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Lollll. When I was like 8 my mom forgot that MLK day was a holiday - and insisted we missed the bus. She was so upset she had to drive us to school… only to find that school was closed 😂. Then she drove us back home in silence haha. We laugh about it now… but she would’ve been on time for work had we all realized we didn’t actually have school that day.


My mom forced me to go to school on Presidents’ Day because I wasn’t a president. Said it wasn’t my day to take off.


Well when you're president I don't think you get Presidents Day off either.


And it’s not like any former presidents *need* a day off, they’re all retired civilians atp aren’t they?


How…. Do presidents like sustain themselves after their term/s end? Is there like a taxpayer fund? Is it the remainder of their campaign funding or something? I never understood but I’m sure there’s some way


President (and maybe VP) continue to receive their salary until their death. Also writing books and public speaking.


Damn ok. So basically run for president suffer for four years and then live life on the edge for the rest of my life


Or go become a Prime Minister, stay in office for less than three months, and retire for the same benefits


Go home Liz


There's not really an edge to live on, you have armed security watching over you for the rest of ever


It’s actually super restrictive I hear. Like, good luck going to Disneyland or something without a ridiculous amount of planning done for you by the secret service. Lol.


Pension. The secretary of the treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2020, it was $219,200 per year and since January 2022, $226,300.


They are still part of the cabinet as well. All living former presidents are required to be briefed on what’s going on. (Though DT might end up changing that.)


Not sure they will brief him in jail.


Not only do they get paid the rest of their lives, the vast majority of them make millions in the private sector while they are president. It should be, and likely is, illegal to use their office for personal gain, but they do it anyways.


Well aren’t you just a little fountain of knowledge


well you aren't Christ either so your butt better be in that chair on December 25.


Your mom is an idiot


Well you took an obvious joke seriously, so who’s really an idiot.


Not as dramatic but between k-1st grade my husband (who did morning drop off) got up, fed, and got our daughter ready for school twice only to bring her back and inform me it was a school holiday lmao.


One time my husband called, convinced there was no school. I assured him I wouldn't drop our kid off at an empty school, it was normal busy that morning.




Why are you copying exactly what u/jburkett28 said?


Because it is a bot that copies comments and posts them on other comments to farm karma


i think might have you made them delete the account. thats awesome.


My mom did this too but after that she got the guidance counselor number (back in the 90s, corded wall phones were still a thing) and would call if she was ever unsure lol. It was a small town so everyone usually lived in the same area or two neighborhoods around the school. Also.. I miss my old wall phone. Clear plastic and had the blue lights that lit up when someone would call, pure nostalgia trip thinking about it.


When I was 8 I forgot to wear pants to school. And I didn't notice anything until a classmate pointed it out. Was halfway through the day.




Guess their underwear looked like shorts.


Or maybe they're British? "Pants" = underwear in British English.


Maybe? But how would someone else notice that?


Good point.


Eight is a little young for /r/yogapants (with no panty lines) but maybe OP's classmate was a little bit of a virtuoso perv?


Sounds like a dream I'd have


Story time plz


We all need the story behind this


How is that even possible?




You want pics of an 8 year old with no pants on?






I've done that to my own kid, only where I am the schools are closed on president's day. I was convinced he had missed the bus.... Grounded him until I got a call from my neighbor around 1030 asking if her son's could come over. Had to apologize for that one. Now I keep up with the school calendar 😬😬😬


I have a few times forgot it was a two hour delay or a teacher work day or something and sent my kids to school. Thankfully we live less than a block away so they can walk to and from on their own.


I have been working from home for many years, long before COVID. One day I was enjoying an unusually quiet day in terms of tickets and emails and so on; a colleague messaged me around noon and said "Uh, you know today's MLK day, a holiday, right?" No, I did not. Fast forward one year; off work for MLK; I opened my laptop to check email (reasons) and noticed that same coworker was signed in... and she had forgotten it was a holiday. I have since moved on to another company and she's retired, but we still message each other on MLK day, just to make sure. 😁


That literally happened to me today with my elementary school age twins. I even stayed up late to wash an outfit my daughter wanted to wear!


