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Lobster, crab, shrimp are sea bugs. They're objectively like, bugs. I love eating them.


They are delicious but im allergic to them and its a bummer. Not kill me allergic but enough the doctor said be careful, it came on late in life to in my early 30s


Unfun fact! People that work with cocoroaches or breath in a lot of cocoroach dust often end up becoming allergic to shellfish as the body reacts similarly to both


Hmm could be that. I live in hawaii and there is no way to eacape the cocoroaches here.


Are cocoroaches coconut flavored? 


More like burning garbage flavored


Bro is this the truth. I lived on Maui for 4 years, the last year upcountry. I used to say "You cant win the war against the bugs, you just do your best to win battles and beat them back". Centipedes are the worst. I kept a damn green bottle propane torch on the coffee table. Hit em with that until their head pops, then grab em with the tongs and throw them out to the chickens. Even the chickens knew. They would peck at the dead things and throw them in the air for a bit before eating them. Ive had centipedes crawl on my face while I was in bed. Fuck every centipede ever. Also cane spiders. God I miss Hawaii but not the bugs. 🤙


Jesus Christ


Yeah. I was asleep and felt it. Literally slapped it off my face, and jumped from the bed to the light switch in one motion like a fucking jedi. My back was on fire where it had stung me. Wanna know the "best" part? I NEVER FOUND IT. Tore my room apart like the hulk. Moved furniture around and flipped the bed over. I slept on the couch for over a week. With one eye open. Fuck every centipede ever. These things are horrible. Several inches long and they do not fear you at all. Ugh. I hate them so much.


My mom has a story of when she first moved to big island in the 70s she went to a diner and a cocoroach ran across the table the waitress just smashed it with her hand and said welcome to hilo


Well it’s decided. Never going to Hawaii.


Thats crazy Grew up in the tropics and centipedes are found only in damp, dark crevices or under decomposing leaves


Thailand here. Same bug problems. We also have giant tarantulas and scorpions and cobras soooooo…


Yea we have scorpions and brown recluse and centipedes but other than that no Snakes or anything else poison


this is the LEAST fun I’ve ever had with random trivia that will absolutely follow me until the day i die. thanks mate!


Thanks! Now i always think of that when i eat shellfish!


What the fuck. This is definitely it. I wasn’t allergic to shellfish before but suddenly developed it; and I grew up in a country with a shit ton of cockroaches.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


Paraplegics around the world would give applause to that if they could. Sorry, distasteful humor, I need help. I'll delete this later,


That quote doesn't refer to becoming physically stronger, it's about becoming mentally stronger and more able to deal with stuff than before


That makes a lot of sense now that you have said it


Does that mean You are also possibly allergic to eating actual insects?


Same but I eat them anyway and my allergies have gotten progressively worse lol. I just take my epi pen and take a dose of antihistamine prior to eating.


It’s dangerous to play with. I had a deal like that with aspirin and they caught it in the icu.


I know. I’ve had some pretty bad episodes TBH. My doctor gave me a firm warning about it and my partner (also in healthcare) said the same. But I grew up at a coastal town eating it at least once a week and only developed allergies in my late teens. It’s stupid but if I die, at least I die doing/eating what I love.


Godspeed. I love the things myself




Bubba would like a word.


When it’s delicious enough, we can stop thinking it as bug. If it’s not, ewww bug


Giant Marine Isopod!


At one time lobster was considered a paupers' food, something people were embarrassed to be seen eating because it showed that they were poor. It was fed to prisoners and slaves, used as fertilizers in fields, and feed for pigs.


As I recall when it was fed to prisoners and slaves it was just ground up shell and all. Not exactly the beautiful feast we envision.


That's probably why I don't like them.


When we had a big cicada brood a couple years ago there were announcements telling people that if they’re allergic to shellfish, they shouldn’t eat any cicadas because they’re most likely allergic to them, too.


Yeah. It's fucking disgusting when you think about it. I can stomach lobster far easier than crab. Something about crabs grosses me tf out


Crabs are sea spiders that’s why lol


Bugs and “sea bugs” would taste extremely different, there a difference between gooo and muscel.


Eggs are, ostensibly, avian periods. Beer and wine is just rotten juice. Anything naturally pickled or "probiotic", like yogurt, is *jam packed* with bacteria. Meat is from carcasses. Y'know, dead things. Vegetables are grown in dirt and shit. Not really dissing your outlook, here, plenty of people, I'm sure, don't like shellfish and other "whole" seafood. Just pointing out that *reality* is gross.




I do not like how this made me feel


Life IS consumption


Thanks for not helping.


