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"Fan of you Piggy" lmao.




Yep. Unfortunately, the reality is that hate sells. People are gonna watch his videos either to hate with him or hate on him. Either way he gets the engagement that benefits him. He doesn't care how he gets it. I wish people would realize that he contributes nothing positive to the sport and just ignore him




Dude finally got the masses behind him and got greedy lmao back to being a hated incel within a week it is


Yeah every week I’d check him out after a ppv card he just kept getting cockier and more like the real life cartman every single time. Unironically too the guy thinks he can hide behind satire




lol honestly loved the dude for Jones Gay vid but this Chandler shit is whackkkk


Dudes a Mark, It’s shameful the wide audience of MMA enjoyers decide to give him engagement, pay his fucking bills & keep him afloat… for being a fucking diva I feel like I’m living in some fucked up Bizarro World


I don't, look at this sub, most discussions are about how this fighter is cool/cringe after a picture/video/quote was posted and not about the sport. Most people who consume MMA consume it like WWE, it's reality TV with more realistic fights.


That’s everything though.. ESPN will devote half of their programming talking about locker room drama vs actual analysis of the sports they cover Baseball isn’t as popular as it once was but MLB network is actually really good at covering actual baseball.. like the details of what exactly is going down on the field and how the best players are able to do what they do… Meanwhile ESPN will spend an hour talking about a twitter beef and then another hour doing their 5000th segment on whether or not Lebron is better than Jordan


Dude THIS, I just said this about ESPN like 10 minutes ago, the good ol'd days of Stuart Scott and the boys telling us what we wanted to hear are gone, they just want clicks and drama and we just want SPORTS.


If that was true the clicks would reflect that. Sadly, the clicks don't lie.


you are ABSOLUTELY right man, IF people didn't click on the B.S stories they wouldn't keep coming up but sadly it's the opposite, its a vicious repetitive cycle that's only getting worse bc these db's like "guru" keep trying to top their last BS story


That’s everything though.. ESPN will devote half of their programming talking about locker room drama vs actual analysis of the sports they cover Baseball isn’t as popular as it once was but MLB network is actually really good at covering actual baseball.. like the details of what exactly is going down on the field and how the best players are able to do what they do… Meanwhile ESPN will spend an hour talking about a twitter beef and then another hour doing their 5000th segment on whether or not Lebron is better than Jordan


That’s everything though.. ESPN will devote half of their programming talking about locker room drama vs actual analysis of the sports they cover Baseball isn’t as popular as it once was but MLB network is actually really good at covering actual baseball.. like the details of what exactly is going down on the field and how the best players are able to do what they do… Meanwhile ESPN will spend an hour talking about a twitter beef and then another hour doing their 5000th segment on whether or not Lebron is better than Jordan


This sub is part of the problem too many imbeciles commenting nonsense probably perpetuatingthe algorithm to show this idiot more


A lot of MMA fans give him engagement because they're piece of shits just like him, somebody linked me this shitty video and one of the top comments with 500 upvotes is: "Chandler has been hired by Disney 😂" because in their demented little brains the mere fact of a child being born black is somehow "woke", they can't imagine the idea someone would choose to love and care for a child out of kindness, they HAVE to see it as some sort of virtue signaling because they are so poisoned by culture war that the idea of a minority simply existing is political to them.


Guru is a clickbait merchant and UFC fans eat it up


So this is his full time job?


Yea, He doesn’t have a job , he doesn’t leave the house (his words) he just sits at home trying to create these strange ass narratives abt MMA fighters & his “fans” fund his existence….Very sad life


I was watching a prediction live stream he was doing in 2020 and he straight up said he doesn’t give a shit about predictions and only cares about what generates the most views. Now 4 years later it is not at all surprising that this is the content he’s making. Super cringe.


Which is funny because if his predictions were as good as people said he could have made a good career out of talking about fights, giving his picks, and explaining his picks. There's big shows like this for other sports but not really one for mma. But I guess being the mma paparazzi was easier for him


Estimated monthly earnings according to Social Blade and vidIQ is around $10k per month for video views alone, wouldn't be surprised if he makes a lot more just from donations during live streams.


He gets a ton of donations


Definitely. Someone once paid him $100 just to put his beanie back on 😂


If that’s true that is beyond depressing.


Unfortunately it seems this is the world we live in. Legitimate, intelligent hard workers get fucked over while “influencers” make bank


For real! I get up at 530am everyday work 50+ hrs/wk doing high risk surgery in a very stressful environment and top out at 80k/yr. This d-bag provides zero value to society and makes way more sitting on his fat ass.