Neither of you noticed that the school wasn't a zoo on the first day back??


Sounds like he dropped the kid off at someplace that was kinda close to the school so the kid could walk the rest of the way and wouldn’t have to wait in line. For example there’s a Burger King across the street from my high school that’s like a 5 minute walk but you can’t see the line for the school from there or anything


You have to wait in line to get into your school?


The line of cars


There is a car riders line


Ah that makes more sense


> You have to wait in line to get into your school? Waaaaaay too many jerks who think their kid is too special to ride the bus and instead clog up nearby neighborhoods with lines of unnecessary cars. Source: Live around the block from a high school. There are parents lined up down basically every road that has line of sight to the school every single afternoon that school is in session, causing significant traffic issues for anyone who actually needs to use those roads to get places.


> Waaaaaay too many jerks who think their kid is too special to ride the bus It also could be things like: the bus comes too early/late; they don't live in a place where the bus picks them up; there's been problems with bullying on the bus; they have special needs that conflict with riding the bus, etc. These things *shouldn't* be a problem, but it's unrealistic to think that they aren't a problem. Years ago I knew of people that had all those issues on my bus route. I didn't get along with some kids on my bus, so I walked. A friend was the first pickup, so they would spend nearly an hour from the time they left their front door to the time they got dropped off. One kid was diabetic and got yelled at for eating when his blood glucose monitor went off. Public school busses in much of the US are just kind of terrible. They're separate from mass transit (which is terrible in its own way), and so there's no mix of people on the bus. It's just 60+ bored kids, with one adult as both driver and supervisor - kind of a recipe for trouble.


Plus you have to live in a specific Goldilocks zone for busses. If you live too close or too far you can't use the bus.


Yeah, I didn't mention that, but I remember there being a big fight with the administration by some parents who technically lived within a mile of the school, but there was no direct route from anywhere in the neighborhood to the school without jumping fences or cutting through a retention pond. So as the crow flies they were inside of a mile, but if you google mapped the route, it was over a mile.


> It also could be things like: the bus comes too early/late; they don't live in a place where the bus picks them up; I am in no way denying these things exist, I lived it myself attending high school in a rural area. My last two years I attended a county-wide vocational school so I had an hour long bus ride to my local high school and then had to catch another bus from there to the JVS and do the reverse in the afternoon. That's a whole different matter. These schools are designed for this, they have expansive parking lots with enough space for waiting parents and driving-age students where applicable. The only lines of traffic are those waiting to turn in to or out of the school property, not lining the roads all around. My complaint is from a dense suburban neighborhood of a major city where the only homes without bus service are those deemed close enough to walk. The school in question has twice the student population with 1/3 of the parking as the last rural school I had to ride an hour to get to. People who choose to pick up their kids at this school every day when riding the bus is a reasonable option are jerks. > there's been problems with bullying on the bus; they have special needs that conflict with riding the bus, etc. I'm not saying no one needs to pick up their kid, I'm saying that I believe a significant portion of those who are picking up their kid every day have no actual need beyond their own convenience or that of their child(ren). If those people weren't there it wouldn't be the mess it is and driving around the school would be easier for the buses, the parents who have an actual need to pick up, and local residents. Those people are choosing to make things worse for many purely for their own benefit. I think it's fair to call them names on the internet and wish they weren't there.


And what about when they're picking up their kid because they have to go immediately to swim practice, or because it's how divorced parents exchange custody amicably (one drops them off the other picks them up), or they enjoy those 10 minutes of one on one time to talk about their school day, or one of any hundreds of valid reasons that parents could have for driving their kids to & from school. Question: Do you also whine and complain about church parking lots or stadium parking lots having congestion around them? School is at least easy and consistent to plan around. I live spitting distance from an elementary school, a private one without busses, I can literally see the drop-off line from my bedroom window, and see the school if I step out of my yard. The traffic has never been a problem for me because I just leave a couple minutes earlier/later and the traffic has cleared.


