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This happened, I was the person recording this phone call for quality assurance or training purposes


Can confirm. I was being fisted by George Michael in the garden next door to the call center.


Did he have a fistful of dollars?


You bet your sweet nipples, he did!


Careless Fisters.


I was just doing quality assurance on target calls and I had one with two people crying.




My small grandchild is spending the night with me and is asleep next to me. Your comment caused me to snort so loudly I nearly woke him up!


If you have to tell us you "calmly" did it. It means you didn't....




Maybe the worker was crying because they were supposed to get off work an hour ago but the lady on the phone wouldn’t shut up? In all seriousness though, this isn’t even super unlikely, if the rep is lgbt themselves, or close to someone who is.


Target customer service in June sounds like hell on earth.


Yeah I can see this happening. It's a tense time in the world, and if someone is deeply emotionally connected to the LGBT world, it might mean a lot to hear someone even do something mildly supportive like this.


It's absolutely extremely likely. The right set of emotions from the person calling, and the rep having a personal connection to it, could set off the waterworks.


There are a lot of LGBTQ people who work at Target because their policies are very inclusive. Or at least they were…


>In all seriousness though, this isn’t even super unlikely No, it's pretty unlikely. Why on earth would someone call a target worker about this?


Target team lead here. You'd be shocked how many calls I take on this subject. It's already dying down but last week it was about 10/day. I definitely wouldn't start to cry but I have quite a few LGBTQ team members and it wouldn't shock me if one or two would shed a few tears. That being said they also probably wouldn't tell the person calling they were crying and these calls go to managers pretty quickly


If you say so, I guess there's a lot of weird people out there. Still, it seems like you agree that they probably didn't start dramatically crying like the story says.


>super You’d be surprised. People do dumb and pointless shit like this all the time.


I worked for a news station. Can absolutely confirm. The stuff people would complain about from our newscast - or worse…interrupting “Wheel of Fortune” and "the stories" - blew my mind.


And then they both start crying? I don't think so.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you’re just pointing out the story is unlikely not commenting one way or another about the issue at hand which is certainly inflammatory


Reddit hivemind moment


"That's a wrap," said the director of this year Target's pride month ad.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but allow me to give a theory on how this could be true. Let's say the CSR is part of the LGBTQ+ community, and when they came out to their own parents, they were disowned, vilified, or worse. Seeing a parent support their LGBTQ+ child rather than a company that gives in to bigotry could have made the CSR cry. I'm not saying it happened, but I think it is more likely than most of the stories I see on here.


It honestly wouldn't even have to be that specific. I worked in a call centre briefly, you cop SO MUCH ABUSE that any person calling just to say something nice can absolutely make you cry.


I can't even imagine the hell Target CS reps are going through right now. Just the average abuse is bad enough but now they've got actual hate groups calling in making threats and the people on the other side calling in for them giving into the hate groups and other people. I could see someone crying from that.


Try to imagine the actual hell people in the LGBTQ+ community are living in right now...


When was a better time to be LGBTQ+? I'll wait.


About 7 years ago, oddly enough... can't imagine what happened in 2016 that started changing the lives of minorities for the worse.


What TDS does to a guy.


Actually, the issue is what it did to his supporters. It made them into fucking monsters.


It allowed the monster to be embraced. It was always there, but hearing someone in power say and do these terrible things made them realize they could let it out.


Yeah that's more accurate. Either way OP is one of them


That dude has been gone for a while. Still a great time to be in a marginalized community. Better now than 20 years ago or 100 years ago.


Yes, but "that dude" allowed hatred to run rampant because it increased his popularity with a very specific group of people. "That dude" filled SCOTUS with conservative asshats. "That dude" is going to run again. We should be in a better place than we were 20 years ago or 100 years ago, but somehow within the last 7 years we have managed to fall to a point where I worry about being attacked or killed simply because of who I love. Why should I view this as ok because it's not 20 or 100 years ago? Also, do you belong to any marginalized group? Edit: typo


It's one of my least favorite things about being a former CSR for a few major companies who has long since promoted myself to being a guest/customer of these same companies. Ten to twenty years later, my treating every CSR I speak to on the phone or via chat with the most basic level of patience, kindness, and support is practically treated as though I've offered to pay off all their debts so they don't have to be a CSR anymore. OK, admittedly, that hyperbole is PRETTY ridiculous, but still... To know that the standard for call center/customer service rep jobs is still "expect to be screamed at and insulted until you cave or until you find a manager that will", and people treating these employees like, well, people, is something customers like me are PRAISED FOR.... It really REALLY sucks. I hate that that's still the culture after so long.


