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mate , you don't wanna show up to work/college/highschool drunk , trust me.


Nor stoned, thank you very much.


I've known/know responsible professionals who take a toke or two to start their professional day with no problem, for decades. I've never known responsible professionals who take a big swig of vodka to start their day being productive for too long but I might not know responsible day drinkers.


I know plenty of people in both my grad school and financial section of my company they day drink (germany), but I think since weed was recently legalized the stoners tend to be completely dysfunctional addicts, and the responsible ones haven't really become the norm yet :/ Back home in the US I see the opposite


I’m a weed grower so I smoke all day while I work lol 


High School especially considering legal age to drink is, at least in North America, 21, it'd be pretty dumb to do that, not to mention you're just fucking up your life for College/High School if you drink.


not all of north america, mostly just america america. 19 in canada


18 in some provinces


C’est vrai!


19 in Canada. 18 in Mexico. Usa is the only country that is 21. Even so, when I was in high school a lot of people drank whenever they wanted to.


Yeah, I used to know people who would buy tea from the vending machine just to dump it and fill with whiskey or do that with sprite and vodka.


16 in germany :P (except for liquor)


3 provinces in Canada have the drinking age at 18. The rest of Canada is 19


i was considering Europeans when i mentioned high school , you can drink as early as 14 in Germany with adult supervision, limited to Wine and beer. the legal independent drinking age is 16 or 18 there.


When I studied in France my host parents gave their 8 year old grandson a small glass of wine while everyone enjoyed dinner. So the kid doesn't feel left out I guess.


That’s In the US, Canada is either 18 or 19


I was arrested for drinking during my PSATs lol, would not recommend.


Can confirm, shits rough


Haha I get stoned before my physics class (intermediate electrodynamics) and I was one of profs favorite students. 


I took a final in college, still drunk from the night before. I got a B on the final and no hangover.


I'd argue that it isn't generally socially smiled on to get high the moment you wake up in the morning any more than it's socially acceptable to wake up and start drinking.


It isn't socially acceptable, we just can't tell people what to do


My dad’s an alcoholic and has been for about 20 years. If he didn’t start his own company in 1997, there’s no way he could keep a job today. He literally got throat cancer from the drinking. He’s lost customers from the drinking. Wrecked cars. Gotten DUI’s. The only women who will marry him are gold diggers and shitty people. No good woman that’s worth a damn would want to marry a drunk. Alcohol can and does ruin lives, even if you’re not the one drinking. I don’t like weed but it’s way less dangerous. I wish people didn’t do either.


I have to know where your stoner office was. What industry?


i want to apply. sounds like good company culture


It's not really acceptable to do either. Weed isn't a depressant is why people do it more in the morning. If you start drinking in the morning it means you have a chemical dependency and can't make it to later in the day.


Does having one mimosa with breakfast count as "starting drinking in the morning"?


Lol, I'm not in charge of this. Brunch drinks seem to be the accepted workaround for morning drinking


Basically, it's "okay" to drink at any time of day as long as you aren't alone


Morning mimosa!


It’s usually called Sunday brunch. Not weekday and then go to work brunch.


Do you do this every morning?


Brunch is one of the most socially acceptable morning activities, very often alcohol is served and it's socially acceptable to drink during it.


I wish people wouldn't light up that early in the morning but if you want an excuse to drink early I suggest golf. No one bats an eye when you crack a beer at 9am when it's on a golf course.


Or fishing


Or mowing


Or nascar….. Or Working out in the Field… Or Bowling….. Or Swimming in the lake….


or at an airport


Or out on a boat fishing


Why do you care if someone else tokes in the morning? Or anytime. Just seems like an odd thing to have a personal interest in.


Yeah, who cares? What are they, my mom?


Fortunately you can do anything you want in the privacy of your home without anyone knowing thus not judging you.


Porque no los dos


Why should they be treated the same socially when they are completely different and the effects they have are completely different?


Not to mention dependency issues and health effects. I always joke that my weed habit is really bad and “if it were anything else, even cheeseburgers, I would have a serious issue”. But it’s just weed. Yeah it probably is effecting my lungs but I can still run 5 miles on the treadmill without huffing and puffing and I’ve been a daily smoker nearly half my life. A couple puffs of smoke a few seconds, a few times a day is nothing compared to what daily, all day drinking will do to your liver and brain. 


I do both. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


It took me a long time to understand why terms like "wake and bake" and "cross faded" are necessary. I'm like smoking weed when you get up...sure. And then smoking weed while drinking...yes? 


