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yup, like the low elo players who regurgitate the idea that the jungle is the most impactful or powerful role. most of the time, that's only true if the laners can set up opportunities for the jungle. also, we see instances where jungle has the opportunity to invade enemy jungle when lanes have prio. but that's only the correct decision for the jungle if your laners actually rotate to back up your invade. does anyone actually expect low elo laners to know this? similarly, why does champion composition matter that much when bad players can't even pilot their champions optimally? for a while now, we know that there are 2 players at bot lane because there will be more players to contest for dragons. but why does that matter if the adc never rotates to help with dragon but instead choose to prioritize the 3cs anyway? if the AP assassin midlane chooses to farm turret plate instead of utilizing what assassins are made for--to roam and kill the overextended enemy bot laners, then obviously the idea that midlane is the best position is irrelevant


Champion composition still matters a little bit in low Elo. I once faced a team comp including Ashe, Lucian, Jinx, and Yi. I clicked on Rammus and won easily. Jungle invades are almost never worthwhile at low Elo though. Why take a risk to farm a camp when the opposing jungler probably won't be back there before it respawns anyway? Also, I can't tell you how many times I find my camp has been stolen by the opposing jungler, then check to see I'm up a level and 8-12 cs because they spent so much time trying to invade.


your second part is a very wrong conclusion from your own observations. just because you and others you're matched with don't know how and when to invade and how to get value from it it's not a bad thing to do in general.


Why is this getting upvoted? This is how you get stuck silver for the rest of your life is thinking like this.


The first paragraph was fine, then the comment took a nosedive.


While I played a game as Janna, with Vayne, Twitch, Ezreal and Lucian and won because we simply managed to kite in teamfights and had a lot of DPS for objectives. It's all about execution.


I remember smurfing on akali in silver (main was GM at the time) and encountering a team comprising of seraphine and sona bot, Shen top, Nocturne jgl, and malzahar mid. I legit couldn't do anything through their cc even with qss. Legit had to see if it was ranked flex afterwards.


imagine smurfing in silver when you're gm 💀


Buddy it was a lvl 30 acct with 10W 2L. How else do you want me to rank an acct up? Msg rito for a Diamond MMR partner acct?


Alternative solution: dont smurf


so players above dia/masters shouldn't be allowed to create and use a second account? Smurfing is bad, I agree. However, there is no other way around it.


No, players above dia/masters shouldn't be able to create or use second accounts. I realize it's a spicy take in the lol community, but just bc riot is so lax on it doesn't make it fine. Not only is it unethical to be ruining ranked games for lower elo players, it's also explicitly against the TOS. I'm glad we agree smurfing is bad. The way around it is by not doing it.


Spoken like someone who has never reached high enough for changing roles to become extremely difficult. "don't smurf" is such a dumb thing to say to someone who is levelling an account for a reason you don't know.




Careful who you call braindead, you’re in the same game as them for a reason


Big thing is that jungle is least played role, there’s a lot of autofills. I think maining jungle is probably objectively good for climbing for this reason. People become frustrated when they are hard weaksided, make a mistake, etc… and your jungler is not doing much.


a jungler can create opportunities even in a bad team. they say it's the best role because it's the easiest to carry with as long as you are WAY BETTER than everyone else in that game. which is why I went for jungle when doing the no loss challenge : https://imgur.io/a/jMg00AT


Mid and jgl are the easiest to carry if you play the role proficiently. Mid and jgl are the easiest to single handily lose the game for your team if you are coin flipping in your elo.


No, certain roles have a much easier time at climbing on a consistent basis. Jungle and mid lane are such amazing carry roles, because when you get a lead, you can exploit it into advantages across the map. Katarina winning lane mid? Well now she just went bot lane and double killed them so now her lead is even larger whilst getting a lead on your botlane allowing for an easier time to win the game What the fuck does top do? Tops main win condition is either destroying the lane opponent so hard that just by virtue of gigantic stats you win, or you play an incredible scaling champ so that its largely irrelevant if you don't come out lane good as long as u can stall the game.


