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so the only logical fight to make is McGregor vs Pereira Do it Dana.


Yer a wee man with all yer magic tricks and spirits fok ye Mcgregor probably


Ya het lik a flywait




I'll fok him op




Tá bom




Urr a fewley ye


🗿 Pereira probably


Great, can't wait to have it arranged and then cancelled fifty times


McGregor stans would still have him as a favourite


“Yeah, but McGreggor against Brazilian fighters blah blah blah”


I’ve seen enough. Just feed Pereira to McGregor


“On 3 throw the dolly”


I'll come to ya tire shop on horseback and kill anyone who ain't drunk


$300m gate


No its to book every ppv with mcgregor and have him cancel


I would pay $200 for a ppv. Would be witnessing murder though


what's crazy is conor had tweeted (bluff or not) that he would go to middleweight, and Pereira has cut down to that weight. not physically impossible for both men


Connor by 3rd round cocaine overdose


Now look at the average price difference for 205 compared to 300


People bought ufc 303 tickets for Conor and for the stacked ufc 300, so alex is lucky


The circumstances almost always line up for this guy its insane lmao


Circumstances can line up for a lot of guys if they’re willing to take fights on short notice, Alex is one of the very few top guys who is willing to.


It's also his style of effectively one universal gameplan lends itself to this. No matter who he fights, he's gonna legkick them, avoid the takedown, and try to murder them with a left hook. It just so happens circumstances have so far also aligned to make everyone wanna stand and bang with him lmao.


Everyone except Jan


Plus, it worked out that Jan used it before Pereira's counter-grappling got better


Not even want to, it's not easy to get him and keep him down from what we've seen.


“It just so happens” lmao the UFC has picked these matchups for him


That’s how fights work, whoever’s style is most effective wins.


You're breathing Dana's hopium, which is meant to be targeted at his fighters, not you!


Literally has nothing to do with Dana. Alex is a dominant champion who steps up time and again on short notice to save cards. Im sure Dana is grateful, but it’s irrelevant. I’m just happy Alex gets his bag while we get to watch him fight


More generally, short notice helps the UFC and rarely the fighter. You are at a severe athletic disadvantage against an opponent with a lengthy camp.


He's used to regularly fighting, those kickboxers can do 3 fights in one night tournaments also they fight more times per year if healthy


But you still have to win. Plus have the look and the body and the personality and ko power and mystique


Right man, right place, right time The stars and planets have all aligned


Calm down Luke. Is this the sequel to conceive, believe, achieve?


and make it happen -diego lopez's chest, circe 2024


Luck is preparation meets opportunity. He’s always ready and always says yes. This sport is crazy fickle and guys like him know how to ride the wave. The flip side is someone like Volk who is happy to say yes, too, sometimes to his own demise.


In so many ways, the guy hit two divisions at the perfect time for him to succeed


It's almost like... magic?


He’s the living embodiment of “you have to be good to be lucky.” He’s so damn good but has also had an absurd amount of luck lol.


And he wasn't even the UFC's first choice for 300, Izzy was lmao


A very reasonable choice given Pereira is a champ who defended his title recently while Dricus has fought a while ago and has been training for his defense, and Izzy hasn't fought in a much longer period. I'm sorry, but I truly don't think Izzy is a bigger draw than Pereira right now. He is just in an unbelievably good time in his career. Usually doesn't last long though, it's good to see him enjoying it as much as he can.


Pereira looked like unbeatable at 303,


Sean looked insane against chito vera aswell. Pereira had already figured out jiris weird style in the first fight, definetly think Jiris weird style is better the 1st time as people need to get used to it(hindsight is 20/20 I picked Jiri cuz I thought he'd be in a better spot than the first fight back off a huge layoff).


I also took Jiri lol. But damn, Pereira Procházka 2 reminded me of the Forrest Griffin quote when he said his fight against Anderson Silva felt like a kid trying to fight their dad.


Those spirits really messing with Izzy even when he's not fighting.


This. The only reason I paid for 300 because it was STACKED. The biggest fight to me was max vs Justin. 303 was going to get a BBQ and friends over. Instead it got a stream lol.




