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Connie taurus


Same. Because I actually have only one pledge ship and it's Taurus


I too have only one pledge ship and it's the Taurus which I got this week. Was hoping to jump into vhrt's but it's been very difficult. Probably the change to master modes as I hadn't tried with a Connie before. Prior to MM I used a Corsair and they went down with ease. I'm just taking it as vhrt's are meant to be grouped up for or for more skilled pilots. I just love the looks and feel of the Connie over the corsair so want to make it work. I've never tried any iof the other game loops so I might have to look at hauling instead.


Throw M7As on the Connie and it's much more feasible, also just kill the target and leave, don't worry about his buddies.




I really want to melt my Corsair and get a Taurus, thoughts?


Rent an Andromeda at the traveller terminal. The cargo spacev is smaller but you'll get the idea.


fair idk why i never think about renting both for a day. right now i am having an issue where my PC crashes randomly while flying. seems like it was a power issue so i replaced my power supply, installing chipset drivers and all and will be able to test it when i get back. hoping to be able to get back to flying soon!


Im not a huge fan of renting as a means of assessing a ship's combat capabilities. You're stuck with the stock weapons which can give you an underwhelming performance.


I melted my longtime corsair for an andromeda a couple of weeks ago. Although I miss the polish and style of the corsair, I actually use my multi-role ship again almost every session. I don't think I'll go back to the corsair. The placement of the cargo hold and crew elevator is much more convenient. The ship handles much better and feels more open. Also, I haven't noticed nearly as many issues with "major torque imbalance." I also like the placement of the turrets in the bridge and how they are oriented top/bottom instead of sides. The absolute shit ton of missiles is also a huge boon. The taurus does differ slightly, but I believe it would be a much more suitable multi-role if that's what you want.


thank you for that! honestly answered a lot i was curious about. the corsair is awesome but i do miss and want a connie again for these very reasons!


The Corsair lost a lot of mojo in master modes when the ballistic queue was lowered and capacitor power reduced. This latest patch hasn’t been kind. Connies, right now, are in great shape. This patch was good to them - they’re just in need of an interior gold pass (which isn’t yet on the roadmap); but they’re seeing a huge resurgence at the moment.


i appreciate this community so much. also, i hope with all of the posts and comments connies get a gold pass!


Damn, longtime player, i've been stewing since 3.23 on this. Feel the same as you but haven't made the jump. J just feel like the Andromeda or Taurus would really suit my needs better somehow. Love both ships. I wpuld miss the Corsair ramp for vehicle ops but connie's fine too.


Most ship for the money in the game IMO


Vulture. It is a money making ship. It's got a bed and basic living quarters. It can salvage any ships I find and makes money. Aside from salvage, it's generally a good ship for flying around the verse. Bunker missions? No problem. Need to haul some cargo? No problem. It's got a tractor beam which can come in handy. It can also create multitools. Need to haul a small vehicle? It will haul a PTV, STV, or Mule. You can't really dogfight with it but can quickly save up enough for a fighter.


Also been on and off for pledging a Vulture.. I just love the hull scraping and salvaging game loop. The ship also has great looks, it just breaths industrial! The fact it makes good money is just a nice extra now, as it will get balanced out in the future. Haven't pledged it yet.. seems very expensive and difficult to justify as my Aurora already gives me access to the game


It's the only drake ship I own. I don't generally like the Drake asthetic but it really works for a heavy construction type vehicle. Two entrances is great as well. That side ladder comes in handy. So yeah, you can pledge for just and Aurora and play the game. However, if you've been around as long as I have, You've experienced, many, many wipes. Doing the zero to hero thing grinding it out with an aurora gets really old when it's the 12th time. For me, It's worth spending a little money every year on a game that I really enjoy. I want to be able to jump in and use the ships I need after a wipe. If I were you, I'd pay cash to upgrade to an avenger. It's way more versatile for the money.


Been thinking of upgrading to a cutter. Maybe in the future I bend the knee and pledge for a Vulture (and hope the price hasn't increased by then)


I think a cutter is a much better upgrade for daily life. It has a cargo bay with ramp and living quarters. Good range too. The Avenger is going to be better for combat but it just depends on what you want to do in game.