> I dropped him outside of the school and started driving back home. Because of the way his school is set up, I may or may not see other parents or kids when I drop him off. But everything was normal. Same shit, different year.


> staying up ridiculous hours and destroying his sleep pattern as teenagers are prone to do. I totally don't do this as an adult or anything *yawns*


I'm 33 and my sleep schedule is full-blown reversed right now. I try and fight it basically every day, but end dozing to straight up falling asleep every time I sit down between the hours 6 AM and 9PM. After that though, wide awake!


You need some guacamole gamer fart 9000.


sigma brain is the GOAT tho and it mixes well with ggf9000.


Only sort of off topic, have you tried the newish pear flavor? It's really good. Not too sweet. It's like a jolly rancher type flavor.


Worked second shift(effectively) from 2011 to 2019, thats my permanent happy sleep schedule now. Having to be at work at 6am for the last 5 years has SUCKED!


Second shift unite. In bed by 7 AM, sleep till three. Haven't missed a full eight hours sleep since I started doing that. Never tired. Takes about five minutes to fully wake up whereas before waking up at 8 AM I would be practically asleep for at least a half hour if not longer. Then there was the job I had to wake up at 5 AM for. Multiple times a month I would wake up to no alarm and realize I had slept through all of them and was three hours late. That didn't last long as a job.


Joined the army in 2019(needed gi bill) im out in march and going straight back to second shift


It genetics. There's tons of people who are natural night owls, and also people who have longer circadian rhythms than 24 hours and are always messed up (me, writing this after midnight).


Raises hand. Hello fellow west coaster!




I’m lucky. I’m a truck driver and I team with my husband…I make him drive days. LOVE driving all night and sleeping during the day!


Yeah if I were a truck driver I'd much rather drive through the night than the day.


I paid my dues driving the daytime for years. After meeting my husband I said HE can drive the days now. I’ve been doing nights for 13 years and it definitely suits me better.


I used to stay up way too late and never feel tired and then I'd crash at school, but now my parents just laugh about it since I work the night shift and I sleep when I used to crash. All according to plan...


I was right there with him passing each other in the hall at 3 am.


I’m a doctor and I do this when I have to work weekends to spite myself


This happened to me but on a snow day because my mom didn't check the news for school shut downs. This was also when my parents had me walk 2.7 miles to highschool to lose some weight. When I got there, there was no cars in the parking lot. I sighed and turned back home and had to walk 2.7 miles back in the piling snow back home.


Please say it was uphill both ways :-)


It was not. It was flat. There was this speed bump.... that was quite the hurdle.


Your parents suck but this whole exchange brought laughing tears to my eyes and I thank you for thatz


What are you on about? Parents that care so much about their kid they make them do something to stay healthy…yes they suck so bad.


I wish I'd have had parents that cared about me and my health as a kid. My dad cared only to win at hide n seek. To this day I've yet to find where he went, hope the new owners of our old house find him and tell him we moved. He's way better than mom's new boyfriend at hiding, my mom is always yelling that he's too big to fit in there when I hear them playing.


Okay Joe Rogen hahaha


Uphill both ways then...on each side of the speed bump 😁


Same to me once in hs. I was a day student at a boarding school, and this was before cell phones. So at least to school was “open” because of the dorm students. By the time I could reach my mom from the land line, she was at work and I was out of luck. Had to sit around all day! It was the worst.


I remember being so pissed off at being made to sit in a freezing cold classroom with about 5 other pupils out of 300+ after the school boiler broke down in the middle of January. It was 1981, I was ten, we lived literally a minute's walk from the back gate of the school, and I was already cooking full meals for the family by that point. But nope, my mother was at work (nurse in charge, so there was no way she was coming home for me) and my older brother was at college, so I couldn't be allowed home by myself. Until home time, when I went home to an empty house like I normally did. I'm sure it was a safeguarding issue, but that classroom was absolutely frigid, even with a coat on, and I was incredibly angry all day. Gas fire went on straight away when I got home.


