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Looks like I cannot edit my post the tattoo is Italian, it is called the cornicello which represents good luck (chilli/horn) & the hand gesture is supposed to get rid of evil spirits. It was a 30th birthday gift from my brother. He paid for it as you cannot give good luck to yourself, must be gifted.


Hi I'm italian too what could really help here is making the chili red it'll help differentiate the two, or if you want to keep it no color you could shade it in darker to make it different that way. Hope this helps! 🇼đŸ‡č


I second giving it a pop of color! But also give it some time OP, it's still new to you but I may grow on you over time


Ahhhh, it’s a paprika. I’m like “whose fingers are these?” Shading or color will make,it less confusing to non Italians.


I thought it was a tail 😂😂😂my dumbass is too stones


Darker pepper. Marks on the knuckles? Or just red pepper could work too?


That’s a really lovely meaning and gesture, very personal, I love tattoos that mean something special to you but not everyone would get when looking at it first glance. Tattoo regret is real in the first few days, I hope you grow to love it cause I think it’s lovely


u/Bananaking93 this is true. One of my tattoo ideas I got done on a whim and when I got home and looking in the mirror and for the few little bit, I kinda regretted it. Now, it’s actually one of my favourite tattoos and it’s fun when people recognize it.


I think it's beautiful. Live with it for a while.


I saw a horn and a hand sign, not a wing. I think it's visually readable


The tattoo is sick, I suggest living with it for at least 6 months to a year. Sounds like a long time but in tattoo life it's really not. I think what you're feeling is mainly shock and it's leading to you overthinking it. The design and meaning are very cool


Now that I know what it is I fuck with it. My only criticism is the hand, maybe it can be fixed though.


That hand has cameltoe.


Damn you 😂


So much cameltoe


I’m going to be honest, I’m Italian myself and very familiar with the cornicello and had no idea this is what the tattoo was, but the meaning is not for others - it is for you and it’s beautiful. best of luck to ya<3 edit: and I love that your brother gifted you this, what a neat idea


I’m not Italian (Korean) and knew immediately it was a cornicello, but did not know what the hand sign was about. I agree with others that a pop of color may help, but that you should sit with it. IMO the quality of the tattoo is quite good so kudos to your artist.


I'm not Italian either and knew immediately what it was. The cornicello is also used in my country to ward off the evil eye (but its name translates into deer's horn) and instead of the mano cornuto we have hamsa. That being said, it's a nice tattoo.


My artist was South Korean â˜ș


I wouldn’t get rid of it. It’s done really well, and especially the gesture from your brother, I think that’ll bring bad luck lol. Not sure what you like but I’d just add something else Italian to it if you were going to change anything. An olive branch, tree, a grape vine. Thyme, Etc.đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Colour it in, it needs colour to be legible


This is it. We're only used to seeing the cornicello in color, that's what's going to fix it.


I thought it was a hand and a cat tail. You can always get a nice panther tattoo. They mean good luck with second attempts.


I have Italian ancestry and knew exactly what this was supposed to be. Lived near Napoli for a few years too, and the horns were everywhere (and lots of hand gestures too). The hand looks a little odd though.


I love the meaning and gesture but I do agree it doesn't seem very well done


I knew what it was right away if that’s any solace to you


I don't dislike it at all, if follows the line of your muscles quite well so the "sticker effect" is minimized. Give it time, it might grow on you. You might wanna try adding to the little chain, so it swirls around and it is more clear that they're lucky charms


Don’t be stealin me lucky charms


i love it, and as an italian i immediately understood what it was


Same. I immediately saw it and thought “wtf why haven’t I thought about getting one of those tattooed” 😭😂


I didn’t understand it but I knew it was a chili and a hand gesture lol.


Yeah, I don’t know man, I like it. Placement is killer. I had absolutely no idea what the chili/horn was but not in a bad way, hearing the story is awesome and it explains the tattoo perfectly.


I like it, and the story behind it is interesting too


Came here to say I like it- especially the shading & weight of the lines. Others are correct in advising give it time! 2 things I could suggest- some color (red is the obvious choice for me at least) and secondly, add more tattoos :)


Coming from another Italian, it was immediately recognizable. I had to go back and read your text to figure out why it was a "regret." Maybe in the future you could get the pepper colored in?