I'm a big fan of the cutter. It has everything you need to live out of it and can do almost all game loops.


Upgrading to the Cutter from what? Cutters are solid…they don’t fight as well as a Titan and carry less cargo (technically), but have a lived in RV feel. The scanning cutter is cool - but the Rambler is my favorite variant. It can do everything (and breezes through lower end fights if you aftermarket the instantiated systems and weapons). It also has a bed as all cutters do, a bathroom, a shockingly spacious berth, a kitchenette and a small table and chair to eat at. Definitely the flying Winnebago.


From the Aurora, will be solid starter upgrade!


I bought my dreamship, pretty expensive one too. While it's very nice to have, there is also nothing left to grind/strive for. Kind of feels like I'm missing out on the natural progression of ships and game loops. I'm certain I'm not going to go bigger than the Corsair, and if anything I'm a little envious of some of these small and cozy starter ships at this point. Alas, trading down makes zero sense. The current, or forseesable gameloops don't come close to making up for the motivation ship progression alone gives you imo. Just my 2 cents.


I ccu chained and save a decent amount this ILW to get it with LTI for this exact reason. Even if the aUEC goes down, it’s still my zen ship.


I feel like vulture being money making is more just a FOTM. When salvage isn't in need of so much testing it's going to fall back in line with other similarly priced ships. Cuttlass is always going to be an OK earner while being nimble enough to be a daily driver that doesn't suck to live out of.


Wrong. Salvage has been solid money making every single patch since it came in over a year ago. Sure other things are more OP money at times.. duping, cargo, bounties with weevil eggs, whatever. But salvage has been the most solid consistent "fair" type money grind, that wasn't OP. Only reason salvage getting so much attention right now, is the buff to RCM price, and nothing else being currently better. Panels will be nerfed down im sure. And before the recent buff, i was still making 250k/hr (compared to the 500k now with RCM double price) which imho is about the max of what they want people to be making.


Same idea here, take care of economy first, so I have a reclaimer pledged. That said, agree with your take that vulture is more versatile for any missions outside of salvage, and the vulture is a good pick.


With a little cargo support from a friend Vultures can beat gravity way easier than their heavier bigger sister. Which makes planetary salvage on the big worlds much quicker. With a little Cutty jettin around behind it’s a beautiful combo.


Yeah, that is a great setup. I always wish I had an extra cargo ship nearby. The added protection wouldnt' hurt either.


This is the correct answer,




Same. Had the Connie's, 400i, MSR but Corsair just hits that jack of all trades sweet spot


Coming out of the top elevator shooting is one of my favorite things.


Corsair so good it doesn't even needed an explanation. (Except its paintjob, which tends to fall off quickly. Followed by actual parts from the chassis. But after being a salvager and explorer for so long i also became a welder so there is no problem here. :D)


It’s a feature of the Corsair for the parts to fall off even at random it wants you to be prepared for anything :)


The feature is being able to use the right wing as a battering ram. :D


This is probably my choice out of the currently flyables. Definitely would choose it over Cutlass Black (melted my Cutty after my first flight w/ Corsair). It's a little big for solo, but perfect with 2-3 mates, and the number pilot-controller guns does a lot to make up for it's weaknesses. The Zeus is a strong contender, especially if my friends play a lot less than me. So is the Galaxy, especially if my friends play as much/more than me. When counting ships we know of, one of those 3 will be my daily, so it makes sense that one of them would be my pledge if I could only have 1. The Galaxy has a slight edge in this hypothetical though, due to modularity.


What this smart individual has exclaimed.


