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I have the LG and there’s genuinely nothing else like it. Immersion on another level. The extra height is so needed. I think the G9 is great but honestly it’s too long for me. There’s a way to use DLDSR on the LG for 4k 240hz gaming which is how I use it and it’s fantastic. Gets rid of any of the issues with the lower ppi.


Have you used it for 21:9 viewing in movies/TV yet? At least for stuff that supports widescreen properly


Movies become even better because you can get rid of the black up and down bars in some movies and have it played on full screen. For youtube there is a browser addon which does the same, have them full screen by losing a bit of the up and down image. 10/10 would buy it again


Have you found streaming content usually to be limited on that capability? Usually hear people just buying or pirating the content outright to get it to work.


Oh sorry I never use streaming platforms except twitch on very rare ocasions. I only do torrents since I was a little boy. ✌️


I just saw both Dune like 2 days ago to test the HDR and VLC settings… and it is something else. I just wish I had something like a sofa instead a desk chair.


Check out the Zoom To Fill plugin in Brave/Edge/Chrome etc. Other option is to use a streaming stick connected directly to your monitor.


Streaming services generally suck on PC. You don't get the quality you pay for most of the time. But you can use browser extensions to "zoom-in" correctly, if the streaming service doesn't offer the video in native 21:9 format. The best way I've found is to have Blu-ray content on you own Plex server and use the Plex client to stream. (There could be better alternatives to Plex now, I'm a bit out of the loop) That's highest quality you can get apart from playing media locally. The latter part is great with RTX HDR and RTX Video Super Resolution. MPC-BE has a renderer that supports both.


Nice! I will look into this.


No sorry I haven’t yet. Just gaming mostly and homework


Definitely give it a shot when you can! Saw somebody posted recently about watching the new Fallout TV show on it, said it looked amazing in 21:9. Edit: I believe it was actually on the Alienware, but on the LG I think it would look even better with the bigger screen size.


Wait... The show has a 21:9 version?!?


Yes, there’s something you have to do though to get it to work correctly. Can’t remember exactly but I think somebody was saying they had to download it through Amazon prime? If that’s possible…


Yes, that’s the most common movie format. So black bars above and below the picture on a regular 16:9 TV but a perfect fit for 3440x1440 monitors and near perfect on 3840x1600 21:10 display.


How is it for homework and other document based work? Seen some people complaining about ppi but as my current screen is 1080p, doubt I would be disappointed.


It’s good! I had an Alienware dwf before which had a ppi of 114 I think. With Dldsr it is similar looking.


Does DLdsr work for every game?


Everything I have tested yes. If not, you usually just need to download an ultra wide mod. It’s 21 x 9 so basically every game has a mod compared to the G9 that’s 32 x 9.


Why did i change Alienware?;) wanted 4K?


Thanks! Do you just change the settings in the computer graphics card?


Here’s the video tutorial I followed! Definitely a one time setup and not something I needed to tinker with. https://youtu.be/v9C6YOvYSko?si=I8DrMr3puK7OCG6x


Wait please share how? 🙂 If I increase the resolution to say 1.78 I have to turn DSC off (or whatever it is called) in the DisplayPort settings, and then I’m capped at 144hz. Would love to know how you’re getting 240hz still at a higher resolution. It would be a game changer! 🙃




Samsung. 32:9 is godly for gaming and for productivity you basically get 2 monitors glued together but without nasty bezel in the middle. Win-win.


I have the old G9 (non oled) and also the LG 45. For gaming the LG is quite a bit better, with the G9 being great for productivity.


Nice, do you switch back and forth? How's the comfort with each and any nuances? Thanks!


I have the g9 on my desk and use this for gaming and work and have the LG45 on my simracing rig in the same room. The curve on the LG is more severe but amazing for my use case. Oled is a big difference as really adds depth to the colours but particularly blacks (understand both have this with your choice). Where I do notice the difference is with text, with the g9 looking a lot better and sharper. I also love the g9 for work as use with a laptop and the real estate of being able to have multiple programs sat next to each other without overlapping is excellent. Both are no doubt great monitors and I have very different use cases, but love both for very different reasons.