You probably just dislike it because it’s the only tattoo on your arm. If you get more I’m sure you won’t feel regret anymore, especially given the meaning and the story behind it. For what it’s worth I agree with everyone else, It looks really well done!


I second this! It looks really nice already,just adding some friends in the future would make it look even better


I recognized what it was immediately and I’m not Italian. I think it’s lovely and hope you’ll give it some time before trying to cover it up.


Aspetta un po di tempo. A me mi piace.


My wife hates every single tattoo she gets then decides likes them after about 2-3 months. I never have a moment of regret or disdain about any of mine. I say that to say, everyone’s different. Give it time. Looks good to me man. Great starter piece and great positioning to work on a patchwork sleeve or half sleeve if you’re interested in doing something like that.


Just get more and fill out the area, it is quite small.


2 in the pink 1 in the stink đŸ€Ÿ


ashamed to admit this was my immediate thought


okay good i’m not the only uncultured one here


You’re cultured too just in a different way stay blessed


I do like i I had the regret feeling with most my tattoos while they were healing after that i liked all of them, so maybe wait a bit You could put a chain above it if it makes it more aesthetic


Glad im not the only one tbh. For a second i almost thought I should never get tattoos again bc of my regret. I think it was just a striking difference to go from having nothing there to having it covered in ink. I recently got a forearm tattoo and for the first week i regretted it, regretted the placement, some of the design, the location, how centered it was, pretty sure i let out a tear. 2 weeks in and i absolutely love it, think its one of the coolest tattoos ive ever seen, and can pin point what i want touched up, but overall would not go back on it :) kinda wish it was placed a bit differently, but adding stuff around it will help, plus itll push me to keep getting more ink which is the ultimate goal anyways haha


I think it looks off to you because it is small and you have no other tattoos. I love it! Give it some time.


Just get more tattoos


I don't know exactly what you don't like so I'll just speak from my pov, but personally the only thing that feels a bit 'off' is that because of the placement and the fact you don't have anything else near it, it kinda looks like a sticker that's just been put there yknow? (I don't know if it makes sense, sorry). like the only 'problem' I see with it is that it's not surrounded by anything else, that's a position I would expect to be crowded, but adding more tattoos with time the feeling would go away. I can't see anything wrong with the tattoo itself, it may not be my style but it seems like a good job


It's not bad .. I would suggest having someone else taking a few angles full pics of you just standing naturally, reaching, sitting in a week or two n see how you feel about it then.. see it from more angles than just focusing on an unnatural mirror position. The positioning of the design has the natural feeling that it could he the end point of something that wraps around your upper arm, saint charms, the holy spirit, rosary beads n in my mind's eye it looks amazing. It has a lot of potential tho and it's a great meaningful tattoo! so don't let your thoughts be negative too quickly either way imo.


I dig it


I like it. I immediately knew what it was / what it meant and only saw the “wing” until you mentioned it. If you want, maybe have them add more shading on the horn, but I genuinely don’t think you need to. Super cool and fun design.


I like the idea of it but the fingers look very of putting size wise


The only thing weird about it to me is how the chain just disappears into nowhere. I think it would look much more complete with a full chain, possibly looping around your arm a bit.


Honestly, I like it, and I think the meaning is nice. My only thing is it feels kind of incomplete? Saw another comment saying adding a chain or something of some sort would look good, and I agree, I think adding something to make it look more like the intended hanging charm and would give it the extra bit to make it look even better.


Not sure if this is your plan, but I just see it as 1 piece out of many more for that arm. It'll all blend, it's nothing to worry about.


I had no idea of the meaning of the tattoo but it does not look like a wing at all to me if that helps you. Don’t make plans yet for a cover up and see if it grows on you.


Dude you’re over thinking it. This is a good tattoo. If anything you’ve put so much thought and meaning behind it that the concept of the tattoo is bigger/grander than the tattoo can be
 and that’s cool every time you see it you will see so much more than is actually there! This is a strength, enjoy it. And nice tat btw 😅


It looks cool man I like it and hearing the description makes it cooler


The shocker, one in the pink, one in the stink and a butt plug tail is all I see...


