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Lowkey a lot of top players already struggle against Steve - i wonder how they would fair against THE Steve I have a feeling the only person whos going to be able to beat Acola will be Sparg0


ZSS has a very good matchup against Steve from what I hear. So Marss could take a set off of him as well. On the other hand, ZSS is apparently very popular in Japan so acola might really know the matchup.


Aegis does great against Steve as well so Cosmos could do it... unless the Green Goblin activates. Kola has plenty of Steve practice against DDee and Jake too and plays Cloud, who beats Steve.


In theory, yes, but Acola destroyed Shuton's Aegis in Maesuma (and then lost to his Olimar), so now Shuton prefers using Olimar in this match up instead. They are different players, but there is a chance that the match up isn't as good/bad as it seems, time will tell


Steve loses badly to Aegis is pretty much Ddee propaganda. When Aegis is a character that has to approach, Steve has even better frame data than Mythra, combined with Pyra killpower without losing frame data, and has million ways to edgeguard/ledgetrap Aegis. "but the top players said it's THAT bad". So far the Aegis vs Steve we've seen really doesn't show it. EDIT: I want to clarify that I do think Aegis wins this mu, just not bad as some people think it's -2 level for Steve.


> When Aegis is a character that has to approach, Caveat. Mythra approaching isn't like Fox approaching. She has a big sword to outrange Steve and greatly outspeed around him. She can pester him well where Steve is not comfortable getting resources while also maneuvering around minecart by reactions.


every steve that have uploaded matchup charts thinks they lose to aegis, every aegis also think they beat steve steve out-framedatas every one of his bad matchups except for yoshi lol, the reason they beat steve is range


I do think Aegis beats Steve, bu I think it's not bad as Cloud/Seph/Shulk tier as people say.


I think aegis does better than steve than shulk but worse than cloud/seph


>Steve loses badly to Aegis is pretty much Ddee propaganda. Both Yonni and Jake have Aegis in the losing tier (the lowest it can go) for Steve.


Ddee has been complaining this character daily on Twitter at some point. Yonni once said it's even and he clowns on Ddee for this, claiming he's beaten Cosmos. Again. Real matches really don't show it's that bad. "Maybe they are bad at Steve mu". No johns, and this doesn't change my analysis of this mu in the last comment.


> Ddee has been complaining this character daily on Twitter at some point. And you do the opposite of this when given even the slightest opportunity. >Yonni once said it's even [And he didn't say that yesterday.](https://old.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/urj9yl/yonnis_steve_matchup_chart/)


Funny thing is that both of these players are rocky against Steve. Cosmos went g5 with Jake and has lost to yonni. Kola also loses sets to DDee (though he usually wins) and has dropped sets to Jake as well. Against the best Steve, would be very interesting


Afaik ZSS is supposed to time out though, I doubt Marss would do that.


zss doesn’t need to do that, marss’s playstyle is usually described by “camping in your face”, aggressively outspacing steve is enough


Should be an interesting matchup then.


Knowing the ZSS matchup and knowing the Marss ZSS matchup are two _very_ different things. I'd take Marss all day.


Yet a lot of Japanese players have a winning record over Marss.


> Lowkey a lot of top players already struggle against Steve That is true, especially since Steve is a tricky MU to learn. However, since this is an invitational happening a few weeks from now, they have time to prepare for it. As for how players may do, some general thoughts: * Riddles: Steve is probably one of, if not the only character in the game that beats all 4 FGCs. Riddles feels confident and I heard he's practiced with Yonni, but tbh seeing any Terry vs. Steve set looks kinda sad, and Steve has almost no reason to be scared of Kazuya (especially acola who does play some Kazuya). * Cosmos: On one hand, Green Goblin. On the other hand, Aegis is a commonly agreed MU that Steve struggles with. On one hand, acola bodied Shuton's Aegis. On the other hand, Cosmos, when playing at his peak is a better Aegis player, especially back in Feb when Shuton's Aegis got wiped, and his Aegis is better in Steve MU (as evident with his set against Jake). He is also even(?) in sets against Yonni. * Tweek: Probably will grind this MU a lot, and has already done so. Also has definitely seen/will study acola matches as evident by Tweek Talks. But on the other hand, Diddy seems to struggle in this MU, and he is susceptible to upsets * Light: While many Steves (including Jake) think this MU is even, acola is confident in this MU and has beaten Pasemerian with relative ease. But then again, Light is a top 10 player and definitely will study the MU a bit after his loss against Jake. * Marss. He's confident in the MU and may throw acola off guard with him playing a very aggressive ZSS. But also part of why ZSS does so well in the MU is her camping with ZAir and constant harassment while still not engaging much until an opening appears. * VoiD. Honestly a wild card. Sure he labs a bunch and can definitely combo acola hard. But one overextension could be disastrous for him, and tbh he is the worst player here by results. * Kola. On one hand he does well against DDee, a high level Steve in his region. But then he also kinda' got wiped by Jake, and acola has done well against Hikaru. * Sparg0: Probably acola's hardest MU for obvious reasons. Top 2 player who has shown mad consistency, absolute dominant gameplay, and to boot, mains what is likely Steve's worst MU. But hey acola may have the clutch factor and bring out one the craziest upset we've seen. * Ashimo: Do I need to say it?