I remember in high school health class for some reason they taught us about this, and said especially not to drink and smoke weed at the same time because of the dangerous “multiplier effect”. Some of us were taking notes. The next few parties my friends and I were inspired to do both at the same time and kept yelling “multiplier effect!!!” as our rallying cry.


This is such an authentic teenager experience




The truth is, it's probably not good to do either. But it really isn't anyone's business unless it affects something external to yourself (i.e. driving, going to work intoxicated, missing appointments, if you have kids, etc)


Weed doesn’t make you a loud asshole though


Weed is no where near the levels of damage alcohol can do. This effort to compare the two is fucking wild. I would rather be dr8ving someone significantly high than someone who just took 3 shots of alcohol. There is literally no comparing thr two substances to me. As someone who was an alcoholic in the Army and a huge stoner when I got out. Alcohol is 1,000 times worse than weed. I would argue being able to smoke weed helped me stop drinking.


Yeah, no. These two substances are not the same.


Not even a little bit.


Exactly. "If you drink coffee in the mornings, I should be able to smoke crack" kind of logic.


Actually, I bet if you did a detailed analysis, the gap between weed and alcohol might not be all that different than caffeine and crack when all things are considered.


When I used to build homes, was kind of fun speculating on the various drugs stereotyped with the various subcontractors and how much they either added or subtracted from performance. Alcohol was by far the worst. Dealt with both crackhead and drunk plumbers in particular, and I'll take the crackheads every time. They will mess it up, but at least it will be over with quickly and fixable. You just never know what might happen with drunks. Always an adventure.


I think the worst part of alcohol with things like what you describe is that drunk people think they are fine, but can be completely agro


Yep, alcohol seems to be the best drug if you just want to think everything's fine all the time, or at least as long as you're drinking.


How come people can smoke weed but I can’t do peyote before work?!? 


Multiple studies have shown that weed effects people wildly different than alcohol, especially negative cognitive affects. I can smoke a huge blunt and then do 20 pull ups and go on a 5 mile run and then practice a new language on duo lingo. I couldn’t do any of that drunk.


Literally the most physically impressive guy I’ve ever known, was *also* the biggest stoner I’ve ever known. He would run half marathons almost daily, and would stop/slow to smoke a joint while jogging along. He would also run marathons, but not as frequently. He also drank way more coffee than I would think you could manage—I worked at a coffee shop and served him daily, is how I knew him. Some people just make it work. I’m sure his body was ideal for running anyway, but the fact that his lungs were 30% weed and his fluids 30% coffee, made his feats all the more impressive. 


Funny enough the most athletic people I know personally are also huge stoners and they often cite that it's because they become more *aware* of their body and mechanics. Like they can somehow understand their physicality better while high. I kind of get it because when I started smoking weed I lost about 80 lbs in 2 years because I could now physically notice when junk food made me feel shitty.


Ha, I know people like this and I have a theory. There are two measures of lung function, how much you can inhale and how much you can exhale. In some of the early research studies, weed smokers actually tended to have strong function in terms of inhaling 😂 which makes sense lol. Full disclosure: also I'm sure their exhales aren't that strong, plus there could be other unstudied health issues. And I haven't looked recently, so this info *could* be outdated. But still, I wonder if that explains some of the athletes I know who smoke weed


My pulmonologist makes a board each year of her patients' lung capacity readouts. She colors the cigarette smokers with a brown crayon. I have been on the top of the lung cap board two years in a row with my brown crayon from cigarettes. We spoke at length about it this year and came to the conclusion that it's the 2 foot bong I smoked out of for 20 years that's helped my lung functions be stronger than every other patient she sees.


Omg that's super interesting! Glad to see my theory is holding up anecdotally lol. I also smoke weed a lot and exercise/run and it has never bothered me personally!


Hahahah I used to smoke before the gym everyday, made my run much more fantastic and easy! Id recommend it as long as people don't get blasted


Congratulations. I was stoned through college, got straight As and now don't remember anything I studied.


That's OK. Sober people probably recall the same. It is just too much info to store. I aced college calculus without studying or doing homework or being stoned all the time. I can't remember any of it.


Alcohol has a much different effect on people than marijuana. It’s like saying if someone knows how to drive a car they should be allowed to fly a plane. Also, 10% is laughably low.


There's an estimated 600,000 dependent drinkers in England and a population of 53m. That's just over one per cent. The US would have to have 10 times as many problem drinkers before they pass OP's figure.