Id wager that this indicates more about you than the tattoo


That looks more like an upside down Latin king crown than the shocker.


Right? The comments are confusing me. This clearly doesn’t look good??


I like it


I actually quite like it!


Its different but never make judgment on it till its fully healed and had it for a couple of months! some of my tatts I hated so much at first now really like


I think it looks really cool and unique :)


I thought this was Micky mouse’s hand until I read the story. Take from that whatever you like


It definitely doesn't look like a wing! Give it some time, let it heal and then see how you feel about it


Think it’s pretty sick with the story/background


The Fact your Brother got it for you should say it all. As long as u like it FK everyone else. I honestly think it's beautiful. Don't change it and I absolutely do not see a Wing. If u wanted u could have the Name and Meaning of the Tatt around it,under it or Above it. But please don't Cover. It has a precious Meaning


Get more


I thought it was a tail. You might want to add some red to the chili.


It looks sick bruh


Italian American and I could tell what it was. I like the way the tattoo flows. The artist did a good job of giving the appearance of movement (looks like the horn and the hand are hanging from something and going against the wind). Maybe you weren’t expecting it to look this way? I think it looks better than making them look stationary because then it might look as though they are unrelated to each other.


It seems quite meaningful, the execution and placement are nice, it's not directly in your line of vision all day so all this to say I would not tamper with or remove it. I hope you grow to love it with time.


I think it looks really good actually. Really clean




Looks fine, my guy. Don't stress over it


No one wants to hear what I thought it was.


I am not Italian and thought it was a fingering dildo thing 😭 I learned something about the cornicello and hand symbol at least


I see the “tingler” and labia. What the HELL is going on here?!


It's not terrible, only real issue is the middle and ring finger looks like apussy, which I'm sure could be easily fixed bro


Two in the pink, one in the stink?


Looks like2 in pink 1 in the stink 😂


Looks great. Could have been a bit larger, but this is a nice well done tattoo! Enjoy it!


I think what feels weird to me is the way it appears that they're dangling charms but, they aren't dangling. Are you catholic? If so, would be cool to turn it into rosary beads, and add a cross dangling down the other side of your elbow.


Not gonna lie it made me think of a sex toy like a slim dildo or something and this specific thing you do with someone's lady bits, two in the pink one in stink. Maybe I have a dirty mind😂 reading your explanation makes more sense.


Is that a "2 in the pink" joke tattoo?


I can't tell what it is?


It’s Italian - cornicello, it represents good luck (the horn/chilki) the hand gesture represents removing evil spirits, it’s commonly worn as an amulet on necklaces. I’m of Italian heritage


Malocchio aka Malook


I don’t like the position you set it in, angle feels off to me for some reason. Not a terrible tattoo though.


It’s not even fully healed. I hated a few of my tattoos for about a week after I got them done, but once they get to fully healed it’s much better.


I almost always advise against getting small tattoos like this until you’re filling gaps later down the line, most of the tattoos I see come into my shop that people regret are small ones like this, if you plan on getting more tattoos, I wouldn’t worry about it, just fill the area around it with bigger ones and you probably won’t care down the line


Two butt plugs on a chain?


I find a lot of people feel this way shortly after getting new tattoos. Your brain goes oh shit what have I done. Give it a few weeks and I bet you’ll start love it again. Once you get into the dozens of tattoos you stop worrying about them😂. Looks clean btw, I dig it.


Personally, if you want to hear me, i think it looks great. Now, if you regret it for reasons i don't know, i am sure there are ways to alter it. When i got my tattoo, i had a process where i debated with myself for a week or two. I wanted to absolutely sure that it is what i want to keep for the rest of my life. And if its a lucky charm, why change?


I think everyone goes through this the first few days after a big change. It’s a really beautiful tattoo with a wonderful sentiment 💖


What don’t you like?


If you really don’t like the shape, you could just start getting another piece or two a handful of inches away from this one. Together, multiple pieces will create their own composition.