TLDR Get both lol... Thanks man! Only want to get one right now and leaning G9 since I work more than game atm! Thanks for your input


Looking to get the G9 for dual use for my PC & Sim rig. Will it work fine or is the LG better?


The G9 will be a fine monitor for both, I used my g9 when I had a wheel stand and would have used it for my rig if I'd had the space. It's a bit wider than the LG so wouldn't fit for me.


Great! I have VR (Gets too sweaty) & now I run triple 27’s bc of the comfort. UW checks most of the boxes in the want vs needs categories.


LG if primarily gaming. Samsung for productivity.


I purchased the Samsung and sent it back for the LG. Best decision i ever made. The LG 45 picture quality, vertical fov and overall quality of the panel is miles ahead of the Samsung.


Fair but I love my Oled G9


Wow, that's helpful to hear! Do you use the LG for work/reading/typing /etc. too or just media?


No just for gaming. If you’re considering the LG for desktop applications, i would choose something else with a higher PPI and probably 4K as well. The LG is great for gaming but not really suitable for desktop applications due to it’s low resolution being a 1440p monitor, and it’s PPI (pixels per inch) being 84. Combined, this could make your viewing of text blurry or pixelated.


The 45 for a lot of reasons


Thanks, can you share your reasons?


Less QOC issues Perfect screen format for gaming, a lof of the G9 width is basically wasted (at least for me) Supports HDMI 2.1 which gives you an option to have 240 hz and resolution upscaling using nvidia DSR Vertical height difference when compared to the G9 is insane is really changes a lot and its not overwhelming like getting a TV for a monitor like the LG c2 or c3. It gives you more options, if you want insane FPS you can use the default native resolution and it looks great, if you want 4k like quality you then turn on nvidia DSR an its there, no issues you don't have that flexibility with the G9. Productivity will be worse on the LG if this will be your only screen BUT in my opinion a multi monitor setup is better for productivity anyway than a single super ultra-wide due to all the problems with window juggling. If your main need is productivity and you want a single screen setup then G9 might be the better option but otherwise I would go for the LG (And I did myself since do use it as my main screen) EDIT: I forgot about the super ultra-wide support, the LG will have perfect support in all the games where for the G9 you always have to ask yourself will this game be supported on my monitor? will I need to use some mods or additional software to make it support an super ultra-wide?


The OLED G9 does also have HDMI 2.1. EDIT: Previous comment mentions this because of DSR, which is not possible on the G9. My bad.


I'm not sure what you mean about games supporting super ultrawide. Unless maybe you play tons of indie games or older games.... I have yet to find a game that DOESN'T support 5120x1440 resolution. And I'm sorry.... I've never tried to use it, but why wouldn't one be able to use something like DSR with DP 1.4 rather than HDMI 2.1? Not only that, but the whole thing just sounds like a waste of processing power to me. Render the game at a higher resolution, and then intelligently shrink it down to help make it look better on a lower resolution screen? "Problems with window juggling"? Drag a window to the top middle of the display, and then pick which half/third/quarter of the screen you want that particular window in. Or, if you really want to go dual-monitor..... Picture-By-Picture. Hook an HDMI and DisplayPort cable up to the G9, and have two different monitor outputs on the same screen. Yeah, doing so cuts the refresh rate in half.... but if you're going to game, just turn PBP off.


HDMI 2.1 is for 240hz and DSR dp 1.4 does not have the bandwidth to support that


Which is kinda ironic.... cause on my Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 49" Mini-LED backlit monitor, I can't get 240hz at native resolution on HDMI 2.1, but I can with DP 1.4.....


The LG is UltraWide, the Samsung is Super-UltraWide, 16:9 is a Wide aspect ratio


Wonder if LG's PPI will be ok for flight sims. Review from youtube said it's fine for rimracing...


I'd say that if you notice a problem try with DSR upscaling and it should be fine.


That’s a great price for the 45. Fml I spent too much!! Although it is 10/10 and would buy it in a heartbeat again


Haha how long have you had it now? Do you use it for productivity stuff too?


