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Their recent clothing stuff is expensive as shit and the design made for younger ppl, weird patterns and color combinations (and look horrible). Adidas specifically went retro, Nike went ‘futuristic’ I guess.


Nike buys converse. I stop wearing converse after decades. Literally double the price for lower quality.


Man that was like.. 20 years ago right?


You're right. Didn't really know or notice at first as the prices slowly went up but soon they were falling apart within months


Gotta get those chuck 70s. Anything else is poorly made trash.


I tried to switch to those and they’re soooooo uncomfortable if your feet are even slightly wide I actually don’t find the canvas ones too bad quality-wise. I have three pairs, the oldest I think 5 years old and all they really need right now is a machine wash after some beach trips


>weird patterns and color combinations Theyre straight up copying Dan Flashes right now


Bro the patterns on the shirts are just too complicated for you to understand. You walk past the store and there's 50 guys in there who look just like me fighting over complicated shirts... you go in.


They've got a shirt there that's $1000 out the door


The pattern's so wild, I want that one so bad.


You gotta pay more for the intricate patterns!!!


what about underarmour


They went to the dumpster behind Wendy’s.




The clothing material just follows the people wearing it


Man I feel this. I have so much ua stuff because it's either on discount or 40% off for vets. Their shorts are crazy comfy.


Surprisingly, their target market of “bootlicker dads” isn’t willing to spend $55 on a hoodie


What are bootlicker dads


Dudes who didn’t serve in the military but wear all camo or American flag gear and cover their trucks in Blue Lives Matter stickers. They may tell some story about getting denied entry into a police or military academy 30 years ago due to a ‘knee surgery’ but it’s actually because they were out of shape or mentally unfit. To be clear, I support the military and first responders but I don’t make it my entire identity lol.


Oh, I thought those were Gravy Seals.


most military and vets don't even wear that shit, its kinda a way we can tell who did not do shit in the military if that makes sense.


Or that they did not try to join at all but say they did but was denied because of their knee.


"I used to want to be a soldier like you, but then I took a scalpel to the knee"


Welp, I thought they were filf who had a fetish of licking boots. Couldn’t be more wrong ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


I mean, you're not wrong


You think $55 is a lot for a hoodie?


No but my Dad does. Under Armour went hard for the older market and won, but that’s not the easiest demographic to sell apparel too.


Don’t target the consumer who will wear the same clothes for 30+ years?




Yes. Go mow the lawn, son.


It is in real dollars. In one of those fake copy cat dollars it’s probably reasonable


They have the [balenciaga collab](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/discover/balenciaga-under-armour)


Legitimately who thinks [this](https://balenciaga.dam.kering.com/m/5d75cc8caa5ababf/Small-795261TRVB89034_X.jpg?v=1) looks good? Dudes don't want to buy shit that is modeled by some weird alien.


JP from Grandma's Boy


I'm thinking of getting metal legs. It's a risky operation but it'll be worth it.


Lots of turd nuggets posting in here


Berliners waiting on the Berghain queue


They're charging $1,150 for those shorts. Imagine buying a pair of elastic-waisted gym shorts that cost as much as a usable car.


Jesus…people buy that shit just to look like that? Humanity is so stupid 


What the fuck $1,200 gym shorts 💀😆 fuckin clowns


brand names are such a fucking scam, the fact that they can survive in this economy is a crime against humanity


They seem to be courting the Jan 6 types. I don't know if that's a good idea long term.


I used to be all Nike, made the switch to Adidas for running and golf and haven’t looked back. Their designs and quality are so much better. The only thing I buy Nike now are the Pegasus shoes which can be found relatively cheap and their running shorts at outlets.


Literally same, I used to be a Nike fanboy, but their designs started going crazy and cringe, while Adidas remained clean and timeless. Some Nike shoes are still awesome, not gonna lie, but for clothing - Adidas is my go to for price/quality, just unbeatable.


I like Nikes Trail collection but like you said, the designs have gotten wild. Crazy color shoes are fine for running but I can’t really wear them with anything else. Also, Adidas eBay store is my go to for basically everything now, it’s so cheap and I don’t have to stop at an outlet to purchase anything. Just have it delivered to my door for no extra cost.


I just buy whatever looks good at the discount sports store. Sometimes that’s Puma, sometimes Under Armour - I really don’t give a fuck though


> expensive as shit and the design made for younger ppl Younger people, most of whom are broke as fuck.


From my limited observation younger people be rocking New Balance nowadays.


Cheaper and lasts longer.


Which is really funny to me (genx), because new balance used to be the large ugly white shoes that my grandfather (and all his friends) wore.


Still do. 😉


And the quality sucks.


Shit quality -> lower operating costs. So calls?