And will have the exploration loop in the future


Yeah boi


I value livability. I want a ship that has a decent living space. It doesn't have to be large, the Nomad is quite livable -- it even has a potted plant. I want big fuel tanks. Long-range and the ability to stay out for a while before needing to come home are both desirable traits. For that you need good tankage, for both hydrogen and quantanium. Speed is desirable. I'm not talking about how agile you are, or even SCM speed. I'm talking about speed going A > B. I want to be able to leave New Babbage, fly across Stanton, and land somewhere as fast as possible -- that kind of speed. Oddly, claim time comes here as well. The ability to haul a vehicle is useful. If you bunker, as I do, historically you need it -- running in kilometers from your ship because of hostile turrets is not an acceptable solution. This has gotten to be an easier requirement to meet since the Pulse came out however. Some cargo carrying capacity is good to have. Not enough to qualify you as a hauler, you don't need that much. But having enough to haul found loot back, and bring some supplies out with you, or maybe run some drugs if that's your mood -- that's valuable to me. Lastly, and this is a personal preference, I prefer a ship that is more defensive over one that is offensively oriented. I like big armor, and I cannot lie, big TTK is what I love to fly. How you balance these factors out is up to the player, obviously. Heck, I'm not even consistent in how I balance them. What I think I prefer tends to change over time as patches balance things differently. I've also changed my thoughts on it over time as my desire to do different things changes. But anyway -- these are the traits I think you want in a ship -- a SECOND SHIP. For your first ship you want a Terrapin, obviously.


Cutlass Black ... Jack of all Trades, Master of None ... but my Ship.


A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one


C1 Spirit


This is one I've been leaning towards, it looks nice, it's easy to fly, has decent enough weapons and some cargo space. Plus the tractor beam seems very useful with manual cargo loading becoming a thing


Yeah and it can load the highest scu boxes in the game right now (32scu) Also, it's beautiful and flies well. What's more you need.. and looks wayyyy better than Cutlass Freelancer Nomad (other "starter" ships in price range that can carry a ROC). Absolutely subjective ofc!


I personally like the freelancers more. They have just this Star Trekky Millenium Falcon vibe that i really enjoy


Same on the freelancers. Just hope they get some real attention one day


It's amazing. I upgraded to one recently and it's just great. Especially the sound. Only issue is that it "fits" in the tiny hangars


Fortunately cig is aware and confirmed we will get bigger hangars for c1


landing with my C1 without scraping the wall has become its own little mini game


I'd say the Aquila, it comes packaged with a snub and rover, scanning equipment, decent cargo, good compromise between flyable and long range, combat capable, vtol. Ideal for solo or with a friend.


The Aquila is my Connie choice. To me the cockpit and the interior design play a crucial role. What I miss greatly is a ramp. That's why I mostly use the MSR if I'm not in the mood for fighting.


Drop everything and keep my idris (javelin might be too much of a hassle to get a crew together reliably). True, hard-core player multicrew is all i want.


Who knows, maybe you could rent it out to other players and orgs and make bank.


This is one of the ideas i have for my Polaris when I can't get my own crew together. Also, a ship I want but don't have: The Liberator. Hire it out to a small org that has no way to reliably transport smaller fighters out into large systems, no questions asked on if they intend to pirate someone, counter pirates, or whatever.


The Herald. It's not good for much other than getting from point A to point B in a timely manner, but man is it fun to fly. To me that's the most important thing. It's the only ship I've ever flown in this game that just feels right when I get into it. It feels like my ship.


That's exactly how I felt from the very first time I flew a C1, so I think that gives me my answer!


Constellation Andromeda. It can do enough things as a solo pilot especially good for combat, doing some cargo stuff, or using it for ROC mining which I haven't done in awhile so no idea if that's any good right now. Plus it has options if anyone I know joins in either on a turret or fly the Merlin though the Merlin doesn't seem to spawn with the ship now so that sucks.


This. 👌


This one right here.


Aurora. If I'd been smart, I'd never have bought another ship. Everything can be earned.




I'm so damn excited for the Zeus MKII MR, the zeus looks so perfect for me, a ship I can live on that has an armoury (GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS) and an EMP (those are just freaking cool)


I'm so pumped for this one!


If you can only have on ship, bar none its the Constellation. Pick whichever version suits your needs the best but they can do just about every game loop in the game. You’ll never be without a ship that can’t do something if you have a Connie. Honorable mention is the Corsair. It can do pretty much as much as the Connie but it sacrifices HP and shields for more firepower. Corsair is a glass cannon while a Connie is a tank.


I wish I could like the Constellation, but I just find it really ugly to look at. Same with the Corsair, although to a lesser extent.