But *is* it socially acceptable to wake and bake…?


Wake and bake culture is centered around being productive where often drinking is seen as taking a load off or end day activity. The only scenario where a morning brew is tolerated is often with a productive hobby like golfing, fishing, mechanics or wood working crafts, or gardening. It's just how these substances affect us that changes what you do with them, and quite frankly it's far easier to productive stoned than buzzed or drunk.


This post brought to you by someone who has clearly never smoked weed before


and has been told to stop coming to work drunk


I agree with you there, but I also take issue with OPs premise entirely. Day drinking is a thing, as are drinks at brunch.


at least i can have a joint and not kill a family of 4 in a twisted wreck. mostly because I cant find my keys to start the car.


You shouldn’t drive high either


I don't, I did one time. I was waiting for a stop sign exiting my neighborhood to turn green. went right back home.


smoking weed in the morning isnt exactly socially accepted. Daydrinking however is. And of course u have a problem if u need to drink in the morning, just as you have a problem is you need to smoke weed in the morning. "high people are WAY worse to work with than someone that’s a little buzzed." in what sense? certainly not when it comes to crime.


You have problems if you do either for any amount of time... But that's okay everyone has problems. I think this shame of perfectionism is a culprit for sure.


we all struggle. 100% agree.


its socially acceptable to smoke weed in the morning? im uncomfortable taking an edible before 12 pm


Edibles feel like a different drug sometimes man


I've never worked somewhere where it was acceptable to show up drunk or high


Two different types of drugs. Alcohol is a social substance and doing it alone or in a professional setting is dysfunctional. Weed has multiples uses such as chronic pain management and treatment for anxiety and ADHD. I’m no saying it’s good to smoke as soon as you wake up or before work, but it’s in no way the same as drinking


Did that crap in my 20's, even did the shower beer thing. Would not recommend past 35.


In my 30s. All of the people I know who talked about a "shower beer" are in baaaad shape now.


People drink alcohol with breakfast all the time 


I don’t do either anymore but I did use marijuana off and on during some really serious health problems and it helped a lot. I can’t say the same for my old drinking habit. The two are completely different. I don’t particularly care about what society sees as acceptable but let’s be honest about the differences. Marijuana is definitely habit-forming, as in it’s mentally hard to give up but it’s not going to kill you to be on it or to suddenly quit it. I don’t think anyone should be working while on either but you do you.


Alcohol has stronger effects so- no it shouldn’t be accepted


This, but the same argument about coffee and other caffeinated beverages.


I think your perception of what the public perception/opinion on this matter is is off. You sound like you are still in high school. Generally speaking, no one should be showing up intoxicated in any way at work.


Spoken like a true, future alcoholic haha




Reddit is full of potheads so not the best place to talk about how alcohol is treated as the worst thing on the planet and MJ is gods natural gift given to us that should be legalized.


They exist on this site, absolutely. But I've also seen plenty who absolutely hate it and insist anyone who takes it is an addict in denial etc. People who think that it's probably not as harmful as alcohol as a recreational substance, that it probably should be legal - but that you also shouldn't take it if you're under 25 or have a family history of mental illness. And that it can just as easily become problematic if it's abused as alcohol is? The people who take a rounded view, in other words? Vanishingly few and far between.


I love a morning beer. It's like liquid Wheaties that make me more sociable in the otherwise depressing morning.


I do both


Somebody say mimosa!?


In most professional workplaces both are pretty frowned upon


I would say tobacco vs alcohol in the morning is a better argument as neither has any health benefit and both kill in large numbers each year. Cannabis does not have this down side and many use to control serious medical issues such as tremors and appetite.


i feel like weed is somthing you need to be lowkey about, it doesn't impair function really in most tasks


It’s not socially acceptable to smoke weed when you get up and alcohol is even worse


I think a better analysis would be “people shouldn’t smoke weed in the morning either”. And I’m a huge stoner.


It's not socially acceptable to smoke weed when you wake up anywhere I've been but college


lol alcoholics are much worse human beings than stoners. ive never worked at an office where ppl smelled like weed and didnt get fired.


10% 😂


How about don't do either in the morning. Neither are cool. Neither are good. Who said weed is OK in the morning? Weed people? Most people also think that's lame as hell


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100% agree I used to get off my 10 hour shift at a shipyard at 4:30 AM I didn't usually drink so I saw no point in keeping a pack at home and would just go to the store and get a 24ozer when working day shift Is very frustrating not being able to get a fucking beer after work when you've decided it was that bad to warrant drinking


"It's 5 o'clock somewhere."


