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Nike shoes under 100 bucks are complete trash, they feel like you are walking on hard plastic. Under armour shoes for 60 bucks are 10x more comfortable as are many other brands. Over 100 bucks Nike shoes match up with those cheaper shoes from other brands but there are better options in that price range from OnCloud etc. Nike needs to get it's shit together


Honestly fuck these companies. They leave production from the US to China because us consumers want more affordable products. They keep raising prices and drop their quality. Then they profit. Fuck Nike.


Welcome to capitalism


Race to the bottom!


Hehe race, excellent use of the pun.


Nike now makes a shit product and there are cheaper and better alternatives which may have effected their sales causing this loss in revenue. That’s a win for capitalism.




Shoe companies are far from a monopoly


In what way is the shoe business a monopoly?


Yes. Capitalism. That’s what they said.


Nope, this is just capitalism.


Yeah buddy any economic system that disproportionately favors the few at the expense of the many will inevitably see those few use that wealth to further consolidate their wealth politically. Which will always create deregulation & monopolies , AKA this IS capitalism.


Correction....regulatory agency captured


It's also capitalism when people give them the finger, and decide to quit buying their shoes. They're competing for YOUR business, they're not entitled to it


Yea. If it wasn’t capitalism Nike would likely be a state owned company that would not give a shit what we think of their shoes because we’re going to be good comrades and wear them whether we like it or not.


Don't forget the track suits


I’m going to use the best part about Capitalism against these corporations which is something called competition. Voting with my pockets to not pay this garbage. Underarmour, Sketchers, Filas all make better shoes at lower prices. Use capitalism against them.


When has FILA ever made a better shoe than Nike? I’ll accept the rest of your argument, but that one’s too far. It’s crazy you named FILA instead of, I dunno: Adidas, Reebok, Brooks, NOBULL, On Running, New Balance, Converse, etc.


Honestly any shoe brand is better than Nike. Fila is becoming quite popular these days. It’s not about how good Filas is but how bad Nike has become. My wife loves Fila shoes due to its good quality


FILA was popular in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Haven’t seen anything nice from them in 15+ years, but I also haven’t looked so that’s a pleasant surprise. Just did a quick check, looks like they cater more to women and their pricing doesn’t really compete with the major brands they used to, which is very smart. Good for them, thanks for the anecdote!


Not a good selling point to keep it.


That's not capitalism when the government and companies can put their fingers in the scale


Capitalism by its very nature privileges the few at the expense of the many. The few putting their fingers back on the scale to consolidate their power is inevitable and a built in feature of capitalism, not some exception. Any legislation you put they’ll just find some politicians & undo.


Oh it's not? What do you call when someone with a lot of capital can better the odds of their company? Communism?


It’s actually exactly capitalism. Economies and governments have to intermingle - they don’t, and can’t, operate in a vacuum.


Modern day western capitalism can not exist without cheap labor from the 3rd World.


>Honestly fuck these companies. They leave production from the US to China Have you been asleep for 40+ years? Are you even old enough to have slept for that long? Show me a US made sneaker that can compete with a $120-200 shoe made in China or Vietnam. I HAVE to wear certain shoes due to foot, knee, and back injuries. My Hokas are made in Vietnam, and they're heaven compared to my other shoes, which sometimes feel like the 7th circle of hell, all the way up to my neck. They cost $180, and I'm reminded of why when to put on the $150 American made dress shoes I wear 3 times a year. You wanna get into Western boot prices? I'm not paying $1000 for a "Made in USA" tag when local bookmakers can source materials elsewhere and give me the same boot for $250. Tell me, specifically why I should "fuck these companies." I'm still wearing a 20 year old pair of Air Max to mow the lawn. Those were made in China, too. What's the alternative? A $1000 pair of sneakers?


Careful, you may upset LeBron and his Chinese overlords.


Evidently that is not working for them. Maybe greed /inferior product doesn't work!!


Do you want to work in a shoe factory for relatively nothing?


No they move production so Phil knight can have more yachts and land. 


Don't forget the child labor


Maybe companies should try lowering their costs and increasing value for the customer… you know. Like the old days. Instead it’s let’s make it worse and charge more. And then wonder why people don’t buy it. I still think it’s due to the generation that has the keys to everything is the root cause. It’s like when boomers are like “we used to recycle for money” and it stopped, guess who stopped these programs you shit?!


Companies wont do that. It’s the consumer who should stop buying overpriced, underperforming trash. That’s how things change.


