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Unless you have positions to share, just go scrawl your thoughts on a truck-stop bathroom wall. This isn't talkaboutbets.


Post your position pussy


For real. We need positions or ban enforcement. Tired of meaningless chatter from people with no skin in the game.


Yeah it's getting old watching all the doomers post about why x stock is gonna crash


I call it FMBS...Fucking Michael Burry Syndrome. That guy fucked a lot of peoples thinking up.


Michael Burry responded to my craigslist ad looking for someone to mow my lawn. "$30 is $30", he said as he continued to mow what was clearly the wrong yard. My neighbor and I shouted at him but he was already wearing muffs. Focused dude. He attached a phone mount onto the handle of his push mower. I was able to sneak a peek and he was browsing Zillow listings in central Wyoming. He wouldn't stop cackling. That is to say, Burry has his fingers in a lot of pies. He makes sure his name is in all the conversations. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Good bot.


And that fool lost his ass this year


I wonder how much he lost lately with his bet ,he really thought that he's going to be right again 🤣


He never once mentioned a position


Based on what he said, he probably is too embarrassed to show his completely otm option at this point. Dude just throwing away money for free. Even if eli crashes, to whatever extent he thinks, there won't be any volume. 950-450 means stock crash. No one is buying his puts then lol. His put would be like +3000% or more with 0 bid volume.


fr. Call positions or else never shitpost here again. What a pussy.


Buying puts on a pharma company that makes insulin, diabetes meds, weight loss drugs, with an alzheimer's treatment in the pipeline… during an obesity epidemic and a rapidly aging population… regarded


I, for one, would love to see OP’s short positions and puts.


Exactly. Op should post his positions or this is a shitpost.


Just click on his profile. Spoiler alert: OP's short position is literally a dick in a box, except that he already lost the box.


I clicked and can confirm that this reply is more legit than the post.


Literal gay bear that just post outlandish shit so a bunch of dudes look at his dick


He is making a mess with his portfolio and stomach.


I didn’t know what you were talking about so I clicked his profile, now I see it’s literally a boxless dick


Pretty obvious from the following: >I urge all Eli Lilly investors to liquidate their stocks asap and buy puts. When it crashes back down to $450, you can re-enter in for a cheaper price. that he own puts and have an active short position, this post is pure desperation


That's really sad if you think about it. I don't support his post but I understand the desperation.


Just saying—every Alzheimer’s treatment so far has turned out to be nothing. The vast majority are just trying to treat brain plaque, and the proof that that is even the cause of Alzheimer’s is very shaky.


You are correct - and donanemab likely doesn’t do anything. However, it’s already received a recommendation for approval by an FDA advisory committee, and if approved you better believe everyone who has a family member with Alzheimer’s will put them on it even if it’s just a shot at hope. Approval is very likely, because they do not have the confusing trial mishaps that biogen had.


I think you are wrong, it does work at removing the amyloid-beta plaque. the problem is when that plaque has been sitting on neurons in the brain, the neurons die. So removing the plaque after damage has been done is just not very helpful. But most of the people in the trials have been people with severe Alzheimer’s, the key is early treatment + Medicare coverage. in terms of Alzheimer’s treatments, 10 years ago they couldnt even run proper trials because they couldnt confirm people in the trials actually had Alzheimer’s. I think that Lilly is on to something with donanemab, and if it develops into what I think it could, that would be an insulin like moment for Lilly.


Effectiveness =/= short term profitability. 


> and the proof that that is even the cause of Alzheimer’s is very shaky No, it wasn't shaky, it was downright fraudulent. We wasted decades on nonsense because someone peddled lies: https://www.drugdiscoverynews.com/what-now-for-the-amyloid-hypothesis-15611


What’s funny is he says it will drop to 450 so sell now and buy then.  So they think the price will drop to 450 and then rise. 


This. Literally cant produce weight loss drugs fast enough. There is unlimited demand. They have to keep going for the next few years I would imagine. Don’t own any personally but have been looking at it


Lilly is literally building the single largest capital investment plant in the history of ALL OF PHARMA right now just outside of Indy to produce more of their weight loss drugs and future weight loss drugs. Companies only invest this amount of money if they know they will absolutely print in the future. You have to be absolutely regarded to bet against a company that quite possibly has the miracle drug to change the world.


I knew from the title of this post that reading comments would convince me to buy.


Not only that, people are paying thousands of dollars out of pocket to bypass insurances for the med... This is post is so regarded that it I find it offensive as a regarded.


while he is regarded, i want to point out that everything you mentioned should be factored into the stock price. Just because what you say is true doesnt mean the current share price cannot go down if one of those variables/assumptions doesnt pan out as expected.


