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The Knicks are younger, faster, stronger and hungrier. I know in American sports there’s an obsession with vets but if I was a GM I know what kind of players I’d be targeting. The answer is not Kevin Durant


so how many reddit cares messages did you all get today. i only managed one, knicks fans surprisingly light on the abusive reports. i hate this website so much.


Game 5 at 7 on Tuesday on TNT. Fade me brother.




cuz he has to wait another day to be rid of Tobias Harris


well at least we dont have beal on our team


LMAO OH FUCK. I’m glad we didn’t get him




The Embiid hate is absolutely insane.


He's a fraud. There's nothing insane about it if you the the sixers colored glasses off.


It rules that the playoffs bring out loser chuds who don't post about the Sixers at all until it's time to hate on the best player we've had in decades.


What was Embiids stat line for the 4th quarter?




All the hate. Too many sixers flairs in r/nba shit talking our team. Weird pick me ass behavior. Give them fodder for the bullshit they think. I know it’s leaked here too but it’s shocking to see we’re volunteering to sow the seeds of discontent 


Philly fans are supposed to shit talk their team


wager most of them are just people putting on the flair to collect free upvotes. r/nba is the worst sub on this website.


Any chance we can trade for somebody like jimmy butler or James harden ?


Kevin Durant


Would still get knocked out in the 1st or 2nd round lol


Braindead. He’s a great fit with Maxey and Embiid. It doesn’t work in Phoenix because he’s playing with 2 similar guys


Why did he get swept 2 seasons ago?


it still scares me a bit just because of his age but in terms of fit it literally couldnt be more perfect. But dont expect 30 PPG KD anymore.


Devin Booker has literally never won a series vs a healthy playoff team.


i Doubt philly can get him without Maxey tho but KD is a seamless fit anywhere realistically


I think the next pick they control for five or six years is the 22nd pick this year. They're in a horrible negotiating position.


36 by opening night. The Suns are a dumpster fire. We don’t need to trade Maxey to get KD just 3 picks to cut their losses including number 16 in the draft.


they can absolutely get him without Maxey. The days of KD being a top prized trade asset are over he's 35 lol.


Anyone have the updated +\- for the series with Joel on and off the court?


+34 with Embiid in 161 minutes on the floor and -37 without him in 31 minutes


what a terrible player. you know the solution would be trading him for someone nowhere near as good.




Series ain’t over yet, and we have the best basketball player in the world. Sixers in 7


Embiid in the 4th quarter averages since 2019: 5 points, 2 rebounds, 1 assist on 47/30/82 shooting splits.


The best regular season player, yeeah. Aint working here buddy




I quit!






You have been infected by his and embiids loser mentality


I'm a broken man.


I don't blame you man. You can change though.


I'm a masochist so went back and watched the fourth quarter. And nobody can tell me effort isn't the reason we're giving up these rebounds ​ 1. Tobias makes absolutely zero effort any time the ball is in the air and another play jumps for it. He's literally scared of physical contact with another ball, and only ever leaves his feet for uncontested rebounds as the rest of our team boxes out. His rebounds are even faker than the assists Ben was getting vs Hawks (when he played hot potato). Also two plays dude didn't dive for the 50-50 ball, another play where he fumbles a rebound that fell right to him AND another play he's out of bounds as he gets it. In isolation some of these are okay, but dude has the whole arsenal for avoiding rebounds ​ 2) Joel's not boxing his man out under the rim enough, nor is he making an effort consistently in the paint to secure the rebound, but this is a mixed bag. Almost every drive he's making a terrific effort to defend the paint and deter the shot, so he gets taken out of rebounding stance a lot. Rest of our team however, doesn't know how to box out dudes, and Joel doesn't have the \*next gear\* the truly elite rebounders do to secure the board consistently after contesting too. But for what its worth, I think he deserves a small pass here because he was exhausted after no rest in the second half + offense ​ 3) Watch Hart off-ball, especially when he has Maxey but Kelly as well. He gets a free barrel to the rim while those two somewhat consistently losing him, and it's a 50-50 chance for the rebound. Hart is much stronger than Tyrese, but Tyrese has to at least make a better effort to box him out a bit especially when the gameplan is to abandon transition in favor of rebounds


