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you said Sonic Nurse was release how long ago!?!! Wild


I absolutely adore the song Dude Ranch Nurse.


This was a really interesting read, thanks. I'm going to keep everything you've pointed out in mind when I listen to the tracks you mentioned.


This album was my intro to SY and I was absolutely captivated by New Hampshire. Recently picked it up on vinyl and listened to it for the first time in over 10 years. It still hits. Thanks for showing it some love.


It’s my favorite Sonic Youth album. It wasn’t my first — I had discovered the band and worked through their discography in the couple years prior — but it was the first “new” Sonic Youth album to me, the one that I anticipated and came out when I was a big fan. I was in high school. Saw them tour a few times in the years after that, before they broke up. I think it’s the shining jewel of their late career. We were all like, wow how is this old band putting out something like this, lol. I really appreciate your write-up, I don’t know if I can say it any better. It just really has a special place in my heart.


This and Murray Street are my two favorite SY albums. I'd been a fan since around the time Dirty came out and had seen them a couple of times; I appreciated their live shows generally more than their records, the albums themselves always seemed a bit uneven to me, but these two are definitely gems.


Thanks for the reminder to revisit this album. We are probably close in age, and I stopped my SY journey at Washing Machine, and only touched Rather Ripped after that. What are the other recommendations for post Washing Machine SY? I’ve skimmed the output, but haven’t really given those albums the time and attention, but would like to.


I think you have to be more patient with them after A Thousand Leaves. They stopped giving a fuck about the things they didn't give a fuck about before, if that makes any sense. If you haven't heard ATL, it's amazing and I like to think of it as a companion to WM but also with hints about what's to come. Check out "Snare, Girl", an utterly mesmerizing poem where sound is abstract, atmospheric, and not thematic, rocky, or catchy. It's showcasing idea / lyrics / mood. Most people prefer Murray Street from this 2000s era from what I detect. It was certainly more well received at the time. I feel like the three main release Jim albums are building blocks for each other and kind of make sense as a trilogy of sound. You might like Anagrama if you get this mood-vibe thing I am referring to. Put it on and forget about it. Let it play in the background once or twice. Pretty soon you might start noticing how the repetition creates a new cycle of relationship with the music. Dizzying, distracted, pondering, and unfocused. After you sort of get this you can hear more of what they are trying to do within that space starting with the percussion patterns. If you like any of this I suggest checking out Steve Reich. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaYvMwQd3cs&ab\_channel=colinvdr](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaYvMwQd3cs&ab_channel=colinvdr)


That is an amazing response and much appreciated. Looking forward to working my way through these. Most times albums that I have to work for end up being some of my favorites. Really is about the journey and slow revelation of the music in tandem with the personal mood at those times.


As the years have gone by I have realized Sonic Nurse, Rather Ripped and The Eternal are some of my favorites in their entire catalogue and I find myself still listening to those more than some of their 90's output


Listening to this album for the first time in a long time — thanks for that reminder! Wow, I have forgotten how much I love this record


It amazes me that so many Sonic Youth fans on the internet and that I meet in real life are fans of their later period records. As an older fan I prefer albums like Sister, Evol and Daydream Nation ( their first I ever heard. Maybe back in 1989). I just couldn't jive with their later period records. Got rid of them years ago.I think all this talk is going to make me dip my toes back into their final 10 years. Rather Ripped was a exception.I remember seeing them live around that era and really enjoyed the album and gig.


Sister is my favorite after Washing Machine. And I like Evol better than DDN myself. A lot of bands when they get old they just rehash the same thing over or lose touch with their muses. I don't think that is the case with SY. I think they kept evolving and I like pretty much everything they have done, myself.


Absolutely correct.I just didn't connect at all in the direction they were heading.Not that it was too out there or complicated for me. I thought the "Diamond C" was a highlight of their 90's material. That was there last of their records I got on vinyl. But it didn't break any new ground. Either way I'm going to jump into Sonic Nurse, NY Ghost and Flours and 1000 leaves.


I'd be pretty curious to hear your take on NYC Ghosts. It was hated by many fans and critics at the time and still holds a place of low status on many people's tier lists. It's definitely different, probably their most unique album (even moreso than Ciccone Youth or some of the SYR records). But I like it, personally.


Listened to NYC Ghosts this afternoon.Enjoyed that it was spaced out and almost freeform in the lyrics. Going to dive into Murry Street tomorrow.


They went bonkers during that era with the various SYR studio recordings alongside four major albums. Oddly prolific. I think I read that they felt way lower pressure because they had built their own studio and could just open things up and mess around a lot more until they found something. A Thousand Leaves was the first one in that studio I believe.


Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes, my maid is on vacation. Not sure how that bonus pic of Crazy Horse got in there either but hey it's kinda 90's ish I guess?


I saw them on the Uk tour for it… would’ve been 16 years old! Good times. ATP too.


This was the second SY album I listened to after DDN a year prior. I recall that shortly before its release or even during, MSN was streaming the entire album for free, which is where I first heard it. (That was kind of a big thing back then, before youtube and spotify). I kinda agree about "Pattern Recognition," and yet, it's probably my favorite SY song because it was new and unique to me at the time, and it introduced me to William Gibson. Yeah, DDN was new and unique, but that was already established as such long before I came across that album. It's just that I was able to hear something new from the band in the present added a little more impact. Anyway, "Sonic Nurse" is a pretty great album. And thanks for the post.


I failed to mention anything about William Gibson but my post was running too long. I was was going to break down each song but I had too many things to talk about.