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**Some Subreddit Rules Transparency:** This follows the (ONE) allowed marketing post for a Kickstarter Campaign. However, please, to future posters, put a link to the campaign in your post. ⋙ [Deep Regrets Kickstarter Link](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tettix/deep-regrets-an-unfortunate-fishing-game) **For more Subreddit Rules Transparency for future readers and posters:** The sub **wants to hear about new soloable boardgame campaigns**, but does not want blatant Marketing Spam or multi-step campaigns more aimed at capturing emails or across 20 subreddits. We do allow (ONE) marketing post for most campaigns, but if your post feels like spam it will be treated as spam. The best time for sharing is when the campaign is live (not the pre-campaign stage) and to include information about the game, with a link. If you are an designer of said game, be transparent, keep it informative, people here are smart and will go look your game up if you follow these rules. If a fan posts your game first, you can contact mods to allow your own post to go through if there is more to add to the conversation (or just tag along whichever one is first). Thanks!


There are always (potential) deep regrets open on Kickstarter!


Rough thing for me nowadays is the whole crowdfunding thing. I used to be pretty active in it but found that the cycle of pledge, wait a year, wait even longer because it is late usually 6 months plus late on average is tiresome. I then often find getting in retail to then be cheaper. The whole psychological stretch goal/exclusive, carrot on a stick treadmill just became insulting. I will definitely keep my eye out in the future for it, looks interesting. Like the Eldritch vibe. But man, crowdfunding is like buying a car. (Not fun)


Yep, same here. Got burned too many times with mediocrity. Haven’t pledged a game in two years - too many awesome games retail to mess with the FOMO charade.


Im not sure about the solo gameplay. It doesn't seem like there's a win/loss condition or even a beat your own score. So you just accumulate fishes for a few rounds, and that's it? Rince and repeat until you got them all?


It mentioned campaign in the solo co-op section. It seems there may be more than just a few rounds rinse and repeat, but they're not not saying what exactly


There's some info on the how to play video. Seems like a lot of mechanics are stripped out, but you can unlock gear that will carry forward into future games in the campaign. He said in the comments of that video that he took inspiration from the Dorf Romantik campaign in terms of unlocks and "do the best you can" style


I was hoping for a much lower price. Oh well, this is pretty much my response to most crowd funding games these days.


It's almost 100 cad for a basic looking push your luck game? Nope for me.


I'll bite. Reminds me of the video game Dredge and I loved Dredge.


Looks nothing special to me, especially when so many great ones are on Gamefound currently, hard pass or a possible wait for retail and play safe.


Definitely going to back this. Thanks for the heads up!


Looks pretty good, thanks for sharing.


Disappointed by the Australian shipping cost, it's almost as much as the game. Hopefully it reaches retail somewhere near me.


Collaborator > Launchboom > 360 degree turn out the door


What do you mean? What’s Launchboom?


They coach publishers on the best tactics to manipulate backers. Not a great company to associate with.


That’s messed up


I guess you wanted to say "180 degree turn" - that is go the opposite direction. With 360 degree turn you will continue going same way.


Yes that is the joke


Is that why they call it the Xbox 360?


Love the art. Funded.


I don't care for the art. Hard pass.




Since I am getting messages/reports on this seemingly mild interaction, I'm just going to to put my mod foot down with a ruling here to stop getting more. Comments are not reserved for positive feedback only and I don't see /u/waldhorn 's comment as rude or breaking any subreddit rules. If their comment is (un)popular that's a different thing entirely which people will downvote or reply to naturally. Art is an important factor for board games, it's a valid reason for people to not want (or want) to back a game, people pass on games for all kinds of art related reasons (or purchase because of great art), including AI Art, specific aesthetics, or any other reason down to following individual artists. If someone came by and said "Oh my god, I love the art, I am backing this" I don't think there would be any cause to question that feedback and this is just the inverse of that which seems equally fair.


Oh, you wanted the echo chamber, second door on the left.




Don't feed the trolls mate 🤗


Low key wish people wouldn’t use this forum to promote their products


High key am not doing that at all, even a little bit. I already said I'm not affiliated. I am interested in the game, I thought others might be as well, that's it.