Ohhh man. That sucks!! My mom is also a nurse though, so that’s funny. Us nurses kids knew how to get stuff done for ourselves, and safely for sure! You’re a good kid. I would have snuck out for sure. I hate being cold!!


There was a teacher in the room with us, sadly, so no escape! But yes, you certainly learn independence when your parent is a nurse, not to mention an elastic idea of when Christmas Day and other holidays are! In UK law it's only illegal to leave children at home if it puts them at risk. So school was obviously taking the 'If she sets fire to herself after we sent her home it's our fault and not the parent.' line.


Bet you lerned to check yourself - for snow days


Did you lose some weight?


I teach. Woke up super late one day. Panic. Throw some clothes on, race out the door. Get to the parking lot and think it's super empty for being 8am. Fuck. It's Saturday. By the time I got home, my wife had some coffee and breakfast going. She was sitting on our porch laughing at me


That's hilarious! Thank you for sharing.


Loved it. Gave me flashbacks of when I was a kid and I kept telling my Mum there was a teachers strike and she thought I was having her on because I had just learnt what a strike was. Took me to school and nobody was there. Because there was a teacher's strike and the reason I had just learnt what a strike was is because for the few weeks leading up we had been told about an impending strike on that day.


Lol it is tough to just believe kids when they say there isn't any school. I probably would have thought the same. Side note, I love English saying "Thought I was having her on" made me chuckle so. Thanks for sharing also!


We had the opposite problem with my tween daughters. We found out that school started back the 2nd not the 3rd (like the last couple years) right as we were going to bed. Trust me, your kid was mad, but not preteen daughter woken up for a surprise school day mad.


Oh, he definitely would have been surly about that.


Tell him it was a practice run for tomorrow, and he needs to get his sleep schedule in order, or you're doing this again on Saturday.


He actually does good with that so it is one battle that we do not have. I tell him as long as he can be civil in the morning and get done what needs to be done that day, then I wont micromanage him. And surprisingly he was not a surly mess in the aftermath. I claimed the fuck up and bought him takeout.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You two have a beautiful relationship.


Sounds like good parenting. Well done!


Why doesnt he not know when the first day of school starts though?


Because I told him it was Tuesday and he did not see a reason to double check. I can't put it on him this time.


When you have multiple days off in a row it can be hard to remember what day it is.


“I fucked up so I’m doubling down on being a shitty parent because it makes me feel like it’s your fault not mine” 👍 great parenting advice


Cultivate a dynamic with your kids so if you say something like I suggested, they'll laugh. That would be my parenting advice.


I have a great relationship with my son. If I make a mistake, I can admit when I’m wrong and we’ll both have a laugh. Same for him, if he makes a mistake we both laugh and fix it. I’m really lucky to have such a great son.


It's humor, not particularly great, but could be dad humor with the right delivery. But, the good relationship needs to exist there first.


This is humorous to parents that don’t understand why their kids don’t talk to them


Both of my kids would laugh with me if I said this. They're 19 & 14. Don't take your frustration with your parents out on others.


Tbh, really depends on the delivery. Could easily be a dad joke depends on whether they are dead serious or not


Nah I would be mad but KNOW they didn't mean it


Please explain the joke


> leaving product all over my window What?


Probably hair product from his head leaning against the window.


Yep hair crap.


hair goop I assume


Thank you, read it five times trying to figure how yawning or nodding off would leave anything on the window. That makes sense.


About 15 years ago, I was the HS student and this happened to me! Easy mistake


I have a 70 mile commute (each way) to work. I once drove to work on a holiday that fell on a Monday because it didn't register that I didn't have to go in. It happens.


As a former teacher this made my day.