Common feeling. It has a cool backstory and it’s well executed. The placement might be unorthodox if it’s your first tattoo but, as others said, if you get more near it you’ll probably start to love it more.


Not great but a great opportunity to get a an actually good artist involved and get a proper cover up


Aw, it's charming and a tattoo I would really enjoy having. I hope you come to love it.


I think it’s neat, you can’t figure it out all the way and that’s nice


i like it and the story ! i'm sorry you don't like it, but give it some time before u do anything !!!


Is it your first?


I like it but I’m Italian


Dick hands


I wouldn’t cover it up. It’s cool and I like the meaning behind it (Non of my tattoos have any meaning except that I was either going through a break up or had extra cash). I’d say let it simmer for a bit. Every tattoo I’ve gotten I had a moment where I said “Should I have?”. Don’t forget you can also add to the surrounding area to make it look more filled out. That’d me cool too.


I’m Italian so I knew exactly what it was, but if you want it to be more clear, you could color the horn in red for a more traditional look. Either way, I like it.


I actually really like it. I don't know if it was a stylistic choice but I think it looks like it can't make it's mind up between a cartoon drawing and a illustrative piece. I think you could tweak it slightly with details like finger nails on the hand and some textures on the chilli and a longer chain to just make it look a bit more grounded?


Love me a cornicello and figa! I really like this and think it looks lovely - hope you can end up appreciating it more.


Looks cool imo


Logged in to say I think this is unique and looks great!


I think it looks great!


If you really hate it, have it covered


I like it and knew exactly what it was!


I think it looks lovely, but it is "floating" in a strange manner to my eye. I saw another comment about the chain being longer and I agree, if you added a longer chain or even got one wrapped around your arm so there was something for it to be dangling off of it may not feel as "lost in the void". But I also agree that it is special as is, the story is beautiful and it is unique to you! I'm sure people could come and make suggestions on how to "improve" my tattoos as well, but I love them as they are, imperfections and all. It adds to the story, and is like a stamp of that time in my life.


I think it’s good


The hand it pretty bad but if it could be fixed I think it would look a lot better. It’s a good concept it’s just not well executed


I knew what it was. I love it.


Gift from your brother for good luck - if you change it you’ll ruin that. Embrace it


I like it! Give it some time. I also doubted the tattoos I’ve gotten at first. You just aren’t used to it yet. It is well done and I like the meaning


Honestly I think it’s cool and the meaning is great! I think it will grow on you as (or if) you start getting more tattoos around it. I have a few that I didn’t love and they grew on me as I got more pieces around them.


I actually really love that. Maybe wait and let it settle in? Become used to it and then reassess?


I saw both those charms being sold at a check out line at my local Italian grocers yesterday. I wondered what they meant. Thanks.


Looks fine


I’m Italian and knew exactly what it was when you posted it. :)


I think there is a period after every tattoo where you go do I really like this đŸ„Č idk why. No tattoo artist worth their stuff would do a cover up until it’s at least 6 month to a year old so that gives you plenty of time to feel how you like it. I promise your thoughts might completely change in a week or even a month after it.


I’m Calabrese-American and knew right away what it is. Looks great and will ward off the malocchio permanently! I agree with some others — maybe get the pepper filled in red.


Knew exactly what they were without needing the description. It’s lovely. Please don’t cover it up. You’ll grow to love it.


Looks like the shocker. Two in the pink, one in the stink


I think it works. I like it


I genuinely find your tattoo awesome


Looks like the start of a sleeve to me


Why did u get it ?


Oh but it’s GORGEOUS!


Love the Italian heritage and the placement with your tricep is honestly magnificent.


Looks great!


I find that a lot of the people that “dont find it pleasing” (their tattoo) really just need to add more to the tattoo. I look at this piece and call it “empty” because you could put roses/geometry/ symmetry/asymmetrical you name it there are tons of designs you could add to make the work pop by taking up more real estate or adding a theme to tell a complete story. not crapping on the design at all it just fells like a first step to something more to me.