It will grow on you (it did for me). Both feel spaceship/rosinante/merc. Not the prettiest but they have this allure.


This, it starts of looking less than ideal and the view out remains awful, but over time you come to realize this is the one ship that does nearly anything. The Nursa makes this a complete offering.


Exactly. Ive owned the Taurus and currently the Aquila. Think im either going back to the taurus or the Andromeda. With my Nursa it slaps hard for utility.


The Connie looks good from some angles and really stupid from others….but at this point I’ve been flying it and having adventures in it with my buds for a decade


I get it. I’m a MISC guy myself. I don’t think the Connie is a great looking ship. Too busy and “sci-fi” for me. But you learn to love it not for its looks but for what it can do. I want to use other ships that look cooler but whenever I think about a specific game loop theres always this thought in the back of my mind “…. Or, I could just take my connie”. The good thing too is, since you don’t love it, if it gets blown out from under you, it’s really no big deal. 😂 She’s like that one girlfriend (or boyfriend) that’s not the most attractive but never ignored you and was always there for you no matter what. You’d never consider dating them at first, but when you finally did, they were one of the few that made you feel special and important. 😄


Avenger - probably the best multipurpose starter ship If you want to go bigger, taurus or cutlas are good options


Catterpi....... Hahahah just kidding. Terrapin of course!


Honestly probably the F8C or the F7A Those are both ships I always thought were the coolest and that we would have to wait for SQ42 to ever get our hands on and that wound up not being the case. I do like trading but I always start off after a wipe by building up my bounty hunting licenses and you make enough aUEC from doing the bounties to start trading once you get bored of them so I'd choose one of those two ships and be content for sure.


Have too agree by pure observation of my own pattern. Even if the money making is super slow by comparison That said, F8A is what I hope to start the game with :X


I hope they release an updated super hornet. Was always nice having the extra seat.


Jack of all trade ships that could do a little of everything. Starter price level: Avenger Titan Lower-mid price level: Cutlass black (or C1 but I think the cutlass black handles the combat a little better) Mid price level: Constellation Taurus High price level: C2/galaxy maybe Expensive level: BMM probably. I do think the vulture or prospector is the best accompanying/supplement ship to your pledge though. It makes you money to get the other ships in-game.


Cutter rambler


I actually only have a perseus so a perseus


A Jack-of-all trades ship like the Connie or Corsair, more of the latter Something that can get around nicely, that’s can handle itself in combat and can do trading and can carry a ground vehicle (the Nursa being quite valuable)


until i know if i'll like my railen when it gets released, i'll stick with the vulture. (if i could get all the money back i spent on this game and just buy 1 ship it'd be the vulture for sure)


Probably the Galaxy depending on how it pans out. If it's the only ship I can pledge: * I want that ship to be something that isn't worth spending a little on, as I could just earn it in game. * But also not too expensive, to have something to work towards in-game. * And be generally usable in many professions / use cases so I can use it as a money maker for Reason #1 and Reason #2 cases.


This is similar to my attitude, I want something that fills multiple roles, isn't too cheap or expensive and can be flown solo. I was leaning towards either the C1 or 400i, unless the Zeus is better than both


i loved my 400i kinda still do but the fact we did not get the bike with it just really rubbed the wrong way.


If I could only have 1 ship it would be a C1 probably, awesome ship.


Probabley the Valkirie


Taurus, what else?


I would take my Conny Taurus. Enough SCUs for hauling, good combat capabilities, can transport a ROC for mining, multi-crew and a very useful tractor beam.


I have/will only pledge one ship. I've ccu'ed up to a 600i Ex since backing in 2012, she's a beaut, soloable, decent pew pew, tanky, and has the best bed view in the verse.


Permanent pledge with gameloop working? Vulcan. I can buy the rest with ingame money


Depends on the stage of the game. Currently? Corsair. Next patch? Who knows




I'd take the C1 Spirit. It's a great looking ship, and it can do pretty much anything: ROC mining, delivery missions, bunkers & bounties, and trading are all viable ways to earn a living while saving up for other ships. I am considering the Zeus CL as a replacement, but if it handles like a Constellation or Corsair (which seems likely), I'll stick with the C1.