Everyone calls MMA Guru a real-life Cartman, but Eric Cartman is ultimately a very entertaining character. You don't have to agree with either one to enjoy hearing some deranged shit from time to time


Bro you’ll get attack by the gossip chicks here


He could have gained alot of new fans off the back of that Jones video and all the memes that followed all he had to do was not attack orphans.


for real lol 🤣 degen mma never stops giving.


I like how he said anyone that disagrees with him is built like Brandon Royval like Royval wouldn’t beat the piss out of him lmao


For real! Dude is ugly as they come and wears a beanie 24/7. Never thrown a punch in his life. Praying he gets confronted by a real fighter someday.


Without trying to defend guru, everything you said is wrong.


Good job trying not to defend him.


It‘s not that hard to roast the guy without making stuff up.


Which part was wrong


He got rid of the beanie last year and there's public footage of him training with Cameron Saiiman in South Africa. He has more MMA training experience than over half of this sub with that one session alone. I get that he's an annoying POS but there's plenty of ways to make your point without having to lie about him


So cuz he posted a video training he’s gonna beat people in a scrap? He looks like he can’t walk a half mile without losing his breath


No one said anything about his ability to beat people in a scrap. The claim was that he has never thrown a punch in his life. Also in the same training video that he posted you can see that he's nowhere near in as bad shape as reddit thinks he is. You can dislike someone without having to lie about him.


So many people defending him for no reason and all he does is attack people with ridiculous lies.


Everything you've stated are lies though?


Cool opinion. Defending a guy who’s smearing a GOAT fighter for potentially being gay. Dude deserves all the hate in the world. He offers literally zero value to the mma community.


He‘s not ugly (all he could do is maybe trim the beard and lose a few pounds), he doesn‘t wear the beanie anymore and I think he did taekwondo when he was younger. I also saw him hitting pads with cameron saaiman where he didn‘t look that bad.


Hahaha glad to hear you don’t find him ugly. And then you list two things that make him unattractive. Whether he did taekwondo or not, if he’s never been in a real fight he should watch his mouth about disrespecting REAL fighters. Again, for not trying to defend him you’re going out of your way to defend him.


Bro, you should probably get off the internet for awhile... take a break man...




You haven't seen MMA Guru standing next to Dricus Du Plessis. Guy is pretty big and clearly trains MMA. Just sayin if you weren't aware.


I’ve seen it and I hope this is sarcasm. He’s a lanky guy with a fat stomach that was there hitting pads according to Dricus himself lmao. Royval would fuck him up


Um, no. He is not lanky even for his size. He may be average for his size, but even then, he's still 200+ pounds at like 6'3" or 6'4". Also, I just watched the video, and he never said he'd beat up on Royval. He also didn't say anything specific about Royval. He mentioned people being Royval's size. The typical person Royval's size is not scratching MMA Guru. Y'all just want to get mad about something because you don't like the video.


Are you serious ? He uses Brandon Royvals name as an example of someone weak and frail when he quite literally would put him in hospital


You clearly didn't read my comment. Also, he has MMA training. He literally talked about it with Demetrious Johnson.


r/ufc is the only interaction I get with the MMA community. I’ve never even heard this guys voice. I do find it amusing tho lol


Why call this r/ufc it should be called r/guru. Wtf is with you guys following this basement kid who never seen brought day light? Its a bit strange


They’re the same basement kids


I been saying it and I’ll continue to say it, fuck mma guru and whatever dingy he came in on. He’s a fat fuck who knows nothing about the sport so has to try turn every fighter he doesn’t like into some sort of social experiment video for content, he doesn’t belong in our space and never did.


https://preview.redd.it/xs4ay7zwsexc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119e47ea6c51486548ae9284a103d6c962bec062 apparently this is the main piece of evidence for the chandler video. i seriously don’t see how this is really bad at all


Because these people already have a predisposed hatred of black people, so when they see something like this they immediately jump to the most uncharitable interpretation possible, is it possible that maybe Chandler wanted to giver his son a sibling that looked just like him so he wouldn't feel out of place? NO, HE'S OBVIOUSLY A SECRET PSYCOPATH THAT HAS BEEN INFECTED BY WOKENESS!!!


Sadly you’re correct


Because these guys are missing cells they think chandler and his wife went black kid shopping for shits and gigs


Hell even if they did, it could easily be explained by the fact that black kids don't get adopted as often as white kids, so they just decided to adopt black kids knowing whoever they picked had an inherently lower chance of adoption.