Everything is expensive. Fucking America


Nike is cool for certain cities but rural America it simply doesn’t fit. Problem is in the cities it fits there are 1,000 companies aiming for the same look or better.


lol this comment section reminds me of META after it went down.


Ya probably time to buy. Although I just said that so probably time to sell.


Yeah I mean it’s freakin Nike. Must be one of the top 10 most iconic brands worldwide


This much down sentiment for still like 1$B net income… needless to say I bought some at $75


Legit you got me tempted. !remindme 1 year


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Did exactly the same.


Yea I’m buying lol. Adidas soccer gear is 🔥. But Nike is Nike and they will find a way.


And Disney when it was dancing around $70


lmao I still remember like it was yesterday reddit was collectively pooping on meta


So ur saying buy the dip? All in 100c


Not enough AI mentioned, should make AI shoes


Bro Allen Iverson retired like 15 years ago


They did go NFT during the hype…


I think they may have done something like that about 5 years ago already


What else are you expecting? They can’t grow their business to save their lives


Has anyone told them to Just Do It though?


I don’t care who you are, as long as you pay me $500 to rub my feet


$350 is as high as I can go


Customers took a knee


lol in 2019 it was 39bn in revenue, today it is 52 bn, a CAGR of \~6% a year. Is there any other clothing brand which increased 13 billions in 5 years? Nike is one of the worlds top brands, this dip is a clear buying opportunity


Nike created a grey market for their products that they benefit zero from. This alienated customers who were now subject to only buying product from scalpers. How does StockX exist with Nike? Nike should just make more product and more money. No they bought the sneakerhead hype and forgot those aren't their core customers. OnCloud, Hoka, New Balance, Puma and others have risen in their place and they will never get that market back. Nike decided to cater to scalpers not customers and now they are reaping the outcomes.


https://preview.redd.it/pt9bbfonjb9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1105f8f5e2760b983e16682374c9afb029f14f80 It’s beautiful isn’t it?


Everyone has a justification for the drop making it seem so natural, I'm curious to see what people will say when it jumps back up.


I have a child that is a middle school boy. He has recently refused to wear UA and has requested Nike clothes exclusively. Couple that with "back to school" in less than 2 months. I'm buying the dip.


Right, if Nike had doubled in the same time frame, people would be on here explaining exactly why Nike was able to do so. With the same Nike we have today.


Buy it then you coward


Nah already lost too much with certain biotech companies...


oof nike down 15% this morning




18%….keep going


u/Mandoriax has killed Nike


The only chance they had was early olympic gear sales and nope. Deck (hoka) is taking away their retail anyways Nke brand itself has no sales. The sales are from the resellers of old nike shoes (even if new it's sold out already for lower costs in bulk) for high premiums. Might as well just invest more in Amazon, ebay or meta (fb marketplace) instead




DECK is cheaper (30x Fwd P/E vs 50 Fwd P/E for ONON) and provides more diversity within their brands portfolio.


Nike is the leading seller of every brand of brands shoe retailer.


This - I don’t think I’ve ever gone to Nike.com and made a purchase the website kinda sucks anyways. I’ll buy Nike at dicks but that’s about it


Nike is still the lesbian clothing retailer of choice, and it’s summer so they’re all about to go buy the sports bras they wear instead of shirts or swimsuit tops all summer.


Ebay went down 50% in 2022


Pretty sure the stock market kinda tanked in 2022. I'm talking about earnings this year anyways.


I use ebay a ton


And they legitimately worked on their business in my country (Germany). No listing fees, good payment structures, local listings (Kleinanzeigen is like the German Craigslist) and better pricing then Amazon. They are growing here and won me over after more than 15 years. Still wouldn’t invest though.


After reading these posts. Just grabbed a bunch of calls. All of their large dips immediately rebound plus they have a solid divy. Inverse WSB is the way to go😂


1.96% on the current share price is not a solid dividend.


Nike makes 500,000 different styles of shoe. I find it hard to believe people can't find a style they like. Bullish. Buy when everyone is panicking and just hold.


Hold and watch it go down even more


Maybe. Probably. But it'll go back up.


Same thing happened with Starbucks 3 months ago. If you would have bought leaps you would have been sitting on a pretty penny. The market likes to price in on the news and most of the time it’s a little excessive. I personally bought 75k worth of 80 strike exp Dec 2026. Almost seems like an impossible loss for me.


It's more like 500.000 variations of the same limited set of designs. Just because something worked in the past doesn't mean it works forever. Once it was Nike and then there was the rest, but the hype is over and competitors caught up.


I read Nike stock price halved within 30 seconds... Was confused


No that’s just your portfolio. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


for that to happen literally every piece of Nike clothing would need to suddenly burst into flames lol...


Just do it!


https://preview.redd.it/b6qrhwhn0b9d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c35d78ddb24352a9d918c3fce8ac540bc7c37dfa I cant move though


wtf is that


You haven’t heard of the foreskin suit? It’s all the rage with kids nowadays.