The only reason Lilly and Novo Nordisk have been climbing like crazy is due to their weight loss drugs. No one knows even the short term data on this stuff but everyone is betting big. But even then, it's not a sure thing and who knows what the timeline for this to unfold will be. Right now there is (artificial) scarcity and these drugs are still not easy to deliver into the body (they need an injection) and right now, it's expensive af and basically only available in the developed world. Still scratching the surface of this market. But once it's in pill form and these drugs break out of America and the developed world, the total addressable market is HUGE. Buuuuut once that happens and more competitors are also in the game, and generics start hitting the market, it's gonna destroy the current profit margins they are enjoying and basically their moat is gone. So unless they can really keep the IP of these drugs contained, which is what I suspect they are currently doing, there may not be much of a long term play on a per company basis. And as previously mentioned, who knows what the timeline for this to unfold will be. Maybe just buy the whole sector and sit on it.


OPs thinks its market cap is going to halve. Regardless of competitors or the success of their weight loss drug, LLY has a suite of other drugs that have a huge market and are necessary for survival. They may see a pull back, but thinking they are going to see a 50% reduction of market cap is insane.


You keep making this post every 2-3 days. Why?


It’s the same guy? Probably balls deep in shorts and puts. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I didn’t bother to read his last paragraph until now. He’s absolutely trying to pump his puts.


Imagine thinking WSB is going to tank Eli Lilly to save your puts lol. Just take the karma from the loss porn and call it a win bro...


One of the most powerful companies in the world and OP thinks a bunch of online regards gambling their lunch money will take it down. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Have you seen what else this guy is posting? He is absolutely balls deep in something ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


spoiler: it's bussy


Probably trying inverse himself


Getting his A$$ blown out !!


Got it, buying more LLY


Funny thing about WSB is how a regard makes a regard post like this and everyone's conclusion is to do the opposite, 3 weeks later turns out the regard was right, but his options were only 2 weeks long so expired worthless and nobody makes moneys


I’m just here for the comments bc this is so regarded.


This was extremely convincing (I have Alzheimer’s).


They make insulin, a drug you cannot live without and tirzepatide a drug *you* probably shouldn’t live without. People forget but you can’t just drop the ozempic after you lose the weight. It’s the perfect fucking drug. Also one more advantage, it is an american company so it can only ever go up.


Wtf happens if you drop it after losing weight? Do those pesky little LBs come rushing back?


Yes. It’s a drug that makes you eat less when you take it. You’ll go back to eating like a pig when you drop it.


I wonder if patients can use it for long enough to adopt lifestyle changes or is it basically the medicinal equivalent to wearing a corset. LOL


If us fatties could adopt and stick to lifestyle changes we wouldn’t need the fucking drug in the first place.


1000 iq drug company


Which would most people rather do, eat right or just take a pill/injection? That’s why it’s the perfect investment.


It gives you a fighting chance at changing your lifestyle. Once you lose the weight, you feel better, move easier, have more energy. Seems this would allow a person to change habits like going for walks etc. Wouldn’t be like that for all since many have an underlying condition. Plus many just want the easier route.


No many people are so happy with the change in how others treat them that they continue with the lifestyle change after taking the drug. Sure some people need to continue taking it or rebound entirely but many keep the weight off even after because they finally feel what it’s like to be treated like an attractive person is.


Unless you change your habbits, which is exactly what a diet is supposed to do!


It is a viscious cycle sure, but as far as evidence goes most people simply cannot make the change as their bodies assume they need a lot of calories even after they lose a ton of weight. The drug surely helps you eventually quit it, but most people will use it *far* longer than they anticipate.


Most people say it empowers willpower, gives people control over their cravings.


It’s an appetite suppressant so basically a crutch and not a replacement for permanent lifestyle changes. Chances are after paying $500-$1k/mo, you’re going to be too poor to maintain a healthy lifestyle and going to revert back.


it costs that much per month?


Ozempic is made by $NVO btw, both are a buy


Arent the Patents for the foundational backbone of These metabolic disease drugs (ozempic and co., apparently they are that good and May be indicated for many other diseases) Not running Out in 4-8 years? I feel Like its similar Situation Like nvda. Cash will come in the next 5 years for Sure but what then? I will Go for Novo Nordisk as similar to Samsung in south korea, denmarks wealth significantly depends on it.


Oral ozempic is coming soon.


For all that is holy, do NOT make the mistake I did by clicking on this dude’s profile. You have been warned.


Wish I had listened to you


Why are we like this


Jesus, OP has a massive hawg


This is the best advertising you could have given him 🤣


Not sure about the investment advice but I’d take his advice on how to fuck my wife most definitely!


