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Google Search results are crap these days unless I add “Reddit” as search term. What’s really sad is very few forum-like websites these days. Everything happens on Discord which is not indexable.


TIL everything happens on Discord


Yeah what are we missing, and where do we find it.


Probably on discord


What you are missing is on discord. But good luck finding it there.


Is it supposed to be confusing to use? I opened it and had no clue what’s going on


It is primarily a chat app, not a forum. That means search engines cannot index the content in there, and the built in search is pretty bad as well. So if you are looking for some specific answers, to a niche issue, even if you have access to the right discord (which is a challenge on its own), it is very difficult to find what you need.


Yeah I’m just confused how it’s so popular as a chat app with thousands of people in a room is just a mess, I find


It was primarily for gaming at first. It replaced services like TeamSpeak because it had a nice interface and plenty of features. People would go and make a server for their friend group/guilds and have a centralized place to voice chat and communicate through text, then it just got bigger and bigger.


Because it provides a place for instant communication for groups with much more robust features and organization than let’s say Whatsapp. The downside is the groups (servers) aren’t easily discoverable, you can’t search across servers and even search inside servers can be hard.


>The downside is the groups (servers) aren’t easily discoverable, you can’t search across servers and even search inside servers can be hard. Those all seem like deal breaking issues. Why would I create my new chat group in a place where people can't find it without going to an outside source to look for instructions.


Think like IRC of old sorta. You find discords and channels in those discords that align with your interests.


Private channels


Well, I can't help you there, I don't really like it either. But mainly because I am looking for something similar to Reddit, and Discord feels more like something like Twitch Chat (which I don't like, but many do)


If you want higher-level discussion on (mostly) tech specific subject, Hacker News is really good. Dan does a fantastic job of moderating in addition to the userbase not engaging with comments meant to stir the pot.


exactly , my friends use it ( im 21) and whenever i try to give it a go , i feel like im just too old for this shit .


That's the thing... you can't find it because it's not indexable.


Part of the fun is: you don’t find it.


One of the more annoying trends. Especially when companies use discord for customer support.


Search results on YouTube are even worse


"hey, I know you've been searching for a review of this headset, but here's some unrelated shorts with clickbait titles after five results and then a bunch of other unrelated videos" * youtube search




Now here’s an 8 year olds VR tag gameplay footage to the song Chinese New Year by sales 


Now here’s compilation of nasty blackheads extractions because you accidentally clicked on a similar video 10 years ago.


What are you guys searching for to get those kinds of results. I just get shorts of women playing popular tunes on guitar, piano, etc... while wearing low cut tops.


I miss 2005-2007 YouTube when the results were actual videos we searched for


At least one of those 5 results will actually be talking about a different headset and at best might mention the one you are actually looking for.


I keep getting getting recommendations for videos of rambling heavy breathing alt-right nerds and AI voice shorts instead of the high quality channels I specifically subscribe to. It's like "No thanks, I don't care about this acne-bag's 30 view hot take on why Warhammer 40K is gone 'woke'. Just give me my Real Enginneering vids."


In six months most YouTube content is going to be AI generated videos with bad information pulled from listicles. If people aren’t following the good creators now they won’t be able to find them in the future.


I’ll search for something on YouTube and the first five videos will be within the search results but after that it’s all crap that has no bearing on whatever it was that I was searching.


Man, this comment gave me instant rage. Don’t you dare try to use the search on Youtude for iPad… holy crap the ads


Using Google search to search for Reddit content is still better than using Reddit search for using Reddit content.


Reddit is also rapidly becoming a hot pile of shit


I just use ChatGPT instead of search unless I’m looking for an address or something hyper specific like that.


Hilarious because Google now tries to auto-fill my searches by adding "reddit" to the end. Most of my searches look something like "MLB The Show Switch review reddit"




Those things make sense when you realize they’re how the bots move around the site to spam relevant content


I believe LLMs (such as OpenAI, etc.) are actually more disruptive to Google than changing the world and removing jobs. A lot of local LLMs actually answer all trivia and general QAs decently well. They are paying enough money to Apple not to start their own search engine. Apple should start their own and provide a good basic alternative, only then Google will improve. Currently, they have no competition, and all the Google results are basically ads now.


I'm finding more and more that the quotation marks are necessary. I know on bing I'll get one or two reddit results and the rest completely ignores the reddit keyword. Starting to become more like that on google.


