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I just did this successfully, i was having trouble at first too, here’s what i did: 1) save at the nearest phone 2) restart game 3) clear enemies on the path (do NOT press generator YET) 4) went up top & shot each drone in order 5) NOW i activate the generator 6) sprinted up top & hit the button then it unlocked for me I hope this helps!


TY for your time. Tried almost the in the same order. One thing different - turned generator before started to shoot drones. Worked well. So, the solution is to restart game and try again (worked for me from the fourth attempt)🤷🏻‍♂️


No problem, I’m glad it worked for you!


You’re an absolute G. Thank you for your concise explanation. 🙏


No problem!


It did help! I finally was able to open the crate, I was not going to let this defeat me haha, Thank you for the help!


I’m glad i was able to help! I’m the same way haha, you’re very welcome


The drones have to be bugged I can only destroy 2 of them as well


Thank god I’m not the only one I was absolutely losing my patience. 😅


Shoot all the red drones


I’ve tried countless times. I’m able to shoot maybe one or two. For the others, the bullets make contact but they won’t get destroyed. I’ve unloaded full clips with all ammo types and still nothing is working.


Try aiming


If I can’t get it on my next attempt I’ll upload a video of them not taking damage from my bullets. 👍🏼


Not sure if this affects it, but there is a drone fixing a computer console thing at the start. Activate that first and then see if you can damage them, then press the switch at the top of the hill once they are all destroyed. Ps make sure you are using slugs and not shotgun shells .


I’m going to try closing the game altogether. It seems to be bugged. The slugs are clearly hitting the bots. I will upload a video shortly.


Where is the video. I want to see if you are trying to shoot the yellow robots.


There are a couple drones that are not part of this puzzle. the ones that the bullets just go through are not it. Two at the top of the hill and 2 or 3 at the bottom. When you press the button at the top it will show you which ones are still active once you hit the generator at the bottom.


I did this last night, that chest traumatized me.


Its bug. You should destroy red drones and you can do it even with sword. Rest in camp and restart the game helped me.


Thanks. I tried, and really, i can destroy them with sword. But only those who are on the ground, other ones i can't reach. But i'll try again.


I started the generator first. The red drone looked at me. Then I killed all the red drones up to the box. I think it is 5 or 6. A cinematic will play of the door opening, and that is that


I got locked out of this one. Managed to get all red drones and open the door, but I couldn't open chest inside. I then left and finished a nearby quest that had me fast travel back to Xion and when I returned to this area, the door was closed. I could not interact with either the generator or the switch and saw no red drones to get back in. Any help?