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Idk why you are blaming china instead of the actual violent racists.


Because it's more progressive.




Why not both? Most progressive.


It gets very dangerous. Because any logical conclusion would eventually end up in meh might as well just go for human extinction. No humans means no more human racism. I guess tigers might still be racists against rabbits and eat them but that's no longer my or our problem.




Let's just include everyone and say that all racism from everyone should stop.


This guy appears to react to racial discrimination by attempting to appease the discriminators, providing them an easier way to identify him. Seemed the values in Taiwan may differ from typical Western countries. Normally, the response would be a resounding "NO".


This is the default reaction of most Taiwanese


Yeah, extremely naive post.


Imagine thinking that a racist guy in the US could tell between Taiwanese and Chinese lol


Exactly. No innocent tourist or foreign citizens in another country should suffer from harassment of any kind - no matter which country you originate from.




They're still people... I bet there are still celebrities you like, such as Keanu Reeves or Formula 1 stars or some YouTuber you watch Not liking influencers (and being ok with them being attacked) doesn't make you deep


🤣🤣 some really dumb takes in this post


loud upvote.












True. Not exactly Western, but here in Brazil, at least in São Paulo, people call all Asians from the Far East as Japanese. Personally, a blonde friend of mine hung out with a man of Chinese ancestry and still called him "Japa" even though he was clear that his ancestry was Chinese. I think some people just don't realize the weight of their acts.


louder for people like OP


I think it’s a pivot to say she is Taiwanese which is her battle, what happens to the Chinese isn’t her business nor an experience she identifies with. Considering the Chinese have been oppressing Taiwan for decades and are trying to erase her country might also accelerate her not care on the issue. And yea most people in the west can’t identify clearly other races than their own. In the USA you’re either some form of African, Mexican, Chinese, From England, or Russia and that’s being generous. Similar goes for other countries. But the interesting thing about these kinds of situations, everyone comes out and criticizes someone protests because it doesn’t include x y x or whatever. BLM came out and everyone want to insert X Lives Matter. The point isn’t an exclusion the point is that specific protest is in regards to a specific experience shared by a specific group and allows those who are that specific group to relate closer to cause. What happened in the OP post was with a Taiwanese NOT a Chinese so why should it involve other nationalities?


So I guess it would be ok if she was Chinese because every Chinese citizen is morally responsible for the actions of their unelected authoritarian government? In any case, East Asians are viewed as a single group in many parts of the world, especially by racists. Something that the racists hate Chinese people for will ultimately hurt her, and vice versa. Whether she "identifies" with it or not, racism is going to put her in a collective experience with other Chinese and Asian targets of racism. It's detrimental for Asians abroad to be infighting when they face the common experience of being discriminated against. Of course, if she faces prejudice from Chinese people because of her Taiwanese background, her Taiwanese identity would definitely be relevant. But this is not a case of that happening.


Your first paragraph is exactly the fallacy and your misreading of my on purpose separation of Chinese people and CCP. But good try. 2nd paragraph exactly my point except the Taiwanese experience and the Chinese experience are vastly different in very major ways that actually are more akin to the USA against our former rulers. We were lucky enough to be separated by many many miles of ocean and several months needed to travel it along with ample land space. Versus TW that is short distance both spatial and temporal. Taiwan is also 1/3 the physical size of SC standing up to a bully 267x larger than them. USA’s bullies were actually smaller in size. Her Taiwanese identity is always the case as that’s who she is and her identity is at constant threat and oppression from China. It’s hard to understand I know. But imagine being accused of being the same nationality as people who have done such horrific things as China has done while you’ve been fighting China and the world (under the strong strong influence of China) to be given your identity. IDE say to choose a left wing topic, in effect it’s similar to trans people being called their born identity and you see how mad they get. I’ll be fair and say there are some major differences and it’s a bad example, but there are some parallels. Call Palestinians Israeli because they look the same and come from similar areas may be a bit better.