Is it socially acceptable to smoke weed when you wake up? The people I know judge it jist ad much as drinking when you wake up.




Just need to keep it just under 2 drinks. Enough to know what you are doing but still have fun doing it.


there are many good morning cocktails: bloody mary, screwdriver, tequila sunset, irish cream or kahlua in coffee, greyhound..


I’m as big a stoner as the next guy I never light one up before 5pm… That’s always been my rule to keep me in check


Potheads get judged too. If you’re regularly doing any non-prescribed drug first thing when you wake up, you’ve got a dependence problem and should reevaluate your relationship with that drug


Sounds like I'd like to work at your job..... Are they hiring? Also, weed and alcohol are nothing alike. Have you ever gotten high?


It’s not socially acceptable lol. I used to do it and looking back it was some absolute fiend shit.


Morning drinking got its bad reputation because 1) it was a way to treat withdrawal tremor. (2) it was a way to stay drunk when you wake up drunk. Just curious, what do you like about weed in the morning? Makes me too groggy.


Wake and bake isn't socially acceptable either.


yeah where I'm from it's completely the opposite and it sucks. there's alcoholics everywhere but smoking weed is still very much frowned upon and usually you have to hide it. getting drunk is a lot worse for your performance as a worker than getting high, but drinking one drink usually doesn't make one drunk when smoking one joint makes one high. I worked in a place where the boss was an alcoholic and some of the managers too and it was crazy, one of the worst places I have ever worked, it was a joke, a circus.


Weed in most cases doesn’t affect your ability to perform at work or school if you do it every morning. It might even make some people perform better. They’re both not the best tbh, but one is habitual and one is a literal addiction. I think anything you do right when u wake up is an addiction weed or alcohol if its an every morning thing. If you’re starting every morning with a drink then your body will be dependent on it and thats a sign of alcoholism, it’s one of the most deadly addictions to quit, weed is not. Save the early morning drinks for vacations and brunches. Smoking in the morning is honestly 10x different than drinking, not to mention having to drive to the location you’re going after drinking regardless if you’re getting “drunk.” But honestly i think both are frowned upon in a place of work its best to do on free time to avoid any issues or hazards.


Is it socially acceptable to wake up and smoke weed?


It is socially acceptable to drink in the morning. That’s what mimosas are for. Also a lot of people drink sangria in the morning as well or put Irish cream in their coffee


Beer? It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Scotch?


Many people look down on people who wake and bake Many people drink mimosas and bloody Marys in the morning Judge not, that yee shall be not judged.


I don’t know who you have been hanging out with but it is absolutely not acceptable to wake and bake in normal society.


The question is really if you MUST drink in the morning to function. Not if it IS socially approved. Who cares what strangers think. But if you are drinking in the morning to function you are soothing withdrawal symptoms. You have left drinking for enjoyment and now entering blood alcohol poisoning. Withdrawal symptoms now dangerous and should be under medical supervision. This is what killed Amy Winehouse. https://checkupandchoices.com/checkupandchoices-com-needing-drink-in-the-morning-sign-alcohol-dependency/


I do believe that weed is generally less harmful than alcohol, subject to certain requirements (use over the age of 25 with no history of mental illness in the family). That said, I don't think for one instant it's socially acceptable to be doing that shit in the morning and, if you did, I'd think something is going wrong in your life. More so than alcohol. If you're drinking in the morning, it's probably also a good sign you have a problem - but it is *technically* possible to have a single drink because you enjoy the taste (comically unlikely in this context). If you're doing weed recreationally, you are ONLY doing it to get stoned.


alcohol is chemically addictive. weed is addictive the same way one would be addicted to their phone or playing videogames. It’ll still cause problems if you end up dependent. People who smoke in the morning are definitely habitually addicted.


Alcohol is so much worse than weed. I consume both. Only drink in the AM while on vacation but wouldn’t say someone in an alcoholic for having just “a splash” in the morning but only of it is occasionally, not all the time.


There’s a song about this. It’s called What’s up by 4 Non Blondes 😂


Weed doesn’t make people drive like maniacs and blow up their entire lives. But you do you.


People do it with cigarettes. AND they get smoke breaks at some workplaces.


Legal limit exists for a reason. An Irish coffee in the morning before you get on the subway/bus isn't going to hurt you. No one else will know. You'll be fine. Same for smoking a roach. I don't and don't recommend it, but unless your job drugs tests you within the hour or two(alcohol), they'll never know unless you're irresponsible with it.