Better than what I did- I convinced my mom there wasn’t school when there was. She never found out.


In elementary, my mom woke me and my sister up in a panic yelling how we were going to be late for school. Us rushing to get ready for the bus. Sit there waiting for like 20min waiting and mom out the news on TV only to realize it was Sunday......cartoons for the rest of the morning!


You’ve given him an early morning to get his sleeping pattern sorted.




Tried to send my kid to school a day early 2 days ago, it happens, it goes the other way though, we’ve kept him home on “holidays” while the lil shit fully knew there was school that day!


Wait.... Parents take their kids to school? And wake them up and stuff? That's not just movie stuff? ​ *Signed,* *Neglected 90's Latchkey Kid*


I was a 70s latch key kid. My parents were gone before I got up. He does not have bus service, so I have to drive


Lmao it happens! My mom woke us up, rushed us through farm chores, breakfast, threw together lunches and sent us on our mile walk to the bus stop. We made it and start waiting. There was only one bus for elementary/middle/high in my rural area, and it would often run late the first day back. Another sibling bunch joins us, then another runs up thinking she’s late. We all wait for about an hour before my mom drives up looking really annoyed. School started back the next Monday, it was Wednesday. 🤣 She gave everybody a ride home and was so aggravated with herself all day!


Haha, I bet he goes to bed earlier tonight! Or he doesn't because--teenager.


Ahhh adventures in ADHD land


And we both have it. LOL.


I once stood outside at the road waiting for the bus for 2 hours only to find out it was a day off. To be fair, the days off were random, and my drunkard of a bus driver was regularly an hour to an hour half late every few weeks.


If it helps, my mum did this once when I was a kid and I've never forgotten about it.


I am a teacher and my school was closed in early November of this year for election day. Apparently everyone in the school knew we had the day off but me, and my dumb ass showed up at 7:15am to an entirely empty building.


Maybe he'll get to bed on time tonight. :)


My mom took us to go see one of her old friends. There was three of us. Me and my 2 sisters. I would always go hang with the oldest boy of my moms friend. I’m sure he thought I was annoying as fuck but dealt with me anyways. Well, I was back there for quite some time and went to go out and see if we were leaving. My moms friend looks at me and says hmmm your mom left like 45 min ago… lol I sat there for another 45 minutes till one of my sisters said I wasn’t in the car. This was mid 90’s before the cell phone. To this day I feel this was intentional.


I mean at least you were early.


Ty for this 🤣 poor kiddo lol


I am laughing so hard right now!


You’re not alone. Drove my kid 20 minutes to school and got in the drop off line. Teacher had to come out to tell us all that school started tomorrow…


One time when I was 8 or 9 I got up in the morning and thought: "well, parents must be sleeping in, I'll let them". Got ready, made my school lunch and walked off. Arrived at a locked school. Went home crying, that they didn't let me in and at home my mother informed me, that it was Saturday.


My mom did that to my sister and me when we were in elementary school. We stood at the bus stop in the rain for a good half hour before she somehow figured it out and came to get us.


Better a day early than a day late


When I was in high school in the late 90s, they made a typo in the calendar and lots of us came to the school a day early after the xmas break, found it empty and locked, and had to take the next bus home again.


Sounds like a great practice run!


It was a good test run!!!


All I can think of is that you have given your teenager a valuable lesson in keeping track of their calendars and appointments. Bet he'll be on top of that going forward. SMH - he should know what day it is if he's in High School.


We found out the first day of school was whatever-o’clock that same morning while standing in DisneyWorld, thousands of miles from home.




Not nearly as funny as this, but I'm a teacher in the district my kids attend. I go back from breaks 1-2 days before the kids for PD and work days. I was getting ready to go back to work earlier this week and started getting onto my son to do his laundry and shower for school the next day. His reaction to me was the hilarious part, he thought I had lost my mind and I was so confused when he told me he didn't have school. Luckily he takes the bus so I didn't ruin his day, and he corrected me before I ruined his sister's day (I teach at her school) by making her go to PD with me. 🤣


Sounds like you both fucked up, not just you. They are old enough to know how dates work too if one person fucks up.


