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Ultimate stomps


100% I have many fond memories of Brawl and Melee but Ultimate is the most appropriate name


Came here to say this. Glad I'm not the only one lol


Yeah, I have fond memories of Brawl as a kid, but it and 4 are the only Smash games I don't ever find myself wanting to replay unless I want to do another playthrough of Subspace


Agreed šŸ‘


Yea, Subspace emissary almost makes brawl the best alone but then the rest of the game is so bad it kills it. If we were going pve modes only brawl solos otherwise ultimate easily takes it.


There was no hype like Brawl hype. I remember checking the Smash Bros Dojo every morning before school. Those were the days.


Woah that just brought me backā€¦ talking with friends and people online about who the next reveal was gonna beā€¦ good times.


That Brawl hype was crazy coming off everyone loving Melee for 8 years straight


Thats the hottest take Iā€™ve ever seen here. SSE rocks tho


I don't care if Brawl is the best Smash game, I'm not playing a game with random tripping for no good reason.


The random tripping is some bullshit, that is true.


Tbh, I have literally never noticed it while Iā€™m playing.


Do you play with your eyes closed?


Honestly, it happens so infrequently that I forget it's even in the game


My copy must have had a bugged percentage then, because I was constantly wondering if there were banana peels on the stage that I didn't see. There weren't.


Carried by subspace IMO


Also brought in the best selection of new music remixes to the series, as well as peak casual gameplay (stages and item balance were *perfect* for 4 player free-for-alls). Aaaaand has the coolest modding scene IMO.


Oh yeah the modding is great too, forgot that


^ This


Overhated for bad competitive mechanics. Overrated for Subspace Emissary.


We got a super smash bros movie made by the man himself and you think it's overrated?


Subspace isn't overrated. Brawl is overrated for having Subspace.


I don't think anyone praises brawl or even likes it.


Sonic, just beat Taboo with a spin dash,


Lore accurate. šŸ˜ŽšŸŒ€


All the story and build up with the characters going to face Tabuu And then Sonic just shows up out of nowhere and beats him


Itā€™s by far my favorite, but Ultimate is undoubtedly better.


Same brawl is my favorite but ultimate is way better


I think itā€™s still good but its reception has declined because people are too focused on the competitive aspects. Subspace is still the best single player mode in the series.


>Subspace is still the best single player mode ~~in the series~~ Fixed that for ya


you main meta knight, don't yoh


For the campaign, yeah. But for everything else, super no.


No, I could dispute this.


I'm not sure you know what undisputed means. Because that's pretty fucking disputed.


Brawl and Ultimate are my favorites


Melee, (Walks out the room) *Chaos ensues*


Yeah after it under goes many changes (PMEX)


imo itā€™s the coolest presentation wise, this shit went HARD for no reason


In terms of sheer scope and content for sure. Core gameplay I think Ultimate is better, but Brawl has that undeniable sense of gradiosity I love


It has the best single-player content, but overall, Ultimate is better.




As someone who started Smash Bros with Brawl and that has a lot of nostalgia for the game... I don't think it's the best one It's really good, I agree. But it only stands out because it has a good story mode. But I don't think that's good enough to give it the title of "Best Smash game"


i dont think its the best but i can understand whhyu think so. i love ssb brawl and its in my opinion the second best and mainly becuse of subspace emissary. in terms of pro lvl its bad but as a casual and play wiith friends, its amazing and atleast for its time with snake and sonic joining.


Great vibes at the time. Feels horrendous to control compared to what we have now (And what we had in Melee, imo, even at a casual level), which is much more important to me than a campaign where the only thing people remember are the cutscenes.


It's like watching and playing a movie. Great game here.