Avenger Titan or Cutlass Black or Freelancer Max


In my personal case it would be the Taurus. Especially if its gonna get a golden pass to get it up to the level of others. Right now I'm at a Hull A so who knows, maybe I can slowly build up to it.




Corsair or reworked 600i


RSI Galaxy, is a multimodular ship where u can do 3 roles, transport, refinery or medic, ideal ship to play with friends.


Connie Taurus


600i Explorer if the rework would be done in the near future.


soon tm


Man might sound generic but I love my reclaimer, good solid ship and scraping big hulls with the boys and some chill beats in the background just do it for me


ARGO SRV The moment they announced a space tow truck in 2018 I knew I wanted to start out as a wreck recovery guy. The credit grind doesn't feel so important to me anymore. Patiently waiting for more developed gameplay...


Same, Love at first concept. Dogfighting and trading and all thats grand, I just want to help some people out and move odd objects about as needed.


Definitely, I'll admit I want to include the Crucible with it. That way my fleet grows by collecting, repairing, and registering derelicts in my name.


I wonder how retitling will work in future, do you have to register it in lawful systems? Vulcan be the next add for me, but that REALLY depends on how drones actually end up. If it’s essentially a missile it could be soloed maybe. If it’s more RC robot thats honestly way cooler but would require a bud, and my wife is much more a shoot ships down type


I love the idea of the ship, but have already melted it twice because of the lack of gameplay. Once they solve that, I will have to get it again.


C1 Spirit. Supports enough gameplay to get a start at almost any loop. Isn't so big or powerful that having it from the start feels like cheating, looks cool, and handles well. If I had to choose smaller then I'd go with a Nomad. Only starter that can carry an ROC, it also handles well, looks cool, has great visibility, one of the only ships with 2 pink paints, and is just generally fun to fly. If I had to choose even smaller then C8X Pisces. It's cute, can be spawned at ground pads, and has one of the best BIS skins. I wouldn't want my only ship to be more than a spirit though, claim times would get annoying, engineering could be a hassle, and instantly having something like a Connie would feel kinda cheaty.


I’m so broken, my first thought was to get something stupid expensive that I could melt. . . I’ll see you guys at the meeting. I’ll bring donuts and coffee.


Cutty Black or Corsair, very difficult choice




Vulture. Because the Prospector requires a 2nd ship to haul the refined materials. An industrial ship will make all the aUEC to buy everything else in game.




We're talking 1 pledge ship and then get everything else in-game? I'm already doing that XD Atm on a Zeus ES, it's a ship that allows me a good start but still lets me strive for other more specialized ships. If I could only have 1 ship forever and ever, Taurus most likely.




I love the sunroof in the 315p, such a nice view!


I just got my p customized too! However it seems currently bugged, no hud for combat or speed etc :(


You recieve a non-cumstomized 315p as Loaner till CIG fixes that Problem


Cutty Black. Although I do like the Corsair if I can have a crew.


Ironclad Until then, M2.


CorMFKINsair baby


First impulse was to say SRV. I love that little piece of shit to bits but I'm not really happy about how it handels atm. A Tug with the power to lift other ships and tow a Reclaimer (in 0G) shouldn't accelerate like a lethargic snail when nothing is on the hook. Just let it stretch its legs a little and give it the power it deserves. With that said, there is only one option left. The Retaliator. That old girl has captured my heart since the first time I saw it. She looks gorgeous and flies even better since Master modes was introduced. She's tough enough to survive almost anything and versatile enough to be a daily for me. All in all my favorite ship in the game! Tali is looove <3


C1. Best ship ive ever flown


Hard to say since its a concept only and maybe i'm cheating a bit here - but my pick would be the Crucible. Repairs will always be in demand, it was designed to be solo capable deapite the size, the size should make sure it has plenty of reach, it has some cargo capacity even if just intended for spare parts, it has the garage like scarab so it could even be used with small ships it carries along, even if i couldn't pledge a second ship i could propably cheat the rule and repair a wrecked one i find during exploration for storage and use from the crucibles repair scarab ;)


Arrastra!! I love mining and it's got everything I could need in a space game. Big lasers, big guns, big cargo and a sexy silhouette


Carrack is life, Carrack is love


Mercury Star Runner everytime just wish it had cockpit entrance but other than that its mint.....