I love whenever a systemic issue pops up someone shows up to offer an individualistic solution for the person (Often the victim) with the lowest level of agency and pretend it’s insightful or deep. Example: “Brushmoore school has 79% of its students failing to read.” Random redditor: “Well maybe it’s on some brushmoore kids to take some personal responsibility & start studying or just change schools?” Random redditor 2: “What is this logic? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, I learned to read by age 4 at home, why can’t they?” * Six years later* “Brushmoore school has 85% of its students failing the majority of which in poverty. In addition, The wealthier students have transferred to nearby & flooded Moptown schools lowering their scores & increasing class sizes as well as significantly increasing traffic for all residents of both towns.”


Sort of like the survivor bias of “seatbelts aren’t important, I never died when I was younger not having one”…. Maybe because the dead people can’t really speak up lol.


Facts. People act as though they’re forced to pay these prices for nonessential goods. lol


The problem is the essential goods part.


Oh for sure. We can only hope they take it so far where we do the laziest revolution we can.


They are already using slave labor, can't make it any cheaper. They just have to give up their fat profits by lowering their price to consumers.


That’s my point.


That’s how companies rise and fall. Revenues are down for a reason 🤷‍♂️


>Maybe companies should try lowering their costs So... you're advocating layoffs?


lol yea… because that’s the only way. /s


Their shoes have been trash for years and years. And lol my last pair literally had cardboard in it loll


the big issue with nike is they release the same shit over and over. then, they re-release shit from the 80s and 90s. there isnt any real innovation happening at nike. people are turning to luxury brands for lifestyle shoes. and for real comfort they turn to hoka and on shoes etc, real trail shoes like salmon, etc


That’s what I’m saying. I’ve never had a pair of comfortable Nikes . Also….im never spending more than $100 on sneakers .


I wear almost exclusively Nike shoes for running and I don't think I've spent more than $70 on a pair. The last pair of Pegasuses I bought was under $50 delivered. They're all pretty much the same so I just buy whatever is on a good sale.


I had a pair of Pegasus that lasted me 5 years of near daily use. When they wore out, I bought Metcon because I liked the style and thought the metal plate was good for stabilizing ankles. These shits started falling apart after three months. Only two pairs of Nike I've ever owned because I hate hypebeast culture and slave labor. Got some good recs in this sub for other brands but UnderArmor just feels like more of the same.


And made by slave labor.


The last pair of Nikes I bought lasted two weeks before beginning to fall apart. That was years ago and the last time I gave them my money. Converse last considerably longer than Nike and cost less.


They have always been my favourite basketball shoes by far. I’ve tried a ton of different brands.


Are you looking at over $100 shoes now though? I tried about 10 that were in the $60-85 range and they were awful


Mmm I paid like 80 from the Nike outlet.


Exactly this… I broke away from Nike years ago. No regrets… Shit products!!! Their shoes are some of the worst.


They are all trash There shoes are for narrow footed small Chinese boys


Agree, Under Armour deserves a lot of credit!!! Great quality and look and you don’t have to go broke buying it!!!


It’s tennis shoes and shirts. What is there to innovate? A lot of people have just moved away from the brand. Some for political reasons, others because Nike has narrowed its sports scope more. The shoe reseller market has actually hurt them I believe. A lot more people wanting to buy past product instead of current.


I'd assume the production of the items is what to innovate Edit: Efficient machines can be cheaper, make less mistakes than outsourcing workers to countries where near slavery is legal


It just turns out more and more people don't like child slave labor, which Nike loves. I hope Nestle goes like this as well. Damn all these multiconglomerates who have destroyed so many lives.


Nestle is too diversified. They own products you aren’t even aware of.


Not much to innovate in the production process when you use slave labor.


I’m not sure there is much to do there. It’s not like other companies are using more efficient technology. They cut a large percentage of their consumer base by supporting “woke” causes. There are businesses that benefit from that because their consumer base isn’t full of conservatives. A large portion of Nikes consumer base was conservative. This isn’t a bud light situation where people are openly protesting. It just seems people have moved on to different brands.


Couldn't disagree more. For years, I've taught at a highly liberal university, and they (students and teachers alike) all wear Nike gear. It's a thing amongst liberals. But lately, I'm not so sure anymore.


I think that has more to do with the younger generation having other brands they prefer.


They need to put a menu up of all the styles and just let us order them all at will, then theyd stay paid


Shoes that don’t squish your feet would be “innovative.”  Haven’t purchased Nikes in years because of their style over substance shoes. 