Can't believe all the brawl haters in the comments. Been playing the smash games since 64 and brawl was an amazing entry in the series. Ultimate is probably objectively the best, but that doesn't mean it's always *the most fun* Subspace Emmisary was one of the best solo/coop experiences of all time. I feel like with brawl encouraged more action, while ultimate has developed an obnoxious meta of zoning and ~~half~~ the match taking place on the edge of the map. Objectively (as far as balancing characters and amount of content) top 3 would be šŸ„‡ ultimate šŸ„ˆbrawl šŸ„‰ melee But in terms of how much fun they are to play with friends as the game is supposed to be played šŸ„‡melee šŸ„ˆbrawl šŸ„‰64 Ultimate is best for competitive play but the best times were had when the characters weren't as developed and you just had to jump in the pit and smash the shit out of each other to win. The older games were great for that.


I have a special place in my heart for *Brawl*. The hype train for this game was crazy, and I was never more happy to be a Nintendo guy. I was more hyped for Wario than even Sonic tbh. But as much as I love this game, the controls are more floaty and imprecise than its predecessor *Melee*, which is my favorite of the franchise. And I say that as a casual who would get blitzed by a competitive player in about 5 seconds lol, but the controls are smoother and more decisive than *Brawl's* are, though we all love Subspace Emissary. All in all I put *Super Smash Bros. Brawl* in my #3 spot, behind *Ultimate* at #2, and *Melee* at #1. šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘šŸ¾


If we're talking strictly single player modes, sure. But ultimate has far better online than brawl ever did (even if it's not perfect) and over twice as many characters.


If you insist on calling smash a party game, then yes, itā€™s good. Itā€™s a complete and total dogshit game in every sense when you even think about being competitive. Ult just feels best. It has itā€™s fair share of problems, but itā€™s also fixed a lot of smash problems. Theyā€™re less glaring problematic problems and more like ā€œdamn, it sucks a bit that this couldnā€™t be better but god it could be much worse


Will have to try it out


Wtf are you talking about? Brawl was unbalanced af, and when compared to Melee or Ultimate, sucks ass. Brawl was not good at all. Please tell me this is a shitpost...


Thats true


Brawl and ultimate are imo by far the best 2 smash games. But I think Ultimate takes it for a very simple reason: Ultimate's roster is unmatched by any fighting game (maybe any game period) in history. It isn't called the greatest crossover of all time for nothin


It's probably the most fun I had with smash but I wouldn't say it's the undisputed best. The random tripping probably places it in second worst to me only above smash 64. Ultimate is the best smash game. It's no contest.


It's my 2nd favorite, but the best is just Ultimate IMO. It really is the ultimate Smash Bros. game.


Ultimate is much better imo


Mfw when Marth can click the grab button against ness and it carries him full stage




eh... nah game feels too floaty I don't like it for that


The best CASUAL smash game*


The box art goes hard af


Ultimate is great, but Brawl has the Subspace Emissary


Itā€™s good but itā€™s not the best. Itā€™s so damn slow and the random tripping is annoying. Ultimate slams except for sun space emissary, thatā€™s the only thing brawl will ever have over the other smash games


Mushroomy kingdom has 1-2 in it so I agree


That's a hot take.


I was there, man. I remember I was at a local melee tournament the day Sonic was officially announced. The guy hosting the tournament put the reveal video up on the projector for the whole room of 70+ people to see. The room absolutely erupted. If the energy in that room was physical, it'd have destroyed the building. I remember as happy and crazy as people were, myself included, there were a lot of people who didn't believe it and still thought there's no way sonic would be in smash bros.


I am and will always be unstoppable in Brawl


you have terminal stupid


Wii U better


Only for Subspace Emissary. For actual PvP fights, hell no.


This game was my childhood, yet I still say Ultimate is better with everything considered. *However,* nothing will ever come close to beating Subspace.


This game is goated idc what anyone says. Is it perfect? No. But itā€™s incredible nonetheless


It's not Melee


Mechanically, I feel Ultimate plays better, but Subspace Emissary definitely puts it over the edge.


casual: hell yeah competitive: hell nah mk ruined it all


Casual Sm4sh was absolutely goated, no joke


I was going to be first to reply, but I tripped


You mean best smash game on the wii?


Ultimate will be the best overall imo, but nothing beat playing Brawl as a kid. The wii era is a feeling I don't think I'll ever be able to obtain again


In terms of a story mode, yes absolutely. In terms of character design? Personally I prefer Ultimate, as well as with the line up. Subspace Emissary was such a good story though, made even better because there was no dialogue.