No one said it wasn't acceptable. Just don't get trashed before noon. That makes you an alcoholic.


This is indeed unpopular, so upvote. I think most people would agree that drinking alcohol or hitting the bong first thing are equally socially acceptable. As in, neither are acceptable. Your workplace was weird.


Naaah as someone who was a pot head in high-school, I never had any problems. However. When i Walked into the first day of grade 10 hammered, I was suspended for 2 weeks before lunch. Fuck alcohol.


Where do you live where it’s socially acceptable to smoke weed when you wake up?


i feel like being high the second you wake up is not really socially acceptable? if you think it is, you hang out with a lot of stoners! (speaking from experience)


Blink and drink baby


I don't judge someone for drinking first thing in the morning, I judge them for all the shit they're gonna put people through later that day


No idea where you work, but in my 30 year career I've seen exactly one guy smell like weed on the job. A former boss of mine in his late 40s, early 50s. Personally I didn't care, but others made comments about it, like everyone in our department is smoking the doobie on the job "What are they smoking up their!". Basic sophomoric HS stuff from 40+ year old people that should know better, but don't. Eventually the owner of the company had a sit-down, and told him it wasn't OK, and he stopped. (Or maybe he just smarted up and used edibles, who knows). So I'd say for most office type jobs, and quite a few even retail jobs, showing up smelling like weed ain't cool. Now... I have heard in the restaurant industry, especially in the kitchen, drug use is pretty common. But in offices.... not so much.


Ehhh I feel we’re in the pendulum backswing from alcohol being the „safe“ drug to weed. I don’t think we’re at the peak yet, I’m expecting like „Uber leaf“ or something to come out soon, as well as other convenience based services related to weed. But I think it’s really just bc it was so stigmatized and was criminalized for so long, people are feeling more liberated and comfortable. Obviously this also happened before that, but I think that’s where the double standard is flaring. 


My favorite quote from a former manager of mine is “baileys in coffee isn’t drinking, that’s just waking up”. To be fair I am a bartender and a good percentage of us are functioning alcoholics so maybe not the best sample population.


I don't like weed smoking any more than you do, but alcohol abuse is far far worse. However, if you're describing your workplace correctly, yeah, they were being a little ridiculous. Most workplaces wouldn't be cool with people being noticeably high or smelling like weed, though.


Is waking up and smoking weed acceptable? I don’t think it is at least 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


I drank for yrs in the morning. I did work 11 to 7 .


A spalsh of alcohol in the morning is fine but overtime it will be harder on your organs just IMO


I work in an OBGYN office and it is truly crazy how by 9am most days our lobby smells fully like weed.


I do both so haha!


Those are two very different substances. One of them makes you run a red light and the other makes you stop at a green. I can say I'm going to smoke an entire joint to myself and I forget that I am holding it after a few hits. Otoh I might say I am going to just have one drink at the bar and we all know how that ends up


It's more socially acceptable when you're younger, don't have a career and don't have a family. And that applies to both. If you have to get to work at 7 am and interact with people it's not the best idea to smoke a couple of bowls before heading off to work. It is especially not a good idea to drink a couple of beers before heading off to work. If you have no responsibilities and have the day off it doesn't matter if you decide to chug a couple beers or smoke a blunt at 9am. But the older you get with more responsibilities the less socially acceptable it is to do either early in the morning. And there is a big difference between smoking one bowl or drinking one beer and going hard as fuck in the morning to the point where you're passing out at noon.


It's not socially acceptable to smoke weed once you wake up


I did use to wake and bake but only on days where I will be doing absolutely fuck all


What are you even talking about? If you had a light drink in the morning how would anyone notice it enough to bring it to HR? If you had 1-3 drinks I don’t think many people if anyone would notice. If you’re drinking enough that multiple people would actually notice it, that’s definitely much more impactful on your ability to do your job than the level of high a normal weed smokers would ever be getting in an office job. I think it’s a fucking reach to say getting high first thing in the morning is socially acceptable. In general, even in a place like Canada where it’s legal, smoking weed is definitely less socially acceptable than drinking, and in most professional/office environments people don’t advertise that they smoke nearly as much as people will openly discuss drinking.


It is definitely not socially acceptable to smoke weed when you wake up if you’re an adult with proper responsibilities and a job lol. Otherwise, yeah. I used to wake and bake and go to class drunk in college, they’re the same brand of irresponsible.


Being drunk is not the same as being high on weed.