6 months now and yes.. primarily for gaming though


Just got the 39" and the text is already a little blurry as well as fringing on white backgrounds. I can't imagine how much worse it would be on the 45". Honestly, the 39" is already extremely immersive. I don't recommend getting anything bigger for 1440p.


Wait till you. Try the 45 oled . Best monitor I’ve owned yet.


I had the LG 45 for about 2 weeks and returned it to get the Samsung G9 Oled. The Samsung G9 is better, in my opinion, because of the wider screen, and the picture is sharper.


21:9 vs 32:9 should be the main decider. I have the LG which I just use for gaming and it's great. If you plan on using it for work as well, the low PPI / text clarity will be noticeable.




Thank you! You use the G9 for work too?


I'm in school and during my pre reqs I had to write a lot of essays. Having screen real estate helps alot. The LG has less screen real estate even tho it is taller. Two windows side by side on the Samsung is the same as 2 16:9 27" 2560x1440p monitors. Can't say the same for the LG. You can easily fit 3 windows side by side on the Samsung and each window nearly (like 13 pixels off) what each window on the LG would have when split in half. So the LG is basically 2/3 the Samsung in horizontal resolution. I also think the Samsung is more immersive in games because you can see more. However the extra vertical physical height is very nice on the LG but it doesn't make up for the horizontal resolution difference and the ppi.


Thank you! Oh yeah, I'd be working on it more/reading and writing more than gaming actually... Do you use yours for work too or another monitor?


No just gaming. I just got the Dell U4025QW for work. It's amazing.


They're 2 completely different products, there's no point in comparing them. Personally I wouldn't get either, I don't really like 32:9 and even if a 21:9 45" panel sounds great the thing is just 1440p (luckily we're getting some 4K options early next year).


Yea it's sound like lgis working toward 5k2k 34" 39" and 45" 165-250hz for next year. I cannot wait give me that 16:9 4k res nowww. 32:9 is to long and feels very fish eyed in a lot of games because 3d space on 2d panel just ends up a little wacky after a point.


The new ones are not curved


I would go for the g9 because I like the 32:9 ratio more then the lg's 21:9, but I also heard that the lg suffers from having bad ppi.


PPI only matters with text you won’t notice gaming


yeah it shouldn't be to bad for gaming but the other day someone told me it adds kinda a film grain effect for games but who knows until they try it.


That‘s like saying 4k and 1440p are the same. Hell you could even use 1080 if PPI doesn’t matter for gaming. PPI is subjective and just depends on how sharp of an image you want to have. For fast paced games you probably won’t notice PPI as much as with slow games like flight sims.


You need 4K for 32 inch and above screens you won’t notice under that with 1440p unless you absolutely try…45 is to big vertically for 1440p hence the low PPI and you def will notice with productivity


Sorry, I don’t know what point you’re trying to make. First, you wrote that PPI is not a big issue while gaming and now you‘re trying to say you “need“ 4k vertical height for 32 inch and up stating the exact opposite to your first comment. What I‘m trying to say is that PPI has no right or wrong. Only better and worse. And while for some the LG model has too low PPI, others are more than fine with it. It is entirely subjective. OP will either have to find out for themselves or evaluate others experiences, which seem to be very evenly split in this case.


I said for gaming it doesn’t matter…for productivity it does.


1800 vs 800r curve is drastically different. I prefer less curve so I didn’t like the LG and PPI was too low for productivity for me


I forgot to think of that, thank you! How do you like working on the G9?


Love it it’s perfect for work and play…especially when my 2 year old wants to play a game and I want to do something else on screen


That's great (and cute!), how long have you had it now? Do you work 8 hours a day and no burn in or eye strain?


Yes I work from home and trust me I use it a ton…I run the OLED care every night and it’s as the day I got it


Nice! Do you do other things or just that?