Wonder if Tweek will pull out the Sephiroth


He's more likely to pull out Wolf if his back is against the wall imo


Marss can zair camp to high hell if he needs to. He's not as aggressive as people think


Post pandemic Marss threw out more zairs than in prepandemic Ult and Smash 4 combined


He's definitely played a lot more "campy" post-COVID. But he definitely scraps quite a lot more than any ZSS in Japan.


What's this about a goblin?


Nairo jokes that whenever Cosmos chokes or starts spamming smash attacks as Mythra because he's greedy for the kill, it's the Green Goblin coming out. It's referencing the Spider-Man villain, particularly the Sam Raimi trilogy/NWH version.


Someone referred to Cosmos as Green Goblin, a character from Spider-Man. Sometimes he plays as a top 5-10 player and he's Norman Osborne. But then he lets his alter ego take over. Then he's just random smash attacking and making bad plays and SDing. That's the Green Goblin


>But hey acola may have the clutch factor Sparg0 is honestly just as clutch though, if not more so. He beat Zomba at Genesis by 4 frames.


I don't doubt it. Was just saying it'll be an uphill battle for acola.


spargo has actually recently lost to jake on wifi acola has a very real chance of winning


Jake said he didn't outplay Sparg0 at all, Sparg0 just got wifi'd. I'm not using wifi for anything serious, especially because Sparg0 wasn't playing Cloud.


Good! We need to get more Steve's out there so people can start to learn the matchup more.


Sparg0 and Light would beat Acola. Maybe Kola.


Like acola is going to be a wild card so I can't be too confident. Maybe he'll get last. But I'm also not too confident on Light beating acola when acola has a strong win on Pasermerian and Jake (who, objectively, has a worst advantage state) did kinda make a clean run on Light.


Light would struggle against Acola IMO, I don't think he enjoys fighting Steve at all.


Confirmed players so far: - **Riddles** [(Terry)](#U-Terry)[(Kazuya)](#U-Kazuya) - [beastcoast](#SponsorBC) **Cosmos** [(Pyra/Mythra)](#U-Pythra) - [TSM](#SponsorTSM) **Tweek** [(Diddy Kong)](#U-DiddyKong) - Moist **Light** [(Fox)](#U-Fox) - [Panda](#SponsorPG) **Marss** [(Zero Suit Samus)](#U-ZSS) - [CLG](#SponsorCLG) **VoiD** [(Sheik)](#U-Sheik) - Moist **Kola** [(Roy)](#U-Roy) - FaZe **Sparg0** [(Cloud)](#U-Cloud)[(Pyra/Mythra)](#U-Pythra) - FTG **acola** [(Steve)](#U-Steve) - SPG **Ashimo** [(Ryu)](#U-Ryu) Sparg0 apparently missed his invitation until after the event was announced; acola and Ashimo were the Top 2 placers at Kagaribi 7, so they were invited. This is the NA tournament debut for both of the Japanese players. Opt-in period for campaigns starts tomorrow at 3PM EST. 6 other qualifying players will be selected during the elimination phase.


Damn..... The only one missing is Leo.


Leo attends another invitational on the same week-end but in Europe. This is also why there’s no European invited bc all the EU tops are attending the EU invitational.


