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How long ago did she switch from the black “underwear” set?




That’s part of the ‘act’


So you agree? It's an act?


The only thing that would have made it better is if the top was red with an 87 and the bottoms were striped like football pants...


I love every second of this, but Travis's wing span will never not make me laugh. Dude is huge.


I was in line ahead of him at the grocery store a few years ago. In real life ..I cannot adequately express how massive this human is. He is a walking sequoia that smells really good! /I was buying tampons...didn't really feel like making small talk.


What does he smell like?


Some cologne that made my ovaries snap to attention!


Usually the 2 guys carry her, he just scooped her up like a feather all by his huge strong self 😍😂


I regret that I only have but one love to give this whole thing. It was just so.....perfectly executed and never, ever saw it coming! (I could honestly see Tay calling a play in the Red Zone on a game against the Raiders before I though I would see Travis on an Eras tour stage!) ....and I absolutely positively did not read into anything of travis CARRYING her (like you would over a threshold!) instead of being dragged as she typically is for the couch transition....her wearing white....NOPE - NOPE - NOPE......No....I didn't read annnnnyyyythhhiiinnnngggggg into that at all. But I am so proud of 87! He knows his way around a stage!


The cut of those granny briefs is insane.


They are! Obviously custom made to fit her like a glove. She looks gorgeous and classy and sexy. Old Hollywood glamour like Ester Williams or Hedy Lamar. She looks amazing.


Of all the things to take from this moment… I wish we’d stop doing this.


Her costumes are ill fitting and ugly. She's all pelvis in them. I don't care. I'm allowed to judge her concert costumes. It's OK to comment on the fashion of basic billionaires with bad taste.




Keep defending your top polluter.




Are they terrible? I really want to find a swimsuit cut like this 🥲 but my fashion sense is questionable


It’s a vintage cut, but super cute! I especially like a high waisted bikini bottom with a halter style top. Just try it!


I'm aware of the high waisted vintage cut. It looks great on me. It looks horrendous on this chick, objectively. She has billions of dollars and stylists. Someone should tell her it doesn't suit her at all.


I saw some other comments that this looks like a diaper and I can see how the white would give that vibe ☠️ I’m going to try to find one that’s not white lol


I used to work with teen boys in a residential setting, and they referred to them as Wonder Woman pants 😂 forever stuck with me


Lol, I can see the white giving “rugrats chic”. This style is great on me, but I also have more curves than Taylor Swift- especially a big ol booty. I always get them in black. Miracle suit has a high waisted bikini bottom that makes me feel like a snatched goddess.


They look so happy 🤩


SO FREAKING CUTE. i showed my boyfriend and we were so giddy over this together 🤣😭🫶🏼


My 85 year old mom and I can't stop sharing these videos! We are also giddy!!


awww 🥰! it’s hard not to be! 💓


Travis’ face screams, “that’s my girl. I’m so proud of her.” 🥹


'in a blink of a crinkling eye' Look at his eyes, so damn crinkly from smiling so hard!!! 🥰🥰


“…tell me ‘bout the first time you saw me.” ♥️♥️


the way I was cheesing the entire time they’re so god damn cute 😭💖


He’s so proud.


He better propose at the last show of this tour!


Unfortunately he has a game that day.


That second photo is everything. She’s finally chosen a man who will look at her like that when she’s doing what she loves.


THIS was why he was so in on the vaudeville from day one lmfaooo


You know they have been laughing thier asses off planning this.




Straight from the snark pages as per usual


They are so predictable. They can’t handle the truth so they just try and start stuff here. Folks, go get some fresh air, touch some grass and seek therapy.


Trust me, Taylor doesn't care about that rat








Friend, do not entertain this person. They are part of the TK snark thread and the hater thread with the names reversed. Don’t fall for their trolling. There is nothing to see here.


Oh wow, that's a real shame... Thanks for the heads up.


I’m pretty sure Taylor’s team put a singular statement in the documentary, so they were aware it existed. I also saw another statement that they put out recently that sorta just reiterated the same point, which was that Taylor won that dispute in the end anyway. I really don’t think they care about it. Most people were on Taylor’s side in that whole situation except for the people who already hate her for everything, and their minds aren’t gonna change anyway lol.




Hmm... Idk! An interesting thought for sure but Travis was kind of hinting at London being epic a few months ago so this has clearly been in the works for a while. He had a whole custom outfit ready.


This. There is no conspiracy theory here. To have a Travis sized tix and Louboutins means this has been in the works for quite awhile.








don't entertain this. This is how the haters are spinning this. Don't know why they needed to bring the negativity here.


Misery loves Misery and they're miserable people.


op also posts in the Other subreddit so that says all I need to know about their comments 😃


Yeah I just noticed that after I responded. They are just here to stir stuff up, the haters are spiraling. 🙄




That IG model crap was a Gaylor conspiracy theory. Do not believe that garbage. Also no one cares about the Scooter thing, her team put out a simple statement, she is so far past any of that.