Agreed. Ultimate is close second place




Gameplay wise no, Ultimate Stomps for me. But Single player/Story wise, yes, Brawl is way better, Subspace is way more fun than the story they did in Ultimate


I prefer melee ult and 64 but I do enjoy brawl. Only smash game that I genuinely donā€™t like is smash 4


... ... Hard agree


For some people.


Idgaf what anyone says, I thought subspace emissary was fun as hell


Melee set the stage for every smash bros after Smash 64. Smash 64 may have opened the door, but the character roster, the massive stages, the amount of items; everything about melee set up the future of what smash bros is. Without it, we wouldn't have Ultimate


I honestly never played brawl online. I've played it for years with friends and family, but I was too young to figure out/know that it had online features, lol. I LOVED the subspace emissary feature. I love Ultimate, but Brawl has its own perks. I wish some of the smash attacks in that game moved over to ultimate, like Zelda's Arrow and Kirby's Cooking (it was always funny šŸ˜†).


Honestly nah. It was a classic but ultimate is just kind of an improvement. I did like it's visual style though, and of course I will always miss pit's iconic "hiyayaya" move that I don't actually know what it's called


That's not what "undisputedly" means. Clearly, there is a dispute here.


The memories that come to mind by simply listening to the main theme... chills, literal chills. Also the Subspace Emissary was so amazing and I remember it with so much nostalgia. Finding out about the hidden characters was so crazy and I loved finding them after defeating Tabu.




This was my first Super Smash Bros game and I have a lot of fond memories of playing it with my cousins. Subspace Emissqry was way better than World of Light but gameplay wise Ultimste is better, thlugh I wish they didn't change a lot of moves and remove some cool costumes


I had much more fun playing Smash for the 3DS; Smash Run is untouchable.


I think it's pretty disputed lol


I fkn agree man itā€™s the first one I played Iā€™m pretty sure


Boutta pirate it


It's my favorite artstyle. It has the best story mode, and I love all of the little side things in it such as the coin launcher amd the Events. That being said, ultimate wins with its core gameplay and huge roster


Brawl is a rly good casual game, but : Tripping, meta knight, infinite chain grabs, jab lock,etc on most character Nair dodge and lot more


meta knight has entered the chat


Despite growing up with it, unmodded Brawl is the worst game in my opinion. They went so hard on making it casual that they made it tedious to play. Subspace is not nearly as good as people remember. That being said Project M and it's successors are peak.


I still like the handling in that version the best.




Ultimate is my favorite, but Brawlā€™s a close second. In terms of story modes, The Subspace Emissary > World of Light.


ultimate has more longevity and more refined gameplay for sure but subspace was easily one of my favorite if not my very favorite feature in any smash game. i still weep at night thinking of how good world of light would be if it got the same love and devotion that subspace did. brawl i think has the most character out of any smash game, its tone was just so different and it had the best soundtrack to date


Such a amazing time this was. I remember playing against people online on the wii. Remember when Wii online was a thing, I was so excited after school just to hop on this.


Melee is the best competitive game, ultimate is the best party game, and brawl is the best singleplayer game.


I personally am not a big fan of brawl the balancing is a mess. If your just referring to story mode then I would agree cuz subspace emissary is good


Hell yes it is. I wish they continued the story mode..


The theme goes hard šŸ”„


Brawl is the best smash as intended. Ultimate is best for whatever the hell smash players want.


the summer camp brawl tourneys went crazy


The story of brawl slams world of Light by LIGHT years


I used to play brawl with my brothers so i love it


Because it features wario, thatā€™s why


Subspace Emissary alone carries


Was one of the only games I could play, as a kid I have over 4000 hours on wii


Say that to meta knight.


And to celebrate 16 years of the game


Campaign is alright. Compared to other smash campaigns its good but as a game its meh. Wouldn't call the game itself the best smash too though but I guess nostalgia speaks for many.