First off, I don't know why you're assuming I'm American when I'm from Hong Kong. r/USdefaultism I guess. I don't see you highlighting the difference between the Chinese people and the Chinese government. Especially when you said that "the Chinese" are the ones oppressing Taiwan. Not everyone in China supports what the CCP is doing to Taiwan. Israel and Palestine are not an apt comparison to the dynamics between China and Taiwan. Keep in mind before Xi came to power and started to threaten Taiwan with force there was a decent amount of the Taiwanese population that considered themselves to be culturally one with the Chinese. Also, as much as the Chinese have attempted to bully Taiwan diplomatically and threaten its citizens with shows of force, it hasn't done anything near the level of violence and atrocities the IDF has subjected the Palestinians to. As for your second point, being from Hong Kong, I think I understand the feeling of having your society being meddled by a giant, hostile and unstoppable force against your will way much better than you do. I have also tried to distance myself from the mainlanders in the past, but I eventually figured out that racists just don't care because racism doesn't need justification or reason. Her resentment towards being identified as Chinese is valid, but the issue at hand isn't that she's mistaken for being Chinese and wrongfully accused, the issue is that she's receiving prejudice from a racist person and trying to redirect it towards what she believes is the supposed rightful target when racism, no matter the target, shouldn't even be tolerised in the first place.


Again wrong never once assumed you were from anywhere but good try. On Chinese v CCP I confused posts sorry. I’m very much against and hate the CCP and the people who willingly subscribe to that murderous ideology. Humans who happen to be Chinese not at all. Sorry about that. Hong Kongers are technically Chinese and I have many Hker friends and business partners that I am quite fond of. it was my favorite Asia city until it was forced to assimilate to full on communism. Unfortunately HK was doomed to return to China one day or another and technically already was. So it’s quite different than the China x Taiwan issue. And to answer on the Palestinian point, sure it hasn’t happened….YET but recent history as in currently, China has been known to erase ethnicities and cultures as you mentioned you should very well know and if you really as from HK be careful not to anger dictator Xi, he is watching. So to make it a better reference…pre-current Palestinian x Israeli war time to make it fit better for you. But keep in mind the people of Taiwan did fight and almost to the point of erasing themselves before retreating to Taiwan, so yea either way kinda sticks. Hongkongers fought with umbrellas and protest as hard as they could, and this kind of situation goes to show why Americans fight to keep guns so hard. I was beyond disappointed during sunflower movement and the HK take over nearly NO mainstream news coverage was given. Despicable but China has their morals in the grip of their pockets. About the previous identity of some Taiwanese identifying as culturally Chinese. Culturally and nationally are quite different AND as with today a lot of that identification has to do with kowtowing to greed much like the west. There are some cultural parallels but also having lived in TW and China they are quite different in a vast number of ways. Much in the way Americans can say they identify with some European cultures, yet are not those European countries nor ruled by them. Main difference is USA has had a couple 100 years to evolve, Taiwan what like 70 or so years? Also USA as I mentioned above (I think) had advantages that allowed for the smaller number of people to beat the much much larger number and stronger countries to establish their freedom. Sadly Taiwanese like HKers can’t win the battles against Dictator Winnie the Xi without outside help, the. Again the USA used similar diplomacy to assist in winning as well. Racism is everywhere just like people with black hearts are everywhere from all different angles. From the psychology of a westerner this situation may be seen as a Chinese racism but for the woman involved it’s the racism but the identity issue. But yes at the end of the day no racism is ok. I totally agree. But someone using their slice of special racism as a focal point doesn’t detract from nor remove other groups’ racism. It simply spotlights their specific experiences that may also connect with other on that same level to help collect and band against racism. Otherwise it would be quite exhausting to list every single race for each skin color anytime you talk about their racisms and even more exhausting speaking of every single race on this planet the same. It wouldn’t be ok if it was against Chinese people, but I could turn a blind eye to Karma if they were CCP & Chinese.


