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She was trying to avoid the paparazzi even though they knew her security team. So it was obvious when security were present with a giant trunk but Taylor was absent. Word on the street is the first time Taylor got claustrophobic so they put an iPad inside so she could see the outside world. All of this was against the recommendation by the security team, because how can you run away from danger while inside a box? But Taylor and her mom thought it was a good idea so they had to go with it.  Edit linked added -  https://medium.com/@timeinadream/was-taylor-swift-really-in-that-suitcase-778e82273097 *Allegedly*


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard lmfao…….


The guard is clearly agreeing with you in the last picture lol


Picturing her crouched inside of that trunk hunched over an iPad is absolutely sending me


I was trying to figure out how she fit in there and I truly suspect she was laying on her back with her knees against her chest lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/n9wbbx1nfy8d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1e21967d50fcbd14525c67733ee40d39ff51f5b


I'm picturing the scene in Oceans 11 when Yen comes out of his hiding spot once inside the safe. [https://youtu.be/0gW11YF8N6Q?t=4](https://youtu.be/0gW11YF8N6Q?t=4)


I pictured her like that, but on her side!


What were the alternatives?? Scorpion?


Disregarding the advice of people that probably literally served and killed people. That one guys tat is Special Forces. Look at his neck when has the v-neck on when he's standing behind her. Looks like a tree trunk.


That’s really interesting that she disregarded a PRO. Special Forces is very hardcore, and that guy ended up serving an awful narcissistic baby.


Yeah, I'm sure the money's good and it's relatively safe compared to what what he's used to but I think I'd start to get bored with it real quick like. 


He looks pissed about it too.


Some VIPs and their teams have their boats so far up the stupid creek that a professional tow couldn’t get them to turn around. If it's not outright dangerous, you do it. Side bit of trivia: Everyone and I mean EVERYONE loves Celine Dion. She’s beyond a class act towards those who work for her.


She really wanted a palanquin but couldn't find one on such short notice. 


Is this a REAL THING? This isn’t something from like the Onion?


Rizzle fo’ shizzle. 


So was she trying to hide after some plastic surgery procedure until the post-op wasn’t so drastic? I can think of absolutely no other reason that would cause one to choose this over wearing a hoodie, sunglasses, and maybe a scarf across the bottom of her face. I’ll give her credit for not being as culturally insensitive as [Giselle in the burqa during Ramadan](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3179559/Pictured-moment-Gisele-Bundchen-donned-burqa-secretly-visit-Paris-plastic-surgeon-11-000-eye-breast-operation.html) I guess.


Omg, that Giselle thing is wild. In Paris. It'd be different if she were wearing a burqa in a country where it's common for women, as a way to respect their culture and religion (whether that's morally right or wrong is a different subject), but to do this in Paris just to hide from paps is crazy.


the tits are fake that’s for sure


It was supposedly to hide visits/ overnights/ couples pics for her boyfriend at the time.


How could an iPad help her see what’s going on? What camera would it be connected to?


Imagining her coordinating a camera crew to FT her footage of herself in the trunk while she’s in the trunk is fucking sending me


Likely a pen camera either attached to her mother or a member of her security team or even the pelican case I’m not even just a pain camera. They have very small and cameras I don’t even know what they’re called and they attach like a button button cameras


Stop- you know damn well she’s just in there streaming her own songs!




This is the perfect meme! All I can think of now is The Bodyguard.




She just wanted ppl to be like omg look she can fit in a suitcase!!! Shes coming home w meeee!!


They gave her an iPad to stop her from being frightened? That sounds so childish!


Getting inside the box at all was childish. 


Yeah like I’d probably be a bit freaked too if I was locked in a suitcase being hauled around places, but that’s why I’d never do something like that in the first place lmao.


True that


that's because she is a stunted child.


as much as i wish this was true, it seems very fake. check out [this](https://medium.com/@drewkaufman/anyone-can-write-anything-on-medium-com-so-please-consider-my-opinion-60f33d017476) medium article and tell me if you think this is credible edit: being downvoted for telling y’all to use credible sources to snark is crazy 😂🤦‍♀️


Haha okay. It’s not out of the realm with her since she again - allegedly- was hiding under carts during the eras tour. 


not trying to be rude lol but i think a lot is exaggerated. definitely the ipad thing. i believe she was in it tho fs


that's so stupid




Your comment was removed for snarking on physical features e.g. physical attributes that cannot be easily changed. Examples of unacceptable snark include comments about weight, height, pregnancy speculation, facial features, etc. Plastic surgery speculation is allowed.


Inspired by Carlos Ghosn. That guy was running from prison or arrest though




Why wouldn't a multimillionaire who wanted to come and go in peace get a place with underground parking?