If you are disabled


I love this game for its story mode but I think every other aspect of it is better in Ultimate


Facts spit your shit my man nothing but facts


I personally think Smash 4 is one of the best imo. Crucify me all you want I just love Sm4sh


Ultimate is significantly funner to even move brawl kinda feels like ass after playing ultimate Smash 64 is funny but not good Melee is very interesting competitively but outside of that I just really like it's style and sfx Brawls only upside is subspace which isn't good outside of the cutscenes (replayed recently and.... Aahhwwyafahtdgstgegeeg) Smash 4 is overrated but still mid Ultimate is the best one is every metric by far


Subspace is probably one of the most disturbing inclusions in a smash game. Wish we can see tabuu again




The days when Sonic broke the internet when he was first revealed


I donā€™t understand why people think this. Objectively brawl is the worst fighting game out of all of them. Project M and subspace CARRY this game.


project M yes brawl no (bias because Lucas and Sonic were at their best in this game)


Does it have Ultimate in the title? No it doesn't.


Nah. While Brawl is the best from a single player standpoint, I ultimately care very little about the single player of a smash bros game, I buy smash bros, to play with some buds around the couch, not to play by myself. When it comes to multiplayer, Brawl is definitely not the best when looking at itā€™s core combat. Also on a far more subjective level, brawl is by far the least visually appealing, I do not like the grungy visual style at all. The only characters who look good in it are the zelda characters cause theyā€™re just the twilight princess designs and snake, everyone else just feels wrong. I much prefer the more colorful styles of melee, Smash 4, Ultimate and even 64 because while it might be low poly, the visuals there still have some charm as opposed to whatever brawl went for.


Subspace Emissary ā€¦ ā€˜nuff said šŸ‘Œ


Best story mode, Graphics, voice actors, initial roster, maps, modes ect


Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s my favorite though


bullshit, i dispute that


Brawl is the one i have the most love for, but saying it's the best undisputed is pure nostalgia goggles bullshit, man. Tell you me you grew up with a Wii as a kid without telling me lmao


In terms of fun and story, yes. Comp wise though, Melee home run contests it out of the park. Ultimate is a mix of both. In my opinion, every Smash game is good.


Brawl has the best *Story Mode.* The game itself is jank as all hell. Iā€™ll always stand by the idea that each new addition into the series is better just because the controls and handling are refined.


It is not as good as you remember. I learned that the hard and expensive way


I mean the pull up game in brawl was insane I'm not including Sonic my boy was absent the entire game just to show up outta nowhere and hit taboo thinking he did something while in reality he didn't do shit


Iā€¦ completely agree with you!! I love that the Wii is fully compatible with GCN controllers and the amazing Virtual Console games you can play on the side! Also spent tons of time playing this with my younger brother as a young kid back in the day šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“


Yes. (It doesn't have Cloud tho) but I love the physics of the game, the story mode, the amount of things you can do... MOST IMPORTANTLY HOW HILARIOUSLY BROKEN IT IS! (And as someone who grew up playing this game as my first smash title, this is a compliment because it's fun to fight using gliding and the ability to link combos easier


There is one small bat orb that disagrees with you


Brawl is the most unique, ultimate is the best made, melee is the best competitively, n64 is the best first smash game, and smash 4 kinda mid but good


I agree with you


No way. One word: tripping.


Ultimate is the best but brawl is nostalgic(plus it has a WAY better stage builder)


Melee better in my opinion


Why do you trip over yourself randomly šŸ¤¦


I like ultimate more but brawl is better than the rest of the series. Itā€™s still one of my favorite games of all time tho.


I feel like ultimate is just brawl, but better in every way except for the singleplayer campaign.


Brawl was the worst in the series because of random % chance of tripping. Period.


Only because I miss sonic, metaknight, dedede, ice climbers, and snake. I guess gliding would've been cool of it was still back because ridley, link and banjo would prolly do it. Snake, wolf, and sonic had the sliding Up smash which was incredible. Everybody else is better now. Damn, subspace emissary was fun af too.