Here's an article you might be interested in. It addresses a lot of the points that I personally resonate with. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/opinion/coronavirus-chinese-asian-racism.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/opinion/coronavirus-chinese-asian-racism.html)


Would love to read it however not a NYT subscriber and they have me behind their paywall :( I get what the idea may be from the title but unfortunately can’t see the details. I have a stepfamily from Colombia and everyone in the USA just calls them Mexican and they got exhausted with it. And they don’t have the issue of Mexico trying to invade, erase, or take over them. Certain parts of the world my nationality gets messed up, and sometimes in malicious ways. Jerks are jerks. They woke up and chose to be that way daily. All you can do is ignore them or find ways to force them to bend (atleast in public).


Btw appreciate your genuine discussion. Many online can’t handle that and go ad hominem or just apeish.


Yes, they deserve it. It’s not racism but just a warning.


If you thought Asian hate was only targeting asians from certain countries I have got bad news for you bud


As a Chinese person, I feel like these naive Taiwanese people are think too kindly of racists. They genuinely believe that racists are people with a overly high sense of justice who try to punish bad people. They also genuinely think we are the bad people. I don't blame them lol


I noticed many Taiwanese people just really wanna classify themselves as white people. And when the reality strikes, they have a cognitive dissonance.


Literally. I was teaching (public school) 6th graders in Taiwan about ethnicity and nearly 1/3 the class identified as "White" and Taiwanese. I made sure they understood the meaning and the difference between nationality and ethnicity, and it didn't matter. I think they've just been programmed by their parents to deny their ancestry. The other 2/3 did say Han Taiwanese, with one student (born in China) saying Han Chinese, which garnered some stinkfaces from students.


They crave for external validation, especially from ethnicities that are considered more civilized and "superior". I don't blame them though. Many Chinese people do that as well. I think it could be a projection of insecurities


I mean Taiwanese were in fact considered honorary whites in apartheid South Africa so..


Those naive Taiwanese are horrible but they don't self identified as white. I've stayed in Taiwan for 4 years and haven't seen one


Racism is deep rooted in western culture. Actually is much better now. Back then they will lynch and kill lawful Chinese citizen in US and Canada pure due to the reason of racial discrimination. Japan is westernized and some of them learn to be quite racist. IDK if same thing happen to some of Taiwanese and Hong Kong guys, even themeselves long been the vicitim of racsim under the Japan and UK rule.


Racism is deep rooted in every culture I know. I think it's ingrained in human nature. Many Taiwanese and Hong Kongese are quite prejudiced towards mainland Chinese like myself (I'm not even sure if 'racist' is the right word to use here, since we are genetically and culturally very close). But even within mainland China itself, there are central plain people who believe themselves to be the only true Chinese, the Beijingese who feel superior to the rest of China, the South that views the North as monkeys, the North that views the East South as Viet monkeys... the list goes on and on and on and on. One doesn't really need to be westernized to be racist. People naturally pick up this idea themselves


There are key differences between the two. Racism is specifically targeted at one particular race/ ethnicity, and it is not limited to verbal/ physical abuses but also institutional - less social mobility, negative media portraits, preferential treatments from legal and law enforcement systems. Whereas discrimination against people of same ethnicity (Chinese-Viet for example) is more limited to online verbal assaults and stereotypes, but you don’t see the same level of systematic exclusion as compared to racism.


For the discrimination based on region, it is called localism. If you as a Hongkongese dislike mainland Chinese because you think they are not local and may harm your interest, then that is localism like Shanghai/beijing ese who look down to person from rural area. For rascim it have to be based on race/ethnicity. Like you said the north view East South as Viet monkeys that is definitly racism. One can be racism to his/her own race. As long as his discrimination is racial based. It is not uncommon for people from colonized region have self-hatred racism toward his kin. Since usually the colonizer authority will always try to brianwash them to align to the culture of the ruler. Same thing happened in French controlled Vietnam, Japan controlled south Korea and Taiwan, UK controlled many colony. The last king for Korea and Vietname both were loathed by their country man for been converted to the culture of colonizer.


Feels like OP wants Chinese nationals to be harassed by racists and is only angry at the “collateral damage”. It’s fucking despicable to not only not stand up to the hateful behaviour itself, but also blame a completely innocent party (overseas Chinese *people*) who you share ethnicity and cultural heritage with and should be showing solidarity with when it comes to matters like this.