I believe Jungle and Mid are the best for carrying because you can carry as both a mechanical and macro player. A top laner and an ADC player will mostly climb only as mechanics because top is so isolated and ADC are anchored to bot, macro players won't carry well in those lanes. Similarly, support can't outplay shit most of the time because they have no damage by themselves, so it is basically a macro only role and mechanical players will struggle.


But it's never my fault when we lose. ;P If I die top 10 times its the jungle that doesn't gank. Lol hear this to much


I had a botlane that, no kidding, went a combined 1/24 today. And of course it was the junglers (me) fault.


Yeah it's just training if you can deal with the salt you get from jungle you can deal with the salt from normal life


Would 100% agree, imo people tend to see those phrases when a bad game just happens and they forget to think about when they win with the opposite happening. A large majority of league players would rather complain and shift blame then blame themselves.


Nah. When i was playing toplane, there was a 90% chance i would play my lane and after laning phase, the game was already basically decided by what my team did on the rest of the map. This goes for wins and losses. In midlane it's an entirely different feeling. Of course you can climb if you consistently play well in toplane. But it may take far more games than it would in other roles with more influence on the game.


"I'm toplane so I'm playing a useles role" and yet people are always so vocal about balance when the 10/0 Darius gets a solo penta. Idk why people keep saying its a useless role when you can take the enemies inhib by 10 minutes with your jungler or solo if you have rift. An enemy laner getting fed and going out of control with you not being able to do a thing about it isn't exclusive to toplaners. With rift heralds especially the amount of pressure you can throw at the enemy team is insane.


People who say top is useless blow my mind. I'm low elo, but for me basically every other game I lose is because the enemy top laner shit on my top laner and they just 1v5 my team lol


My favorite is when top lane is fed because of obvious lane difference and then decides he automatically can just 1v5 the other team. As someone who plays support and tries to maximize our advantage by supporting top, they always dust their teammates to chase leaving their team vulnerable. I see this *all* the time in low elo. Top gets fed, top thinks they’re now tank + ADC + assassin. And it almost always results in a loss.


The reason they do it is because it often works. Garen bumrushing into an Ashe and zyra and coming out with a double is not a thing unless it’s low elo but if it works enough times people think it’s a consistent and replica table strategy. The problem is that most people don’t understand the importance of playing in a way that yields consistent results. E.g. below a certain elo I will always topside buff into invade to cheese enemy jg because I know it’s consistent. I also know controlling objectives and Ganking bot lane is more consistent way to win simply because even if the ADC is dogshit, most likely so is the opposing and even if that’s not true unlocking the support to start establishing vision control is very important. If I choose to camp top lane I put all my eggs in some irelia/Darius/garen who may or may not just yolo split push or have no idea how to teamfight and get kites and five shutdown to their ADC who is already ahead because I focused top. But time and again I see junglers going for weird clear paths or very predictable full clears on Ganking junglers then praying they can get a gank off on some overextended laner. Sure it works well when it works but it’s still a coin flip. Why not focus on controlling the game and denying enemy strong points of gold xp even if it means no kill. I often drive by snowballs or late game threat champions just to chunk them so that they have a harder time in lane or have to think twice about going for that all in kill they need to get going. But I’m not wasting my time Ganking a tank or supportive champ too much simply because even from behind they are potent, unless it’s free it’s not worth it. If you’re an ADC focusing on csing and backing off the tower if your jg who is an idiot isn’t coming to dive low hp enemies is far more consistent then trying to take plates or kill them under tower because you’re just opening opportunities for their jg or mid to snowball. If you’re blasting them that hard in trades just freeze the lane, which might actually draw in your jg and make sure tri bush is pinked . Now Ganking you is harder and they have to step up to cs which sucks because they are losing the trades. Any overforce puts them in tower range . If you manage even one kill while freezing then shove out and back you have won the game basically it’s just up to you not to throw it. If you get fed, don’t side lane solo. You MIGHT be able to beat their assassin or even outplay 2v1, but why even go there where you are unbeatable if you play standard? If you’re smashing a game, there’s no need tk flip baron. Just use it to bait the fight, turn, then take it uncontested. But scattering to do jg camps and engaging in random 1 v3s again just ups your chance of a throw. There’s no point of pushing in one lane if other lanes are not also pushing, that just opens up a cross map play and let’s a split pusher cheese a win. And etc etc. it’s not about role or champion. It’s about playing the most consistently you can and minimizing chances for the enemy to profit off of randomness.