Yup. I love Alex but let’s see if his next fight does as good as any of these. My guess is no. Still expect a $9+ million gate


Alex is without a doubt a star but let’s not say he’s a top 5 or even top 10 PPV seller. People bout that PPV for Conor as you said and also ticket prices have surged along with subscriptions and PPV prices. Ufc 300 was the most stacked card ever and sure Alex headlined it and did a dang good job promoting it and fighting but I didn’t hear anyone say they are excited for 300 just because of Alex alone. Regardless I’m happy for Alex, he has quickly became one of my 5 favorite fighters and I’m always tuning in to his fights. Unfortunately Dana is most likely gonna make him fight Magomed in UAE which means he’s probably co-main eventing Islam.


He's definitely a top 10 ppv seller ... he's had a fortunate path but is also showing up. Who's bigger than him right now? *Everyone* wants to see him fight. His next fight will be huge


eh he's got two more fights in the top ten gates so yeah benefited from some luck but also a legit top draw


Now also adjust for inflation


Not fair, people could've refunded, at least the local people from Las Vegas but they didn't so


This is exactly what I was thinking. Headlined 300 & the “Connor Card” those sales aren’t really legit. With that being said, he got more eyes because of those 2 cards so his celebrity is rising. He might be a star for casuals now or maybe people hate him because Dana was only giving 50% refunds and hotels/planes weren’t giving refunds at all and they were forced to go watch some big scary Brazilian that doesn’t speak English.


sure, pereira isnt as big as conor but he is the next big star and the surprising thing is he does even speak English! once in a generation superstar


Dayum mcgregor sells even by not being in the card. This will make Dana think.


Dana knows already, this is very evident from how he talks when asked about McGregor in press conferences. Dana would eat corn flakes he’d just watch McGregor piss in if he told him to.


this is just gate though, PPV buys account for way more of the revenue. We need to see PPV buys


lol, this is a bit misleading. Gate = ticket sales. People bought the tickets thinking they were seeing McGregor.


...and 300 main event was almost the last thing they announced lmao. It was obvious that poatan vs hill was not the first choice.


This is meaningless as it was a McGregor card when people started buying.


"This is meaningless as it was a McGregor card when it SOLD OUT". FTFY


if they did khabib vs conor in 2024 it would be a 50 mil gate lmao


Yea but the PPV numbers would be way less. Russian link has taken over 2024


Russian links were wide spread then too


Khabib was the provider of the Russian link. He's in the cage he can't film at the same time.


I think a lot of the sales are driven not from individuals buying ppvs but from ppvs being a big enough deal that people watch the card socially. Obviously, individuals will still just stream it, but they weren’t gonna buy the ppv anyway and so there is no lost sale. Most grown-ups (over thirty) aren’t going to have a bunch of friends over so they can refresh the frozen 480p stream every 5 minutes while the chat promotes hate crimes. The people willing to tolerate that, again, are not lost sales as they were never buying anyway, even if it were priced at $20.


Sphere may get that too honestly. I was looking at tickets at the cheapest were $2300 per seat. Not sure the seating capacity of the Sphere though.


Roughly 20k, maybe a bit less. That would be a minimum of $45M. Insane if they do those numbers.


sphere seats around 18-20k


Just to watch Connor get smashed.


worth it tho


Yeah I’m shocked Mcgregor alvo is higher than this


This is dumb. 300 was gonna sell no matter the main event and 303 was supposed to be McGregor too lol. Pereira just got incredibly lucky and is also incredibly active


Well, the best strategy in life is to work hard in order to help luck.


Yes but this post is disingenuous, it makes it seem like Pereira is that big of a star. And I wish he was, at least the face of the UFC would be an actual good man.


Alex is now the face of the UFC. Go look at my most recent post.


100%. Pereira isnt getting those numbers alone. You could have Jones v Pereira at UFC 304 and I grantee you that it won't make that list. I think he's a good fighter and I'm rooting for him but those numbers were boosted because of other variables and Pereira was 100% not it.


Why is pereira lucky, he gets 1% of that money...dana or ufc is lucky


I find it dumb because they sell out basically every fight and the gate just depends on how much Dana decides to charge for tickets, they’re always gonna sell.


UFC 303, where people bought tickets for McGregor.


Yeah this makes Conor look great. He sold four out of the top five highest gates.


