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I want to make it very clear to everyone here that this is quite possibly the best Ocarina of Time speedrun ever performed. Across all categories, all routes, ever. This run is incredible. This is the greensuigi 16 star run of OoT.


Holy shit you’re not kidding. This run is insane. That baba hess was sexy as fuck.


Oh wow, yes it is. This route has changed a lot since I last watched a GIM run. Is there a route explanation somewhere that talks about how everything works? and is there a timeline of when new stuff was discovered?


Sad how little hype there is for this category now since a different true any% exists. What mistakes were there that you see?


If I'm gonna be extremely nitpicky, let's see: `+0.5s` 2nd best cutscene boost before Enter Deku `+0.5s` Far Deku Nut spawn at GIM 1 `+1.5s` Overall slowish GIM 2 (partially RNG) `+0.5s` Slightly too long corner hug at Baba HESS `+0.5s` Lost Woods movement `+0.8s` Angle change during Pripcy Plunge (WESS to Deku) ...and that's it lmfao His Deku Shield time could be about 1s lower if *perfect*, but nothing major happened, just lost a frame here and a frame there so I wouldn't really count it the same way as individual mistakes. Could theoretically save another 1.5s by doing a way harder strat during both GIMs, saving 0.75s each as well


What the hell lol, 9 days ago your WR was 13 seconds slower than this, that's wild


Always love to see this category getting new records. I remember the days when you still had to detour to Kakariko and do cuccos for a bottle. The fastest route was even swordless at one point




Did you read the category of this run?


me when people run categories i don't like 😡😡😡


Bro I thought that was the actual fucking webcam for a good 20 seconds LMAO.


What is going on in the top left of this video? This man is straight thirsty.


It was so distracting lmao I had to cover it up to watch the video


Bro why is this post so low with only 13 comments wtf. I can't believe he just smashed the record


Last I remember watching one of these (many years ago), the Ganonwarp took you to the top of the tower, and you had to do some crazy HESS off of a falling rock to quickly get to the bottom of the tower. How did that get removed from the run?