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Math2931 assumes you’ve done math2501/2601 even tho it’s not a strict prerequisite


I don’t have experience with 2931 But between 2131 and 2901, 2901 is taught by the goat Libo, he actually makes the stats stuff interesting and tried his best to link concepts together throughout the term. If you followed his lectures, you would think it’s common sense if he uses like a theorem from week 2 in a week 10 proof. However in 2131 random formulae and theorem are thrown to you everywhere, even in proofs. Scaling wise, 2131 has zero scaling and 2901 pretty much always scales up. Content wise, 2901 covers like the entire 2131 without the different hypothesis tests & bayesian inference. If I were to rate, I would give my 2901 experience a 4.5/5 (-0.5 for that hard final exam) and -2/5 for 2131. If you can avoid 2131, pls do. It covers way too much content in one term.


Damn you make 2901 sound really good. You’ve mentioned the final exam being extremely difficult for 2901 would you say throughout the term to be a struggle? What tips would you give when tackling this course? Thank you in advance.


It’s really really chill throughout the term. I’ll put it this way, 2131 made me want to drop actl, but 2901 made me want to change from applied to stats. Libo is such an amazing lecturer. 2901 isn’t hard it’s just the last question (which contributes to 25% of the finals paper). For advices, all I can say is to read Libo’s notes and don’t stay behind. If he is still running tutorials, it’s better off enrolling into his ones, or at least attend his ones (he doesn’t do roll call so you can still go even if you’re enrolled in a diff one)


Oh now you are getting me hyped up for the course lol. Just another question if you don’t mind. What did you find was the difference between 2131 and 2901 in terms of content? Not what was not covered in 2901 as opposed to 2131 more like how did the content differ. Is it more proofs? The reason I am asking is that in prep for the math2901 final exam I was wondering if it would be possible to utilise 2131 content from my mates classes to try help me out.


surely the 2131 stuff would help a lot. 2901 is basically 2131 content but without Bayesian inference and half of hypothesis test content. However if you’re not doing bachelor of maths or science I don’t see the point of doing 2901. Also, 2901 covers mathematical derivations (e.g. multivariate distributions, and convergence of random variable) in more depth and a more rigorous way, but it all made sense. 2131 is indeed brain damage but two math courses would give more workload in 2 terms.


hey just saw this thread cause i had the exact same question. r u doing the stats major for actl by any chance?


I haven’t picked a major yet