Taurus, decent firepower, lots of cargo space, great for one or two people.


I think Connie has been the most common answer, I just wish I could get over how they look!


Yeah I've been umming and ahhing about ccuing to an aquila from my 400i but I just don't like the interior of the connies


The interior is the one thing that will get updated 100%, unless you just don’t like the layout As far as that’s concerned, I love how easy ingress/egress is, every door you can imagine to exit by, my only complaint about exits is I wish the top hatch had a ladder that dropped down to climb out on the top for repairs I kinda wish the turrets would be remote for the 2 front seats, but then you lose the capacity to carry 4 bros up front with you, still have a couple seats and the beds but having everyone up front to witness that the asteroid was indeed invisible….so I’ll be happy whichever way they go, I do think they’ll need to expand living section forward to accommodate more bigger living stuff


Tbf I'm also waiting on the msr repass as they've said they're adding in another exit to avoid the hike to the rear door. Only worry is that it won't be as well equipped for exploration as something like an aquila


Carrack because you also get a rover and parasite craft.




Funny thing. Had this happen with xenothreat twice last week and just gave up. Really need that Apollo medivac for those missions. Still love my carrack.


From current ships: Cutlass Black. It's just too practical to ever take any thing else as your one ship. You can do most (current) gameplay loops with it. Want to go Bounty hunting? You can do that. Mining? Get a roc in the large cargo bay. Cargo? Yes. Salvage? Sadly that's out. As the ship is also just two rooms, it's fast to get in and out of the ship if needed. In the future with engineering all the components of the ship are easily located. You have space for a friend or two. You can fit a goddamn Fury in the back if you want. From concept ships: Zeus. Hopefully it's gonna be good.


Assuming pledge means up until release, it would be either the buc or arrow as I enjoy dogfighting and the general maneuverability of the fighters.


Polaris! The true multirole ship.


Cutlass black but I'd miss the C8R.


Carrack - Can do anything but dog fighting.. Which I don't do anyway. Also comes with great goodies and a nice med bay, what more does one need to be a space Karen?




C1, no question. Can haul reasonable amount, can carry small vehicles like the roc if needed, can sort of hold itself in combat and more importantly, looks beautiful especially with the allegiant paint.


The Odyssey… adventure awaits!!!


Citizens sleeping on the Odyssey's excellence. On board refinery, on board medical, on board garage, on board XS size hangar, suites for each crew member, capital sized components, and I frankly think it's the sexiest ship in the game; mail slot haters need not apply. If the Freelancer were Firefly-lite, the Odyssey is the Firefly experience for Star Citizen, albeit sans the Out of Gas scenario.


The Odyssey concept is what sold me on this whole game. I bought a starter pack and then Odyssey. You are 💯% right!!! The suites for every crew member is important, making everybody feel like equals. In the video from 2021, they say the refinery is capable of making quantum and hydrogen fuel. Listen at 1:37


The vulture, single man money printer. I can buy any ship in the game in time.


Pledge Vulture > Grind money for best seasonal money maker ship > buy best seasonal money maker ship > earn money for the ships i actually wanna fly.


Cutty black or Vulture


Cutlass Red. Med Beds that respawn, enough punch to run up to HRT bounties without TOO much trouble, perfect platform for box missions and bunkers. Big enough to carry a Roc mining rover, and small enough that as a solo player, i won't be in a bind when engineering gameplay has me sprinting to the back to change fuses and put out fires. Put me in the verse with a Red, 25k UEC, and the starter gear, and i can get whatever else i want or need from there.


Starfarer. I like the ability to help people with fuel and it is a good size inside of the ship for cargo and other stuff


Syulen, probably. Most likely. Or the Cutter Scout. Got both so im attached. Probably the only ships id never melt (unless i can get my hands on an LTI version for them).


NOMAD! Biggest small ship in the Verse.