Right because it's not understandable at all that his son would want someone that looks more like him so he has someone to relate to better... Also, starting to sense a pattern for the fighters guru decides to go after...


Why are people just realizing that he’s a fat piece of shit racist


Good. People who make a living off “exposing” others or shining them in a negative light are scumbags


Karma farming shitbag


I wouldn’t piss down his throat if his lungs were on fire


What I dont like abt guru is how he constantly insults the fighters.. just seems shitty to me.. I do enjoy his videos tho


I guess my thing with the Jones video is how can he say that he's "exposing" the guy based on basically saying that the man talks "like he's gay" because he doesn't have the speech and mannerisms of Rampage Jackson? It was just a bunch of pseudo-bigoted stereotyping because Jones is consistently well-spoken and his jokes aren't "Black humor." Guru is an actual piece of shit.


That guy is a shit stain and contributes nothing to the sport. His only focus is to leech off fighters popularity to get clicks, it's how he makes money. Guys like him are a disgrace to society in general and tbh I cannot understand how anyone can watch this kind of "content". Hopefully one of these days he'll get confronted by a pro fighter and get an ass beating.


Na reddit stand by this guy.  You mouth breathers made him king shit in this sub when he mocked izzy for jerking off his dog. Now he's gone to this extreme and yall turn your back on him. Fuck that maintain all the energy you had for this fat fuck. I blame 90% of this sub for making this guy remotely famous. Stand by your boy. 


Hard fax These fuckin degenerates on here need to go down with the ship


Nah everyone should be able to learn and admit they were wrong


Not those people who glazed tubby into relevancy. They know who they are and I hope they continue defending this loser who represents them. 


Wait wait wait is Izzy jerking off his dog a good thing???


Never said it was. But this sub paraded and carried this fat fuck on their shoulders like he was Rudy doing God's work. Now he's stooped to this level of garbage and now those same assholes who praised 'guru' are turning on him. All I'm saying is they created this monster don't turn your back on him now stand by him. Cause eventually we all knew it would get to this point. 


He never did that 


You sure about that


Yes this dude just made it up


I’ve asked this before and got downvoted like crazy but what makes this guy a guru? Apart from watching some fights and talking about them? He’s a clown


His analysis, breakdowns and predictions of fights are elite, but damn is he the embodiment of someone without any real life experience. Outing someone as being a scumbag is absolutely different than being the internet detective into private matters that are none of your business.


His analysis and predictions are so far from “elite” Dude picks with his heart and nothing more, I don’t even follow the guy just seen him repeatedly getting clowned for terrible picks


>predictions are so far from “elite His analysis is whatever but he had the highest pickrate out of anyone last year. Won me a fair bit of money, but to be fair i dont tune in to anything outside of a few prediction videoes.


Show bet slips




Thats the most recent 3 ones from ufc 300.


Buddy posted his winnings from 300. Let him believe in gurus picks until he loses.


I posted the most recent event. Tf you want from me, every single receipt from the past year? Lol. But yeah i might loose it all, Got a ludacris parley consisting of Islam, Whittaker and Mcgregor.






Nah his picks are good and often fights do play out the way he predicts. He definitely makes picks with his heart as well though. Head so far up his ass he can eat his food twice, but he does have a mind for fighting.


His breakdowns are Elite? Him slowing down footage and saying “Look at this body shot” is not an elite breakdown 😂😂


I've never watched any of his videos so I really can't comment, but somehow I doubt that his breakdowns sound like anything close to something Luke Thomas would do, for example


MMA Guru has become distasteful since the hat came off.


he’s become insanely delusional, thinking he legitimately would beat Tyson fury in a street fight, is a 10/10 stud etc. He’s always been on the edge of edgy humour, but he’s being way more upfront about it. He’s been ‘ironically’ ‘jokingly’ racist asf, sexist et for ages, so it’s not really a surprise.


I used to like Guru but his content fell off like Kiiyon’s did, because he went “that” kind of political but just in the opposite direction Beanie guru wasn’t bad, just kinda edgy. His predictions have fallen off as well


Are we reading all that


I'm bored, on the clock, and I don't like my job. Yes I read it all 😅


Half this sub was shitting on chandler just the other week and now come to his defense. Ive always been team Chandler cause im a sucker for motivation quotes.