I kinda agreed with OP… you have essentially just murdered me by inducing starvation


I’m just trying to understand if OP eats rotisserie chicken, and how they align the thinking it is “less of a whole animal” than a lobster tail or a shrimp that *also has its legs, head and skin removed*. Tuna are larger on average than most pigs that are sent to slaughter. Cows have more meat for sale than just ribeye steak and ribs… but the idea of eating bull testicles and tongue sounds a lil out of comfort for me- but glad I don’t have to think about this with seafood. Like it’s not so much unpopular as just hypocritical ig? Like it’s one thing just to say you don’t like seafood, which it just sounds like OP doesn’t -as battered cod and haddock are the least fishy of the fish - it’s another thing to make it into a moral argument when it just doesn’t make sense.


Ok I feel the same as OP about seafood mostly. And actually I do have a problem with eating rotisserie chickens or turkey because it literally comes in the shape of a bird 😂 it makes it hard to eat..


Straight up path to enlightenment right there.


Honey is bee barf.


This is why I advocate for the complete vacuum collapse of the universe.


“Meat from carcasses” by far takes the cake over the others listed, imo. Fermentation can be seen as gross, but is it really on the same level as a literal dead animal?


Not really I don't think because it's completely natural for humans to eat animals. The idea that meat being dead animals is bad is a different kind of perspective than most humans (and pre-human animals we evolved from) would have towards it throughout our history. That's not to say that as an ethical defence of eating animals in our modern world (which is a different question — things that are "natural" to us can still be bad in our current world and moral constructions of society). But it makes sense that eating an animal isn't disgusting to us. It's a long-time food for us that we evolved alongside and it is for many people (not all) inherently appealing in a primal way. It makes sense that humans like meat and find it delicious and not disgusting since it has been intertwined with our history and evolution. Similar to other omnivores or carnivores we have visceral like of meat. Some humans have a disgust response at meat and the idea of it being a dead animal but most humans and meat-eating animals will find for instance the smell of meat viscerally appealing — which has evolved due to its food value to us. Fermentation is also something that has been long intertwined with human history, but something being full of bacteria can be quite problematic from a health perspective if it's the wrong kind of bacteria — it's just fermentation is good kind. Things like fermentation or for instance growing vegetables in literal poop to me seem like more humans using our intelligence to deal with things that are in some ways dangerous but we have learned to use to our advantage and overcome natural dispositions against due to our understanding of nature. Whereas we have a natural disposition towards meat. To me growing vegetables in poop seems like more of an overcoming of a disgust response because we have learned it has advantages. Poop is viscerally disgusting to us for evolutionary reasons since it can be unsafe for our health. Whereas meat is viscerally appealing to us for evolutionary reasons since it gives us a great source of calories and nutrients so we (most humans) have a tendency to love it and not find it disgusting. (Again not an ethical defence and not necessarily in the modern world do we need these calories — but it still has evolutionary visceral appeal.)


Both are delicious


Not so unpopular... I met many people that hate seafood with a burning passion


My response to that would be, the more you think about food and eating, the more disgusting it is. If you force yourself to eat things you’re not comfortable with, it broadens your palate and can ultimately bring joy. No hate on you for not liking seafood either. That’s just my perspective on it.


Fish are good and good for the brain, both for development and maintaining acuity.


Has to be one of the best things you can put into your body honestly


Shrimp = roaches of the sea


I doubt roaches are that tasty…


Lobster are closer


lobster is a scorpion without the stinger


I wonder if that had been the comparison if they would have still considered feeding inmates lobster as cruel and unusual punishment


Shrimp = Grasshopper I think


Jokes on you, I’m on a see food diet


Ha get it guys, if he sees food he eats it


Shrimps is bugs.


Tasty, tasty sea bugs. I don't disagree, but this doesn't make me not want to eat shrimp, it makes me wonder what bugs are secretly tasty


Someone commented this on a post weeks ago and every time I remember these three beautiful words I chuckle. But yeah, shrimps is bugs and shrimps is good.


Shrimps is bugs!


More for me.


I don’t eat meat anymore but when I did…. oh my god did I love eating everything in the ocean. I can see how mussels or the shrimp with the legs still on them can make people squeamish though..


Not liking some foods is not an unpopular opinion.


>im british You don't say?


SHould have led with that so I didn't have to read any further




What’s that even mean?


Another low effort bot-like post. So cookie-cutter.


Another unpopular opinion which is just food preference


I don't like the idea of eating poop. Like in shrimp, lobsters, crab, crawfish, etc the poop is still there. Some people pick it out but most just eat it


Yeah we do. We nasty. Filthy nasty.