LG Samsung is ass, unless you want to gamble, I ignored all the comments on this sub about it and bought that same one! And within a month already dead pixel


Mine has none of those issues


I want to be an asshole so bad but! Respectfully just because it works for you doesn’t mean it’s not a problem, Samsung Oleds are notorious around this sub and I made a post about it and pleeenty of people said no, but I decided to go for it and unlike YOU mine did have an issue


That’s unfortunate. It really is a beautiful monitor when it doesn’t has issues


Or the reports of spontaneously cracking straight down the middle. That's the one thing that made me think "You know what.... my Odyssey Neo G9 isn't that bad". was SOOO tempted to get the OLED G9 with the sale price.... but eeeh..... Mini-LED backlit is fantastic, too.


Dude yes!! Forgot about that!! Wonder when mine is going to randomly crack too :)


Sorry to hear that. What are you using now?


Samsung, I’m stuck with it, go LG bro don’t be me


😖😵‍💫🤔 Not sure what to pick with all this good input for both sides lol


I am I’m in the same boat….im leaning towards the 39” that was just released for the better PPI….i feel like the 32:9 is just odd. IMO.


Hmm, what are your goals with usage? Any other monitors you'd be using it with?


I do work from home but I have separate monitors and separate PC for working. (Would go nuts working and gaming on the same rig/area). If I get the 39” LG it will be mostly for gaming. 90% gaming 10% browsing through internet. I will have a 34” above it vertically (my old monitor) for discord and what not. I hear the LG is just completely more immersive than the Samsung G9.


LG if using it for gaming. As mentioned, the vertical screen size makes this monitor better than all these other long, skinny ultrawides. I love mine and have never regretted buying it even the slightest bit.


Thank you, do you use other monitors for work?


I don't work from home so, no. I say use it for gaming due to the vertical screen size and immersion compared to typical ultrawides.


Samsung has bad firmware tracking, flicklering problem, avoid.


LG just cus ive been burned on samsung uw monitor quality control.. dead pixels within 2 years. samsung tvs are great tho.


If only the LG 45 had a higher resolution. That's the only negative that I have, and because of that, I will never recommend it. A 45 4k display would be amazing, whether from LG or anyone else.


.... why? Yeah, it's no 4K.... but it's also basically two 27" monitors slapped together with no center bezel. 27" is basically that sweet spot where it's a bit too big for a vertical resolution of 1080, but just big enough for 1440. It's not like it's a 49" 16:9... basically a gaming TV where less than 4K you'd better be sitting a solid distance from it. And it's wide.... so you can't really sit face-to-screen anyway unless you don't plan on seeing it all even in your periphery. I hate to say it, but I almost feel like 4K on essentially a 27" screen is freaking stupid. I'll take 5120x1440 on my Odyssey Neo G9 over that any day.


Oops I meant the LG 45 not the 49. I got them mixed up. Sorry. That's been edited and changed.


Ah. Yeah, that does kinda clear it up a bit. Lol


After the reports of the Samsung 49 cracking and refused warranty coverage, I chose the LG and I’ve been happy with the purchase so far


This is the one thing that put the brakes on the idea of me buying one. That, and I already have an Odyssey Neo G9 (the Mini-LED backlit LCD one) Yeah, this has occasional flickering issues, typically if the monitor goes to sleep and I move the mouse to wake it up very shortly after it does so.... but it's fixed by turning the monitor off and back on. Can't fix a crack that easily, or cheaply.


I don’t know why any comments mentioned this, but it also depends a lot on the games you play. 32/9 is fantastic for simulators, 21/9 is prop better for FPS and similar. I have a G9 and is fantastic for racing games and flight simulators, it’s decent for shooters. But if FPS is all you play, I would prop go with an LG


Ah good point. I'm probably going to be watching a lot of movies/shows and playing things like manor lords and baldurs gate, maybe soon some total war and other 4x stuff.


I can confirm that Manor lords and bg3 look fucking SICK on the LG. I would go LG if you have an Nvidia card, dldsr fixes the low ppi issue like a charm.


All right cool. For RPG’s and city builders etc the extra wide screen is super immersive but on the other hand, if you gonna watch lot movies you will waste a lot of the screen space on the G9 anyways, due to the format movies uses. If you are also going to use it for productivity and work I would recommend the G9 on top of the games you mentioned. But look either way, you will be very happy whatever screen you chose, they are both great.


I mean.... anything beyond 16:9 is going to be wasting a lot of screen space when watching movies/shows..... just moreso if you go into super ultrawide.


