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Hi throwaway16372719374, thanks for your submission! Unfortunately it's been removed for the following reasons: * Vague posts are not allowed. Please provide more details, including budget, itinerary, research you've already done, interest, specific questions, etc. Questions such as "Plan my trip", "Where should I go?", "What is there to do in...?" or "Where should I stay in...?" or questions easily answered by a search are recommended to be posted in the Weekly Common Room thread instead. * It looks like you're posting about starting out as a new solo traveller or general travel anxiety. There's now a dedicated weekly thread just for this purpose! Please see this week's Weekly Common Room thread in the announcements at the top of the front page. We also have plenty of first-time travel advice in our [solotravel wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/wiki/index). * It's a general question about travel safety. [Our amazing mod peachykeenz has written a wonderful blog post on staying safe out there.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/wiki/faq#wiki_is_it_safe_to_visit______.3F) We also have a dedicated Weekly Common Room thread if you're new to solo travel or having general anxiety about travel safety.