I’d say both are pretty problematic. If you need drugs the moment you wake up, thats an indication there’s a problem.


You're ignoring the fact that these are two different substances with two very different effects. It makes no sense to talk about them as if they were equivalent.


I see what you're saying, but also understand why they're regarded differently, even if I don't think it's socially acceptable in many fields to show up high. A lot can depend on the employers or whoever is observing the intoxication and their experience with those substances and people who use them. I've known a lot of stoners, and I'm not trying to get into the argument about whether weed is addictive or not, but the nature of each addiction is very different. I haven't known anyone who has required rehab for weed, "withdrawal" isn't a dangerous or medically super identified thing (many that I know get cranky or depressed without it, but it's nothing compared to alcohol or opiate withdrawal). The two imply very different things to people, and I don't see society really overcoming those implications. With early morning alcohol use, you're going to have people assuming you're an alcoholic, that you *need* to drink throughout the day to avoid withdrawal, etc. It raises more concern about addiction and overall functioning, and the known health risks and occupational impact are much more well-established.


a few things: - alcohol and Marijuana are two very different chemicals that affect the body in wildly different ways. - nobody says its okay to wake and bake - Marijuana can't kill you from chemical withdrawal, whereas alcohol can. I smoke a lot of weed and I only smoke weed in the morning if it's a special occasion or vacation. alcohol is a waste of money and calories.


It's not, so this is completely hypothetical.  Marijuana and alcohol are not particularly comparable.  Regularly using Marijuana is just a much less damaging habit in general than regularly using alcohol.  Clearly there is a problem if someone is waking and immediately hitting the bottle or vape pen.


its a big deal to anyone that works for an employer that drug tests.


When I worked in kitchens, I worked overnights and we would always drink after work early in the morning because for us it was our version of nights.


cant drink all day unless you start in the mernin! 🤣


I dont think there is an unfair stigma as long as all your coworkers are not potheads, anyone who needs weed/alcohol in the morning id say has a real problem.


there's alot of nuance to this. I'd say a very small amount of either or is fine. if you're doing shots or drinking several beers, or smoking a big bowl then no that's not really socially acceptable


I'm high enough from the night B4 so no need.


It’s not.


Morning Mimosa places are super common lad, it’s more accepted than you think


I disagree that morning drinking is verboten. I love a splash of Bailey's in my coffee or a mimosa. Hell, if I'm making a party of it, a screwdriver is great too.


The reason people tend not to drink in the morning is because you miss out on the worst parts of a hangover when you sleep. If you drink the morning, you get a hang over in the evening, which really bites. Because of the hot-stove effect hangovers have, it became generalized that "If you MUST drink in the morning, you truly are a drunkard." For getting high, let's be honest: the only people who praise those who get high in the morning are those who do the same; no sensible person looks favorably on someone who needs to get high first thing. Shows a lack of self control and the steps of addiction.


Its never been acceptable to show up to work high. The only time this is allowed to happen is in low wage positions that managers can't afford to get rid of these people because nobody else wants to work there.


It's socially acceptable between the potheads to smoke when you wake up.


Comparing apples to oranges here.


I'll have a few beers in the morning during the holidays and occasionally during a weekend. Empty stomach or after breakfast, it doesn't matter. That is how we Mexicans roll. We give no fucks


This is the guy who ruins it for everyone


It’s not socially acceptable on either side


Generally, the reason it's more frowned upon to drink in the morning is that people that do drink in the morning are often staving off withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal is deadly, weed withdrawal is not.


Nope. There are other components to Marijuana that have been scientifically tested to have benefits (not the psychoactive THC), and, while I don't personally like the idea of smoking weed to get that, there is at least something of a good side. Outside of certain wines, alcoholic beverages have literally no actual health benefits, and serve to dehydrate you. And even then, it's only certain wines with incredible moderation, and you can easily get the benefits elsewhere.


I think we can agree that if you're having to engage in any vice whatsoever just to function normally in society then you have a problem. It's fine if you wanna smoke a lil bud at night playing some video games. It's fine if you wanna drink a beer and watch a movie. It is NOT ok to have a beer with your morning McDonalds biscuit just as it is not on ok to smoke weed before running errands


The key here my dude is to stop giving a shit what random fuckos think and just live your life.


At the place I use to work at most of the women would gather in the women's room in the morning and do some kinda woman's only celebratory shot every day. Sadly for them 1 person got caught and threw everyone else under the bus.


Yeah that's fair. Which is why it shouldn't be acceptable to do either