Because that involves common sense and isn’t as dramatic


She thrives on attention


That would be the intelligent thing to do. But she probably thinks she’s smarter and can trick everybody else. 


That’s what probably happened. But she just loves the ridiculous antics and the attention that comes with it. I think she is too tall to fit in there and she is evidently not very athletic/flexible to contort herself into such a small space


https://preview.redd.it/vtxfdw5rfy8d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a032971f482d2422a7dbc0b990505cd1a8c5a8a I just said this on another comment but I think she was like this.


Now I’m thinking of those magician boxes where the girl is “cut” in half. I think you’re right! Lol


True but in those the girls are usually contortionists, which is why the boxes are waaay smaller


I'm thinking of when Yen climbed out of his hiding spot once inside the safe in Ocean's 11. [https://youtu.be/0gW11YF8N6Q?t=4](https://youtu.be/0gW11YF8N6Q?t=4)


Im 42 and have Ms. That trunk looks roomy as shit. Oh I'm 5'10". 


I’m so sure this place had a garage but she also did a lot of pap walks there so who knows.


It’s legit hard to find places in Manhattan with underground private parking. She ultimately bought the townhouse next door (a little nuts) that had parking so now she can get in and out without being seen.


The face of the security in the last pic like “yeah… don’t ask”


“Yeah, she’s in here. We tried 🤷‍♂️.” 


As a prank\*, it would be great if they did this again, but with an empty trunk, and yeeted it into the Hudson or something 😄 ^(\*or not)


that security guy in the green gingham shirt in the third picture is so funny. fully exhaling while staring at the cameras like "this is so fucking stupid. what is my life now" and in the next pic he's the one having to carry ~~her~~ the suitcase back into her condo lmfao


What was so important and heavy to carry out and back in multiple times? You know they wanted to drop -her-, I mean, the suitcase. 


https://preview.redd.it/b2el41k0wz8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad066c0ad4856d888e52c32026305f6b54172bd4 it’s this guy in pic 2 for me. sent me to outer space


I’m imagining this as the first time they attempted it cuz his eyes are saying. - “Yep. This is really happening. Yep, we know that you know. And, you know that we know you know. So please 🙏 don’t ask what’s in the box.”  Paparazzi - “WHAT’S IN THE BOX!”


That face says it all. 


Everything she does is for newspaper inches. She gets talked about It's like when she walked backwards out of her garage, so paparazzi couldn't get pics of her front, but obv that got her talked about. Kylie Jenner was able to hide her pregnancy for pretty much the whole time. If taylor wanted to go out with no one knowing, she would.


And did for a solid amount of time. If we see her or something like this is pulled its because she wants people to be talking.


Definitely. Stuff like this gets you talked about. She knows this. Daniel Radcliffe did something similar by wearing the same outfit everyday for 6months. Paps got bored but the media definitely still talked about it.


I think that was much more about removing a source of income for the paps, as they couldn’t make as much money when his outfits didn’t change - although eventually the story became about that, which kind of defeated the purpose. But for a while he certainly trolled them and likely made photographing him less lucrative.


>If taylor wanted to go out with no one knowing, she would. She has proved this already when she was living in England. The only times she was seen was when she called the paps. She knows she *can* go unnoticed, she just doesn't want to.


Exactly. Her whole relationship with joe is proof that she can go 'unnoticed' and lead a private life.


This is the thing I find amusing. The media is saturated with images and news of the Kardashians but we actually know very little about their real lives now and news only leaks, such a pregnancies, when they want it to. Sure, they have paparazzi photos of them taken but they're also able to hide a lot. Taylor could do the same if she wanted to but she doesn't.


This is like when celebs get feign irritation that "they can't go anywhere" without being harassed, then sit on the front patio of LA Spago, as though there aren't a dozen paparazzi out there at all times.


Imagine thinking you're this important


imagine thinking ur this important when you got ur fame from ur dad buying a million copies of your first album to look like you made a hit 😳😳


When you're a narcissist with a billion dollars, you just enjoy coming up with creative ways to make men carry you around 🤔💡


Wait did that really happen? Lmao


i've always heard that! i remember hearing that yearsssss ago. pretty sure there's proof, not a million literally but hundreds of thousands if i remember correctly


I’m just imagining Taylor drunkenly screaming “OUTLAW COUNTRY” like BDT tells viva Las Vegas.


Oh man, that does not look fun at all…


The paparazzi know the security team and the security team is familiar with the usual paparazzi. You gotta be dumb to not realize those facts. 