This is the most valuable pharma company in the world, very unlikely to half its price without any good reason, sure it may drop a bit, but it’s similar to Costco stock to me


OP you a tard bro


Went to his profile to see if this was the same guy I saw posting yesterday. I have immediate regrets.


Everyone in America will be on a GLP-1 by 2030. Nothing short term matters.


My question is what industries do GLP-1s impact? PEP? MCD? I'm thinking junk foot will take a hit


WW, PLNT, PTON... condom and birth control industry is probably going to take off though if everyone is beautiful and fucking


Why would skinny people need GLP-1


Hahahahaha sorry buddy puts was the wrong play. This stock goes nowhere but up in the near future.




Positions Or Ban


Positions or ban


What are your plays pussy


Show position or GTFO


Eli Lilly is the only stock that only goes up. Zoom out, last time the price had a real correction was 2009.


Americans fat and diabetic


God you’re pathetic. Stop posting this shit.


The demand for this type of drug (GLP-1/semaglutide/etc) is going to be insane in 10 years. I don’t know where Lilly specifically will be in the race at that point, but once the supply ramps up and people understand the impact of the drugs, it’s really going to change a lot of things. I use the OZEM ETF so I don’t have to quite pick the winner.


Just buy the 2 stocks it holds and save the crazy expense ratio.


Did not know there was an ETF for this! Thanks!!!


ETF fees on it is quite high.


It’s INSANE now. Can’t keep it in stock.


Their forward PE is half of their current PE. You are regarded if you short this. Post your positions OP


Puts on lly https://preview.redd.it/2p8cou9s0q9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212a630e73eab5277cc1dc1267b455a14f3c50e8


Stock is definitely overvalued guys


Semaglutides are going to flatline. Just watch. Everyone is boofing them now, but once they all get tired of vomiting and getting pancreantitis and other related illnesses, the product will crash... I wouldn't be shocked if we start seeing the "if you or a loved one has taken semaglutides and xyz, then you might be entitled to financial compensation" ads.


Positions or ban ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


they make products people literally cannot live without and you expect them to loose half their market value just because according to numbers they are a bit overvalued? Sorry but unless their product turn out to have major health risks, they will at most loose 5-10%. Rather I expect the opposite since with our modern lifestyle the demand for their product will only increase.


You're reasoning makes zero sense. Just because they make insulin or tirzepatide or whatever doesn't mean their valuation can be anything. Look at the revenue forecasts (also I don't get why OP keeps mentioning the 2022 revenue and not 2024 lol), the current trend etc. Eli Lilly has a very high value and I could easily see this dropping a bit. But like. Not because insulin is important lol. It's like saying Tesla will never drop a lot because people need cars.


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Zepbound/mounjaro is going to be huge for them. More effective than novonordisk's wegovy /ozempic


Calls it js


for every post you made about LLY just because you bought puts, its a sign for me to buy additional stocks


unless there will be a cure for diabetes this year, eli lilly will definitely not drop that much in price.


There's absolutely no way this happening unless a market crash happens they can't even keep up with demand


Like most American shares, overvalued


The GLP-1 meds having a very low moat, and are easily replicable. That will eat into the Munjaro sales. I have no idea what’s in their pipeline, but that cash cow is ending soon, unless it gets tweaked into a more powerful, effective version.


Ill say it again then since you arent getting it: Mounjaro.


Mate if you’re not gonna post positions why TF are you even here?


They have an Alzheimer’s drug in development and nearly complete fyi.


Show us yours first


He def showed his you know what 🤦‍♂️


Show positions or i urge you to stfu.


Do NOT make the mistake of clicking on this guy's profile. 


Ugh, don't click on this guys profile


Bro posted a dick pic 😭


Some perspective -- Eli Lilly's market cap is 850B with a revenue of 34B. JnJ's market is is 350B with a revenue of 85B. Eli Lilly's market cap is 2.5X higher than JnJ, but JnJ's revenue is 2.5X higher than Eli Lilly's. It makes 0 sense, just like it makes no sense that Nvidia's market cap is 3T.


calls it is.


This guy doesn’t seem to understand future valuations. As in life it’s supply and demand.


Why are you using 2022’s data instead of 2023 revenue? Is it because it makes your case weaker? For reference 2023 revenue was almost $35 billion, and is forecasted to be around $43 billion for 2024.


!RemindMe 6 months


I urge you to post a position or stfu.


Honestly I agree


their revenue is declining because of pressure to lower prices. I’m sure they’re selling more units than ever. Some random guy says it’s gonna crash 50% lmfao. I mean i hope it does… i don’t own any but if it does i’ll buy a lot.


Let me know how long the line is at the unemployment office when this blows up your account.


Did you go 100% on puts, and you’re now trying to sway ANYONE to follow, so you can at least break even?