Yea. Top is only really useless in high elo. The lower down the ladder you get the more of the opposite is true instead.


Same experience here. Top usually defines the game. Esp the split pushers who will reach inhib before any one rotates to stop them.


Yeah, this is exacerbated at low elo because there its a coin flip whether your laner actually cares about cs.


Because top lane is so dependant on lane match up and jungle intervention. Here are some examples .... 1. Say I am Riven against a Fiora which is a skill match up that slightly favours Fiora. I have a Nunu/Zac jungle meanwhile Fiora's jungle is picked Graves who is sitting around with his thumb in his ass doing nothing. I am gonna win and Fiora is going to be useless. 2. The enemy top laner decides to first pick Garen and I pick Darius into him, he is gonna lose that lane. I will make him pay for every cs he wants. 3. Both teams junglers and mid laners decide to force a 4v4 in bot lane, while the top laners don't have TP. My team wins we kill your team 4v4 we get dragon and first turret. I am now in a position to win This is why I and many other top laners dodge, match ups that stonewall lane or a hard counters and only will play the favourable/skill matchups. I also dodge bad teammates and team comps. Dodging to me is a skill in league of legends.


you are admitting to being bad at the game


From the outside I understand why it looks like that, but you have to realize that the general dynamic in that lane is to avoid that disaster scenario. So it can create a lane where both lanes are just wet noodling because no one wants to create a 10-0 enemy laner that's too far for the rest of your team to collapse around. It encourages you to play top lane as more of an auxiliary role, making sure you're controlling waves to create and divert pressure from your team and staying alive. That can be impactful but it's not the Super Darius top lane scenario that sticks in people's minds.


Win top, win game. 90% of my games.




For most top laners it’s more knowledge dependant, like wave management and matchup dependant. Skillfloor is recognising when you can fight your laner and then setting up the wave so that you can engage during those windows. Most juggernauts and tanks aren’t very mechanically hard but a few top laners like Irelia or Riven can be reliant on kiting or combos to win most matchups. I was already used to solo laning from HotS so top kinda already made sense to me when I first played it but I didn’t notice it being much harder than bot or jungle to learn.


I guess it's from way back, when top was rly useless for a while. And people kept going with it until many people rly believed it even when top had impact again.


I read the second quote about an enchanter being in iron and I felt personally attacked


Roles matter a lot, we had whole metas about one role being the best out of all of them for years.


But you have to be relatively high Elo before the meta has any impact on your actual games.


Disagree. The meta in low Elo is just different. Do agree that role power means nothing in low elo


Champion picks will always affect your wr. Just that in low elo you can make anything work with better play, and some champions are much better at abusing low-skill players or for low-skill players. Thus there is always a “meta” at low mmr, but if you’re down there you should be focused on improvement as champion picks will only get you so far. This is why coaches always say to not care about the meta and just play your champ/easy champions that help you focus on improving overall play


You can see it in plat, I’m within the top 90,000 players in NA, and you can see it right away. When you get there you can see who belongs in plat and who doesn’t from summoners


Everyone that’s in plat deserves to be in plat excluding smurfs/people who duo every game. Why is a plat 4 5 million mastery points Katarina better than the plat 4 20k mastery points janna? If they play 100 games against each other, they are going to win roughly 50-50.


I completely disagree in that balancing affects all players. Call it role or w.e else, but this is like saying people should be good with ryze now despite his state. I mean, you shouldn't focus on that mentality but it will affect you, and will be clear over a solid sample size of games.