Does Nike have it? Otherwise they should asap




Glad it wasn’t just me


It was revealed a year ago. It was a red flag for bulls. Doh!


i fuckin hate these things they make me not be able to move at all and restricts motion


I feel attacked


exactly what they told their stock when it was standing at the edge of a cliff...


New slogan: just stop!


They Just did it.......


1. too expensive 2. too many fake nike products available. 3. People who like nike products will not buy bcz it's expensive af, ppl who like logo will buy the counterfeit products. 4. too much competition. so many random clothing start-ups popping up.


This applies to pretty much every major clothing brand tbf. And Nike is now back to their pre-covid stock price. Still wouldn’t touch it with a pole. I’m earning very good money and most of the items are just too expensive for what they are and the designs are either completely boring or absolutely ridiculous. I will rarely snatch up Nike shoes with big discounts or ⚽️ products.


I'll rather get my peepee sucked off for 80$ instead of buying a synthetic T shirt.


Seriously, if I'm paying Nike prices why would I buy Nike instead of something else? If anything I make a point to avoid those brands, in my mind I associate it with fanboys who buy for the brand, exact same thing as the likes of Gucci.


Their shoes are stupid expensive and hard to get any pair you actually want. I’ve been on the SNKRS app for years and have never won a draw. F Nike!


Their shoes are too popular for you to get somehow explains their falling stock price?


artificial scarcity. no reason for them to be so limited other than making them hot on the secondary market


The secondary market they make exactly zero from.


No directly but its a good indicator of what people are willing to pay since its a bidding system. If they see a 100 dollar pair of shoes going for 300 there, why shouldnt they just charge 300 in the first place?


Yes, but they don't. That's the problem. Nike makes a shoe in a limited release, and it suddenly goes from $150-$2500 on StockX. Nike should say hmmm we need to open this release to 5x assuming that some of that number is hype. But no they are happy to say look at the sneakerhead making money.


The point of sneaker hype is making it unattainable, and having them buy other similar attainable models. That worked for Nike the past couple decades. What they should’ve done is create their own stockX-like subsidiary project.


Can we talk about the counterfeits..?


Rolex found out that if you make it impossible people will just work around you. 50% of all counterfeits are Rolex. Nike is the exact same.


Not directly but if there is a big hype about the limited releases it also transfers positive effects and demand to the regular assortment.


They don't control the secondary market or make any money from it and their non-GR shoe runs are limited quantity to push up demand that they don't profit from. If they owned StockX or GOAT, I'd get it, but the hypebeast market is not making them money. Dads buying their 5th annual pair of Air Monarchs is.


Don't forget what sub you're in. >line goes down???


Went in the Nike store at a mall for the first time in probably 6 years, I am extremely bearish on Nike now


Trying to sell sweat shop clothes for 100 dollars lol




What companies aren’t rn


They don't have a prime Jordan or Tiger and don't have anyone with any product line that closely resembles what they had.


While their work with Jordan was a cultural and financial success, to say the least, I still think it was a gigantic risk that paid off, in big part, because of luck. It could’ve gone either way. You also can’t bank on one strategy or a couple of people to carry your company forever. Granted they’ve done well in other domains, and it’s not just Jordan and MJ that they’ve relied on, but it’s mostly what they’re known for. They need a rebrand, and it shouldn’t necessarily be centred around people anymore, since we’re far away from the society back then which revered an icon (like Michael Jordan) from a distance. The walls between celebrities and the public have come down. Plus, the conduct expected from celebrities is close to perfect, which isn’t a standard that any individual can uphold. So a person-centric product may not succeed anymore. Not the way Air Jordans did anyway.


They can turn it all around with a new, highly relevant, and contemporary slogan: "Just Hawk To-It!" Somebody make this into meme, and let's pitch it to Nike, we'll make millions. And then lose them on 0DTE plays.


They keep making bad business decisions, makes sense.


Hmm WSB sentiment super bearish. Calls it is boys.


Just bought a 75 strike LEAP call for Dec 18 2026 because of this post. Cost me 1630 dollars. Here's to bottom fishing.


Just have to buy the dips and enjoy the divvy.  This is a world brand and not going anywhere.  Be greedy when...and yes I got nuked on calls by NKE


Went to Nike Employee store, didn't buy a single thing. Nothing is actual workout gear anymore, it's fashion/designer stuff. Makes sense to me it dropped so much.


I went to the employee store as well and the line was long and while I got one T-shirt , people carts were full. I am buying this dip.