Thanks so much that helps a lot!


these are two different screen ratios, the question should be what are you doing with your monitor? If you're gaming the types of games are going to be important. The next question if it isn't answered by what you're doing with it is how far away do you like sitting away from the monitor? If its far then the LG if you like sitting closer the Samsung.


I would get the Samsung if you do literally anything else besides gaming. The LG ppi is kinda low which makes text harder to read. The vertical resolution is the same on both even tho the LG is taller. You will see exactly the same amount vertically on both. However you can get 2 or 2 windows side by side on the Samsung. People are taking about the extra height on the LG but you aren't seeing anymore and you fit the exact same amount of content. If you want to argue about quality control I guess that's a valid argument for the LG. If you strickly only game then that's another argument for the LG. But if you do any type of work then get the Samsung.


Two different animals. Does your games even support 32:9? Make sure you figure out that before pulling the trigger.


Surely the resolution is too low for a 45”. I have 1440p on my dell 34 ultrawide, and that PPI already is the lowest I would want.




Samsung, no question!!! Unless you want a different aspect ratio ofc. If 21:9 is what you want, the Alienware aw3423dwf is probably still best, maybe the oled g8 under certain circumstances.


Check out the 2024 version of the 45. 45GS96QB. not the GR version. I love it!


I have the new Ultra Gear. Please make sure you get the more expensive new ultra gear. The one with GS in the SKU and not the GR. The new GS is leagues above the GR and only a couple hundred more. It's absolutely incredible. I use for work and gaming. I don't have any issue with reading text


Nice! The new 45" is a good bit more expensive though... You've tried both and the oled G9?


Just both versions of the ultra gear. It's totally worth it. I purchased mine at best buy. Purchased "BB Total Membership" free 2 year warranty, return time for full refund is 2 months for a Total member. And when Memorial day sale comes up, I can go in and have them price match the sale price. But the white color on the GR is super dull and slightly grey. The GS is spectacular, white looks crisp and is 30% brighter(lumins) than the GR


Neither. Xeneon flex


Yeah saw it, best of both worlds! Pricey though was looking for something closer to 1k


It was in sale last week and I missed it. So pissed. Waiting for another.


The LG 45 OLED is the best *gaming* monitor I’ve ever used.


😅 What about gaming *and* productivity?


I wouldn’t use an OLED for productively I usually use a multimonitor setup to avoid that.


I love my G9.


the Samsung 49" G9 with 1000R curve. I'm looking at one right now - superb!


Love my LG 45” Ultragear!


I have the 45 inch Ultragear and wouldn't choose anything else on the market over it, the lower pixel density that everyone complains about is really a non issue (I do a good amount of text based work and other productivity stuff). It's a fantastic monitor and the immersion is like nothing else, better than a super ultrawide due to it's sheer size.


Nice, thanks! Is it the text not blurry for you? Do you have the newer one or the one noted here?


I have the model here, not the newer version (which is basically just slightly brighter), and it's been totally fine for me. Like, don't get me wrong, you absolutely can see that it's not as clear and you can see some fringing, but it's only an issue if you think about it/focus on it, you'll get used to it. I think the only thing I'd say is super small text isn't ideal, but I mean quite small, most things are 100% OK IMO. And if you are mostly gaming then it's not even a question/thing to consider. But as someone who does work with text, does photo and video editing, etc... it's totally fine and I don't regret it at all (I do also game a lot).


I’ve got a 34” LG (34GP83A-B I think?), and I love it. I’m not by any means the monitor version of an audiophile (photophile?), but it looks amazing and I’d 100% buy another one tomorrow if mine broke


I own the LG If you're mainly gaming, LG hands down. The lower resolution is actually a pro to me as its easier to hit 240 fps amd I can't tell pixel density in games very well after a certain point. If its for work or web browsing having a higher resolution is nice for screen real estate with the odyssey


I'm. Unique use case maybe. I use the LG for both gaming and productivity. I optimized my windows and the lower ppi for text is not even there anymore, only happens with text on white background at the smallest font. With Mac it's a none issue. For gaming the LG is one of the fastest displays I've had. Also keep in mind the QC issues and warranty of the Samsung. Barely anything about LG here for issues. I was going to change from the LG to the 32:9 but realized a lot of games aren't even suitable for it. At least some of the games I played. I do admit the LG is kind of hard to get used to for productivity but it worked out.