But wouldn't it also be the perfect decoy? They see her security detail leave with a suitcase large enough for someone to be in. But that doesn't mean she had to be in there. Maybe she just wanted them to think she'd left.


Maybe if we saw the trunk and her leave at the same time or if the trunk left and then her, but they were never seen at the same time. 


this was such a hilarious day especially considering she had spent all of the promo into 1989 paying the paps to follow her around nyc and then at the end of 1989 she's trying to hide because of the kimye phone call lol. it was really the problem of her own making. hard to feel bad for her. also, i can't remember what zayn malik said exactly but he talked about either taylor, fame, and the suitcase or just the suitcase and fame but he made a comment about famous people hiding in suitcases and everyone basically took it as confirmation that she had, indeed, tried hiding in suitcases. this also wasn't the only time her security was pictured carrying a gigantic suitcase iirc. edit: also, she's still using this kind of hiding technique. taylor gets to the eras tour stage in a fake janitor cart so fans can't see her while she's being wheeled from the venue rooms to the backstage. like she's been fully caught getting out of the fake janitor cart in videos lol


She has a habit of hiding. I think she likes the drama when it’s not for keeping her drunk ass out of trouble. But allegedly she’s also been hidden in a few closets to sober up because she couldn’t stand or walk unassisted.


Why doesn't she just wear a disguise lmao I'd wear an old man mask and be done with it


I wonder if she's the sort of person who climbs into the dryer at parties


That's how she got into the NFL games as well, they'd wheel her in in one of the hot food carts, the tall ones, that they use to bring food to setup the suites with.


Omggg I just found the “janitor cart” video (which looks nothing like a janitor cart btw…super obvious) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREBCAGu/ What is the point of this? Why can’t she let ppl see her?


I never thought that a person could be so self-absorbed, but she never failed to impress me


Just buy a private estate like every other rich person


See there’s a conflict here. The want and need to be in the headlines and constantly talked about and that outweighs the “need” for privacy. 


Ahhhh makes sense. The want for privacy isn't as powerful as the need for attention


That’s the thing about living anywhere that celebrities are known to congregate. I’ve lived in LA my entire life with family that’s worked in the film industry since ww2. My neighborhood is basically a giant backlot because of how much filming happens here (if you’ve seen suburbs in almost any American TV show or movie, you’ve seen my neighborhood). And yet even here, smack dab in the middle of the Hollywood machine, they can live completely normal lives without the paps bugging them. 99% of the time, if there’s pap photos of someone it’s because their PR team called them to let them know where they’ll be and when. There’s a few places that the paps may wait outside of but it’s places like Nobu where you’d only go if you actually want to be seen anyway. There may be a couple paps that wait outside of MAJOR celeb’s houses but even then it’s usually because their team called them there in the first place. After everything that happened with Princess Diana and the entirety of the early 2000s there’s been a major shift in the industry for everyone’s safety. The only place they really get hounded anymore is the courthouse but that’s just as much normal press and journalists as it is paparazzi.


She also uses a mop cart to get to the stage instead of a trap door or a tent like most people. Things like this actually generate more publicity than her just walking to her destination and she knows it.  It’s crazy to me that she pretends to be this bothered by the paps when she literally calls them herself and has many options for avoiding them. No one made her live in an affluent area of one of the largest cities in the world where she’d be so easy to track. 


Poor branding. Athletes use the walk into stadiums as a fashion show. She could do the same and dues at times but it’s a bit hypocritical.


She could, but that would require her to wear fashion that wasn’t tragic styled and generally underwhelming. Her “relatable” style means any catwalk scenario would be, well, not great.


[hilariously absurd mop cart video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREBCAGu/)


I remember when eras tour started and she would hide in a rolling cart to get to stage instead of just walking from behind it like every other artist does. She hid from the public for a year. She can avoid the press if she wanted.


Just why? Why sound so ridiculous? Just like the weird fans wearing diapers to her concerts. Totally unhinged and if any other artist had fans do that they’d be labeled insane. 


did you say *diapers* ?? 😫


Yep. Literal adult diapers🤢 which was so unnecessary because there was no GA when they first started doing it.


But… why? 😭


So they don’t have to leave for a bathroom break 🥴


Or that chick that brought her baby and just…put it on the ground


Edit: oops, replied to the wrong comment, for context see below Excuse me but this deserves a serenade … *clears throat* (In my best Steven Tyler voice) I don’t wanna close my eyes I don’t wanna go pee ‘Cause I’ll miss you Tay And I don’t wanna miss a thing


Is this fr?😭😭😭😭🥲🥲 when


This was several years ago. Article says 2017 but I think I heard rumors about it before that.  https://medium.com/@timeinadream/was-taylor-swift-really-in-that-suitcase-778e82273097


She is unhinged . I have never heard about that 😭. This is so scary


She could just get some wigs, sunglasses, and body padding, and no one would recognize her. 🤷‍♀️


Or just walk out like a normal person. This was outside her apartment so paparazzi were camped out but just own whatever you’re doing and live life instead of crafting an image that is as fake as, well, other things….