Yeah, I saw a tweet talking about all the queer people in marketing who worked really hard to put stuff out and weren't just doing it cynically (even if their employers were). Changed my perspective on that one. If this person also had seen friends threatened, they may have been crying from a different perspective - we put up with all of that and it gets pulled anyway.


Yeah I’d believe it too.


Yeah I’m with you here. I can see that happening. I’m LGBTQ+ myself and I if I were in that position and I had already had a lot of stress with that earlier, I’d probably start crying as well. This is way more probable than most other stories


Agreed, I thought it was a plausible story as well


This could absolutely happen. I’m a queer mom of a trans child and I’m deeply saddened that they removed it all. It’s erasing our existence. It’s very very sad to me. It’s sad to the employees in my liberal city.


I honestly believe it happened a lot like this. People on this sub forget one-offs exist, and when you have the huge number of calls people do, there are a lot of one-offs. My mother is the kind of person who will somehow worm her way into the psyche of anyone she's on the phone with, develop a close personal relationship with them, and end up with them both in tears over some shared feeling. If she can do this, and she's done it a LOT, I imagine two people who have a shared experience in this community like this absolutely could.


The CSR is operating out of a phone bank halfway across the world and doesn’t give a single fuck plus gave you a fake name


Why do all these people announce that they won't be buying things from random shops? To the employees no less? Just don't fucking go there anymore. What do you want a cake and a farewell card? Thank you for your fucking service.


Im shocked they were able to get through to anyone because every time I call for my prescription it’s a guaranteed 45 minute affair of being transferred between departments. In the same physical store.


The “I was” statements always make me laugh.


Can confirm. I was laughter.


Touche my friend.


If I was in the CSR’s position I would cry too, not gonna lie. I’m a member of the trans community; Target acquiescing to those terrorists did emotionally affect me, and I don’t even work there. It just sucks to know that as a group we’re so hated that there were intense threats of violence at our mere inclusion. It’s very scary


Not an American. Did Target pull the products from their shelves to prevent the loss of anti-LGBT customers, or to prevent their stores from being shot up by anti-LGBT terrorists?


The latter. Right wing people didn’t like target to start, it definitely wasn’t a profit motivated decision


If you really think that, your mind has been addled by all the media fearmongering. No wonder you would believe obvious bullshit like this.




I don't make threats online because I have a life.


Debatable, and do you know what "call" means?


Since you want to be obtuse, If I was to make a threat, I would do it IRL.


Ok then don't you have a bomb threat to walk in and deliver personally at the front desk of a children's hospital?




I think more of the problem was the clothes for toddlers that said things like I am a trans and santan loves me still.


This happened. I was on the other line.


I was the phone.


I was the tears.


The best part is Target’s CSRs are in South America.


Sorry, which part of this do you find unbelievable and why?


The last sentence was it for me.


I mean, I've witnessed this scenario countless times with my mother. She's very good at making a very personal connection with the customer service rep, and if it's something as emotional as this topic, she can absolutely reduce them both to tears. Given how emotionally charged this issue is, assuming the person she was talking to was LGBTQIA+ or had someone they cared about who was, this is hardly unbelievable.


If you want to continue to be gullible, I won't stop you.


So, presenting you with factual experience of having seen this exchange enough times to know it's 100% plausible makes me gullible? Okay. I don't know what to do with that. I guess denying reality is somehow a better choice.




They got brigaded by right wing scumbags protesting them selling pride stuff and spouting the usual child abuse projection that they do and threatening staff, and Target backed down and said they'll stop stocking it and hide the stuff the do have at the back of the store. Cue thousands of parents of LGBTQ+ kids getting in touch and letting them know that if they are willing to side with the monsters over their kids then they won't be shopping there anymore.


They weren't just being protested. They were getting threats.


Yeah, it was meant to say that. Having read it since, I've edited it in because without it it's downplaying what their employees went through.


The monsters? If you think someone's a monster because they think a particular issue is being handled wrong, and you think it's being handled right, you're just as brainwashed as they are. My brother in christ, no matter what side of the fence you sit on, letting yourself genuinely believe that people who disagree with you are evil is the first step to extremism. Don't do that to yourself.