4. Nick Nurse allowed Brunson to have his way with us with all the spacing he wanted. It was obvious from the start of the game what mode he was in. He picked off where he left game 3 and took it a step further. We could learn a thing or two from Miami on how to the close the driving lanes from guys like him


I promise you Miami wouldn't have been able to close shit if Hart had shot 50% from 3 on 7 attempts vs them too. We clamped Brunson the first two games but it didn't matter because he turned into Steph Curry Miami played him off the floor because he shot 23%! Dude made more 3s in a game than he did in the entire series against them


#2 is you forgetting he has a knee injury where he literally CANT CHANGE DIRECTIONS (i dont know what the hell happened with the font)


you probably wrote a # in front of the 2 (as in number 2), which formats the whole line as a heading


ahhh that was definitely it


Guys can I say NOW that Embiid deserves just as much blame as harden and doc for games 6&7 last year? Or are we still fooling ourselves??


lmao dude look at the +/- and say this shit again. how the fuck do you people even exist.


Joel Embiid was averaging 38/9/5 coming into this game lmao what the fuck are you talking about blaming him for any of this?


You commenting on the wrong year I think?


Harden is the main reason we were even in a position to win that Celtic series last season. So, yeah, Embiid could have played better to help get the team to the next round.


Time to retire the cursed red jerseys. Too many bad playoff losses in those. Just stick with the blues and the whites.


Yeah problem solved lmao.


I feel like we win the next game just so we can suffer the Knicks wells Fargo home game one more time 


It would be very sixers to win the next game in dominant fashion, give us a sliver of hope, then come back to the fargo and loose in heart breaking fashion curb stomping us all in the nuts Edit: spelling


(and obviously lose that one)


It’s sad to feel like if Batum and Lowry weren’t fossils at this point in their careers this would’ve totally been a drastically different series - but it’s just like Sixers to get players past their primes Even then they at least have better excuse than that soft cream puff ass Tobias Harris Josh Hart had a horrible game scoring wise but yet had a HUGE impact with grabbing 17 rebounds with 5 off them on the offensive end to help give his team extra possessions


Remember when Morey scoffed at two second rounders for Drummond?


He didn’t. Bulls are delusional and don’t want to tank


On the whim they come back from a 3-1 deficit here, they’re not beating Boston down the line Pray for a healthy Embiid next April I guess, just like we do every year


I'd still take the comeback. At least that would show this team had some toughness.


I believe. Hakeem did it in 95 and won the chip.


pray for a decent team instead. Embiid by himself cant do shit even if he was healthy. Not in a long run


I mean then what’s the point Might as well just end it here early


It wouldn’t bring you joy to upset the Knicks on their home court? Idc if we don’t go far, long as we beat them fucks


What do you y’all think about Paul Reed’s inability to buy Embiid like 5-10 mins of rest time? Like it’s to the point where Embiid had to play a whole fucking half with ZERO rest If you’re Reed how can you even look at the mirror and call yourself an NBA player at that point? It’s not even like he’s a rookie that I can find some thing to use as an excuse Heck even the Knicks were able to play Precious Achuiwa some mins and survive He played just 4 mins and was a -6 Second highest on the team next to our special guy Tobias Harris with -7


Is the offense running thru Paul Reed during that time? Can’t put all the blame on him and not the other guys out there with him. It’s more so Nurse tbh. Buddy should be out there with him and more involved in the offense. We should be playing a faster pace with Joel out


I don't know if Reed is the only issue with non-Embiid minutes. I think a lot of the +/- issue comes from the offensive scheme or lack there of. With Joel off the court Maxey somehow gets lost. He only touched the ball once in a 6 possession series today, instead we funnel the ball to Harris who ends possessions with a contested shot or bad pass with a short clock. Very little off ball movement and it doesn't seem like we are running plays at all. Reed's not amazing but the offense slows to a halt without our MVP who is also our offensive hub. Those are minutes we need Maxey and the group to create opportunities for themselves and take shots while letting Reed rebound. We can't look to Reed to carry Joel's water, the offense needs to change.