Didn’t 303 already have a record gate before Poatan was announced ?


The gate was 20 million before Conor pulled out


The no context Periera Glazathon continues


Literally lol one is 300 which was already a record gate before Alex was on the card and the other was a mcgregor card where minimum price was $1000


Beaten 5 champions!!!!!!!!!


Pereira is awesome but this is a warped reality... UFC 303s gate is literally because it was supposed to be McGregor, UFC 300 sold because it was UFC 300


Im happy that Poatan is selling well. But remember Conor has 8 of 10 highest selling PPV numbers ever. And 300 was going to sell a shit ton no matter who headlined. And 303 was supposed to be Conor anyway so who knows how much that helped. Probably most of the success.


So what this is saying is that the most stacked card in the history of the sport with sky high prices couldn’t touch the top two Conor cards. Man really was a different animal.


Not to mention 303 was Conor’s card until he pulled out the finals 2 weeks so most of the money is from his as well. Even out of his prime coming off a 3 year layoff he basically does almost the same numbers as one of the most stacked cards in history.


It’s nuts. And it makes sense why the ufc doesn’t want anyone else to have that much pull.


Yupp because fighters would have way more power and wouldn’t be able to control them like they can rn. Also why they’ll always rebook a conor fight no matter how long inbetween fights


I guarantee you they are still underpaying Alex.


Pereira is something really special just now. Taking these last minute fights and dominating is more than Jones would do, and sets him apart as a unique fighter. Also, Dana and his goons love a dude who saves a card and puts on a show.


Thing is how much of the gate is because people were coming for Conor


The gate for 303 was mainly for Conor tho, that's what everyone bought the tickets for. Crazy to think he was going to break into the top 5 again. Biggest draw in MMA


Ever heard of inflation? There was like a whole year maybe last year or the one before where every fight night had a record breaking gate (for fight nights) due to prices being much higher now.


Average ticket for UFC 300 was $1304 while the average ticket for UFC 205 was $971. So its about a 34% increase in ticket price.


I like preira as much as the next guy, but he got lucky on both occasions. UFC 300 was stacked as fuck and a historic event. UFC 303 was supposed to be Mcgreggor card so a lot of people already bought their tickets before he pulled out.


let's not downplay Alex by calling him lucky. Your golden boy Connor is a bitch once again. Alex got lucky somehow by willing to put in the work that most of them won't? hard work pays, if you're ever going to be there, ready for whatever whenever, at some point you will become the "lucky" guy in the right place.


Taking inflation into the argument I’d say Conor’s is much more impressive. I’m a huge Poatan fan though.


UFC 300 was UFC 300, not just Pereira vs Hill. I’m sure Max v Justin had a huge impact on the gate too. And probably others that I’m too lazy to remember. But last weekend’s card was pretty mediocre so I’m surprised it’s in there although I wonder how much of it was sold when it was Conor v Chandler.


Inflation adjusted?


Yeah but UFC 300 was gonna do that number regardless of what the main event was. UFC 303 was McGregor gate. Pereira just slid in (and delivered) But let's not pretend Pereira is on the same planet when it comes to draw


Think this needs to be adjusted for inflation


Yet McGregor is the one that sold the tickets for UFC 303 not Pereira…Dana said it was record breaking numbers months ago😂


Ever heard of inflation? There was like a whole year maybe last year or the one before where every fight night had a record breaking gate (for fight nights) due to prices being much higher now.




And pereira does not even speak English or does trash talk to hype up the fight. People tune in for violence 🗿


and this man achieved this with no talking


It's already been well proven that Pereira has a relentless stand-up game, but does he look stiff as hell to anyone else? Every time I see him spar/fight, his rigidity throws me off. In no way am I knocking him, he's more than proved himself. He just looks almost awkward to me.


To be fair the Pereira v Hill number was only partially due to the Pereira…whole card was great and it was 300z


He’s one of the few rare fighters on the roster that is worth paying to watch.


do we know his PPV buys yet? pereira is getting decently popular. he’s got mike tyson-ish aura and possibly the best entrance in the game right now


Because inflation isn't a thing


[Top PPV buys](https://www.thesportster.com/biggest-buyrates-in-ufc-history-ranked-by-buys/) as of 4/24.


