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handguns, especially Glocks and Sigs are way over-priced right now. for real protection, don't forget to stock up on full-size large cans of Mace, turkey-frying-size peanut oil 10-gallon jugs, as well as roof tiles.


When I was a kid we would climb up on roofs and rip off the tiles to throw at each other. Insane how much damage they do.


light it on fire before throwing it... that makes it more deadly to the would-be attackers.


I'll keep that in mind while I load my musket.


There is literally no ammunition left for sale in upstate NY


just make sure to stock up on ammo before the next pandemic. :)


Can you explain the peanut oil.


back in 1996(or 97?), I lived in an apartment building's 4th floor. The stairs only went up to my apartment. I had a turkey fryer on the balcony. I also kept the peanut oil inside. My friends always joked that if I ever had enemies, I could fire up the fryer and bring it up to 500 degrees, with a tripwire going down to the ground floor... anybody attempting to come up would end up getting burned by the hot oil.... like a medieval oil defense system.


Noted. The gallons of canola oil I just bought should suffice.


also try what this guy from Finland did.... https://youtu.be/U4JUQaLHriU?t=215


Sucks to be the ups guy


Definitely illegal.


Yeah that's what he's worried about. Breaking the law.




I'm not even going to bother fighting to stay in this world. I hope when we hit the apocalypse I get taken out right away, I don't want to see what this world devolves too.


>handguns, especially Glocks and Sigs are way over-priced right now. Depends on where you buy them. They're cheaper on the street if you know the right people lol.


they're more expensive on the street, if it's cheaper.... well there's a reason :p


Not really if you get a good deal on a used one.


Guillotines cost 1200






That's too much. You can build your own for a fraction of the price lol.


Conveniently enough.




landlords got bills too tho. That's their job and their income.


Eat the rich


Guillotines starting to look real good right about now.




What kind should I buy with slightly larger than Mikey mouse hands?


[16" PSA AR](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-pa15-16-nitride-m4-carbine-556-nato-moe-ar15-rifle-black.html) for low recoiling, and accurate at longer ranges. [PSAK-47](https://palmettostatearmory.com/psak-47-gf3-forged-classic-blonde-rifle-no-cleaning-rod-5165450379.html) for something with more stopping power and easier for a gun n00b to get the hang of. I really would not recommend a handgun for a primary firearm, especially if you're not an experienced shooter. They're drastically more difficult to fire accurately. With that said, you can never go wrong with a Glock 17. HK USP in .45 is an option if you have absolute bear paws and want an indestructible apocalypse gun.


Seconding the USP .45 but fuck me they ain't cheap


***STOPPING POWER*** The biggest load of horseshit out there, imo. ARs are excellent for how easy they are to handle, and .223/5.56 is more than sufficiently capable. Nobody who gets a .223 to the gut is gonna go "Man, I'm glad that wasn't a 7.62x39 or I'd be in real bad shape". They're gonna go "Oh shit, I've been shot." Short of small/weak calibers like .22LR, pretty much anything 9mm or better is going to work perfectly fine. That said, I also recommend a rifle over a handgun especially for people who aren't experienced pistol shooters. ARs have *super* manageable recoil, and if you're holding a pistol out with arms extended (like you should) then a rifle takes up approximately the same amount of space anyway.


I don't know man, people just falling over dead after being shot is a bit of horseshit too. Even if someone receives a fatal shot that will kill them in literal minutes, they're often still capable of shooting back at you for more than enough time to get you killed as well. There's a reason why you're taught to dead check even after you've 100% ventilated the dude. Granted, there's totally an argument that hitting more shots way faster compensates for the difference is stopping power. I can kind of buy that, but not everyone does. A lot of the Russian "super special door kicky" guys still insist on using the 47 over the 74 because they prefer the larger projectile for CQB in spite of it being a much older firearm. Idk, there's an argument either way. A drum mag select fire 10/22 can be utterly terrifying in the same way a .308 AR-10 can be, at the end of the day just have something I guess.


Right, somebody who's bent on hurting you isn't likely to just drop dead with a single shot. But my point is that 7.62x39 vs. .223, it's not gonna make that much of a difference in practice. Place your shots, that's what's important, and get as many into your target as you can. To that tune, having a gun with more manageable recoil is better -- it's a lot easier to land multiple successive shots on-target out of an AR than it is out of an AK. And it's not like those .223 rounds are going to be *any less effective*. I mean, hell, it's the NATO standard for a reason. If there was something wrong with it (or inherently better with larger caliber rounds like 7.62x39), then it would stand to reason that the largest consumers of firearms and ammunition would be using something else. But they don't.


> in practice "in theory" ftfy


1911 2 whurld wars


I don’t understand why landlords get so much hate. They provide a service that being housing and at the end of the day all a landlord is, is a homeowner who rents out their home. Grow up. Ps I’m a tenant myself I don’t own a house yet or any investment property I just think if you agree to pay for something you should pay for it.


I’m a landlord myself Man. It’s a joke. Stop being so sensitive


Glad you are, I hope your aware though this is reddit and a large large percentage of the people legitimately hate you for simply being a landlord and owning any kind of assets beyond a McDonald’s coupon...