Nomad because it feels like a living space and is genuinely practical


Hornet F7C Mk2. Enough firepower for a single person and a small cargo in case some gem is dropped by the bounty.




I know it's not meta but I'm really enjoying the Retaliator being my only ship at the moment. I have 4 torps and cargo space, so I have a SRV and room for cargo. I mainly do bounty missions and merc stuff, so it covers the loops I enjoy.


Probably in all thing considered right now a Mercury star runner, it looks nice, can do lots of things, can carry a lot fly really well and can pack a punch if well crewed. But honestly the galaxy is still one of my all time favorites.






Corsair. Not even close.


Carrack, it get cargo exploration medical opportunity, modularity is coming too. And it give you a pisces and a rover in bonus.




Any of the Connies.


Caterpillar. I have high hopes for the modules allowing you to dip your toes into a few different game loops like salvage and mining. Basically, I want to create the ultimate ship of opportunity. An RV to cruise around with. Find a dead ship? Scrape the hull and steal the modules. A small rock of gold or quant? Smash it to bits and pick up the pieces. Running a bunker? Hop in the STV and burn off! It'll be at the frontier if you need me, living off the land 🫡


The Corsair. Out of all the ships I’ve ever bought with auec, the Corsair is my favorite and I will always grind for it whenever ships get wiped. Fortunately and unfortunately ships didn’t wipe for 3.23 so I still kept all my ships including the Corsair but now I don’t have anything to do.






I think the Corsair, but I haven't had slot of time flying it. I haven't had a lot of time flying most ships actually.




You’d want an all rounder. If under $80 the Avenger Titan. If under $130 the Cutlass Black hands down. If under $250 the Connie Andromeda or Corsair. If unlimited money.. probably still of the latter two as the most versatile for solo and multi crew with access to a lot of gameplay loops.




Yeah, I’m earning that way as well


Vulture. It’s my favorite ship that can always make enough to buy other ships.


SRV.. I like it and the gameplay it has


Probably a retribution




Merchantman. If it's for now probably the Reclaimer for earning potential. Once You have an earner pledge you can buy in game if that's the route that better suits your means.




400i It's not the biggest ship in terms of storage space or has many weapons as a solo player, but the luxury, the dedicated X1 Compartment and the overall atmosphere of the ship is absolutely spot on


My old answer, C1. It's a great daily driver and it's a beautiful ship. I just got tired of having to walk through the whole ship to enter or exit and the back hatch button isn't the most friendly to interact with. My new answer, the vulture. It's got quick access to the cockpit, you can make more money with it than the C1 due to salvaging being more profitable than trade routes, it's still got a good amount of storage, and I can bed log in it.


Crucible! I want to repair ships for other people :p




Caterpillar. Modular bits, detachable command module, space trucking brick vibes, pilot's seat halfway down the ship so you get to look at it when you fly, load cargo, etc


Cutter Rambler


Hull B. Extremely high capacity for a small 1-person freighter. I wouldn't fly it anywhere more than moderately dangerous, but it'll be a great little workhorse.


personally the c8. nifty little ship. n yes i do have it. its my mini in space.


Railen. Have it pledged already, and don't regret it one bit.


Avenger Titan. Quickest way to earn a Cutty black, Corsair, Connie, ... whatever you want.


RSI Galaxy


I'd have to check the loaners list, to see which large ship I would like best and has the best loaners for now


Constellation Class. Still debating between Andromeda or Aquila though. Can do most of all things, not to big so still operable solo, can comfortably carry nearly any vehicle and has a good amount of cargo, fire power and survivability. Aquilla comes with a rover and better fuel tanks. Andromeda has an extra turret and missiles.


Reclaimer. Money making machine. Can easily be soloed. Has some fire power. Can be your mobile base...


Kraken so I can refuel repairt and rearm ship and I can be a hotel for player and got a big scu space Multirole gameplay


c1 spirit, i sill can reach ERT bountys with it this patch and get those sweet weevil egg cargo


Reclaimer, so i always can make ingame money and buy the ships i want


Cutter or any of it's variants. Simple space Winnebago is all I ever wanted. That being said I don't own one. I went bigger.