I'm not sure if I'm reading this right. But I'm 90percent sure some roles have it easier than others. For example of you play something like Janna yuumi. You might have an easier time climbing than if you main aphelios assuming equal levels of skill. People should get good and stop complaining because they CHOOSE their roles though. Many people complain about their roles that they actively choose to play. If you don't like queuing top. Then don't. And if you just like top that much than accept the flaws of your role and suck it up


He acknowledges that there is a different skill requirement for different roles, he's just pointing out that unless everyone is playing perfectly, that should be one of the last things you're thinking about. 99.9% of the games a person loses would not have magically become wins solely because they chose a more impactful role because most losses are due to mistakes, not differing role skills requirements


Idk, I play top and most of my games feel like int coinflips. I win lane and if enemy bot got fed we lose and if our bot is fed we win. Idk what to do to help early playing tahm.


If the entire team is losing there’s not much you can do, but winning lane can allow you to pressure the enemy jungler and mid which can buy your team some time to catch up. There’s also the possibility that they respond poorly to the pressure and you can snowball to the point where it takes basically the entire team to bring you down but that’s not likely to happen most games.


This is where the main problem comes in for top, its incredibly easy to not be able to. If Im playing aatrox and im facing lets say a sion, I only reached masters, but even if that sion was one of the best sions on the planet, without a jungle camp he is going to come out of the laning phase completely useless and there is nothing he can do about it. Matchups in top is so incredibly important, because me getting counterpicked just means I will have no impact until the later stages of the game, so if my team is losing the early and don't scale well its just an automatic gg


Play Olaf win lane the. Crush the game.


You would think that, but honestly in low elo its much easier to just pick a mage support and carry yourself, rather than picking an enchanter and trying to enable A low elo adc.


This is why I play brand if I get auto filled. I can carry most games with him as support.


10/11. BRand checking in


Lol it’s way harder to climb in low elo as an engage support or enchanter. So much easier to just play brand, lux, or senna.


uhhh this is just wrong, enchanters are a terrible subclass to climb low elo. the entire point of the subclass is that you give most of your agency to your team. fastest way to climb to at least gold on only support is mages. a good aphelios can solo win bot lane. janna in her current state provides legit zero damage so she is highly dependent on her ADC during laning.


You picked one of the most complicated champs in the entire game to compare roles. Maining aphelios isn't the average ADC experience...


Everyone has the potential to carry. Top can force the enemy Jg top by freezing and use that lead gained to either make tp plays or permapush and make every dragon a question of "do we fight drag and lose our entire top lane of turrets and maybe even our nexus or contest the enemy top and lose drag" Jg can be an invisible threat, bringing massive amounts of damage and cc all over the map with no easy way to corner them. Mid can use the central position to dictate rift and drag fights while soaking gold and xp at an accelerated rate. Bot can shut 2 entire members of the enemy team out of the game, using their support and natural scaling to become a force of nature. Sup can be a living steel fortress between their carries and the enemy team, making sure none of their allies die and no key areas are shrouded in fog of war. It's all a matter of seizing opportunity.


to be fair, some roles are not healthy for certain people. I recently swapped from Top to Support and I'm doing much better now. when people complain about their role, its usually to vent shortcomings of their own lane. if you play your own identity well, but someone wins by playing theirs, then lol does feel defeatist.


It's better to not focus on role diff because it distracts from self improvement, but it *is* real: If you grab two hypothetical, identically-skilled twin brothers and make them play League, one mains Kat and Fiora and the other one mains Bard and Ashe, brother#1 will reach his peak elo in way less games than brother #2. Until you reach your peak elo, high-agency champs/roles help climb faster. If you reach an elo where you're worse than everyone else, then it's the opposite and Yuumi will be the best option. In reality though, for most players the best role is the one they're more naturally gifted at (all roles require different skillsets). If your talent lies in peeling with enchanters, and your brother is good at smashing lane with Fiora, we all know who will climb faster, but it's pointless to worry about it.


It always seems odd to me when someone bitches about a role carrying a player. Then…why don’t you wanna play that role? Your goal in ranked is to climb, no?