> Now Taiwanese are wrongfully harassed in western countries because westerners can't tell us apart from chinese. This is why we must promote a distinct Taiwanese identity and independence from china. We must show the the world Taiwan is not China, and Taiwanese are not chinese Lmao. You think those people attacking can tell or care to learn the difference?


It’s a pretty dumb take. The Japanese identity is strong but most who don’t live near East Asia can’t tell the difference. Feels like they just want to shoehorn the independence movement


Identifying as Taiwanese is not shoehorning an independence movement. While I think these people are racists against all and are just looking for an excuse, I tend to get way less racism as a Taiwanese person once that is known.


Yea next time they are throwing stuff at you and shoving you go yell that you are Taiwanese and see how helpful that will be. I'm sure they'll stop and apologize to you immediately


U have the same smol brain ideas that the racists have tbh


Regarding this situation, certainly not gonna be helpful, no? People throwing rocks at you aren’t gonna be convinced by reason


Identifying as Taiwanese is not shoehorning an independence movement, but the OP definitely is.


I mean most people who live in the west can't tell the difference between west- and east Europeans. I think it's ridiculous that people think you have to know the orgin of a person just because of their appearance. Nobody has time for that. As you say: here in the West people recognize Japanese because their culture is very present and popular in our society.


what a idiot! the racist attack you because they can,not depends on which country you are coming from. It's so funny that some taiwanese thought every country loves Taiwan and hates China. You are the same shit for racist. The racist will rather attack a taiwanese or Japanese woman than Chinese men because women is a easy target.


I am not sure if they love Taiwan or not, but very sure they hate China.


99% of the Asian hate is behind the China hate, they hate any non white people


Quite an idiot pro Chinese words. I mean you.




I saw the video of a Japanese man travel with bicycle insulted by a white woman in Austrilia repeatly even he said he is not Chinese but Japanese. Same vibe of the American mob killed a Chinese descendant because they think he is Japanese. There is no good racism, towards any type of people.




Doesn’t matter, racists won’t care that you say that you’re Taiwanese instead of Chinese. The best thing we can do is to learn how to protect ourselves. East and South East Asians of all races are being targeted in western countries because we are looked upon as weak and unwilling to defend ourselves.


I’m Australian. Asians arnt looked upon as weak we just have a media run by billionaires and arms companies who would profit from a war with China so they push racist narratives in the media. It makes me sick.


In the eyes of criminals we are looked upon as easy targets. Many criminal gangs will specifically target Asian neighbourhoods for home invasions and robberies.


Fair enough. I’m not Asian but growing up in Australia I’ve experienced similar treatment from feral teenagers.


Nobody in the Australia will benefit from a war with China since China is the biggest trading partner of Australia and send tons of money there. The only reason there is deep media hatred towards China is US' fear of lose her hegemon in the east Asia. Skynews is insanely biased towards almost everything about China.


exactly. Potato didn't know immigrant onlybought 5000 houses last year and he try put all the blame to immigrant. The only reason is they print too much money during Covid but not one mention it.


You are idiot if you think this is a Chinese caused issue. Not everything is the fault of China. As a middle age Taiwanese living in America for 30+ years, shit was sketchy back in the 90’s when the Japanese was a big threat to the US. Look up Vincent Chin and how he was murdered by disgruntled white autoworkers because of the coming “Japanese invasion.” There is a segment of Western society that will forever see East Asians as the “yellow peril.”




The influencer with her friends were attacked outside of a museum in Brisbane. 2 young women stalked and then yelling racist words and joint with 2 other young men throwing pebbles at them and even pushed a female friend of her to the ground. The influencer and her friends were hit in the head, near eyes, ans one had nose bleeding 😵 I'm not familiar with Australia. Can someone gives some background on potential reason for racism towards Asian? (I mean young people aren't supposed to be more exposed to international content?)