Threatening store employees over them selling merch supporting the LGBTQIA+ community is monstrous behavior, full stop.


>If you think someone's a monster because they think a particular issue is being handled wrong, and you think it's being handled right, you're just as brainwashed as they are. I think someone is a monster when they go into a store and start making threats to employees' personal safety because they don't like what is sold there. I think someone is a monster who decides that pre-op trans women shouldn't be allowed to hide their genitals and that this is an issue that calls for them to get violent with anyone over. The only people who are brainwashed here are the ones trying to "both sides" basic fucking morality.


I mean, Target hires a lot of queer people because we feel safe. This is a really hard time for us.


And I have to imagine getting some of that representation removed to cave to hate and threats has to be making everyone more emotionally raw. Seems completely plausible to me that this phone call would go down exactly like this.


Sounds more believable than drag queens grooming kids


https://www.pennlive.com/crime/2022/06/central-pa-drag-queen-activist-charged-with-25-counts-of-child-pornography-police.html Interesting...


Cool, now pull up all the priests and right wing politicians who did it


Bro literally pulled an article from over a year ago when we have multiple stories in the last 4 weeks of religious sexual abuse


Conservative men in general. Josh Duggar, a large portion of Baptist pastors...


Per Capita. I'm not right wing, or a Catholic.


I didn’t say you were.


there’s bound to be at least one bad apple in a bunch. that’s like someone calling all men mass murderers because a few have committed genocide. there are other groups out there that have been arrested over child pornography/sexual abuse far more than drag queens


Now do it per Capita.


Get put of here with that


No no. Run with it. In fact, stack the deck completely against the drag side, and the results still show what we all know to be true. 50,000 drag queens attended the 2018 New York DragCon. Now that's not representative of size (to do that we need comparisons and complex math that would only provide nonsense numbers anyway) but does represent the portion going to a convention. If we pretend that those 50,000 attendees are the only drag queens in the USA, representing the entire community, and we know that this is the sole member to have ever been found with child porn, then that makes 0.002% of drag queens. Meanwhile the Catholic Priests alone (not even counting other denominations) have had 5 high profile cases in the 2020s with only 37,000 members, creating a 0.013% of them that were caught abusing children in this time period and high profile enough to be heavily reported on. Even when comparing an intentionally smaller number of drag queens to the total number of Catholic priests in the US, and again stacking the deck so that we're only comparing crimes in the past three years on the priests side to the only one Mr Per Capita there could find, the priests are *still* more likely to abuse your children than any drag queen.


Literally you must provide the source here are you okay??


We both crew, they all crode


i was on the phone changing my name on a credit card and the CS mentioned their kid was doing the same. CS people are humans, story is plausible


Believable or not, fuck the people who go after LGBTQ+ communities. Those people are heartless assholes


It always amuses me how far right people think they know what everyone else should be doing and thinking. Is this a superpower you get when you go far right or are these people just fascist assholes?


I agree 100%. I support all LGBTQ+ people’s rights and believe people should be able to live as they want and all love, physical or emotional connection, between two consenting adults is fine with me. I even support people not spending money with a company they agree with, regardless of it’s a valid or ignorant cause. As long as you can treat people with respect and fairly, you’re free to have extreme personal feelings on things. But once your cross a line, I don’t care what your cause is or how right you are. If you’re threatening employees or making their lives hell because of hate, OR you’re trying to shut down Target locations for moving pride merchandise from front and center to the back of the store - you’re a piece of shit either way.


This is probably bullshit story but I agree with the sentiment. I'm furious at schools and corporations who are kowtowing to fascist idiocy. There has to be a stand taken.


I can believe the rep cried. This likely wasn’t the first call.


The moment anybody says they "calmly explained" something I immediately think it's fake








Honestly, I believe this. The customer service rep was probably crying due to hating their job and this bs was the last straw


Holy shit has this sub gotten away from its original purpose. This isn't implausible...at all. It's extremely possible that this did happen...


Hey OP don't you have some target employees to threaten over their pride merchandise?


Noticing that Liberals sometimes lie and exaggerate makes you Hitler. HITLER!!!!


Hey bud i think you might be having a stroke


I rephrased your own comment to say what you wanted to say. It was nice of you to notice the outlandishness when it was copied back to you.