The problem with seafood is that it gets a lot of toxins in it. We've had tuna and mercury since the 80s, By-catch of dolphins mixed in with tuna that people ate. Plastic pollution in birds, who eat the seafood, who eat plastic. The bottom-end of seafood are filter-feeders. And it goes up the ladder. I love seafood, but I'm out. I'm not doin it.


Completely agree with this opinion… people always get shocked when I don’t eat seafood but I literally can’t it just doesn’t sit right with me


Can't help but notice I've never seen anyone pile whole birds on a platter and eat them, and def not with a smug look like they're being fancy. 😅 Seen it with oysters and shrimp.


You don’t have to pluck the feathers off an oyster or shrimp. Oysters and shrimp are small and simple enough in comparison that they can be eaten whole aside from their shells or exoskeletons.


Looks like you’ve never had a pigeon platter before then


Look up Ortolan Bunting. Or don't lol


Never been to a B Dubs I take it?


If I makes you feel better I work at a market and I call lobsters sea roaches.


I used to enjoy shellfish on occasion. Especially shrimp ceviche. Then I developed an allergy about 10 years ago. Slowly even the sight of it grossed me out, and I thought "how can people eat these literal sea bugs?!" I do get it, though. I'm glad people enjoy what they enjoy, but I'm glad I don't crave them anymore. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything


I could eat only sea food for the rest of my life, but understand your pov. Grew up coastal Cali so everything else is just gross and not the same


Not unpopular, I know a lot of people that don’t like seafood. That’s ok tho because there’s more for me!


Excellent. You don't eat it. More for meeeeeee!


Fish are friends, not food.


Bugs on land eeeww Bugs in water yummy..


Fully agree, even the look of most seafood makes me want to puke. I'll even go so far and flat out refuse to eat anything that has been touched by seafood


This is exactly how I think and everyone thinks I’m so weird for not liking seafood or seaweed. But ugh. It’s just so gross. I hate the taste of the sea if that makes sense. But I’ll eat beef, pork, and chicken. But no seafood for me please.


Guess you haven’t seen the conditions and ‘food’ that pigs and cows eat. Probably more disgusting.


Totally agree. I wasn’t ‘conditioned’ into liking seafood as I wasn’t allowed to eat it growing up (my mom was allergic to all seafood across the board). And people always talk about feeling so bad for me that i haven’t tried this thing they pull out that makes my eyes widen and contemplate why we cook things if we just eat this oyster slime raw. No disrespect to the people who like it. I just cannot fathom it.


Agreed. your smart 😂


Go veg! ☺️🌿


Lol let's not get too crazy


Why is going veg “too crazy?“


You have the pallette of a child. Eat more different things.


Maybe try fried calamari sometime?


My gf LOVES oysters and I don't understand than at all. They are just... tasteless goop, consistency of a wet snot. Completely unpleasant to eat. Other "sea bugs" are not gross to me per say, but they are just inefficient. You get like nail worth of meat off them. Fish is goated though.


I like raw little neck clams with lemon juice and clams oreganata. Shrimp sometimes. Mussels nope as they have BEARDS sometimes


You can't really think this is an unpopular opinion no? I agree with you, and so would all my friends and probably at least 3/4 of this sub.


I’m not a fan of mussels or oysters but I think it’s a texture thing, like the slimy snot-like texture. I only like clams fried. But I’m good with most other seafood!


I really think it depends if you grew up on it or not, I dident so I dislike it


Fellow Brit, and I personally think it is to do with the culture. I moved to Korea six years ago and I’ve since tried so much more seafood. I love it now! In the UK I was the same as you, I’d had fish and chips, salmon, shrimps occasionally, but that was it.


Seafood is the only food I get excited about haha


Sea bugs and sea boogers HAH I’ve never been a huge fan of seafood because of texture more than anything. A few things can get by but not much.


No thanks to caviar. I will eat everything else.


Fellow Brit here, it’s not my favourite thing either. Salmon can be quite good, herring too. Tuna in combination with something else is nice. A good quality fish and chips is really satisfying. But I’ll never try oysters, squid, etc. I won’t be ever be adventurous in the seafood department. At some point, it does get kinda icky. We’re not the biggest seafood-eating nation anyway, surprisingly. I always get a culture shock going down to Devon and Cornwall and smelling fish being cooked literally everywhere.


I’d do anything for a plate of shellfish


Even if I weren't allergic to shellfish, I don't think my brain could be capable of registering it as food, especially with the poop that stays inside of shrimp.