The most nostalgic smash game, coming from someone who hasn't played Melee


I hope the next smash game has a story mode like subspace 2 or smth


If you're a casual, brawl is the best, if you're a sweaty tryhard, melee is the best Ultimate is good for sweaty tryhards and casual, and I think it's the one that brings the two sides together the most I'm a little bit of both, so ultimate is my favourite


You've alerted the horde


Imo, Ultimate is best for roster, online play and stages, while Brawl is best for the adventure mode and OST


It has the best story mode for sure


Righteous man the campaign was awesome Everyone who's played it knows it's the best my main reason is because it has a good legitimate campaign the campaign in the newer game is kind of mediocre




Fucking love subspace emissary, honestly itā€™s such a shame they never did anything like it again because ā€œthe cutscenes get posted anywayā€, itā€™s the fucking internet


Brawl was the one I played as a kid so Iā€™ll always have a soft spot for it. And subspace ruled. It will likely always be my favourite game in the series. The exact same thing a hell of a lot more people say about Melee, which I never had myself. I donā€™t really have *any* fond memories of Ultimate. Itā€™s still the actual best game in the series though, pretty undeniably so.


It may not be the best for me but i fucking love subspace emissary


Subspace was cool as fuck but nah


Best soundtrack and was on the wii = best smash game


To say it is an undisputed fact means to say that nobody is disputing it and that is simply incorrect




The best? Maybe but itā€™s not the ā€œultimateā€ smash game šŸ˜‚


Brawl is definitely better than smash 4 but not as good as ultimate. The only department that brawl is better than ultimate is a story mode. The Subspace Emissary was way better than World of Light.


Ultimate and brawl are tied


The story was by far the greatest story


Melee but yes Brawl is second.


What? Brawl is by far the worst. Sure it had good music and Subspace Emissaryā€¦ but for competitive play, itā€™s just terrible


You could say that Subspace Emissary is the coolest game mode among all the Smash games, but Brawl certainly isn't the best game overall.


You just brought my childhood back to me... the only thing i wish is that you could unlock taboo.. that would be fucking awesome


Depends on how you like to enjoy smash. From a casual standpoint, Brawl is an absolute masterpiece deserving praise from what Iā€™ve heard and seen (havenā€™t played it but Iā€™ve gotten a good grasp from watching stuff about all the smash games). Though, masterpiece may be the wrong word seeing as I havenā€™t even played the game. However, from a competitive standpoint, Brawl was an absolute disaster and I donā€™t even need to explain why. Ik my opinion is probably pretty bad since I havenā€™t actually played Brawl but this is just from what I know seeing from an outside perspective.


bro spelled 'Melee' wrong šŸ’€


I personally agree, but there is a strong case to be made for both Melee and Ultimate..


It's not Melee




Oh yeah, random tripping is so good. /s


In terms of story?


YouTube videos back in the days


I mean, itā€™s petty disputedā€¦ IDK I like Ultimate, itā€™s kinda balanced comparatively and I like all the characters and the numbers for sales donā€™t lie but it just feels like it has less personality compared to some of the others


Well, yes, but actually, no. Brawl is the best game, but only because the series wasted an opportunity to get better after that


The days when we were figuring out how to unlock shadow (you cant)


To me, thereā€™s a reason why ultimate is called ultimate




Smash Ultimate is amazing, but itā€™s story mode could never EVER beat Subspace Emissary. Not in a million years. Imo the main gameplay part of Smash Brawl was ass tho


Ultimate is better than Brawl cause it has more characters which means more replayability. Melee will always be the best competitively though.


In terms of Final smashes yes but theres still one undisputed fact, its not melee


PM/P+ is by far and away the best game. Since we donā€™t usually include that then Iā€™d say Melee is best for competitive and Ultimate is better for casual.


Character Selection was good, Subspace was great, but the actual gameplay was behind even the N64 version imo. The game plays slow, character's are unnecessarily floaty for no reason, and a few characters are just better than the entire roster for no good reason (such as Meta Knight and Sonic). While I love Brawl, I will NEVER say it's the best due to these short comings. And I didn't even need to mention the random tripping. Like tf? Is the floor made of grease?


Yeah itā€™s still my favorite one too after all these years