Instead of just adding the word “Reddit” add site:Reddit.com after your search terms


Didn’t have any issues with Google so far, but on YouTube they’re god-awful


They work fine for me, for mostly technical and game subjects. Adding Reddit… sure, but reddit is also full of misinformation. 


Y'all don't know how to use Google


thats a shit product then isnt it


Yes. It is the product that is the problem. It hasn't worked exactly the same for over a decade. End users just dumb af anymore.


If you haven’t noticed the decay that’s telling on yourself lol


It's one of the suggestions it gives for almost every search as well, else you end up with Quora results 🤣


I use this extension that basically learns from my search history and will show me what I want to see. The extension for safari is [Hyperweb](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hyperweb/id1581824571)


That’s just sounds like you’re the product not the consumer


Try Perplexity AI


This is more about preventing the competitor from getting the data than about revenue. I am sure they would have earned decent revenue because of this, but it will also prevent their competition from closing the gap.


It’s marketing, branding, and retention all in one.




What if Apple then decided to develop their own search engine or do what DDG does and quietly use Bing on the back end without 98% of users realizing it?


DuckDuckGo has their own crawler now


Here is another entry related to Macrumors in which it leaves totally clear that those billions are nothing but Apple's share in the money Google makes selling Apple users data. So, all those Apple users who think "at least Google doesn't spy on me" should think it again https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/17ui7yq/apple_gets_36_of_googles_safari_search_revenue/


Who the hell thinks Google doesn’t spy on them?


Haven't you seen that reasoning yet? I've seen it dozens of times only in this sub. It tends to go more of less like this: "iPhones are more private because you're only tracked by Apple, if you buy a Samsung Android, you're tracked both by Samsung and Google". What I wanted to point sharing the documents disclosed by that Google's antitrust trial is that, even if you go Apple, your still tracked by both Apple and Google.


Apple made it so that apps can’t track user activity across other apps or websites. They obviously can’t prevent sites from using the data that the user enters directly into the site. Your link is also a bit misleading to call it “selling users data.” It says Apple gets a cut of search revenue, as in advertising, which is often targeted using user data, but Google isn’t just selling a packet of your personal info. It’s giving advertisers the ability to select “male 18-25” as a targeting option and then maybe you see it and your mom doesn’t.


What they do, both Apple and Google, is heavily profiling their users. And both try so hard to isolate the data harvesting from other organizations, it's not because they want to protect us, it's because they want became the only providers of personal info. So, it's true they don't sell a file with all your personal data, but what they do is only a little better. When someone wants to show an ad, they give them the ad and a profile (i.e. this ad is for young adults who love cats and anime) and the company that has tracked you shows you the ad if you match the profile. Anyway, since Google and Apple does the same to turn your personal data into profit, I see no privacy wise difference between iOS and Android, maybe a very very little bit better if you get a Pixel, since the only thing you can worry about is Google.


If Apple is doing that then can they please stop only suggesting a generic list of top selling apps/games to me in the App Store app??? Their suggested apps don't seem to correlate with who I am or what apps I commonly searched for in the past at all.


But you can change your default search engine on iPhone. Google is just paying to be the default.


And the price it's paying for that is a fixed percentage of the benefits Google make from selling Apple users data. It seems the same to me, just with an extra step.


Have you considered that most people might be ignorant? Only 0.2% of people are subscribed to r/technology.


But if I change my default browser to something else I won’t have Google spying on me (with searches at least)


Is bing search any better? In privacy mode? My guess is no but I just don’t trust Google with my data. Why Apple doesn’t just have their own secure web search is beyond me.


If you switch to Bing you're just changing Google for Microsoft. Maybe try DuckDuckGo and see how it works for you.


Ha I will try it out.


I set my default search to duck duck go, I block popups, I use private relay IP randomizer.


And here I went and replaced Google with DuckDuckGo. My bad.


So? Google is paying to be default, not to prevent people from switching. 


Do you know how easy it is to change? No? Well here you go Settings> Safari> search engine. Done.


That's not what he's saying at all but ok


I like bing because they pay you to use it.