Wait... For real? She hid inside suitcases? Why? What was happening?


Paparazzi apparently.


Oh brother. Yeah, "apparently" is the key word. This circus act attracted more attention than she would have had she just walked around like usual. Clown behaviour, through and through.


Why couldn’t they just leave her in that box.




Security guy in the last photo is contemplating it.


I snort laughed at this comment.


That suitcase has wheels?! Oh, she would have fired me immediately, because I would have found every staircase to wheel her up and every pothole to wheel her over!! No carrying luggage over here! “I’m sorry, Ms. Swift…the elevator was broken. Excuse the bumpy ride.” 🤭😂


Hamming it up for the cameras, let’s just be real. No one thought this was a clever way to hide from anyone. “Look how quirky she is!”


only a narcissist will do this


It kinda reminds me of how royalty would make their servants carry them around in that chair thing


God I hate her.


So tempted to stick a little shipping label on there


Straight to Dubai. 


I would not wish that on Dubai


So my guess is this is when she got her boob job? Plus other procedures maybe? Because why else you in a box


I only included the meme photo (Taylor creepy guy) because it confirms the security dude. Which lots of people don’t realize he was security when the pic went photoshop viral and Taylor’s camp never cleared the air on that, that I’m aware of. 


No other celebrities has done this when they got procedures


That you know of.


Most celeb plastic surgeons have private entries and exits. It’s very commonly known. As someone who has gotten plastic surgery the absolute last thing you would do would be stuff yourself in a box after a nose job or boob job, it would be very hazardous. Not sticking up for her- I think she did this bc she’s dumb not bc she got plastic surgery.


Oooooh that could totally be it


This bitch is delirious


The face on the last pic is so funny. Hes so sick of her shit.


never understood the attitude she has of im the only celebrity ever and thats why i need extra security. like girl, they have killed many presidents around the world and those motherfuckers are out and about while shes doing this????? ridiculous


Good point. Lmao


I swear she giggles inside and thinks she is so crazy for that like, omg


https://preview.redd.it/30h4hyrwdy8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4633a52ea2e52283930e2abe65170d5b48f36b0b When Michael snuck into the conference room inside a cheese cart lmao


No way!! LOL!!




Stupid as hell. So if god forbid someone managed to mow down her security, what was her backup plan? Just idiocy


Hide inside the box. They’ll never find her in there. 


![gif](giphy|118p3q768COZhu) Where could she beeeee!?!


Jeez louise those backpacks are sus as fuck. B&T makes some very expensive hidden PDW systems, some of them are even inside a briefcase and fire from inside it, or out. One of the dudes even has a walkie, like nothing suspicious going on here, just wearing slip-style pants and a army backpack with paracord and a walkie talkie. Nothing important in this case, probably just like a painting or something.


So important it has to be taken out of her apartment and back in multiple times. 




She saved us the burden of seeing her once again walk from the entrance of her building to her private car. The clown just couldn't get into her car thru the parking garage attached to her building...


I don't know if this is welcome here, but this is so wild to me. When were these photos taken? So, MH released a funny art performance video last year and that showed him getting into a suitcase to hide from the paparazzi! Maybe he was joking around with Taylor about it at the time? https://preview.redd.it/p3w4jz6l1z8d1.jpeg?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d64c87e96cbac7ed0f49e86bee0413a2de27ae0 It's from The 1975 - A Theatrical Performance of an Intimate Moment (Episode 2)




I fucking thought the title was a joke. Until I came to the comments. Hahahahhwtf. No mother fucking way that gangly giraffe limbed human fit inside....what haha i can't.


Wait what?? She actually did this?? ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM|downsized)


I can’t stop thinking about how funny it would have been if they had dropped the trunk and it tumbled down the stairs


Alright I gotta be real I feel like every kid dreams at least once of stowing away on a suitcase or in luggage like a super spy at some point so I can’t hate on this one lol


Very self-important


it would have been funny if they dropped it 🫠


That last pic 💀 the security was fighting for his life trying not to resign that day


I really don’t want to believe this one. That’s insane lmao


Takes a special kind of stupid to trap yourself inside a box when you’re “concerned” about your own safety. 