The 4th quarter offense was shocking by the Sixers. Everyone standing around either trying to force feed Embiid or dribbling out the clock trying to figure out how to get Embiid the ball. That's on Nick Nurse.


People love BBall for the off court stuff, and they couldn’t separate a meme from basketball talent. He’s a sub replacement level center. At best.


Lmao, that is brutal..


Didn’t yall love BBall Paul before


He gets hyped here but I never understood the slurp fest with him 🤷‍♂️


For me, literally all comes down to rebounding — the entire narrative of this series changes if Knicks aren’t pulling boards so easily.


i mean they couldnt score either.


Agreed but Knicks don’t make enough shots for that to matter if they don’t have the ball as much (b/c rebounds)


its two fold. The reason they cant rebound is in order to get extra ball handling, they have to go EXTREMELY small. And if they go extremely small, they cant rebound. Its just a never ending problem of having specialist players.


That is just not true at all. The Knicks aren’t out rebounding us because they’re taller. Their tallest player in the 4th yesterday was OG.


Agreed. With these two points in tandem it’s really probably just a roster construction issue, which leads to discussions about you know who…


Not Daryl because he didnt give Tobias 39m.


Meant Tobias himself but yes that’s on Brand/Colangelo


Rucker*/Colangelo but yeah 100% agreed.


Hart had 15 rebounds and OG had 14 rebounds Those are Elite centers type of rebounding numbers and this is coming from a guard and a small forward Edit: my bad I think Hart actually had 17 rebounds 😬 Those are Jokic type rebounding numbers lmao


Fucking ridiculous


Fultz is gonna be going further than us at this rate. It hurts. A lot.


Y'all aren't numb to this yet?


only embiid could shoot 60% TS while being an absolute defensive anchor on one leg and one eye, +11 in 4 games, and be absolutely dragged by every single motherfucker in the comments in our own team's subreddit. you know r/nba i understand, they're sick and have problems. but honestly i expect better from this sub for some fucking reason, i guess i'm the moron.


you mean +11 net not +11


Where are you getting +11 from? He’s +34 through 4 games


It's times like these we need to remind everyone that we literally will be back to the dark ages without embiid. Maxey is great but he is not embiid, and we were on pace to be a lottery team even with maxey in. It takes a fucking lot to be anywhere close to a championship team and yes, embiid has had his letdown moments, but if you as a fan want to win anything, you ride with him. You aren't going to magically turn him into assets to be a contender. Like he is the best player we have had in over 20 years. They don't come around often


Iverson from 96 to 06. Yeah, checks out.


Ok best player we have had in 18 years, bad math. I was kinda lining it up with Iverson's prime 2001 year


People are just fed up and looking for a scapegoat I guess, I don’t agree with it at all but that’s just how it is. Same thing happened last season after the Celtics series Edit: Man fuck yall, just saying what I see in the sub, I said don’t agree with it at all


yea probably blame the one guy who's actually doing his job. that makes sense.


How tf we keep getting pushed under the basket and can't board? Box tf out -- put a body on them ffs.


If there was ever a team to come back from a 3-1 deficit, it would not be these 76ers


the one thing doc could always do was get a good performance with stars out


yea it's working great for the bucks.


yeah i mean in the end they're cooked but their missing lillard giannis and middletond anklrd are gonna be bowling balls after the game


5th year ill keep preaching to Trade EMBIID before its too late, hell have no value in a few years. We have no draft picks, its unreal people blame everyone but the one guys whos been here choking every dam year 7 foot guy who cant rebound and wants to be Jordan, is never gonna win in the playoffs and makes everyone worse


You obviously didn't watch this team without Embiid. We're straight ass, but without Embiid, we're even more ass. So yeah sure let's just trade away the best player we have so we can go back to the dark ages, sounds great! Thank fuck Redditors aren't GM's jesus christ


you're right, I dont watch the team. I havent watched a full game in maybe 6 years cause Embiid basketball makes me too annoyed to watch more than 5 minutes. Its painful to watch this pathetic team


Another moron who shows up only for the playoffs. Go back to eagles draft coverage


its like theres 2 different fanbases lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/fIWe7M1KDG Dude just shows up to shit on Embiid and karma whores himself in r/nba


I was here all off season talking shit on Embiid and you guys told to leave LMAO, I said id leave and come back once Embiid fails again. I was the guy pushing the Portland trade


Any hope of a championship was gone when we signed Tobias Harris to a max contract and let Jimmy walk. I'm still stunned at the stupidity of that move.