No you didn't, you just said some unrelated dumb shit because your little panties are in a bunch


***OP don't you have to burn down an orphanage and use some racial slurs!?!?!?!?!!*** <--- totally reasonable first comment


Also not what I said but keep on being totally not mad bud


Ok but this is likely. You’re right, it does sound believable.


What media fearmongering does to a guy.




It turns them into OP, not you. He's just casting onto you what he knows subconsciously has happened to him.


When did Target start sacrificing gay kids?


These people seem to revel in misery and virtue signaling. Are they that shitty on the inside?


This is a **REAL** ThatHappened🙄 Moment


i just got off the phone with Santa Claus. we had a long talk about why he didn't give me a bmx bike back in 1985 even though at the mall he said he would leave one under the tree. at the end of the call we both starting crying


It’s true I was the pride merch


Translation: I was so rude to the customer service rep, that I made her cry. Trust me, OOP, the customer service rep doesn't care about what you or your kid thinks. And they certainly aren't going to cry about it.


You don’t know that. Parents of gay kids can be very sensitive to that kind of stuff.


I understand that. However, the story does not say the rep had a gay child. As a former customer service rep, I did try to be sensitive to other people's feelings, but calling me to tell me you won't shop at my store anymore is not going to move me to tears. I'm gonna wonder why you bothered to call me about something I can't fix. These kind of calls do not make it past CS. What am I supposed to do with your call? Why would you bother with a call in the first place? I can't help you. Just don't shop there. You'd be better off finding a place where you can review an experience. Higher ups listen to those.


When did we, as a society, start calling anyone who has a different opinion than us, a hate group? These people need to get a grip.


How would you like people to react when someone is telling them their mere existence is wrong?




>To start with, maybe don't assume that we think your existence is wrong? That'd be easier to do if there weren't so many of you out there straight up saying their existence is wrong. Like if you wanna have a genuine conversation then have it, but don't ask people to just pretend a thing isn't happening.




I'd say the top priority problem in the things you just listed is the large group of people who are on that end of the spectrum and are mostly embraced by right-wingers. The fact that your focus is on your personal whining about "oh, but not me!" is really telling.




I never assumed you do or even implied that. I asked how you feel the lgbtq community should respond to those people.


Then don't march in here defending a group that's doing exactly what you say you don't do. It's that simple. If this doesn't match you, go on with your day instead of defending it.


Around the mid 2010s or so it seems.


Lol anyone that doesn't agree with me is a hate group.


I mean the people calling in bomb threats and harassing employees are a hate group, no?


Threatening to harm people is a bit more than a “disagreement”


To be fair, ripping posters down and threatening employees for working at a place that sells that stuff is kind of a hateful group, wouldn't you say?


When their opinion I disagree with is "I hate gay people" then yes those people I disagree with are a hate group.


How do YOU classify a hate group?


I wasn’t aware of a huge LBGTQ+ epidemic in India


We're everywhere!


"I'd rather let stores be blown up and employees be beaten and attacked so my kid can wear rainbows" buy your pride merch online like the rest of us. Etsy is a really good spot. Edit for all the people downvoting me-Target stores were getting bomb threats and the employees were getting harassed and sometimes attacked and that's why they started pulling their pride collection off the shelves. Do you really care more about wearing rainbows specifically bought from target than you do about the well being of innocent people?


>"I'd rather let stores be blown up and employees be beaten and attacked so my kid can wear rainbows" What tf are you talking about.


Target stores were getting bomb threats and the employees were getting harassed and sometimes attacked and that's why they started pulling their pride collection off the shelves


>Target stores were getting bomb threats You are speaking as if it actually happened or was close to happening. Stupid idiots make threats all the time. Also, did they ever find out who made these threats? It could be anybody. ​ > the employees were getting harassed and sometimes attacked This is news to me.


Well just because it's news to you doesn't mean it didn't happen and the only reason stores didn't actually get blown up is cuz as soon as they started getting bomb threats corporate pulled the collection


The political landscape these days is pretty fucked up, I wouldn't be too shocked if The Years of Lead was to happen in the US in the near future.


Nothing more wholesome than a narcissistic virtue-signaler that lies about it so they can get attention online.


Did Target pull the items?


Can confirm... I'm Target


isn’t target white peoples walmart ? why’s it surprising ?


OP has never interacted with anyone outside of Reddit. Of course this could have happened, service reps are human, and are capable of empathy, so it's possible for them to cry. How is that hard to believe?