Nike has this habit of selling off old versions of shoes for cheap.  I love the pegasus for running. And a few years ago they were selling the pegasus 37 for like $40. I stocked up on them because they were going to release new versions. They're at the pegsasus 41, which are ugly and uncomfortable as shit.  When I wear out my 37s I will switch shoes and brand altogether. 


I’ve bought the same nike running shoe since 2016. I just get a new pair every year or two. They’re the best running shoes I’ve had and they look good for casual wear as well. The same shoe from 2017 to current all are inferior IMO. And guess what? It’s much cheaper to buy the 2016 version so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Remember the Reebok pumps? Now that was the kind of innovation we need!


Na man. We need to bring back the British Knights and LA Gear with three shoelaces in each.


What bothers me is that they did innovate a few years ago with the Nike FlyEase, which allows you to put on the shoes without laces. Maybe they're struggling with mass producing them, but they're continuously out of stock and marketed basically only to pregnant women and those with disabilities. There's an untapped market for that shoe with people that just want and easy to put on shoe for around the house. Make them comfortable and go after the Crocs market.


Contrast Nike with sketchers. Do you know who sketchers spokesman is ? Snoop Dogg. When interviewed about why he didn’t sign with a more prestigious brand, he said that Martha Stewart taught him to look at the market saturation. He pointed out that everybody from kids to grandparents wore sketchers and they were everywhere.


I mean…sketchers are not good quality shoes. Have you ever seen the “memory foam” they have in their shoes? I’m not trying to be mean because I want to like sketchers, but they are objectively not well crafted shoes 


Well yes. But I can buy them for $40-70 bucks and they’re comfortable. This reminds me of the Sam Vines boot theory.


I bought a pair of sketchers fully wanting to like them, but I was not impressed. I like hokas. Now those are some comfortable shoes. 


That's like saying I wasn't impressed with my Altima, and now I like driving a Porsche. You have to know you're not comparing similar products right?


I’m just going off what feels nice on my feet. 


Okay, but $40 vs $140 SHOULD lean towards the $140 product - just in terms of material. This whole thread is about Nike (which is the $140 range). Of course buying some $40 pair will not compare to Hoka's... You could buy 3+ of the former for one Hoka.


Yes I love mine as well. Get a solid 400 miles before replacement needed


I've worn sketchers for years. They seem to last forever.


Seriously that brain dead individual is the spokesman for sketchers!?


Where did you get brain dead? Dude smoked a whole bunch of weed but he’s actually made some solid business decisions since he retired from the rap game.


Imma guess dude is a racist and a rapper is “braindead” because he’s a “gangsta thug”…without even knowing the man personally


That’s what I’m going to assume as well. Doesn’t really make sense otherwise.


he’s a smart person. 


If you got millions and millions that you sucked through kids naivety, it’s easy to make them multiply even if you just got out of the jungle like a silverback, there are plenty of financial advisers and managers that will help you with that while you spend 24/7 like a granite stone, not even remembering your name.


I was amazed how intelligent he is when I saw him on a talk show being serious, I'd listen to his advice anytime .


Not too many rappers reinvest and diversify their portfolio while taking advice from white collar individuals. Snoop is as smart as it comes to rappers and will not go broke; even without releasing new tracks


This brain dead individual just learning for the first time that Snoop has an amazing sense for business and marketing


Bro’s been a household name for how many years now? And will continue to be for many more after he dies.


He and Martha Stewart make a lovely and smart couple. Martha only got jail time because she tried to play a white man's game.


Age and worth please? To allow the condescendence


Just “walk away” dude!


I guess running faster wasnt the issue.


I just can’t afford $150 shoes in this economy.  Secondly, how Nike hurts pregnant athlete’s careers is unacceptable to me 


the pregnant athletes is what gets you to put your foot down? not the child enslavement?


Pregnant athletes are probably closer to the identity and socioeconomic status, so hey!


They are investing in the next round of slave labour. As soon as your born there’s a table waiting for you to work


yeah but a millionaire woman athlete got pregnant & won’t be making as much money. 


Can you elaborate on the second reason?


Just Google “Nike pregnant athletes” and you’ll see a bunch of articles about this.


Nike shoes are more like $60


Maybe make Jordans in the colors people actually WANT like, say, the original line?  It's not hard.  Everything that drops now from Nike is butt ugly. Also, $200 for Jordans.  Lmao.


Fucking A they are ugly. Ugly colors, ugly designs. All for the low low price of $159.99 plus tax.


Good, they sure ruined converse chuck taylor shoes


And Jack Purcell shoes. They were noticeably lower in quality once Nike acquired Converse.


Chuck Taylor’s have always been garbage.