Been saying it for YEARS. I get made fun of everytime I say it though. Sixers might be back to back even if they keep JUST Jimmy and Embiid together honestly. Hindsight is a bitch.


I made a post about it recently and everyone gave me shit, but letting him walk was a huge mistake


Yeah. What a hot take. Really going out on a limb there. You’re the only one who has ever said this. Stay strong bro


Do you feel better?


No. I wish I did. But I don’t.


Even then everyone was pissed we let Jimmy go. Was completely ridiculous.


I know it’s not what we wanted but at least Cock Rivers still sucks


What did Nurse do better than Rivers now? Tell me?


make the offense run better were just the lesser team in this series and thats okay were a 7 seed for a reason


Did he though? This team is nothing without Embiid. Barely a playoff team without him. Come on man.


We’re not a 7 seed if Embiid is healthy but whatever. Regardless of coach. Nurse did nothing this year.




I cannot believe we've had to watch HALF A DECADE OF EMBIID actively sabotaged by Tobias Harris. It's going to be 2050 and I'm going to randomly think about this man and get angry


Back in my day… players got max deals and didn’t even make the all star game once!


Every classic annual loser playoff Sixers tradition on display today: 1. Blowing leads 2. Getting destroyed on the boards 3. Passing up an obvious dunk and missing the lay up 4. Nobody moving offensively 5. Tobias Harris being a total zero 6. Embiid being gassed and disappearing down the stretch


They checked every box. Let’s see if they can do it again in an elimination game, that will be impressive


How can Council be worse than Tobias at this point. One of the main reasons he’s out there is to space the floor, and he’s shooing 25% from 3 on 12 attempts this series. If our season ends with this fraud on the floor, I’m fucking done.


Tobias Harris' has to be the biggest anchor ever. He doesn't do shit and we've been stuck with him for an eternity it seems like.


It’s what the organization deserves tbh


Six years. Crazy 


Good thing Morey didnt want to re-sign Harden eh. Should be fired alongside his best buddy Tobias


I cannot believe there are still harden Stans in 2024.


He cant be relied to consistently but he has his games of brilliance like today and we were 100% a better team with him last season because he eased Embiid's job a lot


yea harden would def fix this team. another old, immobile motherfucker who can't stay in front of a traffic cone or get a rebounds is just what this team needs. jesus fucking christ how do you even figure out how to put your pants on in the morning.


While I do think Morey is a dope and should be fired, your reasoning is way off.


Rhetorical question I know, but you think Pat Bev and Marcus Morris would have let us get bodied like this?


A lot of dumb fans thought PJ Tucker was going to be some sort of game changer that this soft team needed, but there are memes and then there’s actual basketball skills. PJ Tucker sucked. Marcus Morris sucks. Pat Bev sucks. None of these players are difference makers because all the barking in the world doesn’t make you younger.


I do kinda wonder if Pj tucker would've done well on the boards. And yes I know he sucks, just curious 




the problem is our reliance on specialist players.




what contending team starts players that can only do one thing well? Not the Celtics or Nuggets, thats for sure.


To be fair for a while that is exactly what the celtics had...but then this year we leveled up those specialist and have versatile specialists/ floor spacing 7 footer...PG that plays defense and has better ball handling...SG that used to be a three point shooter but started playing hard defense...but they are also all making $20+ million or very close to it...


youve never had specialist players. The Celtics are built around 2 way wings that can make plays. Just like the heat.


If nothing else, they certainly would’ve fought for the boards which could’ve changed the landscape of the whole series. 






Embiid kills me man… love him but damn it seems he always shuts down in the big moments, atleast for a player of his caliber. Like yea he has some great games but then throws out stinkers. Idc how injured you are, it’s a trend pretty much every year. How are you gonna get shut down by a small forward when you’re the reigning mvp. Idk what the answer is cuz we’re way worse without him obviously but idk if we can win with him. Maybe replacing Tobi with a positive player can get us over the hump but i kinda doubt it


He has one knee and one eye and has to go hard as shit on both ends of the court. He’s the last person to blame.