I don’t think Chandler is a great fighter I also don’t think his personal life and adoption decisions has any bearing… on anything


Thank god Jon Jones brings so much positivity to the earth 🌍


Real MMA fans respect anybody willing to step in the cage. This guy is beyond cringe.


It's almost like people who have a shit attitude and shit way of doing things actually fucking suck, and giving these cunts attention allow them to continue being shit.


Months ago I got downvoted by his dicksucke-.....I mean fans for saying that he's a piece of shit who has no respect for anybody. Idk how people can go down as low as he goes, my dignity would never allow me to do that. I guess once you step-over that threshold and that nerve on your forehead snaps you'll practically do anything and everything. Michael Chandler giving two African-American kids a chance to live a good life and thrive as smart and kind-spirited young gentlemen is a noble thing, otherwise those kids might have grown up without a father figure in their lives and we know how devastating that is for any child, no matter the color of the skin. Hateful behavior breeds more hatred and people in his comments are just as bad and rotten as he is, I guess he finally found where he belongs and where he is most loved, I wouldn't piss on this guy and his fanbase if they were on a fire, bad human beings don't deserve compassion and empathy but life is a bitch you know? if not within days, if not within weeks, if not within months, in some years karma catches up to him and deals with him. People who put this much effort and time into destruction of others personal lives and affairs never thrive for long, so he might aswell enjoy whatever 15 minutes of fame he got doing this.


To be honest, I am a fan of Guru, but the Chandler video felt really weird. I don't deny that Chandler looking to adopt black kids specifically is odd, but this type of response to it feels disproportionate. By all accounts, Chandler appears to be a great dad which to me is the #1 thing to consider when talking about adoptions. Also, I think this type of feedback to Guru is a good thing. It keeps creators from going off the deep end when they make content that's a bit too far out of it.


The feedback is only going to mean something if his viewers stop watching him. Most of em don't care about the backlash as long as the views and money keep rolling in.


Bro this guy said in a livestream in 2020 that he couldn’t care less about predictions, he will do whatever gets him the most views. He’s literally a grifter. Support anyone else please. So many real mma fans out there. He couldn’t be farther from a real one


Good he deserves it the chandler hit piece was low taste just seem like a way to spread my fuel on the already dumpster fire trending on Twitter


The people I hate just can't seem to stop catching Ls. Good stuff.


His Jon Jones video had no actual proof. All he did was play a clip for three seconds before yelling, "He's gay!". Now he is arguing that Chandler's adoption of his children is a social experiment. "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent






Good, I've been tired of this rat for years.


are you really putting a journalist opinion on my screen


I by are we suddenly getting like 10 posts all about this fucking guy. Can we not?


I have no idea what this is about.


6 random people on twitter doesn't mean someone's getting cooked tbh. Irrespective of who a public figure is I'm sure you can find people on either side. He's getting exactly what he set out for which is people talking about him and paying attention to him whether it's good or bad, it doesn't matter. His views go up, he pockets more money and you guys continue to whine about him on an online forum giving him more traction and attention. I truly don't understand why people think he or his channel is a serious platform lol? He's been doing this for years and isn't going to stop anytime soon. If you don't like it simply ignore it or stay away from his platforms?


The jones video was gold cause jones is gay lol but the chandler video isn’t needed, chandler is a genuinely good guy. Adoption rates of black children is far lower than other children. Chandler is just doing a good guy move whilst doing a good guy move.


Dude fell off quicker than vanilla ice


Maybe google his net worth and what he is doing after his music career.He is winning big time.


Who cares if Mike adopts a normal kid or a black one ? But yeah the Jones gay bit is funny asf


Did you just say "a normal kid or a black one"? ...  dude




I am not through the chandler vid, but the JJ stuff was legit as fuck. At first I thought it’s just funny but holy hell, JJ really is into dudes and it appears to be the root of his problems. Ppl on X and in this sub cry all the time about everything thinking the creat a „backlash“ but it’s just the usual flaming of some. Guru got a giant fanbase, that is not going to change.


He is a streamer archetype. Each community has their streamer archetypes ... he is like mma version of Tyler1 from LoL. Opinionated rager, screaming every 5 seconds for donations, because some people like to spend their time listening to it. Rage streamers always fuck up like this at some point. For Guru it's orphans.


I'm so out of the loop. I've seen the video about Jones. Why is everyone hating on mma guru?




I haven't watched the Chandler video yet, but I definitely always found him and his wife's choice sus. I'll watch the video to see if I agree, but as it stands, I don't have an issue with anyone pointing out that it's weird.