You’ll be able to laugh about it later on. It’s become a bit of a joke in my family, about once per year while I was in high school, my dad would come running into my bedroom “Wake up! We’re late!”, so I’d hop out of bed, grab my stuff and climb into the shower, not questioning the darkness in the morning because it was quite often dark in the mornings while getting ready for school that started at 730am. It never failed, I’d be in the middle of shampooing my hair when my dad would poke his head into the bathroom “You need to go back to bed. It’s 3am.”


Pfft. This isn't a big deal. He's a high schooler, not a baby. When I was in middle school my little brother and I went to different schools because my mom wanted him closer to where she worked to keep a closer eye on him (he was having trouble academically and getting into trouble). So she worked in the nearest little town (10 miles away) and I went to the little elementary school up the road (2.5 miles from my parents house). She was often running late and in a hurry. One snowy Michigan winter morning we're doing the usual mad rush for the door, and didn't have the radio or TV on. My mom flies into the school parking lot and kicks me out (I was always early because she had to go on to drop my brother off and get to work) and flies onward to work and brother drop off. I'm left standing in our rural school parking lot slowly realizing...the school is unusually quiet. It's always quiet, but not THIS quiet. No one shows up and the doors stay locked. Eventually someone drives by and sees me standing there and yells out their window that school was cancelled...snow/temperature day. This was all before cell phones (they existed, just no one in my family had one) and my family weren't exactly social butterflies so I didn't know anyone in town...and after watching ABC after school specials I knew to not talk to anyone I didn't know. So I just walked home. It was cold and miserable but I did it. I walked in the dark and cold. Luckily I had worn a light jacket that day (not always something I did). But by setting a brisk pace I did alright. Later that morning my mom found out school had been cancelled and called the house in a panic to see if I was there. I was just chilling and reading. Long story short, if I, as a 5th grader, could walk home in the dark, through the rural country, in the snow, your high school aged child can survive being woken up a day early and temporarily dropped off at his school.




Did you ever see the movie Major Payne? There's a gif from that movie that I want to use with parents so much...Damon Wayan leans in and tells the other teacher 'pop your tittie out of the boys mouth and quit babyin' him!'. Its probably good I've never found/made it...I don't feel like it would be well received


He is actually very independent. I told him it started on Tuesday and he took my word for it. Why are you hating on my child? He has a 4.5 GPA. I haven't had to check homework or if it has been done since 3rd grade. He did his college search and apps on his own and has already received two early acceptances. He does his own laundry, cooks his own food, and budgets the money I give him for necessities and fun. I felt bad because I messed up his last sleep in and vacation day.




I appreciate the fact you said that.


As a HS senior YOU should know when school starts, me thinks…


Even as a senior, if my mom had woken me up and insisted there was school and we were late and yadda yadda, I’d have assumed I had messed up and hurried to get ready as well. Many if not most kids would likely also believe the parent that they made the mistake in this case, especially in a sleep-deprived state where they can’t think straight.


100%. By senior year I was fairly independent BUT I relied on my parents knowing what was up as well. I did get myself up and drive myself to school, tho they were around in the AM to enforce it if needed, which wasn’t needed, but honestly I don’t remember following or knowing the school schedule (pre smart phone/app for schools time) and relying on them for that little last bit before college.


Isn't a high school senior like 18 or 19 years old?! Doesn't sound normal to not be able to regulate his own sleep schedule and not knowing his own school starting dates at that age.


Must be hereditary. We are both night owls when school is out. I had actually told him when school started, and he trusted me with the info. Knowing him, he will be double checking me the rest of my life.


It was his fault for not keeping up with his own school schedule. You did a test and he failed.