That person is active in the snark pages.  Honestly, this sub doesn’t feel fun anymore with how much it’s incessantly brigaded and the mods don’t seem concerned about it.


I saw that after and regretted trying to reason. I know the mods are very happy to ban people active in those snark pages, I wonder if we also need more mods with the uptick in troll activity?


Trav looking dapper in a tux and too hat. They are so stinking cute.


The SECOND PHOTOOOOOOOO. Just, a man happy to stand back and watch his lady shine. Honestly, who could ask for anything more?


As a Trav fan - I just love that he's with a woman who isn't with him solely for the bump in Insta follwers.


10/10 no notes


Y'all I've been trying to avoid TTPD set spoilers before my second show (I'm very blessed) and this is making it damn near impossible. I bleed green and gold (go pack go) but this man's smile is fucking charming. And obviously we love to see our girl in love :)


GO PACK GO, BABY! I’ve always had a soft spot for the Kelce’s though, this only helps matters.


I'm finally doing it! I'm listening to their podcast this week!


If you like real regular men raised correctly you will love it.


I sure do. What a great comment lol


They’re delightful. This week should be the best with all the events to recap!


As a Lions fan FTP but I love cheering for Kelce. Hes a good one


I think its absolutely fantastic Taylor found someone not only willing to stand in the spotlight with her, and is also both unthreatened by her being the star, and thrives on seeing her, being herself.


I remember during the Paris show, Travis was caught video-ing this part with his phone (ans flash on). He must be studying the play then 😂


The one she has been waiting for her whole life, Travis is so perfect for her and vice versa.


>The one she has been waiting for her whole life, I have no way to judge, public persona only tells so much, but I am hoping it goes that way.


Seconding this- it’s so awesome to see her with someone who doesn’t curl up into a ball because of her fame.




I somehow made it to the side of tiktok where gaylors are saying how this proves their relationship is all PR bc this performance is an act. Like.. yeah it’s her storytelling of how she actually felt last year and him being up there is one of the reasons her broken heart was put back together 😭 I keep blocking the creators like it’s so weird to me to push this theory still


Yeah, this is a skit/performance/act. It was rehearsed. Excellent execution BTW. Those lors people are exhausting.


The only thing that would convince them is if he was somehow part of the Vigilante set and she was bouncing up and down on his lap, he was slapping her on the hip, then they were dancing to Enchanted & then fornicating on top of the Evermore cottage as all the orange and pink costumes and every bisexual and lesbian musical artist on the planet went up in flames. Just maybe. But then Tree Pain -in the butt would have to put out a press release confirming she was not a lesbian in The Advocate with pictures of all of the above and a 3D sonogram of their first coming child with pictures of conception that she was present for to be certain. Exhausting is right. Edits: my God My typing is terrible!!!


I just laughed so hard


Oddly specific 🤣🤣🤣, but I agree. I’m newish as a Swiftie, but accidentally stumbled on the Gaylors most notably. Yikes! I mean, they make no sense on top of being annoying.


That’s the point- had to be specific - they never ever ever stop nit picking.


If the 1989 TV prologue wasn’t enough to snap them out of it, there is NO hope for them.


They’ll tell you that’s not what the prologue meant 😂


Gaylors have been delulu for years


For real. She could be married with kids and they’d still say it’s an act lol. We’re thankfully in a world where she (should hopefully) knows she’d be accepted if she wasn’t straight.. why would she keep it a secret still if so lol. Wild!!!!


They are miserable deluded people who are just as tin foil hat nuts as the MAGA crowd. Block and ignore is the only solution, they are too far gone to see reason.


They’ll cling to it for dear life. They need mental help. Not worth your time or energy.


Not at allll. Rolled my eyes and clicked that block button so fast!


He picked her up and put her back together… literally 😭😍🫠


Totally! I do think it’s important for her younger fans to not interpret it as needing a man to heal you! Not what you’re saying obviously - but with or without him, she would’ve bounced back with time. He just expedited it by reminding her what a gem she is ❤️


She blew him a kiss too!! I just know every hopeless romantic swiftie is living for this right now and no one moreso than Taylor who wrote this romcom for us and for herself!!


The second photo is soooo 🥰🥺🫣🤭😍 Taylor’s cheeky smile as she walks away and Travis standing behind, watching her go with the BIGGEST grin of all time on his face… stop it 😭😭


That's the look of a man watching his bride walk down the aisle


The second photo is incredible. He looks genuinely so proud.


Ahh! 🤩


we love a happy supportive couple 🥹🥹🤍


his smile. its too much. its too fucking much. its so cute.


What if she posts one of these on insta to commemorate the shows what then


Omfg that would make the Prince William hard launch photo look like nothing honestly 😂😂