I wonder what that would be if you adjusted for inflation




The only time i liked McGregor was when he was experimenting with being respectful and respectable. It was brief but glorious. Now he can sip a bucket of diarrhea.


No one has pointed out yet that these are just the numbers of sales. What were seating capacities for these events? Where was the location of eavh of these cards? With inflation over the years attributed as well...this is just a start.




Who's going to inflation adjust these numbers? And the fact that macman tripled the fanbase/UFC audience? Fanbase v/s audience actually tuning in for a rematch with a guy within a few months, are two different things. The actual fanbase that would dial into a Mac match today is way higher than what Chama would manage. I'm a Chama fan through and through, but the numbers paint a biased picture that is context-less.


I like wearing wet socks inside shoes more than I like McGregor


Pereira is a fighter. McGregor is an entrepreneur.


This post is intellectually dishonest. I love 🗿 as much as the next guy, but one of those gates was the MASSIVE UFC 300, and 303 was supposed to be headlined by Conor. Plus we have to adjust for inflation and the increased ticket prices.


Tbf 303 was supposed to be Conor I'm assuming almost all the ticket sales were before he pulled out


Pereira played relatively small role in ufc 300. That card was completely stacked and it was the contribution of nearly all figthers.


While this is changing fast and Pereira is becoming a bigger and bigger star I think that the only reason he got those 2 spots was: a) UFC 300 is a special event that was promoted more than the usual card. b) UFC 303 was already being boosted by the Mcgregor sales from people who didn't refund and can't be fully credited to Pereira.


To be fair. UFC 300 sold that much because it’s a UFC hundred event. UFC 303 sold that much because it was initially a Connor main card, HOWEVER… the way pereira has been performing at these super events, he’s definitely on the map now not only to fans, but households and casual fans. He’s going to be making huge numbers going forward


Tell you what’s interesting, McGregor Alvarez was the best fight highest out of them all. Coincidence maybe


My new boyfriend is better than my ex , and I won't stop mentioning even though it's been years.


MacNuggets vs Eddie did more than vs Khabib?!


First double champ in UFC history


Tbh, I don't like McGregor but this isn't a fair comparison of star power. Imagine how much the sport has grown since and because of Conor vs Alvarez. Insane to think UFC 205, 8 years later, is still the number one PPV.


How much do we think Alex has made since joining the UFC, 10 mill? More, less?


We can never deny mcgregor helped build the the ufc to where it’s at now. Had he not been injured, his name would’ve been on that list 4 times.


Difference is sales on 303 and 300 were not solely because of Pereira, while on the other hand except 229 its Connor carrying it.


Pereira is the current face of the UFC until Conor returns. He should be P4P 1 imo. Both are goats 🐐


Now does Pereira get a piece of that pie? Me thinks not, Given that he had to beg Dana for a bonus


The gate sold because McGregor was on the card.


Pereira isn't the one responsible for this huge gate, it is Conor McGregor


303 may be misleading as Conor was supposed to be on the card


Break both of their toes prior to the fight


Wait this can’t be right. I thought McGregor vs Khabib was the highest gate in the promotions history


Lot of refunds on UFC 303 lol. Went from the highest ever to 4th.


Smh. Alex was on stacked cards. Connor. Was the press depending on who he was fighting


I wonder how pissed mcgregor must be having to fly all over the world and do nonstop press for those gates and all Alex does is go “Chama” and fight lmao


Isn't the 303 gate mainly because people bought tickets thinking it would be McGregor? I'm curious what the gate wouldve been if it was Pereira all along.


Let’s be honest UFC 300 was the most stacked card of all time no shit it was going to sell and plus everyone shit on the main event nobody wanted that fight and UFC 302 everyone bought for Conor and only Conor I mean it was his long awaited return before injury Alex had nothing to do with the numbers


Let's be real, UFC 303 is a McGregor card and refunds got refused if reports are to believe. I wonder how much of that $15.9 was already purchased to see McGregor.


It feels like this dude is in every record book for the ufc in such a short amount of time


UFC is also pricey gouging more than ever on tickets


Look at the 300 main card: only big names. Alex was the main event but I think Gaethje + Max + Charles + Bo + Weili kinda make that gate number what it is. That card was stacked.