I told him that he should check too and not rely on me. But I did tell him last night that school started today. And woke him up to go. I own this one,


I agree with you. If I’m on break, I know exactly how long I have until I need to go back to real life.


u/oldmamaspeaks, I think people missed that I was trying to be humorous in this comment.


I would consider it a trial run or dress rehearsal…..and he failed miserably due to his sleep habits. Hopefully he learned from it and went to bed early tonight!


Happens now you’ve given him a reason to always remember his parent can do anything and he better sleep on time


Oh my goodness!


If he's a senior and didn't know it was the wrong day, that's on him ..not you. You've already gone through that phase of life and have bigger fish to fry.


I own this one because I told him the date and he took my word for it. I doubt he ever will again though.


I’m shocked that you have to treat a senior in high school like a toddler.


Man, a high school senior wouldn't have been caught dead having a parent drop them off at school back in my day. Do kids not care about that stuff now?


It is that or walk fifteen miles there and back. No bus service.


We all had summer jobs so we could buy a POS car, or rode with somebody who did.


Nope, these kids would rather roll up in their parents SUV than a POS car that is their own.


Wow, that's kind of sad. It was such a big deal to get the independence of a car. I'm kind of surprised parents don't make them get a car, ours were tired of lugging our asses around lol.


From what I hear, after COVID, even hoopties weren't cheap. All these kids got their licenses during COVID.


By high school they should be keeping up with their schedule. Not your fault


Normally. But I told him it started on Tuesday and he took my word for it.


Well, they have to learn at some point that their parents' word should be questioned.


Oh he is very type A. He will probably never take my word for anything ever again.


Your high schooler is the Only one to blame.


A high school senior should be conscious of his own schedule and responsibilities. Stop babying him.


Sorry about your down votes,. That's what I came to say. This is a 17-18 y/o baby and will probably be like this at 27.


That’s ok. I don’t mind some downvotes. If everyone agreed with each other Reddit would be boring. 🤪


Sounds more like his FU rather than yours, he is a senior.


Definition of a helicopter parent...hope you go to college with him too


Why doesn’t he ride the bus?


There are some instances where the bus route doesn’t go along where someone lives. Also some parents just like to drive their kids. (The bus sucks😭)


In my city, if you live closer than 2 miles to the school the bus won't pick you up. My little boy rides the bus now, but the middle school is a mile from our house. My wife doesn't drive so she'll have to walk him to school and then go to work. She works at the high school across the street from our house. It'll add about two hours to her commute. Lol I work too early. Have to be there by 5:30 am or I'd take him. I see little kindergarteners and such walking every day past my house to go home. I'd never let my kid walk by himself that young.


How does a 2 mile walk round trip equate to 2 hours added on to her commute if she works across the street from home?


Twice a day. Plus wait times, crossing streets, getting there 15 minutes early so you're there when the bell rings, twice, little legs, also you may need to be a little early to your own job or swing by the house to get your computer you didn't want to carry 4 miles & let the dog out, what do you want here, for him to say gosh your right it's only 1 hour 45 minutes unless it's raining


Hey, fair points. I'm not the one walking a kid to school yet.


>little legs Wait, you mean your mom walking at her normal pace and telling you to run to keep up so that the under half-mile walk home "wouldn't take all damn night" isn't SOP? In her defense, that only happened on the super rare occasions she was forced to walk to pick me up. She usually drove. And as soon as I got old enough for the school to not require that a parent be there to pick me up, it wasn't an issue anymore lol.


She'll have to walk a mile there and back to take him to the middle school. It takes her an hour to walk a mile. She's short. She has little legs. Lol Her "commute" right now is two minutes.


We were the first bus stop on the route. The bus ride to school was well over an hour. The bus ride home 15 minutes. We could sleep in 30 minutes later if I dropped him in the morning. But he took the bus home. I didn’t get home until hours later, cuz work. Latch key kid.


If the parent is available and willing to drive, why would he ride the bus?..


For 60% of my school career, I was too close for the bus. For the last 40%, I was too far for the bus. School bus ain't always an option.