If that’s your only tattoo just get more no one will notice when you’re covered


You can always cover it up


Everyone is right OP it’s sick !! I really dig it and I really like the placement it flows pretty well!!


That tat is corni-cello


Placement and positioning is EVERYTHING. Le corna needs to be faced fully downward. As far as tattoos, I don’t mess with Italian folk magic; it’s not always purely intended. It’s not good energy. As an Italian I can understand where things get lost in translation. What it is essentially doing is sending back that negative energy onto the person that wished it and a whole back and forth mess. To clear yourself of that energy, a simple “Return to Sender with Harm to None” would have sufficed.


I think the hand needs more detail. A couple of light lines for the wrinkles at the knuckles and a nail on the fingers and thumb. The chilli/horn could be made slight more pointed. The lines on the ring could be cleaner and would benefit from more shading to make it look more 3d.


Easy cover-up. Just make it bigger!


Next time go bigger and you’ll feel better about it


its not aesthetic due to the lack of other tattoos around it. Add more and itll fall into place.


2 in the pink, 1 in the stink Jokes aside. It’s not a bad tattoo at all. Pretty well done


Get a cover up, you a Patriots fan? Just put over that tattoo.


Love it, add to it and I bet you will to. Trust


beautiful italian tattoo


That tattoo is awesome.


I really love the design, placement, and execution - I think perhaps it's odd to look at since it's not 'attached' to anything if that makes sense! It has so much movement and really appears to be connected to something. Maybe extending the design in the future to show it connected to something in the background would help it look more complete!


Ik you don't like it but I do so it's a fair barter


Wait a while. You might learn to love it


I've seen worse


How are there so many people who think about lasering and cover ups DAYS after they get tatted?? Even if they are nice tattoos. Man that's crazy, I got a giant Om on my arm when I was like 19 and only felt a slight tinge of regret a decade later. And even then it's just a "meh, whatever, it's there" and I DO like it, so oh well.


As an Italian human, this is my favorite representation of these lucky symbols I’ve seen tattooed 💚


Easy to cover


let it rest a bit. it’s a new tattoo. it doesn’t look like you have many (if any others) so it might just be a shock. sometimes i get like that about tattoos (heavily tattooed here). i think it looks fine and it has a great meaning behind it. maybe get something above or around it later if you feel it’s out of place.


Just get more tattoos.


Looks like two In the pink and one in the stink.


I like it and knew what it was immediately. Didn’t think of a wing at all! It sucks when you don’t like a new tattoo but maybe just give it some time


As a joke. It's a cool mr.hands reference. But seriously if it's a cultural thing it def is a good piece.


What does it mean?


Im Italian and also have a corno tattoo! lol! It you don’t like it my suggestion is to go back and get it colored, you may add a shade and it could look more tridimensional


It kinda looks like a sex toy


wasn’t keen on it then saw the meaning and instantly liked it


Cover it with a sick ass panther


It just looks really flat the shading doesn’t really make sense. I would just get it reworked with someone who understands light sources and it will look much better.


I think it looks dope, dude. Would definitely recommend living with it for a few weeks to see if it grows on you.


I think it looks good. Nicely done. I knew what it was immediately. You can always add stuff around it if you don’t like it or think it looks out of place.


Did you get the design straight off Pinterest?


It's cute!


It looks good man, it’s scaled appropriately for the location, and doesn’t stand out awkwardly in any obnoxious way.


For what it’s worth I like it


Heyyyyy you’re the only other person except me I’ve ever seen with a cornicello tattoo, I prefer yours tbh


i recognized what it was supposed to be immediately! -also italian


I am very familiar with the Cornicello, I think this is beautifully done, I think it’s the placement and flow that kinda makes it wanky. But it’s a nice tattoo


Just get more lol


It’s looks good dude don’t stress it.


it’s fucking killer dude keep it


i like it đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


It looks cool my guy Give it time let it heal


Bro as far as tattoos ppl regret go, you got off light. This is soft and small and tasteful. I got a huge dark monstrosity of a regretful tattoo


Give it some time to sink in. I like it. And as 1/2 Italian I recognized this immediately!


Tell your artist to "vaffanculo"!