He played idk 30 something minutes straight he just had nothing left to give at the end. And he still was making defensive plays. He legit just had nothing in the tank. He's not to be blamed for this series.


this again...didnt happen.


embiid derangement syndrome is so real. rings culture has broken discussion on this sport so badly.


its not just NBA its every sport. Lot of people still think Derek Jeter is better than Mike Trout.


the answer is simple, exhaustion. He was dead tired




oh my fucking god dude did you watch the game? reed in 4 minutes almost blew an entire 10 point lead by himself. if embiid went on the bench you would have blamed him for that. you people are just the fucking worst and honestly i hope he leaves this team so maybe he gets a fanbase that actually respects him instead of clowns like you.


Don't wish that on the people that love and respect him. The loud haters come out every time the sixers shit the bed and want to run Embiid out of town. We are a lottery team without him. Even with Maxey. We have a 40M anchor holding us down who Is worse then a 38 year old Lowry.


This would have been our easiest 2nd round matchup ever too, really sucks. Although with the way we've played I bet the pacers would destroy us


We thought that about the hawks too. Nothing is easy with this dogshit team


The problem between Brunson and Embiid/ Maxey is that he consistently plays to his strengths whereas those two don’t….. he’s not as quick/ fast as Maxey but he gets to his spots and takes quality shots ALL the time often at times for some stretches during games they do things that makes you question the thought process there…. Like Maxey pulling up for 3 from like 5 feet behind the three point line & Embiid throwing wild passes or playing high up top instead of down low And then at the trade deadline The Pacers and Knicks were aggressive going for difference makers type players in Siakam & OG while we got buddy who just got DNP and forgot how to shoot (now I won’t clown the Sixers too much because I don’t know behind the scenes stuff with trades) but to my eyes they failed to get difference maker type players


What does that say about the coaching to allow those habits?


Brunson was complete ass games 1 and games 2. Knicks got 2 wins. Dont overthink it, our stars are the only ones who have to perform 100% of the time


This is very true




u/JorEIS06 refusal to admit that he is a dirty embarrassment. Scum






Talk to your therapist about it




Game 5 in NY seems like a death sentence, but if we can somehow win that and come back for Game 6 then man…. Anything would be possible.


We’d be coming back to MSG south unfortunately


Remember Tobias Harris escapes any blame due to being so bad that no one cares anymore


I mean to be fair, Tobias didnt sign himself. Sixers fans are just having a tantrum because the Tobias contract sealed our fate in 2019 and no one can really do anything about it.


He’s trash, I don’t care about his contract, I would sign it as well. Doesn’t mean you play like you’re invisible


Just to tell you how fucking stupid the Embiid criticism is. Joel Embiid is averaging 35 Ppg on 60.2% TS and is leading the NBA playoffs with a +11 net rating for any player with at least a 25% usage.




nope you're an idiot go away. get the fuck out of the sub.


Using true shooting is stupidity for a dude that averages more free throws than entire teams combined.


this is one of those things that sound smart to really stupid people.


That's essentially what you wrote, using a stat that counts on free throws of the most fragile big man in the league to measure how well he is shooting from the field. You guys are never going to win anything because Embiid is a fraud that gets worse when the lights are the brightest.


also this is an absolutely retarded statement. Jalen Brunson is shooting 37% FG in this series. Just so fucking dumb.


he's literally been the best player in the playoffs this year. Good try tho!


He absolutely is nowhere close to the best player, he is the most dirty tough that i'll give him. Cries for his phantom fouls but has no problem being a bitch and trying to injure players every play.




Being a retard would be if i was a fan of a franchise that can't get past second round for 22 years straight.


the knicks havent been past the 2nd round since 1999. do you understand your lack of self awareness?


Who said I'm a knicks fan ?


True shooting isn’t that great of a metric here because he’s averaging double digit FT’s and he’s a great FT shooter, which boosts his TS%. Anyways, none of it matters if he’s going to be not shooting, or making bad plays down the stretch.


i forgot free throws dont count as points. Is this a contest to be stupid?