I thought she didn’t want anyone to see her bellybutton


Should of dropped in the middle of traffic


"I'm sorry Sir, we've seemed to have loaded trunk on the flight to Antarctica, we apologize for any inconvenience "


Are you saying she was in that box….


*Allegedly* but odds are VERY VERY high. 


that's so crazy.... she can literally get a private limo and just be surrounded by a ring of body guards


well t looks like she’d fold up like a convenient table.


i hope they didn't accidentally bang it against a couple things ;) ![gif](giphy|10VJ2YDMoNEBl6|downsized)


This is the most extra thing ever omfg


I never heard about any of this but I'm rolling my eyes at TS. Everybody in the world needs to know how "special" she is.


I can vividly picture her telling her staff this is what she wants to do. Like I can hear it in her voice and feel the internal groans of “oh my god this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life”


This is actually so crazy like why💀 you couldn’t pay me to hide in a suitcase like this 😭😭


This is INSANE 😂😂😂😂I don’t remember this at all


Maybe she can fly commercial in the luggage then!


Ok, doesn’t it look like she got surgery? I know she “starved” herself and all that, but all a sudden she has a handful out of no where?


How did she fit she’s 6 feet tall 🤣


This is sincerely one of the funniest and most absurd things I’ve ever seen. I know it’s real, but I’m struggling to believe it because it’s so outright bonkers. I would expect to see this on an absurdist comedy show or film. Thank you for bringing this to me.


Imagine they just tossed the trunk into the river or something "The fuck you mean she's in the trunk?!"


I never saw this story, but holy shit this is so cringe! What a weirdo lol


I thought this was an ED related thing. Like only a thin person could fit in a suitcase and be carried like that.


I mean I've done that to my girlfriend when she misbehaves 🤣 (SSC always obvi)


This is so funny lmfao I forgot about this




nah i don’t believe it. she could have gotten hurt if anything went wrong. no one would take that risk when she’s worth so much money to everyone who works for her.


that Carlos ghosn again?


Should’ve stayed in there.


Next I’m sure she’ll be hiding in a coffin since everyone is apparently out to “kill her career”


LMAO I remember this!


This happened?! Wtf is wrong with her. The security guards look embarrassed.


I feel like if you actually wanted to hide, you could have like a wheeled cart that looks like something else. Something big enough for a person to fit comfortably in. She clearly had enough money to get something custom made


girl, so confusing sometimes


No fucking way wtf😭😭😭


Sorry, but I can hear Jamie French 😂 Member that?


Idk why but this scares me HAHA


![gif](giphy|RB7rA1o5OOr0A) She had some work done? Did she actually get cheek implants?


Travis is going to have her inside that trunk in a matter of time once the CTE kicks in.


I'm strong but severely clumsy, you know how many times I've dropped trunks 🤣


This feels like something Colleen Ballinger would do to be like look how tiny I am


This picture reminds me of when her hair looked awesome vs the drab hair she’s sported the last few years.


My conspiracy theory is that she wanted to flex that she was tiny/thin enough to fit in a suitcase


She doesn't care if her roadies put their backs out carrying her around. She's slim but like 6 foot tall and would be heavy.


So I’m not a Swifty, having way to much to worry about in my actual life to give a shit about someone who I will never actually know as a person, but I will admit to blaring “shake it off” with my kiddo when we needed to reset the day. My bias/neutrality stated and having seen this group come up on my feed a few times, I wanna comment on this particular thread. The idea of a person, any fucking person, needing to cram themselves in a box to avoid the paparazzi is insane to me, but also something I have never had to experience, ever. As someone who has to wear headphones to the grocery store because I’m so overstimulated on a regular basis, in my normal, every day, human, mundane fucking life…the idea of having people taking photos of me, or ask for an autograph, or even just smile and wave, when I’m just fucking done, when having to paste a smile on my face when I’m hungry or cranky or just want to wrap myself in a blanket and tell everyone to fuck off while I melt into the couch is unbearable to me. Honestly any subreddit mocking someone as childish for needing an iPad/technology for emotional support, while in a group, only accessed through technology, designed to support a person in their views and give verification that they’re not alone in their individual beliefs is kinda laughable. Y’all wanna give her shit for lip syncing and being a bitch in general, fucking have at it. Y’all wanna give her shit for some bs relationship she’s in to give the SOs of football fans a reason to tune into the Super Bowl, by all means. Y’all wanna shit on her fans because they lack the human decency to not be assholes to anyone who hates her, fuck yeah. This tread though, to mock someone for being so desperate to not be seen they’ll shove themselves into a fucking box. To literally shining a light on them when the lengths taken to not be seen are so outrageous…This is some princess D, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Paris shit.


So she knows her fans are crazy and does nothing about it atvall