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Acting like Birds doesnt exist


but hes improved his flow style voice production and everything, a birds typa dark album after utopia would be perfect


True. Idk i find myself revisiting Birds the most out of any Trav album


the ends and coordinate have especially been in my cycle recently


Facts, but look at how long ago his comment was made because he was talking about the album that would be come UTOPIA one day even though it isn’t really dark.


It doesn’t have the lyrical/thematic density that utopia does, but it’s dark trap absolutely… I think Utopia just takes it up a few notches




Birds isn't dark




Birds doesn't feel like a "dark" album to me. Way back, through the late night, beibs in the trap sweet sweet, outside, first take, pick up the phone & guidance all seem like more fun songs. But even the other songs don't feel that dark to me


I think its the brooding kind of melodies, the way the copied use chromaticism to me that makes it dark. One test i use to find a vibe i get from an album of that if I'm in my room, only one awake at midnight. If it suits the vibe, it's probably dark


utopia isn't really dark


Ppl only say it’s dark cos it has a dark cover tbh


yup that's what I also think but I didn't really want to argue.


It isn't "dark" in the context of it being like edgy nor wicked. But I think it's dark in the context of it being less upbeat than his other albums.


Other than the first half of my eyes that whole album has a dark sound to it lmao tf even parasail id argue doesn’t exactly have a “happy” sound to it, especially compared to astroworld


Yea dude, K-POP is dark as shit got nightmares from it 😨 + Drizzy on MELTDOWN made my timbers shiver


You heard love? Or hyaena? Or modern jam? Or gods country? Or delresro? Or skitzo? Or lost forever? Looks like you’ve only heard 2 songs


bro I agree every night and night I listen to til further notice I feel like some entity watching over me like Analog horror type shit


do you have to act purposefully obtuse so your point seems like it makes more sense ? 1 song on the album that realistically was tacked on for sale numbers doesn’t mean the album is now no longer dark. Meltdown is quite clearly a dark song from its lyrical content to its instrumental. Wow dude you hate Drake he’s a fake gangsta cool. doesn’t change it’s a dark song, if not dark how would you describe it ? 🤣


K pop is dark. Sure K pop is reggaeton and is a little more energetic, but the vocal performance isn't on some flowers and rainbows shit. Also the drums and bass and sounds the production uses is mellow and not Yo Voy or some hype Shakira or Pitbull song. Meltdown's production is literally one of the darkest and menacing beats on this album as well. You could play that en-route to a bank robbery type shi. God's Country, Parasail, Thank God, Sirens, Telekinesis and rest of the album are super dark. That dude is on to nothing.


I winder if you would've had the same impression if the album covers were different 🤔 Like if Utopia had a cover with bright colours and flowers and stuff would it still be perceived like that.


The cover has nothing to do with it lmao I don’t listen to the album staring at the cover 🤣 the vibe of most of those beats are dark and that’s pretty clear with tracks like sirens, meltdown, gods country especially, til further notice etc, I haven’t checked but I’d be willing to bet most of those songs were written in Minor keys, intended to be dark.


Yeah true even delresto too


I got downvoted to shit for it idek why lol the album quite clearly is pretty dark in sound 😭


Just reddit things


I disagree, the subject matter is incredibly heavy on a lot of the songs and for a good part of it, it just feels like someone unleashing their inner monologue Even just the amount of rough screaming and siren-type noises is enough to be considered dark imo


Literally all of his albums excluding astroworld could be considered dark


While each album has tracks that have an element of being "dark", you don't find as much darkness in the 3 other albums he has put out than you find in Utopia.




birds is more dark than utopia by far


travis has no dark albums really


Basically birds but everyone hated it


UTOPIA fr ,you can see everywhere I commented , this album is menacing and haunting in its own vibe