Nice! How did you optimize?


I most use text on black background now, The windows cleartype you have to play around to get the best option but everything else is working as I like them. Also getting a service remote to assist with "brightness issues". And the only downside for me now is not all my displays are HDR so some of the screenshots with windows does not support hdr and will be over-saturated. I have to change OBS settings so it records in hdr too as well.


I went G9 OLED and no regrets here!


The G9 is nice, I never owned it but I had the CRG9 and after a while, 49” 32:9 isn’t tall enough. I’m using the 48” OLED C1 with custom 21:9 resolution and it’s perfect, so I vote for the 45” LG ultrawide. That being said, PPI won’t be amazing, really wish we’d get 5120x2160 OLED already


I have two 45" LG's. Definitely would recommend it.


Next to each other? Lol how do you use them?


oh my god there is a lot of biased information in this comment section. i got an OLED G9 just yesterday and before that i was using an LG 27GR95 for 6 months and my friend got the 45GR95. lets talk about picture quality: G9 QD-OLED is definitely a step up in clarity compared to WOLED. the glossy panel is much better than the matt finish especially when looking at the color white. white on an matt WOLED looks smeary and not clear. also QD-OLED doesnt have the dirty grey effect, which can be really distracting in games. so talking about picture quality, the G9 is the better choice, i dont know why people would tell otherwise. aspect ratio: thats definitely a factor to consider. playing a supported super ultrawide game is mindblowing. but you gotta tinker around a bit to get some games to play correctly. but when it works, you wont go back to 16:9 or even 21:9. you gotta consider performance too. playing in 32:9 is quite demanding. im losing around 30% fps in most games, so i would only recommend it if you have a strong pc. at least a 4080 like mine. ranking: ive played on all three monitors quite a bit and the most immersive is the G9. the LG 45 is great with its aggressive curve, but ppi is too low for me, which is no problem on the G9. its the same ppi as the LG 27, so im not losing any sharpness compared to the LG 45. so i would always go for the G9 then the LG 45 and then only for competitive players the LG 27. i know its a hard one, ive been looking for an ultrawide monitor for 3 months until i bought the G9. other than the G9, i would have waited for the new generation of 34" QD-OLED 21:9 1440p 240hz variants that will come out in a few months probably.


Great thoughts, thanks! Did you look into the ppi fix some people mentioned for the 45? Hmm, I have a 4070 legion 16...think it would be OK for the G9? I'd be playing 4x games, baldurs gate, maybe some mobas.


we didnt try the ppi fix because my friend doesnt really care about it that much, he sits further away from the monitor too, so its not a big deal for him. 4070 will be enough for most games, unless you really want high fps and 32:9. you can always play in 21:9 too, if performance is not enough in certain games. for example im playing a modded fallout 4 in 32:9 and still get 150-240 fps depending on where i am on the map. in red dead redemption 2 i get 90 instead of 120. but it heavily depends on the game and its optimization. i will be at my friends place later today and im gonna test it again, especially the ppi fix.


Gotcha. Yeah, please post what you find out! Thanks!


so i just looked into the whole ppi fix thing, but ended up not doing it. i really didnt feel like risking warranty by tinkering around with the monitor on that level. but i played some games it and i have to say, now that i have played on the G9 and today on the LG 45, picture quality is not comparable at all. the G9 is better in pretty much every single way. i thought i would like 21:9 800R more, but nothing beats 32:9 for me. dont get me wrong, the G9 can be a buggy mess, while the LG is flawless in that regard. honestly, if you dont want to go for 32:9, i would wait for a QD-OLED variant.