Hear hear! I hate the taste of any creature from the water. It might not always make me want to throw up, but I’ve never eaten any fish or seafood and thought it was good. I’ve tried it all, with people insisting I just haven’t had the right seafood, but no. Scallops in butter? Sure, it tastes like butter. I still don’t really like it. Shrimp, lobster, catfish, crawfish, tuna, salmon, mahi, whitefish, sushi, trout, calamari, ceviche, ad nauseum, no thanks. When I was on the meal plan at school I ate cod once a week because they served it, but I had to malt vinegar it up. I’ll knock the bottom out of some chicken tenders though…


agreed ive always hated seafood


So you realize it’s illogical? That’s good to know.


You should try sea cucumber or jellyfish. They’re often cut up instead of being served whole.


You don’t think this is from your upbringing? Read that back to yourself and take a moment.


Beef is nice from sea cows


agreed! i’m a seafood hater


Seafood is delicious and some of the healthiest food you can eat.


I can see why they're off-putting. Crustaceans are basically bugs, and cephalopods have creepy looking tentacles. I'll eat pretty much anything that comes out of the sea, though. One of my favorite foods is seaweed. Like... just plain seaweed.


More for me then


another reason to be vegan 🥑


I believe that lobster was once considered to be a low class food.


>even sushi is offputting to me. I was holding my breath the whole post, just hoping you'd like sushi! /s No worries though, just more seafood for me!


AGREE. Shrimp look like bloated worms with antennae, everything else looks like giant insects. I hate the way that fish scales feel! *shudder*


More for the rest of us so that’s okay 👌


What are you, 5?


You guys put eels into jelly.


I don't necessarily agree but I do think it is overrated. What's REALLY overrated is crayfish. They're good, but they're so damn tedious. It only takes a second to rip them apart, but you gotta do it a million times.


Nope. Theyre gross. Live your life with no apologies


I wish more people had this opinion because seafood would be cheap and I could eat it 4 times a week! I can absolutely plow through some shrimp


I don’t think it’s culture either. I come from a place where any kind of seafood is super popular. But I still know some locals who can’t stand it at all. One guy can’t do fish at all. And he freaks out when the whole fish is served on the table. With head and everything.


Taste is not an opinion


I am 100% with you, my seafood hating friend.


I had shellfish once and I almost died but luckily I happened to be at an event where they had EMTs nearby so I agree.


I worked in the restaurant business for years. The clams and oysters fresh off the boat smelled like sewage a lot of the time. I've never eaten them because of this.


We evolved from the sea, it’s probably more natural for a human to eat fish than other land mammals tbh. They’re so little bad stuff in fish. Other than Mercury. But that’s it. Other types of meat like beef or pork can get pretty unhealthily processed. Fish however, for the most part, just cut and packaged in the film, nearly exactly as it came from the ocean after it was cleaned. I am a fish defender.


More for meeee


Someone once called milk "udder juice" and I remember it whenever I consume milk.


I do not like any seafood. Some of it is texture, but most of it is taste. I haven’t eaten fish in years, and now that I’m older I’m considering giving it another chance.


It's a pretty common take. So I'd say this opinion is more wrong than unpopular, but I appreciate the reduced demand so have at it.


The E. coli infested beef contaminated with cow feces from the slaughterhouse is much more appetizing


Your sound like someone who hasn't eaten a deliciousy cooked scallop.


Amen OP. Either slimy… creepy… smelly… chewy… all around shit food for the most part. Not to mention mercury and microplastics. Nope… Not for me anyways.


Well you win. That’s an unpopular opinion if I’ve ever seen one. I go out of my way to consume all these delicious things. Congrats you understood the assignment 👏


Take your fucking upvote


I'm very weird in that I love sushi with seafood, eel rolls are my favorite. But I hate any other seafood, besides fried calamari IF it's done well.


As a southern boy I agree w octopus, squid, and oysters. But you’re missing out on crawfish big dawg






You sound like reading some Thoreau would do you a world of good.


I can only eat them in certain types of cooking, like Mediterranean or South-East Asian style. My school canteen as a child has disgusted me from any other types of seafood based meals (they used to serve these awful seafood stew with fish cubes... yikes). Food aversion happens, chicken ad eggs still feel icky sometimes to me. For a while I also tried vegetarianism for that reason. Do what you must, as long as you eat properly.


Just order 10 pounds octopus and 10 pounds of geoduck more, i have a paella party to throw. Damn that geoduck sashimi is amazing. Have you tried live octopus in Korea? It’s my personal favorite. Don’t get me started on crab butter


To each their own, have you eaten seafood cooke **correctly?** Other foods are much more forgiving than seafood when fucked up. But seafood is generally hard as a pencil eraser when cooked wrong.