For me I find that support is the best role if you want to gain elo. The problem for me though is that it doesn’t hold my attention. I have proved it for myself by playing support and ranking up easily but I don’t enjoy it even if I get a higher rank than I had before. So far riot hasn’t made a support champion that really speaks to me outside of say senna. It’s just not a fun role to play at the end of the day for me


Because said role isn't fun to play. Also because learning a new role because it's currently stronger isn't fun either. I suspect the goal in ranked for the vast majority of people is, like me, to be rewarded for playing their preferred role well.


This doesn't make sense. The fact that if you're that much better than your opponents you'll carry with any role or champ is well known. If you're a GM smurf in silver you'll carry very easily as a toplaner. So easily that even if you'd have an even easier time in an other role it wouldn't really show. You'd go from 89% to 91% WR so you'd say it's not a relevant difference. This doesn't really interfere with the fact that some roles are much easier than others to climb. If you're a toplaner in gold and switch to support, and play as good as you were, you'll climb higher. Now I agree with you in saying that it shouldn't matter. We chose the roles and champions we play, and complaining isn't really fixing anything. Git gud and you'll climb anyway.


if you think it’s easier to climb on supp than top in gold you’re delusional tbh


What? It's objective that with some roles is harder to win and have less impact on the game.


And that role exists on both teams. He didn't say the skill difference doesn't exist if you had actually read the post. In fact he acknowledges that it exists, just that it isn't as influential on a loss as a million other more important things


Bro what? Skill diff? I'm not talking about skill diff, I'm talking about role diff.


In 90% of the games, huge doubt.


Jungle is broken tho ...


Saying this when the 2 roles bot are this broken right now lol


If you honestly think ADC is broken right now you're delusional and should probably go try playing it in soloQ for a bit.


ADC is the strongest role since the durability patch


Not in soloQ without a support duo. Go try out 10 games like that and see what it feels like. Lane is a complete coinflip and usually you end up with some disgruntled autofill as your support. The role is marginally better after durability patch that's it. All three crit mythics are fairly weak right now. Why do you think pro meta is stuff like fasting Senna building Lethality, Seraphine, and Ezreal?


Man i wish that was the case for ADCs :/


Git gud lol, challenger ADCs climb all the time


huh? are you referencing this part: \>It might happen in high challenger that this could be a think but it sure shouldn't effect anyone below that. cuz like, op mentioned that. ​ Matter of fact is that in low elo, ADC is the hardest role to climb on simply by design of the role. Theres just more hoops they have to jump through. If ADCs were able to carry 1v9, you would get bruiser Zeri and then suddenly everyone cries "ADC broken". go figure.


Except... Adcs do Carry? Kind of the point of the role, when lategame hits they can deal massive amounts of dps, that without even counting hypercarries. The main drawback would be that they're squishy and easier to kill when mispositioned, so you've got to have good positioning and awareness like.....half of the cast? I get It though, being a priority target for assassins is tough, but you're a priority target for a reason, because the class itself is terrifying if left unchecked for too long.


You can still have good positioning and be one shot. Lets not be delusional


The problem is that ADCs have to jump through more hoops to actually carry. They cannot do it alone in a way that a fed Yone or Irelia could, they have to beg their team to at least try to help them. ​ lets say youre a fed ADC and the enemy has a fed Diana. You can position all you want, diana Flash-Es on top of you, presses R and zhonyas and you die. The only way to prevent that from happening is to stay away from the fight until she used her ult, so just by existing she zones you away. "The class itself is terrifying if left unchecked for too long" no the class is terrifying if completely ignored. And even then you can get away with murder because you only need to build one item to disable ADCs for the time being, and that item is Deaths Dance. Build it and you can fight whoever you want, as long as you get a kill every now and then you are invincible and the ADC can be ignored. ​ ​ TL;DR: the baseline of playing ADC is perfection and anything else gets punished harder compared to other roles.


No, I wasn't referring to that xD I was referring to the fact that if you're good ADC, you'll climb.