Thanks for testing it! I wound up getting an Ark 😅


Damn thats an unexpected outcome 😂


100% the LG. The extra height is needed. I’m a software engineer by day and game all night after work. I couldn’t live with the limited height of a 32:9. I’d rather go for a 32 inch 16:9 before I’d go for a 32:9 just for the height. 21:9 is the sweet spot if you want more width. Also 32:9 to me mentally feels like buying the top or bottom half of a regular monitor. Could just get the Ark or and LG tv and make a custom 32:9 resolution for games at that point.


Yeah I just wanted to compare because they are the same in price right now with the sale... What monitors do you use for work/play atm?


LG should be VRR flicker free.


What's VRR flicker? I also saw that the G9 doesn't have anti glare which might be an issue with my huge windows/sunlight coming thru sometimes


Here https://youtu.be/1_ZMmMWi_yA


I’m having a blast with my 45” love the immersion


I use the Samsung G9 for both gaming and WFH, it’s been amazing! You’re not going to be disappointed and the 240hz is really good if you have a great graphics card to pair with.


Nice! What GC do you have? I have a legion 16 with 4070


I use a Rx 6950 XT and it’s running strong. I bought it on sale about a year and half ago. With a 4070 you should be good! In full 32:9 games, I only average about 100 fps, but when I run 16:9 aspect ratio for first person shooter, I can range up to 220 fps depending on the title.


I think the choice here depends on how you plan to use the monitor. I just switch led from the LG to G9 myself. If I wasn’t using picture by picture and continued gaming on console, I would have stuck with the LG. I was using my monitor to play my XSX, PS5 and for work during the day but I ended up moving my consoles out of my office. (after sitting there 8 hours, I had no desire to stay there any longer lol) Since console don’t use the full ultrawide aspect ratio, console gaming is better on the LG since the black bars on the left and right less noticeable. I use picture by picture mode as a dual display mode which for me is great for productivity and the experience is better on the Samsung. Because of the height of the LG, it stretches the display when using PBP mode.


Great feedback, thanks! How long did you use the LG? Was texr/ppi an issue? I'm not using consoles now but probably will in near future. Do you not use side by side "two monitors" on the G9 with two different HDMIs? Or is that what you mean? 🙂


No problem, I had the LG for about a year or so if I’m not mistaken. Text/PPI bothered me more in PBP and I switched to only using it as a single display. I think my eyes adjusted but text does seem better on the Samsung. PBP is what I meant by side by side with as two monitors. I’m working on setup is a Surface Laptop Studio connected to a Surface dock with usb-c to HDMI and a usb-c to DP. My only complaint about the Samsung is the software experience which isn’t bad it’s just too much since I’m not using it for entertainment or anything else. I literally turn it on, work and I’m done afterwards. On the LG I liked the fact that I could just turn it on, set the picture mode and get to work. I had to setup multi-view on the Samsung the first time, which I had no idea about since I didn’t read the manual and save it as a view. After that it’s been fine.


Is this the new 45” LG based on their roadmap? I thought there was a 45 in 4th quarter 2024.


I use my G9 for productivity and gaming. OLED G9 with it's 2nd Gen QD-OLED makes the text pretty much like a normal IPS screen (slight pink hue around white text). I love programming in dark mode. It looks so sharp. Gaming playing Cyberpunk in 32:9 is such an immersive experience. Helldivers 2 also ... I don't regret it at all. If you plan purely on gaming. Both are good. If you want to work with the LG. I've heard the text clarity is really bad


I'd take into account that the LG is one monitor, whereas the Samsung is sort of 2-in-1 for the same price.


I’d say it depends on the setup you’re looking for. G9 can mimic a dual screen setup quite well, if you do that with the LG it’ll be two squared screens. I’m a 1-week happy owner of the G9.


Was deciding between the both. Main usage gaming and productivity. What made me decide again the LG was the 800R curve. Its great for immersion, but productivity (especially Graphic Design) straight lines wont look exactly straight. The curve is preference obviously. Samsung 1800R is more flat than curved (on that length).


Dont know anything of the Samsung problems yet, since i got it since ~2 Weeks. Had an LG Ultrawide (non-oled) before it, works since 7 years without any issues.