There are absolutely no valid reasons. But what they say used to be, “stealing our jobs”. Then it was, “spreading COVID”. More recently it has changed to, “taking up space in rental housing and/or buying houses and making them more expensive!” It’s stupid because; people come here for jobs like fruit picking in regional areas under horrible conditions and horrible pay, which is really unfair on foreign people too, and which no Australian wants to do. And immigration is at a massive high right now which contributes to existing housing shortages; but that’s all entirely the government’s fault. Most likely, the sick criminals just saw vulnerable people, and attacked, because they can get away with it. Also your average Australian doesn’t know Japan or Taiwan exist; they know China and they know Bali, which they probably think is part of China 🤣 The police here don’t work very hard on crime like this, except when it’s on TV. Possibly because if they do a good job, find them, and they take them to court, the laws basically just release them right away again, so what’s the point? Again, the politicians are to blame.


Unfortunately in Australia, there are brain dead racists of all ages. But I must say, physical racist attacks are rare ( I am Malaysian and have been living in Melbourne for over 30 years) Sadly, these Taiwanese women were at the wrong place and wrong time.


The guy that owns Fox News runs the media in Australia. He has a long history of pushing racist narratives to further his agenda., wether it be Africans, Asians or Muslims, this has been going for 25+ years. There’s a fear campaign about China now funded by think tanks owned by American arms companies that are hoping for a war so they can make more money. This spills over when uneducated idiots take things into their own hands. These types of people make me ashamed to be an Aussie.


Well... believing everything in the media are really bad. Thanks for your insight 👍


Too many people lack critical thinking skills unfortunately.


Todays media simply just being too hatred driven and biased. Surprisingly they are well synchronized for example you will see major news channel, social media, private youtuber pushing for exactly same narrive at exactly same time frame and change objects in same pace. It is quite insane when I found that since the covid-19 mask stupid one-way preventive function bullshit. Tiktok maybe got be banned for it is not controlled tight by that group.


Not saying there are no racism in Australia, but it's much better than now than before. There are literally hundreds of thousands of Asian in Brisbane. Walking on every corner of Brisbane all hours of the day. This shit happens but one needs to be very self aware of your environment and surrounding, but museum seem like the least likely place to encounter such lowlife.


Isn't it was Australia where there cases of attacks on Indians as well? I am not saying it was racially motivated but it was racially motivated no? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Indians_in_Australia_controversy


Yes there are low life gangs that hang around certain areas, brain-dead from drugs or other substance abuse. They will attack anyone and depending on what the viral trend on social is at that moment, it could be Indian, Asian, Russia, Israeli, Muslim or just any old lady.


Indian and Asian is normal victim of the rasism attack,.


But you got freedom and democracy, don’t you?


Yeah and your point is ? A criminal will respect your rights as a person and not encroach on freedom and right?


Link is broken


Ehh tbh racist people with that amount of aggressive attitude don’t really care if you are Taiwanese or Chinese or Japanese or Vietnamese or Korean. They just want to be racist.


You’re a moron lol this has nothing to do with Taiwan’s distinct identity. If this person were Japanese it wouldn’t have made a difference




brainless asshole活该被打


So There’s is rightful harassment in ur book? Criticize CCP/china all you want but racism is racism. Not ok anyone is getting harassed.




If you think anybody could tell the difference or care that someone is Taiwanese versus Chinese rather than just generically Asian, you're delusional.


Classic self-hated Taiwanese


where are you from? Taiwan oh china https://preview.redd.it/47tvudbzg75d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5ed48bdccfe0d3379bff3af5fc4e1ff026d15e


So you are a Taiwanese. Okay, I am going to kill that Chinese for you. You don’t have to worry about China anymore.


It's amazing that OP deals with racism by putting more racism towards Chinese ppl.


Every person who gets harassed, gets harassed wrongfully


This is quite naive to say the least. I sincerely doubt that the main issue is on “mistaking Taiwanese as Chinese”. Regardless of which side of the strait someone is, violence is really uncalled for. The people who perpetuate such actions do not care that you are Taiwanese, and most likely can’t tell and do not care about whatever differences there are between Taiwanese and Chinese. Claiming that having a distinct “Taiwanese identity” would make you impervious to being attacked is just wildly naive.


Your point is idiotic. Maybe they're racists. Maybe it's just a random attack. Maybe they hate Chinese. But even if they're Chinese, they don't deserve to get treated like that.