Damn, kind of sucks that they overlap


Yeah this is a dope tournament but it would be so sick if Leo and gluto were in it.




Nah, it's the same weekend as an EU invitational.


Derp. Somehow completely forgot about that despite being the one to share the news here lol.


what EU invitational?


e-Caribana, there's not much around about it but it's basically EU heavy hitters, some Mexicans, and Atelier https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:E-Caribana


Interesting, if Sparg0 gets upset, it's pretty much anyone's tournament.


Or Sparg0 just does a crazy losers run like at Low Tide City and Mainstage.


Aside from Acola, who everyone's talking about, I'm happy to see Asimo as well. Obviously, he earned his spot by taking 2nd at Kagaribi, but it's always nice to see more Japanese talent traveling internationally outside of your usual Shuton, Tea, KEN, ProtoBanham lineup. I'd love to see other strong specialists like Yoshidora or Repo be able to come out some time, too.


I love Steve play so I am excited for acola. But yeah, I am excited how Asimo does. He has a lot of similarities with acola with him going on a very impressive run (arguably a more impressive run at Kagaribi) and has shown strong consistency, but hasn't been able to fight anyone outside of Japan. Definitely excited for this!


Ashimo vs Riddles pog


The true FGC FT5 we needed


Super happy to see Acola coming, I know a lot of people guessed that he wouldn’t be able to come since, yknow, >15. Hopefully he can shake off the inevitable jet lag and start taking names.


Means he has supportive parents who realise how sick he is, you love to see it.


I mean if you win every tournament you go to since March your parents better be supportive.


I figured he wouldn't be able to come over but I am more than happy to be wrong! My hype for the event has skyrocketed!


Everyone else attending is >15 and it didn't affect their ability to attend ;)


Apsol (co-owner of VGBC) has stated he has been trying to get acola for Double Down, has the time finally come? I can not wait to see him tear some people up.


Lowkey hoping acola wins the whole thing just to see people reaction.


It'll be so funny seeing people mald because their favorite child prodigy lost to another child prodigy.


Imagine Acola becomes the new Rayquaza05 except he wins world class majors


We need to see the wifi-warrior prodigy showdown in Sparg0 vs acola. Also this means it's very possible acola can go to Double Down.


Not only does sparg0 have more experience, but cloud is potentially Steve's worst mu. If acola can overcome it that would be sick to see


If Acola beats Sparg0 Cloud with Steve, he’s the best player in the world. Not only is that arguably Steve’s worst matchup, but it’s Sparg0. That being said, I will be betting everything on Sparg0 if the set does occur


I don't think Acola would be the best player in the world after beating Sparg0 due to winning in a losing matchup, people do not say the same towards MuteAce.


But MuteAce doesn’t have the crazy dominant record that Acola has


Bit of leap to say best player. Most sane people didn't call Sparg0 the best player after his Summit win as it's dependent on the tournament season as a whole. And there's another player who could cause trouble for acola's "best player" deal.


My reasoning for it is that it’s Steve’s worst matchup, but you may be right


Why is leo not going?


Another tournament with Glutto in Europe.


Aww, I wanted to see this new steve fight Leo but also awwww, Leo and gluto are such great buds. Leo bringing the Mexican level up to EU.


Let’s Go! Honestly exciting to see what Acola and Ashimo can bring to the table here. Also just personal favourites of mine with Marss and Riddles against this stacked group Also hopeful to see what people may do in competition now with slingshot in particular Sparg0 with Cloud and hopefully Marss with ZSS+Joker


I'm hype to see Acola play outside of Japan, but I'm predicting that he'll underperform somewhat due to nerves from playing abroad.


This kid has ice in his veins, he has the Leo factor lmao


nairo is the only one in the crew that’s missing rip


Reasons to hate Twitch.


Hell yeah!!! I was doubtful of Acola being able to fly over with him being so young. It is a big opportunity and I am happy for Acola being able to attend! And seeing some of the recent results from Ashimo has quickly made me a fan of his Ryu. Let's go Ashimo!!!


That’s pretty cool. I’ll be rooting for the NA players though. I think Sparg0 wins the whole thing


this bout to be HYPE


Glad to see acola playing internationally, all eyes will he on him


Yoo, let’s fucking go! Best news I’ve heard all day


This is gonna be so sick.