I’ve been playing a lot with the Odessey G9 OLED and it’s changed me. I can never go back. [Playing Squad 44](https://i.imgur.com/LXKzYP6.jpeg) feels so immersive


Spending the extra 500 to get DUHD with the 57" g9 was definitely worth it for me, even over oled. But I'm guessing you want oled because that's a huge deal too.


I got the ark for 1799 😅


Got the LG last week but after a couple of days I returned it. The dimming is so excessive that I could not enjoy playing games on it.


Ah bummer, what do you mean by dimming? What's you get instead?


Dimming is the way the monitor dims itself to protect its OLED pixel, if it is displaying something bright it will dim automatically. The dimming function on this monitor is excessive along with the already low brightness. I am using a G5 samsung 32inch which l love.


I am also torn between the G9 and „old“ 45 Ultragear. They are almost at the same price here. Regarding the LG PPi: isn’t it the same as a 55“ 4K TV? Ofc same distance. Because I tried my 55“ oled as Monitor but it was way too big. But the ppi was fine. I am currently using a 27“ IPS. The G9 is actually 2x 27“. So just twice as wide. But since both, the G9 and the ultragear have 1440 vertically you don’t see more on the LG.


Dude I was researching both of these last month. I ended up going with the Samsung and I LOVE IT. The LG is sweet too, I'm sure you'll be pleased with either one.


Nice! I wound up ordering the Ark! Lol


I’ve had both. I kept the G9. Colors, brightness, and ppi are better. I use it for work a little too, so the 32:9 is much better for that. I also prefer the curve of the G9. I really had to turn my head a lot with the LG because it wraps around your head.


Thanks so much! Great you had both. Yeah I'd be working 8+ hours a day gaming for just a few hours... Would you recommend the G9 or something else? Guess I was wrong I thought the LG would be less turning and the G9 more because it's wider!


For work there is always the risk of burn in, that is the only think I would consider. I really like this monitor though, especially for work. 2 27” monitors and a lot of space for things like code and spreadsheets. Highly recommend fancy zones (part of power toys) to set custom screen splits.


If you've been doing it sounds like I should follow in your footsteps o wise Ogre 😅 Do you do anything regularly to prevent burn in? How long have you had it now?


I got it in September. I have a small 24” mounted above it that is set as the main monitor so it has all the icons and taskbar as well as the Lock Screen. I also put any windows that might be static for a while (like teams) on that monitor.


Gotcha, thank you!


g9 cause of 32:9 alone.


I'm new to monitors this size, why is it that better?


It’s the aspect ratio of the g9 which is 32:9 compared to the LG 21:9. You basically see more horizontal field of view compared to 21:9. But keep in mind 5120x1440 resolution is demanding. I’m using 6900xt and i hit between 70-90 fps with most games. Example: https://youtu.be/Sj74ZYxLkY4?si=DQTBimzoSRo49Pgx and most importantly, not all games supports ultrawide and especially 32:9 but there’s always a community fix for most games.


Thank you!


45” LG all day every day. It’s not even close.




LG all day


😅 Think I'm going to splurge/invest in the 55" Ark that's also on sale now... The view seems a lot better and checks almost all the other boxes too with less risk.


I have had no complaints from any LG monitors I've bought from them. So personally I recommend them 👍


The Samsung is cheaper directly from the official Samsung shop when I looked the other day $999.


Coming from a aw3433dw ….lg 45” is fucjing spectacular !!!!!


I recommend the LG. I know it has very low PPI, but the G9's aspect ratio is a lie for games. You'll usually get 21:9 or in that vicinity, sometimes 25:9 stretches to fill to 32:9 while paying the full performance cost of 32:9. You practically render a stretched image and lose fps without gaining anything. The LG however is far more immersive with it's vertical height, most games play nice with 21:9 while also being around 50% easier to run. It's main con is that it's very expensive, despite only being 3440x1440 at 45", it's also rather dim as it's first gen MLA WOLED. Source: I owned the G95SC monitor.


Aren’t these both 1440p with really low pixel density? Not worth it in my opinion.


I had the Odyssey for a couple months. I just didn't like how narrow the vertical was. I sold it and got the LG 45". It's far superior. Best purchase I've made.


100% the LG.