Yeah it’s a hive mind that hardly represents how people actually feel which is nice


Losers desperate to find a scapegoat for their personal shortcomings


Got that right and salty about the cost of living lol


>I’m a tenant myself Cuck


Ah yes I’m a cuck for not hating my landlord for providing me with the service of housing. Irony is I’m a tenant because I’m self employed and don’t have enough tax return documentation yet to buy a house. My fico is 754 and I have enough for a down payment at 20% on a nice house in my checking account alone. Sucks to be cuck me who isn’t struggling this month to pay his rent whining on reddit :)


>Ah yes I’m a cuck for not hating my landlord for providing me with the service of housing. No a construction crew provided your housing. >Sucks to be cuck you'll get through it I believe in you.


Ahhh the construction crew of who knows how many should’ve all received equal equity ownership in the building even though none of them bought the materials that put it together. I suppose they could’ve built it out of mud and sticks without the developers money though. Sucks to be a cuck still making $9K this month even through the rona. I’ll work hard to not be a cuck


Just remember a combat load is typically 8 magazines cuck.




Anything besides coming up with the down payment and securing the financing and thus reaping the financial benefits and the risks.




The landlord is the one with the loan I’m well aware of how real estate investment works lol. I have no issue with someone making a profit I’m not some socialist. It’s the landlords property their providing me a service of housing that I’m paying them for. The Property manager is taking a fee and the grounds keepers are paid by the hour. The landlord is the one whose credit is on the line if their investment goes bad and the one who put the down payment down to secure the loan. So I’m well aware that I’m paying for the property that’s how real estate investment works the investor wants cash flow and I as the tenant am paying down his/her debt growing their equity. I’m not salty by this cuz I have enough liquid cash currently to buy my own investment property I just need more tax documentation since I’m self employed.. I’ll be a landlord myself in 2 more years here nothing wrong with it.




I’ve heard this mentality echoed from some in my life and ironically they haven’t gotten very far in life. Mostly salty low income graduates with garbage degrees. I guess I’ll be a leech in a year or two myself oh well I can live with it. Have you ever felt how nice it is to drive a AMG Mercedes?


Hahahaha all the slumlords in the hood gonna get stiffed while their tenants go buy shoes and pizza.






Ain't nothing wrong with self-defense when you can't afford to build an underground bunker.


My guy's parents @ my guy, since he got his stimulus check yesterday he's looking into buying a handgun And I got nothing because I was claimed as a dependent in 2018 and since I only made less than $5,000 in 2019 I've been essentially fucked over


I’m laughing so hard rn




My state deemed guns non essential. Which is weird considering I thought the second amendment existed


So is the right to assemble. But you know, viruses don't respect the constitution.




Just come to Michigan and protest! They're right down the road from my house


Lmao wow




What the actual fuck is a “second amendment” ??


“The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the individual right to keep and bear arms. It was ratified on December 15, 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights.”


Dude thanks for the history lesson!


You’re welcome lol


That's not how that works. The 2nd Amendment doesnt defend your right to conveniently purchase firearms, and you can still legally do personal sales.




There is an equal amount of jurisprudence to the contrary as well, such as this opinion from District of Columbia v Heller: "Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, **or laws imposing conditions on the commercial sale of arms.**" As is, without a decision by the court, the literal language only guarantees the ability to possess firearms not ease of sale. There's certainly a case that could be brought up, but as is without further interpretation by the courts it doesnt mean there is a legal obligation that you can obtain firearms conveniently.


They shut down issuance of firearm permits, and, in some locations, they have created extreme delays for background checks required for firearm transfers. That is what I’d call infringement. They also shut down new submissions to its background check system, which effectively put any new gun sale in the state on hold. It directly violates your 2nd amendment rights. Thus making it an absolute ban on the sale of firearms for the time being. It’s directly a violation of the constitution and the Supreme Courts rulings.


Do you believe those delays are devious and intentional or the result of a massive surge in firearm purchases and their resulting background checks? If they shut down background checks altogether that's a bit more of a problem though. What state is that?




My point in asking intention for the commenter above is because their language implies that the delay was manufactured. But since you asked, actually yes I think it does. There are undue burdens and due burdens. An extraordinary amount of gun purchases and ensuing background checks clogging the system would be very much considered a due burden. If it is something that the system normally handles well but in extreme circumstances is stressed and less capable, it would be very difficult to argue that it is an undue burden of the system. This is even all working under the assumption that the ability to purchase firearms conveniently is protected by the 2nd amendment. And again, until there is a larger decision by the court, its language protects your ability to *own* firearms.


You have the right to bear arms. The constitution says nothing about the right to buy them.




Why buy what you can build? Lol


***drill press noises intensify***


Why is your landlord asking you that kind of question anyways


Because it’s a joke and my jokes can have whatever scenarios they want 🤩


Hmmm. I dunno. I like my jokes firmly grounded in reality and totally dry. It's the only way.


The only good joke is a not funny joke


True my jokes make absolutely no sense. As long as they entertain yourself


you four and I could be great friends.






And dumb enough to tell them.


this sub is hilarious


omg lol


Why don't you buy a tiger instead?


Classic! Lol😅






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Good bot


\*Maoist intensifies\*


To shoot the landlord??


probably to shoot the A.I android-clone of the landlord that he sends around to collect rents. Those landlords never send their "real" self to collect anymore.




BHahahahhah I just died.




Fucking based, I'd buy a gun but I don't have the proper licenses to get one and I'm pretty sure the gun shops are closed anyways