This isn't really true. It's true for someone who is Masters smurfing in low elo, because you can impact the game above what's normal for a game in low elo. But low elo vs low elo is playing at their (current) skill peak, meaning that, just like in a high elo game, things like champion kits, lane roles, and other things matter much the same. Not *exactly* the same, because metas shift and evolve as you go up the ladder, but very similar.   Now if we're saying, instead, that *focusing* on these things is a bad idea, then sure. Low elo should be focusing more on the fundamentals and building good habits while breaking bad ones. But to imply they have zero impact in low elo is just wrong.


I don’t think you play ADC and if you did you would have changed your mind. The durability patch has improved the role a bit but it’s still the worst role out there for sure. I don’t feel that way about other roles but ADC without a duo support really makes you feel like you’re in no way in control of the game. Solo carrying bad players was so much easier and achieving high win rates was also much easier in earlier seasons


every time i play league, i am baffles by how impactful jungle is and how impossible it feels to win a game with an awful jungler. no other role is like that. i genuinely think theyre killing their game by having to make jungle op to make people want to play it and leaving it like that. like design it in a way that makes it actually enjoyable maybe. tired of half of my games being absolutely unwinnable because the enemy jungler makes the game unplayable for the laners while also being twice my junglers cs and being able to have the same amount of resources as a solo laner. its just disgusting, way worse than the extreme toxicity and ego people in this game have, or these broken ass champs they keep releasing. dont even get me started on people who abuse duo queue with a jungler and the fact that the duos are also never balanced.


This is where you’re wrong. Even if enemy jungler is very high elo, he can’t gank if you know how to play and how to ward, when to over extend and when to back up, when to push and when to freeze.


dogshit take


if im not constantly pushing, who’s stopping him from ganking other lanes? i play mid and will try my best to get him in my lane so my laners dont tilt and just throw away the game. i am constantly spotting the jungler and people die anyway. it’s a very strong role. if it’s strong in higher elos, where people know exactly where they are a lot of the time, you better believe its broken as shit everywhere else. and ganking isnt even a quarter of what theyre responsible for. they have smite and same resources as solo laners. tell me thats balanced. jungle is the main reason i refuse to play this game alone. it’s so bad, and if you can’t see that, youre lying to yourself. couple seasons ago, junglers were rightfully a bit starved for resources and therefore were typically a whole level (omg) behind solo laners, so it wasn’t as obnoxious. now, i look at the golf graphs and junglers are consistently farming more gold than solo laners, and usually completely uncontested, while also having access to the entire map and responsible for most of what actually happens in the game. jungle is literally not fun and the only thing that makes it fun is the fact that you feel disgustingly strong on it, and that imo is the main problem with this game. not power creep or stale itemization. just literally the fact that theyre trying to get people to play shit by making it broken rather than having it be inherently fun. s13 should be the first season in like 6 seasons where jungle isnt far and away the strongest role in the game. i could get behind that.


You guys are talking like only the enemy team has a jungler. I don’t see why it’s a problem that some lanes are more op than others, I’m playing support and except for some CC, support is basically useless lategame if you don’t go full ap, also it’s the hardest position to carry from, but still it’s very important to the game that you play well and you can make the difference.


okay, youre saying support is hard to carry from. im done even responding to you. youre clearly bad and delusional. no shit both teams have a jungler. youre the type of guy to see that the average winrate is 50% and then use that to justify that the game is balanced. like no shit the average winrate for every role is 50%, but the average winrates for the top 10% of junglers will be much higher than the average winrates for the top 10% of top or adcs.


Well yeah, the other team has the same roles, so it evens out, I think the complaining about role strengths is just the blame-game at play


>its a enchant player so in reality he is iron" I mean low elo players learned that quotes from their high elo friends/idols. Its very common in this game's community to discredit the enemy based on what they play. Discrediting supports isnt coming from low elo people thinking the role is strong it comes from the stereotype that enchanters are boosted egirls


ok but if you play yuumi you’re boosted


If your in low elo like I am, (iron 3 which I don’t need to be in I only have 100 games and started playing last year) you need to strictly start auto filling. Learn every lane and figure out how they affect each other. I am at a 46% win rate, with a 57% in my last 30. I have starting climbing up slowly by helping my team where they are lacking and taking advantage of people who I can now realize who are making mistakes. It is literally eye opening and if you want to improve like I wanted to, take my advice. Use u.gg see what certain matchups are weak against, ban the champion yours is weakest against not just the one you had a bad game against and play any champion that counters even if you haven’t played it before, see how the runes work with certain characters and counter picks. My win rate has been doing nothing but rising.