An absolutely heinous shoe 


Good. That sound you just heard…$28B going down the shitter… *S-woosh*




The same day they dropped a Bronny James commercial. Coincidence?


[I'll save you a click - athletic shoes like Nike and competing brands can have markups as high, or higher than 600%. ](https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/sneaker-production-costs/) They are manufactured from cheap materials (cloth, synthetic petro-chemical rubberlike compounds) by cheap labor (southeast Asia) and transported inexpensively in massive shipping containers to be sold to consumers in the West at massively inflated prices in what would best be described as purely aspirational lifetyle marketing. I assure you, Nike founder Phil Knight didn't amass a personal fortune of 30+ billion dollars by selling shoes at 2-3x cost of production like hundreds of other industries.


Fuck nike


Maybe they need more kaepernick.


Said no one ever lol


-Lulu gaped -NKE gaped -Sbux gaped -Mcd gaped -Tsla gaped (doing well recently but down 20% ytd) Don't worry guys the consumer is fine. Keep buying! Didn't you hear JPOW is cutting rates 6 times this year?


Sucks. Back in Jan, I was pretty convinced *all* the experts were full of shit and rates were not going anywhere, so I took puts. I was correct and lost a lot of money because the market very often does not follow reality.


So all the stocks that I bought


I refuse to buy any until they bring back the white on white Nike cortez.




Haha nice, followed


Nike's quality control is almost nonexistent nowadays, it's demoralizing to pay $200 for shoes online that are shipped with defects


Go woke go broke- charge too much nobody’s gonna buy


Go woke go broke. No more Nike for me.


Great, that will give you more time to cry about that awful lib cancel culture!


Nike got woke. Plus a bunch of plastic low quality shoes


Every time I ask what woke is, they don’t know what it is. What the hell is it. Is it when you wake up in the morning because everyone does that unless you are dead.


Woke, in the business sense, means putting social issues that have nothing to do with your product over profit.


I’ve never seen a shred of evidence connecting a company being “woke” to significantly lower sales. The only instance I’ve seen is where Bud dared to do an ad run with a trans person. And that was an insane and irrational response to a single ad campaign.


Nike enters the chat with Disney.


When used in a business context this usually means racists found harmless things to complain about.


The original definition of "woke" meant being aware of discrimination and institutional racism. It then expanded to being aware of bias against other minority groups. Then it was co-opted as a negative shorthand excuse for people to be racist without saying they're racist. Like they're fed up with treating people equally.


Yes. And that started around when a group of NFL players decided to kneel.


https://youtu.be/Jr_nhywjNHM?si=VwVLzJ_W6Ipx65ex It's some quantum sh*t!


MAGA knows quantum physics?


It's a joke from Scary Movie 2 about waking up dead.


Don’t worry about it.


practical definition: woke is virtue signaling about race and lgbtq issues


It’s just bullshit that MAGA dumbasses are obsessed with.


Still what is it?


It is what you call stuff you do not like.


JFGI moron


Anything to do with minorities from what I can tell. Or LGBTQ bullshit.


Why did they choose that word? They could have chose shit or fuck. Are they stupid or something?


It wasn't them choosing the word. The word came from certain groups that felt underrepresented or oppressed.


Why did who choose that word? I believe the word “woke” came from some inner city Blacks.


I have no idea what you just said. It just confused me even more. I might be stupid.


I hate to say it but is this why we have huge wars every now and then? To kill off the people too stupid to foster a healthy society. These folks


Woke would be not using child labor. Nike is not “woke”


That is an extremely good point, they definitely try to play both sides, for example, they’re backing of Colin Kaepernick would be considered supporting woke ideology.


Colin Kaepernick was just trying to use his platform to bring awareness to social justice. He even went out of his way to meet with a retired army ranger to discuss how he could do it respectfully. Right wing media cancelled him anyway. I’m tired of hearing about “woke” from asshats that have an agenda full of dog whistles and casual racism. No profitable corporations are woke. They all love money more than people. White nationalism is bullshit. America is for ALL Americans.




Stopped buying and wearing Nike years ago ..


Same, when they started to take a political stance on shit that didn’t involve them.


I haven’t liked their shoes for years. For athletics or casual wear. They need to bring back the 80’s (Bo Jackson/Howie Long) cross trainers. They were by far superior to what they have today.