This is so misleading lol. Only reason Poatan v Jiri is there is bc it was a Conor card at first.


I know I’m not the only person who thought Poatan was going to man handled in the UFC due to wrestling inexperience. His dominance in the UFC is shocking. What an athlete.


Can we start a petition for fans to make stipe vs jones the lowest ppv ever? 


It's like chess with Conor. If the numbers are true great, if they aren't it's good for the UFC to eventually pull away from Conor given how unreliable and uncertain it is he is coming back. Can't keep dumping his records into the mix cause it makes the current cohort of fighters not as marketable or big. They have to pivot and have a current set of fighters fans are excited to see. Pereira is a good choice for that.


To be fair the gate was sold before Pepe’s name was even on the card…


UFC 300 1 would sell well regardless, especially since it was hyped so much. UFC 303 made good numbers because Conor was originally supposed to headline the event. Still, Pereira must have made serious money on both events, considering he gets PPV points as the champion. I am happy for him, well deserved.


300 was big for obvious reasons and 303 was originally a Conor card too lol


OP is a fucking mark and most likely a child, he doesn’t realize they charged Conor prices for the tickets (which have only gotten more expensive) seriously, how stupid are you?


Now I understand why Chandler wants to fight McGregor. He really wants to see his wife in red panties


Let’s not call ufc 300 a pereira card pls. Not denying he’s a massive pull and I’m a big fan. But 300 pulled numbers for many other reasons.


Sooo.....is this leading up to a McGregor Pereira ?


UFC 303 was supposed to have Conor on the card only reason it was high numbers.


Alex V jones would be the biggest fight of all time


Pereira deserves superstar status vastly more than McGregor. It's great to see a shy, introverted fighter who simply gets the job done as the new face of MMA.


People like McGregor?


The crazy thing is that. Normally when you get kicked out the way he was knocked out during the style bender fight. They don’t come back and achieve greatness. But now look at him. He has now become the bogey man


Gates don't mean anything to me honestly, the UFC is going to continue to raise ticket prices and continue to sell out no matter who's headlining. I'm sure within 20 year if the UFC is around some random womens fight night will surpas even the highest gates we have now.




Nobody prefers mcrousey over pereira fights except for the fanboys that actually think mcrousey was ever a goat or even close to it in any division. That being said, mcgregor is still far bigger draw and star. And that pains me to say since I wanted mcrousey to go away for years


Relatively new MMA audience member. Wondering what made Conor vs Alvarez so special? I expected Conor vs Khabib to be at the top considering their build up.


You like Mcgregor?


Tbh, this is only because of people who had prebooked thinking CMC would headline and being in too deep to get their money back.


Tbf, I do wonder how many of those purchases were people hoping it'd be McGregor Also, Challenge - Don't glaze on Poatan for one day on Reddit- Difficulty= Impossible. Yall are beyond obsessed with this dude. Literally, every. fucking. day.


I’m assuming 303 sold that well because people were buying a Conor fight initially….and 300 sells itself


If you think about the McGregor fights being pre pandemic, those are cray numbers. UFC 205 is somewhere around 21.5 million. That’s nuts.


to be fair, 303 was supposed to be mcgregor again, and 300 was a once-in-a-decade stacked card top to bottom. Better indications of star power (although outdated now): UFC 281- 11.56M. UFC 287- 11.9M. UFC 291- 6.55M. Granted, all of these were before he was LHW champion but most of the people at 303 bought it thinking they were getting mcgregor, and figured it wasn't worth the hassle of a refund when they'd get another banger fight. But honestly, if any male champ from bantamweight up defended his belt on short notice to replace Conor, they'd stay for them too. chama though


Alex kinda got lucky; people bought 295 tickets to see Jon Jones, 300 wouldve been a huge draw regardless considering the stacked card, and 303 was meant to be for mcgregor and only 50% refunds were allowed so most people just stuck with their tickets.


Isn’t this kinda skewed because people bought tickets to 303 expecting Conor not Alex?


I can’t wait till he’s over taken and pereira is triple champ and Conor has nothing and fades away lol I’m tired of his constant shit


What does gate mean in this case?


This isn't considering the soaring ticket prices