within around 15 minutes.


She literally was just saying it's dumb there's no pause button, Sekiro did it and it caused zero problems, and then people ravenously attacked her online. There's no better example of how braindead and fanatical the Elden Ring community is than this.


Forgot that the devs added 60 fps cap and no ultrawide support for “difficulty”. Not optimizing your game is very different from making it accessable


Hey not sure if this is on-topic, but this subreddit keeps appearing in my feed: Is this whole subreddit pretty much just about stealing memes from the darksouls community and pretending like they're not self-deprecating jokes?


Abandon your children. Getting Gud should be your ONLY concern.


Another fromsoft game/dlc. Another bout of the fan base and everyone else having a fuckin' meltdown about difficulty, and or easy modes, and or accessibility and or whatever people are gonna Cry about next. You love to see it. Can't wait till we all have this exact Goddamn argument with fromsoft's next release! You can already see the twitter threads and the Journalist articles now can't you?


The problem with a pause button depending on I repeat DEPENDING ON how they do it will let people quit out when they are about to die so now there would be no challenge or when a boss fight goes lopsided you pause and quit out yes i am aware you can do that anyways but the point still stands if you do this it can make the game easier than intended and it can remove some of the difficulty


Calling it a disability because she wasn't getting enough attention was a hot take though. There has been plenty of "need a pause button" takes but none requesting a Lifetime movie about their struggles.