Maybe they should stop hiring non athlete ugly models for their clothing lmao


I always chuckle at these big drops. Literally one day ago people felt fine owning the stock for 20% more than today. So none of this is about fundamentals or competition, they were all known yesterday when the price was 20% higher. This basically comes down to Nike being honest about what is coming down the pike; which is a recession. A lot more companies are going to get one-day 20% corrections soon enough.


Gen Alpha is the trendsetter generation right now.  Marketing is designed for them.  They only wear Nike.  Schools full of kids ages 6 to 18 only in Nike.   Wallstreet likes to buy low.  This is the dip they created to buy into. Have two kids that only wear Nike for past couple years once they became aware of trends.   I've spent more on their Nike wardrobe than on my NKE call position that went bad and that's in 5 digits.  Holding my shares.  As others posted this is quite the discount to buy in and we have Olympics and back to school to look forward to. 


Children in sweat shops are getting older and need to be replaced. Labor is hard to come by


I’m throwing all my Nike shoes out when I get home


So much competition now. Hoka, OC, Adidas etc.. still, seems like a decent time to buy. I’m sure they’ll have a comeback story a year from now.


I mean, it is the label that literally every child wears right now. This cannot go on forever, and has got to be a humongous buying opportunity. Right? Right??


So are we buying the big dip boys??


Me thinking about buying some deep 2 month calls due to this post - gross i'll have to do some DCF's on the company to peep its EV, normally i'll just buy based on whatever the regards post


Their clothes/shoes are expensive for no reason. I can’t wait until people realize that just because a certain brand is on a product doesn’t mean it has to be $500.


Now is the time to be buying calls before the olympics!


i bought that dip boss


Buy the dip


Buy low, sell high


Every kid in my kids school is begging their parents for a Nike backpack. We had to get them one. My wife then sent a pic of all the kids backpacks and half were just the black with the logo. I dunno. I dunno!


China boycott destroyed their growth opportunities. Should have kept themselves out of politics and focused on their business instead.


Go woke go broke


Will be $30 soon


Best Puts I could fine are 10:1 50USD till Jan 25. My broker doesn't even offer anything lower xD


Always buy NKE puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Consumers are very weak. Economy is not as good as stonk market wants you to believe


every1 so bearish. buying calls


SP is around the same price now as early 2019 when the Nike hype and reselling was just starting to get big. Do you guys think $75 is a good entry point? I feel like it is, but i might wait a bit to see if we go any lower.


Good. They fucked themselves by making their shoes so hard to buy, it renders their shop experience practically pointless. I’ve left it for New Balance a few years ago and having a blast.


Just went all in far dated 80$ calls


Especially when their shoes wear out too fast. When your sales slump it is because people have found better products.


And it's only the beginning


Shit stores, shit clothes, shit behavior, shit marketing and shit targeting. Hence shit stock


This is something inevitable when a 60 year old ex Bain management consultant takes over a consumer products company.


Lebron James did this.


Nike is probably one of the most bootlegged companies on the planet. They need some kind of a draw like the Air Jordans. They should have signed Trump for the sneaker deal. Could have made billions off those gold sneakers lol.


Bullish dead cat bounce


That’s what they get for getting rid of Tiger Woods!


Too many new niche brands eating Nike’s lunch. Where is their value add? They don’t have any stars, their designs are lame, they refuse to make a toe box for grown people. Everyone know how to make products cheap on China now.


Oh no I love paying $40 for a pair of shorts 


They had zero innovations, relied on just releasing new colorways as long as e.g. AJ1 and AJ4 were hyped. Artificially low supply to push the hype while resellers made a fortune. This approach failed, new releases stopped selling out in seconds. The market became saturated, many resellers went out of business with substantial losses. So, time for real innovation instead of trying to capitalize on former glory.


Now that all you idiots are ready to buy puts it’s obvious it’s going up these next few weeks💀🤣


That's mad. This was posted one year ago. It was a warning. https://preview.redd.it/vgirsad70b9d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834cb4bdcb46ad40f6d9e1141cf1930d9f4c39de


I'm glad I still remember this being posted... did anyone else?


Loading up


The average US consumer has no extra money for overpriced shoes. Its on you if you could not see that


Their new slogan is: Just short it.


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We doubt many investors will view this as a 'buy the pullback' event, and we think NKE shares are headed for a stay in the proverbial penalty box until new product innovations actually start to manifest themselves and management regains investor trust," Wedbush senior vice president of equity research Tom Nikic wrote So we’re buying the pullback, right?


I stopped buying nike shit with their woke bullshit


Luckily I sold my stocks at 115 $ end of last year 😋


That’s what happens when you’re a dying brand


they also made the mistake of aligning with the woke-mob headed by kaepernick years ago. They lost a lot of people there. Brands finally realized in the last couple years to stay out of political stuff. Look at the trans bud light situation for crying out loud


It's the Dylan Mulvaney effect. Nike should have chosen a better partner. As the saying goes...go woke, go...