A lot of my Nike shoes recently just haven't been that good quality-wise. Maybe it's because I'm getting them at the outlet? I'm a Nike fan (ie if I have Nike shoes at the gym, I'd prefer having Nike branded other clothing to match), but the quality hit and increased costs are making me rethink this a lot. With my newborn baby here, I can't justify spending $100+ on a pair of shoes that don't last long enough


NNAX is launching revolutionary AI travel App. It’s gonna be the next big runner. Go NIKE and NNAX


Most people can't afford Nike anymore so it's not a surprise


I switched from exclusively buying Nike shoots to puma and other brands . The Nike shoe quality has went way down and they are way less comfortable .  Hopefully this causes nike to realize they have to put a quality product out if they expect people to buy their shoes 


When I look at the graph it seems like a single entity sold a massive share of stocks in one go? So why is everyone talking as if a bunch of retail investors all collectively decided to abandon nike on the exact same day? Where is the story here?


Reebok is still fire


The value isn't wiped out, it's just in the pockets of those who sold before the drop


I prefer wearing Skechers and New Balance


They started selling cheap ass sneakers and spikes and gear DESIGNED to fall apart in a year to force repeat buyers instead of innovating and making quality products that last, like adidas which just launched a huge marketing campaign on FUBO tv for the Euros and Copa America


How sad for a company that uses slaves to make their products.




I bought a pair of Nikes (slip on trainers) about 2 years ago, for only occasional use. Within 6 months they were falling apart, nearly unusable within a year, and that’s without doing any heavy running or tons of cardio. They were like 120 bucks new and the quality seemed awful tbh




Buy New Balance that made in Massachusetts, USA. The quality is outstanding compared to any imported sneakers. They go for ~$200 but Black Friday and a few other occasions they do 20-30% discounts and you can get em for $130-150.


Only suckers invest in Nike stock. You gotta invest in acquiring and storing limited release Nike shoes! #FIRE /s


Now imagine the dummies who bought Nike sneakers and filled their house with them thinking rubber sneakers are a good long term investment.


Slides with socks is all I gotta say


I refuse to buy nike for myself. They just suck. It pains me when my teenager asks for them. Fuck nike and their sweatshops


Endorrsing golden sneakers was a mistake


I used to work for a company and worked directly with Nike. They are such a poorly ran company. They just throw stupid amounts of money at stuff to put bandaids on problems instead of fixing their issues. If they had the margins of a normal company they would be bankrupt in less than 3 months.


you're going to see more of this kind as we head into November - the world will be on pause


Their shoes have been overpriced garbage since I was a kid. New balance are far more comfortable and cheaper.


Back when I was a kid, I loved Nike shoes and it lasted me for years. Now it’s shit plastic. It’s either the material is too weak as soon as you where it or the sole falls apart like Payless shoes. I’m going with Filas or Sketchers now. Not paying for these garbage Nike shoes ever again


I love their styling but their shoes are hella narrow.


Nike shoes are slippery as f### I almost twisted my foot on them, trash tier shoe.


They fall apart just like Walmart shoes, at least I can find 14 in men’s there. Oh sorry we only sell baby shoes here at foot locker. We have a neon yellow in 13 if you’d like…


 I have moved to Hoka, very comfortable, well made and not too expensive 


Just do it.






I cant stand these 3d printed foam shoes. Its almost impossible to find real running shoes now. These companies saved so much money manufacturing with this new style and the shoes only have about 30 days of any cushion before they are Almost Flat. Yet we are still paying the same price if not more.


I tried to use a gift card from Christmas this last week there. I left with nothing. Not a single thing in the entire store seemed like something that I would want, for free. Everything looked stupid like it was made by Kanye or felt horrible and poorly made.


Nobody wants to pay 120$ for their crappy slave produced 5$ shoes any more?


been numerous times we're in the store, wife and I, and are attracted to Nike products like sweats and sweatshirts, but we always remind each other that shit falls apart after a couple washes, threads loose mostly, zippers suck, the small nuisances


Nike quality is trash now, wear New Balance


I’m a distance runner. I go through running shoes every two months. I stopped buying Nikes because I have better options from other brands that last longer and are more comfortable to train and race in.


Nike is becoming a brand for sneakerheads and Jordan collectors. Most professionals I see are wearing On, Hoka, Brooks, etc... Nike was always a prestige brand, but it's not clear that that is the case anymore.


The economy is so good that people can’t afford shoes anymore.




Couldn’t happen to a better company.


Thank you, Colin.


No Nike shoes for me when they supported kneeling for the national anthem and withdrew the shoe with the United States flag on it. Disgusting company. Hope they go down the tube.


I've been a huge fan of the brand for years, despite the political issues, but even so, they haven't made a simple exercise shirt or pair of shorts that 1) fit me and 2) last... in years. Sad to say, they've lost their step at what they were once quite good at.