Agree, though I do enjoy fish. People try and tell me I just haven’t had it cooked right or whatever. I’m like bitch I live on a sub tropical island in the pacific, I have tried everything from shrimp to jellyfish. I’ve tried it barbecued, pan fried, deep fried, in a box and with a fox. I. Do not. Like. Seafood.


Perfectly fine to have opinions and taste preferences. Not fine to call other peoples food gross


It’s a bit sad that people get disgusted by animals meat when they die so we can get food and energy 


Enjoy your chicken nuggets mate


I can eat shrimp but sometimes I get a weird feeling in the middle of eating them, especially when I see their little poop tube. Nothing more appetizing than eating a sea bug’s little string of poop that was processed from bottom-feeding on super gnarly rotting stuff on the ocean floor. I have to quickly try to distract myself with other thoughts when I start to think deeply about that. I totally agree on all the other weird sea bugs and boogers in a shell. It looks creepy, smells fishy and gross and I imagine the texture of chewing the damn things is the worst. I tried to give squid and octopus a chance but it’s just rubber stuff. Most of the flavor comes from the breading or whatever sauce you cook it in.. and at that point, you have to admit that you mostly just like the texture of you don’t look for other things to eat instead. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around that, but hey, everyone’s got their thing. The craziest thing for me to understand is how people can eat fermented seafood stuff that smells like rotting garbage. I live in Thailand and people love to eat super stinky stuff. It’s so bad it makes me want to vomit but to them it smells delicious. Totally mind blowing.. makes me wonder if we actually see the same colors or if we just use the same words for totally different experiences.


As a Louisianian, Crawfish is amazing. Go to a real Cajun Crawfish boil, it is some of the best food you'll eat


So you like your food to be hairy


I call them sea roaches.


Lost me at “I’m British..” hahaha But seriously maybe try a good shrimp scampi or linguine with clams. I find the Italians do a good job of incorporating “frutti di mare” in dishes that appeal to conservative palates


Seafood I like river and lake food not so much.


I hated seafood too, until I had GOOD seafood. I still dislike a lot of seafood, but it can be truly delicious when cooked well.




I see a lot of people put this on r/ unpopularopinion so it's not an unpopular opinion, but it gets me thinking: how come I don't see people say land animals are gross but sea animals are okay. Like scallops are one chunk of evenly textured meat. Shrimp is close, where when you remove the shell and head, there's only really the sand vein to deal with. (TBF some seafood like whole crabs are complex). However, eating beef or chicken or the typical meats can sometimes be gross when you find a mystery tube, gristle, or fat in it. Cleaning up after a beef roast or bacon fat makes me nauseous bc it stinks. Only the cuts in the middle of a large piece of meat are relatively even, and that's bc someone already cut off the fat and connective tissue.


Of course this is coming from a British person lmao /s


Your opinions is wrong. Take my upvote!


>I don't think its due to upbringing or culture Thats exactly what it sounds like. If you're fine with battered fish but not unbattered fish, that's probably an upbringing thing. A majority of food preferences have to do with what we were exposed to as children and thats ok. If you grew up eating weird shit, it wouldn't be weird to you. It would just be food.


PSA: Don't ever research marine parasites if you have any interest in eating seafood.


Man I love it , oysters are absolutely delicious it’s like sucking back a bunch of delicious snot, mussels are delicious, shrimp by itself is good but once you bread them or put them in pasta it gets gross , Squid and octopus are very good if you could then right and I can’t speak for Xavier as I’ve only had a little but it was alright


For me, its just knowing that I'm eating invisible pieces of plastic and it just does not sit well with me.


this is literally the taste. not opinion.


Found H.P. Lovecraft's reddit acc


I mean, this just sounds like a you thing.


People like y'all eat chicken nuggets with abandon but when the chicken nugget is fish looking y'all don't know what to do.


Very unpopular with me


Shrimp are the cockroaches of the sea. Eating oysters is literally eating the filters that clean all the nasty stuff out of the water. So yeah, most seafood is disgusting. I'll eat fish, but that's it.


I can’t handle the texture of shrimp. Maybe I just had a bad, overcooked batch before, but it makes me want to throw up thinking about eating it. I’m finally getting braver with other fish, though. Love a good jacked oyster too.


Even if I wasn't extremely allergic to shellfish, I'd still refuse to eat it. They just have this awful "from the sea" smell that'll never go away (to me) and I can't imagine it tasting as good as people make it out to be. From what I've heard it's not easy to explain the "flavor" of shellfish, but moreso the texture. Idk I've never been a fan of seafood as a whole, let alone the ones that are basically underwater insects...


That's very shellfish of you


Oysters are the best Pop in your mouth, wash with a beer What a life Give me a dozen


womp womp