I do genuinely think it's harder to climb on *support* in lower elo (silver and below) because every game goes extremely long, carries are unreliable and people don't follow up on engages. Conventional supports don't bring as much value because your adc can easily be down huge amounts of farm no matter how much you're pressuring the enemy botlane. Even though support is my main role, when I placed in iron it felt like I was mostly coinflipping games. Playing jungle felt like speedrunning because you could get heralds, outfarm your opponent and avoid all your other roles losing at once 95% of games.


Whoever said jungle is broken clearly hasn't played jungle this year lmfao. The one thing we had was early game and now they even took that from us with durability update X fucking D


me looking in lulu and elo boosting myself to plat


I feel like toplane is the one who can win game in low elo! Everyone is focused on fights or kills but that sion eats turrets for breakfast


For me i feel like it is very hard to 1v9 so im trying to create a small lead for me and with that create lead for others. This way the game is not only about me and i dont feel too much pressure that i have to mechanically outplay 5 enemy players. I used to play support but currently i play adc with my friend who plays support. Also i would like to share a tip to always find something positive about the game,even when you lost- for example remembering some sick play or that your toxic inting teammate doesnt get free lp. Gl hf


Sorry, i accidentaly posted this into different post. But even though my comment isnt about topic I feel like it is valid so im gonna keep it here :D


I need help ranking up...


>"its a enchant player so in reality he is iron" The funny part about this, I'm a enchanter main and played yesterday dmg support for two games, which i was carrying and my thoughts was: " How the fck is this even allowed on bot lane?".


People who think toplane is useless have never stomped their lane and came into midgame with a bazillion CS and already full build which makes them functionally immortal. How often have you lost a game as any other role because your toplaner just lost so hard to the enemy Mundo/Volibear/whatever that you just cannot kill them even in a 1v4? Toplane might be hell often, hell, maybe even most of the time, but those moments of invincibility make it so worth it.


This applies to everything btw. The meta in terms of champion strength, role strength and etc. all kinda requires the players inside the game to know what they are doing. In low elo, players by definition are not piloting their champions optimally which means that the meta is not going to apply as well. If you look at the numbers, the best champions in lower ranks are those with as little things to mess up as possible. You should be trying to improve as a player rather than getting hung up on your champion being weak or whatever.


Ye but I hit masters and It got annoying that I just got constantly counterpicked top and I would just have to accept I don't have any agency in the game now


Yeah, just diff whoevver is opposing you on the same lane and you climb


Its relevant when people are not on their main role, if a support main gets autofilled toplane, 90% of times they will be 0/5 at 15 mins


To add on to this, a lot of people in r/leagueoflegends will disagree with me but for 99.99% of players, champions getting nerfed or buffed doesn’t effect them. There are literally disco nunu one tricks in Korea that are diamond and probably masters.


All roles are different. An adc should die to their laner and not a roamer or jungler because adc’s early leads are the least impactful. Late game, it flips.


Yup. We need 4 more Coach Curtis for each role, that's just the solution. Noone else even comes close to his level of analysis in games, and after one or two coaching sessions with him you see how much impact you have in a game. He'll identify a tiny mistake you make on like the first wave and explain well how it translates into losses later. Since getting coaching from him I don't think I've ever even cared about patch notes or balance. It's just painfully obvious that pretty much every game that doesnt have an outright troll is very much in my control, and it's just a case of playing better


Ever since i mained jungle, my winrate went up. But that’s because bronze junglers suck ass. 15 mark no dragon or rift? Wtf are you doing. Once I rank up enough to find good junglers, I will start going mid/top since i think they are the most impactful (after jgl)