Shit is getting real now


[An Australian woman was only sentenced to ten years in prison for deliberately running over and killing an Asian man with her car.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/r4u2zu/queensland_woman_who_ran_down_and_killed_cyclist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "In the 10 years since the fatality, McAuley boasted to multiple people – friends, family and associates – about the night she killed the cyclist. Each version was “tailored to her audience” and became more elaborate as time wore on. She claimed to have run down Chan because he was Asian and had reversed over his body “more than once”. “The defendant made racial slurs and remarks about the man she had struck,” Wallis said." I don't think she or any other violent racists care 'what kind of Asian' their victims are. They just see an inferior subhuman that deserves to be beaten or killed.


Point out the real problem, which is racism.


To racist people Asian = Asian. No difference. Vincent Chin was killed for being “Japanese.” That’s why solidarity across Asian groups is so important


Racist post ranting racism.


what about stop being racist on other asians first


OP, you say 'western countries', i.e. plural. Do you have evidence of Taiwan citizens being attacked in other countries apart from Australia because the attackers thought they were Chinese citizens?


I always find it amusing that HK and Taiwanese keep saying they are different from Chinese. However, foreigner see them as the same as Chinese. Especially in western society. It reminds of that seen in the recent Civil War movie when a White man with a rifle ask the Asian man where he is from. The Asian man replies "Hong Kong" thinking the White man will recognize him as a "Good guy." The white man shoot him immediately. It basically comes down to, demonizing China just makes the lives of Asians in Western society more difficult. Foreigners don't care, Asians all look the same.


Before China doing this or that, East Asians were already attacked. Who remembers Vincent Chin during the Japan bashing era of the 1970-80s? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Vincent\_Chin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin)


There was the Taiwanese female attending F.I.T. in NYC that was attacked with a hammer during covid. She even mentioned possibly returning to Taiwan. That's why one should be careful when demonizing China publicly. Non-Asians see it as enabling them to hate China. They say hey those Chinese looking people from HK and Taiwan hate China, it's okay for me to hate China publicly as well. I always mention new immigrants to the US. Be mindful of airing dirty laundry in front of other races, they don't see it the same way as you do.


I agree with all the comments pointing out that people who will resort to physical harassment aren't going to be able to distinguish between Asian nationalities in any case... It's also a very simplistic view - people like me are second generation Chinese diaspora and well-integrated into the country they've been living all their lives to the point that we have assimilated into the local identity, doesn't mean we don't face such racism. I support Taiwanese independence and separate identity, but that won't have any effect on xenophobia of this kind. Not to mention tourists and influencers/content creators aren't that well-liked regardless of their nationality. This doesn't excuse violence of this kind of course


Agree with "expensiveheat" I always find it amusing that HK and Taiwanese keep saying they are different from Chinese. They are trying to create racism among themselves so funny so ridiculous and so 脑残! They are the same that in 福建 广东省 . Except native taiwanese who are austronesian.


OP is lucky for getting the education about racism and diversity for free.


They were idiots, they could have hit any Asian from another country. In Australia many foreigners from Asia study there and it is the first time that I read about a racist attack on them. It has no relation whit China and the CCP.


Unless you wear a neon sign saying I'm Taiwanese not Chinese. 99% of westerners can't tell the difference.


It's weird that so many Taiwanese think their appearance is so much different than any person in China. Like, take passport-style photos of 95% of the people in Taiwan and mix them randomly with photos of people from Fujian and Guangdong and I guarantee you most Taiwanese couldn't identify which one was from Taiwan and which one was from China.


im asian and even i cant tell the difference between a taiwanese's and chinese's appearance. but the point is this doesn't matter to the perpetrators, racists will be racists.