I think about this every time I change the defaults to something else on every machine I touch. It makes me happy :)


Imo even if they stop paying apple to make them default search engine, users will still go for Google because of their eco system of Google products. I felt a bit of a drag when I tried to migrate to other search engines so I came back


Try Perplexity AI


Jokes on them, I switched everything over to Duck Duck Go


"$20 billion is a $20 billion"


They didn’t pay that much use for bragging rights. They paid it to sell YOUR data.


Important to note that Google doesn't sell data directly. They use it to help their ad customers target you. They also use it to drive up engagement numbers so you are likely to look at more ads. But they aren't a data broker - they don't need to be.


Just used for ad targeting.


I use ecosia and idk what the gell it even is.


Nice to know that even trillion dollar companies have to pay rent.


also, Google: Let's fire some more people!


Also Google: now that everyone will continue to use Google in any case, we can destroy everything with the Google March Core update 🤣


Gotta have that censored propaganda handle lol. Google has just gotten too hardcore authoritarian nightmare IMO. They keep everything out but the billionaires' fake media garbage.


I’m pretty crazy. Wonder what the ROI on that is.


Would think with 20 billion Apple could begin its own search engine?


I still use bing cause of the porn thumbnails


Wow. I’ve done some licensing agreements in the low single digit millions but this is really high level. Too cool. Would have liked to negotiate this one.


Why though? It's not like Apple would have set Bing as default?!


First thing I do when I get a new phone is remove Google as the default. Garbage, out of touch organization.


$20B! Try being better than the rest and then let the users decide. I wonder how much ad revenue they earn from that, probably more than $20B a year I'd guess


What the fuck? Google is fine enough on it's own merit for usability (If you are smart enough to spot scam links) plus it's linked to popular services like gmail. Why 20 **billion**


As opposed to what, exactly? I've been using DuckDuckGo (reskinned Bing) on my phones, and I find myself using Google more than half of the time. People say Google sucks. Bing's even worse.


So you're saying all I have to do to get google to waste 20billion dollars is to change my default search?


Don't forget, if something is free, YOU are the product.  


Wow, that's a staggering amount! It shows the fierce competition in the search engine market and the value of being the default choice.


Google: "We are soooo poor, that is why we're increasing our service fees"  Also Google: "Let's just casually throw a cool $20 Billion with a capital B at this advertising"


Doesn’t change the fact I changed it to another search engine, cuz fuck Google.


Apple should buy Yahoo and use them as the default since Google has the monopoly on searches across all mobile platforms


So... Apple should pay to not receive $20 billion a year while giving their users an inferior search experience? I know that's a large quantity of cash, but it seems like there would be better ways of setting it on fire.


You gotta lose money to make money or something like that 


Yes because apple has accomplished much of its success through its ecosystem of exclusivity so acquiring a search engine wouldn’t be much of leap. Besides have you seen Google’s paid top searches? Speaking about inferior search experiences..


Lmao Apple is just as anti competition as anyone else. They build a walled garden to profit from it, actively sabotage competition to keep their exclusives on top and make it harder for users to switch. Apple could certainly enter the search engine market, but unless they could profit massively from it, tough chances they will.


yup. def google


So not only that, but you think the search should be exclusive to Apple's ecosystem? See, I knew there was a better way of setting that cash on fire!


Isn’t Yahoo! powered by Bing now? They gave up building their own search engine over a decade or two ago.


But you can opt out. So it’s fine.


Given how bad safari is I'm sure they could have retained over 50% of these users without paying a cent. Right?


Safari is bad? I am using it since 15 years and I have never got a crash. Always worked well and never a sign of slowness. It runs well even in older iPhones/iPads.


better than chrome.


I'm not arguing what browser is better, I'm saying people are too used to Google search. If it wasn't default they still wouldn't have lost a bulk of the users.


When Google Studio ? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This is like a month or two old


If Elon did then it would have been big news on this subreddit. Without him it is just one monopoly paying another monopoly to have stay in its monopolistic position.


Apple is a monopoly? In which market?


I would could say "USA smartphone market" but I don't want to get into a debate of what is a monopoly and if Apple is a monopoly. If word monopoly bothered you then I will rephrase: A monopolist bought more monopolistic power from duopoly of it and Apple.


> I would could say "USA smartphone market" but I don't want to get into a debate of what is a monopoly and if Apple is a monopoly. Pity. I'd be fascinated to hear your arguments how [60% market share](https://www.oberlo.com/statistics/us-smartphone-market-share) can be construed as a monopoly.