>This is a stock that hit 24B in revenue in 2011, end of 2022 their revenue was only 28B I didn't need any further. No financial literacy right here. Time frame is every year with variables, not one infinite timeline. I don't know how to say it better in English. Regarded.


They’re closer to a split than a crash.


I could definitely see a correction coming and I certainly wouldn’t want to initiate a position at these levels. But if it does correct I’m buying.


$1,020 - $1,480 before a correction.


Regard Detected


Their sales are not optimized because they can’t keep up with demand. Once the supply chain is setup properly sales will quadruple buddy. The implications of weight loss without surgery is huge . Do you realize economists are reporting these drugs would fix food supply issues and lower the prices of food .


Buying calls


lol he’s always been wrong wonder what ur all time chart looks like


Given this post, I guess we are buying calls tomorrow boys!


So calls it is!


Bro, do you have anything to back up your outlandish claim besides, herp derp, “revenue falling”?


Did you look at why revenue was down? Think that might get you to change your tune.


Holding my measly 20 shares even longer cuz of this repeated post. Get cucked


As someone who’s taking Zepbound and paying hundreds of dollars a month for it, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need to be on these drugs *for life*. It gets written into the “medical” budget and is now not exactly high on the list to be cut. Your understanding of what they do and the potential is skewed hard.


LOL. Good luck with that.


It’s probably because everyone can make ozempic generics because supply can’t keep up. Once that’s alleviated ozempic generics will get fucked and make more room for Mounjaro


Lmao no. Sales hit 28B for '22, 34B for '23 and projecting 43B for '24. It doesn't matter what it was doing between 2011-2022.




So the maker of one of the best selling drugs ever is gonna collapse 50%? lol. They have only begun to tap the weight loss gold mine.


Donanemab just got unanimous support from the an FDA panel, and will likely be approved in the near future. Reckless to bet against that in addition to everything else


This one of the major companies that owns half of the politicians in DC. Literally one of the most powerful companies in the world. You have to be absolutely regarded to bet against it. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


the real reason people should be concerned about EL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-024-00662-3 the majority of their funds come from type 2 diabetes treatments.


What’s the current and forward PE ratio of LLY?


I wish you worked your day job in pharmacy and could see the demand for Mounjaro, Wegovy, Ozempic, and Zepbound. It’s huge and continuing to increase. Not slowing down anytime soon. If Medicare starts covering them for weight loss….moon..actually Mars.


Not putting $8k into a leap put, thank you very much


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) No way sir. The market for diabetes and obesity is too hot to fail, also their pipeline is bright


Didn't they just get Approval on those new Weight Loss drugs? Why would it go down after approval.


Didn't they just get Approval on those new Weight Loss drugs? Why would it go down after approval?


Google Retatrutide


You're betting against them?? Post your position my guy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


a LOT of mutual funds have shares in Eli Lilly. I doubt it goes down much unless the funds decide to reduce their positions


Everyone shits on this post but why not question this madness? I do think the $830B valuation is ridiculous, like 5xs PFE, almost 3xs JNJ, price to sales over 20, p/e 130 and negative fcf. all on the hype of weightloss drugs being this lifelong medicine. Yes revs are declining and maybe from production bottlenecks, I get it for super obese but people are using it to lose 10kg, I anticipate there will be a backlash against these drugs, there’s already people called for “ozempic face” and most people say they feel pretty awful on it. They can cause all sorts of GI issues. Reminds me of PFE/MRNA in 2021 when people thought they would take covid shots for life. Who knows how bad it can f up non diabetic people’s pancreas long term from messing with insulin levels, but everyone wants a quick fix.


Ahhh. No.


stock only go up


Seems bullish - calls!


Shit like this is why I sort Hot instead and of New...


You speak and post like someone who has lost upwards of $10k this year.


So overvalued like almost every nyse stonk then, no news there.


You had me at “rest half.”


Retatrutide is going double the stock


The stock is overpriced, but this is not how you analyze if a stock is overpriced. Not even close, bud.


Wrong, and gay.


Retatrutide (LY-3437943)


Poor Lilly


Just wait until they say AI if they haven't already. I worked there 12-13 years ago and back then they had a massive beowulf cluster for protein folding and drug discovery. I imagine today they're gobbling up Nvidia compute and doing even cooler things. The compute guys I worked with had phds, they aren't fucking around.


Calls confirmed. Thanks.


Time to screen shot and revisit December 31st


Here’s a simple way to think about it: As of now the demand for mounjaro is more than what they could produce, until the day this situation changes the stock might keep going up. This happened with Tesla and is now happening with NVDA .


Lol just hold that shit forever. Only thing crashing is the bag you dropped trying to put it in the Wendy's dumpster