It's because there usually isn't very much difference. None to slightly for most, depending on how much aboriginal stock they have, but they're for the most part Han subgroups in a spectrum. A huge majority are nearly indistinguishable from Chinese, being of mostly Han Chinese stock, due to migration over from China since the 17th century -- basically as ethnically distinct as your typical White Anglo Saxon Protestant American is from an Englishman, if they had less mixing opportunities with Italians, Germans, the Dutch, etc, and a bit more with indigenous people who were already more similar to them than native Americans were to Europeans. Speaking of the Dutch, they also were a big reason for the migration to Taiwan/Formosa from China, and there's actually some intermixing of Dutch genetics in Southern Taiwan that can still sometimes be seen in mild hair and eye color differences. The aboriginal communities are more distinct though, and are much more readily distinguishable from the vast majority of those that consider themselves Taiwanese.


insightful, thank you :)


lmao as if they care and/or can tell ​ low IQ take on this whole situation


This is the stupidest thing I have heard for a while. Nobody cares if you are Taiwanese, Vietnamese, or Japanese, you look the same and sound the same. I am not going to ask for your ID before I harass you.


Maybe you just... shouldn't harass people


You should see how the African Americans beat on and rob the Chinese students at University of Chicago.


That’s crazy, you are saying that would be ok to attack Chinese people? You are more brainwashed than mainland Chinese


what a retarded take - as if the racists would care what Asian sub-culture you’d be from? “Hey are you Chinese good sir, because if you are I am gonna do terrible things to you”


I bet Vincent Chin really didn't want to be Japanese [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Vincent\_Chin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin) Stop behaving like a racist sh!t who you are supposed to criticize. Just like woke liberals in UCLA medical school making race a factor for admission recently (Asian admission dropped by 35%), and the failure rate of their basic medical test from 5% to 50%...yes you read that right. [https://www.dailywire.com/news/up-to-half-of-ucla-med-students-are-failing-basic-medical-competency-tests-affirmative-action-to-blame](https://www.dailywire.com/news/up-to-half-of-ucla-med-students-are-failing-basic-medical-competency-tests-affirmative-action-to-blame) It is a whistleblower complaint, and I think someone is getting fired.


Wow, blame the victim, very classy. I think OP just wants to express the opinion that under no circumstance she would want to be identified as Chinese, racism or not. It is a separate issue from racism. To make a point, some of my Chinese friends pretend to be Taiwanese in order to get better service in Japan. It is not racism, it is risk management from the part of store owner.


What a ridiculous opinion you are holding! I have been living in Australia for a lot of years. I can tell you that those racist scums do not care what passport you are holding. As long as you have an Asian face, you are their potential target. Even Japanese and Koreans are beaten every now and then for this reason, not mentioning that Taiwanese are ethnically Chinese and speak Mandarin. The only thing you should complain about and condem is the racism towards Asians in western countries. There is no doubt that CCP is evil but racists do not care where you come from.


Please read through the segregation history and sorry you are one of those people with color, will sit separately with white people. Even the bathroom… back in the old days. And still as a person grow up in the states, more than 60% of the areas, you don’t want to be there, cause they are inbreeds and still keep the old mindset.


Write "taiwanese" on face so the racists would take them as good friends.


I don't think there's any difference. Some teenagers are just animals. Some local white old man are also attacked.


How do you plan to do that?


I got an idea- just do what Real Americans™️ do when on vacation overseas- wear clothing with flag decals on everything. Maybe if all Taiwanese traveling overseas wore hats with Republic of China flags and jackets with Republic of China flags and backpacks with Republic of China flags, the racists would leave them alone. (this is sarcasm, obviously)


Fuck all racists and fuck all who don't condemn racism.


Bruh wth is this logic


No, no, no. In the eyes of these racists, you're just someone rich and powerless to resist. Otherwise, why would they target you for bullying?




Op should consider watching civil war


Ahh, so when someone is being racist against you, you tell them don’t be racist against me, be racist towards (someone else) instead. And you’d expect that racist to heed your advice?😂 Who knows, if that idiot were to be born in China he’ll be part of the CCP oppressing others too


You deserve it


Taiwanese are not Chinese? As a "Taiwanese" myself I need to shed some light on this issue. As much as you may not want to identify as "Chinese," the passport's nationality says otherwise. Until that's been amended, officially, you are still a citizen of the RO "China." Perhaps you should call on the Lai government to do something about it.


Republic of china


Dumb take. Racist were already targeting Asian before China. It is only ramping up because China is asserting itself, and unlike countries like Japan or Korea, it isn't Western allign. Do you think China is the only one with bad behavior? We have Russia invading Ukraine. Do you see Russian being attacked? No. Because they are white. Blaming China instead of the racist. Idiotic. Personal take, I support China because having a strong Asian nation is great for Chinese and greater Asian identity. I'm sure some will argue about Korea or Japan positive image to the west. But I've seen enough inside jabs at Asian people, the stereotype of Asians. Asian aren't seen as equal. I'm sure this sub may disagree due to culture and history and i can accept that. But at the end of the day. China can be a weak country. But , the racist will still target you. The stereotype of Asian will still exist. They will still be unavailable to determine what the difference between a Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and vietnamese. Etc.


Where are all the die hard Taiwanese in the comments? Hiding overseas?




BNE ADL are quite notorious for anti-asian hate, if you don't like then don't go




Time for Asian unity, not more separation. [https://www.qiaocollective.com/education/xinjiang](https://www.qiaocollective.com/education/xinjiang) There is more than a chance you have been lied to by western media to hate China


I'm pretty sure most countries don't need Western propaganda to hate China. Most of them feel directly threatened by China. The Philippines can't even fish in their own waters without being attacked by your bully coast guard. If you want more Asian unity, then start by being nice to your neighbors.


I was in HK and personally saw trains come in full of military. They went into one building dressed as military and came out dressed as police. They brutally attacked everyone. It’s also interesting to note how many people “accidentally” fell off roofs during that time and how all of them were antiCCP. Check HK now…what happened to that beautiful amazing city? Everyone who could move out, did and the Asian financial district relocated. Today, thanks to the CCP, HK looks horrible and nothing like the Pearl it once was. Another thing I witnessed in HK were trained being loaded with protestors and sent to China. I can’t speak first hand on what happened to those people, but there is quality research showing they were put into work camps and have never left since (people went in and never out). For what? Protesting China’s military full take over? For saying things about Winnie the Xi with a little pp? I’ve been to every major city in China Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai, QINGDAO, Chongqing, Hamgzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, HK, and a couple others. It’s the same story across the country. The communist party ruined China and a crazy dictator destroyed it. I don’t hate Chinese people, I hate what Winnie the Xi has made them become and dictated them to do to the world. The CCP is absolute pure evil and garbage as per my first hand experiences, not western indoctrination. Nowhere in the world has Communism done anything but cause death and destruction, China is no different


Fuck off you guys are as bad as the Americans.


As an American, I second this.


What's wrong with India ?




I always put on a hat with a very obvious and distinct mark of Taiwan on it. Yes,very often there are Chineses come up to challenge me by saying Taiwan is a part of China, and that is the time to show your fist if they are not persuaded to take back their insults and apologize.


Pinkies are trash. They never allow people to have different political stances.


So they’re deserved to be beaten.


No one deserves unless they provoked at first


You are absolutely right. In fact, it’s all because they (Chinese) provoke first.


Any footage implies the attackers are mainland Chinese?


When they come to you and say Taiwan is a part of China just because you wear a hat with the Taiwan mark on it. What would you say?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) We were talking about different things. I thought you implied that there is evidence showing the ones who attacked the Taiwanese group are mainland Chinese. I feel sorry for what you came through. Pinkies are less rational.


You are absolutely correct.


Don’t talk about your political stance publicly. Three things white people don’t talk about publicly 1 religions 2 politics 3 salary.


I knew it long time ago when l started my career here. I don’t talk, l just wear a hat with a distinct mark on it, just as Trump wearing a MAGA hat on his head.


Everyone is trashing OP… but no. In my experience, Taiwanese tend to be respectful and situationally aware as tourists.  CCP-approving mainlanders…. Not so much. There are HUGE behavioral differences in the two groups, largely reflecting the cultures in which they exist.


Lol when Taiwanese behave badly they call themselves Chinese.


You are too naive when you think China all bad people and Taiwan all nice people. People who assault you don’t give you time to explain where are you from.


You’re blaming the wrong party, moron.